Decades of research in publications of ZRC SAZU

Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian\nAcademy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) is one of the leading research and\neducational centres in Slovenia, equivalent to prominent academic institutions\nof the Central and South Eastern Europe. It is an independent institution since\n1981, although the majority of its institutes had operated under the auspices\nof the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The work of ZRC SAZU is highly\ninterdisciplinary: it is based on cooperation, complementarity and synergy.\nMore than three hundred associates are organized in eighteen independent\ninstitutes, which are coordinated and interconnected. Numerous and different\nfields of research could be summarized in the study of cultural, social and\nnatural phenomena, processes and practices. Results of the work are also\nreflected in scientific, professional and popular articles, in printed\nmonographs, and in online versions.

Number of hits: 107

Source type
= Association of Slovene Literary Translators (2)
= Governmenet Office for the European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia (1)
= Higher Vocational College for Cosmetics and Wellness (1)
= Science and Research Centre Koper, Annales ZRS (1)
= Slovene Association of LSP Teachers (1)
= The Association of Slovene Literary Translators (2)
Academia, Višja strokovna šola (1)
Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art (1)
Bird Publisher (3)
Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev (5)
Društvo učiteljev gluhih Slovenije (1)
Državni izpitni center (1)
DZS (31)
Evropski parlament, Informacijska pisarna za Slovenijo (1)
Faculty of Organisation Studies (1)
Fakulteta za družbene vede (2)
Fakulteta za upravo (2)
GEA College - Fakulteta za podjetništvo (1)
Gimnazija Bežigrad (1)
Inštitut za ekologijo (1)
Lexical Computing (1)
Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (1)
Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije (1)
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport Republike Slovenije (1)
Mladinska knjiga (2)
Organizacijski odbor konference GLAS 2017 (1)
Osnovna šola 8 talcev (1)
Pedagoška fakulteta (2)
Pedagoški inštitut (1)
Rokus Klett (5)
Science and Research Centre, Annales ZRS (1)
Slovene Association of LSP Teachers (2)
Slovensko društvo učiteljev angleškega jezika IATEFL Slovenia (1)
Slovensko društvo učiteljev tujega jezika stroke (1)
Slovensko društvo učiteljev tujega strokovnega jezika (2)
Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za evropske zadeve (1)
Springer (1)
Šolski center v okviru Konzorcija biotehniških šol Slovenije (1)
The Faculty of Logistics (1)
Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies (1)
University of Maribor Press (2)
University of Primorska Press (2)
University Press, Faculty of Arts (1)
Univerzitetna založba (1)
Univerzitetna založba Univerze (1)
Višja strokovna šola Academia (1)
Višja strokovna šola za kozmetiko in velnes (1)
Založba Univerze (4)
Zavod IRC (3)
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete (11)
Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Annales ZRS (1)
Zveza društev Slavistično društvo Slovenije, Študentska sekcija (2)
In Copyright (107)odstrani
Search in (107)