Material with restricted access (on librarie's premises)
The collection comprises publications and documents whose copyright holders have not allowed their free access the Digital Library of Slovenia portal. In accordance with the Legal Deposit Act, such material is available only for study and research purposes on the premises of the National and University Library of Slovenia. It can be accessed on a PC in the Library Information Center. The major part of the collection consists of publications received as legal deposit. Like printed and electronic publications published on physical carriers, on-line publications are also collected by the National and University Library of Slovenia as legal deposit. The collection’s content is diverse and ranges from poetry and prose for young people and adults, to professional and scientific monographs, manuals and textbooks. Most publications are available in PDF format or as e-books in the EPUB and MOBI formats.

Number of hits: 82

Source type
books (82)odstrani
2023 (82)odstrani
= Biotechnical Centre Naklo (1)
= Regional Museum (1)
= Slovene Writers' Association (2)
= University of Novo mesto Press (1)
2BS (6)
Adriatikus (1)
Akademija za glasbo (1)
Alternativa (8)
Banka Slovenije (4)
Biotechnical Faculty (2)
Biotehniški center Naklo (1)
Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta (1)
BP (1)
Center vojaških šol, Knjižnično-informacijski in založniški center (1)
Društvo ekonomistov (1)
Društvo slovenskih pisateljev (2)
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (1)
Faculty of Medicine (1)
Immunology Society of Slovenia (1)
ISCOMET Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (3)
Katedra za nevrologijo, Medicinska fakulteta (1)
Klick (1)
Klinični oddelek za vaskularno nevrologijo in intenzivno nevrološko terapijo, Nevrološka klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center (1)
Klinični oddelek za žilne bolezni, Interna klinika, Univerzitetni klinični center (1)
MLC Fakulteta za management in pravo (1)
MLC Management and Law College (1)
Multa Verba Books (2)
National Institute of Chemistry (2)
New University Press (2)
Perfectus, svetovanje in izobraževanje (1)
PHIS, The IDEC Institute (1)
Pokrajinski muzej (1)
Quantnoct Publishing, Leksiakov (1)
Remina libris (1)
Rokus Klett (4)
Sanje (2)
selfpublisher N. Gregorič Nabhas (4)
Slovene Writers' Association (2)
Slovenian Forestry Institute, The Silva Slovenica Publishing Centre (1)
Slovensko društvo za zaščito voda (1)
Slovensko zdravniško društvo, Združenje za žilne bolezni (1)
ŠD Riba (1)
T. Zajmi (3)
University of Maribor, University Press (1)
Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba (1)
Univerzitetni klinični center, Oddelek za nevrokirurgijo (1)
Vezjak svetovanje (1)
Waterside Dreams Press (8)
Založba Univerze (2)
Združenje nevrologov Slovenije - Slovensko zdravniško društvo (1)
Search in (82)