Material with restricted access (on librarie's premises)
The collection comprises publications and documents whose copyright holders have not allowed their free access the Digital Library of Slovenia portal. In accordance with the Legal Deposit Act, such material is available only for study and research purposes on the premises of the National and University Library of Slovenia. It can be accessed on a PC in the Library Information Center. The major part of the collection consists of publications received as legal deposit. Like printed and electronic publications published on physical carriers, on-line publications are also collected by the National and University Library of Slovenia as legal deposit. The collection’s content is diverse and ranges from poetry and prose for young people and adults, to professional and scientific monographs, manuals and textbooks. Most publications are available in PDF format or as e-books in the EPUB and MOBI formats.

Number of hits: 171

Journals - form
1A internet (1)
Alfred A. Knopf (1)
Alma Mater Europaea - ECM (1)
Arhiv Republike Slovenije (7)
Audibook (6)
Beletrina (11)
Cankarjeva založba (14)
Didakta (2)
DigitPen (1)
Društvo učiteljev zgodovine Slovenije (1)
Družina (5)
DZS (18)
DZS, založništvo in trgovina (1)
Elektro Gorenjska, podjetje za distribucijo električne energije (1)
Faculty of Arts (1)
Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV (1)
Genija (1)
Gorenjski muzej (1)
Inštitut Karantanija (1)
Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC (1)
Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja (1)
Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino (1)
Kulturni center (2)
Ljudska univerza (1)
LYNX (1)
Magyar Nemzetiségi Művelődési Intézet (1)
Mavrica (3)
Mednarodna založba Znanstvenoraziskovalnega inštituta dr. Franca Kovačiča (1)
Mladinska knjiga (15)
Modrijan (4)
National Geographic Slovenija (1)
National Geographic Slovenija, Rokus Klett (1)
Nova obzorja (2)
Nova revija (16)
PeBook (1)
Pivec (5)
Planinska zveza Slovenije (1)
Pokrajinski arhiv (2)
Research and Documentation Center JAS (1)
Rokus Klett (1)
Ruslica (1)
samozal. (1)
Sanje (7)
Slovenska matica (6)
Slovensko društvo za preučevanje 18. stoletja (1)
Sophia (2)
Studia humanitatis (1)
Študentska založba (4)
Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Univerzitetna založba Annales (1)
Univerzitetna založba Annales (1)
Založba /*cf (2)
Založba /*cf. (1)
Založba ZRC (2)
Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (2)
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo (1)
Zavod RS za šolstvo (3)
Zgodovinski arhiv (1)
Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa ZRC SAZU (1)
Zgodovinsko društvo Celje (2)
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete (2)
Župnija sv. Štefana (1)
Restricted (designated terminals) (171)odstrani
Search in (171)