Johann Ludwig Schönleben
Theologian and historian Johann Ludwig Shönleben (1618–1681) was author of numerous orations, theological works, sermons, historical works, genealogies of Carniolan noble families, as well as philosophical works and plays. He was also among the initiators of Mayr's Ljubljana printing press. Among his most important historical works are Aemona vindicata (Salzburg: Haan, 1674) and Carniolia Antiqua et Nova (Ljubljana: Mayr, 1680–1681), which comprises a chronicle of Carniolan territory from the late antiquity until the year 1000. Schönleben invited Johann Wiechard Valvasor to help him with the cronicle's preparation and their cooperation later resulted in one of the most important works of Slovenian historiography – Valvasor's Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain.

The collection contains Schönleben's works from the National and University Library, and the Ljubljana City Library that were suitable for digitization.

Number of hits: 150

2013 (150)odstrani
Atelje Doria (7)
author T. Horvat (1)
Banka Slovenije (3)
Bird Publisher (22)
Botanični vrt, Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta (1)
Center Sospita Rea Silvia Novak and Co. (1)
Center za korekcijo sluha in govora (1)
DigitPen (3)
DZS (13)
EMUNI University (1)
Eno (1)
Evropska pravna fakulteta (1)
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Faculty of Social Sciences (2)
Faculty of Social Sciences, Založba FDV (1)
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Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko (1)
Fakulteta za informacijske študije (1)
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (1)
Genetic Society of Slovenia (1)
Geološki zavod Slovenije (1)
GFS Institute (1)
Historical Association of Slovenia (1)
ICOM - Slovenia (1)
Linguarus (1)
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Moderna organizacija (3)
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PeBook (39)
Pedagoška fakulteta (2)
Rokus Klett (3)
samozal. (2)
samozal. F. Stele (2)
SEG, Inštitut za klimatske spremembe (1)
self published (1)
selfpublishing J. Srečkar (3)
SEM Institute for Climate Change (3)
Sinapsa, Slovenian Neuroscience Association (1)
Slovenian Association of Medical Genetics (1)
Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO (1)
Slovenian School Museum (1)
Slovenski šolski muzej (1)
Sophia (1)
SPH - Scientific Publishing Hub (1)
Statistical Society of Slovenia (1)
Subkulturni azil (1)
Študentska založba (1)
The Slovenian Public Libraries Association (1)
University of Primorska Press (2)
Založba Univerze na Primorskem (1)
ZZDS Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije (1)
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