Turk, Vito, Turk, Dušan, Dolenc, Iztok, Stoka, Veronika (2019). Characteristics, structure, and biological role of stefins (type-1 cystatins) of human, mammal, and parasite origin.
Acta chimica slovenica, volume 66, issue 1, str. 5-17.
URN:NBN:SI:DOC-YPIGSA3I from http://www.dlib.si
Turk, Vito, Turk, Dušan, Dolenc, Iztok, Stoka, Veronika. "Characteristics, structure, and biological role of stefins (type-1 cystatins) of human, mammal, and parasite origin."
Acta chimica slovenica volume 66. issue 1 (2019) str. 5-17.