Bajt, Žiga, Bajt Leban, Mirjam, Kovač, Jaka, Legat, Andraž (2008). An attempt to detect various types of stress-corrosion cracking on austenitic stainless steels by simultaneous measurements of acoustic emission and electrochemical noise.
Strojniški vestnik, volume 54, issue 1, str. 25-36.
URN:NBN:SI:DOC-EHZMK10B from http://www.dlib.si
Bajt, Žiga, Bajt Leban, Mirjam, Kovač, Jaka, Legat, Andraž. "An attempt to detect various types of stress-corrosion cracking on austenitic stainless steels by simultaneous measurements of acoustic emission and electrochemical noise."
Strojniški vestnik volume 54. issue 1 (2008) str. 25-36.