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Acta carsologica
Krasoslovni zbornik
Dostop do celotnega besedila:
od 1974, letnik 6 do 2023, letnik 52, številka 2/3
Izvoz v EndNote (RIS format)
Acta carsologica
Inštitut za raziskovanje Krasa
(Obvezni izvod spletne publikacije)
Acta Carsologica
objavlja izvirne znanstvene članke, recenzije, eseje in ostale vsebine, ki se ukvarjajo s specifiko kraškega področja. Revijo izdaja
Inštitut za raziskovanje Krasa
, revija ima tudi spletno izdajo.
105724672 (Spletna izd.)
6427138 (Tiskana izd.)
letnik: 6 (1974)
Koncentracija CO2 v jamah v odvisnosti od zračne cirkulacije (na primeru Postojnske jame) (letnik: 6, 1974)
Tesnenje požiralnikov in presihanje Cerkniškega jezera (letnik: 6, 1974)
Fluvialni sedimenti v Križni jami (letnik: 6, 1974)
Človeška ribica je neotenična ali pa ni dvoživka (letnik: 6, 1974)
Osameli kras v Podravskem delu SR Slovenije (letnik: 6, 1974)
Matični kras v luči širšega reliefnega razvoja (letnik: 6, 1974)
Problem podzemeljske razvodnice Trnovskega gozda, Križne gore in Črnovrške planote (letnik: 6, 1974)
Podzemeljski polži in zoogeografske razmere Slovenskega Primorja (letnik: 6, 1974)
Enoletno opazovanje jamskih hroščev v dveh jamah na Dobrovljah (letnik: 6, 1974)
Nekaj o vodnih razmerah na Kočevskem polju (letnik: 6, 1974)
Geofizikalne raziskave na krasu (letnik: 6, 1974)
Paleovegetacijske raziskave sedimentov Cerkniškega jezera (številka: 16, 1974)
Izvor apnenčevega proda v Planinski jami (letnik: 6/11, 1974)
letnik: 7 (1976)
Morfološki, hidrografski in speleološki razvoj v studenskem flišnem zatoku (letnik: 7, 1976)
Razvoj jam med Pivško kotlino in Planinskim Poljem v kvartarju (letnik: 7, 1976)
Hidrogeološke značilnosti povodja Bele pri Vrhniki (letnik: 7, 1976)
Tipi kraških votlin v Triglavskem pogorju (letnik: 7, 1976)
letnik: 8 (1979)
Metulji Cerknice in okolice (letnik: 8, 1979)
Ihtiološke raziskave Cerkniškega jezera (letnik: 8, 1979)
Mehkužci Cerkniškega jezera in okolice (letnik: 8, 1979)
Kraški pojavi Cerkniškega polja (letnik: 8, 1979)
Pomanjkanje kisika v Putickovem jezeru Planinske jame (letnik: 8, 1979)
Prispevek k poznavanju hroščev (Coleoptera) Cerkniškega jezera in okolice (letnik: 8, 1979)
Prispevek k poznavanju ptičev Cerkniškega jezera in bližnje okolice (letnik: 8, 1979)
Mehkužci Cerkniškega jezera in okolice (številka: 3, 1979)
letnik: 9 (1981)
Prispevek k poznavanju razporeditve favne v velikih rovih (let. 9: 1980, 1981)
Generacije sig v klasičnem krasu Slovenije (letnik: 9, 1981)
Porazdelitev nekaterih elementov pri nastajanju sig v kraških jamah (letnik: 9, 1981)
Preučevanje vertikalnega prenikanja vode na primerih Planinske in Postojnske jame (letnik: 9: 1980, 1981)
Nekatere značilnosti kopastega krasa v Sloveniji (letnik: 9: 1980, 1981)
Prispevek k poznavanju razvoja krasa v Ribniški Mali gori (letnik: 9: 1980, 1981)
letnik: 10 (1982)
Morfologija in hidrografija Najdene jame (letnik: 10, 1982)
Morfološki in geološki položaj kraških votlin v ponornem obrobju Planinskega polja (letnik: 10, 1982)
Vertikalno prenikanje v Planinski jami v obdobju 1980/81 (letnik: 10, 1982)
Stratigrafija jamskih sedimentov v Najdeni jami ob Planinskem polju (letnik: 10, 1982)
Kraški relief in tektonika (letnik: 10: 1981, 1982)
Sedimenti iz Babje jame pri Mostu na Soči (letnik: 10: 1981, 1982)
Kraški izvir Mrzlek, njegovo zaledje in varovalno območje (letnik: 10: 1981, 1982)
Pregledna speleološka karta Slovenije (letnik: 10: 1981, 1982)
letnik: 11 (1983)
Hidrogeologija in kraški izviri v Rakovem Škocjanu pri Postojni (letnik: 11, 1983)
ESR Dating of Postojna cave stalactite (letnik: 11, 1983)
Movraška in Smokavska vala ter Jama pod Krogom (letnik: 11, 1983)
Prenikanje vode in izločanje sige v Pisanem rovu Postojnske jame (letnik: 11: 1982, 1983)
Kraški izviri Vipave in njihovo zaledje (letnik: 11: 1982, 1983)
Dinamika odpadanja sige v Golobji luknji. Predjama (letnik: 11: 1982, 1983)
Kraški pojavi v Krškem hribovju (letnik: 11: 1982, 1983)
letnik: 12 (1984)
Kraške in hidrogeološke značilnosti Košanske doline ter njen prispevek k onesnaženosti Notranjske Reke (letnik: 12, 1984)
Preprost model preoblikovanja udornic (letnik: 12, 1984)
Jamski sedimenti in speleogeneza Škocjanskih jam (letnik: 12, 1984)
O geologiji krasa med Postojno, Planino in Cerknico (letnik: 12, 1984)
O izotopih kisika in ogljika v jamskih vodah in sigah Slovenije (številka: 4, 1984)
Krasoslovna zbirka podatkov (letnik: 12: 1983, 1984)
Reliefne enote in strukturnice matičnega Krasa (letnik: 12: 1983, 1984)
Vertikalno prenikanje v Škocjanskih jamah in Dimnicah (letnik: 12: 1983, 1984)
letnik: 13 (1985)
Metoda morfometrije in računalniške obdelave vrtač (letnik: 13, 1985)
O speleogenezi Divaške jame in Trhlovce (letnik: 13, 1985)
Vodna gladina v Notranjskem in Primorskem krasu Slovenije (letnik: 13: 1984, 1985)
letnik: 14/15 (1986)
Zaprte kraške globeli, problematika interpretacije in kartografskega prikaza (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Geološke osnove oblikovanja kraškega površja (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
O geološkem razvoju klasičnega krasa (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Dubinski krš Belopalanačke kotline (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Korozija pri vertikalnem prenikanju vode (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Polja u kršu - Utjecaj rada čovjeka na promjenu hidrološkog režima (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Geomorfološka karta područja Velike Paklenice, 1:25.000 (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Projekt "Splošna geomorfološka karta Jugoslvije v merilu 1:100.000" in kartiranje kraškega površja (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Utjecaj građevinskih objekata izvan urbaniziranih područja na vodne resurse u kršu (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Geomorfološka karta ozemlja Logaških Rovt (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Turistično rekreacijska valorizacija ohranjenih naravnih fenomenov na območju občine Cerknica (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Akademik prof. dr. Svetozar Ilešič (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Postanak i razvoj doline Krčića i izvora Krke (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Komparativnost krškog, glacialnog i periglacialnog procesa u relijefu Južnog Velebita (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Morfologija i geneza urušnih vrtača (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Kras v luči fosilne fluvialne akumulacije (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Geotektonski okvir zaravni u kršu (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Kontaktni fluviokras (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
K problematiki geomorfološkega kartiranja in tipologije visokogorskega glaciokraškega reliefa (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Površinska razčlenjenost Dinarskega krasa (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Dubinski krš zapadnog oboda Beljanice (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Model čistega krasa in nasledki v interpretaciji površja (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
Transport rečnih sedimentov skozi kraško podzemlje na primeru Škocjanskih jam (letnik: 14/15, 1986)
letnik: 16 (1987)
Naravno čiščenje sanitarnih odplak pri vertikalnem prenikanju v Pivki jami (številka: 16, 1987)
Rezultati poskusov z modeli zaganjalk (letnik: 16, 1987)
Speleogeološki podatki Taborske jame in njene okolice (letnik: 16, 1987)
Sledilni poskus na kraškem razvodju med Idrijco, Vipavo in Ljubljanico (letnik: 16, 1987)
Ob 40-letnici Inštituta za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU (letnik: 16, 1987)
Drobno kraško površje ob severovzhodnem obrobju Planinskega polja (letnik: 16, 1987)
Ponorna jama Golobina na Loškem Polju (letnik: 16, 1987)
Sledenje podzemnih vod v zaledju izvira Rižane (letnik: 16, 1987)
Jamske anastomoze v Dimnicah (letnik: 16, 1987)
letnik: 17 (1988)
Fosfati in tanatomasa v sedimentih iz jame Divje babe I (letn. 17, 1988)
Mineraloška primerjava peščenih lutk iz okolice Ivanjega sela in iz Volčje jame (letnik: 17, 1988)
Geološka zgradba in nekatere hidrološke značilnosti bruhalnika Lijaka (letnik: 17, 1988)
prof. dr. Rado Gospodarič (14. 1. 1933 - 12. 2.1988) (letnik: 17, 1988)
Hidrologija osamelega krasa Ledinske planote pri Idriji (letnik: 17, 1988)
Kondenzna korozija na skalnem obodu Komarjevega rova v Dimnicah (letnik: 17, 1988)
Tektonska pogojenost kraškega reliefa zahodne Suhe krajine (letnik: 17, 1988)
letnik: 18 (1989)
Bibliografija (str. 13-20, 1989)
Kraška bifurkacija Pivke na jadransko črnomorskem razvodju ((1989), str. 235-264. Ilustr, 1989)
Luknje v kosteh iz Dolarjeve jame in Nevelj (str. 91-101, 1989)
Mikrobna sledila v kraški hidrologiji ((1989), str. 313-322, 1989)
Vloga kraških procesov pri nastanku severno karavanških Pb-Zn rudišč ((1989), str. 115-128, 1989)
Kontaktni kras pri Kačičah in ponor Mejame ((1989), str. 173-195. Ilustr, 1989)
Skalne oblike v Križni jami in njihov speleogenetski pomen ((1989), str. 199-220. Ilustr, 1989)
Vplivi vodnega ekosistema na fluorescenčna barvila ((1989), str. 299-309, 1989)
Nekaj novih podatkov o Ravenski jami na Cerkljanskem ((1989), str. 131-138. Ilustr, 1989)
Primo datazioni assolute su una stalagmite del Carso triestino (str. 55-63, 1989)
I grandi crolli nelle grotte del Carso triestino (str. 67-70, 1989)
O krasu izven Kranjske v Valvasorjevem delu Slava vojvodine Kranjske (str. 105-112, 1989)
Modalités et chronologies de la sédimentation souterraine Belgique au Pleisocene moyen et supérieur (str.73-87 + 2 zg.f.pril., 1989)
Vpliv kislih padavin na procese v Potojnski jami ((1989), str. 223-232. Ilustr, 1989)
U series dating studies of Ursus spelaues deposits in Križna jama, Slovenija (str. 41-51, 1989)
Rado Gospodarič in delovna skupina za sledilno hidrologijo (ATH)_ (str. 9-12, 1989)
Mineralogija tektonske gline v Pivki jami ((1989), str. 141-156. Ilustr, 1989)
Apnenec z ročenci in njihov vpliv na velikost rovov v Postojnski jami ((1989), str. 159-170. Ilustr, 1989)
Prispevek k vodnogospodarskim osnovam Pivke (str.23-37 str. + 3 zg.f.pril., 1989)
Podzemne vodne zveze na področju Čičarije in osrednjega dela Istre (Slovenija, Hrvatska, NW Jugoslavija) (letn. 18, 1989)
letnik: 19 (1990)
letnik: 20 (1991)
Geološke razmere v podornih dvoranah Vzhodnega rova Predjame (20, (1991), str.205-222.Ilustr, 1991)
La cooperation franco-slovene en karstologie, l,accent sur le programme de Zamtes et C.N.R.S. (20, (1991), str.17-23, 1991)
La qualite de la riviere a perte Pivka dans les années de 1984 jusqu au 1990 (20, (1991), str.165-186, 1991)
Geomorfological classification of NW Dinaric karst (20, (1991), str.133-164. Ilustr, 1991)
Flowstone datations in Slovenia (20, (1991), str.187-204. Ilustr, 1991)
Reflection about high mountain karst environments and their fragility in the Dolomites (številka: 19, 1991)
Skalne oblike v dveh poligenetskih jamah visokega krasa (številka: 19, 1991)
Izotopska sestava kisika in ogljika v vodi iz Taborske jame (številka: 19, 1991)
Skalne oblike v dveh poligenetskih jamah visokega krasa (številka: 19, 1991)
Izotopska sestava kisika in ogljika v vodi iz Taborske jame (številka: 19, 1991)
Kraški izvir Kajža in njegovo zaledje (številka: 19, 1991)
Značilnosti pretakanja padavin skozi strop Taborske jame (številka: 19, 1991)
Reflection about high mountain karst environments and their fragility in the Dolomites (številka: 19, 1991)
Izviri Dobličice in njihovo širše kraško zaledje (številka: 19, 1991)
Izviri Dobličice in njihovo širše kraško zaledje (številka: 19, 1991)
Discovery of quartz pebbles on summit surfaces in the altipiani ampezzani (Dolomites, NE Italy) (številka: 19, 1991)
Značilnosti pretakanja padavin skozi strop Taborske jame (številka: 19, 1991)
Kraški izvir Kajža in njegovo zaledje (številka: 19, 1991)
Discovery of quartz pebbles on summit surfaces in the altipiani ampezzani (Dolomites, NE Italy) (številka: 19, 1991)
Impact des déboisement et défrichements récents sur les plateaux et moyennes montagnes calcaires du domaine méditerraneen (letnik: 20, 1991)
Datation isotopiques du périglaciaire de l'Adriatique yougoslave (letnik: 20, 1991)
Quantification et modélisation du fonctionnement hydrologique des principaux aquiferes carbonates du karst de la Sainte Baume (B.du Rh. - Var; France) (letnik: 20, 1991)
L'utilisation de l'image satellite SPOT pour l'étude du karst Monténégrin (letnik: 20, 1991)
Discours d'ouverture (letnik: 20, 1991)
Le programme et le cours de la manifestation (letnik: 20, 1991)
Contribution des grands réseaux souterrains a la comprehension karstogenique de la Serrania de Grazalema (Andalousie - Espagne) (letnik: 20, 1991)
Les sols des terrasses de culture en Basse Provence calcaire et leur évolution apres abandon (letnik: 20, 1991)
La grotte Vallier (Vercors, Isere). Premiers résultats stratigraphiques (letnik: 20, 1991)
letnik: 21 (1992)
Nitrocalcite in Kartchner caverns, Kartchner caverns State park, Arizona, USA (letnik: 21, 1992)
Minerals in the karstified triassic orebearing carbonate rocks of the northern Karavanke (letnik: 21, 1992)
Sledenje voda v kraškem zaledju Krupe v JV Sloveniji (letnik: 21, 1992)
Gypsum in Tajna jama and in the cave Kubik (letnik: 21, 1992)
Flowstone as natural stone (letnik: 21, 1992)
Yellow sands with gibbsite in sediments of Pocala cave (letnik: 21, 1992)
Geološke značilnosti Pisanega rova Postojnske jame (letnik: 21, 1992)
Mineralna sestava mehanskih sedimentov iz nekaterih delov slovenskega krasa (letnik: 21, 1992)
A short historical review of cave mineral explorations in Slovenia before 1930 (letnik: 21, 1992)
45 let raziskovanja degradacije in varstva slovenskega krasa v Inštiutut! za raziskovanje krasa (letnik: 21, 1992)
Naravni in poskusni obnaplavinski jamski skalni relief (letnik: 21, 1992)
Flowstone deposition in the slovenian caves (letnik: 21, 1992)
Struktirno-geološke! in hidrološke razmere izvirov Možnice (letnik: 21, 1992)
letnik: 22 (1993)
The first International Karstological School "Classical Karst" (letnik: 22, 1993)
An account of the International Symposium Man on Karst (letnik: 22, 1993)
Hidrodinamični režim kraškega vodonosnika med solkansko akumulacijo in bruhalnikom Lijakom (letnik: 22, 1993)
Fasete, pomembna sled oblikovanja in razvoja kraških votlin (letnik: 22, 1993)
The history of cave studies in Trinidad, Jamaica, the Bahamas and some other Caribbean Islands (letnik: 22, 1993)
Jamaican caves and cave exploration (letnik: 22, 1993)
Speleological history of Bermuda (letnik: 22, 1993)
An account on study exchange with France 1993 (letnik: 22, 1993)
Recent work on the caves of Trinidad and Tobago (letnik: 22, 1993)
The international round-table "Martel and the Slovene Karst 1893-1993" (Postojna, November 12-13, 1993) (letnik: 22, 1993)
letnik: 23 (1994)
UNESCO biosphere reserve: Notranjski kras as a strategy for conservation and development (letnik: 23, 1994)
Jama na poti in Zguba jama (letnik: 23, 1994)
Dve desetletji funkcionalno-morfoloških raziskav pri močerilu (letnik: 23, 1994)
Geological basis of ancient Greek colonization (letnik: 23, 1994)
Types of the poljes in Slovenia, their inundations and land use (letnik: 23, 1994)
Phreatic channels in Velika dolina, Škocjanske jame (Škocjanske jame caves, Slovenia) (letnik: 23, 1994)
Hydrogeological aspects of cretaceous limestone karst in Westphalia, FRG (letnik: 23, 1994)
The Bonewell spring (England) in Valvasor's "Die Ehre dess Herzogthums Crain" (1689) - the author's sources (letnik: 23, 1994)
Edouard Alfred Martel and the slovene karst (letnik: 23, 1994)
The wider purpose of Martel's visits abroad (letnik: 23, 1994)
Dejavniki oblikovanja jamske skalne površine (letnik: 23, 1994)
E.A. Martel in Briefen an Carlo Marchesetti und Erzherzog Ludwig Salvator (letnik: 23, 1994)
Valori di abbassamento per dissoluzione di superfici carsiche (letnik: 23, 1994)
Paleoekološke značilnosti vremskih plasti v okolici Škocjanskih jam (letnik: 23, 1994)
The Martel's chamber in Škocjanske jame (letnik: 23, 1994)
Classic dolines of classical site (letnik: 23, 1994)
Contact karst of Brkini Hills (letnik: 23, 1994)
Impact of human activity on Škocjanske jame (letnik: 23, 1994)
Some thoughts on the pull-apart origin of karst poljes along the Idrija strike-slip fault zone in Slovenia (letnik: 23, 1994)
Kraus und Martel - eine verbindende Achse in Sache Karst (letnik: 23, 1994)
About the name and the history of the region Kras (letnik: 23, 1994)
Inventarisation of the natural heritage (letnik: 23, 1994)
Kvaliteta vode v Cerkniškem jezeru in njegovih pritokih (letnik: 23, 1994)
Baron Herberstein on the Cerknica karst lake - a phantom book of the 16th century? (letnik: 23, 1994)
Škocjanski jamski splet and E.A. Martels's "Les Abîmes" (letnik: 23, 1994)
letnik: 24 (1995)
Regional conference of Latin American and Carribean countries; Latin America in the world: environment, society and development (Habana, Cuba, July 29 to August 12, 1995) (str. 585-586, 1995)
The first Croatian geological congress (Opatija, Croatia) (str. 580-581, 1995)
The third International Karstological School at Postojna (str. 577-579, 1995)
Uvodnik (letn. 24, 1995)
Speleological features (caves and pits) and the karstification process of the mesozoic rocks in the Classical Carst of Croatia (letnik: 24, 1995)
"Operazione Corno d'Aquilio" (letnik: 24, 1995)
Fauna hunted by pleistocene inhabitants of the Inner Carniola and littoral karst (letnik: 24, 1995)
Inventory of the Škocjan world heritage site (letnik: 24, 1995)
Karst phenomena and the origin of bauxite (letnik: 24, 1995)
Can one define poljes? (letnik: 24, 1995)
Application of Baikal caves in human life (letnik: 24, 1995)
Pedogeographic characteristics of the Rakovško-Unško polje (letnik: 24, 1995)
Territorial structure of the karst geosystems and the interpretation of negative anthropogenic interventions (letnik: 24, 1995)
Vreme beds and the genesis of the karst caves in them in wider surroudings of Škocjanske jame (Škocjanske jame caves, Slovenia) (letnik: 24, 1995)
The criteria for defining karst groundwater protection areas (letnik: 24, 1995)
Aspects of human impact in the Monte Grappa Massif (Venetian Prealps, Italy) (letnik: 24, 1995)
Mineralogical data concerning moonmilk speleothems in few caves from northern Norway (letnik: 24, 1995)
Artificial drainage of the poljes and karst depressions in the southeastern France (letnik: 24, 1995)
On the mechanisms and kinematics of drift dolines formation (letnik: 24, 1995)
In memoriam Marjorie M. Sweeting (1920-1994) (letnik: 24, 1995)
L'impact anthropique dans le Vercors (letnik: 24, 1995)
The Karst area of Pietrasecca (Abruzzo, Italy) (letnik: 24, 1995)
Problems in relation to the development of ski-resorts on the French mountain karst (letnik: 24, 1995)
Karst water protection problems indicated by dripping water analyses in Buda thermal karst area (letnik: 24, 1995)
The researches on karst of Mario Baratta, 1868-1935 (letnik: 24, 1995)
Rudistid biostroms in the Lipica quarry near Sežana (SW Slovenia) (letnik: 24, 1995)
The Timavo hydrogeologic system (letnik: 24, 1995)
Application of the directional prediction method to the drainage of the Reka - Timavo underground river (letnik: 24, 1995)
Speleolomorphological! and speleohydrogeological classification of speleological features (caves and pits) in the Croatian classical Carst area (letnik: 24, 1995)
Pedogenesis and ecology of karstic lands in Turkey (letnik: 24, 1995)
Paleoornithological remains from some of the caves in Slovenia (letnik: 24, 1995)
Influence of vertical crustal movements on karst hydraulics and the karstification process (letnik: 24, 1995)
Caves as mass-graveyards in Slovenia (letnik: 24, 1995)
Acidification and other karst soil processes in Hungary (letnik: 24, 1995)
Directions of groundwater flow and possibilities of their contamination in one part of Dobra and Kupa river basin (letnik: 24, 1995)
Karstology, an integrated system of sciences on karst (letnik: 24, 1995)
Land use in dolomite regions in Slovenia (letnik: 24, 1995)
Vertical potholes on karst (letnik: 24, 1995)
Caves gravity deposits (letnik: 24, 1995)
Earlier knowledge of the American caves reported in Valvasor's "Die Ehre dess Herzogthums Crain" (1689) - from 1513 (letnik: 24, 1995)
The karstologists in the second half of the 20th century (letnik: 24, 1995)
Paleokarst of the Bohemian Massif in the Czech Republic (letnik: 24, 1995)
The report on the fifth multidisciplinary conference on sinkholes and the engineering and environmental impacts of karst (Gatlinburg/Tennessee, 2-5 April, 1995) (letnik: 24, 1995)
Karst regional parks in Slovenia and their ecological problems (letnik: 24, 1995)
Some examples of the karst water pollution on the Slovene Karst (letnik: 24, 1995)
Some karst features of tectonic origin as an indicator of recent tectonic activity on the northeast part of the Istrian peninsula (letnik: 24, 1995)
Cave entrances shown in the original sketches of Valvasor (letnik: 24, 1995)
Aerophoto interpretation of geological structures on the surface above the Predjama cave (letnik: 24, 1995)
Brackish karst spring Pantan (Croatia) (letnik: 24, 1995)
On the problems of the ice filling in the Dobšina ice cave (letnik: 24, 1995)
Isotopic analyses and origin of CO2 in some Moravian caves (letnik: 24, 1995)
letnik: 25 (1996)
30th International Geological Congress (Beijing, China, 4-14 August 1996) (str. 454-455, 1996)
International Conference "Climate Change: the Karst Record", Bergen (str. 474-475, 1996)
Report about the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU co-operation with PR of China in 1995 (str. 451-453, 1996)
International Symposium on "Research, Conservation, Management" (1.-5. May 1996, Aggtelek - Jósvafő, Hungary) (str. 463-471, 1996)
The 15th Speleological School (Landek Zdroj, Poland, February 12-18, 1996) (str. 461-462, 1996)
Markierungsversuche in Gewässern ungefährlich? (str. 459-460, 1996)
Geographical names in Notranjski park (številka: 25, 1996)
Mental perception of the Karst (številka: 25, 1996)
Uvodnik (letn. 25, 1996)
Results of tectonic measurements in the Lunan Stone forest, China (letnik: 25, 1996)
Some minerals from Najdena jama (letnik: 25, 1996)
Computer modelling of circular cave passage deformations dependent of the depth (letnik: 25, 1996)
Clastic sediments from dolines and caves found during the construction of the motorway near Divača, on the classical Karst (letnik: 25, 1996)
Shape of fluvial pebbles in surface and subsurface karst stream from Moravian karst, Czech republic (letnik: 25, 1996)
Ocena efektivne infiltracije v študijskem poligonu Tičnice (letnik: 25, 1996)
Karst features in the motorway section between Čebulovica and Dane (letnik: 25, 1996)
Man and Karst (letnik: 25, 1996)
Hydrology of the Gradole karst spring (Istria - Croatia) (letnik: 25, 1996)
Rocky relief in some caves of "Notranjsko podolje" (letnik: 25, 1996)
The evolution of karst and caves in the Koněprusy region (Bohemian karst, Czech republic) and paleohydrologic model (letnik: 25, 1996)
Jamski skalni relief, ki ga dolbe vodni tok (letnik: 25, 1996)
Sinking rivers quality - the Pivka case study (letnik: 25, 1996)
Poljes and caves of Notranjska (letnik: 25, 1996)
Haraceas in the Trnje profile (letnik: 25, 1996)
The vertical run-off of rainfall through dolines (letnik: 25, 1996)
Comparison of morphometric aspects of dolines between two zones in Berici hills (Vicenza, Italy) (letnik: 25, 1996)
Thermal karst systems (letnik: 25, 1996)
Monografija o pomembnosti lezik pri nastajanju krasa (letnik: 25, 1996)
Analyses of some microelements in the tissues of proteus anguinus (amphibia, caudata) and in its habitat (letnik: 25, 1996)
Diet of the tawny owl (Strix Aluco) in the karst environment near Škocjanske jame (SW Slovenija) (letnik: 25, 1996)
The dolines above the collapse chambers of Postojnska jama (letnik: 25, 1996)
Akad. dr. Jože Bole (1929-1995) (letnik: 25, 1996)
International Symposium "Karst-Fractured Aquifers - Vulnerability and Sustainability" (Katowice - Ustroń, Poland) (letnik: 25, 1996)
Velika voda - Reka - a karst river (letnik: 25, 1996)
Paleoekološke značilnosti kozinskih plasti v okolici Škocjanskih jam (letnik: 25, 1996)
številka: 1 (1997)
številka: 2 (1997)
The electrical conductivity as indicator for hydrodynamic processes in the Vipava system (številka: 1, 1997)
The decomposition of tracers in the spring waters (številka: 1, 1997)
Long-term observations (številka: 1, 1997)
Vegetation characteristics of the Trnovski gozd (številka: 1, 1997)
Dissolved inorganic carbon isotope composition of waters (številka: 1, 1997)
Water protection measures (številka: 1, 1997)
Physical geography of Trnovsko-Banjška planota (številka: 1, 1997)
Geomorphologic review of Trnovsko-Banjška planota (številka: 1, 1997)
Hydrogeology (številka: 1, 1997)
Hydrological description of the Vipava and Hubelj spring systems (številka: 1, 1997)
The use of silica to characterise the allogenic flysch component in Vipava springs during the observation of single events (številka: 1, 1997)
The background concentrations of the used fluorescent dyes (številka: 1, 1997)
Underground connections in dependency to hydrogeological conditions (številka: 1, 1997)
Results of the Vipava area (številka: 1, 1997)
Geologic conditions and some hydrogeologic characteristics of the Vipava karst springs (številka: 1, 1997)
Results with phages (številka: 1, 1997)
Daily sampling in the springs Hubelj, Vipava and Mrzlek (številka: 1, 1997)
Environmental isotope investigations (številka: 1, 1997)
Geological description (številka: 1, 1997)
The water balance of the Trnovsko-Banjška planota (številka: 1, 1997)
Monthly observations of water of the karst springs and selected rivers (številka: 1, 1997)
Monthly observations of the precipitation (številka: 1, 1997)
Results of the Vipava area (številka: 1, 1997)
Results with salts (številka: 1, 1997)
Weekly sampling in the springs Hubelj and Vipava (številka: 1, 1997)
Organisation, injection and sampling (številka: 1, 1997)
Speleological properties of the area (številka: 1, 1997)
Comparative measurements of the Vipava springs (številka: 1, 1997)
Underground water connections dependent on hydrometeorological conditions (številka: 1, 1997)
Agricultural threats to pollution of water of Trnovsko-Banjška planota (številka: 1, 1997)
Fauna in selected karst springs from the Trnovsko-Banjška Planota (številka: 1, 1997)
Short-term investigations during heavy snowmelt event (številka: 1, 1997)
Long-term quality monitoring (številka: 1, 1997)
Precipitation problems in relation to water runoff on the Trnovski gozd (številka: 1, 1997)
The climate of the Trnovsko-Banjška planota (številka: 1, 1997)
Correlation and spectral analysis (številka: 1, 1997)
Methodological aspects of water-tracing experiments (številka: 1, 1997)
Mathematical modeling with the multi-dispersion-model (številka: 1, 1997)
Water pulse of the Vipava spring - Pod Lipo 4/2 (številka: 1, 1997)
Description of the hydrological situations during the tracing experiments (številka: 1, 1997)
Analytical procedures (številka: 1, 1997)
Underground connection Lokva (Predjama) - the Vipava (številka: 1, 1997)
Hydrology (številka: 1, 1997)
Geological structure and hydrogeological position of the Hubelj spring (številka: 1, 1997)
Hydrological investigations in the area of the Trnovsko-Banjška planota plateau between 1993 and 1995 (številka: 1, 1997)
Results of the Hubelj - Mrzlek - Podroteja area (številka: 1, 1997)
A.C. Morlot, a geologist and a less known researcher of karst phenomena (številka: 2, 1997)
Speleologists on postage stamps (številka: 2, 1997)
Der Plan der Vilenica vom 20. april 1818 (številka: 2, 1997)
Caves in the works of the Hungarian novelist Mór Jókai (številka: 2, 1997)
Ponovno o luknjah v nosorogovih kosteh iz Dolarjeve jame (številka: 2, 1997)
Abbildungen der Veterani-höhle aus dem 17-18. jahrhundert (številka: 2, 1997)
Die ergebnisse der archäologischen höhlenforschungen in Ungarn (številka: 2, 1997)
A classification of the subterranean environment and cave fauna (številka: 2, 1997)
The shaft Brezno pod Velbom (številka: 2, 1997)
A study of solution pipes preserved in the Miocene limestones (Staszów, Poland) (številka: 2, 1997)
Nekatere značilnosti prenikajoče vode na Lunanskem krasu, Yunnan, Kitajska (številka: 2, 1997)
Karst depressions with precipiced walls on the southern slope of Snežnik mountain, Slovenia (številka: 2, 1997)
Speleological data in "The description of the land of the Székelys" by Balázs Orbán (številka: 2, 1997)
Prvi rezultati raziskav kamnine v treh lunanskih kamnitih gozdovih (Yunnan, Kitajska) (številka: 2, 1997)
Erwähnung von höhlen in mittelalterlichen ungarischen urkunden (številka: 2, 1997)
Published in 1796 --- (številka: 2, 1997)
A comparison of red soils from South Australia and Japan (številka: 2, 1997)
Le rôle des botanistes dans les débuts de la spéléologie française (številka: 2, 1997)
Climatic and lithological influence on the cave depth development (številka: 2, 1997)
A fairy phantom does Agapito's 1802 book on Vilenica exist? (številka: 2, 1997)
Geodetic survey of Postojna Caves in 1891 by J. Schmid (številka: 2, 1997)
Friedrich Simony (1813-1896), his contributions to karst and cave science (številka: 2, 1997)
Daniel Fischer und die anfänge der speläologie in der Slowakei (številka: 2, 1997)
A historical significance of Egon Pretner for biology (številka: 2, 1997)
Federico de Comelli: gli studi in merito all'approvvigionamento d'acqua potabile per la citta di Gorizia (številka: 2, 1997)
Brief account of the development of speleology in Slovenia (to 1914) (številka: 2, 1997)
Incidenti speleo d'altri tempi - infortunistica minore sul Carso Triestino nel XIX secolo (številka: 2, 1997)
Karst researches in Yunnan province, China in 1997 (številka: 2, 1997)
Contribution to the history of the explorations of the cave Vjetrenica in Zavala to 1914 (številka: 2, 1997)
Robert Townson, traveller in Hungary in 1793 - his life and work (številka: 2, 1997)
Spring chemograph analysis - the influence of thaw effect and dispersed pollution impulses (Cracow-Czestochowa upland, Poland) (številka: 2, 1997)
Emile G. Racovitza and his important role in speleobiology (številka: 2, 1997)
Medjame (Samoborsko gorje, Croatia) - an example of speleological features formed in upper triassic dolomite (številka: 2, 1997)
La Grotta di Vileniza, detta di Corniale (številka: 2, 1997)
Contribution to the knowledge about speleology in Croatia (številka: 2, 1997)
Structural position of vertical karst objects on Postojnska Gmajna (številka: 2, 1997)
Une caverne classique du Vercors: la grotte des Cuves de Sassenage (številka: 2, 1997)
Škadavnica cave explored by English travellers in 1737 (številka: 2, 1997)
Carbonate speleogenesis (številka: 2, 1997)
The caves in the motorway Dane - Fernetiči (številka: 2, 1997)
The Caves of Škocjanske jame and Kras (SE-1) (številka: 1, suppl., 1997)
Early tourists at Škocjanske jame - 18th century to 1914 (številka: 2, 1998)
Značilnosti pretakanja voda v kraškem zaledju Temenice (številka: 2, 1998)
Speleomorphology of dry passage in Provala cave (Croatia) (številka: 2, 1998)
Interaction between a cave system and the lowering karst surface (številka: 2, 1998)
Diagenetic concretions from the cave clastic sediment, Cave in Tounj quarry, Croatia (številka: 2, 1998)
Pleistocene small mammals from some karstic fillings of Slovenia - preliminary results (številka: 2, 1998)
Karst features discovered during motorway construction between Divača and Kozina (Slovenia) (številka: 2, 1998)
Origin and development of cave system in the Rosandra Valley (Classical Karst - Italy) (številka: 2, 1998)
The evolution of karst and caves in the Koněprusy region (Bohemian karst, Czech Republic) (številka: 2, 1998)
Engineering method versus Eraso method of structural analysis in hydraulical study of fractured rock - case study at Unška Koliševka (številka: 2, 1998)
Geological characteristics of Desert and Upper Desert caves (NE Blue Diamond hill, Nevada, USA) (številka: 2, 1998)
Genetic types of caves in Slovakia (številka: 2, 1998)
Bedding planes, moved bedding planes, connective fissures and horizontal cave passages (examples from Postojnska jama cave) (številka: 2, 1998)
Palaeomagnetic research of cave sediments in SW Slovenia (številka: 2, 1998)
Osnovne fizikalno kemične značilnosti kraških voda na Notranjskem (številka: 2, 1998)
Geoecological studies on the karstic surfaces of the planned protected area in Western Mecsek, South Hungary (številka: 2, 1999)
Geological controls in the development of caves in the South-Central Ozarks of Missouri, USA (številka: 2, 1999)
Roofless Caves, a polygenetic status of cave development with special references to cave regions in the Eastern Calcareous Alps in Salzburg and Central Alps, Austria (številka: 2, 1999)
South China Karst 1999 (številka: 2, 1999)
Some geological observations in Slovačka jama cave (-1268 m) in Velebit mountain, Croatia (številka: 2, 1999)
Reconstruction of the development history of karstic water networks on the southern part of the Gömör-Torna karst on the basis of ruined caves and landforms (številka: 2, 1999)
Research on the soils of karst areas in Hungary (številka: 2, 1999)
Unroofed caves and recognising them in karst relief (številka: 2, 1999)
Vertical zonation of the speleogenetic space (številka: 2, 1999)
Morphological and geological characteristics of two denuded caves in SW Slovenia (številka: 2, 1999)
Karst and caves in salt diapirs, SE Zagros Mts. (Iran) (številka: 2, 1999)
Subcutaneous rock forms (številka: 2, 1999)
Cave fill in the Črnotiče Quarry, SW Slovenia (številka: 2, 1999)
Why and how are caves "organized" (številka: 2, 1999)
The "unroofed cave" near the bunker (Laški Ravnik) (številka: 2, 1999)
Age and magnetism of cave sediments from Postojnska jama cave system and Planinska jama cave, Slovenia (številka: 2, 1999)
Karst terraines in Iran - examples from Lorestan (številka: 2, 1999)
Recent developments in knowledge of the hydrogeology of the classical Karst (številka: 1, 2000)
Vulnerability mapping in karst areas and its uses in Switzerland (številka: 1, 2000)
A stable isotope investigation of the Classical Karst aquifer (številka: 1, 2000)
Karst water research in Slovenia (številka: 1, 2000)
Investigation of groundwater infiltration to seawater in Punat Bay, Croatia, by measurements of conductivity and stable isotopes in water (številka: 1, 2000)
Recent measurements of water quality in Mrzlek spring (številka: 1, 2000)
Karst groundwater protection (številka: 1, 2000)
The suitability of carbon isotope composition as natural tracer in karst aquifer investigations (številka: 1, 2000)
Karst groundwater connections in the Valley of the Seven Triglav lakes (številka: 1, 2000)
On flow and transport of miscible tracers in the vadose zone (številka: 1, 2000)
PCB pollution of the karstic environment (Krupa River, Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2000)
Značilnosti odnosa med napajanjem in praznjenjem kraškega vodonosnika v zaledju izvirov Vipave (Slovenija) (številka: 2, 2000)
Geographic information systems analysis of geologic controls on the distribution of dolines in the Ozarks of south-central Missouri, USA (številka: 2, 2000)
Doline morphogenetic processes from global and local viewpoints (številka: 2, 2000)
Natural bridges on the Vratna river (Eastern Serbia) as the last remnants of a former cave (številka: 2, 2000)
Velika Jeršanova doline - a former collapse doline (številka: 2, 2000)
Coastal speleogenesis and collapsing by emptying of karst breccia-pipes on the marine cliffs of the Gargano peninsula (Apulia, Italy) (številka: 2, 2000)
Notes on the history of some karstological terms - hydrothermal karst, geysermite, vadose zone (številka: 2, 2000)
Caves below collapse dolines - case study of Tisova jama (eastern Serbia) (številka: 2, 2000)
Modelling the stability of a very large cave room (številka: 2, 2000)
Are collapse dolines formed only by collapse? (številka: 2, 2000)
Collapse structures as a connection between the karst surface and underground (examples from Croatia) (številka: 2, 2000)
Fosilne cevke iz brezstrope jame - verjetno najstarejši ostanki jamskega cevkarja Marifugia (Annelida: Polychaeta) (številka: 2, 2000)
Thickness of cap rock and other important factors affecting morphogenesis of salt karst (številka: 2, 2000)
Water tracing test in the Tianshengan region, Yunnan - China at high water level (številka: 2, 2000)
Patterns of collapse chambers in the endokarst of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) (številka: 2, 2000)
Morphogenetical aspects of collapse dolines and open pits in the karst of the Venetian Fore-Alps (številka: 2, 2000)
Gypsum-karst collapse in the Black Hills, South Dakota-Wyoming, USA (številka: 2, 2000)
Upper miocene karst collapse structures of the east coast, Mallorca, Spain (številka: 2, 2000)
Palaeomagnetic research of a fossil cave in the highway construction at Kozina, SW Slovenia (številka: 2, 2000)
The evolution of karst and caves in the Koněprusy region (Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic) (številka: 2, 2000)
Large collapse dolines in Puglia (southern Italy) (številka: 2, 2000)
The small vertebrate fauna (Rodents, Insectivores, and Reptiles) of Šandalja 1A (Istria, Croatia) (številka: 1, 2001)
Monitoring the Malenščica water pulse by several parameters in November 1997 (številka: 1, 2001)
Oblika in skalni relief stebrov v Naigu kamnitem gozdu (JZ Kitajska) (številka: 1, 2001)
Molluscan assemblages from deposits filling small karst forms in the Tatra mountains (southern Poland) (številka: 1, 2001)
Karst conservation in Slovenia (številka: 1, 2001)
Alberto Fortis and the Istrian karst, Croatia, in 1770 and 1771 (številka: 1, 2001)
Lunan "Shilin" (Stone Forest) human impact and protection of (eventual) world heritage site (Yunnan, China) (številka: 1, 2001)
Škocjanske jame, dodatek k bibliografiji (številka: 1, 2001)
Karst and caves in the works of the Austrian archduke and natural scientist Ludwig Salvator (številka: 1, 2001)
Development of the Scythian series in the Orlica anticline area (Sava folds) (številka: 1, 2001)
Opazovanje poplavnega vala Reke maja 1999 (številka: 1, 2001)
Terciarna in kvartarna tektonska premikanja na Kočevskem - vlaška tektonska epoha, pliocen/pleistocen, južna Slovenija (številka: 1, 2001)
The role of accurate recharge estimation in the hydrodynamic analysis of karst aquifers (številka: 1, 2001)
Marble stripe karst of the Scandinavian Caledonides (številka: 2, 2001)
Aspects of contact karst in the Venetian Fore-Alps (številka: 2, 2001)
Ratio of copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) in fauna of percolation water in six karst caves in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2001)
Structural bases for shaping of dolines (številka: 2, 2001)
Surface and groundwater interaction of the Bela stream and Vipava springs in Southwestern Slovenia (številka: 2, 2001)
Contact caves in flysch formations - Friuli Region - northeast Italy (številka: 2, 2001)
Notion and forms of contact karst (številka: 2, 2001)
Kraške značilnosti narivnega stika apnenec-dolomit pri Predjami (številka: 2, 2001)
Karst features of narrow limestone belts - case study of the ridge Dževrinska greda, eastern Serbia (številka: 2, 2001)
Feichtner cave (Kitzsteinhorn, Salzburg, Austria), a deep cave system developing into calcareous schists in a glacial environment (številka: 2, 2001)
Bishop Hervey at Trieste and in Slovenia, 1771 (številka: 2, 2001)
Dynamics of cave development by allogenic water (številka: 2, 2001)
Tracer study on the tectonic controll of the drainage system in the contact karst zone of Lake Voralp (Swiss Alps) (številka: 2, 2001)
Morphogenesis of the Garlika shaft in conditions of the contact karst (številka: 2, 2001)
Meaning and representation of boundaries in karst type maps (številka: 2, 2001)
Physical controls on karst features in the Ozark Plateaus of Missouri, U.S.A., as determined by multivariate analyses in a geographic information systems (GIS) (številka: 2, 2001)
The lithology, shape and rock relief of the pillars in the Pu Chao Chun stone forest (Lunan stone forest, SW China) (številka: 2, 2001)
Contact karst phenomena on the edge of the Galyaság (Gömör-Torna Karst) (številka: 2, 2001)
Contact karst of Southern Velebit (Croatia) (številka: 2, 2001)
The cave in Postojna in Slovak literature before 1918 (številka: 2, 2001)
Underground Timavo river monitoring (classical Karst) (številka: 1, 2002)
Microclimatic research in the Slovakian show caves (številka: 1, 2002)
Temperature monitoring in Škocjanske jame caves (številka: 1, 2002)
The Experimental monitoring of water regime in the Reka river (številka: 1, 2002)
Management assessment in karst areas (številka: 1, 2002)
Medical survey of the staff working in the Škocjan caves, Slovenia (številka: 1, 2002)
Biological monitoring in caves (številka: 1, 2002)
Environmental baseline geochemistry of sediments and percolating waters in the Modrić cave, Croatia (številka: 1, 2002)
Cave monitoring priorities in Central America and the Caribbean (številka: 1, 2002)
Significance and monitoring (številka: 1, 2002)
Control of environmental parameters for management and conservation of Nerja cave (Malaga, Spain) (številka: 1, 2002)
Kulturna dediščina in varovana območja (številka: 1, 2002)
Modern trend in cave monitoring (številka: 1, 2002)
O nastanku hidrografske mreže in o nekaterih kraških pojavih na Idrijskem (številka: 2, 2002)
Screening for culturable microorganisms from cave environments (Slovenia) (številka: 2, 2002)
Kitajska kraška terminologija (številka: 2, 2002)
Some 19th century visitors to caves in peninsular Malaysia (številka: 2, 2002)
Multiparameter observations of the Reka flood pulse in march 2000 (številka: 2, 2002)
Origin of fine-grained carbonate clasts in cave sediments (številka: 2, 2002)
Anthron Society (Postojna 1889 - 1911), the beginning of organised speleology in Slovenia (številka: 2, 2002)
Treatises about the subterranean world in Ljubljana between 1678 and 1773 (številka: 2, 2002)
The role of Sarvak formation in supplying Pol-e Dokhtar town (Iran) with drinking water (številka: 2, 2002)
The effect of Darab salt dome on the quality of adjacent karstic and alluvium aquifers (South of Iran) (številka: 2, 2002)
Podzemno raztekanje vode iz ponora Tržiščice (JV Slovenija) (številka: 2, 2002)
Ocena vlage v mlajšepleistocenskem kraškem okolju (številka: 2, 2002)
Morphogenetical karst types of the Transylvanian mountains (Mt. Apuseni) (številka: 3, 2002)
The Monti Berici (številka: 3, 2002)
Blow Hole cave (številka: 3, 2002)
High-resolution magnetostratigraphy of speleothems from Snežna jama, Kamnik-Savinja Alps, Slovenia (številka: 3, 2002)
UIS cave symbols (številka: 3, 2002)
Submarine karst of Croatia - evidence of former lower sea levels (številka: 3, 2002)
Hypogenic caves in Provence (France) (številka: 3, 2002)
Osovniška jama, the cave in isolated karst in the east of Slovenia (številka: 3, 2002)
Two phase development of the upper Cerkniščica basin (številka: 3, 2002)
From doline distribution to tectonic movements example of the Velebit mountain range, Croatia (številka: 3, 2002)
The underground post offices in Postojnska jama, Slovenia, 1899-1945 (številka: 1, 2003)
The earliest Chinese karstologist Xu Xiake (številka: 1, 2003)
Pattern of karst landscape of the Cracow upland (South Poland) (številka: 1, 2003)
Karst types in Bulgaria (številka: 1, 2003)
Limestone pavements in Great Britain and the role of soil cover in their evolution (številka: 1, 2003)
Cave forms and origin of the cave Pečina v Zjatih (Matarsko podolje, Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2003)
The origine [!] and evolution of coastal and submarine springs in Bakar Bay (številka: 1, 2003)
Development of the underground railway system on the example of Postojnska jama (številka: 1, 2003)
Factors controlling exokarst morphology and sediment transport through caves (številka: 1, 2003)
The karst of Salento Region (Apulia, southern Italy) (številka: 1, 2003)
Subcutaneous stone forest (Trebnje, Central Slovenija) (številka: 1, 2003)
Karst and vaucluse springs from the Polish Tatra mts. results of long-term stationary investigations (številka: 1, 2003)
Geological conditions - factor of origin of two different cave systems in two adjacent valleys (the Demänovská Valley and the Jánska Valley, the Low Tatras, Slovakia) (številka: 1, 2003)
Gypsum karst of Zagros Mountains (I.R. Iran) (številka: 1, 2003)
Structural features of cultural landscape in the karst area (landscape in transition) (številka: 1, 2003)
Early electric lighting in caves - Postojnska jama, Slovenija, 1883-1929 (številka: 1, 2003)
Paleoseismic phenomena in karst terrains in Bulgaria and Marocco (številka: 1, 2003)
Cryptokarst (številka: 2, 2003)
Relation between karst and fluviokarst relief on the Slunj Plateau (Croatia) (številka: 2, 2003)
Archduke Ludwig Salvator and Leptodirus Hohenwarti from Postojnska jama (številka: 2, 2003)
Formation of the Cerkniščica and the flooding of Cerniško polje (številka: 2, 2003)
Karst terminology in Apulia (Southern Italy) (številka: 2, 2003)
Overview of the karst occurences in northern Cyprus (številka: 2, 2003)
Effects of the tectonic movements on the karstification in Anatolia, Turkey (številka: 2, 2003)
Primerjava francoske in slovenske kraške in speleološke terminologije (številka: 2, 2003)
Contribution of Ivan Gams to the development of Slovene karst terminology (številka: 2, 2003)
Dolines and sinkholes: aspects of evolution and problems of classification (številka: 2, 2003)
Karst springs of Alashtar, Iran (številka: 2, 2003)
Review of Turkish karst with emphasis on tectonic and paleogeographic controls (številka: 2, 2003)
Observations on historical terminology (številka: 2, 2003)
Human impact on Hungarian karst terrains, with special regard to sylviculture (številka: 2, 2003)
Hallerstein and Chinese karst (številka: 2, 2003)
Illumination for the emperor's intended visit to Postojnska jama, Slovenia, in 1856 (and used when he came in 1857?) (številka: 2, 2003)
The protection of karst aquifers (številka: 2, 2003)
A little contribution to the karst terminology (številka: 2, 2003)
Karst aquifers vulnerability or sensitivity? (številka: 2, 2003)
Landuse and land cover change in the Lunan Stone Forest, China (številka: 2, 2003)
The use of structural geological terms and their importance for karst caves (številka: 2, 2003)
The case study on soil fauna diversity in different ecological system in Shilin national park, Yunnan, China (številka: 2, 2003)
Propagation of a floodwave in karst during artificially generated recession - case study of Banjica spring (Bela Palanka, Eastern Serbia) (številka: 2, 2003)
Geomorphology of karst depressions (številka: 2, 2003)
Geophysical characteristics of epikarst (številka: 2, 2003)
Unattached fraction of radon decay products as a crucial parameter for radon dosimetry in Postojna cave (številka: 1, 2004)
High-accuracy graphic representation of underground karst features and formations in cave mapping (številka: 1, 2004)
The internal organization of speleothems (številka: 1, 2004)
The origin of sediments inside the collapse dolines of Postojna karst (Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2004)
Change in perception of karst from morphology to morpho-hydrology (številka: 1, 2004)
Diversity of culturable bacteria and meiofauna in the epikarst of Škocjanske jame caves (Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2004)
The crystalline phase of the carbonate moon-milk (številka: 1, 2004)
Geomorphological evolution of the Podgorski Karst, SW Slovenia (številka: 1, 2004)
The karst periodical lakes of upper Pivka, Slovenia (številka: 1, 2004)
Natural speleothem damage in Postojnska jama (Slovenia), caused by glacial cave ice? (številka: 1, 2004)
Structural vocabulary of cultural landscape on the island of Krk (Croatia) (številka: 1, 2004)
Karstification of the aquifer discovered during the construction of the expressway between Klanec and Črni Kal, Classical Karst (številka: 1, 2004)
Nenavadna poškodba na losovi čeljustnici iz Franc-losovega brezna nad Glažuto pri Ribnici (številka: 1, 2004)
Alpine and ice caves in Slovenia in older literature (17th to 19th century) (številka: 1, 2004)
Fizikalno-kemične značilnosti voda v zaledju Malenščice (Slovenija) (številka: 1, 2004)
An overview of the current research carried out in the French Western Alps karsts (številka: 1, 2004)
An introduction to some cave fauna of Malaysia and Thailand (številka: 1, 2004)
Minor karst landforms as an indirect method for datation - the case study valley Pod Košuto (Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2004)
The role of epikarst in the morphogenesis of the karstic forms in Greece and specially of the karstic hollow forms (številka: 1, 2004)
Small karst features (karren) of Dugi otok island and Kornati archipelago coastal karst (Croatia) (številka: 1, 2004)
Drinking water supply from karst water resources (številka: 1, 2004)
Alpine karst waters in Slovenia (številka: 1, 2004)
Karstification along the thrust contact between the dolomite and limestone in Idrijski log and Koševnik (Idrijsko, Slovenia) (številka: 2, 2004)
Constraints on the geologic history of the karst system in southern Missouri, U.S.A. provided by radiogenic, cosmogenic and physical/chemical characteristics of doline fill (številka: 2, 2004)
Ecological and microgeographical study of an epikarst fauna in West Virginia (USA) (številka: 2, 2004)
Contribution to knowledge of the content of heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd) in speleological objects in the Risnjak national park (Croatia) (številka: 2, 2004)
Vulnerability mapping in the recharge area of the Korentan spring, Slovenia (številka: 2, 2004)
Karst uncovered during the Bič-Korenitka motorway construction (Dolenjska, Slovenia) (številka: 2, 2004)
Geomorphological conditions of the genesis of the Ponor Jovac cave (Croatia) (številka: 2, 2004)
Forecasting versus predicting solute transport in solution conduits for estimating drinking-water risks (številka: 2, 2004)
Further dates of heavy metal content on the soil and vegetation of Aggtelek Karst (Hungary) (številka: 2, 2004)
Gruber's karst research (številka: 2, 2004)
Palaeomagnetic and U-series dating of cave sediments in Baradla Cave, Hungary (številka: 2, 2004)
Faunal dynamics in the Železna jama cave (številka: 2, 2004)
Schaffenrath's inscription column in Pisani rov, Postojnska jama (številka: 2, 2004)
Ghar Al Hibashi lava tube (številka: 2, 2004)
The troubles with cupolas (številka: 2, 2004)
Comparison of 14C and 230Th/234U dating of speleothems from submarine caves in the Adriatic sea (Croatia) (številka: 2, 2004)
Geomorphologic evolution of a coastal karst (številka: 2, 2004)
Valvasor - a common error about his publications on Cerkniško jezero, Slovenia (številka: 2, 2004)
Babbage's calculating machines, the proteus from Postojna cave, and the Carniolan Museum society (številka: 1, 2005)
Dating of caves by cosmogenic nuclides (številka: 1, 2005)
The inscriptions of the Tartarus panel and the 1833 Fercher-survey, Postojnska jama (številka: 1, 2005)
Terrestrial fauna from cavities in Northern and Central Slovenia, and a review of systematically ecologically investigated cavities (številka: 1, 2005)
Karst and cave systems in Bosnek region (Vitosha Mountain, Bulgaria) and Wintimdouine (High Atlas Mountain, Morocco) (številka: 1, 2005)
Towards establishing effective protective boundaries for the Lunan Stone Forest using an online Spatial Decision Support System (številka: 1, 2005)
Škocjanske jame, Slovenia, in 1891 (številka: 1, 2005)
Mapping of hazards to karst groundwater on the Velika planina plateau (Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2005)
Strukturna lega Habečkovega brezna (številka: 1, 2005)
Dating ancient caves and related palaeokarst (številka: 1, 2005)
The show cave at "Gran Caverna de Santo Tomás" (Pinar del Rio province, Cuba) (številka: 1, 2005)
Theoretical investigation of the duration of karstic denudation on bare, sloping limestone surface (številka: 1, 2005)
Tectonics impact on poljes and minor basins (številka: 1, 2005)
Rapid karst development in an english quartzitic sandstone (številka: 2, 2005)
Chemical, geomechanical and geomorphological aspects of karst in sandstone and marl of flysch formations in north east Italy (številka: 2, 2005)
Konglomeratni kras v Sloveniji (številka: 2, 2005)
Gypsum karst in the Crotone province (Calabria, Southern Italy) (številka: 2, 2005)
Monitoring of active tectonic structures - project COST 625 (številka: 2, 2005)
Underground drainage systems and geothermal flux (številka: 2, 2005)
Jame v konglomeratu (številka: 2, 2005)
Hydrogeological research as a basis for the preparation of the plan of monitoring groundwater contamination (številka: 2, 2005)
Kaltbach cave (Siebenhengste, Switzerland) (številka: 2, 2005)
Smoganica - a cave developed in upper Cretaceous breccia (številka: 2, 2005)
Origin of iron ore nuggets ("Bohnerze") through weathering of basalt as documented by pebbles from the Herbstlabyrinth, Breitscheid-Germany (številka: 2, 2005)
Condensation corrosion (številka: 2, 2005)
The Montello hill (številka: 2, 2005)
The morphological research of the basalt and loess covered plateaus in the Bakony Mts. (Transdanubian Middle Mts. - Hungary) (številka: 2, 2005)
Basic morphological and morphostructural characteristics of the Rakitnica canyon (Dinaric Karst, Bosnia and Herzegovina) (številka: 2, 2005)
Strateška lega zgornje Pivke in presihajočih jezer po uveljavitvi Rapallske pogodbe (številka: 3, 2005)
Presihajoča jezera na Pivškem (številka: 3, 2005)
Tabor nad Zagorjem - Šilentabor, zaščitna arheološka sondiranja na območju grajskega kompleksa (številka: 3, 2005)
Favna presihajočih Pivških jezer (številka: 3, 2005)
Favna kopenskih habitatov Pivških jezer (številka: 3, 2005)
Hidrogeološke značilnosti območja presihajočih Pivških jezer (številka: 3, 2005)
Litostratigrafske značilnosti področja presihajočih Pivških jezer in estavela Matijeva jama (številka: 3, 2005)
Živeti z jezerom, živeti brez jezera (številka: 3, 2005)
Kraška presihajoča jezera Pivke (JZ Slovenija) ob visokih vodah novembra 2000 (številka: 3, 2005)
Presihajoča jezera Zgornje Pivke - varstvo skozi čas (številka: 3, 2005)
Tektonske zanimivosti Pivške kotline (številka: 3, 2005)
številka: 1 (2006)
številka: 2 (2006)
Karst research in the 19th century - Karl Dežman's (1821-1889) work (številka: 1, 2006)
Protection of karst in the Philippines (številka: 1, 2006)
Hydrochemic characteristics and tectonic situation of selected springs in central and NW Yunnan province, China (številka: 1, 2006)
Lithological and morphological characteristics and rock relief of the Lao Hei Gin shilin-stone forest (Lunan, SW China) (številka: 1, 2006)
Postojnska jama in Slovenia, the Südbahn and the visit of John Charles Molteno (številka: 1, 2006)
Fizikalno-kemične značilnosti izločanja travertina - primer Podstenjška (Slovenija) (številka: 1, 2006)
Peculiar minerogenetic cave environments of Mexico (številka: 1, 2006)
Lakes in gypsum karst (številka: 1, 2006)
Tectonic inception in Caledonide marbles (številka: 1, 2006)
The story of the 1833 Fercher survey, Postojnska jama, continues (številka: 1, 2006)
Glacial karst, why it ! important to research (številka: 1, 2006)
In memory of Marian Pulina (številka: 1, 2006)
T. Waltham, F. Bell and M. Culshaw: Sinkholes and subsidence; karst and cavernous rocks in engineering and construction. Springer (in association with Praxis), 383PP. Berlin, New York, Chichester, 2005 (številka: 1, 2006)
Academician Josip Roglić and his work (International Scientists meeting, Makarska 19th-22nd April 2006) (številka: 1, 2006)
Vulcanospeleology in Saudi Arabia (številka: 1, 2006)
Colin J. R. Braithwaite: Carbonate sediments and rocks, a manual for earth scientists and engineers, Whittles publishing, Orsa Press, ISBN 1-870325-39-7, © 2005 (številka: 1, 2006)
Monitoring the flood pulses in the epiphreatic zone of karst aquifers (številka: 1, 2006)
E. A. Martel, the traveller who almost become an academician (številka: 1, 2006)
Baltazar Hacquet (1739/40-1815), the pioneer of karst geomorphologists (številka: 2, 2006)
The 6th SINAGEO and the insertion of the karst geomorphology thematic session (številka: 2, 2006)
Tourism and preservation policies in karst areas (številka: 2, 2006)
Glacial destruction of cave systems in high mountains, with a special reference to the Aladaglar massif, Central Taurus, Turkey (številka: 2, 2006)
Karel Dežman is not forgotten (številka: 2, 2006)
The longest history of an ice cave - under Ural? (številka: 2, 2006)
Tracing of the stream flowing through the cave Ferranova buža, central Slovenia (številka: 2, 2006)
The concepts of heritage and heritage resource applied to karsts (številka: 2, 2006)
Spatial planning and protection measures for karst areas (številka: 2, 2006)
Karst water management in Slovenia in the frame of vulnerability mapping (številka: 2, 2006)
Essential surces in cave sciences (številka: 2, 2006)
Evaluating the human disturbance to karst environments in Southern Italy (številka: 2, 2006)
Sustainable management of brackish karst spring Pantan (Croatia) (številka: 2, 2006)
Dolenjska subsoil stone forests and other karst phenomena discovered during the construction of the Hrastje - Lešnica motorway section (Slovenia) (številka: 2, 2006)
The history of Postojnska jama (številka: 2, 2006)
Changes in the use of natural resources and human impact in the karst environment of the Venetian Prealps (Italy) (številka: 2, 2006)
Management models and development of show caves as tourist destinations in Croatia (številka: 2, 2006)
Electron spin resonance (ERS) dating in karst environments (številka: 2, 2006)
Tracer test on the Mala gora landfill near Ribnica in south-eastern Slovenia (številka: 2, 2006)
številka: 1 (2007)
številka: 2 (2007)
Analysis of long-term (1878-2004) mean annual discharges of the karst spring Fontaine de Vaucluse (France) (številka: 1, 2007)
Pattern and process (številka: 1, 2007)
Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene forbulge unconformity associated with foreland basin evolution (številka: 1, 2007)
Foreword (številka: 1, 2007)
Timing of passage development and sedimentation at Cave of the Winds, Manitou Springs, Colorado, USA (številka: 1, 2007)
How to date nothing with cosmogenic nuclides (številka: 1, 2007)
Evolution and age relations of karst landscapes (številka: 1, 2007)
Clastic sediments in caves - imperfect recorders of processes in karst (številka: 1, 2007)
Age estimates for some subterranean taxa and lineages in the Dinaric karst (številka: 1, 2007)
The challenge of estimating the age of subterranean lineages (številka: 1, 2007)
Time scales in the evolution of solution porosity in porous coastal carbonate aquifers by mixing corrosion in the saltwater-freshwater transition zone (številka: 1, 2007)
Cave and karst evolution in the Alps and their relation to paleoclimate and paleotopography (številka: 1, 2007)
Variation in rates of karst processes (številka: 1, 2007)
Aspects of the evolution of an important geo-ecosystem in the Lessinian Mountain (Venetian Prealps, Italy) (številka: 1, 2007)
On denudation rates in karst (številka: 1, 2007)
A review of coalesced, collapsed-paleocave systems and associated suprastratal deformation (številka: 1, 2007)
Historical biogeography of subterranean beetles - "Plato's Cave" or scientific evidence? (številka: 1, 2007)
What does the distribution of stygobiotic copepoda (Crustacea) tell us about their age? (številka: 1, 2007)
The world's oldest caves (številka: 1, 2007)
The age of karst relief in West Slovenia (številka: 1, 2007)
How long does evolution of the troglomorphic form take? (številka: 1, 2007)
Shafts of life and shafts of death in Dinaric karst, Popovo polje case (Bosnia & Herzegovina) (številka: 2, 2007)
Geološki terminološki slovar (številka: 2, 2007)
Degradation of dolines on Logaško polje (Slovenia) (številka: 2, 2007)
The one-eight relationship that constrains deglacial seismicity and cave development in Caledonide marbles (številka: 2, 2007)
E. Burri (Ed.) - Breve storia di una bonfica complessa. Agenzia regionale per i servizi di sviluppo agricolo - Abruzzo, Édicola edtrice, Chieti, 2006: 1-27 (številka: 2, 2007)
The 25th Speleological School and the 8th GLACKIPR Symposium "Karst and cryokarst" ; Sosnowiec - Wrocław, Poland (številka: 2, 2007)
Turloughs (številka: 2, 2007)
Karst research in Serbia before the time of Jovan Cvijić (številka: 2, 2007)
Alluvial fans on contact karst (številka: 2, 2007)
A steady state hydraulic model of a karst aquifer (številka: 2, 2007)
Karst and world heritage status (številka: 2, 2007)
Visualisation of the human impacts on the Earth's surface (številka: 2, 2007)
Non-specialists perception about endokarst and exokarst scenarios (številka: 2, 2007)
Trevor Shaw: Names from the past in Postojnska jama (Postojna Cave), Založba ZRC/ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana 2006, 151 pages (številka: 2, 2007)
Ugotavljanje dinamike pretakanja padavin skozi vadozno cono krasa na osnovi meritev pretoka (številka: 2, 2007)
Books about karst and subterranean in Auersperg's "Princes's" Library of Ljubljana (številka: 2, 2007)
Patterns and processes of groundwater invasion by copepods in the Interior Low Plateaus of the United States (številka: 2, 2007)
Contribution of simple hydrogeological indicating methods in contamination-impacted environments (številka: 2, 2007)
Groundwater vulnerability of the karst-fissure hydrogeological structure of south-facing slopes of the Nízke Tatry Mts., Slovakia (številka: 2, 2007)
E. Burri (Ed.) - Thematic atlas of Fucino. Hydrogeological map of Fucino (Sheet 1); Geomorphological map of Fucino (Sheet 2), Agenzia regionale per i servizi di sviluppo agricolo - Abruzzo, 2005 (številka: 2, 2007)
25 years of Carsologica sinica (številka: 2, 2007)
Fault determination due to sinkhole array on Lar valley, northeast of Tehran (Iran) (številka: 2, 2007)
The role of condensation-corrosion in thermal speleogenesis (številka: 2, 2007)
Hypogene speleogenesis: hydrogeological and morphogenetic perspective (številka: 3, 2007)
Biodiversity and ecology of fauna in percolating water in selected Slovenian and Romanian caves (številka: 3, 2007)
Land cover mapping using Landsat satellite image classification in the classical Karst - Kras region (številka: 3, 2007)
Early late pliocene paleokarstic fillings predating the major plio-pleistocene erosion of the Quercy table, SW-France (številka: 3, 2007)
The mineralogical study on the Cueva de las Velas (Naica, Mexico) (številka: 3, 2007)
Sound properties of Planinsko Polje (Slovenia) (številka: 3, 2007)
Fossil population structure and mortality of the cave bear from the Mokrica cave (North Slovenia) (številka: 3, 2007)
Results of paleostomatological analysis of material from the cave near Gornji Vakuf (South-West Bosnia) (številka: 3, 2007)
Fractal analysis of the distribution of cave lengths in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2007)
Subterranean waters described in Carniolan letters mailed to A. Kircher (*1601; +1680) (številka: 3, 2007)
Fossil vertebrates and paleomagnetism update of one of the earlier stages of cave evolution in the Classical karst, Slovenia (številka: 3, 2007)
A review of the forest management history and present state of the Haragistya karst plateau (Aggtelek Karst, Hungary) (številka: 3, 2007)
Submerged speleothems - expect the unexpected (številka: 3, 2007)
Proposed methodology of vulnerability and contamination risk mapping for the protection of karst aquifers in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2007)
Physics and chemistry of dissolution on subaerialy exposed soluble rocks by flowing water films (številka: 3, 2007)
Questions of dry valleys in Karst (številka: 3, 2007)
A Slovene approach - a new methodology of groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping (številka: 3, 2007)
Directions and dynamics of flow and transport of contaminants from the landfill near Sežana (SW Slovenia) (številka: 3, 2007)
60 years of Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU (številka: 3, 2007)
Karst in France and UNESCO world heritage (številka: 1, 2008)
Cave sediments from the Postojnska-Planinska cave system (Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2008)
Groundwater flow in crystalline carbonates (Jeseniky mts., Czech Rep.) (številka: 1, 2008)
Broken speleothems as indicators of tectonic movements (številka: 1, 2008)
Layla Lakes, Saudi Arabia (številka: 1, 2008)
The flow rate of the Fonte Pliniana (Como, Italy) (številka: 1, 2008)
The 100th birth anniversary of professor Svetozar Ilešič (1907-1985) (številka: 1, 2008)
Hydrologic connections and dynamics of water movement in the classical Karst (Kras) aquifer (številka: 1, 2008)
Studies of the fauna of percolation water of Huda luknja, a cave in isolated karst in Northeast Slovenia (številka: 1, 2008)
New book on main hazards in karst (številka: 1, 2008)
Flank margin cave development in telogenetic limestones of New Zealand (številka: 1, 2008)
A book on karst in ice and ice in karst (številka: 1, 2008)
Investigation of structure of various surface karst formations in limestone and dolomite bedrock with application of the electrical resistivity imaging (številka: 1, 2008)
Cave turbidites (številka: 1, 2008)
Cave geology (številka: 1, 2008)
Microorganisms in hypogeon (številka: 1, 2008)
Sinking karst rivers hydrology (številka: 2/3, 2008)
The possibly hypogene karstic iron ore deposit of Warda near Ajloun (Northern Jordan), its mineralogy, geochemistry and historic mine (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Geomorphological characteristics of the massif Prenj (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Detailed morphological studies in Netopirjev rov, Predjama Cave (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Do turloughs occur in Slovenia? (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Physical and chemical research in Velebita! pit (Croatia) (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Caves, stories, history and popular traditions in the semi-desert (Sertao) of Bahia, northeastern Brazil (številka: 2/3, 2008)
The Karst session at the 31st International Congress of Geography, Tunis, Tunisia (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Underground water flow between Bloke plateau and Cerknica polje and hydrologic function of Križna jama, Slovenia (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Regular stalagmites (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Investigations regarding Bear Cave massif (Lower Silesia) long-term stability (številka: 2/3, 2008)
New book on the karst of eastern Serbia - the karst of Jovan Cvijić (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Which are "Great caves of the world"? (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Quo vadis, Commision "Karst"? (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Caves and karst aquifer drainage of Supramonte (Sardinia, Italy) (številka: 2/3, 2008)
Hydromechanism and desalination of coastal karst aquifers (številka: 2/3, 2008)
ISSM 2008 (številka: 2/3, 2008)
New insights into karst and caves of northwestern Zagros (northern Iraq) (številka: 1, 2009)
Periodical Cerknica lake in Frischlin's (1547-1590) work (številka: 1, 2009)
The Shuilian cave in the upper region of the Chang river (karst of NW Yunnan, China) (številka: 1, 2009)
The relationship between cave minerals and H2S-rich thermal waters along the Cerna Valley (SW Romania) (številka: 1, 2009)
Karst landforms in a Martian evaporitic dome (številka: 1, 2009)
Small terrestrial mammals (Soricomorpha, Chiroptera, Rodentia) from the early Holocene layers of Mala Triglavca (SW Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2009)
Pinnacle syngenetic karst in Nambung national park, Western Australia (številka: 1, 2009)
Distribution and character of karst in the Lao PDR (številka: 1, 2009)
Small-scale terraces and isolated rimstone pools on stalagmites in caves exhibit striking similarity to large-scale terrace landscapes at hot springs (številka: 1, 2009)
Doline fills - case study of the Faverghera Plateau (Venetian Pre-Alps, Italy) (številka: 1, 2009)
Karst hydrology in ancient myths from Arcadia and Argolis, Greece (številka: 1, 2009)
A spreadsheet program (scallopEx) to calculate paleovelocities from cave wall scallops (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Historical and geomorphological characterization of a Brazilian karst region (številka: 2/3, 2009)
The loess "cave" near the village of Surduk - an unusual pseudokarst landform in the loess of Vojvodina, Serbia (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Hydrogeochemistry of coastal carbonate aquifer in Lucija-Portorož (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic sea, Slovenia) (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Nineteenth century Cape Town visitors to the Postojna cave, Slovenia (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Cave bear, cave lion and cave hyena skulls from the public collection at the Humboldt Museum in Berlin (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Tourism in caves and the conservation of the speleological heritage (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Vegetation of the dolines in Mecsek mountains (South Hungary) in relation to the local plant communities (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Ancient Greek hydromyths about the submarine transport of terrestrial fresh water through seabeds offshore of karstic regions (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Surface versus underground measurements of active tectonic displacements detected with TM 71 extensometers in Western Slovenia (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Structural geology of the Škocjan caves (Slovenija) (številka: 2/3, 2009)
Contribution to a rock block slide examination by a model of mutual transformation of point clouds (številka: 1, 2009)
Characterisation of karst areas using multiple geo-science techniques, a case study from SW Slovenia (številka: 1, 2010)
High mountain karren in northwestern Yunnan, China (številka: 1, 2010)
The 1551 Herberstein-Wernher description of Lake Cerknica (številka: 1, 2010)
Human interaction with Caribbean karst landscapes (številka: 1, 2010)
Forest soil heterogeneity and soil sampling protocols on limestone outcrops (številka: 1, 2010)
Karst surface features of the hard laminated crust (caliche hardpan) in the Mersin area, southern Turkey (številka: 1, 2010)
Clastic sediments in the Butler Cave - Sinking Creek System, Virginia, USA (številka: 1, 2010)
Investigation and remediation of the cavern in the Vrata tunnel on the Zagreb - Rijeka highway (Croatia) (številka: 1, 2010)
Recent results of tracer tests in the catchment of the Unica River (SW Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2010)
Investigating ancient Maya agricultural adaptation through ground penetrating radar (GPR) analysis of karst terrain, Northern Yucatán, Mexico (številka: 1, 2010)
An attempt towards an assessment of the Cerknica polje water balance (številka: 1, 2010)
Flank margin cave development in carbonate talus breccia facies (številka: 1, 2010)
Groundwater contamination in karst areas of Southwestern China and recommended countermeasures (številka: 2, 2010)
Hydrogeological functioning of a karst aquifer deduced from hydrochemical components and natural organic tracers present in spring waters (številka: 2, 2010)
Examining a coupled continuum pipe-flow model for groundwater flow and solute transport in a karst aquifer (številka: 2, 2010)
Tracer tests as a tool for planning the monitoring of negative impacts of the Mozelj landfill (SE Slovenia) on karst waters (številka: 2, 2010)
Damage to the historic town of Staufen (Germany) caused by geothermal drillings through anhydrite-bearing formations (številka: 2, 2010)
The use of multiple techniques for conceptualisation of lowland karst, a case study from County Roscommon, Ireland (številka: 2, 2010)
Simulating drainage from a flooded sinkhole (številka: 2, 2010)
Hydrogeological study of the Malenščica karst spring (SW Slovenia) by means of a time series analysis (številka: 2, 2010)
Hydraulic properties of carbonate rocks from Slovakian borehole database (številka: 2, 2010)
Spatial and temporal hydrochemical variations of the spring-fed travertine-depositing stream in the Huanglong Ravine, Sichuan, SW China (številka: 2, 2010)
Time series analysis, modelling and assessment of optimal exploitation of the Nemanja karst springs, Serbia (številka: 2, 2010)
Supportive methods for assessing effective porosity and regulating karst aquifers (številka: 2, 2010)
Geometry and drainage of a retreating glacier overlying and recharging a karst aquifer, Tsanfleuron-Sanetsch, Swiss Alps (številka: 2, 2010)
A Darcian Model for the flow of Big spring and the hydraulic head in the Ozark aquifer, Missouri, USA (številka: 2, 2010)
Oxygen isotopes in different recession subregimes of karst springs in the Brezovské Karpaty Mts. (Slovakia) (številka: 2, 2010)
Fold and fault control on the drainage pattern of a double-karst-aquifer system, Winterstaude, Austrian Alps (številka: 2, 2010)
Nano aerosols in the Postojna cave (številka: 3, 2010)
Dynamic climatologic processes of barometric cave systems using the example of Jewel cave and Wind cave in South Dakota, USA (številka: 3, 2010)
Križna jama (SW Slovenia) (številka: 3, 2010)
Speleothems and speleogenesis of the hypogenic Santa Barbara cave system (South-West Sardinia, Italy) (številka: 3, 2010)
Carbon dioxide in the soils and adjacent caves of the Moravian karst (številka: 3, 2010)
Diversity of bryophytes in show caves in Slovenia and relation to light intensities (številka: 3, 2010)
Radon levels in karst caves in Slovenia (številka: 3, 2010)
Podzemna meteorologija: 'Kakšno je vreme v podzemlju?' (številka: 3, 2010)
Climate, abiotic factors, and the evolution of subterranean life (številka: 3, 2010)
The role and importance of cave microclimate in the sustainable use and management of show caves (številka: 3, 2010)
Contributions of geophysical techniques to the exploration of the Molnár János cave (Budapest, Hungary) (številka: 3, 2010)
Comprehensive radon concentration measurements in caves located in the Area of Mecsek Mountains (Hungary) (številka: 3, 2010)
Interview with Milan Herak "Gradual cognition of karst phenomena" (številka: 3, 2010)
Explanatory book to the map ... (številka: 3, 2010)
The effect of visitors in a touristic cave and the resulting constraints on natural thermal conditions for palaeoclimate studies (Eagle Cave, central Spain) (številka: 3, 2010)
Effects of earthquakes in Postojna cave system (številka: 3, 2010)
The study of Karstic aquifers geodetic measurements in Bus de la Genziana station - Cansiglio plateau (northeastern Italy) (številka: 1, 2011)
Shore grykes along the western Istrian coast (številka: 1, 2011)
New knowledge on the Monte Conca gypsum karst system (central-western Sicily, Italy) (številka: 1, 2011)
Collapse sinkholes distribution in the carbonate massifs of central and southern Apennines (številka: 1, 2011)
Towards a better knowledge of Cansiglio karst system (Italy) (številka: 1, 2011)
Prof. Dr. Heinz Charles Kohler (1945-2010) (številka: 1, 2011)
Hypogenic caves in western Umbria (central Italy) (številka: 1, 2011)
Recent developments on morphometric analysis of karst caves (številka: 1, 2011)
Laser scanning technology for the hypogean survey (številka: 1, 2011)
Surface and subsurface drainage evolution of the Corfino and Soraggio Karst areas (Tuscany, Italy) (številka: 1, 2011)
Hypogean microclimatology and hydrogeology of the 800-900 m asl level in the Monte Corchia cave (Tuscany, Italy) (številka: 1, 2011)
Surface and subsurface karst geomorphology in the Murge (Apulia, southern Italy) (številka: 1, 2011)
The Karst Mandhip Khol-python cave complex in the lenticular limestone intercalations of the matamorphic Chhatrela formation (Chhattisgarh, India) (številka: 1, 2011)
Potential impact of a proposed railway tunnel on the karst environment (številka: 1, 2011)
Tanella cave (Monte Baldo - Verona, Italy) (številka: 1, 2011)
Preliminary U/Th dating and the evolution of gypsum crystals in Naica caves (Mexico) (številka: 1, 2011)
Application of sequential trend analysis for discharge characterisation of Vipava karstic springs, Slovenia (številka: 2, 2011)
"To understand the environment, which gave so much admiration and adventure" (številka: 2, 2011)
Inscriptions of some historically known persons in Postojnska jama (številka: 2, 2011)
Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of black coatings in Postojna cave system (številka: 2, 2011)
Challenges for environmentally sustainable development of natural resources in the Nam Ou karst, northern Laos (številka: 2, 2011)
Karren on laminar calcarenitic rock of Lagoa Santa (Minas Gerais, Brazil) (številka: 2, 2011)
Comments on processes contributing to the isotope composition of 13C and 18O in calcite deposited to speleothems (številka: 2, 2011)
Impact of chlorides, nitrates, sulfates and phosphates on increased limestone dissolution in the karst vadose zone (Postojna Cave, Slovenia) (številka: 2, 2011)
Development of slope and related subsoil karst (številka: 2, 2011)
Sulfate and phospathe speleothems at Jenolan Caves, New South Wales, Australia (številka: 2, 2011)
Development of a specific quantitative real-time PCR assay to monitor Chlorella DNA (številka: 2, 2011)
From sink to resurgence (številka: 2, 2011)
First steps in limestone weathering and erosion (številka: 2, 2011)
Distribution of authigenic and allogenic fractions in recent lake sediment (številka: 2, 2011)
Geomorphological characteristics of the Italian side of Canin massif (Julian Alps) using digital terrain analysis and field observations (številka: 2, 2011)
Modelling of slope processes on karst (številka: 2, 2011)
Karstification in the Cuddapah sedimentary basin, southern India (številka: 3, 2011)
Floristic and functional comparision of karst pastures and karst meadows from the North Adriatic karst (številka: 3, 2011)
A mysterious karst (številka: 3, 2011)
Tin mining in the limestone caves of Perlis, Malaysia (številka: 3, 2011)
Deterioration of the black Drenov grič limestone on historical monuments (Ljubljana, Slovenia) (številka: 3, 2011)
Vascular plant biodiversity richness and endemo-relictness of the karst mountains Prenj, Čvrsnica and Čabulja in Bosnia and Herzegovina (W. Balkan) (številka: 3, 2011)
Karst landforms in an interior layered deposit within the Coprates Chasma, Mars (številka: 3, 2011)
Ecological studies of an epikarst community in Snežna jama na planini Arto (številka: 3, 2011)
The interplay between air temperature and ice mass balance changes in Scarişoara Ice Cave, Romania (številka: 3, 2011)
Characterization of the vadose flow and its influence on the functioning of karst springs (številka: 1, 2012)
Speleogenesis of the "Buco dei Vinchi" inactive swallow hole (Monte Croara karst sub-area, Bologna, Italy), an outstanding example of antigravitative erosion (or "paragenesis") in selenitic gypsum (številka: 1, 2012)
Preliminary study for the adaptation of the "Heaven's Cave" for tourist purposes (Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Vietnam) (številka: 1, 2012)
Partial pressures of CO2 in epikarstic zone deducted from hydrogeochemistry of permanent drips, the Moravian karst, Czech Republic (številka: 1, 2012)
Spent carbide waste retains toxicity long term after disposal in caves and mines (številka: 1, 2012)
An assessment of capacity of Brestovica - Klariči karst water supply (Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2012)
In memory of prof. dr. Karl Mais (1940-2012) (številka: 1, 2012)
Analysis of the capabilities of low frequency ground penetrating radar for cavities detection in rough terrain conditions (številka: 1, 2012)
New data on the dolines of Velebit mountain (številka: 1, 2012)
Letter (številka: 1, 2012)
Holocene high floods on the Planina Polje, classical dinaric karst, Slovenia (številka: 1, 2012)
Transport and consumption of organic detritus in a neotropical limestone cave (številka: 1, 2012)
Alternative method of analysis of results of 3D terrestrial laser scanning (comment to the article "Contribution to a rock block slide examination by a model of mutual transformation of point clouds", Acta Carsologica, 38,1) (številka: 1, 2012)
Hypogene point karstification along wadi Sirhan Graben (Jordan) (številka: 1, 2012)
Major stone forest, litomorphogenesis and development of typical shilin (Yunnan, China) (številka: 2/3, 2012)
New data on the development of the Baradla Cave (Hungary, Aggtelek karst) (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Letter (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Speleogenesis along deep regional faults by ascending waters (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Monitoring of microbial indicator groups in caves through the use of RIDACOUNT kits (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Possible relation between the sudden sinking of river Iška and the sequence of weak earthquakes in september-october 2010 near Iška vas (Central Slovenia) (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Historic inscriptions in Predjama cave system and high floods in 2010 (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Hydrogeology of the Gökpinar karst springs, Sivas, Turkey (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Water supply spring zone Novljanska Žrnovnica (Croatia) - new quantities of drinking water in the conditions of salt water intrusion (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Fifty years of the hypotelminorheic: what have we learned? (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Thermomineral waters of inner Dinarides karst (številka: 2/3, 2012)
Biologically influenced stalagmites in Niah and Mulu caves (Sarawak, Malaysia) (številka: 1, 2013)
90 years of professor Jean Nicod (številka: 1, 2013)
Karst aquifer average catchment area assessment through monthly water balance equation with limited meteorological data set (številka: 1, 2013)
Influence of meteorological variables to water quality in five lakes over the Aggtelek (Hungary) and Slovak karst regions - a case study (številka: 1, 2013)
Automatic detection and delineation of karst terrain depressions and its application in geomorphological mapping and morphometric analysis (številka: 1, 2013)
Early results of micro-deformation measurements in Magdalena Jama (Slovenia) by a vertical static pendulum (številka: 1, 2013)
Hydrodynamic modeling of a complex karst-alluvial aquifer (številka: 1, 2013)
Caves and karst-like features in proterozoic gneiss and cambrian granite, southern and central Sri Lanka (številka: 1, 2013)
Characterization and conceptualization of a relict karst aquifer (Bilecik, Turkey) (številka: 1, 2013)
Paleokarst shafts in the western desert of Egypt (številka: 1, 2013)
Analysis of "standard" (Lipica) limestone tablets and their weathering by carbonate staining and SEM imaging, a case study on the Vis island, Croatia (številka: 1, 2013)
Interpretation of hydrogeological functioning of a high karst plateau using the KARSYS approach (številka: 1, 2013)
Landforms of mountainous karst in the middle latitudes (številka: 1, 2013)
An approach for collection of nearfield groundwater samples in submerged limestone caverns (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Contribution of non-troglobiotic terrestrial invertebrates to carbon input in hypogean habitats (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Using isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon species and water to separate sources of recharge in a cave spring, northwestern Arkansas, USA (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Physical structure of the epikarst (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Variability of groundwater flow and transport processes in karst under different hydrologic conditions (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Organic carbon in shallow subterranean habitats (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Quaternary glacial cycles (številka: 2/3, 2013)
A framework for assessing the role of karst conduit morphology, hydrology, and evolution in the transport and storage of carbon and associated sediments (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Do carbonate karst terrains affect the global carbon cycle? (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Organic matter flux in the epikarst of the Dorvan karst, France (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Using hydrogeochemical and ecohydrologic responses to understand epikarst process in semi-arid systems, Edwards plateau, Texas, USA (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Carbon fluxes in karst aquifers (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Spring discharge records - a case study (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Biological control on acid generation at the conduit-bedrock boundary in submerged caves (številka: 2/3, 2013)
Isotopes of carbon in a karst aquifer of the Cumberland Plateau of Kentucky, USA (številka: 2/3, 2013)
številka: 1 (2014)
številka: 2/3 (2014)
Illustrating the superposition of signals recorded by the Grotta Gigante pendulums with musical analogues (številka: 1, 2014)
Karst soils (številka: 1, 2014)
The use of damaged speleothems and in situ fault displacement monitoring to characterise active tectonic structures (številka: 1, 2014)
Lower- to middle pleistocene flank margin caves at Custonaci (Trapani, NW Sicily) and their relation with past sea levels (številka: 1, 2014)
Cave invertebrates in northwestern Minas Gerais state, Brazil (številka: 1, 2014)
Karst in Ras Al-Khaimah, northern United Arab Emirates (številka: 1, 2014)
Species diversity of Bryophytes and ferns of lampenflora in Grotta Gigante (NE Italy) (številka: 1, 2014)
Hydrochemical response of cave drip water to snowmelt water (številka: 1, 2014)
Next stop: underground (številka: 1, 2014)
Temporary seismological measurements in Postojna cave system (številka: 1, 2014)
Interview with Andrej Kranjc (številka: 1, 2014)
Structural control on development of karst landscape in the Salento Peninsula (Apulia, SE Italy) (številka: 1, 2014)
Geothermal potential and sustainable use of karst groundwater in urban areas (številka: 1, 2014)
Structural geological characteristics of karst caves and major stone forest, Yunnan, China (številka: 1, 2014)
Holocene sedimentary records of the Katarraktes cave system (northern Greece) (številka: 1, 2014)
Calcite dissolution under turbulent flow conditions (številka: 1, 2014)
An advection-dilution model to estimate conduit geometry and flow (številka: 1, 2014)
Heavy minerals in sediments from the Mošnica Cave (številka: 2/3, 2014)
Morphological study of Red lake in Dinaric karst based on terrestrial laser scanning and sonar system (številka: 2/3, 2014)
The probable karst origin and evolution of the Vendicari coastal lake system (SE Sicily, Italy) (številka: 2/3, 2014)
Survival of the epigean dendrodrilus rubidus tenuis (oligochaeta: lumbricidae) in a subterranean environment (številka: 2/3, 2014)
Cave rock surface temperature evaluation using non-contact measurement methods (številka: 2/3, 2014)
Searching for cold-adapted microorganisms in the underground glacier of Scarisoara ice cave, Romania (številka: 2/3, 2014)
Interview with Jean Nicod, the key figure of French karstology of the 20th century (številka: 2/3, 2014)
David C. Culver and Tanja Pipan: Shallow subterranean habitats. Ecology, evolution and conservation ... (številka: 2/3, 2014)
The creation of collapse dolines (številka: 2/3, 2014)
Adsorptive behaviour of arsenic in a karst subterranean stream and principal components analysis of its influencing variables (številka: 2/3, 2014)
Multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UVAs) and high-resolution compact digital cameras (številka: 2/3, 2014)
Felo Pérez Mogote (Vinales, Pinar del Río, Cuba) (številka: 1, 2015)
Mineral pellicles on the lakes surface of warm and cold zones in Kungur ice cave (številka: 1, 2015)
Cave morphology and controls on speleogenesis in quartzite (številka: 1, 2015)
Subsurface flux adjustments and speleogenesis as inferred from sediment traps in major Lebanese cave systems (številka: 1, 2015)
Exploring relationships between karst terrains and social features by the example of Gömör-Torna Karst (Hungary-Slovakia) (številka: 1, 2015)
Occurrence of anurans in Brazilian caves (številka: 1, 2015)
Geological influence on the formation of Samar natural bridge and collapse valley of Ravna River from the NE Kučaj mountains (Carpatho-Balkanides, eastern Serbia) (številka: 1, 2015)
Hydrochemical variations of the springs on Jinfo Mountain, Chongqing, China (številka: 1, 2015)
Ceiling erosion in caves (številka: 1, 2015)
Dolomite in speleothems in Snežna jama Cave, Slovenia (številka: 1, 2015)
A case study of anthropogenic impact on the CO2 levels in low-volume profile of the Balcarka Cave (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic) (številka: 1, 2015)
Karren of the Kamenjak hum (Dalmatian Karst, Croatia) (številka: 2, 2015)
Hydrochemical properties of springs Slatinski Izvor and Solenica (Republic of Macedonia) (številka: 2, 2015)
Patterns in invertebrate drift from an alpine karst aquifer over a one year period (številka: 2, 2015)
A simple diagnostic model to estimate total sink recharge based on dye tracing experiments (številka: 2, 2015)
Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of marble aquifer with point recharge from two deep sinkholes, Menderes Massive, Western Turkey (številka: 2, 2015)
Evaluation of the risk associated with karstic processes in miogene gypsum in south-eastern Madrid (Spain) (številka: 2, 2015)
The neogene-quaternary evolution of the karst landscape of the Veszprém plateau based on the study of Meggyespuszta paleodoline, Hungary (številka: 2, 2015)
Dating of the Udin Boršt conglomerate terrace and implication for tectonic uplift in the northwesthern part of the Ljubljana Basin (Slovenia) (številka: 2, 2015)
Geological structure of the Divača area and its influence on the speleogenesis and hydrogeology of Kačna jama (številka: 2, 2015)
Staging in the hypergene transformation of sulphate and carbonate rocks (based on slide-rocks under organ tubes in Kungur ice cave) (številka: 2, 2015)
Shifting paradigms of the evolution of cave life (številka: 3, 2015)
Karst geo-hazards (številka: 3, 2015)
Research frontiers in speleogenesis (številka: 3, 2015)
Chemistry and karst (številka: 3, 2015)
Engineering challenges in karst (številka: 3, 2015)
Editorial (številka: 3, 2015)
Consider a cylindrical cave (številka: 3, 2015)
The karst paradigm (številka: 3, 2015)
In memorian (številka: 3, 2015)
Tufa deposits in the karst of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil (številka: 1, 2016)
The advantage of lidar digital terrain models in doline morphometry compared to topographic map based datasets (številka: 1, 2016)
Caves within dolomitized sections of the Seroe Domi formation on Curaçao, Netherland Antilles (številka: 1, 2016)
Inverted, "parallel" accretion of organic material in the cave Setergrotta, Rana, northern Norway (številka: 1, 2016)
Invertebrates of the Macocha abyss (Moravian karst, Czech Republic) (številka: 1, 2016)
Hydrogeology of the sinking zone of the Korana river downstream of the Plitvice lakes, Croatia (številka: 1, 2016)
Modelling flow of subterranean Pivka river in Postojnska jama, Slovenia (številka: 1, 2016)
The nature of carbon flux in Gunungsewu karst, Java-Indonesia (številka: 2, 2016)
Hydrogeological characterization of the Salinas-Los Hoyos evaporitic karst (Malaga province, S Spain) using topographic, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and isotopic methods (številka: 2, 2016)
Laboratory modeling of karst phenomena and their rock relief on plaster, subsoil karren, rain flutes karren and caves (številka: 2, 2016)
The effects of agricultural activities and atmospheric acid deposition on carbonate weathering in a small karstic agricultural catchment, Southwest China (številka: 2, 2016)
Diel cycling and flux of HCO-3 in a typical karst spring-fed stream of southwestern China (številka: 2, 2016)
Contributions to speleobiology appearing in Acta Carsologica (številka: 2, 2016)
Cave protection as a Karst conservation tool in the environmentally sensitive Lagoa Santa karst, Southeastern Brazil (številka: 2, 2016)
Hydrogeochemical characterization and groundwater quality of the Dong Giao karst aquifer in Tam Diep, Ninh Binh, Vietnam (številka: 3, 2016)
Estimation of maximum annual discharges by frequency analysis with four probability distributions in case of non-homogeneous time series (Kazani karst spring in Republic of Macedonia) (številka: 3, 2016)
Analysis of drip water in an urban karst cave beneath the Hungarian capital (Budapest) (številka: 3, 2016)
Popovo polje, a different view (številka: 3, 2016)
Problems in using the approach of Rayleigh distillation to interpret the 13C and 18O isotope compositions in stalagmite calcite (številka: 3, 2016)
Estimation of hydraulic conductivity using geoelectrical data for assessing of scale effect in a karst aquifer (številka: 3, 2016)
Carnivore impact on cave bear bones and the analysis of their dispersion (številka: 3, 2016)
Measurements of the outflow along the eastern border of Planinsko Polje, Slovenia (številka: 1, 2017)
Human-induced alterations of the mycobiota in an Alpine show cave (Italy, SW-Alps) (številka: 1, 2017)
Lithology, rock relief and karstification of Minamidaito Island (Japan) (številka: 1, 2017)
Polygonal karst morphology of Karangbolong area, Java-Indonesia (številka: 1, 2017)
Palaeokarst deposits in caves (številka: 1, 2017)
Vegetation as the bioindicator of human-induced degradation in karst landscape (številka: 1, 2017)
Geomorphological analysis of karst landforms at the Masso della Vecchia geosite (Salento peninsula, Italy) (številka: 1, 2017)
Basalt intrusions in palaeokarst caves in the central Lessini Mountains (Venetian Prealps, Italy) (številka: 1, 2017)
Karst landforms within Noctis Labyrinthus, Mars (številka: 1, 2017)
Periodical measurements of VLF radio signals and noise sounds in Črna Jama (Postojnska Jama) (številka: 1, 2017)
Groundwater recharge assessment in the karst aquifers of North Khorasan, Iran using APLIS method (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Epiphreatic caves in Niah karst tower (NW Borneo) (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Mineral waters of Serbia and development of phototrophic microbial communities near points of emergence and on wellheads (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Early and mid-Holocene environmental conditions in the eastern Adriatic recorded in speleothems from Mala Špilja cave and Velika Špilja cave (Mljet island, Croatia) (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Isotope exchange between DIC in a calcite depositing water layer and the CO2 in the surrounding atmosphere (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Challenges in cave monitoring and sampling - experiences from speleothem-based researches in Croatian caves (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Interview with Arthur and Margaret Palmer (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Cave hygropetric beetles and their feeding behaviour, a comparative study of Cansiliella servadeii and Hadesia asamo (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Leptodirini) (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Evidence of daily and seasonal inversions of airflow in Petites Dales cave, Normandy, France (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Highlights of some human adventures in a karst environment (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Nel mondo dagli occhi chiussi by Ricardo Decarli (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Mario Pleničar (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Treshold-controlled three-stage hydraulic behaviour of a mantled shallow carbonate aquifer (Tuhala karst area, North Estonia) (številka: 2/3, 2017)
The deepest finding of an olm (Proteus anguinus) (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Glaciokarst landforms in the Siera de los Grajos, Babia and Luna natural park (Cantabrian Mountains, NW Spain) (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Fracture evolution in soluble rocks (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Early Pleistocene age of fluvial sediment in the Stará Garda Cave revealed by 26Al/10Be burial dating (številka: 2/3, 2017)
Karst geomorphology, cave development and hydrogeology in the Kashmir valley, Western Himalaya, India (številka: 1, 2018)
Morphometric analyses of dolines - the problem of delineation and calculation of basic parameters (številka: 1, 2018)
Carsologica sinica opens to the world (številka: 1, 2018)
Monitoring of microdisplacements in Golyamata Tsepnatina cave, Madara Plateau, NE Bulgaria (številka: 1, 2018)
Effects of the vadose zone on groundwater flow and solute transport characteristics in mountainous karst aquifers - the case of the Javorniki-Snežnik massif (SW Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2018)
On the origin of the name Dinara (številka: 1, 2018)
Effect of s strong rainstorm on the hydrodynamics of the Puerto Princesa underground river (Palawan, Philippines) (številka: 1, 2018)
Detection of Divaška Jama corridors behind (to the SW) Trhlovca cave using low frequency high power ground penetrating radar (številka: 2/3, 2018)
Palygorskite in caves and karst (številka: 2/3, 2018)
Water resources analysis of the Rječina karst spring and river (Dinaric karst) (številka: 2/3, 2018)
Geothermal drilling in an Alpine karst aquifer and its impact on downstream springs - a case study from Finkenberg, Tyrol, Austria (številka: 2/3, 2018)
Sthreepura cave at Kiriwanagama, south central Sri Lanka (številka: 2/3, 2018)
Rising water flow as a factor of organic material importation into caves (številka: 2/3, 2018)
Main hydrological features and recharge analysis of the Caposele Spring catchment, southern Italy (številka: 1, 2019)
Karst features and related social processes in the region of the Vikos Gorge and Tymphi Mountain (Northern Pindos National Park, Greece) (številka: 1, 2019)
Time series analysis application for karst aquifer characterisation in Pindul Cave karst system, Indonesia (številka: 1, 2019)
Caves and karst of the Yorkshire Dales, Volume 2: The caves, Tony Waltham and David Lowe (eds.), 2017 ... (številka: 1, 2019)
Monte Lago polje, a case study regarding the influence of geologic structure and degree of karstfication on groundwater drainage in the Central Apennines (Italy) (številka: 1, 2019)
Dynamic estimating the karst tunnel water inrush based on monitoring data during excavation (številka: 1, 2019)
Karren above Custonaci (Sicily, Italy) (številka: 1, 2019)
Karst spring microbial diversity differs across an oxygen-sulphide ecocline and reveals potential for novel taxa discovery (številka: 1, 2019)
The contribution of condensation-corrosion in the morphological evolution of caves in semi-arid regions (številka: 1, 2019)
Physics and chemistry of CO2 outgassing from a solution precipitating calcite to a speleothem (številka: 1, 2019)
Exposition in Stone Forest National Park (številka: 2, 2019)
Bat guano and historical evidence of climate changes in the west of Iran during the Late Holocene (Meghalayan Stage) (številka: 2, 2019)
Modelling speleogenesis in soluble rocks (številka: 2, 2019)
Groundwater dynamics between Planinsko Polje and springs of the Ljubljanica River, Slovenia (številka: 2, 2019)
Gaussian filter to process tracer breakthrough curves (številka: 2, 2019)
Late Pleistocene lacustrine sediments and their relation to red soils in the Northeastern margin of the Dinaric Karst (številka: 2, 2019)
17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology - ISME 17 (številka: 3, 2019)
Origin of the Jezero v Ledvicah lake (številka: 3, 2019)
Kinetic fractionation of the isotope composition of sup18O, sup13C, and of clumped isotope sup18Osub13C in calcite deposited to speleothems. Implications to the reliability of the sup18O and Deltasub47 paleothermometers (številka: 3, 2019)
A multiparameter analysis of environmental gradients related to hydrological conditions in a binary karst system (underground course of the Pivka River, Slovenia) (številka: 3, 2019)
Evolution of Mantled Karst Along the Blue Ridge-Great Valley Margin, USA (številka: 3, 2019)
Quantification and evaluation of soil organic carbon and its fractions (številka: 3, 2019)
Evaluation of the private participation in the implementation and management of ecotourism in Cavernas do Peruaçu National Park, Brazil (številka: 3, 2019)
Spectrophotometric monitoring of surfaces in show caves as a part of management plans for controlling lampenflora growth (številka: 1, 2020)
Determining the directions and characteristics of underground water flow in karst for the purpose of traffic routes construction (številka: 1, 2020)
Impact of visits on microclimate of caves - an analytical approach (številka: 1, 2020)
Correlation between tides of northern Adriatic sea and hydrodynamics of the karstic aquifer in the Pozzo dei Protei di Monfalcone (Classical Karst) (številka: 1, 2020)
Welcome to the -omics era of the 21st century (številka: 1, 2020)
Delta13C values of soil organic carbon and their responses to C3 and C4 plants shift in Mengzi karst graben basin, SW China (številka: 1, 2020)
Soils and sediments of Prošće Lake catchment as a possible terrigenous input in the lakes system (številka: 1, 2020)
The karren peeling off on marbles in Altai (Altai Republic, Russian Federation) (številka: 1, 2020)
The Permian gypsum karst belt along the southern margin of the Harz-mountains (Germany), tectonic control of regional geology and karst-hydrogeology (številka: 1, 2020)
Good for career-bad for science (številka: 1, 2020)
Supplement to the paper "Groundwater dynamics between Planinsko Polje and springs of the Ljubljanica River, Slovenia" from Blatnik et al. (2019) published in Acta Carsologica 48/2 (številka: 1, 2020)
Thoughts on ethics and publishing (številka: 1, 2020)
Occurrence of the Black lace-weaver spider, Amaurobius ferox, in caves (številka: 1, 2020)
Antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli from karst waters, surfaces and bat guano in Slovenian caves (številka: 2/3, 2020)
Understanding the temporal variation of flow direction in a complex karst system (Planinska Jama, Slovenia) (številka: 2/3, 2020)
Investigation of karst collapses using integrated geophysical methods (številka: 2/3, 2020)
A new book published (številka: 2/3, 2020)
Rayleigh wave and well head response to calculate porosity in the Edwards aquifer of south-central Texas, USA (številka: 2/3, 2020)
High resolution digital 3D modelling of subsurface morphological structures of Koutouki Cave, Greece (številka: 2/3, 2020)
Fate of contaminants of emerging concern in a Sinkhole Lake, Florida, USA (številka: 2/3, 2020)
The microbial community structure of the Dupnisa cave in Kirklareli, Turkey (številka: 2/3, 2020)
Assessment of karst geomorphosites on Kučaj and Beljanica mountains as a resource for the development of karst-based geopark (številka: 2/3, 2020)
New Zealand karst - a voyage across limestone landscapes into the subterranean realm of caves (številka: 2/3, 2020)
DNA, spectroscopic and geochemical analyses of bone fragments and associated speleothems in Postojna cave, Slovenia (številka: 2/3, 2020)
Information system for scientific study of the micrometeorology of karst caves - case of Postojnska jama cave, Slovenija (številka: 2/3, 2020)
"For most of its history, biospeleology has been a poor cousin of the other speleological disciplines" (številka: 2/3, 2020)
Distox calibration tools and the need for calibration checking (številka: 1, 2021)
In memoriam to Professor Jean Nicod (1923-2021) (številka: 1, 2021)
Two important karst books written in less spoken languages (številka: 1, 2021)
Radon concentration in caves as a proxy for tectonic activity in The Cantabrian Mountains (Spain) (številka: 1, 2021)
Conduit and fracture flow characteristics of Pinarbaşi spring, Central Taurus Region, Seydişehir, Turkey (številka: 1, 2021)
Morphological characteristics and distribution of dolines in Slovenia, a study of a lidar- based doline map of Slovenia (številka: 1, 2021)
Review of the most significant caves in Montenegro (številka: 1, 2021)
Morphological features and formation conditions of The Almopia Speleopark caves (Loutra Almopias, N. Greece) (številka: 1, 2021)
Ferdo Lupša (1882-1945) (številka: 1, 2021)
New insights into the genesis of pyroducts of The Galápagos Islands, Ecuador (številka: 1, 2021)
Alignment of saline springs with evaporite karst structures in northeast Alberta, western Canada (številka: 1, 2021)
Nothing has a sense in speleobiology, without a comparison of cave animals with the "normal" epigean ones (številka: 1, 2021)
Speleogenesis and depositional history of paleokarst phreatic caves/cavities (številka: 1, 2021)
Geodiversity of surface karst features of geographical zones (številka: 2/3, 2021)
Impact of visits on the microclimates of caves (številka: 2/3, 2021)
Potential influence of a planned landfill on a high karst plateau in Southwestern Montenegro to nearby karstic springs (številka: 2/3, 2021)
Gregarines (Apicomplexa: Eugregarinorida) parasitizing the cave cricket Troglophilus (Orthoptera: Raphidophoridae) in the Slovenian karst (številka: 2/3, 2021)
Vulnerability mapping of karst springs and its application for the delineation of protection zones (Mecsek Karst, Hungary) (številka: 2/3, 2021)
Comparation study of soil genetic diversity of bacteria and fungi in different vegetation successions in a karst of Guizhou province, China (številka: 2/3, 2021)
Development model of rock relief on thick horizontal and gently sloping rock strata exposed to rain (številka: 2/3, 2021)
First letter from E. A. Martel to Jovan Cvijić (številka: 2/3, 2021)
Ice in caves and its effect on thermal inversion and permafrost in the case of the Velika ledena jama v Paradani, Smrekova draga and neighbouring dolines (številka: 2/3, 2021)
Evaluating carbonate dissolution and precipitation in a short time-frame using SEM (številka: 2/3, 2021)
A semi-automatic approach for doline mapping in Brazilian covered karst (številka: 1, 2022)
Attitudes and perceptions of local residents and tourists (številka: 1, 2022)
Caves, sinkholes, and fractures in the eogenetic karst of Florida, a GIS-based spatial analysis (številka: 1, 2022)
GIS-based analysis of doline density on Miljevci karst plateau (Croatia) (številka: 1, 2022)
Clustered stone forest in Pu Dou Chun (Yunnan, China) (številka: 1, 2022)
Microplastic pollution in vulnerable karst environments (številka: 1, 2022)
Definition and process-based classification of caves (številka: 1, 2022)
Karst hydrology of the Croatian coast recorded in the works of Alberto Fortis (1741-1803) (številka: 2, 2022)
Micro-karstification in a stalagmite from Küpeli Cave, southern Turkey (številka: 2, 2022)
Deciphering the water balance of poljes (številka: 2, 2022)
Active and relict contact karst morphological forms of the Slavina corrosional plain (številka: 2, 2022)
Assessment of the hydrogeochemical and isotopic characterization and hydraulic behavior of the Izeh complex karstic area, Khuzestan province, southwest Iran (številka: 1, 2023)
In memoriam (številka: 1, 2023)
Lechuguilla Cave (številka: 1, 2023)
Screening of bacteria in Yarik Sinkhole, Antalya, Turkey for carbonate dissolution, biomineralization and biotechnological potentials (številka: 1, 2023)
First steps to understanding intrinsic vulnerability to contamination of karst aquifers in various South American and Caribbean countries (številka: 1, 2023)
Characteristics of karst caves inferred from microtremor studies (številka: 1, 2023)
Concentrations and dynamics of carbon dioxide, radioactivity and radon in two caves of Italian Classical Karst (Municipalities of Sagrado and Savogna d’Isonzo) (številka: 1, 2023)
Influence of geological structure on micro-location of submarine karstic sulphur springs near Izola (SW Slovenia) (številka: 1, 2023)
A meta-analysis of environmental factors influencing the algal colonisation 1 in caves and rockshelters worldwide (številka: 1, 2023)
Revealing the development of local hollowings in rinnenkarren using field data (Totes Gebirge, Austria) and simulation of different numbers of channel junction (številka: 1, 2023)
Caves: Processes, Development and Management (številka: 1, 2023)
Unraveling the functioning of the vadose zone in alpine karst aquifers: new insights from a tracer test in the Migovec cave system (Julian alps, NW Slovenia) (številka: 2/3, 2023)
Integrated geomorphological analysis of a Mediterranean temporary pond priority habitat: the Lago del Capraro doline (Salento peninsula, Italy) (številka: 2/3, 2023)
The vertical electrical sounding (VES) of the epikarst: a case study of the covered karst of the Bakony region (Hungary) (številka: 2/3, 2023)
Contrasting approaches to the study of subterranean life: biospeleology and speleobiology (številka: 2/3, 2023)
Karst rock relief of Qara and White desert (Western desert of Egypt) (številka: 2/3, 2023)
Geomorphological units in Arcos-Pains Karst Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil (številka: 2/3, 2023)
New locality of proteus anguinusin the area of the Tabor Ridge near Grosuplje, central Slovenia (številka: 2/3, 2023)
Groundwater dilution and flow conditions in sulfuric acid caves: the case study of Frasassi (Italy) (številka: 2/3, 2023)