Zdrav Vestn Supl | Amblyopia-medical treatment I-37 IZVIrnI člAnek/OrIgInAl ArtIcle Amblyopia-medical treatment Medical treatment of amblyopia: Present state and perspectives Medikamentozno zdravljenje ambliopije emilio c. campos, Michela Fresina Abstract A brief review is provided on the role of experi- mental modulation of the visual system during its plastic period. The importance of several sub- stances could be demonstrated. Potential clinical applications of available studies for amblyopia treatment are summarised. The role of the dopa- minergic system and particularly of dopamine in amblyopia are also discussed. Results of the use of cytidin-5’-diphosphocoline (citicoline) in amblyopia are evaluated in detail. Advantages and indications for a combination of citicoline with part-time occlusion are discussed in detail. Finally, new administration modalities of citico- line, more detailed evaluation of its efficacy and the use of new substances are briefly analysed. Izvleček Prikazan je kratek pregled poskusne modulacije vidnega sistema v njegovem plastičnem obdobju. Dokazati je bilo mogoče pomen mnogih snovi. V povzetku so navedene možnosti klinične upora- be razpoložljivih raziskav zdravljenja ambliopije. Prispevek obravnava tudi vlogo dopaminergič- nega sistema in predvsem dopamina pri ambli- opiji. Podrobno so ocenjeni rezultati uporabe citidin-5’-difosfokolina (citokolina) pri amblio- piji. Podrobno so tudi obravnavane prednosti in indikacije za kombiniranje citokolina s prekriva- njem očesa za določen čas. Na koncu sledi kratka analiza novih načinov aplikacije citokolina, bolj podrobna ocena njegove učinkovitosti ter upo- rabe novih snovi. Review With the visual demands of our society, amblyopia, and particularly unilateral am- blyopia, has become a serious socio-econo- mic problem. It is not easy to evaluate the incidence of amblyopia in the entire popu- lation, but studies in a particular population subset have underlined an average prevalen- ce of amblyopia of between 1 % and 4 %.1,2 All forms of amblyopia are characterised by reduced visual acuity, but they differ from one another because of a different progno- sis. Amblyopia can occur only during the critical period of development of the visual apparatus. When the same factors that cau- se amblyopia occur after the visual system has matured, they are not capable of indu- cing the disease. Therefore, these factors are effective during the first 7–8 years of life; the sooner one of these causes occurs, the more difficult the visual recovery. For this reason, the earlier the therapy is started, the sooner effective results will be obtained.3 The tre- atment of amblyopia is based on the inter- ruption of the visual input in the fixing eye, in order to stimulate vision development in the amblyopic eye. However, sometimes this therapeutic approach proves insuffici- ent, owing either to problems of compliance with patching treatment, or to a tendency of losing, over time, the benefits obtained.4 For the reasons mentioned above, new treatment modalities for amblyopia are con- stantly proposed. They include bio-feedback techniques, perceptual training and medical treatment. The latter has been for a long time the dream of strabismologists, ever since the second half of the 19th century. All efforts have been aimed at combining occlusion with active pharmacological stimulation Ophthalmology Service, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy Korespondenca/ Correspondence: prof. dr. med. emilio c. campos, U. O. di Oftalmologia Universitaria, Via Palagi 9, 40138 Bologna, Italy tel.: +39 051 6362832 fax: +39 051 342821 e-mail: emilio.campos@ unibo.it Ključne besede: ambliopija, medikamentozno zdravljenje, nevromodulacija, plastičnost, vidni sistem Key words: amblyopia, medical treatment, neuro- modulation, plasticity, visual system Citirajte kot/Cite as: Zdrav Vestn 2012; 81: I-37–9 Prispelo: 13. feb. 2012, Sprejeto: 6. apr. 2012 I-38 Zdrav Vestn Supl | junij 2012 | letnik 81 IZVIrnI člAnek/OrIgInAl ArtIcle enhances the effects of patching in amblyo- pic patients of different ages. We have shown that this substance improves temporarily visual acuity, visual evoked responses and contrast sensitivity in both eyes of adult pa- tients with amblyopia. It enhances the effect of part-time occlusion in children. A 30-day treatment with 500 mg per day in children produced results which would last 6 months. Treatment was therefore prescribed twice a year. Yet, till recently, citicoline could be ad- ministered only intra-muscularly. This made it impossible to prescribe the substance in very young children. An oral preparation of citicoline is now available. Our Group has experienced its efficacy and data appear to confirm the previous observations made with CDP-choline administered via the in- tramuscular route, which demonstrated that the treatment is a useful complement to pat- ching in order to shorten conventional pat- ching treatment.20 It is also possible that in the near future we shall be able to modulate the plasticity of the visual cortex, restored by the use of some substances providing phar- macological stimulation.21,22 It seems alrea- dy possible to temporarily improve contrast sensitivity in the amblyopic visual cortex by means of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), indicating continued plasticity of the amblyopic visual system in adulthood, and so opening the way for a po- tential new therapeutic approach to the tre- atment of amblyopia.23 Acknowledegements This study was supported in part by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna. which could make the therapeutic effect of patching more effective and enduring. Stri- chnine was proposed initially;5 in the 50’s of the 20th century the use of nicotin acid and oxygen was suggested for suppression and amblyopia.6 Increasing knowledge has been gathered on the role of neuro-transmitters in the maturation of the visual system. Am- blyopic inhibition mechanisms are connec- ted with synaptic neuro-transmission. Be- ta-blockers as well as norepinephrine can delay the plasticity of the visual system.7,8 Exogenous nerve growth factor prevents the effect of visual deprivation.9 Much more evi- dence has been gathered on this point and brought to a rational use of a neuro-medi- ator such as dopamine in amblyopia. This substance has been shown to improve tem- porarily suppression scotomas and visual function in amblyopia.10 The association of carbodopa-levodopa has been demonstra- ted to induce longer lasting effects.11-13 The efficacy of dopamine has been shown objec- tively by means of functional MRI. Systemic side-effects, however, were present with this type of treatment. Our Group has been involved in the use of CDP-choline (citicoline) in amblyopia since 1992. Citicoline enhances endogeno- us dopamine activity and does not induce systemic side-effects. The stimulation of the dopaminergic system with CDP-choli- ne may be attributable to a mechanism that causes an improvement in the retinal and post-retinal performance of glaucomatous patients when treated with CDP-choline.14 These considerations have suggested a ratio- nale for using CDP-choline in patients suffe- ring from amblyopia,. Inadequate foveal or peripheral retinal stimulation and/or abnor- mal binocular interaction causing different visual input from the foveae during the cri- tical period of visual development induce an alteration in genetically programmed pro- cesses that guide the ganglion axons towards the lateral geniculate body and then to the visual cortex. As this development process is influenced by both endogenous and exoge- nous stimuli, it could be pharmacologically modulated. Previous studies15-19 report that intramuscular cytidin-5’ -diphosphocholine (also known as CDP-choline or citicoline), Zdrav Vestn Supl | Amblyopia-medical treatment I-39 IZVIrnI člAnek/OrIgInAl ArtIcle 13. Leguire LE, Komaromy KL, Nairus TM, Rogers GL. Long-term follow-up of L-dopa treatment in children with amblyopia. J Ped Ophtalmol Strabi- smus 2002; 39: 326–330. 14. Parisi V, Manni G, Colacino G, Bucci MG. Cyti- dine-5’-diphosphocholine (citicoline) improves retinal and cortical responses in patients with gla- ucoma. Ophthalmology 1999; 106: 1126–1134. 15. Campos EC, Benedetti P, Schiavi C, Scorolli L. Risultati preliminari sull’impiego della citicolina nell’ambliopia. Boll. Soc. Med. Chir. Modena 1992; 4: 357–360. 16. Campos EC, Schiavi C, Benedetti P, Bolzani R, Porciatti V. Effect of citicoline on visual acuity in amblyopia: Preliminary results. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1995; 233:307–312. 17. Campos EC, Bolzani, R, Schiavi C, Baldi A, Porci- atti V. Cytidine-5’-diphosphocoline enhances the effect of part-time occlusion in amblyopia. Doc. Ophthalmol. 1997; 93:247–263. 18. Campos EC. Future directions in the treatment of amblopia. Lancet 1997; 349:1190–1191. 19. Porciatti V, Schiavi C, Benedetti P, Baldi A, Cam- pos EC. Cytdine-5’-diphosphocoline improves visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and visually-evo- ked potentials in amblyopic subjects. Curr Eye Res 1998; 17:141–148. 20. Fresina M, Dickmann A, Salerni A, De Gregorio F, Campos EC. Effect of oral CDP-choline on visu- al function in young amblyopic patients. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2008; 246:143–150. 21. Maya Vetencourt JF, Sale A, Viegi A, Baroncelli L, De Pasquale R, O’Leary OF, Castrén E, Maffei L. The antidepressant fluoxetine restores plasticity in the adult visual cortex. Science. 2008; 320:385–388. 22. Berardi N, Pizzorusso T, Ratto GM, Maffei L. 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