116 arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. / Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. Spomenik NOB • Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenija • Kipar: Janez Lenassi • Arhitektka: Živa Baraga • Material: beton • Status: kulturni spomenik lokalnega pomena • Fotografije: Blaž Budja • Besedilo: Robert Potokar Monument to the People’s Liberation Struggle • Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia • Sculptor: Janez Lenassi • Architect: Živa Baraga • Material: concrete • Status: cultural monument of local importance • Photographs: Blaž Budja • Text: Robert Potokar 11_ ILIRSKA BISTRICA, 1965 Janez Lenassi, Živa Baraga SLO 117arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 razstava / exhibition Spomenik NOB v Ilirski Bistrici, subtilno umeščen v krajino, je vrhunsko kiparsko -arhitekturno delo. Z likovno in simbolno abstrakcijo osmišlja svoj zgodovinski in prostorski pomen. Posvečen je borcem 3. prekomorske udarne brigade ter 4. ju- goslovanske armade, padlim na Brinškovem griču, simbolično poimenovanem Hrib svobode. Stoji na robu mesta, dvignjen, a ne na najvišji točki. Na eni strani ga obdaja 88 brez, zasajenih šele leta 1981 v spomin na Josipa Broza - Tita, na drugi pa odprta travnata krajina. Hrib svobode je danes park s krožno komemorativno potjo. Njen začetek označujejo simboli vojne zgodovine. Speljana je skozi brezov gaj in okoli spomenika. Abstraktno kiparsko delo – izvotljena betonska kocka di- menzij 8 x 8 x 8 metrov – lahko simbolizira kosti, naložene druga na drugo. Ali pa notranjost betonske strukture v navezavi na genius loci ponazarja kraško jamo s kapniki. Teža kocke lebdi na umaknjenem vkopanem podstavku z napisom. Pod podstavkom je kostnica, v katero se dostopa prek dvojnih, simetrično zasnovanih betonskih zunanjih stopnic. Kipar Janez Lenassi je za spomenik v Ilirski Bistrici leta 1966 prejel nagrado Prešernovega sklada. Leta 2001 je v neposredni bližini zasno- val še spomenik protifašistični organizaciji TIGR. Celotni kompleks je v razmeroma dobrem stanju. V primerjavi z marsikaterim drugim spomenikom NOB odraža po- zitiven odnos lokalnega okolja do lastne vojne zgodovine. The monument to the People's Liberation Struggle in Ilirska Bistrica, subtly sited in the landscape, is a superior work of sculpture and architecture. With its visual and symbolic abstraction, it gives meaning to the historical and spatial signifi- cance. It is dedicated to the fighters killed in action belonging to the Third Over- seas Assault Brigade and the Fourth Yugoslav Army on top of Brinškov hillock, named - how symbolically - Hrib svobode (“Freedom Hill”). It stands on the edge of the town, elevated, but not on the highest spot. It is enclosed by 88 birches, planted only in 1981 in the memory of Josip Broz Tito, on one side, and by an open grassy landscape on the other. Today, Hrib svobode is a park with a circular commemorative path. Its beginning is marked by symbols of military history. It leads through a birch grove and around the monument. The abstract sculpture - a hollowed concrete cube measuring 8 by 8 by 8 metres - may symbolise bones stacked one on top of another. Or the interior of the concrete structure in connec- tion with the genius loci may represent a karst cave with dripstones. The weight of the cube levitates on a recessed dug-in base featuring an inscription. Under the base, there is an ossuary accessible by double symmetrically designed exterior concrete steps. Sculptor Janez Lenassi was awarded the prestigious Prešernovega sklada prize for the monument in Ilirska Bistrica in 1966. In 2001, he designed the monument to antifascist organisation TIGR in the immediate vicinity. The entire complex is in relatively good condition. Compared to many other monuments to the People’s Liberation Struggle, it reflects a positive attitude of the local com- munity to its own war history.