Image Anal Stereol 2016;35:167-179 doi:10.5566/ias.1489 Original Research Paper ESTIMATINGFIBREDIRECTIONDISTRIBUTIONSOFREINFORCED COMPOSITESFROMTOMOGRAPHICIMAGES OLIVER WIRJADI 1 , KATJA SCHLADITZ B ;1 , PRAKASH EASWARAN 1;2 AND JOACHIM OHSER 3 1 Fraunhofer ITWM, Fraunhofer-Platz 1, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany; 2 University of Kaiserslautern, Germany; 3 Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Sch¨ offerstraße 3, D-64295 Darmstadt, Germany e-mail:,,, (Received February 24, 2016; revised October 10, 2016; accepted November 2, 2016) ABSTRACT Fibre reinforced composites constitute a relevant class of materials used chiefly in lightweight constructions for example in fuselages or car bodies. The spatial arrangement of the fibres and in particular their direction distribution have huge impact on macroscopic properties and, thus, its determination is an important topic of material characterisation. The fibre direction distribution is defined on the unit sphere, and it is therefore preferable to work with fully three-dimensional images of the microstructure as obtained, e.g., by computed micro-tomography. A number of recent image analysis algorithms exploit local grey value variations to estimate a preferred direction in each fibre point. Averaging these local results leads estimates of the volume-weighted fibre direction distribution. We show how the thus derived fibre direction distribution is related to quantities commonly used in engineering applications. Furthermore, we discuss four algorithms for local orientation analysis, namely those based on the response of anisotropic Gaussian filters, moments and axes of inertia derived from directed distance transforms, the structure tensor, or the Hessian matrix. Finally, the feasibility of these algorithms is demonstrated for application examples and some advantages and disadvantages of the underlying methods are pointed out. Keywords: composites, fibre direction distribution, image analysis, orientation tensor, tomography. INTRODUCTION Light-weight construction in various contexts is one of the main driving forces behind the increasing application of fibre-reinforced materials. The microstructure of these materials is largely responsible for their favorable mechanical properties. Especially the directional distribution of the fibre system influences their tensile strength. This fact is also accounted for in modern tools for macroscopic material property simulation, leading to an increasing demand for precise measurement of local fibre volume content and fibre directions. Early work has focused on the estimation of fibre direction distributions from planar sections through the material. Obviously, a planar cross-section of a straight cylinder is up to edge effects an ellipse whose aspect ratio depends on the angle between section plane and cylinder core. This observation was used to estimate the fibre direction, e.g., by Zhu et al. (1997). However, a fibre direction is not uniquely determined by the corresponding cross-section. To overcome this problem, Clarke et al. (1995) and Eberhardt and Clarke (2001) used confocal laser scanning microscopy to determine fibre directions by tracking individual fibres in glass fibre reinforced polymers through a depth of up to 150 mm. Nevertheless, this type of stereological reconstruction of the three-dimensional fibre directions from planar sections is error-prone in particular for curved fibres or for straight fibres which are parallel to the section plane. These problems can be avoided by computed micro-tomography (mCT), which is capable to fully reconstruct the three-dimensional microstructure of fibre reinforced materials. Recently, a number of quantities characterising fibre direction distributions as well as a wide range of image analysis algorithms for computing these quantities from 3D data obtained by mCT have been proposed. The rose of directions, i.e., the probability density function of the direction distribution, can be obtained via the inverse cosine transform of data either obtained from so-called generalised projections onto subspaces (Ohser and Schladitz, 2009) or from counts of fibre sections in section planes (Kiderlen and Pfrang, 2005; Riplinger and Spiess, 2012). While the former method is highly efficient with a low directional and high lateral resolution, the latter one features a high directional resolution and a low lateral resolution. Ohser et al. (1998) pointed out the mutual exclusion of increasing both, directional and lateral resolution 167 WIRJADI O ET AL: The volume-weighted direction distribution for this class of algorithms. In the present paper, estimating the rose of directions is not considered, since in contrast to the methods that we will use here, it does not allow for a local analysis of fibre systems. The segmentation of fibre profiles either in section planes is a non-trivial image processing task. In order to compute fibre direction distributions without this tedious pre-processing, some authors have proposed to reduce the computation of fibre direction distributions to the computation of local fibre directions in individual pixels. As all of these methods average over pixels to obtain local directional estimates, they can be characterised as algorithms for a volume-weighted fibre direction estimation. Robb et al. (2007), Wirjadi (2009), and Wirjadi et al. (2009) test for each fibre pixel the filter response of anisotropic, prolate Gaussian filters with major principal axis from a finite set of directions, see the section “Methods” below for details. As we will show, such an approach is viable but of limited accuracy due to the strongly restricted number of directions that can be considered in practice due to runtime limitations. Sandau and Ohser (2007) proposed the so- called chord length transform (CLT) which assigns to each fibre point the chord of maximum length covered by the fibre. The direction of this chord is used as an estimate of the local fibre direction. The CLT will not be considered within the present paper. It requires testing a certain number of chord directions, entailing the same problematic dependence between accuracy and runtime as observed for the anisotropic Gaussian filter method. The approach of Altendorf and Jeulin (2009) can be seen as an advanced CLT as it is based on the CLT idea but refines estimation of the local fibre direction by computing it from the main axis of inertia. This latter approach will be summarised and evaluated below. Choosing a finite number of test directions is not required at all when considering partial derivatives of the local grey value structure along fibres. Krause et al. (2010) accumulate gradient information in structure tensors and derive the local fibre direction from the eigendecomposition of these tensors. Similarly, the Hessian matrix of second partial derivatives yields the local fibre direction, as this corresponds to the direction of lowest grey value curvature as observed by Frangi et al. (1998); Tankyevych et al. (2009). Both of these approaches based on partial derivatives will be described in more detail in the following section “Methods”. This paper contributes to the development of fibre direction estimation by subsuming the previously proposed algorithms in a common framework and by showing how the volume-weighted fibre direction distribution relates to other quantities characterising directional features of fibre structures. Lastly, our numerical results on simulated data may be used as a guideline for practitioners seeking suitable analysis algorithms. MATERIALSANDMETHODS ORIENTATIONANALYSIS In this section, we introduce methods that allow us to characterise the directional distributions of fibre systems in composite materials based on image data. In particular, we define the volume-weighted directional distribution, derive the orientation tensors, and describe the four methods for estimating the fibre direction in each pixel. LetF denote a macroscopically homogeneous (but anisotropic) random fibre system in R 3 following the definition by Mecke and Nagel (1980); Nagel (1983), that isF is a random system of rectifiable curves. In our setting, the thickness of the fibres is not negligible. We will therefore address the random set X =F B r as the fibre system while calling F the fibre core system. That is, the random fibre system X is derived from the random fibre core system F by dilation with the ball B r of radius r > 0. Note that for a wide range of fibre-reinforced composites, e.g., most glass and carbon fibre-reinforced polymers and steel fibre-reinforced concretes, the fibre radius r is known from the production process. Therefore, we will assume fibres with a circular cross-section and constant diameter 2r throughout this paper. The fibre system X may be sufficiently smooth, and self-intersections may not occur. More precisely, we suppose that there is an e > 0 such that X is morphologically closed w. r. t. B e , (X B e ) B e =X: (1) Condition Eq. (1) ensures that the direction of the fibre core system is uniquely defined in each point within the fibre system. Moreover, being morphologically closed means that the local curvature of the fibre core system must be less than 1=r and thus in particular that the fibre surfaces are not rough. Finally, assume that fibres are fibres in the sense that they are longer than wide, that is, their length is significantly larger than their diameter 2r. For a point y in the fibre core system F, denote by v(y) the tangent direction. We now define the local fibre direction v(x) of a point x in the fibre systemX. 168 Image Anal Stereol 2016;35:167-179 This direction corresponds to the fibre core system’s tangent direction in the point that is closest to x, i. e., v(x)= v(y) with y= argmin y2F kx yk. This point y is unique due to the assumption Eq. (1) onF and the diameter of the fibres in X made above. The vectors v(x) form a random vector field. Note that we need not to consider the orientation, i. e., the sign of v(x), for its choice in a fibre point x2X is ambiguous. Thus we consider the set S 2 + of non-oriented directions that is equivalent to the upper hemisphere. Disregarding noise and artefacts for the moment, a tomographic reconstruction yields a 3D image f which is an observation of the fibre system X of the form f(x) = 1 X (x), where 1 X denotes the indicator function of X. Now, assume for the moment that we were able to compute the random vector field v(x) at every point x2X in the fibre system from an image f . In the current context, we are interested in the fibre direction distribution in the typical fibre point of the fibre system. Then the mean R over local directions v(x) in a compact window W R 3 with volume vol(W)> 0, R(A)= 1 2pEvol(X\W) E Z X\W 1 A (v(x))dx; (2) where A S 2 + is a measurable set of directions, is a probability measure. The expectation in Eq. (2) should be understood with respect to the fibre systemX. The distribution R is volume-weighted, since it averages over all points occupied by the fibre systemX. For systems of fibres with variable thickness, the just defined direction distribution R is a so- called volume-weighted one. More precisely, R(A) is the direction distribution function of the typical point ofX. Analogously, a surface-weighted direction distribution is the direction distribution of the typical point on the surface¶X ofX and, finally, the direction distribution of the core system F is the length- weighted direction distribution as defined by Mecke and Nagel (1980). These distributions can differ considerably. In our setting of constant fibre thickness however, the volume-, surface-, and length-weighted fibre direction distributions are identical (up to edge effects resulting from contributions of the fibre ends). To summarise, if we were given access to the random vector field v(x) and to the set of points occupied by the fibre system X in an observed and possibly degenerated image f , the volume-weighted fibre direction distribution would be available with Eq. (2). ORIENTATIONTENSORS Instead of the probability measure R, it is often more convenient to work with the moments of R, the so-called orientation tensors as defined by Advani and Tucker (1987). Let u i denote the ith component of some normalsed direction vector u. Then the second and fourth order orientation tensors are defined as A (2) =(a i j ) and A (4) = a i jk‘ with a i j = Z S 2 + u i u j R(du); a i jk‘ = Z S 2 + u i u j u k u ‘ R(du); i; j;k;‘= 1;2;3: Tensors of orders other than two and four can of course be defined in a similar way. In order to highlight the relevance of orientation tensors, we follow the arguments of Advani and Tucker (1987): Material properties such as the behaviour under mechanical stress are usually modeled in continuum, where a continuous, homogeneous material is assumed, rather than a two-phase medium such as fibre-reinforced polymers. This process requires averaging of the properties of the two materials over the direction distribution R. The average of a material property T over all space directions is denoted byhTi, hTi= Z T(u)R(du): (3) For computational efficiency, it is desirable to replace the integral over the hemisphere in Eq. (3) by some simplified expression. This is where orientation tensors fit in. For instance, under some symmetry assumptions for the material (called transverse isotropy by Advani and Tucker (1987)), the second-order, tensor-valued material property tensor T (2) is a sufficient description ofhTi, and can be decomposed as T (2) =(T i j ) with T i j = b 1 a i j + b 2 d i j ; where b 1 and b 2 are scalars, and d i j is the Kronecker delta. Depending on the symmetries, similar relations can also be derived between fourth-order tensor-valued properties and the fourth-order orientation tensor A (4) . Examples for second-order tensor-valued properties are thermal expansion and thermal conductivity, while elastic stiffness or viscosity can be described as fourth- order tensors (Advani and Tucker, 1987; Bunge, 1993). Thus, orientation tensors play a central role in the simulation of material properties. Beyond their use in continuum modeling, orientation tensors, especially the eigendecompo- sition of A (2) , allow for intuitive compact descriptions of the shape of the direction distribution R. For 169 WIRJADI O ET AL: The volume-weighted direction distribution instance, the eigenvector to the largest eigenvalue l max of A (2) corresponds to the mean fibre direction. Furthermore, ratios between a i j ’s eigenvalues can be used to characterise the anisotropy of R, see Fisher et al. (1987). One such useful characteristic is the anisotropy factor a = 1 l min =l max . This degree of anisotropy a is zero for the isotropic fibre direction distribution. a = 1 means that the fibre direction distribution is concentrated on a great circle. In the latter case, a does however not differentiate between a uniaxial or an isotropic distribution within the plane determined by the great circle. These two scenarios motivate our search for methods that compute the orientation tensors A (2) and A (4) directly from an image f . We follow the same concept as for the directional fibre distribution in Eq. (2) and replace the integral w. r. t. the unknown probability measure R in Eq. (3) by a sample over local fibre direction vectors v(x) with components v i (x). This yields a i j = 1 Evol(X\W) E Z X\W v i (x)v j (x)dx; (4) a i jk‘ = 1 Evol(X\W) E Z X\W v i (x)v j (x)v k (x)v ‘ (x)dx: (5) for the components of the second and fourth order orientation tensors. The remainder of this paper is dedicated to the introduction of algorithms for estimating R and the derived characteristics from image data of fibre- reinforced composites, to their interpretations, and to the experimental evaluation and application of those methods. IMAGEBINARISATION From an image processing perspective, the quantities introduced above simplify the problem at hand. Methods for computing the fibre direction distribution proposed so far usually required precise segmentations of fibres either in 2D (Clarke et al., 1995; Lee et al., 2002; Kiderlen and Pfrang, 2005), or in 3D (Yang and Lindquist, 2000; Tan et al., 2006). In contrast to that, Eq. (2) and Eq. (5) merely require the fibre system X. That is, these estimators do not require a segmentation of individual fibres, but only a segmentation of the complete fibre system. A binarisation of an image is a separation of its pixels into two disjoint sets. In the present context, it yields an estimation of the set of pixels covered by the fibre system and its complement. This can be achieved using standard image processing methods. From our experience, sufficient binarisations of tomographic reconstructions of fibre reinforced polymers can easily be achieved using some low-pass noise reduction filters and a global grey value threshold. To demonstrate that this is true for images encountered in practice, consider the binarisation of the mCT image of a glass fibre-reinforced polymer in Fig. 1. Here, a simple smoothing filter (3 3 3 discrete Gaussian) and a global threshold value derived from the grey value distribution in the image were used. While such a binarisation is not sufficient to segment individual fibres, it is sufficient as an estimate of the fibre systemX required in the present paper. (a) Original (b) Binarisation Fig. 1. Binarisation of the fibre system of a glass fibre- reinforced polymer (GFRP) imaged at 3mm pixel size. Further results regarding this dataset will be presented in the Application section below. Here, a 3 3 3 discrete Gaussian filter is followed by a simple global threshold. Note that the thus derived binarisation might locally not be good enough to fulfill the condition Eq. (1). Thus, some pixels of the fibre system can not be assigned uniquely to a fibre core. However, as this problem typically occurs where parallel fibres touch, it does not cause large estimation errors. For all algorithms introduced below, we will use such image binarisations as an estimation ofX in order to restrict the evaluation of fibre directions to pixels belonging to the fibre system. ESTIMATIONOFLOCALFIBRE DIRECTIONS Local directional information has widely been used in the image processing literature. The moments of inertia have been used as features for object and pattern recognition for a very long time, see e.g., Hu (1962); Prokop and Reeves (1992), and more recently to analyse and segment images of fibrous materials by Altendorf and Jeulin (2009; 2011) and Altendorf et al. (2012). 170 Image Anal Stereol 2016;35:167-179 Anisotropic linear filters, and the directional information contained in first and second order derivatives have been exploited for image filtering: Anisotropic Gaussian filters were shown to be suitable for adaptive smoothing of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance data (DT-MRI), e.g., by Lee et al. (2006). The structure tensor (a 3 3 matrix of smoothed pairwise products of first partial derivatives) is used in diffusion filters, e.g., coherence enhancing diffusion filtering by Weickert (1999). Finally the Hessian matrix (a 3 3 matrix of partial second derivatives) has been proposed as a suitable tool in algorithms for smoothing images of tubular structures, e.g., by Frangi et al. (1998). Next, we will describe algorithms that use exactly these concepts. The difference here lies in the fact that we will use the results of these algorithms directly as estimates for the random vector field v(x), rather than as an intermediate result for subsequent image smoothing. Three of the algorithms that will be introduced in the following sections employ a Gaussian smoothing. We will choose the known fibre radius r> 0 for the Gaussian kernel parameter s. This choice is backed up by results from linear scale space theory Lindeberg (1994), where it is known that the standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel is a measure for spatial scale. Maximumresponseofanisotropic Gaussians Let g u denote the mask of an anisotropic 3D linear filter with a prolate shape, u the direction of its longest prinicipal axis, and convolution. Then the filter response (g u f)(x) assumes its maximum when u is aligned to the preferred fibre direction in a point x2X. This observation leads to an algorithm for computing the random vector field v(x): At every point x2X, find the direction v that maximises the filter response, v(x)= argmax u2S 2 + (g u f)(x): (6) Since we must maximise over the upper hemisphere S 2 + in every pixel, the maximisation in Eq. (6) can be computationally expensive. Therefore, we use anisotropic Gaussian filters, for which a fast implementation of the convolution was obtained by Lampert and Wirjadi (2006). Anisotropic Gaussian filters have the form g u (x)= 1 (2p) 3=2 p detS u exp 1 2 x T S 1 u x ; for x2R 3 : (7) Here,S u denotes the positive definite 3 3 covariance matrix determining the shape of the filter mask. To implement Eq. (6), we use a mask for which all non- empty level sets have the shape of prolate spheroids. In this case,S u has four degrees of freedom. Different useful parameterisations ofS u exist. We use spherical polar coordinates to define the fibre direction v(x), thus the corresponding parameterisation ofS u is given. Let (j;J) denote the spherical polar coordinates of u, J2 [0;p] the colatitude and j2 [0;2p) the longitude. Furthermore, let r=s 1 =s 2 > 0 denote the standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel Eq. (7) in the two directions orthogonal to u, and lets 3 s 1 denote the standard deviation in direction u. Then we get the following parameterisation for the covariance matrix: S u = R j;J 0 @ s 2 1 0 0 0 s 2 1 0 0 0 s 2 3 1 A R j;J T ; with R j;J = 0 @ cosj cosJ sinj cosj sinJ sinj cosJ cosj sinj sinJ sinJ 0 cosJ 1 A : For alternative parameterisations of S u , see, e.g., Lampert and Wirjadi (2006); Wirjadi (2009). In order to implement the maximisation in Eq. (6), we sample S 2 + in m points following the numerical scheme of Fliege and Maier (1999) for S 2 , as it is readily modified to yield m directions u i 2 S 2 + (i = 1;:::;m) free of edge effects. This results in a set of m= 98 points on the upper hemisphere with nearest neighbour distances between 12.7 and 15 . We refer to Wirjadi (2009) for details, where also a list of these vectors can be found. In summary, an algorithm for estimating the random vector field v(x) is derived by choosing in each pixel x the direction v(x) that locally maximises the result of the convolution of image f with a set of anisotropic Gaussian filters g u i ; i = 1;:::;m. Of course, the achievable accuracy of this method depends on the set of pre-computed directions that are probed, and therefore directly influences the runtime. Mainaxisofinertia The basic idea of this method of Altendorf and Jeulin (2009) is essentially the same as the one exploited by the just described method: Locally, a fibre can be approximated by a prolate rotation ellipsoid whose shorter half-axis length corresponds to the fibre radius while the direction of the longer axis is the local fibre direction. Altendorf and Jeulin (2009) derive the 171 WIRJADI O ET AL: The volume-weighted direction distribution ellipsoid of inertia from directed distance transforms. The main axis of the ellipsoid then yields the local fibre direction. More precisely, from the result of directed distance transforms in the 26 spatial directions given by the maximal pixel adjacency, the moments and axes of inertia are computed. Start with a binarisation of the fibre system achieved e.g., by a simple global threshold as described above. Let ‘2 L = f 13;:::; 1;1;:::;13g index the discrete directions v ‘ given by the maximal pixel adjacency in a way that the symmetry v ‘ = v ‘ holds. Denote by d ‘ (x) the distance from x to the next background pixel in direction v ‘ . That is, d ‘ (x) is the result of the directed distance transform. Then the sum of the distances d ‘ (x)+ d ‘ (x) yields the length of the chord through x in direction v ‘ . The moments of inertia M i jk (x) are derived from the endpoints of the centralised chords P ‘ (x)= 1 2 d ‘ (x)+ d ‘ (x) v ‘ by M i jk (x)= ‘2L (P ‘;0 (x)) i (P ‘;1 (x)) j (P ‘;2 (x)) k for i; j;k= 0;1;2; where P ‘;m ; m= 0;1;2 denote the components of the P ‘ . Finally, the inertia tensor is given by M(x)= 1 26 0 @ M 200 (x) M 110 (x) M 101 (x) M 110 (x) M 020 (x) M 011 (x) M 101 (x) M 011 (x) M 002 (x) 1 A : The eigenvector of M(x) corresponding to its largest eigenvalue is the main axis of inertia, or an estimate the local fibre direction v(x) in x. The direction discretisation emphasizes the 26 used directions and thus results in a systematic error. Altendorf and Jeulin (2009) derived a correction reducing both the maximal and the mean error drastically from about 10 to less than 5 and from 6:4 to 1:3 , respectively. Introduce the empirical correction term t(b)= ( 0:2sin(p(4b=p) 0:424 ); ifb