V. CERNY, R. DROCHYTKA: ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH 749–753 ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH UMETNI AGREGAT IZ SINTRANEGA PEPELA PREMOGA Vit Cerny, Rostislav Drochytka Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveri 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic cerny.v@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-23 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.235 Fly ash is one of the most commonly used secondary raw materials in the Czech Republic. It is used predominantly for re-cultivation, roads and additions to cement or plasters. The use of fly ash in the technology of sintering-based artificial aggregate was tested in the 1980s. However, the production was stopped for various technological and economic reasons. Nowadays, possibilities for the production of artificial aggregate are tested with fly ash produced in the Czech Republic and could be promising for future technologies, mainly with respect to the stability of production. The paper presents part of the study describing the possibilities of using microsilica and Fe2O3 for the optimization of a raw-material mix and fly-ash body. Three samples of high-temperature lignite combustion fly ash were selected from prospective sources in the Czech Republic. The fly ash was mixed with 5 % or 10 % additions. Then, samples were fired at temperatures of 1150 °C and 1200 °C. After firing, the physico-mechanical properties of the fly-ash bodies and microstructure were evaluated. The results imply that the addition of microsilica unambiguously improves the quality of the fly-ash body. The addition of Fe2O3 did not take part in the formation of the melt and weakened the fly-ash body’s structure. Keywords: fly ash, ash body, firing, microsilica, sintering, iron trioxide Lete~i pepel sodi k najpogosteje uporabljanim sekundarnim surovinam na ^e{kem. Predvsem se uporablja za rekultivacijo, za ceste in za cementne omete. Uporaba lete~ega pepela v tehnologiji izdelave sintranih agregatov je bila preizku{ena v osemdesetih letih prej{njega stoletja. Vendar je bila proizvodnja ustavljena iz razli~nih tehnolo{kih in ekonomskih razlogov. Dandanes se preizku{ajo mo`nosti za izdelavo umetnih agregatov iz lete~ega pepela nastalega na ^e{kem, kar je lahko perspektivno za bodo~e tehnologije, predvsem iz stali{~a stabilnosti izdelave. ^lanek predstavlja del {tudije o mo`nosti uporabe mikrosilike in Fe2O3 za optimizacijo me{anice surovin na osnovi lete~ega pepela. Trije vzorci lete~ega pepela pri visokotemperaturnem zgorevanju lignita, so bili izbrani iz obetavnih virov, ki so na voljo na ^e{kem. Lete~i pepel je bil zme{an s 5 % ali 10 % dodatka. Nato so bili vzorci `gani pri temperaturi 1150 °C in 1200 °C; po `ganju so bile dolo~ene fizikalno-mehanske lastnosti teles iz lete~ega pepela in ocenjena je bila mikrostruktura. Rezultati ka`ejo, da dodatek mikrosilike nedvomno izbolj{a kvaliteto kosov iz lete~ega pepela. Dodatek Fe2O3 ni sodeloval pri nastanku taline in je oslabil zgradbo kosov lete~ega pepela. Klju~ne besede: lete~i pepel, kos lete~ega pepela, `ganje, mikrosilika, sintranje, `elezov trioksid 1 INTRODUCTION Power plants producing electrical energy create ener- getic by-products during the combustion of pulverized lignite. The dominant proportion of the by-products is fly ash. Ecological and economic reasons motivate tech- nological innovations focusing on using solid waste. The production of artificial fly-ash aggregate is a suitable construction material, which could be made from fly ash. Artificial, sintered, fly-ash aggregate is one of the few construction materials that can be produced only with fly ash. European and worldwide trends of newly developed building technologies accentuate the demand for the production of high-quality, sintered, artificial, fly-ash aggregate. If the character of the fly ash is optimal, no further treatment is needed. However, not every sample of fly ash has an optimal composition. The quality of fly ash has an influence on the composition of the mix, the technological parameters and the quality of the produced aggregate. For enhancing the properties of sintered fly-ash aggregate, additions commonly used in the cera- mics industry could be used. The main candidates are microsilica and oxides of iron. Microsilica is an amorphous SiO2, which is common- ly obtained from separators during the production of ferrosilicon and silicium in electric arc furnaces. The application of microsilica in fire-resistant materials has been known for more than 40 years. The main task of microsilica in fire-resistant ceramic materials is the reac- tion in the system of binders, including the reaction me- chanism at various temperatures. Various temperatures can be critical as regards the reactions. Microsilica con- sists of spheroidal particles with a mean diameter of around 0.15 microns. These spheroidal particles are a construction unit of primary agglomerates, which are bound to one another by strong bonds. The large specific surface and the wide distribution of microsilica increases the effectiveness of the encapsulation of the grains and the functionality of the fire-resistant ceramic materials compared to a narrow fraction. Microsilica is usually the finest part of the system with a specific surface of around 20 m2 g. The surface properties and possible impurities are important for a determination of the properties of the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 749–753 749 UDK 67.017:622.411.52:621.762.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)749(2016) final product. Microsilica can add more than 50 % to the total surface area of the particles in the mix.1 Oxides of iron influence the formation of a ceramic body in various atmospheres2, temperatures and firing cycles in furnaces There are three main forms of iron used in ceramics: red iron trioxide (Fe2O3), black iron monoxide oxide or magnetite (FeO or Fe3O4) and yellow hydrated iron oxide (FeO(OH)). Iron trioxide is con- siderably influenced by a reducing atmosphere, in which it can act as a melting agent at high temperatures. The presence of iron reduces the temperature of melting.3 From the point of view of a reduction of the firing tem- perature, oxides of iron can be used as effective melting agents for the production of sintered fly-ash aggregate. The optimal mix of appropriate raw materials for the production of artificial aggregate is mixed with water and granulated on a cylindrical or plate granulator, which makes the appropriate shape of the sintered fly-ash aggregate. After granulation, the bodies are fired at a maximum temperature of around 1200 °C. After suffi- cient firing and cooling, the mix is crushed and screened for the final fractions. For the production of aggregate of good quality, the granulometry of the input materials, their structure and chemical composition are also important. The produced sintered fly-ash aggregate is used for filtration layers, back filling and lightweight concrete.4–6 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Three samples representing prospective sources in the Czech Republic were selected for verification of the appropriateness of high-temperature lignite combustion fly ash for the production of artificial aggregate. From the physico-mechanical and physico-chemical parameters we selected the loss on ignition (CSN 72 0103) showing unburned residues, the bulk density (CSN 72 2071), the specific surface area and the rest on the 0.045-mm sieve (CSN 72 2072-6). We also conducted the chemical and mineralogical analyses. The parameters listed in Table 1 imply that fly ash produced in the Czech Republic has a minimal unburnt content and fulfills the requirements of the standard (CSN 72 2072-6, 2013) for a maximum loss on ignition of 15 %. For self-firing, it will be necessary to mix the fly ash with pulverized coal to achieve an optimal value of 8 % combustibles by weight. The greater coarseness of the fly ash FA3 evaluated with respect to the rest on the 0.0045-mm sieve and specific surface is evident. This fly ash also has a larger content of iron and lime, which can cause a reduction of the melting temperature of a batch. All the values of the high-temperature fly-ash samples fulfill the requirements of the Standard CSN 72 2072-6, 2013 for a minimal value of 800 kg m–3. As is clear from Table 2 FA1 has the highest per- centage of mullite and a lower content of amorphous phase in comparison with FA2 and FA3. The minera- logical analysis further confirms that FA2 contains more minerals with a lower melting point and a low content of mullite. Table 2: Mineralogy of tested ashes, in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 2: Mineralogija preizku{enih pepelov, v masnih odstotkih (w/%) Sample Quartz Mullite Hematite Magnetite Amorphousphase SiO2 Al6Si2O13 Fe2O3 Fe3O4 – FA1 7.0 39.3 1.2 0.1 39.5 FA2 7.2 19.1 2.5 3.1 55.2 FA3 7.8 32.3 – 0.2 58.1 As an addition for the experimental work, microsilica (96 % SiO2) and Fe2O3 (powder, 97 % cleanliness) were selected. As a reference, samples from pure fly ash were used, which were then modified with a 5 % or 10 % addition. The mixtures were mixed with water to reach the limit of fluidity. Samples of size 20 mm × 20 mm × 100 mm were made, which were next day dried at 60 °C for 2 h and then fired in a muffle kiln. The firing was characterized by an initial temperature of 25 °C and the rate of firing the muffle kiln of 300 °C/h and an isother- mal dwell at 1150 °C (resp. 1200 °C) for 10 min. After firing and natural cooling, the specimens were taken out of the kiln and placed in a desiccator. After thermal sta- bilization, their density (CSN EN 1015-10), compressive strength (CSN EN 14617-15) and water-absorbing capacity (CSN EN 1097-6) were determined. Then, the samples were analyzed with a scanning electron micro- scope using a sensing element in an environmental form. Primarily, the structure was analyzed and the influence of the addition on the fly ash body. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION After firing in a laboratory furnace and sufficient cooling to laboratory temperature 20±5 °C, the following V. CERNY, R. DROCHYTKA: ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH 750 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 749–753 Table 1: Main parameters of the tested ashes Tabela 1: Glavni parametri preizku{enih pepelov Sample Loss on ignition (%) Bulk density (compacted) (kg/m3) Rest on the sieve 0.045 mm (%) Specific surface (m2/kg) Chemical composition (%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 CaO FA1 1.19 990 58.5 329 47.7 28.2 5.6 0.13 1.1 FA2 1.15 1010 72.0 234 50.0 23.4 14.5 0.26 3.4 FA3 1.07 1110 53.1 299 54.6 29.5 5.5 0.10 1.8 physico-mechanical parameters of the test specimens were determined. Figure 1 shows the results of the determination of density. In general, it can be stated that the density grows slightly with an increasing temperature of firing. The samples based on FA1 showed the highest values of den- sity, while the samples based on FA3 showed the lowest density. A determination of the compressive strength (Figure 2) showed that the strengths at the firing temperature 1200 °C were considerably higher than the strengths at 1150 °C. The addition of silica had a very positive effect on the strength of the fly ash body – samples with as little as 5 % showed considerably higher strengths. In contrast, the addition of Fe2O3 weakened the fly-ash body and the measured strengths were often lower than those of the reference samples based on pure fly ash. An evaluation of the results of the determination of the water-absorbing capacity (Figure 3) in some cases shows the influence of firing temperature on the quality of the fly-ash body. The water-absorbing capacity of the samples fired at 1150 °C was often much higher. This can be caused by insufficient sintering of the fly-ash body and a higher proportion of open porosity. The influence of the type of addition on the results of the water-absorbing capacity is most marked for the samples based on FA with the addition of Fe2O3. To clarify the results determined during the evalua- tion of the physico-mechanical parameters, the samples V. CERNY, R. DROCHYTKA: ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 749–753 751 Figure 3: Water absorption of fired samples Slika 3: Absorpcija vode `ganih vzorcev Figure 1: Density of fired samples Slika 1: Gostota `ganih vzorcev Figure 5: Detail of structure of fly-ash body with 5 % of mass fractions of Fe2O3 Slika 5: Detajl strukture kosa lete~ega pepela s 5 % masnega dele`a Fe2O3 Figure 2: Compressive strength of fired samples Slika 2: Tla~na trdnost `ganih vzorcev Figure 4: Structure of fly-ash body with 5 % of mass fractions of Fe2O3 Slika 4: Struktura kosa lete~ega pepela s 5 % masnega dele`a Fe2O3 were examined under a scanning electron microscope with a sensing element in an environmental form. The aim was an evaluation of the influence of firing tempe- rature and additions on the structure of the fly-ash body. Figures 4 to 7 show the structure of a surface of a test specimen based on FA3 with a 5 % addition of Fe2O3 and fired at 1200 °C. Figure 4 shows a low proportion of sintered structure and visible grains of fly ash. Figure 5 shows a part of a sample with melted material at higher magnification, where non-reacted grains of Fe2O3 are visible. Figure 6 shows a closer detail of the same place grains of Fe2O3 and Figure 7 an analysis of the elements in a larger area where the dominant Fe is evident in the grains. This fact proves that Fe2O3 did not take part in the formation of a solid structure, and that it weakened the fly-ash body. Figures 8 and 9 show the structure of the test spe- cimens based on FA3 with a 10 % addition of silica. Fig- ure 8 shows a sample fired at 1150 °C, where the grains of fly ash and a minimal proportion of melted material are clear. Figure 9 shows a sample fired at 1200 °C, where the proportion of melted material is more con- V. CERNY, R. DROCHYTKA: ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH 752 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 749–753 Figure 8: Structure of fly-ash body with 10 % of mass fractions of silica Slika 8: Struktura kosa lete~ega pepela z 10 % masnega dele`a kre- mena Figure 6: Non-reacted proportion of Fe2O3 in fly-ash body Slika 6: Nereagiran dele` Fe2O3 v kosu lete~ega pepela Figure 9: Detail of structure of fly-ash body with 5 % of mass fractions of silica Slika 9: Detajl strukture kosa lete~ega pepela s 5 % masnega dele`a kremena Figure 7: Marked composition of elements of sample with non- reacted Fe2O3 Slika 7: Razporeditev elementov v vzorcu, ki ni reagiral z Fe2O3 siderable and the grains have a stronger and more homo- geneous structure. 4 CONCLUSIONS The manufacture of artificial aggregate from fly ash is one of the options for using the maximum proportion of this raw material in construction materials. The cha- racter of the fly ash and good control of the technology for producing the aggregate by self-firing also brings savings for traditional raw materials. The paper des- cribed the experimental testing of possibilities for the modification of fly ash with the addition of microsilica or Fe2O3 in order to achieve better quality of the fly-ash body with a lower energy demand of the process. The results show how important it is to set the firing tem- perature at 1200 °C, which makes sure it is possible to achieve considerably higher strengths in the system. An evaluation of the influence of the used additions showed that the addition of microsilica unambiguously improves the quality of the fly-ash body. Higher strengths and a lower water-absorbing capacity were achieved compared to use of pure fly ash. The addition of Fe2O3 did not take part in the formation of the melt, and stayed almost un- changed and weakened the fly-ash body structure. 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