142 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers 1 Received: 3th November 2021; revised: 14th April 2022; accepted: 28th April 2022 Outsource or not? An AHP Based Decision Model for Information Security Management 1 SGB, Varnostno svetovanje, d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Ljubljana, Slovenia, *(corresponding author: kaja. prislan@um.si) Purpose: Outsourcing information security has proven to be an efficient solution for information security manage- ment; however, it may not be the most suitable approach for every organization. This research aimed to develop a multi-criteria decision-making model that would enable organizations to determine which approach to information security management (outsourcing or internal management) is more suitable for their needs and capabilities. Methods: Our study utilized several different research methods. First, the decision criteria were identified by review- ing related work and then selected by information security experts in a focus group. Second, a survey was conduct- ed among information security practitioners to assign the criteria weights. Third, four use cases were conducted with four real-world organizations to assess the usability, ease of use, and usefulness of the developed model. Results: We developed a ten-criteria model based on the analytic hierarchy process. The survey results promote performance-related criteria as more important than efficiency-focused criteria. Evidence from use cases proves that the decision model is useful and appropriate for various organizations. Conclusion: To make informed decisions on approaching information security management, organizations must first conduct a thorough analysis of their capabilities and needs and investigate potential external contractors. In such a case, the proposed model can serve as a useful support tool in the decision-making process to obtain clear recom- mendations tailored to factual circumstances. Keywords: Information security, Decision model, Analytic hierarchy process, AHP, Management, Outsourcing DOI: 10.2478/orga-2022-0010 1 Introduction With the rise in the quantity and value of information, information security (IS) incidents and threat actors are also steadily increasing (Cisco, 2018). In 2019 alone, en- terprises have reportedly suffered three and a half billion U.S. dollars in cybersecurity-related damages (Clement, 2020). As a result, the protection of information and infor- mation systems has become an important responsibility of modern organizations. While an IS program is necessary for organizations to survive, it requires substantial finan- cial investments (Leszczyna & Litwin, 2020) and consid- erable managerial effort since information security man- agement (ISM) is a complex task (Ponsard et al., 2018). Outsourcing has already been identified as a somewhat ef- fective solution for efficient and cost-effective IS programs (Cezar et al., 2016). However, outsourcing is not suitable for every organ- ization, as it is also associated with various risks and un- certainties, such as hidden costs (Liu et al., 2018), loss of managerial control (Shahrasbi et al., 2017), and question- able quality of service (Feng & Chen, 2017). To determine whether outsourcing is an appropriate solution for their IS program, organizations must weigh between potential Luka JELOVČAN 1 , Anže MIHELIČ 2 , Kaja PRISLAN 2* 143 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers risks and benefits of choosing such an approach. The emer- gence of potential risks varies based on the characteristics of individual organizations, their IS demands, and their fi- nancial and other resource capabilities (Beybutov, 2009). Organizations must thus consider many factors that vary in importance, which can be a demanding task. When ap- proaching complex decisions, decision-makers often rely on decision models that serve as a tool for weighing differ- ent alternatives. Decision models for information technology (IT) outsourcing have already been developed (e.g., Faisal & Raza, 2016; Pakpahan et al., 2021); however, a review of existing literature shows that no such model has been developed for deliberation over outsourcing and internal (in-house) ISM. Although there are a large amount of multi-criteria decision-making models (MCDM) avail- able in the literature (Kabir et al., 2014), AHP is among the most appropriate MCDM methods for solving complex problems (Božičević et al., 2021; Ishizaka & Siraj, 2018). Hence, it was used by several researchers in IT manage- ment. Nonetheless, with a few exceptions (e.g., Faisal & Raza, 2016; Gulla & Gupta, 2011), most models only pro- vide a theoretical AHP framework with identified but not prioritized decision criteria. Furthermore, use cases, which would support the usability of proposed models, are rarely provided. These shortcomings significantly lower the us- ability of existing decision models in practice and com- plicate the decision-making process for organizations. The main purpose of this paper is thus to present a scientifically based and practical decision model for ISM, designed for the decision-makers when optioning for the most appropri- ate ISM approach. 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Information security outsourcing IS outsourcing can be an efficient solution for im- plementing and maintaining IS programs, specifically for organizations that do not possess the staff, funds, or knowledge to manage IS efficiently (Cezar et al., 2016). Outsourcing has already established itself as an efficient way to manage support services, such as accounting and sales (Popp et al., 2020), customer support call centers (Ren & Zhou, 2008), and legal services (Lacity & Will- cocks, 2013). Since the “Kodak experiment” in 1989, IT has also become a popular outsourced support service (Dibbern et al., 2004). Because of the growth and diversification of the IT field, IS soon became a service to be outsourced separately to maintain service quality (Fenn et al., 2002). In 2001, 19 percent of organizations reportedly outsourced their IT-related security services, while in 2018, a third of com- panies reported on such business practice (Cybersecurity Insiders, 2018). It is estimated that the managed securi- ty services providers (MSSP) market will keep growing, with a market value projection of 46.4 billion USD in 2025 (MarketsAndMarkets, 2020). Organizations usually outsource a wide variety of IS services, from specific perimeter protection, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and virtual private networks, to more holistic security services, such as event monitoring and incident management (e.g., emergency response and forensic analysis) provided through SOCs. Despite the wide range of services that can be hired, a de- cision on whether to outsource or not and which IS service to outsource should be made upon considering the poten- tial advantages, related risks, the needs of the organization, and its capability to perform the service internally (Wu et al., 2017). There are several advantages of outsourcing IS. Most organizations mainly decide to outsource IS due to the cost-efficiency and more stable expenses (Sung & Kang, 2017). One crucial advantage of outsourcing is access to adequate resources, specialized technologies, advanced solutions, and a skilled workforce (Feng, Wang, et al., 2019). Moreover, MSSPs usually offer their services to several different enterprises, enabling them to detect IS risks quicker and more efficiently and distribute their knowledge across different organizations (Liu et al., 2018). Authors also note that mitigation of IS services en- ables management to focus more on their core activities (Ključnikov et al., 2019), perform faster incident response (Zúñiga & Jaatun, 2016), and improve regulatory compli- ance (Cezar et al., 2016). Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages to IS out- sourcing. Hiring an MSSP may not always result in pre- dictable costs. It can lead to unplanned and hidden ex- penses since such relationships are influenced by the ever-changing cyberspace and threat landscape (Liu et al., 2018). Cutting costs can also lead to a decrease in service quality (Feng & Chen, 2017). One of the main risks of IS outsourcing is the loss of internal control over IS services (Shahrasbi et al., 2017). Outsourcing any kind of IT pro- cess generally presents a threat to IS, as it connects the organizational network with third-party information sys- tems, which significantly expands the threat landscape (Feng, Wang, et al., 2019). For example, 53% of organi- zations reported a third-party information system-related security incident in 2019 (Ponemon Institute, 2019). Other issues of IS outsourcing include issues related to the flexibility of the MSSP to provide their services across different and complex information systems (Bey- butov, 2009). MSSP insider threats are also possible and a dilemma on what happens with the outsourced service if the MSSP goes out of business (Feng, Chen, et al., 2019). Despite the many advantages of IS outsourcing, po- tential risks and issues can emerge if the process is not implemented properly. Since IS outsourcing is not appro- 144 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers priate for every organization, organizations must make an informed decision on how to manage the IS services. Decision models can provide a practical and efficient solu- tion for such a dilemma, as they enable the organization to make rational decisions based on scientifically proven and validated decision factors. 2.2 Analytic hierarchy process IS is a complex problem comprised of several secu- rity aspects (e.g., environmental security, device security, network monitoring, vulnerability scanning, virus preven- tion, data backup, access control, encryption, and intrusion detection (He & An, 2016). Hence there is a significant need for informed and comprehensive decision-making regarding its management. As already highlighted in the introduction, the AHP is a highly regarded MCDM meth- od that has already been used in IT management research (Božičević et al., 2021; J. J. Wang et al., 2008). AHP di- vides complex problems into smaller pieces, making them more manageable. This helps decision-makers see those aspects isolated and independently to make more transpar- ent and suitable decisions. The AHP decision process is originally divided into three core phases (Saaty, 1990). However, to describe the AHP process in more detail, unequivocally, and compre- hensively, we present this three-phase process in fourteen steps (Figure 1). In the first phase, a hierarchical structure for the decision model should be created (steps 1 – 4). In the second phase, relative priorities (local priorities) should be determined based on pairwise comparisons through a structured questionnaire (steps 5 – 9). The final phase is represented by a synthesis of the relative priorities into global priorities, which yields the final decision proposal (steps 10 – 14). Such compartmentalization of the process may be helpful for decision-makers to better differentiate between distinct phases and steps to be undertaken and un- derstanding our model proposed in sections 3 and 4. Figure 1: Analytic hierarchy process methodology overview 145 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers Phase 1. Step 1 (all steps in the following refer to Fig. 1) requires determining the main objective of the decision-making. In step 2, criteria influencing the deci- sion-making process should be identified. Then at least two decision alternatives should be set in step 3, and a hierarchy model should be constructed in step 4. A pic- turesque example of an objective would be a decision on buying a house, where criteria for the decision could be location and year of construction, while alternatives would be a house A and a house B. Phase 2. Step 5 is represented by the pairwise com- parisons. Each identified criteria should be compared on a pairwise comparison scale in a structured questionnaire. The results enable determining the degree of preference for which criteria are more important and by how much. Even though a nine-point scale (with five principal values and four intermediate values) is recommended according to Saaty (1990), a lower number of scale points (e.g., scale without intermediate values) were also deemed sufficient and have been used in previous research (e.g., Harker and Vargas, 1987; G. Wang et al., 2009). Following the previous example, a question may be: “Please choose which criterion when buying a house is more important to you and by how much.” For example, criteria when buying a house might be location, price, and size. Criteria pairs are then compared, as seen in Figure 2. Based on the results of pairwise comparisons, values are entered in a reciprocal comparison matrix in step 6. Values to the left of »1 – Equally important« are inserted above the diagonal of the matrix as absolute values, while values on the right side are inserted as reciprocal values. The part of the matrix below the diagonal is therefore filled with reciprocal values of the values above the diagonal so that j_ij= 1⁄j_ji . In case of the comparisons seen in Figure 2 (criteria Cri x ,Cri y and Cri z ), the following reciprocal ma- trix is formed as follows: Figure 2: Example of pairwise comparison scale with selected preferences (Cri – criteria) (1) Weights are calculated from the reciprocal matrix with the eigenvalue method in step 7. Relative weights can be determined by the right principal eigenvector related to the largest eigenvalue of the reciprocal matrix A. Therefore, the vector of weights satisfies the equation: (2) where λ max is the maximal eigenvalue. Relative weight w i is calculated with the square root method: (3) When the relative weight is computed, λ max can be de- termined: (4) 146 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers Since the evaluation requires a certain level of matrix consistency, the consistency test should be performed in step 8. The consistency index (CI) should be calculated as follows: (5) where n is the number of independent rows in the ma- trix. If the matrix is perfectly consistent, then CI=0. How- ever, the possibility of consistency error is increased with the increase of pairwise comparisons. Hence, the consist- ency ratio (CR) should be calculated as: (6) where RI is a random index, represented by average CI values gathered from a randomly filled matrices. Usu- ally, the RI is calculated based on 500 generated matrices (Ishizaka & Siraj, 2018). The CR value should range from 0 to 0.1. If the CR value exceeds 0.1, pairwise comparisons should be repeated. If the CR value is in the acceptable range, weights previously calculated according to (3) are assigned to all criteria (step 9). Phase 3. Like pairwise comparisons of criteria in step 5, a pairwise comparison of the alternatives should also be conducted for each criterion in step 10. Following the pre- vious example, a question may be: “Please choose which alternative is more important to you based on the location of the house – and for how much.” For creating a reciprocal matrix, calculating weights for alternatives and consistency ratio for comparisons (steps 11 – 12), steps 6 – 8 should be repeated. However, when only two alternatives are compared (e.g., outsourc- ing ISM and internal ISM), a consistency index will al- ways equal CI=0. In such cases, step 13 can be omitted. Weight values assigned to the alternatives may range from 0 to 1, while their summation should always equal 1. The alternative with the higher weight value represents the pro- posed decision (step 14). Calculations presented in this section are explained in more detail in Saaty (1980) and Markcikić & Radovanov (2011). 2.3 Related work Since the decision on whether to outsource an IT ser- vice is a complex task, several decision models have been developed to help the management reach the right deci- sion. Transaction cost theory, agency theory, and knowl- edge-based theory have been used frequently to determine which factors influence the decision to outsource IT-related services (Jain & Natarajan, 2011). These theories primari- ly focus on the cost-benefit perspective of outsourcing and promote factors such as strategic importance of service, outcome measurability and service observability, cost ad- vantage, and service complexity. As such theoretical mod- els explain the decision behind outsourcing, rather than provide the organization with help in the decision-making process, several more practice-oriented models have been developed. These are, in many cases, based on AHP. Atkinson et al. (2015) developed an AHP decision model for IT services outsourcing based on factors such as financial, security, quality, technical, and relational risks. Similar risks have also been considered in other AHP- based decision models (Prakash et al., 2014). Factors as- sociated with management, such as floating and scarcity of specialists, oversight over the service, and service flex- ibility, have also been identified as crucial for deciding on how to provide an IT service. Furthermore, the ability to focus on core competencies, which results in increased productivity, the strategic importance of the service, and flexibility to manage demand swings are business strat- egy-related factors that should also be considered (Khan et al., 2022). Other decision factors frequently considered in AHP-based decision models include technological fac- tors, such as availability of state-of-the-art technology (J. J. Wang et al., 2008), economic factors, such as variability of expenses and levels of cost efficiency (Gulla & Gupta, 2011), and service quality (Fusiripong et al., 2020). Even though several AHP decision models on IT se- curity (e.g., risk modeling) and outsourcing IT services have been proposed in the literature (Gulla & Gupta, 2011; Faisal & Raza, 2016; Pakpahan et al., 2021; Prakash et al., 2014), to the best of our knowledge no IS outsourcing re- lated AHP models had been developed. Other non-AHP-re- lated studies, however, have already addressed several top- ics related to IS outsourcing. For example, the advantages and disadvantages of IS outsourcing have already been explored (Beybutov, 2009), as well as its risks (Liu et al., 2018). Wu et al. (2017) analyzed strategic decision-mak- ing and contractual relationships with MSSPs. Karyda et al. (2006) provided a strategic framework for choosing an IS outsourcing strategy, which includes several decision factors but can only be applied when an organization has already decided to outsource to address the security and privacy issues that may emerge outsourcing. Based on strategic hacker threats, Wu et al. (2020) focused on ensur- ing optimal levels of security services outsourcing. Despite some established insights into IS outsourcing, no research has yet connected the findings of those studies to develop a decision model for deciding between internal and external management of IS services. 147 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers 3 Research objectives and methodology As ISM remains a problem for many organizations, an MCDM model that would utilize the findings of pre- vious studies could help the decision-makers base their decisions on relevant factors related to the efficiency and quality of IS. To address the gaps in previous research, our main research objectives were to: 1) identify criteria crucial for efficient ISM, which form an essential base for decision-making on whether an IS services should be man- aged internally or outsourced; 2) prioritize the identified criteria; 3) develop an AHP based decision model for deci- sion-makers in practice; and 4) assess the developed model for its usability, ease of use and usefulness. To achieve the abovementioned objectives, we de- veloped an AHP-based MCDM model for ISM by close- ly following the steps discussed in subsection 2.1 (see Figure 1). First, an objective of our model was set (step 1). Second, a structured review of related work was con- ducted to identify criteria that should be considered when deciding on the ISM approach. A focus group among IS experts was conducted to choose the ten most crucial crite- ria (step 2). Based on the literature review, the alternatives were determined, and the model hierarchy was proposed (steps 3—4). Next, a survey among IS practitioners was conducted to pairwise compare the identified criteria (step 5), followed by criteria prioritization and the consistency test using the AHP Online System software (Goepel, 2018) (steps 6—8). Finally, based on the results, weights were assigned to the individual criteria, and a final model was constructed (step 9). At this stage, our model was developed and ready for use in organizations. To assess the model, we conducted four use cases in four organizations. Decision-makers in real-world organizations provided pairwise comparisons according to their needs and expectations (step 10). Based on the results, alternative weights were calculated and as- signed to the alternatives (steps 11—13). In the follow-up survey, the proposed decision was communicated to the organizations (step 14) and discussed with their deci- sion-makers or IT employees. An overview of the research methodology is presented in Figure 3. Figure 3: Overview of the research process matched with used methods and results in each phase 4 Model development The primary objective of our AHP-based MCDM model is to provide organizations with the decision model for deliberating on how to approach ISM efficiently. 4.1 Criteria identification and selection We identified factors (namely, criteria) contributing to such a decision-making process by reviewing relat- ed work on outsourcing. Since IS is strongly associated with IT management, the criteria that apply for ISM and IT management can be derived from existing AHP deci- sion models for outsourcing IT services (J. J. Wang et al., 2008). When deliberating on an approach to IS services provision, criteria that are crucial to ensuring efficient and quality ISM should be the main deciding factors. To iden- tify potentially relevant criteria, we reviewed and analyzed previous research on the discussed topics. The review included research papers published since 2000. We focused on papers proposing decision models for outsourcing IT-related services and papers that included a description of criteria contributing to efficient ISM. The review revealed 14 unique decision criteria. We describe and summarize their relevance for efficient ISM in Table 1. 148 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers Table 1: Identified decision criteria Analysis of the related work extracted 14 criteria, which we reasonably deduced to ISM. While identified decision criteria individually cover different aspects of IS, it is also important to cover both the strategic and the oper- ational view of managing IS services. To optimize the process of pairwise comparisons, up to nine decision criteria are recommended on each hierarchi- cal level in the analytic hierarchy process; however, it is not unusual to include ten or more criteria in AHP models (G. Wang et al., 2009). Since our literature review resulted in 14 criteria, we conducted a focus group to reduce the number of criteria to the most relevant ones, as suggested by (Russo & Camanho, 2015). The ten focus group participants were experts in in- formation and organizational security. Seven respondents were employed as researchers in information and organ- izational security, and three were employed in organiza- tions providing security services. Their experience ranged from 4 to 20 years (M = 11.1 SD = 5.5). Participants had experience with research work and ISM and were thus able to make a balanced judgment on the importance of includ- ed criteria. Focus group respondents were provided with a criteria description (see Table 1) and asked to evaluate their im- portance for efficient ISM. Each criterion was evaluated on a seven-point Likert-type scale. The phrase “criteria is completely irrelevant” was assigned to the value 1, and the phrase “criteria is extremely relevant” was assigned to the 149 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers value 7. In total, the questionnaire consisted of 14 items (criteria). Table 2 presents the results of respondents’ answers on the importance of individual factors. We arranged the criteria based on their median values and discussed the results with the participants. The medi- an value was chosen due to the relatively low sample size and use of an ordinal scale. The results show that business continuity, prompt response, cost-efficiency, knowledge of security solutions, and threat awareness most significantly contribute to efficient ISM. On the other hand, flexibility, the interdependency of security risks, moral hazards, and organizations’ reputation are the least important for effec- tive ISM and were thus eliminated from the further model development process. Higher standard deviations of the excluded criteria also suggest a higher level of disagree- ment among the respondents. Even though the median val- ue of the criteria “tools and infrastructure” is relatively low, we concluded it should be included in the final decision model since it has been often highlighted as vital in pre- vious research (Feng, Chen, et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2018). We finally included ten criteria in the decision model. Criteria Me M SD Business continuity 7.0 6.7 0.64 Prompt response 7.0 6.6 0.80 Cost-efficiency 6.5 6.1 0.94 Knowledge of security solutions 6.0 6.1 0.83 Threat awareness 6.0 6.0 0.77 Regulatory compliance 6.0 5.7 1.10 Focus on core competence 6.0 5.6 1.28 Management oversight 6.0 5.6 1.28 Human resources 5.5 5.6 0.66 Tools and infrastructure 5.5 5.4 1.02 Flexibility 5.5 5.4 0.92 Interdependency of security risks 5.0 5.3 1.19 Moral hazard 4.5 4.9 1.64 Organizations’ reputation 4.5 4.9 1.45 Table 2: Evaluation of criteria importance (Me – median, M – mean, SD – standard deviation) Based on the identified criteria and a review of previous research, two alternatives for ISM were determined: (1) managing information security internally or (2) outsourc- ing information security services. Next, the decision model was conceptualized by con- structing the hierarchy. The first level of the decision model is represented by setting the objective – efficient approach to ISM in organizations. The second level is rep- resented by the ten identified criteria. The two alternatives represent the third level. The model is presented in Figure 4 (standard AHP hierarchy visualization). 4.2 Criteria prioritization In this research phase, we addressed the importance of individual criteria by conducting pairwise comparisons and allocating each criterion with a decision weight (pri- oritization). We conducted an online survey among Slovenian IS practitioners to obtain the necessary data to calculate the weights. The questionnaire was designed for respondents to conduct pairwise comparisons of 10 selected criteria according to their importance for efficient ISM. Due to the time efficiency, reduced complexity, and ease of use (Moisaidis, 1999), a five-point pairwise comparison scale was used, with value 1 assigned to the phrase “criteria are equally important” and value 5 assigned to the phrase “cri- terion is significantly more important”. Pairwise compar- ison questions were formatted in a way that two criteria were written on each side of the questionnaire, with values ranging from 5 to 1 to 5 written between both criteria (for example, see Figure 2). The respondents chose the num- ber they felt best characterized which criterion was more important and by how much. The survey consisted of 45 pairwise comparisons and three demographic questions. We collected demographic data related to gender, years of professional experience with IT or IS, and position in the 150 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers organization held by the respondent. We distributed the survey among IS practitioners who worked in the IS sector or as IS specialists in various organ- izations. These individuals are considered to have in-depth knowledge of IS-related activities and are thus able to de- termine the importance of each criterion for efficient ISM. We identified the respondents via LinkedIn, webpages of different organizations related to IS, webpages of various interest groups, and various professional publications. If the email address of the potential respondent was publicly available, the participation request was sent via email di- rectly to the recipient. Otherwise, the participation request was sent via email to the organization where the potential respondent is employed. In addition to the invitation and link to the survey, an email included an attached document describing the criteria. The invitation was also distributed via the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and other IS-related organizations such as the ICT Tech- nological Network of Slovenia and SRIP 1 Smart Cities and Communities. In total, we have directly contacted 37 indi- viduals whose email addresses were publicly available, 29 organizations employing IS specialists, and four organiza- tions that bring together IS specialists. We have received 31 responses from IS practitioners, out of which 25 were male, two were female, and four did not provide the an- swer. The average respondent has worked in IT or IS for 12.8 years; however, 43% of respondents worked in IT or IS for ten years or less. Six respondents were identified as CEOs, six as project managers, and three as CISOs, while others stated different specialized roles, such as consultant, system administrator, or SOC analyst. To prioritize the criteria, we first calculated the modes of each comparison made by the IS practitioners in the previous step and created the reciprocal matrix. To ensure the highest accuracy of calculations, specialized software AHP Online System was used (Goepel, 2018). Additional- ly, the consistency ratio was calculated to ensure the valid- ity of the results (Saaty, 1990). With the consistency ratio of 0.079, the calculated values meet the inconsistency re- quirements of AHP, which has to be lower than 0.1 (Saaty, 1990). The matrix with the calculated modes of each com- parison, calculated weights (w), and standard deviations (SD) is presented in Table 3. The weights explain to the decision-makers how im- portant criteria are and how seriously they should be con- sidered when deciding between internal management or outsourcing the IS service. Results indicate that prompt response, management oversight, and business continu- ity are the most important criteria for efficient ISM. On the other hand, threat awareness, human resources, and cost-efficiency appear to be the least important criteria for efficient ISM. Based on the conceptual model, the model with cor- responding weights for every criterion was constructed (Figure 4). Table 3: Reciprocal matrix* (w – criteria weights, SD – standard deviations) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 w SD 1 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.20 1.00 0.064 0.025 2 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 3.00 0.50 1.00 0.25 2.00 1.00 0.097 0.066 3 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 1.00 0.082 0.037 4 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 1.00 1.00 0.090 0.036 5 3.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 1 1.00 0.33 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.066 0.049 6 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 0.33 1.00 1.00 0.087 0.037 7 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.102 0.046 8 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1 1.00 3.00 0.206 0.071 9 5.00 0.50 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 3.00 0.137 0.081 10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 1 0.070 0.016 *Numbers from 1 to 10 in the first column and the first row represent individual criteria: 1 – Threat awareness, 2 – Knowledge of security solutions, 3 – Focus on core competence, 4 – Regulatory compliance, 5 – Human resources, 6 – Tools and infrastructure, 7 – Management oversight, 8 – Prompt response, 9 – Business continuity, and 10 – Cost-efficiency. 1 1 Strategic Research & Innovation Partnership (slo. Strateško Razvojno Inovacijsko Partnerstvo) 151 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers Figure 4: Developed decision model with assigned criteria weights 5 Model application Thus far, the model development has been complet- ed. Organizations that would like to use the model for deciding on the approach to ISM should now take steps 10 – 14. Since we compared only two alternatives, step 13 was omitted. To illustrate these steps and the use of the developed model, as well as to assess the model, we con- ducted four real-world use cases. Four organizations were selected by convenience sampling and included in the model assessment. Two organizations were sourced from the public sector, and two were sourced from the private sector. Organizations were invited to pairwise compare the two alternatives against all the criteria. To ensure the accu- racy of calculations, we calculated alternative weights for the participating companies and communicated the results. Each organization was asked to fill out an online survey where they compared the alternatives, considering each of the ten selected criteria (see Table 2) on a five-point pair- wise comparison scale (for example, see Figure 2). Organ- izations were also asked to provide information on how dependent they are on IT, how high they rank the current state of IS in the organization, and how many employees are responsible for managing IT in the organization. Each organization was asked to forward the online survey to the employee(s) responsible for the IT management. Use cases are presented in the following subsections. 5.1 First use case The first use case was conducted with a privately owned graphic design and retail company, employing be- tween five and nine people (Spriv). The organization did not employ any staff dedicated to IT management. Howev- er, they were somewhat IT-dependent. Their self-reported level of IS in the organization was mediocre. The results of the first use case are presented in Ta- ble 4. Results indicate that outsourcing IS is a preferred option. The organization preferred outsourcing concerning all criteria except for “focus on the core competence”. 5.2 Second use case The second use case was conducted with a privately owned production and wholesale company, employing between 10 and 19 people (Mpriv). The organization had one employee dedicated to IT management and was highly dependent on IT. Their self-reported level of IS in the or- ganization was mediocre. Even though the results slightly turn towards in-house management of IS, the model does not decisively advocate any of the alternatives. The results of the second use case are presented in Table 5. 152 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers Table 4: Results of the first use case (w – criteria weights, W – alternative weight) Criteria w Outsourcing In-house Threat awareness 0.064 3 0.33 Knowledge of security solutions 0.097 3 0.33 Focus on core competence 0.082 0.33 3 Regulatory compliance 0.09 3 0.33 Human resources 0.066 3 0.33 Tools and infrastructure 0.087 3 0.33 Management oversight 0.102 3 0.33 Prompt response 0.206 3 0.33 Business continuity 0.137 3 0.33 Cost-efficiency 0.07 3 0.33 W 0.83 0.17 Table 5: Results of the second use case (w – criteria weights, W – alternative weight) Criteria w Outsourcing In-house Threat awareness 0.064 1 1 Knowledge of security solutions 0.097 2 0.5 Focus on core competence 0.082 2 0.5 Regulatory compliance 0.09 1 1 Human resources 0.066 0.5 2 Tools and infrastructure 0.087 3 0.33 Management oversight 0.102 0.2 5 Prompt response 0.206 1 1 Business continuity 0.137 1 1 Cost-efficiency 0.07 0.25 4 W 0.49 0.51 The organization deemed the alternatives evenly matched regarding four criteria and one alternative slight- ly more suitable concerning the remaining three criteria. Only in cases of management oversight and cost-efficiency in-house management of IS was identified to be signifi- cantly more suitable than outsourcing. 5.3 Third use case The third use case was conducted with a publicly owned organization (primary school), employing between 10 and 19 people (Spub). The organization had one em- ployee dedicated to IT management and was very depend- ent on IT. Their self-reported level of IS in the organization was mediocre. Results indicate that in-house management of IS is the preferred option. The organization preferred in-house management concerning all criteria except for threat awareness and regulatory compliance. The results of the third use case are presented in Table 6. 5.4 Fourth use case The fourth use case was conducted with a publicly owned organization (high school), employing between 100 and 149 people (Mpub). The organization had two 153 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers employees dedicated to IT management, and the organi- zation stated that they are highly dependent on IT. Their self-reported level of IS was mediocre. Even though the results slightly turn towards outsourc- ing IS, the model does not decisively advocate any of the alternatives. The results of the fourth use case are present- ed in Table 7. Concerning the first six criteria, the organization did not distinguish between the alternatives. The organization did prefer outsourcing regarding the two most important criteria – prompt response and business continuity. The organization preferred in-house IS management regard- ing management oversight and cost-efficiency. However, since the organization mostly deemed all criteria equally important, the result does not significantly advocate one alternative as more suitable than the other. Table 6: Results of the third use case (w – criteria weights, W – alternative weight) Table 7: Results of the fourth use case (w – criteria weights, W – alternative weight) Criteria w Outsourcing In-house Threat awareness 0.064 1 1 Knowledge of security solutions 0.097 0.2 5 Focus on core competence 0.082 0.2 5 Regulatory compliance 0.09 5 0.2 Human resources 0.066 0.2 5 Tools and infrastructure 0.087 0.2 5 Management oversight 0.102 0.2 5 Prompt response 0.206 0.2 5 Business continuity 0.137 0.2 5 Cost-efficiency 0.07 0.2 5 W 0.15 0.85 Criteria w Outsourcing In-house Threat awareness 0.064 1 1 Knowledge of security solutions 0.097 1 1 Focus on core competence 0.082 1 1 Regulatory compliance 0.09 1 1 Human resources 0.066 1 1 Tools and infrastructure 0.087 1 1 Management oversight 0.102 0.33 3 Prompt response 0.206 2 0.5 Business continuity 0.137 3 0.33 Cost-efficiency 0.07 0.33 3 W 0.55 0.45 154 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers 6 Model assessment In an additional follow-up survey, we provided the or- ganizations included in use-cases with the results and asked them to provide feedback. In the form of four open-ended questions, the organizations were asked to state if they practice or would choose the same approach for ISM as the decision model suggested and to provide feedback on the perceived usefulness of the decision model for their or- ganization and other organizations. Each organization was also asked to evaluate if the model is suitable for use in IS planning activities and the adequacy of the chosen decision criteria. At the end of the survey, respondents could freely discuss and comment on the decision model. The answers are presented in a consolidated form in the following. Q1: Would you choose the same approach to ISM as suggested by the model? All participating organizations agreed with the alter- native suggested by the model and stated that they would choose the same approach as suggested by the decision model. Moreover, even though the result in the two cases was slightly ambiguous, the organization Mpriv highlight- ed that the result provided them a critical insight based on which they started considering outsourcing ISM and other IT-related activities, thus strengthening the level of their IS. Q2: How suitable do you find the model for deci- sion-making on ISM in your organization and/or other organizations? All participating organizations stated that they find the developed model suitable for decision-making for ISM for their organization. Nonetheless, they agree that there might be some room for improvement. The improvement should primarily focus on tailoring the criteria to their specific organization. Pre-set criteria, however, provide a certain level of objectivity and reduce the stress of decision-mak- ers in small organizations on whether chosen criteria are suitable for a particular ISM problem. Q3: Would you choose this model for other informa- tion security-related decisions for your organization? Participating organizations uniformly agreed on the model’s suitability for any ISM problem. The reason predominantly lies behind pre-defined decision criteria, which ultimately play the same significant role in any IS-related decision-making. The organization Spub infor- mally suggested pre-setting several AHP models based on these criteria addressing several major ISM problems. These pre-set models would be used in their future ISM decision-making. Q4: How suitable do you find the criteria for ISM de- cision-making? Participating organizations recognized the universal nature of the criteria used in the developed model. As previously mentioned, Spub suggested pre-setting several models that would address different ISM problems with the same criteria they find suitable and adequate. Howev- er, the organization Spriv would prefer a larger number of criteria based on which the alternative would be suggested, even though they find the current array of criteria adequate. Participating organizations concluded that the ap- proach to decision-making with the developed model is easy to use and does not require prior knowledge regard- ing AHP or other MCDM methods. Along with the fact that it is ready-made, it is a time-efficient method for deci- sion-making for ISM. The results of the use cases suggest the model’s usability, ease of use, and usefulness. Table 8 presents a summary of conducted use cases. 7 Discussion Provision of IS is a vital function in mature organi- zations, as it contributes to their compliance, resilience, and social responsibility. However, IS is a complex sys- tem intertwined with many challenges related to organi- zational security needs, responsibilities, and capabilities. A thoughtful approach to the decision-making and man- agement of such a system is thus necessary. Organizations can generally choose to manage IS internally or opt for outsourcing. However, the decision requires consideration of various factors as both approaches have several (dis) advantages. Consequently, many organizations face a di- lemma on which approach is more appropriate. The current study aimed to identify key criteria to con- sider in establishing efficient ISM and develop an MCDM model that helps organizations determine which approach to ISM is more suitable for their needs and capabilities. The results highlighted that business reputation and risks associated with the exertion of IS are among the least im- portant criteria to be considered, albeit not insignificant. On the other hand, a prompt response is the most impor- tant criterion for an efficient ISM, which is consistent with the research findings of several previous studies. It is of utmost importance for fast incident detection (Zúñiga & Jaatun, 2016). It is also crucial in all steps of handling an incident, as it can contain the expansion of the breach and reduce the time in which business is limited due to the in- cident (Sung & Kang, 2017). According to our research, business continuity and managerial oversight over IS activities are the two next most crucial criteria. Business continuity and IS are close- ly related, as each IS program must be designed to ensure business continuity (Chu & So, 2020). While business continuity is a consequence rather than an antecedent of the IS activities, our results suggest that the ISM approach needs to consider developing such capabilities and incor- porate them into the planning stages. Furthermore, mana- gerial oversight provides transparency and, to some effect, also looks after the legal aspects of the IS program (Georg, 2017). It can also provide a greater understanding of IS 155 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers Table 8: Summary of conducted use cases ID. Size (employees) IT employees IT dependency level Current level of IS Model result Feedback summary S priv 5 – 9 0 Somewhat dependent Mediocre Outsourcing The organization agrees with the model’s result. They find the model and criteria suitable for them as well as for other organi- zations. Since they do not have any dedicated IT staff, the result was expected, but they still find the model interesting for possible future decisions on ISM. M priv 10 – 19 1 Completely dependent Mediocre In-house The organization agrees with the model’s result. They find the mod- el valuable. The result encouraged them to incorporate security into their IT management process. S pub 10 – 19 1 Highly depen- dent Mediocre In-house The organization agrees with the proposed approach. They find the model and criteria suitable for decision-making, and they will use the decision model in the future. M pub 100 – 149 2 Highly depen- dent Mediocre Outsourcing The organization stated that they would choose the same approach as suggested by the model. They find the model and criteria suitable for them and other or- ganizations. They also stated that the model is usable for further IS-related decision-making. maturity and encourage appropriate financial and infra- structure support for the program (Atmojo et al., 2019). The aforementioned criteria that were deemed most important focus on the IS performance rather than on the predispositions that need to be met for an efficient ap- proach. Hence, organizations should primarily focus on the overall quality of service and consider costs, staffing, and technical aspects secondarily. While other studies sug- gest the importance of cost-efficiency (Wu et al., 2017), our results indicate that overall quality of service should be considered first if the primary goal is a mature and robust ISM. Certainly, costs and capabilities must not be over- looked in deciding on an ISM approach. However, increas- ing response time in exchange for lower costs should not be acceptable. The results of four use cases performed in real-world organizations suggest that the proposed decision model is valuable and appropriate for various organizations. In the case of two organizations, the decision model strong- ly recommended in-house management and outsourcing, respectively, with both organizations agreeing with the proposal. In the case of two other organizations, the de- cision model did not decisively promote any alternatives. This occurs when the decision-maker using the model de- termines the alternatives as equally suitable regarding the criteria (Saaty & Tran, 2007). There are several potential reasons for such tentativeness. First, prior to using the model, organizations need to be aware of their abilities, needs, and resources. If the organization is not thoroughly familiar with its IS-related needs and resources, it can be hard to assess which alternative is more suitable regard- ing given criteria. Other studies addressing IT outsourcing also caution about the same issue (Feng, Chen, et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2018). Second, organizations can be indifferent toward certain factors (e.g., if the organization does not have the technical capabilities). In such a case, both al- ternatives can present a significant investment (Wu et al., 2017), leading to the organization not having a preference. Therefore, it is vital for organizations to thoroughly ana- lyze their current state and capabilities of potential exter- nal contractors before comparing both options using the decision model. While the decision model only provided 156 Organizacija, V olume 55 Issue 2, May 2022 Research Papers explicit recommendations for two organizations, all four deemed the model as practical and helpful. Both organ- izations that were left without definite suggestions also indicated that the model raised their IS awareness, which further demonstrates its usefulness. The use cases have also shown that scientifically sup- ported systematic development of problem-solving meth- ods does not necessarily provide clear solutions or an- swers. Solving real-world problems requires a thoughtful approach tailored to factual circumstances. Moreover, al- though complex problems are often solvable with straight- forward solutions, we demonstrated that this is not always the case, especially in the circumstances related to high financial and security risks, such as IS in organizational settings. On this note, we can conclude that the proposed decision model is an effective tool and can be of great as- sistance in planning the organization’s IS program; how- ever, it should serve as a mere step in the decision-making process. 7.1 Implications, limitations, and future work This research provides several theoretical and practical implications. To the best of our knowledge, this is not only the first AHP-based but also the first overall decision mod- el explicitly developed for deliberating between outsourc- ing and in-house ISM. Our model is ready-made and to be used without having to identify and prioritize the decision criteria. This research also presents use cases where the developed decision model was utilized to emphasize its us- ability. Along with step-by-step guidelines provided in this paper, use cases provide a real-world assessment of the model and enable enterprises its straightforward applica- tion. Hence, the model can be directly applied to any small to a medium-sized organization aiming to plan an ISM. Use cases indicate that participating enterprises perceive the model as functional and easy to use. The developed decision model thus enables organizations a practical, sci- entifically substantiated, and systematic decision-making approach for ISM. This research presents several limitations. First, since ten criteria were used to construct the decision model, some criteria had to be omitted. Even though scaling down the model was done to maintain the model’s ease of use and overall usability (also suggested by Russo & Caman- ho (2015)), some of the omitted criteria could be consid- ered important. Second, experts participating in the focus group and practitioners taking the survey were chosen by convenient sampling. Even though we provided different sizes of organizations and selected two organizations from the public sector and two from the private sector, conven- ient sampling was also used for choosing the participating enterprises. Third, pairwise comparisons were only made by IS specialists. Since we did not obtain the opinion of the managers, the model is slightly balanced toward the effectiveness of the IS and assigns less importance to the strategic criteria. Fourth, the model was not tested against any other decision model. Since such comparison was not possible due to the non-existence of similar decision mod- els for ISM, we conducted a follow-up survey. The survey provided an alternative to such benchmark testing; howev- er, further work on this topic is required. Hence, our research findings and the developed model should serve as an incentive for further research. 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He is employed at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security. His primary research interests are human aspects of information- and cyber-security, privacy law, adoption of new technologies, and secure software development methodologies. ORCID: 0000-0002- 5925-4262 Kaja Prislan holds a Ph.D. in security studies. She is an assistant professor at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security. Her research interests include information security management, behavioral information security, and security in (smart) communities. ORCID: 0000-0002-8474-7122 Zunanje izvajanje ali ne? Na AHP metodi osnovan odločitveni model za upravljanje informacijske varnosti Namen: Zunanje izvajanje informacijske varnosti se je izkazalo kot učinkovita rešitev za upravljanje informacijske varnosti. Kljub temu pa tak pristop ni najprimernejši za vsako organizacijo. Cilj raziskave je bil razviti večkriterijski odločitveni model, ki organizacijam pomaga pri odločanju kateri pristop k upravljanju informacijske varnosti (zunanje izvajanje ali notranje upravljanje) je bolj primeren za njihove potrebe in zmožnosti. Metode: Naša raziskava temelji na različnih raziskovalnih metodah. Prvič, kriteriji odločanja so bili identificirani na podlagi pregleda literature, nato pa izbrani s pomočjo fokusne skupine med strokovnjaki za informacijsko varnost. Drugič, da bi kriterijem določili uteži, smo izvedli anketo med strokovnjaki za informacijsko varnost iz prakse. Tretjič, da bi ocenili izvedljivost, enostavnost uporabe in uporabnost modela, smo izvedli štiri primere uporabe v organiza- cijah. Rezultati: Razvili smo deset-kriterijski odločitveni model, ki temelji na analitičnem hierarhičnem procesu. Rezultati ankete nakazujejo na to, da so kriteriji, povezani z uspešnostjo, pomembnejši od kriterijev, ki se osredotočajo na učinkovitost. Rezultati primerov uporabe prikazujejo, da je odločitveni model uporaben v različnih organizacijah. Zaključek: Za sprejemanje utemeljenih odločitev o pristopu k upravljanju informacijske varnosti morajo organizacije najprej opraviti temeljito analizo svojih zmogljivosti in potreb. V tem primeru lahko predlagani model služi kot uporab - no podporno orodje v procesu odločanja za pridobitev jasnih priporočil, prilagojenih dejanskim okoliščinam. Ključne besede: Informacijska varnost, Odločitveni model, Analitični hierarhični proces, AHP, Management, Zuna- nje izvajanje