Image Anal Stereol 2012;31:89-98 Original Research Paper UNIQUENESS PROPERTIES OF THE INVARIATOR, LEADING TO SIMPLE COMPUTATIONS Luis M. Cruz-Oriveb Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computation, Faculty of Sciences, University of Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros s/n, E-39005 Santander, Spain e-mail: (Received October 26, 2011; revised February 7, 2012; accepted February 16, 2012) ABSTRACT It is shown that, for a three dimensional particle (namely an arbitrary compact domain with piecewise smooth boundary in R3) the mean wedge volume defined on a given pivotal section is equal to the average nucleator estimator of the particle volume defined on that section. Further, if the particle is convex and it contains the pivotal point, then the flower area of a given pivotal section equals the average surfactor estimator defined on that section. These results are intended to throw some light on the standing conjecture that the functional defined on a pivotal section according to the invariator has a unique general expression. As a plus, the former result leads to a computational formula for the mean wedge volume of a convex polygon which is much simpler than the one published recently, and it is valid whether the fixed pivotal point is interior or exterior to the particle. Keywords: flower area, invariator, nucleator, stereology, surface area, surfactor, volume, wedge volume. INTRODUCTION The invariator is a new stereological principle to generate a test line on an isotropic plane (called the pivotal plane) through a fixed point (called the pivotal point), which is effectively a test line with a motion invariant density in R3. This construction enjoys practical advantages because individual particle surface area and volume can be estimated from measurements made solely on a pivotal section (Cruz-Orive, 2005; Cruz-Orive et al., 2010). It can be shown that the volume of a particle in R3 is equal to 2^ times the mean volume of a three dimensional subset (called the wedge set) which is well defined on a pivotal section (Cruz-Orive, 2011, Eq. 18). If the particle is convex then its surface area is four times the mean flower area of a pivotal section (Cruz-Orive, 2005, Eq. 2.19). Classical estimators of particle volume and surface area are the nucleator (Gundersen, 1988), and the surfactor (Jensen and Gundersen, 1987, 1989), respectively. For additional information on these estimators see Karlsson and Cruz-Orive (1997). In a recent generalization of the invariator the question has been raised of whether the invariator functional defined on a pivotal section to represent intrinsic particle volumes is unique (Gual-Arnau et al., 2010, Conjecture 4.1). If true, this conjecture would imply that, for any given pivotal plane, a suitable average of whatever estimator of an intrinsic volume would coincide with the corresponding invariator estimator. The purpose of this paper is to prove the following results. (i) For a particle in R3 the average of the nucleator formula on a pivotal section yields the mean wedge volume defined on that section (Proposition 1). (ii) For a convex particle containing the pivotal point the average of the surfactor expression on a pivotal section coincides with the corresponding flower area. This result is proven separately for a convex particle with smooth boundary (Proposition 2), and for a convex polyhedron (Proposition 3). The result (ii) was fortuitously found to hold for a ball in Cruz-Orive (2008) after Eq. 10. As a plus, the following new results are also obtained. (a) Proposition 1 leads to a computational formula for the mean wedge volume of a convex polygon (Corollary 1) which is much simpler than Eq. 61 from Cruz-Orive (2011). Moreover, the new formula is valid indistinctly for an interior or an exterior pivotal point. (b) Proposition 3 leads to an alternative to Calka's formula (Cruz-Orive, 2011, Eq. 45) for the flower area of a convex polygon with respect to an interior pivotal point (Corollary 2). Conclusions and open questions are presented in the final section. EQUIVALENT REPRESENTATIONS OF THE MEAN WEDGE VOLUME Consider a particle FcK3, namely an arbitrary compact domain with nonempty interior Y° and piecewise smooth boundary dY. Thus, Y can be contained in a ball B3 := B3 (R) of finite radius R and centred at a fixed point O, which is adopted as the pivotal point (Fig. 1, left). THE INVARIATOR CONSTRUCTION As in Cruz-Orive (2005, 2011, Section 2.1) let (0, t) represent a pivotal plane, namely an isotropic random plane through O with normal direction t eS\ which is uniform random over the unit hemisphere S2 . If t is parametrized by its spherical polar coordinates ( 0,0 < a> < 2n), namely the polar coordinates of the point z^B2f with respect to a fixed reference half axis Ox 1 in the pivotal plane. The volume of Y can be expressed as follows, V(Y) = 27rEtEû,V{W(û>;f)} (4) where W(orj) is the wedge solid defined on the pivotal section Fnl^(0,f) for each axis L2(0,co;t) in that section, see Fig. 1, (for further details see Cruz-Orive, 2011, Section 2.3). On the other hand, E^E® denote expectations with respect to the probability elements given by Eq. 1 and P(dco) = da/(2k), a e [0,2k), respectively. To simplify the notation suppose for the moment that Y is star shaped with respect to an interior pivotal point O, which means that any ray joining O with the boundary d (Yni^(0;f)) of the pivotal section is connected. The length p+(cp;t) of that ray is the radial function of the pivotal section. The nucleator representation of the volume of Y reads, 4k q V(Y) = —EtE9{pl(ç;t)} (5) the inner expectation E^ being with respect to P(d 0,0 < (p < 2k) denote the polar coordinates of x with respect to the fixed axis Ox\. Then r = p| cos(® — -;t)} = -Ydl it ^^ ni= l (ID and the corresponding estimator of the particle volume reads, N V(Y) = 2aYddi, (12) i= 1 which is a discretised version of the first integral in Section 2.1.2 of Hansen et al (2011). In Cruz-Orive (2011), Section 6.4, an exact computational formula is given for the mean wedge volume when a convex pivotal section is approximated by a convex polygon of n vertexes. The idea is that, if the pivotal section cannot be segmented, then at least a few 'evenly spaced' points may be selected along its boundary, either automatically, or semiautomatically with the aid of a cursor. COMPUTATION OF THE MEAN WEDGE VOLUME DEFINED ON A CONVEX POLYGON VIA THE AVERAGED NUCLEATOR: A VAST IMPROVEMENT ON CRUZ-ORIVE (2011) The mean wedge volume formulae for a convex polygon given by Eq. 61 and Eq. 80 in Cruz-Orive (2011) are unnecessarily complicated and do not hold for an exterior pivotal point. By virtue of Eq. 6 it suffices to integrate the third power of the radius vector of the polygon, which is much simpler than the direct computation adopted in the latter paper. The corresponding formula is given in Corollary 1 below. For completeness, the pertinent notation from Section 5.2 of Cruz-Orive (2011) is given next. (xk+-\,yk+-\) (XkJk) \ Pk \ ' < \ Qk o Fig. 3. A portion of a convex polygon describing the notation used in Corollary 1. Prerequisites. A pivotal section Y n I^(O.t ) of a convex particle Y is almost surely convex and can be approximated by a convex n-gon K c E2. 'lb follow the ensuing development it is convenient to suppose that OgK°, but Corollary 1 does not require this. However, if O ^ K then the rectangular reference frame Oxy has to be chosen so that K lies in the upper half plane. The following elements are needed, see Fig. 3. - The rectangular coordinates of the vertices are given by the counterclockwise cyclic sequence {(xi,vi), {x2,y2), • • •, (Wn)}, with (x„+i, v„+i) = (xi.y|). It is assumed that (xi,yi) is the rightmost vertex, namely Xl = SUp{A'l,A'2,...,A„} • (13) Polar coordinates of the vertices: {(ri,)da> (19) do cos3(to-6k) cos3 x „ 9 +^logtanf J + y) +C 2 cos2 j 2 V2 4 J whereby Corollary 1 follows. (20) □ COMPUTATION OF THE MEAN WEDGE VOLUME WITH THE NEW FORMULA: EXAMPLES To check Eq. 17 I have resorted to the model used in Section 8.1 of Cruz-Orive (2011) in which the particle Y c M3 is a finite ball. Case of an interior pivotal point, O 1. Then, conditional on the hitting event, (Fig. 5), 27rE(aV{W(®)} = ^[X2{1 + X2)E{X-2) -(A2 + 3)(A2-1 )K(X-2)] . (22) The preceding result is derived in the Appendix. Retaining 5 exact digits, the numerical values of the preceding expression for X = 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and r= 1 are 9.9590, 12.963, 16.024, 19.112, respectively. Approximating the disk by a regular polygon of n = 2000 vertices, formula 17 returns the 5 exact digits in 3.0 s computing time. Eq. 61 and Eq. 80 of Cruz-Orive (2011) are not valid in this case. THE INTEGRATED SURFACTOR IS THE FLOWER AREA For a convex particle Y containing the pivotal point, the invariator principle implies that the particle surface area satisfies the identity, S(dY)=4Et{A(Ht)} f2n = 2Eí , (Jensen and Gundersen, 1987, 1989), where p = p(,m), E(,m) denote the incomplete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, respectively. A more convenient expression depending on the complete elliptic integrals K, E of the first and second kind, respectively, can be obtained by means of the following identities, valid for A € (0,1), the right hand side of Eq. 42 and redefining A := l/r € (1,°°), that is, replacing A with 1/A, Eq. 22 is obtained. ¿•sin 1A /•sin A .- ¿■(sin-1 A, A-2) = / vi-A-2 sin2 x dx Jo f'71!2 cos2jcdx A (43) F(sin_1A,A~2) o \¡ 1 — A2 sin2 j = X~1 [E(X2)-(l-X2)K(X2)] , .sin-1 A dt A 0 \/l - A 2sin2.i */2 dt 'o V1 — A2 sin2 j (44) : A^(A2) , see also Abramowitz and Stegun (1965), Sections Fig. 8. Definitions used in the derivation of the mean 17.4.15-16. Substituting the preceding results into wedge volume for a disk with exterior pivotal point O.