13 Open Access. © 2018 Babič M, Huber m.A., Bielecka E, Soycan M, Przegon W, Gigović L, Drobnjak S, Sekulović D, Pogarčić I, Miliaresis G, Mikoš M, Komac M., published by Sciendo. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. Received: Oct 18, 2018 Accepted: Dec 10, 2018 DOI: 10.2478/rmzmag-2019-0006 Original scientific paper Abstract Many problems in the analysis of natural terrain sur- face shapes and the construction of terrain maps to model them remain unsolved. Almost the whole pro- cess of thematic interpretation of aerospace informa- tion consists of a step-by-step grouping and further data conversion for the purpose of creating a com- pletely definite, problematically oriented picture of the earth’s surface. In this article, we present application of a new method of drawing 3D visibility networks for pattern recognition and its application on terrain surfaces. For the determination of complexity of 3D surface terrain, we use fractal geometry method. We use algorithm for constructing the visibility network to analyse the topological property of networks used in complex terrain surfaces. Terrain models give a fast overview of a landscape and are often fascinating and overwhelmingly beautiful works by artists who invest all their interest and an immense amount of work and know-how, combined with a developed sense of the portrayed landscape, in creating them. At the end, we present modelling of terrain surfaces with topological properties of the visibility network in 3D space. Key words: Network theory, complex pattern recogni- tion, terrain surface analysis, modelling New Method of Visibility Network and Statistical Pattern Network Recognition Usage in Terrain Surfaces Matej Babič 1, *, Miłosz Andrzej Huber 2 , Elzbieta Bielecka 3 , Metin Soycan 4 , Wojciech Przegon 5 , Ljubomir Gigović 6 , Siniša Drobnjak 7 , Dragoljub Sekulović 7 , Ivan Pogarčić 8 , George Miliaresis 9 , Matjaž Mikoš 10 , Marko Komac 10 1, *Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia 2 Maria Curie –Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland 3 Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Poland 4 Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Geomatic Engineering Davutpasa Campus TR-34220 Esenler-Istanbul-Turkey 5 University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland 6 University of Defence, Military Academy, Serbia 7 Military Geographical Institute, Belgrade, Serbia 8 Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia 9 University of Patras, Greece 10 Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana Slovenia POVZETEK Obstaja mnogo nerešenih problemov s področja anali- ze oblik terenov naravnih površin in izdelavo njihovega modela. Skoraj celoten proces tematske interpretacije letalskih in vesoljskih informacij je sestavljen iz skupi- ne po korakih in nadaljnje pretvorbe podatkov z name- nom oblikovanja popolnoma določene, problematič- no usmerjene slike zemeljske površine. V tem članku predstavljamo uporabo nove metode konstruiranja 3D omrežij vidljivosti za prepoznavanje vzorcev in njeno uporabo na površinah terena. Za določanje kom- pleksnosti 3D površine terena uporabljamo metodo fraktalne geometrije. Uporabljamo algoritem omrežja vidljivosti za analizo topoloških lastnosti omrežij, ki se uporabljajo na kompleksnih terenih. Terenski mo- deli omogočajo hiter pregled pokrajine in so pogosto očarljiva in lepa dela umetnikov, ki vlagajo vse svoje zanimanje in ogromno dela in znanja, skupaj z razvi- tim občutkom za predstavljene pokrajine pri njihovi ustvarjanju. Na koncu predstavljamo modeli površine terena s topološkimi lastnostmi 3D omrežij vidljivosti. KLJUČNE BESEDE: Teorija omrežij, razpoznavanje kompleksnih vzorcev, analiza površine terena, mode- liranje Babič M, Huber m.A., Bielecka E, Soycan M, Przegon W, Gigović L, Drobnjak S, Sekulović D, Pogarčić I, Miliaresis G, Mikoš M, Komac M. 14 RMZ – M&G | 2019 | Vol. 66 | pp. 013–026 Introduction Network theory and graph theory are very use- ful in Geography. Landscape network models can be a useful tool (procedure) in landscape aesthetic value management and spatial plan- ning processes [1]. Visibility calculations [2] are central to any computer graphics and geoin- formation system (GIS) application. Visibility graph analysis [3] is a spatial analysis tech- nique that can also be applied to terrain sur- face analysis. Existing or newly designed hous- es, structures, quarters, etc. are considered as peaks, and the connecting roads, engineering networks, transmission lines, etc., are like ribs. The process of creating terrain and landscape models [4] is important in various computer graphics and many visualisation applications. Figure 1 presents a terrain surface. Terrain surfaces [5] represent phenomena that have definite values at each point along the entire range of their extent. The values of an infinite set of points on the entire surface are extract- ed from a limited set of initial values. They can be based on direct measurements, for example, elevation height values or temperature values for temperature surfaces. The values for the surface between the measurement points are assigned by interpolation. Surfaces can also be mathematically calculated based on other data, for example, surface slopes or exposures, de- rived from terrain surface data, the surface of distances from bus stops in a city or a surface, showing the concentration of criminal activity or the possibility of strikes. In problems of transforming the terrain into a project surface, mathematical methods are often used. In modern conditions of design- ing in real time or object-oriented design, the solution of some problems is eliminated with a geometric approach. This approach is called geometric modelling. More and more popu- lar are the methods of geometric modelling in engineering design through computer model- ling, since the solution to the problem acquires a spatial, visual appearance. In the design of the project surface relative to the terrain, a mathematical method is applied to the input data x, y, and z coordinates of discrete points of the relief. Transformation of the relief into the project surface requires a high-level engi- Figure 1: Terrain surface. neer of the designer of mathematical skills that complicate the design process. Determination and selection of the optimal design surface along the structural relief lines [6] are becom- ing more and more in demand in the practice of engineering design, as the design takes place in real time and acquires a creative character. In modern systems of engineering design such as Compass, AutoCAD having input data on the topographic surface, it is possible to con- struct structural relief lines-profile and cross sections, isolines, slope lines, watersheds, and thalwegs [7]. All this is visualised in real time and gives the widest possibilities for analysis to a design engineer even of the middle class. Consider an inclined line of an arbitrary flat curve, which is the profile or cross section of the relief. Having a number of such profile or cross sections interspersed at a certain dis- tance (Dx, Dy), we can represent the framework model of the relief. The main task of the analy- sis of the relief is to determine the general slope of the terrain, and on the basis of it the design surface is selected. At the word “geometry”, we have cylinders, triangles, hypotenuses, bisec- tors of corners, “find the area of a figure”, slate boards, and breaking chalk from the depths of memory. The problem is that everything that comes to the mind is a language for describing an extremely narrow set of phenomena of the surrounding world. At home, sometimes, they are close to a parallelepiped, but trees – not the cylinders, the mountains are not cones, but the shape of the cloud is incomprehensible with what to compare. If we look closely, in the world around us this school geometry (we will New Method of Visibility Network and Statistical Pattern Network Recognition Usage in Terrain Surfaces 15 call it Euclidean) describes not so much. The scientists asked this question for a long time, but since they did not find a convincing answer, they wrote down these forms as “disordered”, “monstrous”, and “unexplored”. A global break- through occurred only in the 1960–1970s, when the French mathematician Benois Mandelbrot invented and developed his theory of frac- tals [8]. It was a new, fractal geometry, which took for the object of research all that uneven, broken, and rough that surrounds us (that is, almost all). Mandelbrot found his wonderful or- der in complex forms of nature. Machine learn- ing [9] is a highly specialised field of knowledge that is part of the main sources of technologies and methods used in the fields of large data and the Internet of things that studies and develops algorithms for automated extraction of knowl- edge from a raw data set, learning software systems based on the data received, generation of predictive and/or prescriptive recommen- dations, pattern recognition, etc. Statistics [10] is a science that uses many effective methods (including the method of mass observations, the method of groupings, and the method of generalising indicators) for the achievement of accurate results for the study of an object (sub- ject, phenomenon, and process) and structur- ing them in a form convenient for the subject text, table, graph, and diagram with the subse- quent analysis of the received data; the extract- ed information forms a statistical vision of the situation, the element of which is the object under study. Statistics is a general theoretical science (a complex of scientific disciplines) that studies the quantitative side of qualitatively de- fined mass socioeconomic phenomena and pro- cesses, their composition, distribution, spatial placement, and movement in time, revealing the current interdependencies and patterns in specific conditions of place and time. So, sta- tistics is a branch of practical activity (“statis- tical accounting”) for the collection, processing, analysis, and publication of mass digital data on various phenomena and processes of pub- lic life. Modern information systems and tech- nologies include a large number of procedures that model or support data mining process. To the simplest procedures any type of classifica- tion quantitative data on given to users criteria, more complex provide analysis scenes, pro- cesses, phenomena for the purpose of selecting objects with given characteristics or properties. Procedures of this type are present not only in analysis problems in aerospace images but also when processing signals in technical sys- tems, in medical diagnostics, biology, sociology, banking business, and other areas of human activity. As you expand sphere of application of geoinformation technologies and complicating procedures, geoinformation modelling proce- dures for analysis and classification aggregates of data, objects, and structures are very import- ant in the new generation of GISs. For designing any system of thematic analysis classification of information objects and structures, its applica- tion requires a specialist knowledge. Research and development methods, algorithms, and systems for solving such tasks on a computer are engaged in a discipline called pattern rec- ognition [11]. Our purpose in the present paper is to investigate different topological properties of visibility graphs in 3D space, which are be- ing viewed as attractive alternatives in terrain surface analysis. The aim of the study is to use a visibility network algorithm for statistical pattern recognition of 3D classification for the prediction of complex terrain surfaces. Materials and methods A new algorithm for the construction of vis- ibility networks in 3D space was presented in the study by Stempien [12]. This algorithm was used to analyse the topological properties of a complex surface (Figure1). In the visibili- ty graph in 3D space, we calculated topological properties of the graph with the programme Pajek [13]. To analyse the topographical prop- erty of the terrain surface, we use the construc- tion of the visibility graph in 3D space. Also, the problem in visibility points that we can connect together. In Figure 2, the problem of visibili- ty network in 3D space is presented. Figure 3 presents the 3D surface and Figure 4 solution for constructing visibility graphs in 3D space for Figure 3. We analysed a set of 22 randomly created ter- rain surfaces (Appendix 1). For each terrain surface, we constructed visibility graphs in 3D. After that, we calculated topological properties Babič M, Huber m.A., Bielecka E, Soycan M, Przegon W, Gigović L, Drobnjak S, Sekulović D, Pogarčić I, Miliaresis G, Mikoš M, Komac M. 16 RMZ – M&G | 2019 | Vol. 66 | pp. 013–026 of visibility graph in 3D for each terrain surface. Topological properties can apply to the net- work as a whole or to individual nodes and edg- es. Some of the most used topological proper- ties and concepts are # extremes, # edges, and # k-core, All Degree Centralisation, Network Clustering Coefficient, Average Degree, and tri- adic census type 16–300 of visibility graphs in 3D for each terrain surface. We calculated sta- tistical properties of topological properties of the 3D visibility network of all 22 terrain sur- faces. For the determination of complexity of terrain surfaces, we use fractal geometry [14]. In fractal geometry, fractal dimension is the key, which determines the complexity of an object. Random forest (RF) [15] is one of the most stunning machine learning algorithms invent- ed by Leo Bryman and Adele Cutler in the last century. He came to us in an “original form” (no heuristics could not substantially improve it) and is one of the few universal algorithms. The universality consists, first, that it is good in many tasks, second, that there are RFs for solv- ing problem classification, regression, cluster- ing, search of anomalies, selection of signs, etc. RF is a lot of decisive trees. In the task of regres- sion, their answers are averaged, in the task of classification the decision is made by voting for the majority. Figure 5 presents five illustrative decision trees forming a (very small) RF for classification. We use parameters 30 fixed seed for random generator and growth control, not split subsets smaller than 5. Figure 2: Visibility points (black line) and unrelated points (orange line). Figure 3: 3D surface. Figure 4: Visibility network in 3D space for Figure 3. Figure 5: Five illustrative decision trees forming a (very small) random forest for classification. New Method of Visibility Network and Statistical Pattern Network Recognition Usage in Terrain Surfaces 17 The K-nearest neighbours model [16] is a meth- od of machine learning, which saves itself as the knowledge of learning. For a given new exam- ple, the algorithm finds a given set of learning examples to the nearest, most similar cases and estimates the probability distribution from the relative distribution of these to examples by grade. In the simplest variant of this meth- od, the algorithm is compiled by the new case as the class to which most of the closest neigh- bours belong. The advanced method takes into account the weighting of the impact of learning examples on the classification of a new case by distance. Figure 6 presents the k-nearest neigh- bours method. We use parameters 2 neigh- bours, Chebyshev metric and uniform weight. The solution of the problem of binary classifica- tion using the support vector method [17] con- sists of finding a linear function that correctly divides the data set into two classes. The prob- lem can be formulated as the search for a func- tion f(x) that takes values less than zero for vectors of one class and greater than zero for vectors of another class. As initial data for the solution of the task, that is, search for the classi- fying function f(x), given a training set of space vectors for which they are known to belong to one of the classes. The family of classifying functions can be described in terms of the func- tion f(x). The hyperplane is defined by the vec- tor a and the value b, i.e. f(x) = a.x + b. As a result of solving the problem, i.e. constructing an SVM model, a function is found that takes values less than zero for vectors of one class and greater than zero for vectors of another class. For each new object, a negative or positive value deter- mines whether the object belongs to one of the classes. Figure 7 presents the support vector method. We use v-SVM type with regression cost (C) 1.05. Optimisation parameters, we use 100 iteration limit and numerical tolerance 0.002. We use Kernel (g × x × y + 0.15) 3 and g was auto. Results and discussion In Table 1, the topological properties of 3D visi- bility network are presented. Topological prop- erties present input of predictive models of complexity of terrain surfaces. We mark terrain surfaces from T1 to T22. Column one presents topological property # extremes, column two presents topological property # edges, column three presents topological property # k-core, column four presents topological property All Degree Centralisation, column five presents topological property Network Clustering Coef- ficient, column six presents topological prop- erty Average Degree, and the last column pres- ents topological property triadic census type 16–300. The last column presents complexity of terrain surfaces. Terrain surface T22 has the best topological properties of the 3D visibility network, because T22 has maximal number of edges, Network Clustering Coefficient, and triadic census type 16–300. Terrain surface Figure 6: K-nearest neighbours. Figure 7: Support vector method. Babič M, Huber m.A., Bielecka E, Soycan M, Przegon W, Gigović L, Drobnjak S, Sekulović D, Pogarčić I, Miliaresis G, Mikoš M, Komac M. 18 RMZ – M&G | 2019 | Vol. 66 | pp. 013–026 T17 has a maximal number of extremes of the 3D visibility network. Terrain surface T14 has maximal number of k-core and triadic census type 16–300 of the 3D visibility network. Ter- rain surface T11 has a maximal number of All Degree Centralisation of 3D visibility network. Table 2 presents statistical properties of topo- logical properties of the 3D visibility network of terrain surfaces. We calculated statistical prop- erties such as mean, standard deviation, stan- dard error, median, geometric mean, harmonic mean, variance, skewness, Kurtosis, Fisher’s g1, Fisher’s g2, coefficient of variation, coefficient of dispersion, communality, area under curve, mean direction (Theta), mean resultant length, circular variance (V), circular standard devia- tion (v), circular dispersion (Delta), von Mises concentration (Kappa), Phi Pearson’s Contin- gency, Coefficient Tschuprow’s T, lambda B, symmetric lambda, Kendall’s tau-B, Kendall’s tau-C, and gamma of topological properties of the 3D visibility network of terrain surfaces. Terrain surface T21 has maximal # k-core. Mostly, we have positive amount in Table 2 un- less Skewness and Fisher’s g1 for # extremes, average degree and triadic census type 16–300, kurtosis for average degree and triadic census type 16–300, Kendall’s tau-B, Kendall’s tau-C and Gamma for # extremes, All Degree Central- isation, average degree, and triadic census type 16–300. Terrain surface T5 has most complex- ity. Terrain surface T21 has minimal complexi- ty. This statistic measures the heaviness of the tails of a distribution. The usual reference point Table 1: Topological properties of the 3D visibility network and fractal dimension. SP # extremes # edges # k-core All Degree Centralisation Network clustering coefficient Average degree Triadic census type 16–300 Fractal dimension T1 120823 3500351 16 0.00020627 0.364 6.675 4865624 2.7365 T2 125787 3308776 12 0.00019998 0.364 6.311 4191425 2.668 T3 123943 3335861 13 0.00017608 0.371 6.363 4267175 2.6871 T4 124833 3355735 13 0.00017319 0.379 6.401 4353872 2.7458 T5 124626 3314397 12 0.00016182 0.378 6.322 4212248 2.8065 T6 131540 3190001 12 0.00013725 0.364 6.084 3796016 2.4956 T7 126962 3311163 12 0.00017518 0.373 6.316 4196282 2.1664 T8 130799 3173601 12 0.00018496 0.36 6.053 3741603 2.4784 T9 123393 3355056 11 0.00016842 0.385 6.399 4256560 2.622 T10 126395 3386391 13 0.00015883 0.378 6.459 4483986 2.7426 T11 124296 3315948 11 0.00026577 0.367 6.325 4207031 2.6142 T12 123829 3355735 13 0.00017319 0.379 6.401 4353872 2.6982 T13 128143 3451450 16 0.00018446 0.352 6.583 4862060 2.6743 T14 122500 3685175 20 0.00027177 0.372 7.029 5877473 2.3634 T15 120818 3338595 11 0.00012649 0.386 6.368 4199754 2.5155 T16 116812 3733624 18 0.00020016 0.364 7.121 5848517 2.5342 T17 133031 3178192 12 0.00013822 0.36 6.062 3774789 2.6528 T18 130974 3182544 15 0.00014298 0.357 6.070 3819193 2.2996 T19 131043 3170121 13 0.00014205 0.359 6.047 3746658 2.6427 T20 95090 4151533 16 0.00010784 0.387 7.918 7284078 2.1693 T21 106916 5653616 33 0.00021764 0.363 10.783 1764141 2.1042 T22 86871 5735036 19 0.00015646 0.394 10.939 1466536 2.1332 New Method of Visibility Network and Statistical Pattern Network Recognition Usage in Terrain Surfaces 19 Table 2: Statistical properties of topological properties of the 3D visibility network. SP # extremes # edge # k-core All Degree Centralisation Network clustering coefficient Average degree Triadic census type 16–300 Mean 121792 3599223 14.68 17586.41 3.71E+07 5.98E+08 4253132 Standard deviation 11531.35 714391.3 4.86 4048.007 1119925 1.64E+08 1201353 Standard error 2458.49 152308.8 1.04 863.038 238768.9 3.50E+07 256129.4 Median 124461 3346826 13.00 17319 3.69E+07 6.34E+08 4209640 Geometric mean 121194 3546497 14.14 17168.05 3.71E+07 5.49E+08 4055020 Harmonic mean 120509 3505535 13.75 1.68E+04 3.70E+07 4.45E+08 3790200 Variance 1.3E+08 5.10E+11 23.66 1.64E+07 1.25E+12 2.69E+16 1.44E+12 Skewness -1.89 2.409759 2.60 0.8111144 0.3436712 -2.462485 -0.026658 Kurtosis 5.90 7.454659 10.23 3.508959 2.195798 8.01742 4.719475 Fisher's g1 -2.04 2.58979 2.79 0.8717122 0.3693466 -2.646456 -0.028649 Fisher's g2 4.03 5.993685 9.52 0.9784921 -0.6906038 6.708983 2.517122 Coefficient of variation 0.094 0.1984849 0.33 0.2301782 0.03020786 0.2743574 0.2824632 Coefficient of dispersion 0.05 0.1024648 0.21 0.1684723 0.02531182 0.114327 0.1701942 Communality 1.007201 1.000102 0.55 0.062183 0.474759 0.964151 0.570508 Area under curve 2575577 7.46E+07 305.50 368764.5 7.78E+08 1.28E+10 9.04E+07 Mean direction (Theta) 103.14 178.3926 14.67 120.4838 157.2197 148.077 188.3852 Mean resultant length 0.11 0.1746 1.00 0.0943 0.2903 0.3947 0.1533 Circular variance (V) 0.88 0.8254 0.00 0.9057 0.7097 0.6053 0.8467 Circular standard deviation (v) 118.11 107.0477 4.74 124.5001 90.1178 78.124 110.9654 Circular dispersion (Delta) 32.66 12.9282 0.01 48.9952 5.2048 2.7628 18.7855 von Mises concentration (Kappa) 0.24 0.3546 146.45 0.1895 0.6069 0.8603 0.3103 Phi 4.58 4.4721 2.83 4.4721 4.4721 4.4721 4.4721 Pearson's contingency coefficient 0.97 0.9759 0.94 0.9759 0.9759 0.9759 0.9759 Tschuprow's T 1 0.9879 0.79 0.9879 0.9879 0.9879 0.9879 Lambda B 1 0.9524 0.38 0.9524 0.9524 0.9524 0.9524 Symmetric lambda 1 0.9756 0.65 0.9756 0.9756 0.9756 0.9756 Kendall's tau-B -0.19 0.2338 0.28 -0.2165 0.026 -0.1126 -0.1558 Kendall's tau-C -0.19 0.2338 0.28 -0.2165 0.026 -0.1126 -0.1558 Gamma -0.19 0.2348 0.32 -0.2174 0.0261 -0.113 -0.1565 Babič M, Huber m.A., Bielecka E, Soycan M, Przegon W, Gigović L, Drobnjak S, Sekulović D, Pogarčić I, Miliaresis G, Mikoš M, Komac M. 20 RMZ – M&G | 2019 | Vol. 66 | pp. 013–026 in kurtosis is the normal distribution. If this kurtosis statistic equals three and the skew- ness is zero, the distribution is normal. Also, we found positive significance between Kurtosis and topological properties of visibility graphs in 3D space of terrain surface. Pearson’s con- tingency coefficient is a measure of association independent of sample size. It ranges between 0 (no relationship) and 1 (perfect relationship). For any particular table, the maximum possible depends on the size of the table (a 2 × 2 table has a maximum of 0.707), and so it should only be used to compare tables with the same dimensions. Also, in our result mostly topo- logical properties have Pearson’s contingency coefficient 0.97. Tschuprow’s T is a measure of association independent of sample size. This statistic is a modification of the Phi statistic so that it is appropriate for larger than 2 × 2 ta- bles. T ranges between 0 (no relationship) and 1 (perfect relationship), but 1 is only attainable for square tables. In our result, mostly topolog- ical properties have Tschuprow’s T = 0.98. Calculated and predicted data are presented in Table 3. The RF model presents a 6.28% devi- ation from the measured data. The k-nearest neighbours model presents a 6.88% deviation from the measured data. The support vector machine model presents a 6.82% deviation from the measured data. The calculated and Figure 8: The calculated and predicted surface terrain complexity. Table 3: Calculated and predicted data. S ED P RF kNN P SVM T1 2.7365 2.522 2.710 2.589 T2 2.668 2.470 2.545 2.617 T3 2.6871 2.683 2.545 2.625 T4 2.7458 2.592 2.673 2.621 T5 2.8065 2.538 2.530 2.619 T6 2.4956 2.460 2.537 2.596 T7 2.1664 2.678 2.645 2.705 T8 2.4784 2.601 2.552 2.546 T9 2.6220 2.612 2.558 2.646 T10 2.7426 2.730 2.697 2.650 T11 2.6142 2.563 2.590 2.462 T12 2.6982 2.668 2.721 2.649 T13 2.6743 2.644 2.722 2.573 T14 2.3634 2.463 2.564 2.462 T15 2.5155 2.535 2.590 2.694 T16 2.5342 2.460 2.537 2.596 T17 2.6528 2.425 2.422 2.384 T18 2.2996 2.572 2.587 2.563 T19 2.6427 2.425 2.422 2.396 T20 2.1693 2.554 2.610 2.396 T21 2.1042 2.366 2.481 2.407 T22 2.1332 2.258 2.439 2.400 New Method of Visibility Network and Statistical Pattern Network Recognition Usage in Terrain Surfaces 21 predicted surface terrain complexity is shown in the graph in Figure 8. Conclusions The visibility graph problem itself has long been studied in computational geometry and has been applied to various areas. Finally , in this work the visibility network in 3D space, which contains more information than the visibility graph, has been used to analyse the terrain sur- faces. Furthermore, we used the new method of construction of the visibility graphs in 3D space to describe the different terrain surfaces for possible further applications in studies of temporal and spatial landscape and/or terrain changes and evolution [18]. The main findings can be summarised as follows: ― We describe the different terrain surfaces by using the topological properties of the visi- bility graphs in 3D space. ― We present statistical properties of topolog- ical properties of the 3D visibility network. ― We use method of machine learning to pre- dict complexity of terrain surfaces. ― With topological properties of 3D visibility network of terrain surface, we model com- plexity of terrain surface. ― With statistical statistical properties of to- pological properties of 3D visibility network of terrain surface, we can better analyse and understand complexity of terrain surfaces. ― With statistical properties of 3D visibility network of terrain surface, we can better un- derstand structure of terrain surfaces. ― Terrain surface with minimum complexity has maximal #k-core. Possible further testing of the proposed meth- od in the field of landscape/terrain morpholo- gy would be: ― Description of temporal changes resp. devel- opment of a landscape/terrain using tempo- ral changes in visibility graphs produced on multitemporal LiDAR data [19]. ― Application in LiDAR derived high-resolu- tion topography for landform recognition and analysis [20]. ― Comparison of visibility graphs with other techniques for analysing terrain texture [21] or landform recognition, such as for land- slides [22]. References [1] Kowalczyk, A.M. (2015): The use of scale-free net- works theory in modeling landscape aesthetic value networks in urban areas. Geodetski vestnik, 59(1), pp. 135–152. [2] Ben-Moshe, B., Hall-Holt, O., Katz, M.J., Mitchell, J.S.B. (2004): Computing the visibility graph of points within a polygon. SCG’04 Proc. of the 20 th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry: Brooklyn, New York, USA; pp. 27–35. [3] Overmars, M.H., Welzl, E. 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New Method of Visibility Network and Statistical Pattern Network Recognition Usage in Terrain Surfaces 23 Appendix 1 Terrain surface T1 Terrain surface T2 Terrain surface T3 Terrain surface T4 Terrain surface T5 Terrain surface T6 Terrain surface T7 Babič M, Huber m.A., Bielecka E, Soycan M, Przegon W, Gigović L, Drobnjak S, Sekulović D, Pogarčić I, Miliaresis G, Mikoš M, Komac M. 24 RMZ – M&G | 2019 | Vol. 66 | pp. 013–026 Terrain surface T8 Terrain surface T9 Terrain surface T10 Terrain surface T11 Terrain surface T12 Terrain surface T13 Terrain surface T14 Terrain surface T15 New Method of Visibility Network and Statistical Pattern Network Recognition Usage in Terrain Surfaces 25 Terrain surface T17 Terrain surface T18 Terrain surface T19 Terrain surface T20 Terrain surface T21 Terrain surface T22 Terrain surface T16