Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 119/3, 1–10, Ljubljana 2023 doi:10.14720/aas.2023.119.3.2556 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek Pinched sunflowers (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) produce high- quality flowers under high nitrogen fertilizer Y ahya SELAHV ARZI 1, 2 , Maryam KAMALI 1 , Sajede KARIMPOUR 3 , Mahdiyeh KHARRAZI 4 , Moham- mad KARIMI 1 Received February 13 2022; accepted July 27, 2023. Delo je prispelo 13. februarja 2022, sprejeto 27. julija 2023 1 Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran 2 Corresponding author, e-mail: 3 Department of Horticultural Science and Landscape Engineering, Shirvan Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran 4 Ornamental Plants Biotechnology Research Department, Research Institute for Industrial Biotechnology, Iranian Academic Centre for Education, Culture and Re- search (ACECR), Mashhad, Iran Pinched sunflowers (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) pro- duce high-quality flowers under high nitrogen fertilizer Abstract: This study was investigated the effect of remov- ing the central bud (pinching) and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer urea on some morphological and physiological traits of ornamental sunflower. This study was conducted as a factori- al experiment in a randomized complete block design with four replications on ornamental sunflower (Helianthus annuus ‘ Te d- dy Bear’) at Horticulture Farm, Department of Horticulture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in 2020-2021. The first factor was pinching in two levels (pinching and non-pinching) and the second factor was using urea at four levels (0, 200, 300, and 400 kg ha -1 ) in the form of water-soluble fertilizer. Results showed that the highest flower dry mass (59.25 g) was observed in pinched plants fertilized by 400 kg ha -1 of urea. Besides, the application of a high level of urea fertilizer and pinching treat- ment increased the amount of total chlorophyll and chlorophyll b. By removing the central bud, the amount of N, P , K, Ca, Zn, and Fe elements in the leaf increased by 1.5, 1.6, 1.3, 1.9, 1.4, and 1.5 times, respectively. Therefore, pinching and the adding of urea fertilizer at 400 kg ha -1 is recommended for the produc- tion of high-quality sunflower plant ‘Teddy Bear’ . Key words: flowering period, head diameter, nutrient ele- ments, photosynthesis, plant height Pincirane sončnice (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) dajejo visoko kakovostna socvetja pri gnojenju z velimi količinami dušikovih gnojil Izvleček: V raziskavi je bil preučevan učinek odstranje- vanja (pinciranja) osrednjega socvetja in različnih odmerkov gnojenja z ureo na nekatere morfološke in fiziološke lastnosti okrasnih sončnic. Raziskava je bila izvedena kot popolni fak- torski bločni poskus s štirimi ponovitvami na okrasnih sonč- nicah (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) na Horticulture Farm, Department of Horticulture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, v rastni sezoni 2020-2021. Prvi dejavnik je obsegal dve ravni pinciranja (pincirano in ne pincirano), drugi dejavnik pa štiri različne odmerke uree (0, 200, 300, and 400 kg ha -1 ) v obliki vodotopnega gnojila. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila dosežena največja suha masa socvetij (59,25 g) pri pinciranih rastlinah in uporabi 400 kg ha -1 of uree. Večji odmerek uree je pri pinciranih socvetjih povečal vsebnost celokupnega klorofila in klorofila b. Pri odstranitvi osrednega socvetja se je vsebnost N, P , K, Ca, Zn in Fe v listih povečala za 1,5; 1,6; 1,3; 1,9; 1,4 in 1,5 krat. Zaradi naštetega priporočamo pinciranje in gnojenje s 400 kg ha -1 uree za vzgojo kakovostnih sončnic ‘Teddy Bear’ . Ključne besede: cvetenje, premer koška, hranila, fotosin- teza, višina rastlin Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 119/3 – 2023 2 Y. SELAHV ARZI et al. 1 INTRODUCTION Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an annual plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. This plant is native to North America and has medicinal, nutritional, and or- namental uses (Sehrawat et al., 2003) beside of its usage as a biodegradable source in biodiesel fuels (Saba et al., 2016). According to the specialized institute of cut flow- ers, in some sunflower cultivars, such as ‘Pro-Cut Gold’ and ‘Sunrich Lemon’ , the stems are so long. In contrast, other sunflower cultivars produce lateral shoots and have short stems and uniform flowers (Dole, 2002). Removing the central bud (pinching) is considered one way to stim- ulate the plant to produce lateral branches and increase the number of stems per plant (Wien, 2015; Cheema, 2018). Depending on the stage of plant growth, pinching can be beneficial or harmful for plants (Smakel, 2006), as pinching of the different sunflower cultivars at the right time enhanced flower production three to four times (Wien, 2012a). However, pinching delays flowering and reduces flower size (Cheema, 2018) and the formation of flowers for 7-10 days (Wajid et al., 2007). Wien (2016b) reported that pinching the ‘Sunrich Orange’ cultivar, led to the production of smaller flowers but appropriate stem length. The smaller size of the flower, but with the mar - ketable stem length, allows the florists to use them in ar- ranging the flower bouquets properly. The study results of Badge and Panchbhai (2018) revealed that pinching the African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) plants (15 days after transplanting) lead to the production of maximum flower yield in comparison to other treatments. The maximum nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content and uptake, as well as yield parameters, were obtained by pinching the plants 15 days after transplanting and foliar application of gibberellic acid at 300 mg l -1 (Badge et al., 2015). Prakash et al. (2016) reported that pinching the African marigold (Tagetes erecta) affects the plant height, number of lateral branches, number of flowers, and num- ber of days to 50 % of flowering. Adequate nutrition with essential elements, espe- cially with nitrogen, is very important for the successful development of plants. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient that plays a role in the structure of various proteins, en- zymes, coenzymes, nucleic acids, and cytochromes (Has- segawa et al., 2008), as well as, involving in the cell divi- sion and expansion, thereby increasing leaf length and width (Kumari, 2011, Lehri et al., 2011). Besides, this ele- ment plays a crucial role in the formation of chlorophyll and has a vital function in supplying carbohydrates and photosynthesis (Wajid et al., 2007). The effect of nitrogen on plant growth and development has often been linked to increased photosynthesis because the appropriate amount of nitrogen determines plant yield (Mekonnen et al., 2002). Studies indicated that the increase in growth and yield of the sunflower plant is dependent upon the adequate supply of nitrogen (Ali et al., 2004; Ali, 2015). The results of Oad et al. (2018) study indicated that sun- flower plants treated with foliar application of urea (1 %) after 35 days of sowing in addition to recommended soil applied urea (130 kg ha -1 ) led to the highest plant height, head diameter, grains per head, seed index, and grain yield. Ali et al. (2014) reported that the application of 80 kg ha -1 nitrogen fertilizer resulted in an increased plant height and head diameter of the sunflower plants. In an- other study, a significant increment in crop growth, bio- mass, dry matter production, and biological yield result- ed in 100 kg ha -1 of N rate application (Saifullah, 1996), but Handayati and Sihombing (2019) recommended the application of 150 kg ha -1 nitrogen for the cultivation of this plant. Considering the effect of pinching and nitrogen on the reproductive and vegetative traits of the sunflower plant, the present experiment was aimed to investigate the effect of removing the central bud (pinching) and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer (urea) on flowering, flower size, plant height, and other morphological and physiological traits of ornamental sunflower (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’). 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The field experiment was conducted at Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in 2020-2021. Before planting, chem- ical analysis of the soil was done at an upper 0-30 cm zone, the results of which are shown in Table 1. This experiment was conducted as a factorial ex- periment in a randomized complete block design with four replications on ornamental sunflower (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’). The first factor was removing or not removing the central bud (pinching); and the second factor was applied in four levels of adding urea fertilizer (CO (NH 2 ) 2 ): 0, 200, 300, and 400 kg ha -1 in the form of water-soluble fertilizer. The sunflower seeds were purchased from the Dutch Hemogenetic Company and sown in April 2020. Four weeks later, the seedlings with four true leaves were planted at spacing 50 × 20 cm. Ten days after transplanting, urea fertilizer was applied three times (weekly) with irrigation water according to the mentioned levels. Then, one month after transplanting, the pinching treatment was applied. During the experiment, the number of days to flowering (vegetative period), and the duration of the flowering period (flowering period) were recorded. The number of flowers per plant was counted, and the head Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 119/3 – 2023 3 Pinched sunflowers (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) produce high-quality flowers under high nitrogen fertilizer diameter and the stem diameter of each treatment were measured with a digital caliper. In 50 % of the flowering stage, the number of leaves per plant and the plant height were calculated. At this stage, the rates of photosynthesis and transpiration were also measured using a portable photosynthesis system (Li-6400) from 9:00 to 11:00 AM under natural conditions. Fresh leaf tissue was used for the measurement of chlorophyll contents. 0.2 g fresh leaf was crushed in 10 ml of methanol 96 %. The resulted solution was filtered through Whatman filter paper and then centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 10 minutes. The supernatant optical ab- sorption was then read at 653, and 666 nm using a spec- trophotometer (model CE2502, BioQuest, UK) method (Sukran et al., 1998). Finally, the chlorophyll pigments were obtained using the following equations: Chl a (µ -1 ) = 15.65 A 666 - 7.340 A 653 Chl b (µ -1 ) = 27.05 A 653 - 11.21 A 666 Chl Total = Chl a + Chl b After applying the treatments, at the beginning of the reproductive phase, N, P , K, Zn, Fe, and Ca elements in the sunflower leaf were measured. The amount of nitrogen in the plant was measured using the Kjeldahl method (Bremmer and Mulvaney, 1982). Concentrations of P, K, Ca, Zn, and Fe were analyzed by an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP- OES, Perkin-Elmer Optima 5300 DV) in plant samples (Van de Wiel, 2003). The flowers were collected and dried during the flowering period to record the flower dry mass. After flowering, the leaf area was measured using the leaf area meter (Model Li-Cor-1300, USA). The specific leaf area (SLA = leaf area leaf dry mass -1 ) and the leaf area ratio (LAR = leaf area total dry mass -1 ) were also calculated. T o measure the dry mass of plant components (stems, roots, leaves, and flowers) and the total dry mass, the plant sam- ples were dried at 70 °C until the sample mass was held constant. Then the dry mass of different plant parts was recorded. 2.1 DATA ANALYSIS Data were analyzed with One Way ANOVA us- ing JMP ® (v.8) software (SAS institute, 1989-2021), and means were compared based on the LSD test at the 5 % of probability level. 3 RESULTS The results of ANOVA revealed that urea applica- tion and pinching have significant effects on different traits of the sunflower plant including mineral uptake, vegetative and generative traits, photosynthesis and tran- spiration rate, chlorophyll contents, and dry mass of dif- ferent parts of sunflower (data not shown). 3.1 ELEMENT UPTAKE The element content of sunflower shoots was af- fected by urea application and pinching, and not by their interaction. The use of urea led to an increase in N con- tent in shoots as well as P , K, Ca, Zn, and Fe contents. As the amount of urea fertilizer increased, the accumulation of these elements in the shoots also increased. Using urea fertilizer at 400 kg ha -1 induced mineral accumulation 2.4, 2.6, 1.7, 2.3, 4.1, and 4.2 times more than the control for N, P , K, Ca, Zn, and Fe, respectively (Table 2). Contra- riwise, these element contents decreased when pinching was applied. Pinched plants had 1.5, 1.6, 1.3, 1.9, 1.4, and 1.5 times less amount of N, P , K, Ca, Zn, and Fe than non- pinched sunflower plants, respectively (Table 2). 3.2 VEGETATIVE TRAITS The interaction of pinching × urea fertilizer had a significant effect on vegetative traits including plant height, stem diameter, leaf number, leaf area, SLA, and LAR. Sunflower plants had the biggest height (153 cm) when grown using 400 kg ha -1 of urea fertilizer and not pinched, while pinched plants without urea fertilizing showed the lowest height (129 cm). The same results were obtained for stem diameter growth with 28.98 and 20.90 mm, respectively. The leaf number increased by urea application and pinching (27.5-30.0), whereas, the lowest number of leaf production (13.0) was recorded in non-pinched plants without urea. The biggest leaf area (16130.25 cm 2 ) showed in 400 kg ha -1 of urea applica- Table 1: The physical and chemical properties of the soil Ca Zn Fe K P N EC pH Loam Clay Sand Soil Texture Depth (mg kg -1 ) (dS m -1 ) (%) (cm) 29371 52 24716 6251 606 610 1.3 7.5 27 33 40 Sandy loam 0-30 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 119/3 – 2023 4 Y. SELAHV ARZI et al. tion and pinching treatment, while non-pinched plants grown without urea fertilizer expanded their leaf to the minimum amount (8953.65 cm 2 ). SLA was the highest when 400 kg ha -1 of urea fertilizer with pinching (302.46 cm 2 g -1 ) and 300 kg ha -1 of urea fertilizer without pinch- ing (301.37 cm 2 g -1 ) was applied and the lowest amount of SLA was shown in the 300 kg ha -1 of urea application with pinching (266.60 cm 2 g -1 ) treatment (Table 3). The high- est amount of the LAR was obtained in two treatments include 400 and 300 kg.ha -1 of urea fertilizer + pinching (73.64 and 72.97 cm 2 .g -1 , respectively), and the lowest amount was recorded for plants with no urea fertilizing with (62.11 cm 2 .g -1 ) or without (62.36 cm 2 g -1 ) pinching (Table 3). 3.3 GENERATIVE TRAITS We obtained the highest number of flowers (77.75) in pinched plants fertilized by 400 kg ha -1 of urea ferti- lizer, and non-pinched plants produced the less flower number (21.25-26.00) in all levels of urea fertilizer (Ta- ble 4, A). The head diameter had the highest amount (146.68-15.1.59 mm) when pinching was not applied in plants of urea fertilizer in 0, 200, and 300 kg ha -1 , and the lowest amount (97.42 mm) was recorded in the pinched plants with no urea using. The number of days to first flower appearance and the duration of the flowering stage were affected by urea fertilizer, that is, the increase in urea levels led to prolongation of the vegetative and gen- erative period and low levels of urea stimulate the enter- ing to and shortening of the generative stage. Duration of the flowering stage also was increased by pinching up to 6 days compared to the non-pinched plants (Table 4, B). 3.4 CHLOROPHYLL CONTENTS, PHOTOSYN- THESIS, AND TRANSPIRATION RATE The content of chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll was affected by the interaction of urea fertilizer × pinch- ing, while the chlorophyll content was not influenced by interaction but was affected by simple effect of them. The plants which were grown under 400 kg ha -1 of urea ferti- lizer with (0.28 µg g -1 FM) or without pinching (0.24 µg Table 2: The simple effect of pinching and urea fertilizer treatments on element content in sunflower shoots Fe Zn Ca K P N Treatments Factors (mg kg -1 ) 93.000d 8.0000d 9167.0d 12346.0d 820.00d 940.00d * 0 Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) 108.500c 11.3750c 11939.3c 16934.0c 968.00c 1088.00c 100 333.875b 17.8750b 20584.0b 19746.0b 1094.00b 1212.50b 200 393.125a 32.8750a 20798.0a 20847.8a 2172.00a 2292.00a 400 277.000a 20.3750a 20623.1a 19499.4a 1539.50a 1659.50a - Pinching 187.250b 14.6875b 10621.1b 15437.4b 987.50b 1106.75b + * Means followed by similar letters in each trait and for each factor didn’t have any significant difference based on LSD test (p ≤ 0.01) Table 3: The interaction effect of pinching × urea fertilizer on vegetative traits of the sunflower plant Pinching Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) Plant height (cm) Stem diameter (mm) Leaf number Leaf area (cm 2 ) SLA ** (cm 2 g -1 ) LAR ** (cm 2 g -1 ) - 0 139.33abc * 25.49abcd 13.00b 8953.65d 294.81bc 62.36c - 200 143.66abc 26.25abc 22.00ab 9976.30cd 298.51ab 69.07ab - 300 147.00ab 26.37abc 21.00ab 12407.76b 301.37a 72.97a - 400 153.00a 28.98a 30.33a 9856.37cd 273.78cd 64.12bc + 0 129.00c 20.90d 22.33ab 11416.25bc 276.35c 62.11c + 200 133.00bc 21.45cd 27.50a 12969.25b 296.16ab 69.29ab + 300 138.00abc 23.02bcd 26.66a 12813.25b 266.60e 65.21b + 400 147.33ab 28.01ab 30.00a 16130.25a 302.46a 73.64a * Means followed by similar letters in each trait do not have any significant difference based on the LSD test (p ≤ 0.01) ** SLA: The specific leaf area, LAR: The leaf area ratio Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 119/3 – 2023 5 Pinched sunflowers (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) produce high-quality flowers under high nitrogen fertilizer g -1 FM) had the highest amount of chlorophyll b and the lowest was related to not using urea fertilizer for pinched and non-pinched plants (0.11-0.13 µg g -1 FM). In the same manner, total chlorophyll content was the highest in non-pinched plants treated by 400 kg ha -1 of urea ferti- lizer (0.45 µg g -1 FM), and the lowest amount was record- ed in the pinched and non-pinched plants without urea fertilizing (0.25-0.26 µg g -1 FM)(Table 5, A). Unlike the chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll, the amount of chlo- rophyll only was affected by urea fertilizer and pinching. Urea fertilizer at 300 kg ha -1 (0.19 µg g -1 FM) and pinch- ing (0.17 µg g -1 FM) provoked chlorophyll a accumula- tion. There was a trend for photosynthesis and transpira- tion rate, increasing urea levels from zero to 400 kg ha -1 enhanced the amounts of photosynthesis from 6.19 to 11.39 µmol mol -1 CO 2 and transpiration rate from 1.44 to 2.65 mmol.mol -1 H 2 O, respectively. Pinching significantly led to a decrease in photosynthesis and transpiration rate (Table 5, B). 3.5 DRY MASS OF PLANT ORGANS Leaf, head, root, and total dry mass of sunflower was affected by the interaction of urea fertilizer × pinch- ing, as the highest amount of them was recorded on pinched plants were fertilized by 400 kg ha -1 of urea ferti- lizer, 53.33, 59.25, 39.99, and 219.04 g, respectively. Non- Table 4: The interaction effect of pinching × urea fertilizer (A) and simple effect of them (B) on generative traits of the sunflower plant (A) (B) Pinching Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) Flower number Head diameter (mm) Day to1st flowering (day) Duration of flowering (day) - 0 23.50d * 146.68a Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) 0 44.0000D 32.3750D - 200 21.25d 151.59a 200 46.1250C 34.1250C - 300 26.00d 148.68a 300 48.7500B 36.7500B - 400 25.50d 119.27b 400 52.7500A 40.7500A + 0 45.50c 97.42c Pinching + 200 46.75c 106.84bc - 44.9375A 32.9375B + 300 63.50b 111.24bc + 50.8750A 39.0625A + 400 77.75a 110.04bc * Means followed by small (interaction effect) and capital (simple effect) letters in each trait does not have a significant difference based on the LSD test (p ≤ 0.01) Table 5: The interaction effect of pinching × urea fertilizer on chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll content (A) and simple effect of them on photosynthesis, transpiration rate and Chlorophyll a content (B) in sunflower plant (A) (B) Pinching Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) Chlorophyll b content (µg g -1 FM) Total chloro- phyll content (µg g -1 FM) Chlorophyll a content (µg g -1 FM) Photosynthesis (µmol.mol -1 CO 2 ) Transpiration rate (mmol mol -1 H 2 O) - 0 0.11c * 0.25d Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) 0 0.13C 6.19D 1.44D - 200 0.15bc 0.30cd 200 0.15BC 7.67C 1.78C - 300 0.11c 0.37b 300 0.19A 8.96B 2.08B - 400 0.24a 0.45a 400 0.17AB 11.39A 2.65A + 0 0.13c 0.26d Pinching + 200 0.16bc 0.31c - 0.15B 9.07A 2.09A + 300 0.18b 0.31c + 0.17A 8.09B 1.88B + 400 0.28a 0.42ab * Means followed by small (interaction effect) and capital (simple effect) letters in each trait does not have a significant difference based on the LSD test (p ≤ 0.01) Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 119/3 – 2023 6 Y. SELAHV ARZI et al. pinched plants had the lowest amount of leaf (30.37 g), head (33.75 g), root (22.78 g), and total (143.57-153.70 g) dry matter. Indeed, the total dry matter was not much significantly affected by urea fertilizer levels (Table 6, A). Urea fertilizer and pinching had a significant ef- fect on stem dry mass as a simple effect. The application of urea at 300 kg ha -1 induced the highest dry matter in the stem, while the lowest amount was detected when no urea fertilizer was used. Pinching increased stem dry mass to 1.2 times (62.03 g) in comparison with non- pinching (Table 6, B). The percentage of dry matter allocation in differ - ent parts of the plant showed no distinctive difference between treatments. On average, the highest to the low- est percentage of dry matter allocation were for stem (32.7 %), head (26.0 %), leaf (23.4 %), and root (17.9 %), respectively (Table 7). 4 DISCUSSION Besides the high cost of chemical fertilizer, the envi- ronmental impacts of their application are the important reason for the need to determine the exact amount of fertilizers. In our experiment, the interaction of different amounts of urea fertilizer (CO (NH 2 ) 2 ) and the removal of apical bud (pinching) had distinctive results on sun- flower ‘Teddy Bear’ growth and development. The nitro- gen fertilizer that used in this experiment is quite soluble and converts to ammonia in several days. So, as expected, a rise in the urea levels caused an increase in the nitrogen uptake. Similarly, the uptake of nitrogen is enhanced in broccoli plants when nitrogen fertilizer amounts increase (Vagen, 2003). In addition, the amount of P, K, Zn, Fe, and Ca was enhanced in the sunflower shoots by increas- ing the urea levels (Table 2). Confirmed results were re- ported by Karitonas (2003) and Yildirim et al. (2007) on broccoli plant, that an increase in the uptake of P , K, Fe, and Ca were shown by adding nitrogen fertilizer. Similar- ly, lettuce and tomato plants which were foliar sprayed by urea had higher amounts of N and K (Padem and Alan, 1995), and N, K, and Fe (Alan and Padem, 1994), re- spectively. All studied nutrient elements (i.e., N, P , K, Ca, Zn, and Fe) play several important functions and criti- cal roles within plants; metabolism, and catabolism pro- cesses, so, increasing in their uptake by plants can explain the significant differences in the studied traits in this ex- periment. The availability of nitrogen in the soil increase Table 6: The interaction effect of pinching × urea fertilizer (A) and simple effect of them (B) on the dry mass of different parts of the sunflower plant (A) (B) Pinching Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) Leaf dry mass (g) Head dry mass (g) Root dry mass (g) Total dry masst (g) Stem dry mass (g) - 0 30.37e * 33.75e 22.78e 143.57c Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) 0 53.83B - 200 33.42de 37.14de 28.50cde 144.42c 200 55.60AB - 300 41.17ab 45.75bcd 30.88bcd 170.03bc 300 60.87A - 400 36.00cde 40.00cde 25.07de 153.70c 400 57.19AB + 0 41.31bcd 45.90bcd 32.84bc 183.78b + 200 43.79bc 48.66bc 36.04ab 187.16b Pinching - 51.71B + 300 48.06ab 53.40ab 35.70ab 196.48ab + 62.03A + 400 53.33a 59.25a 39.99a 219.04a * Means followed by small (interaction effect) and capital (simple effect) letters in each trait does not have any significant difference based on the LSD test (p ≤ 0.01) Table 7: The percentage of dry matter allocation in differ - ent parts of the sunflower plant under different levels of urea fertilizer and pinching Pinching Urea fertilizer (kg ha -1 ) Dry mass (%) Leaf Head Stem Root - 0 20.5 27.0 33.2 19.2 - 200 20.6 28.2 32.2 19.0 - 300 25.6 23.1 35.7 15.6 - 400 25.6 24.0 34.1 16.2 + 0 22.8 26.8 32.3 18.1 + 200 22.8 27.8 30.7 18.8 + 300 22.7 28.0 30.4 18.9 + 400 26.5 22.8 33.0 17.7 Mean 23.4 26.0 32.7 17.9 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 119/3 – 2023 7 Pinched sunflowers (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) produce high-quality flowers under high nitrogen fertilizer RuBisCO contents in leaves, even though some climate and soil factors including light, air humidity, and soil pH showed considerable influences on the fraction of nitro- gen allocated to RuBisCO regionally (Luo et al., 2021). Many scientists believe that the higher uptake of essential nutrients by plants as a result of the urea application is re- lated to the positive influence of nitrogen on the chemi- cal properties of the soil (Malhi et al., 2006; Haydon et al., 2007; Choudhury et al., 2011; Ai et al., 2017; Adekiya et al.,2018; Pasley et al., 2019). Ewulo et al. (2009) stated the possible reason for this is related to more microbial soil activity induced by urea application that causes more production and mineralization of organic matter in the soil. The reduction in the soil pH is another probable rea- son for higher element uptake by urea application that is shown in the Adekiya et al. (2018) report. As the sun- flower plants like the slightly acidic soils, this reduction in pH can improve elements uptake as the soil pH of the experiment site was close to neutral, 7.5 (Table 1). ‘Teddy Bear’ cultivar of sunflower is a dwarf cultivar and mature plants grow up maximum 140 cm. Urea ap- plication up to 400 kg ha -1 had a positive influence on plant height, and pinching reduced its effect. The sup- pressive effect of pinching on the plant height has been previously reported for different cultivars of sunflow- ers (Wien, 2016b; Cheema, 2018). Increasing the plant height and the stem diameter by using urea fertilizer is related to more leaf area production (Milford et al. 2000), while increasing the amount of chlorophyll in the sun- flower leaves, followed by increasing photosynthesis and dry matter production, is closely related to higher uptake of various elements, including iron and zinc. It has been reported that iron is involved in the structure of chloro- phylls, cytochrome, and nitrogenase enzymes, and zinc is involved in the activity of enzymes associated with chlorophyll formation and consequently increase photo- synthesis, accelerating the formation of growth composi- tions such as tryptophan as the raw material of auxins (Haydon et al., 2007). Enhanced dry matter production in non-pinched plants under more urea fertilizer, is probably due to increased water and mineral absorption by extended roots and rapid growth (Solangi et al., 2015). Steer et al. (1986), also reported an increscent in N up- take and dry matter production by enhancing nitrogen fertilizer levels, as the application of low amounts of ni- trogen fertilizer reduced leaf expansion and also the ac- cumulation of dry matter in sunflower. We also obtained the higher dry matter of leaf, root, and head amounts in pinched plants in positive relation with urea levels, while there was an optimum level at 300 kg ha -1 in non-pinched plants (Table 6). Leaf area, SLA, and LAR traits were the highest in 400 kg ha -1 of urea fertilizer application with pinching (Table 3). Leaf area is a critical index for plant growth as it is associated with important criteria including light in- terception, photosynthesis, transpiration, and evapotran- spiration rates (Goudriaan and V an Laar, 1994; Zahoor et al., 2010). Leaf growth in earlier stages needs more nitro- gen amounts (Evans, 1989; Johnson et al., 2010) and leaf area is limited when nitrogen is deficient by affecting cell division and enlargement (Roggatz et al., 1999). Pinching also had a positive effect on leaf area expansion in chry- santhemum ‘Snowball’ (Ona et al., 2015). An increase in leaf number after pinching is reported by others on dif- ferent herbaceous plants (Sehrawat et al., 2003; Tomar et al., 2004; Sudarshan, 2004; Salyh, 2013; and Ona et al., 2015). It seems that it might be related to the fact that pinching alters the direction of growth from upward to lateral parts of the plant (Salyh, 2013). The findings of this study indicated that pinching and urea application extended vegetative and flowering stages up to eight more days (Table 4. B). The number of days to flowering increased up to 70 days in pinched or- namental sunflowers, while non-pinched plants started to flower after 63 days (Wien et al., 2016). The same re- sults were reported by Ona et al. (2015) for chrysanthe- mum ‘Snowball’ and other species (Ahmad et al., 2007; Ryagi et al., 2007; Salyh, 2013). The pinching effect on delayed flowering is due to delay in flower initiation and bud physiological maturity (Naresh and Singh, 2012) because the growth rate in axillary buds is slower than apical buds. In pinched plants, flower number was affected by urea levels in a positive trend, while head diameter in- dicated a negative trend. Flower diameter was indepen- dently by cultivar decreased by pinching intensity (Bur- nett, 2017; Cheema, 2018). Other studies also confirmed these results (Ryagi et al., 2007; Habiba, 2012; Salyh, 2013; Ona et al., 2015). The removal of the shoot apex leads to the activation of dormant axillary buds below it to form branches Naresh and Singh (2012). Flower disk diameter of sunflower (Wien, 2016b) and the flower size of chry- santhemum (Ona et al. 2015) were reduced by pinching due the competition between branches and flowers. They have revealed that the number of the branches in a unit area has a negative linear relationship with head size in sunflower (Majid and Schneiter, 1987; Robinson et al., 1980; Wien, 2016b). 5 CONCLUSION This study demonstrated that adding urea in the soil and pinching improved photosynthetic traits by increasing leaf area and number, SLA, LAR, and total chlorophyll content. The findings also revealed that the Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 119/3 – 2023 8 Y. SELAHV ARZI et al. interaction of pinching × urea application at 400 kg ha -1 is the best combination of investigated variation sources for the cultivation of sunflower ‘Teddy Bear’ . The suitable amount of dry matter production (219.04 g), number of flowers (77.7), head diameter (110.04 cm), and plant height (147.3 cm) are the important reasons for this rec- ommendation. 6 AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT All authors have participated in (a) conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of the data; (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (c) approval of the final version. 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran for their support to perform this study. 8 CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors certify the following: - This manuscript has not been submitted to, nor is under review at, another journal or other publishing venue; - The authors have no affiliation with any organi- zation with a direct or indirect financial interest in the subject matter discussed in the manuscript. 9 DATA AV AILABILITY The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon re- quest. 10 REFERENCES Adekiya, A.O., Aboyeji, C.M., Dunsin, O., Adebiyi, O.V., & Oyinlola, O.T . 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