Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 3/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 14. 1. 2018 2. Nedelja med letom 2nd Sunday in ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ »Rabi, kje stanuješ?« Bilo je nekega običajnega dne, ko je Janezk Krstnik je stal na kraju svojega delovanja ob spodnjem Jordanu. Z njim sta bila dva njegova učenca, Andrej in Janez. Ker sta bila ta dva daleč s severa, je jasno, da je za Krstnikovo delovanje vedela vsa Palestina. Mimo te trojice je na lepem prišel Jezus. Krstnik je učencema rekel: »To je Božje jagnje.« Že prejšnji dan je o njem povedal, da odjemlje greh sveta. Težko si je misliti, da ne bi imel Krstnik pri tem pred očmi napovedi preroka Izaija o Gospodovem služabniku, »na katerega je Gospod naložil krivdo nas vseh, da smo bili po njegovih ranah ozdravljeni. Bil je mučen, a ni odprl svojih ust, kakor jagnje, ki ga peljejo v zakol« (lz 52). Andrej in Janez sta Krstnikove besede morda razumela celo tako, da naj se pridružita Jezusu, saj je bilo Krstnikovo delo le priprava nanj. Ko je Jezus zaslišal za seboj korake, se je ozrl, ustavil in ju vprašal, kaj iščeta. »Rabi, kje stanuješ?« vprašata. To je bil eden njunih najvišjih trenutkov: v njem se bo odločila vsa njuna nadaljnja pot. Hotela sta se prepričati, ali je res Odrešenik, ki ga človeštvu pošilja Bog. »Pridita in poglejta!« odgovori Jezus. In sta šla za njim. Srečanje se je zgodilo ob štirih popoldne nič pa ne vemo, koliko časa je trajal. Pa tudi tega ne, kje je Jezus stanoval. Po pogovoru sta bila učenca povsem in do konca prepričana, da je Jezus res od Boga obljubljeni Odrešenik. Po tistem pogovoru sta se mu zapisala na življenje in smrt. Andrej je šel takoj po pogovoru, mogoče še isti večer, povedat svojemu bratu Simonu, da je pravkar govoril z Mesijem. Naslednji dan ga je peljal k njemu. To prvo srečanje med Jezusom in Petrom je bilo po evangelistovem opisu nadvse preprosto, po svojem zgodovinskem pomenu pa brez slehernega dvoma izjemno. Jezus je uprl pogled vanj, je zapisal evangelist. Ta stavek pove precej več, kot bi se na prvi pogled zdelo. Jezus je Simona tako pogledal, da je ta brez dvoma začutil v njem veliko več kot samo srečanje z očmi. »Ti si Janezov sin Simon. Imenoval se boš Peter, Skala.« Jezus mu namenja posebno nalogo. Šele precej kasneje bo Jezus Simonu pojasnil pomen tega preimenovanja. 26 | VESTNIK 2018 VESTNIK 2018 j 27 Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, or 60+ Wedding Anniversary in the year 2018? If you are, you are invited to join couples from across the Diocese for a Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 10, 2018 at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King at 1:30 pm. Refer to the poster in the church or go to Parenting Tip #102 January begins a new year, a perfect time to reflect on your parenting role. Ask yourselves what you are doing well; what you might improve on and where you may need some supports. Assess whether you are spending enough quality and quantity time with your children because both matter. Reflect on whether you are providing a strong faith foundation and a strong connection to the Church community, since both have positive health and spiritual impacts. Now with a clearer vision, set some family goals for the coming year! Marriage Tip #82 Love flourishes when we understand the three critical components of every relationship: firm commitment, excellent communication skills and disciplined conflict resolution styles. Love demands that we model these three skills for our spouse and includes a healthy dose of forgiveness when either one of us doesn't manage a situation quite right. When we work on building these skills together, our love can't help to grow strong. f-\ 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time \_/ Response: Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will. First Reading 1 Samuel 3:3-10. 19 After being called four times by God, the boy Samuel understands who it is and responds: "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." Second Reading 1 Corinthians 6:13-15. 17-20 United with Jesus, we are one spirit with him and our bodies become temples of the Holy Spirit. Gospel John 1:35-42 John the Baptist points out Jesus as "the Lamb of God" and two of his followers become Jesus' first disciples. "Come and see." Illustration Everybody knew Josh. He was an elderly man, always ready to do a good turn for anyone. He had a son who was a priest, and he was widely respected in the parish. One day a group of parishioners were talking about what they would like to do in life, if they had their time again. When it came to Josh's turn, he took everyone by surprise: "What I'd want to be is what I've always wanted to be, a good plumber!" Everyone knew that Josh was a plumber. Plumbing was his job, his vocation, though Josh would never have called it that because in those days the word "vocation" was pretty well restricted - at least in Catholic circles - to priests and nuns. But in fact "vocation" simply means a calling. And all of us share in that first, most basic and most wonderful calling, the one we received at baptism - 28 | VESTNIK 2018 that of being a follower of Christ. But within that vocation the Lord calls us to serve him in a variety of other ways - as married or single, priest or religious, teacher, police officer or plumber. Gospel Teaching Today's readings give us two vocation stories. The first concerns a young boy called Samuel, who lived in the ancient Hebrew temple at Shiloh. One night he heard a voice calling his name. Assuming it was the old priest Eli, he went to him, only to be told to go back to bed because Eli certainly hadn't called him. The same thing happened twice more, and Eli realised that it was God who was doing the calling; he advised young Samuel that if he heard the voice again he should respond: "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." Samuel did as he was told, and the outcome was that he "grew up and the Lord was with him and let no word of his fall to the ground". It seems that Samuel continued listening for God's word and was always ready to follow it. He became a great leader of God's people. The second vocation story is in the Gospel, and concerns two of John the Baptist's disciples. One day, as Jesus passes by, John says: "Look, there is the lamb of God." The disciples begin following Jesus. He turns and asks: "What do you want?" Perhaps taken by surprise, they answer rather vaguely: "Rabbi... where do you live?" But in John's Gospel words like "live" or "stay" or "dwell" often have a deeper meaning; they are asking: where do we meet you, where do we encounter you, how do we get to know you? Jesus' answer is simple: "Come and see." They respond to his invitation; they stay with him all that day; they become his friends. Application God has a call for everyone; it's the call to holiness, to intimate friendship; and that vocation is fulfilled principally in the living out of our daily life and the various vocations it involves. Like young Samuel, who prayed: "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening," we are called to have a listening ear or, better, a listening heart, a heart open enough and alert enough to hear God's word and respond to it. We listen to God's word not only at Mass, or when we read the scriptures, but also when God speaks to us, softly and gently, through the people we meet, the events that make up our lives, the inspirations that come to our minds and hearts. There is sound advice for us behind the question Jesus put to the two disciples-to-be. "What do you want?" he asked them. It's a question he always puts to those who want to be his friends. The answer he's looking for is not some smart flippant reply, like winning the lottery, but an absolutely serious one, an answer on which we pin our lives. And the answer is not for God's benefit but for ours. It shows where our priorities lie in relation to God, to other people and to the world around us. Perhaps in a moment of silence in this Mass, we might hear the Lord asking us: "What do you want, really want above all else?" If, in our stumbling way, we can reply: "I want you; I want to be your friend. Where do you live?", then he will answer, as he answered those first friends of his: "Come and see." Come and you will see for yourself that you have answered the most wonderful calling of all. VESTNIK 2018 j 29 Obvestila - Announcements DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 21. januar-nedelja: Bled Planica - Koline ♦ 21. januar-nedelja: Cathedral Hamilton -Multicultural Mass at 1:30 p.m. ♦ 28. januar-nedelja: Lipa Park - Hunter's Luncheon - Koline ♦ 10. februar-sobota: Lipa Park - Kulturni Dan Presentation by dr. Janez Bogataj - 1:00 p.m. ♦ 10. februar-sobota: St. Gregory the Great -Pustovanje - 7:00 p.m. ♦ 11. februar-nedelja: Bled Panica - Family day Lunch ♦ 11. februar-nedelja: Sava-Breslau - Mass 12:00 - Prešeren's Cultural Day Celebration, Dinner & Dance ♦ 11. februar-nedelja: Triglav-London - Mass, 4:00 p.m. at St. John the Divine GIFT BEARERS - darove prinašajo ♦ 14. jan., 9:30 a.m.: Gergyek Family ♦ 21. jan., 9:30 a.m.: Toni in Marija Franc ♦ 28. jan., 9:30 a.m.: Ivan, Angela in Jakob Antolin ♦ 4. feb., 9:30 a.m.: Stanko in Jožica Vegelj COOKING SESSION - February 24, 2018 Kitchen Secrets is hosting another day in the kitchen on Saturday, February 24th at 9:00 a.m. (Lower Hall). This session will feature the creation of kremšnite. There is limited space in this session and spots will be available on a first come first serve basis only. Please contact Heidy Novak at if you would like to participate in this baking event. Looking forward to hanging out with friends in the kitchen! KOLEDARJI, LETNE KUVERTE za 2018 V atriju so še nekatere LETNE NEDELJSKE KUVERTE za 2018. Če se vam zdi, da je kakšna napaka ali da ste spremenili naslov ali telefon, prosim, da to sporočite. Prav tako, če bi kdo želel imeti kuverte, pa jih ni tam, mi sporočite. Za prihodnjo nedeljo bodo na razpolago tudi koledarji, ki smo jih je pripravila NIAGARSKA KOORDINACIJA - v njem so označene prireditve vseh društev za leto 2018. Koledarje boste lahko dobili pri vaših društvih ali pa tukaj v cerkvi. Računamo, da naj bi vsaka družina dobila en koledar. Hvala ožjemu odboru za veliko delo, saj je bilo potrebno narediti koledar od začetka. CHURCH CLEANING 2018 The schedule for church cleaning 2018 is now on the notice board in the foyer. Please ask Pamela if you would like a personal copy. We are still looking for a team for these dates: May 18th and November 30th. If you think you could help, please fill in your name on the schedule in the foyer. Multicultural Mass The Diocese of Hamilton will be hosting our annual Multicultural Mass on Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King. This is sure to be a beautiful celebration. All are welcome to join us for the Mass and the social event which will take place in McNally Hall after the celebration. There will be performances by various ethnic groups, as well as a chance to sample some delicious foods from around the world. 30 | VESTNIK 2018 memorial mass A Memorial Mass will be held today, January 14 at 3:00 p.m., to honor the life of Theresa Drvarič, daughter of predeceased parents, Frank and Si-donia Drvarič, sister to Sidonia Poppa and Joseph Drvarič and mother of Simon Drvarič- Callender. Theresa passed away quietly after a courageous battle with cancer, with her son by her side, on January 1st, 2018, at the age of 54. Following mass the family invite you to join in an informal reception in the downstairs hall. MAŠA v katedrali - OBLETNICE POROK Če letos obhajate 25, 40,50, 60 let poroke ali več, ste vabljeni, da se udeležite svete maše s škofom Douglasom v naši katedrali - kot je to navada že precej let. Sveta maša bo 10. junija 2018, ob 1:30 p.m.. Več informacij je na plakatu na oglasni deski, kjer si lahko odtrgate prijavnico in jo pošljete na škofijo najkasneje do 1. maja 2018. CWL - KŽZ CWL preparations for our March 4th bazaar are currently underway. Blue lottery tickets will begin to be sold this Sunday at the first mass. Proceeds directly support our parish. Thank-you for your generosity! CWL membership renewal is currently underway. Members, note that a CWL envelope has been inserted into your 2018 Sunday collection box. Kindly renew your membership with either Pamela Gosgnach or Milena Krusic or place your membership envelope with remittance into the collection basket at Mass. Priprave za Bazaar 2018 (4 . marec) so v polnem teku. V sredo so imele članice mesečno srečanje in so si razdelile dolžnosti. Prva skupina je že začela z pripravo domačih jajčnih rezancev -»nudelcev«. Še nekajkrat se dobijo skupaj in bo ta del priprave »pod streho«. Hamilton B ranch Hours m&uét j ¿^FINANCIAL New hours effective January 1st, 2018 Tuesday: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM Thursday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Friday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Saturday: 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month - 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon fa svete mase - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are don bosco welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNIK 2018 j 31 £ i; 2018 svete mase - masses Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 2. Nedelja med letom 14 Januar Pokojni iz družine Gergyek Družina Gergyek Oton redovnik f Janko Demšar 11:00 a.m. Demšar-Scarcelli f Theresa Drvarič 3:00 p.m. Drvarič/Poppa Families Ponedeljek - Monday 15. Januar f Lojze Kornhauzer 8:00 a.m. Sestra Gizela Absalom škof Torek - Tuesday 16.Januar Marcel, papež V čast sv. Antonu tt Pokojni iz družine Malevič tt Pokojni iz družine Oberman t Franc Raduha t Sofija Vinčec 7:00 p.m. Dragica Dundraš Martin Malevič z družino Družina Malevič Družina Malevič John Hlačar in družina Sreda - Wednesday 17. Januar Anton(Zvonko), pušč. ff Pavla, Tončka, Marija in Elizabeta 7:00 p.m. Po namenu Sestra Elizabeta Gimpelj Helena Kwasniewska Petek - Friday 19.Januar Suzana, mučenka Po namenu f Vlado Škrban f Valerie Zamora 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadič Družina Antolin Manja Erzetič Sobota ff Pokojni duhovniki naše župnije 8:00 a.m. N.N. Saturday 20.Januar f Franc Raduha 5:30 p.m. Olga in Joe Hanc Fabijan in Boštjan, muč f Stanko Ceglar, obl. SDB 3. Nedelja med letom 21.Januar Neža (Janja), mučenka Za žive in rajne župljane ff Peter in Marija Markeš ff Štefan in Ana Mlinaric f Franc Raduha ff Pokojni iz družine Raščan Multicultural Mass 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Bojan Milosavljevič Hamilton - Katedrala 32 | VESTNIK 2018