Acrocephalus 2.J (130/131): 123-129, 2006 The breeding of Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus in Montenegro: a review Gnezdenje pritlikavega kormorana Phalacrocorax pygmeus v ^rni gori: pregled Darko Savelji} National Institute for the Protection of Nature of Montenegro, Trg vojvode Be}ir bega Osmanagi}a 16, ME-81000 Podgorica, Montenegro, e-mail: dasav@cg.yu There are currently three Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus breeding sites in Montenegro: Lake Skadar – the Pan~eva oka and Crni `ar reserves, Paratuk Island and Ada Bojana Island. In total, the number of breeding pairs of this species in Montenegro is roughly estimated at 2,200 to 2,500 pairs. It breeds in mixed colonies, together with Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Little Egret Egreta garzetta, Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax, Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia and Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus. The colonies are seriously disturbed by tourists and fshermen. Key words: Pygmy Cormorant, Phalacrocorax pygmeus, Montenegro Klju~ne besede: pritlikavi kormoran, Phalacrocorax pygmeus, ^rna gora 1. Introduction The Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus is the smallest of the three European cormorants. This species has a restricted geographical distribution from Italy to the western side of the Caspian Sea (Crivelli et al. 2000), but has occurred accidentally in Central Europe (Cramp & Simmons 1977). The world population of this species was estimated at 21,965 to 27,285 pairs in the 1990s (Crivelli et al. 2000), whereas the Mediterranean population has been estimated at less than 2,500 pairs (UNEP MAP RAC/SPA 2003). The Cormorant Research Group estimates that in 2005 between 22,715 and 24,353 pairs bred in all known colonies (Voskamp et al. 2005). In most of the countries where this species breeds, its population is stable or growing, thanks to implementation of the Action Plan for this species, in particular with regard to protection of habitats (Gallo-Orsi 2001). The largest breeding populations are in Azerbaijan (max. 12,000 pairs) (BirdLife International 2004) and Romania (between 4,000 and 8,000 pairs) (Schogolev et al. 2005). In Turkey, Ukraine, and Albania are the Pygmy Cormorant’s populations decreasing (BirdLife International 2004). As far as the Montenegro's neighbouring countries are concerned, Croatia has a maximum of 25 pairs (Radovi} et al. 2003), Serbia 360 to 500 pairs (Puzovi} et al. 1999 & 2004), Greece max. 1,310 pairs (Nazirides et al. 2005) and Albania 220 pairs in Velipoja (Voskamp et al. 2005). The wintering population in Europe numbers up to 63,000 individuals (BirdLife International 2004). The species used to be classifed as a globally near-threatened species (BirdLife International 2000), vulnerable in Europe, but was recently re-classifed as secure (BirdLife International 2004). It is listed in Appendix II of the Bern Convention, Annex I of the EU Wild Birds Directive, Appendix II of the Bonn Convention and in the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds Agreement (AEWA) developed under the Bonn Convention. For this species, the European Union prepared the Action Plan for its protection in 1994 (Crivelli et al. 1996). Literature data and new data are presented on this species in Montenegro, where it breeds in three areas: Lake Skadar, Paratuk Island and Ada Bojana Island. 123 D. Savelji}: The breeding of Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus in Montenegro: a review 2. Study area and Methods 2.1. Study area The study area is shown on Figure 1. Lake Skadar is situated in the very SE part of Montenegro (190 30’ N, 420 30’ E). It is the largest lake on the Balkan Peninsula, with its water surface covering between 354 and 506 km2, subject to the season of the year and water level. It is 44 km long and 15 km wide. Its main water source is the Mora~a River, which provides more than 60% of the lake’s water. Through the Bojana River it is connected with the Adriatic Sea. Lake Skadar is situated in a crypto-depression with an average depth of 5-6 m. Two thirds of the lake area are situated in Montenegro and one third in Albania. The two major breeding localities of the birds on Lake Skadar are the Pan~eva oka (covering approx. 200 ha) and Crni `ar reserves. The Montenegrin part was declared a national park in 1983 and given IBA status in 1989 (Grimmett & Jones 1989). Since 1995, this part of the lake is also a Ramsar site. The Albanian part of the Lake has been protected since November 2005 (IUCN 2005). On Lake Skadar, 281 bird species have been recorded so far (Dhora & Savelji} 2001). During the IWC (International Waterbird Census) in 1999, more than 250,000 water birds were counted on the Lake (Vasi} et al. 2000), while in 2006 only 35,000 were counted (own data). The Paratuk Island on the Bojana River is 120 m long and approximately 10 m wide. It is located 8 km from the mouth of the Bojana River in the Adriatic Sea. The island belongs to Montenegro and is located approximately 100 m from the shore of the Bojana River. It is covered with vegetation, mostly with willows Salix sp., alders Alnus sp. and poplars Populus sp. Ada Bojana Island is the largest river island in Montenegro; from 1988, it has been connected with the mainland. It is triangular in shape, its surface covers 4.5 km2 and its beach is 3,400 m long. Tourist infrastructure occupies only a small part of this peninsula. The rest is covered by wetland forests of oaks Quercus sp., alders, ashes Fraxinus sp., willows and poplars. 2.2. Methods The new estimate of the number of Pygmy Cormorant in the Pan~eva oka and Crni `ar reserves was made during the 2002-2005 period, when the colony was visited several times in the breeding season by the ornithologists Ondrej Vizi and Nela Ve{ovi}, twice by Darko Savelji} (Vizi 2003) and once by Borut Rubini} (B. Rubini} pers.comm.). In the spring of 2002, a mixed colony on Pan~eva Oka was observed from a small aeroplane at an 124 altitude of some 300 m (Savelji} 2004). In 2002, this was also the breeding ground of around 2,000 pairs of Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo and several hundred pairs of different heron species. Due to its inaccessibility and the fact that the colony is mixed, it was very diffcult to count the number of pairs of Pygmy Cormorant (Vizi 2003). Pan~eva oka has more than 50 small lakes edged by Common Reed Phragmites australis, Narrowleaf Cattail Typha angustifolia and Common Cattail T. latifolia and located on quicksand called “Kako bilo”. For this area only a rough estimate of breeding Pygmy Cormorant pairs is possible, based solely on the number of birds observed and on an incomplete census of the mixed colony. Ada Bojana Island and Paratuk Island were visited during 2002-2005, on average 4 times in each breeding season. Estimates of the number of pairs were made from the shore, using of binoculars. I made also literature review for the whole area of Montenegro. 3. Results 3.1. Literature review Firer (1894) was the frst to describe the breeding of Pygmy Cormorant in Montenegro, i.e. in the colony below the village of Omerbo`ovi}. Reiser & Firer (1896) observed the species breeding in the Bojana delta. On Lake [asko, Vasi} (1979a & b) found a noteworthy colony in 1969, while 9 years later he registered, in the same habitat, 100 birds sitting on their nests (Vizi 1986). In the Manastirska tapija ornithological reserve, the breeding of Pygmy Cormorants was registered as “most numerous” in the colony mixed with herons (Ivanovi} 1966). Later on, some 600 pairs were observed in the same area (Ivanovi} 1970). In the Bojana delta, the Pygmy Cormorant was at that time still registered as a breeding species, although without any accurate data (Vasi} 1979a & b). In the early 1980s, the breeding population on Lake Skadar was estimated at 1,000 to 2,000 pairs ([oti et al. 1981), although in another reference the Pygmy Cormorant was recorded as a rarity during the breeding season (Vizi 1986). For the needs of IBA designation, the colony on Lake Skadar was estimated at 2,000 pairs, on Lake [asko at 50 and on the Bojana River at max. 2,000 pairs (Grimmet & Jones 1989). Vizi estimated the colony at Crni `ar at 1,100 pairs (Vizi 1995). Total breeding population on Lake Skadar was estimated at more than 1,000 pairs (Hagemeijer 1996) and, eventually, at 2,000 pairs in 1997 (Reichholf 1997). Pygmy Cormorant was listed as a breeding species of the Montenegrin coast, although without mention of the breeding locality and Acrocephalus 2.J (130/131): I23-I29, 200é Table 1: The breeding of Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmaeus in Montenegro Tabela 1: Podatki o gnezdenju pritlikavega kormorana Phalacrocorax pygmaeus v ^rni gori Site / Obmo~je Breeding grounds/ Gnezdi{~e No. of pairs/ [tevilo parov Year/ Leto Source / Vir Lake Skadar Manastirska tapija breeding / gnezdi 1966 Ivanovi} (1966) Manastirska tapija 72 1970 Ivanovi} (1970) Manastirska tapija 600 1970 Ivanovi} (1970) 2000 1977 Reichhof (1977) breeding / gnezdi I98I Vizi (1981) 1000-2000 I98I [oti et al. (1981) low numbers breeding/ gnezdi, malo{tevilen 1986 Vizi (1986) 2000 1989 Grimmet & Jones (1989) 2000 1992 Vasi} et al. (1992) Crni @ar IIOO 1995 Vizi (1995) IOOO 1996 Hagemeijer (1996) IIOO-I600 1977 Voskamp et al. (2005) breeding / gnezdi 2003 Vizi (2003) 2200-2500 2005 this work / to delo Lake [asko large colony recorded/ opa`ena velika kolonija 1969 Vasi} (1979a & b) breeding / gnezdi 1977 Vizi (1986) 50 1989 Grimmet & Jones (1989) Paratuk Island 170 2003 Schneider et al. in prep. 200 2005 this work / to delo Ada Bojana Island breeding / gnezdi 1894 Firer (1894) 125 2003 [tumberger et al. (2005) 35-50 2004 Schneider (2004) breeding / gnezdi 1979 Vasi} (1979a & b) breeding / gnezdi 1998 Vizi (1998) 50 2005 this work / to delo Bojana River delta max 2000 1989 Grimmet & Jones (1989) 365 2003 [tumberger et al. (2005) the number of pairs (Vizi 1998). In the area of the Bojana River delta, on the Montenegrin side, 365 breeding pairs were registered in 2003 ([tumberger et al. 2005). For the literature review see Table 1. 3.2. Recent status In Montenegro, the Pygmy Cormorant breeds in three areas: Lake Skadar, Paratuk Island on the Bojana River, and on the Ada Bojana Island. The census results are presented in Table 1. On Lake Skadar, it breeds in mixed colonies with Cormorant, Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, Little Egret Egreta garzetta, Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax and Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus at two localities, Pan~eva oka and Crni `ar, some 3-4 km apart. Earlier on, it also bred in the Manastirska tapija reserve (Vizi 1997, Ivanovi} 1966 & 1970), but due to disturbance the colony was relocated to Crni `ar. The colony has more recently moved every three years on average from Pan~eva oka to Crni `ar, and vice versa. The most likely reasons are disturbance by tourists, 125 D. Savelji}: The breeding of Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus in Montenegro: a review *- ÄL5 Montenegro Manastirska tapija Panceva oka Crni žar Lake Skadar! Shkodër Lake Šasko —— Ada Bojana Island © 2007 Europa Technologies Image © 20Q,7.TtìrraMGtrit;s Figure 1: The colonies' locations of Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus in Montenegro Slika 1: Lokacije kolonij pritlikavega kormorana Phalacrocorax pygmeus v ^rni gori 126 Acrocephalus 2.J (130/131): 123-129, 2006 reed burning during the winter months and disturbance by fshermen. Pygmy Cormorants are victims of the closeness of the colony of Dalmatian Pelicans, which are of special interest to tourists and others (Savelji} et al. 2004). On Paratuk Island, the Pygmy Cormorant breeds in a mixed colony with Cormorant, Squacco Heron, Grey Heron, Little Egret, Night Heron and Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia. The Paratuk colony was estimated at 200 pairs in 2005. From earlier observations, starting in 1999, the number of pairs rose from 170 to 220 pairs, which is a maximum for this island due to the lack of breeding space (Schneider et al. in prep.). On Ada Bojana Island, Pygmy Cormorant breeds in a mixed colony with Cormorant, Squacco Heron, Grey Heron, Little Egret, Night Heron and Spoonbill. The number of breeding pairs was estimated at 125 pairs in 2003 (Schneider et al. in prep) and at approx. 50 pairs in 2005. In total, the number of Pygmy Cormorant breeding pairs in Montenegro is estimated at 2,200 to 2,500 pairs, although we cannot exclude a greater observation error outside this range, due to the extreme inaccessibility of the species’ most important breeding grounds on Lake Skadar. 4. Discussion Literature data on the breeding of Pygmy Cormoran in Montenegro date from 1894 (Firer 1894). Since then, several colonies have been registered: at Manastirska tapija, Pan~eva oka and Crni `ar, on Lake [asko, on Ada Bojana Island and on Paratuk Island on the Bojana River. Pygmy Cormorants have often been subjected to serious disturbance on Lake Skadar, while the colonies on Paratuk Island and Ada Bojana Island have enjoyed complete peace, thanks to the strict protection by the Army. The colony on Lake [asko does not exist any more. Disturbance on Lake Skadar has been intense in the past (Vizi 1995). Consideration of Pygmy Cormorants as their competitors led to the fsh-processing factory on Lake Skadar – Rijeka Crnojevi}a – to set up, in 1970, a working group to destroy their nests at Manastirska tapija. In the ensuing year, the colony moved to Crni `ar (Vizi 1997). In the Pan~eva oka and Crni `ar reserves they are currently seriously disturbed, especially during the breeding period, by tourists and fshermen (Savelji} 2004). This is why it is necessary to implement zoning of the Lake, in order to stop people approaching the immediate vicinity of the colony, especially in the breeding period, when they are most vulnerable (Karen et al. 1996). This is the reason why the colony often changes its nest site, as registered at Mikri Prespa (Catsadorakis 1996). The quite signifcant population fuctuations noted on Lake Skadar have been also ascribed to human disturbance (Vasi} 1983). During the winter, 5,000-11,000 individuals were counted during the IWCs on Lake Skadar, which is 20% of the total Mediterranean / Black Sea population (Vasi} et al. 1992). Global problems facing the protection of Pygmy Cormorants are water drainage, tourism, water pollution, fshery, disturbance by hunters (Tucker & Evans 1997) and, in some countries, e.g. Albania, people hunt them for food (Radovi} et al. 2003, Vangeluwe et al. 1996). On Lake Skadar, the greatest problem is disturbance. On Paratuk Island and Ada Bojana Island, disturbance is not as serious, although there is a danger that, as soon as shipping on the Bojana River is established, these colonis will also be threatened to a considerable extent. 5. 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