AKTA Jiri 4-2006 12/21/06 1:35 PM Page 157/ ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2006 Vol. 14, ot. 2: 157-161 CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF SPECIES OF THE GENUS ANTHRENUS, SUBGENUS FLORILINUS FROM BULGARIA (COLEOPTERA: DERMESTIDAE: ANTHRENINI) Jif í Háva Private Entomological Laboratory and Collection, Branická 13/574, CZ-147 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic, e-mail: jh.dermestidae@volny.cz Abstract - Anthrenus (Florilinus) kourili sp. n. is described, illustrated and compared with all known species of the subgenus Florilinus Mulsant et Rey, 1868 occurring in Bulgaria. The Anthrenus (F.) olgae Kalík, 1946 is recorded from Bulgaria for the first time. Key words: Taxonomy, distribution, new species, Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Anthrenus, Bulgaria. Izvleoek - PRISPEVEK K POZNAVANJU VRST RODU ANTHRENUS, PODRODU FLORILINUS, IZ BOLGARIJE (COLEOPTERA: DERMESTIDAE: ANTHRENINI) Vrsta Anthrenus (Florilinus) kourili sp. n. je opisana, prikazana in primerjana z vsemi znanimi vrstami podrodu Florilinus Mulsant et Rey, 1868, ki aivijo v Bolgariji. Vrsta Anthrenus (F.) olgae Kalík, 1946, je prvio najdena v Bolgariji. Kljuone besede: taksonomija, razoirjenost, nova vrsta, Coleoptera, Dermestidae, Anthrenus, Bolgarija. Introduction The family Dermestidae is one of the commonly known beetle families and it currently includes about 1300 species or subspecies worldwide (Háva 2003, 2006). Dermestidae from Bulgaria were treated by Angelov (1988) and Mroczkowski (1965) and listed in dermestid catalogues by Mroczkowski (1968) and Háva (2003). During the determination of some material deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Repuiblic, I found one new species and a new faunistic record of another one. 157 AKTA Jiri 4-2006 12/21/06 1:35 PM Page 158/ Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (2), 2006 Material and methods The shades of colours used in the descriptions are classified according to Paclt (1958), integumental structures are named according to Harris (1979). Locality labels of the mentioned material are cited in the original version. Separate labels are indicated by slashes ( \ ). Remarks of the author are found in brackets [ ]. The size of the beetles or of their body parts can be useful in the species recognition and thus the following measurements were made: total length (TL) - linear distance from anterior margin of pronotum to apex of elytra. pronotal length (PL) - maximum length measured from anterior margin to posterior margin. pronotal width (PW) - maximum linear transverse distance. elytral length (EL) - linear distance from shoulder to apex of elytron. elytral width (EW) - maximum linear transverse distance. The following acronyms refer to the collections, in which the examined material is deposited: NMPC = National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic (V. Ovihla); JHAC = author´s collection. Taxonomy Anthrenus (Florilinus) kourili sp. n. Type material. Holotype (male): “Bulgaria, B. Koufil [lgt.]” \ “Krupnik, Kresn. defile” \ “Anthrenus museorum B. Koufil det.“ \ “6447“ \ “coll. Koufil P5/46/62“. Paratypes: (11 males, 8 females): the same data as holotype; (1 male): “Bulgaria, B. Koufil [lgt.]” \ “Selo Vlachl, Pyrin planina” \ “Anthrenus museorum B. Koufil det.“ \ “6447“ \ “coll. Koufil P5/46/62“. Holotype and 15 paratypes deposited in NMPC, 4 paratypes (2 males, 2 females) in JHAC. Specimens of the presently described species are provided with a red, printed label with text as follows: „HOLOTYPE [or PARATYPE, respectively] Anthrenus (Florilinus) kourili sp.n. Jifí Háva det. 2005”. Description of holotype. Male body measurements (mm): TL 2.25 PL 0.6 PW 1.07 EL 1.67 EW 1.45.; body oval, black. Dorsal surfaces covered by brown and yellow scales. Head covered by intermixed brown and yellow scales. Labrum emarginate. Lacinia without apex, moderately sclerotized with a medially directed small spine. Frontal median ocellus present. Antennae 8-segmented, antennal segments I-VI brown, VII-VIII black; club 2-segmented, compact (Fig. 1). Eye with complete median margin. Pronotum covered by intermixed brown and yellow scales. Each elytron covered by brown scales, with three illdefined transverse bands covered by intermixed brown and yellow scales; one band on the humeral area, the second one in the middlength and third one before apex of elytra. Scales of elytral disc triangular. Ventral surfaces covered by yellow scales; particular abdominal sternites not bearing small spots of scales at antero-lateral margins. Visible abdominal sternites I-IV without spots in the middle and covered with yellow scales. Prosternum with only yellow scales. Metasternum with yellow scales, without a 158 AKTA Jiri 4-2006 12/21/06 1:35 PM Page 159, J. Háva: Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Anthrenus, subgenus Florilinus from Bulgaria large patch at lateral margins. Legs brown, with yellow scales and yellow microsetae. Male genitalia: Fig. 3. Female. Dorsal and ventral surfaces covered by only yellow scales. Shape of antenna shows sexual dimorphism (Fig. 2). Variability. Body measurements (mm): TL 2.03-2.3 PL 0.57-0.65 PW 1.0-1.13 EL 1.62-1.85 EW 1.35-1.55. Differential diagnosis. The new species is habitualy very similar to A. (F.) sveci Háva 2004 and A. (F.) flavidulus Solsky, 1876, but differs from them by the following characters: 1(2) antennal segments VII-VIII black; lacinia without apex moderately sclerotized with a medially directed small spine (Bulgaria)................A. (F.) kourili sp. n. 2(1) antennae entirely brown 3(4) lacinia with apex moderately sclerotized with a medially directed spine; spine variable in size; labrum emarginate; scales on elytra brown, bands covered with yellow scales or variable elytra covered only with yellow scales (females); ventral surface covered with yellow scales; length 1.6-2.2 mm (Greece) ……………….… ..... ………………… ......A. (F.) sveci Háva, 2004 4(3) lacinia without apex moderately sclerotized with a medially directed small spine; spine not very variable in size; scales on elytra brown, bands on elytra covered with greyish-yellow scales or variable elytra covered only with greyish-yellow scales (females); ventral surface covered with white scales; length 1.2-3.4 mm (Poland (introduced), Turkey, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kirghizistan, Tadzhikistan, N China) ………………… ...................................... ….….. A. (F.) flavidus Solsky, 1876 Name derivation. Patronymic, in memory of the collector of the new species Bohumil Koufil (1909-1958). Anthrenus (Florilinus) museorum (Linnaeus, 1761) Material examined: Bulgaria, Pirin [mountains], Popina luka, 1500 m, 23.VII.[19]56, L. Hoberlandt lgt, 1 male, J. Háva det. (JHAC). Distribution. Cosmopolitan species (Háva 2003), from Bulgaria mentioned by Angelov (1988). Anthrenus (Florilinus) olgae Kalík, 1946 Material examined: Bulgaria, [Pirin mountains] Melnik [41° 31´ N 23° 23´ E], 16-19.6.1973, J. Horák lgt., 1 female, V. Kalík det. as A. olgae ? 1985, J. Háva revid., (JHAC). Distribution. Species known from Austria, Czech Republic, England, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine and Yugoslavia (Háva 2003). First reliable record from Bulgaria. 159 O AKTA Jiri 4-2006 12/21/06 1:35 PM Page 160x Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (2), 2006 Key to Bulgarian Florilinus species 1(2) pronotum entirely covered by white scales; scales of elytral disc more parallel-sided; abdominal sternites covered by white scales........A. olgae Kalík, 1946 2(1) pronotum covered by black or brown and white or yellow scales; scales of elytral disc triangular 3(4) pronotum of male covered by intermixed brown and yellow scales, female entirely yellow scales; abdominal sternites covered by yellow scales; antennal segments VII-VIII of male and female black...........................A. kourili sp. n. 4(3) pronotum of both genders covered by intermixed black and white or yellow scales; abdominal sternites laterally with small patches of black or yellow scales; antennae of female entirely brown, segments VII-VIII of male dark-brown...............................................................A. museorum (Linnaeus, 1761) References Angelov P., 1988: Über die Arten der Familie Dermestidae in Bulgarien. Trudy Plovdivskovo Universiteta Paisii Khilendarski 26: 151-161. (in Bulgarian, German summary) Harris R. A., 1979: The glossary of surface sculpturing. Occasional Papers in Entomology 28: 1-31. Háva J., 2003: World Catalogue of the Dermestidae (Coleoptera). Studie a zprávy Oblastního Muzea Praha-vychod v Brandyse nad Labem a Staré Boleslavi, Supplementum 1: 1-196. Háva J., 2006: Dermestidae World (Coleoptera). World Wide Web electronic publication: http://www.dermestidae.wz.cz Mroczkowski M., 1958: Dermestidae (Coleoptera) collected in Bulgaria by members of the staff on the Zoological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the years 1950 and 1956. Fragmenta Faunistica, Warszawa 8: 1-9. Mroczkowski M., 1965: Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes. 36. Beitrag. (Col.: Dermestidae). Beiträge Entomologie, Berlin 15: 665-671. Mroczkowski M., 1968: Distribution of the Dermestidae (Coleoptera) of the world with a catalogue of all known species. Annales Zoologici 26: 15-191. Paclt J., 1958: Farbenbestimmung in der Biologie. Jena, VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, 76 pp. Received / Prejeto: 29. 6. 2006 160 AKTA Jiri 4-2006 12/21/06 1:35 PM Page 161/ J. Háva: Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Anthrenus, subgenus Florilinus from Bulgaria Figs 1-3: Anthrenus (Florilinus) kourili sp. n., 1- antenna of male; 2- antenna of female; 3- aedeagus.. 161 AKTA Jiri 4-2006 12/21/06 1:35 PM Page 162^ Acta entomologica slovenica, 14 (2), 2006 Symposium Internationale Entomo= faunisticum Europae Centralis XX Cluj, 26 - 30. Mai 2007 XX. SIEEC - Mednarodni simpozij o entomofavnistiki srednje Evrope V Cluju (Kluau), Romunija, bo prihodnje leto med 26. in 30. majem potekal ae 20. simpozij o entomofavnistiki srednje Evrope. Prva dva dneva bosta posveoena predavanjem in ogledom posterjev na univerzi Babes-Bolyai v Cluju, naslednje tri dneve pa bodo udeleaenci prebili v gorovju Apuseni in biolooki postaji v Rimeteji. To obmooje je znano po svoji bogati favni in flori. Posebna pozornost bo posveoena moderni taksonomiji, favnistiki in posebej spremembam razoirjenosti posameznih vrst, nevarnosti oirjenja nekaterih vektorjev bolezenskih povzrooiteljev v srednji Evropi, filogeniji auaelk in varovanju "vrooih took" in podrooij z visoko biotsko pestrostjo. Veo podrobnosti o simpoziju lahko izveste na spletnih naslovih glavnega organizatorja prof. Laszla Rakosyja in sodelavcev: laszlorakosy@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro luiza@hasdeu.ubbcluj.ro ... ali na pootnem naslovu: Prof. Laszlo Rakosy Chair of Taxonomy and Ecology Str. Clinicilor 5-7 3400 Cluj-Napoca Romania 162