Recommendations for the Management of COPD 1 PROfessiOnal aRtiCle 1 University clinic of respiratory and allergic diseases Golnik, Slovenia 2 Dispanzer za pljučne bolezni in tuberkulozo, Community health centre Murska Sobota, Slovenia 3 Health institution Zdravje Ljubljana, Slovenia 4 Community health centre Nova Gorica, Slovenia 5 Clinic of pulmonary diseases and allergy Trebnje, Slovenia 6 Clinic of internal medicine, Community health centre Idrija, Slovenia 7 Clinic of pulmonary diseases and allergy, Community health centre Jesenice, Slovenia 8 Hospital Topolšica, Slovenia 9 Pulmonary department, General hospital Novo mesto, Slovenia Recommendations for the Management of COPD Metabolic and hormonal disordersProfessional article Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | letnik 86 Recommendations for the management of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) at primary and specialist pulmonary levels in Slovenia Priporočila za obravnavo bolnika s kronično obstruktivno pljučno boleznijo na primarni in specialistični pulmološki ravni v Sloveniji sabina Škrgat,1 nadja triller,2 Mitja Košnik,1 tonka Poplas susič,16 Davorina Petek,3 Vlasta Vodopivec Jamšek,4 irena Hudoklin,5 ana Ogrič lapajne,6 saša letonja,7 Jure Šorli,8 irma Rozman sinur,9 Marjan Koterle,10 natalija edelbaher,11 Jurij Regvat,11 Damjan Birtič,12 simona slaček,13 Mihaela Zidarn,1 Katja triller,14 Matjaž turel,15 Katarina Osolnik,1 Robert Marčun,1 Matjaž fležar1 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to implement the guidelines proposed by GOLD in the Slovenian health- care system, and to describe the cornerstones of the management of this disease. The document is meant to serve as an agreed approach to the management of COPD patients. Izvleček Z dokumentom želimo smernice, ki jih predlaga GOLD, umestiti v slovenski prostor in opisati te- melje obravnave te bolezni. Dokument naj bi služil čim bolj enotnemu oz. dogovorjenemu pristopu k obravnavi teh bolnikov. 1. Introduction and the purpose of this paper Chronic obstructive pulmonary di- sease (COPD) is a common condition dealt with by physicians at all levels of health care. Making differentional di- agnosis and/or accurate definitive dia- gnosis within the scope of obstructive pulmonary diseases is often challenging. The purpose of this paper is to imple- ment the GOLD guidelines into the Slo- venian health care system, and to descri- be the basic COPD treatment options (1,2). Moreover, these recommendations should serve as a reference point for a unified and agreed-upon approach to the management of COPD patients (3). The paper focuses on the cooperation between health providers at different le- vels of patient treatment. The organization of patient treatment and the level of cooperation between health providers at different levels of patient care in Slovenia differ from one region to another, mirroring the overall functioning of the regional health care system. Specialists in secondary care should have a role in developing pneu- monology in the region and should be involved in the training of general physi- 2 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | letnik 86 MetaBOliC anD HORMOnal DisORDeRs 10 Pulmomed, private health institution Koper, Slovenia 11 Department of pulmonary diseases, division of internal medicine, University Medical Centre Maribor, Slovenia 12 Department of pulmonary diseases, General hospital »Dr. Franca Derganca« Nova Gorica, Slovenia 13 Department of pulmonary diseases, General hospital Murska Sobota, Slovenia 14 Division of internal medicine, General hospital Izola, Slovenia 15 Department of pulmonary diseases and allergy, Division of internal medicine University medical centre Ljubljana, Slovenia 16 Community health centre Ljubljana, Slovenia Korespondenca/ Correspondence: doc. dr. sabina Škrgat, dr. med. e: sabina.skrgat@klinika- Ključne besede: kronična obstruktivna pljučna bolezen (KOPB); priporočila; zdravljenje; diagnoza; poslabšanje KOPB Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); recommendations; treatment; diagnosis; COPD exacerbation Citirajte kot/Cite as: Zdrav Vestn. 2017; 86(1–2):65–75 Received: 12. 12. 2016 accepted: 16. 1. 2017 cians (GPs). They should be responsible for the accessibility and quality of dia- gnostic tests. Also, they should be in con- tact with primary care specialists regar- ding the referral of emergency patients to appropriate health care centres where they can get the treatment they need, but is unavailable in their region. Epidemiology COPD is characterized by an irrever- sible and progressive obstructive airway disorder, leading to premature death. The condition is common. In recent ye- ars approximately 50 persons in Slovenia have died due to the consequences of COPD each year. According to WHO, COPD is the fourth leading cause of de- ath worldwide (4). COPD most often affects smokers (1). The most characteristic clinical ma- nifestations of COPD include chronic cough, exertional dyspnea and reduced exercise performance. Each smoker who coughs does not necessarily have COPD. Approximately 20 % of smokers develop COPD. The disease is accompanied by exacerbations (aeCOPD). Severe forms of the disease are characterized by frequent, severe and life-threatening aeCOPD. The GP who first sees a patient with dyspnea and chronic cough should con- sider COPD in the differential diagno- sis, because COPD is one of the most frequent causes of chronic exertional dyspnea. Obstructive airway disorder in patients with COPD is checked by spiro- metry. Lung function does not normalize after the application of a bronchodilator. GPs should provide initial diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment and are responsible for coordinating the COPD patient’s care. Because of a wide variety of conditions that can be considered in the differential diagnosis of obstructive airway disorder, and because these pati- ents usually present with comorbidities, it is recommended that patients with an obstructive airway disorder be referred to a health care provider at a secondary or tertiary level of health care (1). 3. Diagnosis Recommendation 1 D Patients with an undiagnosed COPD are sought among ex- and/or active smokers, as well as among indivi- duals older than 40 years who have been exposed to unfavourable envi- ronmental conditions. Recommendation 2 A Spirometry is the basic diagnostic test. We must not diagnose COPD without performing spirometry. The following factors should always be checked (1,2,3,5,6) when treating a patient with a suspected COPD: The patient is a long-time smoker (at least ten packs of cigarettes/year) or an ex-smoker. • The patient has worked, or is working, in an environment massively exposed to dust or chemicals (vapours, irri- tants, smoke). • The patient is older than 40 years. It is of equal importance to identify patients with mild symptoms who smo- ke and have been diagnosed with early- -stage COPD, because the cessation of smoking stops the progression of the disease. The basic test in diagnosing COPD is spirometry (1,2,6). GPs should per- form spirometry in long-time smokers or refer them to a secondary level health care center for testing, particularly those with signs of chronic bronchitis and/or Recommendations for the Management of COPD Recommendations for the Management of COPD 3 PROfessiOnal aRtiCle Confirmation: these recommendations were compiled at coordination meetings of a working group of specialists treating pulmonary diseases at the secondary and tertiary levels, and general practitioners. Recommendations were presented at the annual meeting of the slovenian Respiratory society on november 27, 2015. after consideration of corrections and suggestions, the recommendations for the management of COPD were confirmed at the slovenian Respiratory society Management Board and Member Meeting, held on March 30, 2016 in ljubljana. dyspnea on exertion. Perfectly normal spirometry results exclude COPD. On the other hand, it is recommended that all patients with abnormal test results (compatible with obstructive or restric- tive disease) be referred to pulmonary outpatient units at the secondary or ter- tiary levels for lung function testing. 3.1 Evaluation of spirometry results Recommendation 3 A A positive bronchodilator test does not exclude COPD. The disease can only be excluded with normal spi- rometry results after bronchodilator administration (normalized TI, and an increase in FEV1 to normal pre- dicted value). In a healthy individual, the difference between the measured SVC (slow vital capacity) and FVC (forced vital capaci- ty) should not exceed 10 %. With greater differences, we suspect that dynamic ob- struction is caused by forced exhalation. With NHANES III reference values, FEV6 (forced expiratory volume in 6 seconds) may also be used instead of FVC. Spiro- metry should be technically sound (7,8). Obstructions are assessed by the Tif- feneau index (TI). FEV1 (forced expira- tory volume in the first second) is divi- ded by the vital capacity. This index is an indicator of obstruction when reduced by more than 12 % below the reference value. Airway obstruction as defined by the GOLD guidelines is diagnosed at a TI value below 0.70. Using this thre- shold, the results should be interpreted with caution, particularly in elderly pa- tients (1,9). According to norms, a TI va- lue under 0.70 may be normal and not pathological in this age group, therefore misdiagnosis of COPD is possible in el- derly patients with dyspnea (9,10,11). ti = feV1/(VC, fVC ali feV6)* * – The greater value is inserted as the deno- minator. When spirometry reveals an ob- struction, we should always perform a bronchodilator test, using four inhala- tions (0.4 mg) of salbutamol, prefera- bly through a long extension (12) for adult patients. The medicine from the inhalator should be administered by a nurse. Additionally, the patients should be reminded of the instructions (te- chnique) for proper dosing. Spiromet- ry should be repeated 15 minutes after administering the medicine. The test is positive if the FEV1 values have inc- reased by at least 12 % from the output value, and at least 200 ml. A borderli- ne or barely positive bronchodilator test is applicable both in asthma and COPD. A positive bronchodilator test does not exclude COPD; it is ruled out only by spirometry normalization after the bronchodilator test (normalization of TI and an increase of FEV1 to the normal range). In COPD, the FEV1 and TI values cannot be normalized with a bronchodilator. In an obstruction that does not re- spond significantly to the bronchodila- tor test, it is recommended to conduct further diagnostic testing at the specia- list level. A GP, who reasonably suspects COPD can further evaluate the patient using the available examinations. Defi- nitive clarification of the cause of an ir- reversible obstruction should be in the domain of a secondary- or tertiary- care specialist. An irreversible obstruction may also be a sign of other less common pulmonary diseases, such as bronchi- ectasis, bronchiolitis, bronchomalacia, some forms of asthma and tracheal ste- nosis. Recommendations for the Management of COPD 4 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | letnik 86 MetaBOliC anD HORMOnal DisORDeRs 4. Disease classification Recommendation 4 D The overall assessment of a patient with COPD includes lung function testing, assessment of the impact of dyspnea on exercise performance (the MRC Medical Research Council dyspnea scale), assessment of the im- pact of the disease on the quality of life (the CAT COPD assessment sca- le), and determination of the number of exacerbations per year. Also, we look for associated chronic diseases and define the disease phenotype. 4.1 Assessment of patients with COPD (1,11) When assessing a patient with COPD we consider: a. the degree of airway obstruction (post-bronchodilator FEV1), b. the presence of symptoms: CAT que- stionnaire (COPD assessment test), c. the MRC scale to assess the degree of dyspnea during physical activity (Me- dical Research Council), d. the number of COPD exacerbations per year, e. the associated diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular system (13), osteo- porosis, depression (14), anxiety, mu- sculoskeletal diseases, metabolic syn- drome, lung cancer). The points a, b, c, and d are summari- zed in Table 2. The patient requires antibiotic or sy- stemic glucocorticoid treatment. Group A: Patients with early-sta- ge disease who can be treated by a GP. Cessation of smoking is a key part of treatment, since the decline in lung function in this group is faster than in advanced forms of the disease (C and D). Group B: Patients presenting with a more rapid decline in lung function and with significant comorbidities, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, or patients with significant hyperinflation (emphysema), which makes them more symptomatic than expected in view of the FEV1 reduction. Group C: Mildly symptomatic pa- tients, but with FEV1 below 50 %. These patients represent the smallest group of COPD patients. Group D: Patients who are both at respiratory and cardiovascular risk and have several disease exacerbations. Only patients in Group A can be tre- ated by a GP, the others should be mana- ged jointly by a secondary- or tertiary- -care specialist and a GP. Table 1: assessment according to post- bronchodilator feV1 GOLD Spirometric stage All Stages: FEV 1 /FVC < 70 % GOlD 1: mild feV1 > 80 % normal GOlD 2: moderate feV1 > 50–80 % normal GOlD 3: severe feV1 > 30–50 % normal GOlD 4: very severe feV1 < 30 % normal Recommendations for the Management of COPD Table 2: assessment of disease severity (1). Patient Groups Exacerbations/ Year C D 1 hospital,* ≥2 outpatient* A B 0–1 outpatient* MRC: 0–1, CAT <10 MRC >1, CAT >10 * – Potreba po antibiotiku ali sistemskem glukokortikoidu. Recommendations for the Management of COPD 5 PROfessiOnal aRtiCle Patients with COPD clinically differ from each other in terms of the disease course and their response to treatment. Table 3 describes the basic features of cli- nical phenotypes of COPD and the prin- ciples of treatment of these patients. 5. Principles for treating stable disease Recommendation 5 A Non-pharmacological treatment in- cludes advice on smoking cessation, and vaccination, as well as rehabilita- tion and nutritional intervention. The cornerstone of initial pharma- cological treatment of COPD is the use of long-acting bronchodilators as monotherapy or in combinations. Short-acting bronchodilators are prescribed if necessary. The objectives of treatment are redu- cing symptoms, decelerating the natural course of the disease, improving the qua- lity of life and exercise capacity, reducing Table 3: Definition of stable COPD by clinical phenotypes of the disease (15,16,17). Clinical phenotype Basic characteristics Prevailing chronic bronchitis Productive cough for more than 3 months a year, for 2 or more consecutive years. Prevailing emphysema (hyperinflation) no productive cough; clinical, radiological, functional signs of emphysema. asthma/COPD overlap syndrome (aCOs) asthma and COPD characteristics. aCOs is considered in the following cases: • Highly positive bronchodilator test (feV1 above 15 % and 400 ml), but without normal lung function; • increased nO in the exhaled air > 45–50 ppb and/or eosinophilia in an induced sputum (> 3 %); • Previous diagnosis or history of asthma. important, but less conclusive, are the following criteria: • Positive bronchodilator test (feV1 above 12 % and > 200 ml) without normal lung function; • increased total ige; • atopy; • Previous diagnosis of COPD. the disease is usually accompanied by frequent exacerbations and decreased lung function. specialist pulmonary treatment is required. COPD/bronchiectasis overlap syndrome Cough is present on a nearly daily basis, bronchiectasis confirmed by chest X-ray. COPD with frequent exacerbations two or more exacerbations a year, or hospitalization once a year. COPD with obesity and sleep- related breathing disorder Confirmed diagnosis of COPD, and sleep related breathing disorder confirmed by a polygraph. COPD with cachexia BMi < 21 kg/m2 without any other reason (ffMi < 16/m2 for men or < 15 kg/m2 for women). Legend: BMI: body mass index, FFMI: fat free mass index measured by bioelectrical impedance.z bioelektrično impedanco. Recommendations for the Management of COPD 6 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | letnik 86 MetaBOliC anD HORMOnal DisORDeRs the frequency of disease exacerbations and decreasing COPD mortality (1). 1. Step: We recommend the cessation of smoking to all patients regardless of the Table 5: treatment recommended according to the disease phenotype Clinical phenotype Method of treatment Predominant chronic bronchitis Pulmonary physiotherapy, roflumilast, antibiogram-based antibiotic therapy, otherwise a therapy following guidelines. Predominant emphysema (hyperinflation) Bronchoscopic and/or surgical lung volume reduction methods (reduction of disturbances in breathing mechanics), theophylline, otherwise a therapy following guidelines. asthma-COPD overlap (aCOs) la anticholinergic + la beta-agonist + iGC (regardless of feV1); COPD and bronchiectasis overlap learning expectoration techniques, an antibiogram-based antibiotic therapy; consider the introduction of azithromycin 250 mg 3 times per week for several months in a row ** COPD with frequent exacerbations la anticholinergic + la beta-2-agonist + iGC, option of adding roflumilast, antibiogram-based antibiotic therapy; consider the introduction of azithromycin 250 mg 3 times per week for several months in a row ** COPD with obesity and sleep breathing disorder CPaP or BiPaP +/- oxygen and pharmacological treatment of COPD, body weight reduction, treatment of metabolic syndrome, if present COPD with cachexia nutritional supplements, pulmonary rehabilitation patient (hospital), other therapy guidelines . **–Only in centres with expertise. The treatment is repeated in the event of a reduction in the frequency of exacerbations and the absence of side effects. Table 4: Pharmacological treatment of stable COPD (3,20-23) Group Initial treatment Options of treatment intensification, if necessary a Bronchodilators short-acting in the case of favourable effects, continue the treatment; long-acting bronchodilators may be added in symptomatic individuals B laBa or laMa laBa + laMa C laMa laBa+laMa, laBa+iGC* D laBa+laMa, laBa+iGC** laBa/laBa/iGC aZitHROMYCin*** ROflUMilast*** *–For group C: IGC (inhaled glucocorticoid) and LABA (long-acting beta-agonist) in frequent exacerbations and ACOS (asthma-COPD overlap syndrome), otherwise the first choice is LABA and LAMA (long-acting muscarinic antagonist/anticholinergic). **-For group D: initial combination LABA+LAMA; if there is a possibility of ACOS, the LABA+IGC combination is preferred ***FOR AZITHROMYCIN: phenotype of frequent disease exacerbations despite maximal inhalation therapy ***FOR ROFLUMILAST: persistence of chronic bronchitis despite maximal inhalation therapy and FEV1 under 50 %. Key: LA: long-acting; IGC: inhaled glucocorticoid Recommendations for the Management of COPD Recommendations for the Management of COPD 7 PROfessiOnal aRtiCle stage of the disease. It is by far the most effective treatment for COPD as it slows down the decline in lung function (1,18). Continued smoking accelerates the pro- gression of the disease regardless of its stage (19). The measures undertaken by a GP and a pulmonologist include: rapid in- tervention (determining the smoking status, advice on how to quit, offering assistance) and individual counselling in accordance with the principles of moti- vational interviewing and behavioural therapy. 2. Step: a. Non-pharmacological advice: physi- cal activity, rehabilitation and educa- tion about the disease, and learning the prescribed inhalation therapy. b. Treatment of associated diseases. c. Pharmacological measures (mainly inhaled medication and vaccination against influenza and pneumococcal infections, home oxygen therapy for chronic respiratory failure, dietary in- tervention). The selection of medicines in each group depends on their accessibility and on the patient’s response to them (Table 4). 6. Diagnostic methods and treatment in family medicine practice Recommendation 6 D In family medicine clinics, symptoms of COPD are actively sought among smokers and ex-smokers older than 40 years. Patients known to have COPD are treated yearly by a family medicine clinic team. The patient’s GP can raise a reasona- ble suspicion of COPD, but definitive differential diagnostic clarification and confirmation of the diagnosis should be in the domain of a pulmonologist. The so-called “reference clinics” re- present a new form of organization of family medicine services at the primary level (24). By the end of 2017, the organi- zational changes will be gradually adop- ted in all family medicine clinics. The essential novelty is that the team will be extended to include a nurse working at least half-time. The purposes of this re- organization are effective management of chronic patients and early detection of common chronic diseases. In accor- dance with recommendations, family medicine reference clinics also conduct the screening of patients/smokers for COPD. If COPD is suspected, the patient un- dergoes spirometry, and in the case of obstructive airway disorders, a broncho- dilator test is performed. It is recommen- ded that a bronchodilator test be carried out only when spirometry is technically sound (8), otherwise the test has no dia- gnostic value. When there is a reasonable suspicion of COPD, the GP should refer the patient to a secondary- or tertiary-care specialist for definitive clarification and confirma- tion of the diagnosis.. The patient’s GP prescribes a short-term bronchodilator (SABA), or a combination of SAMA and SABA (in symptomatic patients until the diagnosis is confirmed at the secondary or tertiary levels. In smokers, it is man- datory to include measures for the cessa- tion of smoking. In a family medicine clinic a patient with COPD is treated by a team fol- lowing the treatment protocol (Appen- dix 1). There a COPD patient registry is established. The patients who are newly diagnosed with COPD in the screening Recommendations for the Management of COPD 8 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | letnik 86 MetaBOliC anD HORMOnal DisORDeRs program, or are discovered incidentally, are entered in the COPD registry. The registry includes patients with COPD diagnosed or confirmed by a seconda- ry- or tertiary-care specialist. Newly di- agnosed patients and those already in- cluded in the COPD registry, are invited to attend for assessment of the disease state by a RN at least once a year. The results are reported to the doctor (GP), with whom the family medicine clinic cooperates. At least once a year, the pa- tient is treated by his GP. In the case of suspected COPD, we recommend: • Spirometry; • Chest X-ray; • ECG; • Blood oxygen saturation measure- ment; • Assessment of the associated diseases; • Treatment of the patient by a secon- dary- or tertiary- care specialist, who either confirms or refutes the wor- king diagnosis; • Urgent treatment of “fragile” patients (known hypercapnia, frequent exa- cerbations with hospitalization, long- -term home oxygen therapy (LTOT), non-invasive mechanic ventilation or a history of intubation and mecha- nical ventilation, pulmonary heart disease) at the secondary or tertiary levels. Management of stable COPD • Verification of smoking status; • Examination of inhaled medicine use; • CAT score once per year, in sympto- matic patients at every examination; • Spirometry; • Cooperation with a secondary- or tertiary-care specialist. 6.1 Recommended frequency of treatment based on disease severity Group A: Treatment by a GP once per year. Group B: The diagnosis should be provided by a secondary- or tertiary- care specialist, recommended annual treatment by a secondary- or tertiary-ca- re specialist (more or less often depen- ding on the clinical status), and annual treatment by a GP (more often if requi- red by the clinical status). Group C: The diagnosis should be provided by a secondary- or tertiary-ca- re specialist, recommended annual treat- ment by a specialist in secondary or ter- tiary care (more or less often depending on the clinical status), annual treatment by a GP(more often if required by the clinical status). Group D: The diagnosis should be provided by a secondary- or tertiary- -care specialist, recommended bi-annual treatment by a secondary- or tertiary-ca- re specialist (more or less often depen- ding on the clinical status), and annual treatment by a GP (more often if requi- red by the clinical status). Because of a multitude of possible medicines for COPD, the selection of appropriate combinations may be chal- lenging. The treatment of COPD in- cludes non-pharmacological therapy (rehabilitation) (25,26). It is therefore appropriate that COPD patients in gro- ups B, C, and D are managed and have their treatment optimized by a seconda- ry- or tertiary-care specialist. “Fragile” patients are identified by in secondary or tertiary specialist services, or by a GP. For these patients, the type of treatment should be determined in advance, in cooperation with their GP. The patients should bring their previous Recommendations for the Management of COPD Recommendations for the Management of COPD 9 PROfessiOnal aRtiCle medical records every appointment with any doctor. 7. Treatment in clinics with specialistpulmonology programs Recommendation 7 D The COPD diagnosis is made by ru- ling out other possible reasons for irreversible obstruction; therefore a pulmonologist should either confirm or refute the diagnosis of COPD . 1. Treatment of COPD at the secondary level (note: all the examinations listed are not necessarily carried out in each patient) a. Medical history (dyspnea, chronic cough, risk factors: smoking, working and living environment, family medical history); b. Clinical examination (BMI, RR, pulse oximetry, heart rate, re- spiratory rate); c. Spirometry – bronchodilator test → FEV1/FVC < 70; d. Diffusion capacity*, plethysmo- graphy*; e. Image diagnostics: chest X-ray*, high-definition CT* (consulta- tion with a radiologist); f. Laboratory diagnostics (basic biochemistry, hemogram)*; g. ECG; h. Six- minute walk test*; i. CAT test, mMRC; j. Determining a f alpha-1-an- titrypsin deficiency (measu- rement of alpha-1-antitrypsin blood concentration)*. * These tests are not contained in the minimum set of specialist services provided in pneumonology clini- cs; the patient should be referred to institutions where they are available. 2. Differential diagnosis a. Asthma b. Heart failure c. Bronchiectasis d. Tuberculosis – post-effects e. Bronchiolitis f. Tracheal stenosis, tracheobron- chomalacia g. Vocal cord dysfunction 3. Treatment of patients with COPD A. Stable COPD: a. Group A: • Cessation of smoking (and other non-pharmacological measures). b. Groups B, C, D: introduction of therapy (personalized treat- ment, therapy modification): • CAT, smoking cessation, a six-minute walk test or as- sessment of exercise capaci- ty; • Selection of pharmacothe- rapy according to guideli- nes and with respect to the GOLD groups; • Comorbidity assessment: cardiovascular disease, de- pression, anxiety, osteoporo- sis, skeletal muscle dysfunc- tion, metabolic syndrome, lung cancer, cachexia, sleep breathing disorder; • Testing and learning the correct use of inhalators; • Assessment of the need for LTOT; • Assessment of pulmonary hypertension, especially in patients who are potential candidates for LTOT, and those with a disproportio- nately severe dyspnea accor- ding to the results of pulmo- nary function; Recommendations for the Management of COPD 10 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | letnik 86 MetaBOliC anD HORMOnal DisORDeRs Recommendations for the Management of COPD • COPD school; • Health education and reha- bilitation; • Vaccination against influen- za and pneumococcal pneu- monia. B. In the case of exacerbation–exa- cerbation assessment: • Medical history and clinical examination; • Arterial blood gas analysis, chest X-ray in two projecti- ons; • Standard hematological and biochemical blood tests; • Introduction of an empirical antibiotic therapy and/or sy- stemic glucocorticoid, when indicated; • Spirometry not indicated at deterioration; • Repeated outpatient treat- ment within 3 days from the start of exacerbation; • Outpatient treatment betwe- en 3 and 6 weeks after hospi- talization. 8. Treatment of patients with COPB exacerbation Recommendation 8 D Patients with respiratory failure, a hi- story of invasive and/or non-invasive mechanical ventilation, occurrence of right-sided heart failure, negati- ve initial response to treatment, and significant comorbidities should be referred to a hospital. 9. Identification and evaluation of evidence The recommendations are set forth in accordance with the GINA (Global Initi- ative for Asthma) guidelines. Individual recommendations are scalable depen- ding on the available studies or expert group opinion (Table 7). Table 6: indications for an urgent hospital referral due to a COPD exacerbation (3,27-29). – Respiratory failure or exacerbation of chronic respiratory failure in ltOt at home; – severe worsening of symptoms, such as sudden dyspnea at rest; – exacerbation of the disease in patients with severe COPD (history of iCU treatments); – Worsening of chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure; – Occurence of new symptoms (e.g. cyanosis, peripheral oedema); – Poor response to the current outpatient treatment; – significant comorbidities; – newly occurred cardiac arrhythmia; – Uncertain diagnosis; – inconvenient situation at home. Recommendations for the Management of COPD 11 PROfessiOnal aRtiCle References 1. Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmona- ry diseases 2017 report[cited 4.12.2016]. Available from: http.// 2. 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