UDC 528.932(4)(084.3-16):681.335.2 061.3(497.12-2) Radenci „1994":528 DIGITAL TERRAIN MODEL OFEUROPE Slavko Pečnik Inštitut za geodezijo in fotogrametrijo FAGG, Ljubljana Received September 15, 1994 Revised March 30, 1995 Abstract A range of 8° x 12° (890 x 840 km of actual) size with basic grid 5' x 5' (9,3 x 6,7 km) has been chosen asa testing area for the outline scheme of The Digital Terrain Model of Europe. In the process of DTM generation the basic 5' x 5' grids were condense.d to a reasonable value. The goal of the project The Digital Terrain Model of Europe isto build a digital dala base f or the area that is covered with f our mode/s and to make a special application with the program system SCOP. Keywords: digital te1Tain model of Europe, Geodetic workshop, modified polyconic projection, Radenci, SCOP, 1994 INTRODUCTION A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a computer-supported representation of the ~arth's surface, which is gaining importance in Slovenia. The applicability of DTMs knows almost no limits and to a great extent depends on the requirements and demands of users. Local DTMs were developed in the early phase of development of digital terrain models, which cover smaller, entirely local areas. A tendency to set up digital databases of regional DTMs has appeared lately, which include areas of large dimensions. Large-scale cartographic sources and with grids on the order of magnitude from 30 x 30 m (made in the USA) to 230 x 230 m (made for Northern Italy) were used. Two digital termin models were made for Slovenia with quadratic grids of 100 x 100 m and 500 x 500 m, which are compatible. The paper presents a cartographic source and the mathematical properties needed for the formation of a digital terrain model. A Modified Polyconic projection and the mathematical elements of a digital terrain model of a test area are also presented, as well as a method for the acquisition of input data used. The application "Axonometric Presentation of Models" enabled by the SCOP program system was chosen for the presentation of the set-up of the digital database. CARTOGRAPHIC SOURCE AND ITS MAT.HEMATICAL PROPERTIES A proposal by Austrian geographer and a professor at the University of Vienna, ~rof. Albrecht Penck, for the preparation of an international map of the world (IMW) at 1:1 000 000 scale was accepted at the Vth lnternational Congress of Geodetski vestnik 39 (1995) 1 Geographers in Bern in 1891. At subsequent conferences the following mathematical basis was determined for it: o Sheet size - Sheets will comprise an area of 4° of geographic latitude and 6° of longitude, possibility of joining sheets (London, 1909); o Cartographic grid - Meridians and parallels of latitude are presented for each degree (London, 1909); • Projection The map projection should fulfill the following requirements: - meridians will be presented as straight lines - parallels will be presented as parts of eccentric circles Deformation of the carrying material (paper) will prevent the preparation of a conforming or equivalent projection. The International Map of the World at a scale of 1:1 000 000 in a Modified Polyconic projection was chosen from among the available cartographic material for the preparation of an outline scheme. MODIFIED POLYCONIC PROJEC'fION The projection is derived from a modification of an American Polyconic projection with the following characteristics: • the border parallels in each sheet are arcs of eccentric circles with their centre on the extension of the central meridian. • the linear projection scale along the parallels equals n=l • all meridians are mirrored as straight lines • the central meridian is shortened by a value s=0,271 cos2