.— •— k ^j/~\ L ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS VENEZIA GIULIA is THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 17 - 1 May 1946 Index . . , , page 61 Published by the Allied Military Government under the Authority of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, and Military Governor. E^iioriale Libraria, T riesie • 1946 Allied Military Government 13 CORPS General Order No. 38 B AMENDMENT TO GENERAL ORDER No. 38 RELATING TO AN ADDITIONAL TAX ON TEXTILE GOODS WHEREAS it is considered necessary to amend General Order No. 38 of the Allied Military Government. 13 Corps, relating to an additional tax on textile goods within those parts of the Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, 7, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I Article I A of General Order No. 38 of the Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, is hereby repealed. ARTICLE II As from the effective date of this General Order Article 1 A of General Order No. 38 shall read as follows : The additional tax on the sale of textile goods established by Article 3 of R.D.L. No. 65 of 11 January 1943 shall be fixed at the rate of 6% on the taxable value for all textile goods mentioned in the said Article except yarn which will be used for further manufacture or process. ARTICLE III This General Order shall take effect within the Territory on the Cth March, 1946. Dated Trieste 1st April 1946 H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 41 B SPECIAL COURT OF ASSIZE WHEREAS, by Proclamation No. 5 the Special Court of Assize was constituted for the purpose therein proclaimed for a period of six months expiring on the 8th day of February 1946, and whereas such proclamation was extended for a period of 3 months from that date, by General Order No. 41. And whereas it is deemed necessary to prolong the jurisdiction of the said Court for a further period, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED. C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer hereby ORDER ARTICLE I The Special Court of Assize as consittuted by Proclamation No. 5 shall continue its functions for a further period of 3 months as from 8th May 1946. ARTICLE II The jurisdiction of the Court and all its powers and duties specified in Proclamation No. 5 shall continue in full force and effect as if the Proclamation had constituted the said Court for the said further period of 3 months from the 8th May 1946. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective in the Territory on the 8th May 1946. Dated in Trieste this 18th April 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 44 FURTHER PROVISIONS IMPLEMENTING GENERAL ORDER No. 3 RESTORING JEWISH PERSONAL RIGHTS WHEREAS by virtue of General Order No. j the Nazi-Fascist racial laws therein mentioned were repealed and provisions were made relating to the restoration of the personal rights of Jews and others affected by racial laws in that part of the Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called „the Territory“) ; and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to male further provisions to implement the said General Order in the restoration of the said rights ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I. CORRECTION OF DOCUMENTS AND REGISTERS AFFECTING CIVIL STATUS Section i. — Whenever it appears that documents or registers relating to the civil status of persons adversely affected by the racial Jaws contain false entries made between 6 October 1938 and 12 June 1945, the Public Prosecutor may apply to have such entries modified by means of rectification proceedings under Articles 165 and 168 of R. D. 9 July 1929, No. 1238^ CORRECTION OF PUBLIC DEEDS, DECLARATIONS, AND REGISTERS CONTAINING FALSE NAMES V Whenever, for the sole purpose of avoiding the effects of racial laws, persons adversely affected thereby gave or caused to be given false names in public deeds or declarations, and whenever concessions, authorizations, and inscriptions, in public registers or for schools have been obtained in other names because of racial laws ; such deeds, declarations, registers, inscriptions or other documents may be corrected by changing such false names to the true names. Such corrections shall be made by the public official who drew the public deed in question or by the authority which received the declaration or which granted the concession, authorization or iseription. ARTICLE III. RE-ASSUMPTION OF SUR-NAMES CHANGED BY REASON OF RACIAL LAWS Persons who changed their sur-names in accordance with Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Law of 13 July 1939, No. 1055, either voluntarily or by reason of compulsion, and the spouses and descendants of such persons, may re-assume their original sur-names by Decree of the appropriate Area President to be made upon application of such persons. It shall not be necessary for that, purpose to follow the procedure set forth in R. D., 9 July 1930, No. 123?. The right to obtain such Decree shall become absolute upon the filing of an application therefor together with the Decree, certificate, or other satisfactory proof showing the change of sur-name in accordance with the Law of 13 July 1939, No. 1055. The Decree permitting the re-assumption of the original sur-name shall Be registered in accordance with Article 163 of R. D., 9 July 1939, No. 1238. ARTICLE IV. REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES NOT PREVIOUSLY REGISTRABLE Section I. •— a) Any marriage celebrated before Ministers of Catholic Cult and not legistered in the Register of Marriages by reason of Article 6 of R. D. L., 17 November 1938, No. 1728, shall be so registered upon application in writing of both the parties to the marriage, provided that such marriage complied with all the provisions of Law other than racial Laws in effect when the marriage occurred. b) If one of the parties to the marriage is dead, the application for registration may be made by the surviving spouse. If both parties to the marriage are dead, the application may be made by any of their descendants. Section 2. — Registration of a marriage in accordance with Section 1. of this Article shall give to such marriage the full legal effects of a civil marriage as from the c{ate of the celebration thereof without prejudice, however, to rights acquired in good faith by third parties between the date of such celebration and registration. Section ,j. — No marriage, however, may be so registered, (a) if it has already been annulled or dispensed with upon the ground of non-consumation by Decree or Order of the appropriate Ecclesiastical Authority and such Decree or Order has been entered in the Register of Marriages or, (b) if, prior to the application to register such marriage, one of the parties thereto contracted another marriage recognized as valid in accordance with Law. Section 4. — Civil marriages contracted in violation of Article 1 of R. D. L., 17 November 1938, No. 1728, may no longer be annulled solely upon the ground of the so called difference of „race“ between the parties. ARTICLE V. RESTORATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS (PATRIA POTESTAS) All parental rights (Patria Potestas) of which a parent was deprived by virtue of Article 11 of R. D. L., 17 November 1938, No. 1728, shall be restored in full by order of the appropriate Tribunal for Minors. The right to such restoration shall be an absolute right. Such order shall be made in Chambers after hearing the Public Prosecutor. EDUCATION Section I. — Persons adversely affected by the provisions of Article 3 of R. D. L., 15 November 1938, No. 1779, may take any examination held by Secondary Schools (Scuola Media), including Classical, Scientific, Teaching in the Elementary Schools (Magistraii), Technical and Artistic Institutes, without being required to produce proof of having completed their low school studies, provided that they have reached the same age as those persons who have completed their normal education according to Law. Such examinations must be taken during the two scholastic years following that in which this Order becomes effective. Section 2. — Persons adversely affected by Article 3 of R. I). L., 15 November 1938, No. 1779, shall be admitted upon application to the University of Trieste for the University Seolastic year for which the University authorities consider that such persons have sufficient qualifying diplomas obtained either abroad or in the special University courses already instituted at Rome and Milan for persons affected by the above Law. Section 3. ■— a) Teachers affected by racial laws. All Orders, Decrees, Laws or provisions restricting free teachers (liberi docenti), affected by the racial laws, in the free exercise of their profession, are hereby repealed. b) Teachers qualified to teach persons affected by racial laws. Authority to teach Secondary school education to pupils declared or considered as Jews within the meaning of Article 7 of R. D. L., 15 November 1938, No. 1779, shall hereafter constitute sufficient authority and qualification to teach all persons free from the limitations contained in the said Law. ARTICLE VII. PROVISIONS AFFECTING EMPLOYEES Section i. — Employees dismissed from service by reason of the racial laws who have been taken back into service in accordance with Article 4 of General Order No. 3. shall have the same grade as that to which they belonged at the date of such dismissal from service and the same rights to promotion as they would have had, had they not been so dismissed. For such purpose, the period between their dismissal and reassumption into service shall be calculated as service performed. Section 2. — All financial benefits due to employees dismissed by reason of the racial laws shall accrue as from 1 July 1945. All additional sums due to such employees as salary or allowances of any type shall be paid within sixty days from the effective date of this Order. Section 3. — a) The calculation of age of employees for the purpose of any regulations as to age limitations existing or length of service fixed by regulations to qualify for pensions shall not include the period between their dismissal by reason of the racial laws and their reassumption into service. b) The above period, however, shall be included for the purpose of fixing the sum payable or the treatment to be accorded upon retirement provided, however, that any sum paid in respect of dismissal from service on racial grounds shall be set off (without interest), against any sum payable on retirement as aforesaid. Section 4. — In the event that an employee dismissed from service by reason of racial laws, has died prior to the effective date of this Order, those entitled to his estate under existing Law whether by will or intestacy, shall succeed to' all the rights accorded to such employee by this Article. Section 5. —• Any agreement entered into prior to the effective date of this Order by a person dismissed from his employment on racial grounds and relating to his re-admission into service, may be set aside at the request of the person so dismissed so far as such agreement is in conflict with the provisions of General Order No. 3 and this Order. RE-INSCRIPTION IN ROLLS OF PROFESSIONS AND ARTS Section I. — All persons whose names were removed from the Rolls of any Profession or Art on purely racial grounds as well as all those whose names appeared in the Lists established by Article 3 of the Law of 29 June 1939, N. 1054, shall be and they hereby are automatically re-inscribed in the said Rolls, notwithstanding that the number of persons permitted by Law or Regulation to be inscribed in any of such Rolld is thereby exceeded. Section 2. — The period between the date of removal from the Rolls and of appearance in the Lists above described and the re-inscription on the Rolls as provided by this Article, shall be taken into account in calculating seniority on the said Rolls. ARTICLE IX. RE-ADMISSION TO ACADEMIES AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES a) Members of Academies, Institutes and Societies in the faculties of the various sciences, letters or arts, who were removed therefrom by reason of Article 4 of R. D. L., 5 September 1938, No. 1390, converted into the Law of 5 January 1939, No. 99, shall be automatically re-admitted to posts formerly held by them in such organizations. b) The period between removal and such re-admission shall be taken into account in calculating seniority of membership. ARTICLE X. PUBLIC POSITIONS Section i. — Candidates at competitive examinations for positions in public administrations who attained the necessary standard of merit to succeed in such examinations but who failed to be appointed to such positions by reason of racial laws shall be entitled to take such positions and to enter into such service provided they make written application therefor within 6 months from the effective date of this Order. In the event that no vacancy then existes for such position the persons qualified as above provided shall nevertheless he appointed in addition to the number fixed by law, when the next vacancy in such position occurs, it shall be considered that appointment of such person was made to fill such vacancy. Section 2. — The appointment as above provided shall be subject to the satisfactory completion of the trial period provided by Law for such position. Upon completion of such period however, such appointment shall be antedated for all legal purposes to the date of the appointment of the other candidates declared successful in the same examination completed, by the person, so appointed in accordance with this Order. ARTICLE XI. HUSBANDS AND WIVES OF PRISONERS OF WAR, INTERNEES, AND DISPLACED PERSONS Husbands and wives and other relatives of persons entitled to autcmatic re-acmissicn to service under Article 4 of General Order No. 3, but who are prisoners of war, internees or displaced persons, shall be entitled to the financial benefits set forth in Article 41 of R. D. L., 19 May 1941. No. 583. ARTICLE XII FREEDOM FROM PROSECUTION OF PERSONS WHO COMMITTED CERTAIN OFFENSES TO AVOID RACIAL LAWS occupied or controlled by the German Forces or German Government, committed any of the offenses set forth in Articles 374, 476-485 (inclusive), 489, 490, 494, 495, 496, and the second paragraph of Article 567 of the Penal Code. Section 2. — No person shall be prosecuted or punished who .under the circumstances set forth in the preceding Section fo this Article, has committed the offense described in Article 334 of the Penal Code merely for the purpose of assisting the owner of property subject to pledge or seizure by reason of the race of such owner. Section 3. — All convictions and sentences in respect of any of the offenses as above provided shall be null and void and without legal effect. No reference shall be made to such convictions or sentences in certificates issued at the request of private persons or for electoral roll purposes. ARTICLE XIII EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS FROM TAXES All administrative docuir. ents and all decrees issued to carry out any of the provisions of this Order, and all applications and documentary proof therefor, shall be exempt from stamp, registration, and „concessione governativa“ taxes. ARTICLE XIV. TIME LIMITS FOR PERSONS OUTSIDE TERRITORY All time limits fixed by this Order shall, in the case of persons resident outside the Territory, run from the date of their return thereto or from the date of the formal declaration of the cessation of the War, v'hichever date shall be the earlier. ARTICLE XV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste this nth day o) February 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel for ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A. G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 46 B AMENDMENTS TO GENERAL ORDER No. 46 — GRANTING OF AMNESTY AND PARDON WHEREAS it appears that in section 2 Article V of General Order No. 46 entitled „Granting of amnesty and pardona paragraph stating that the pardon shall not be applicable to the ofjences set forth in Section 2 of Article II thereof, has been omitted by clerical error, and x WHEREAS it is necessary to avoid such omission by adding the paragraph in question ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER as follows ARTICLE I COMPLETION OF ARTICLE V SECTION 2 OF GENERAL ORDER No. 48 Section 2, Article V of General Order No. 46 entitled .„Granting of amnesty and pardon“ is hereby completed in such a manner that after para 13) the following para shall be added : 4) for offences set forth in Section 2 of Article II hereof. ARTICLE II LEGAL EFFICACY This Order shall be effective as regards offences committed up to and on Match 1st 1946. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall take effect within the Territory on the date it is signed by me. Trieste, 4th April 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 48 AMENDMENTS TO TAXATION REGULATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS OF TAXES AND FEES DUE ON DOCUMENTS PRODUCED TO THE PUBLIC AUTOMOBILE REGISTRY WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to modify the conditions of taxation and the fees due on documents produced to the Public Automobile Registry in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE 1 1. — The documents which, in accordance with Art. 6 of R. D. 29 July 1927 No. 1814, are produced for the first entry of the ownership of a new motor-vehicle in the Public Automobile Registry shall be drawn up on duty-free paper and shall be exempt from the formality of registration. 2. ■— The certificate of the manufacturing firm on the technical condition thereof shall also be drawn up on duty-free paper. ARTICLE 2 1. — The documents specified in Art. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, being prerequisites for obtaining entries in the Public Automobile Registry, shall be drawn up on stamped paper, as established for Public and private deeds by the Stamp act 30 December 1923 No. 3268 and subsequent amendments ; such entries shall be made within the prescribed time lin its provided in the Registry law 30 December 1923, No. 3269. 2. — Copies of records of the Public Automobile Registry, extracts thereof and certificates, even if negative, relating to the various formalities, shall be drawn up on duty-free paper. ARTICLE 3 Public and private deeds, and declarations, also if authenticated, which confirm verbally effected sales ; agreements, judgments and decisions involving the transfers of motor-vehicles, shall be liable to the tax as set out in Schedule A appended to this Order. ARTICLE 4 Deeds and judgements creating, amending or transferring rights of usufruct or use of a motor-vehicle, those connected with agreements or waivers of the aforesaid, and deeds allocated a motor-vehicle to more than one individual shall be subject to the proportional tax as established in Schedule A appended to this Order, reduced to a quarter. ARTICLE 5 1. — Deeds constituting a legal or equitable charge on a motor-vehicle as security for credits, on which the registry taxes have already been paid, shall be subject to a registration and noting duty of 10 per mille to be calculated on the amount of the credit and any sums accruing thereto. 2. — Deeds concerning the following entries shall be subject to a tax of 2% on the amount of the credit and any sums accruing thereto ; . a) granting or transfer of a credit secured by a registered charge on a motor-vehicle ; b) assignment to a third party of the creditor’s rights ; c) substitution of a debtor for another debtor, with or without novation of the credit. d) granting of a registered credit on a motor-vehicle as a pledge, or any entry relating to transactions involving both the credit and the registered security. 3. — In case of transfer of a motor-vehicle and of the establishment, at the same time, of a registered charge for hire purchase, the taxes provided for in this Article shall not be less than those established for transfers by Art. 3 of the present Order. ARTICLE 6 Deeds constituting the renewal of a registered charge shall be subject to a fixed tax of Lit. 40.—. ARTICLE 7 1. •— Deeds and declarations delivered by the creditor for the purpose of cancelling the registration of a registered charge with or without formal declaration of receipt shall be subject to a proportional tax equal to 0.50 per cent of the principal involved. 2. — Fractions of a lira in the resulting tax shall be computed as one lira. ARTICLE 8 1. — Requests for Court orders for distraint, deeds constituting a pledge and other deeds and orders concerning a motor-vehicle subject to registration in accordance with the Civil Code not specified in the foregoing Articles, shall be liable to a fixed duty of Lit. 40.— in addition to the prescribed stamp duty. 2. — Such duty shall be paid to the „Ufficio del Registro“ which will issue a receipt therefor. ARTICLE 9 1. — Transfers, caused by the decease of the proprietor shall also be subject to tax in accordance with Schedule A appended to this Order. Such Tax is inclusive of death duties. 2. — For registering the entry the party concerned shall produce a notarial act (atto di notorietà) confirming the transfer. ARTICLE 10 The fees due to the Automobile Club — Trieste for the making of each entry in the Public Automobile Registry are set out in Schedule B appended to this Order. ARTICLE 11 1. -— The provisions of Registry Law 30 December 1923 No. 3269 as subsequently amended, shall apply for the enforcement of the taxes established by the present Order, including penalties, time limits and determination. 2. — Within their respective authorities, the „Intendenza di Finanza“ and A.M. G. shall decide on disputes by ordinar}' administrative procedure in accordance with regulations at the time in force. ARTICLE 12 All taxes provided for in this Order are inclusive of the registry tax and of the additional tax. for social insurance. ARTICLE 13 This General Order shall become effective on the tenth day after its publication in the „ Gazette“. Dated Trieste 27th March 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer SCHEDULE A Taxes on Sales and Transfer of Motor Vehicles а) Motorcycles and agricultural tractors with side-car ................ б) Motorcars : A) up to 8 HP ................... B) from 9 to 12 HP .............. C) over 12 to 20 HP ............. D) over 20 to 30 HP ............. E) over 30 to 40 HP ............. F) of more than 40 HP ........... c^Industrial motor-vehicles, capacity : A) up to 7 quintals ............. B) over 7 to 15 quintals ........ C) over 15 to 30 quintals........ 500,— 1.500,— 2.500,— 5.000.— 7.500 — 10.000.— 15.000. — 20.000. — 5.000,— 12.500.— 15.000,— D) over 30 to 45 qu'ntals ............................................... L. 20.000.— E) over 45 to 60 ,, ....................................................... „ 25.000.— F) over 60 to 80 „ ........................................................ „ 30.000.— G) more than 80 „ 40.000.-— d) Trailers, capacity : A) up to 20 quintals ........................................................... „ 10.000,— B) over 20 to 50 quintals ................................................ „ 17.500.-— C) more than 50 quintals ................................................ „ 25.000.-—- c) For motor-vehicles furnished with special circulation license and for trailers for exclusive use in conjunction with such motor-vehicles, but unfit for transportation of goods, the tax under c) and d) shall be reduced by a quarter. ]) Transfer deeds shall contain the technical data shown in the circulation license concerning the serial numbers of the engine and the chassis, the horse power, and the carrying capacity in quintals in the case of motor-vehicles used -for transportation of goods. SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE OF FEES DUE TO THE OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC AUTOMOBILE REGISTER Section 1 First entry of a motor-vehicle in the Public Automobile Register : a) motor-cars, motor-lorries and vans or similar vehicles or trailers, for each entry made .......................................r.................. L. 100.-—■ b) motor-cycles, motor-cycle with side-cars for the transport of passengers or goods and similar vehicles for each entry ................................ „ 60.— c) agricultural tractors, for each entry .................................... „ 40.— Section 2 Renewal of entry of a motor-vehicle in the Public Automobile Register, owing to transfer from one province to another, or following the issue of a new circulation license : a) for motor-vehicles referred to in See. la) for each entry.............. „ 100.-—• b) for motor-cycles, motor-cycles with side-cars etc. referred to in Sec. lb), for each entry ........................................................ „ 60.—- c) for agricultural tractors, for each entry ............................... „ 40.—• Section 3 Entry of transfer of ownership or cancellation from the Register of any kind of motor-vehicle for each entry .................................................. „ 40.-—- Section 4 Amendments of registration of the ownership or the particulars of a motor-vehicle or of the residence of the-owner, for each entry .............................. „ 25.— Section 5 Entry of a registered charge on a motor vehicle : a) if the amount of the secured credit does not exceed Lit. 100.000.—, for each entry ................................................................ „ 115,-— b) if the amount of the secured credit exceeds Lit. 100.000.-—, for each entry „ 210.-—• Entry of the transfer, reduction, restrictions, renewal or cancellation of a registered charge ; the substitution of a third party for the secured creditor and other modifications concerning the charge ; for each entry........................ L. Section 7 Inspection of the Public Register ; for each inspection concerning a single motor-vehicle .................................................................... „ Section 8 Inspection of documents kept in respect of each motor-car by the Public Automobile Register, for each inspection regarding a single motor-vehicle......... „ Section 9 Copy of entries regarding a motor-vehicle, delivered by the custodian of the Public Automobile Register: for each and every entry ................................................... „ with a minimum for each copy delivered...................................... „ . Section 10 Certificate that no registered charge has been made on a motor-vehicle.... „ Section 11 Authenticated, full copy of the Public Register record required for the transfer of an entry ; including copying fee, for each copy................................ „ Section 12 Delivery of autenticated copy of documents and deeds kept in the record of the Public Automobile Register : a) fixed duty for each document ........................................... „ b) copying fee ; for each page or portion thereof ......................... „ Section 13 Copy of documents, declarations and certificates of origin, of which the originals are held in the records of the Public Automobile Register: a) Fixed duty for each copy .............................................. „ b) Copying fee for each page or portion thereof........................... „ Section 14 Entry of ownership, renewal of such entry : entry of transfer of ownership, or cancellating of the motorvehicle from the Register : • a) fixed duty, for each entry ............................................ „ Section 15 Additional charge for priority searches, etc... ............................ „ 20,— 20.— IQ- 20.— 25.— 40.— SO- lO.— 30,— 10.— 10— 50,— ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 49 RATES OF STAMP DUTIES AND PROVISIONS FOR THEIR PAYMENT WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to increase stamp duties and to make certain modifications in existing law for their payment, within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer. ORDER: ARTICLE I INCREASE IN STAMP DUTIES Section 1. —• Stamp duties within the Territory of all types for deeds, records and the other documents set forth in Schedule „A“ attached to R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3268 (hereinafter referred to as Schedule „A“ and Stamp Decree respectively), and for all other documents provided for by special legislation, are hereby increased in accordance with the provisions of this Order. Section 2. —• Fixed duties of less than L. 1 are hereby doubled. Fixed duties of 2 Lire and more are hereby increased as follows : L. 2 to L. 3 L. 8-10 to L. 12 L. 3 to L. 4 L. 12 to L. 16 L. 4 to L. 6 L. 18 to L. 24 L. 6 to L. 8 L. 24 L. to 32 Section 3. —• a) The stamp duties for receipts, bills, notes, accounts and all other documents set forth in Articles 52, 53 a), b), c) and d), 205, and 207 a), b) and c), of Schedule „A“, are hereby established as follows : Fixed duty L. 10 and less than L. 100 ■—• L. 0.60 L. 100 and less than L. 1.000 —L. 1.—• L. 1.000 and less than L. 3.000 — L. 3.-— L. 3.000 and less than L. 300.000 -—• L. 1.—• for ea,ch L. 1.000 or fraction . thereof. b) When the sum involved (1) is L. 300.000 or more ; or (2) is not l ta,ted ; or (3) is for the balance of an original debt greater in amount, neither the amount of such original debt not the prior payments being stated, the fixed stamp duty shall be L. 300. c) The stamp duties set forth in the above Articles of Schedule „A“ are hereby modified accordingly. Section 4. —■ a) The stamp duties for receipts, bills, notes, accounts, and all other documents set forth in Articles 53 - e, 54 - a, b, c, d, and e, and 207 - d, of Schedule „A“, and in Article 24 of „Legge sull’ Imposta Generale“, 19 June 1940, No. 762, are hereby established as follows : • Fixed duty More than L. 10 and lees than L. 100 L. 0.60 More than L. 100 and less than L. 1.000 — L. ].- More than L. 1.000 and less than L. 3.000 — L. 3.— L. 3.000 and more L. 4,— b) The stamp duties set forth in the above enumerated Articles of Schedule „A“ are hereby modified accordingly. Section 5. — a) The fixed stamp duties for receipts as set forth in Articles 54/ and g and 206 of Schedule ,.A“, are hereby established as follows : Fixed duty L. 10 and less than L. 100 — L. 0.60 L. 100 and less than L. 1.000 — L. 1.-— L. 1.000 and less than L. 3.000 —- L. 3.— L. 3.000 and above ...........-— L. 12.— b) Notwithstanding the above rates, the rates set forth in Section 3 of this Article shall be applicable when more favorable to the taxpayer. c) The above Articles of Schedule „A“ are hereby modified accordingly. Section 6. — The fixed stamp duty for copies, second copies and more, of bills of exchange as set forth in Articles 34 and 201 of Schedule „A“, is hereby increased to L. 10, and the above Articles are hereby modified accordingly. Section 7. — a) The fixed stamp duty for correspondence relating to all principal recourses to Area Councils, as set forth in Article 122 — 3 b of Schedule „A“ is hereby established as L. 60, and the said Article is hereby modified accordingly. b) The fixed stamp duty for correspondence to Area Councils relating to all petition regarding suspension, as set forth in Article 122 - 3 c of Schedule „A“, is hereby established as L. 40, and the said Article is modified accordingly. Section 8. — a) The fixed stamp duties for Court proceedings as set fqrth in the second paragraph of Article 6 of R. D. L., 11 May 1942, No. 501, are hereby established as follows : Fixed duty For each civil case before the Tfretura ..................L. 20.— For each civil case before the Tribunale .................L. 40.—- For each civil case before the Court of Appeal ...........L. 60.—- b) The above tax shall be paid by stamps to be affixed and cancelled by the Ufficiale Giudiziario on the document initiating the process and before official notification to the defendant in the case. If the Ufficiale Giudiziario fails to comply with the above provision, he shall be personally liable for the duty due and in addition shall be subject to a fine of from 1 to 100 times the duty due as the each document which does not comply with this Section. Section 9. —• Except as provided by Section 10 and 11 of this Article, ad valorem duties, including those based upon the dimensions of the paper, which are now fixed at less than L. 1 are hereby doubled, and those fixed at L. 1 and more, are hereby increased by half. Section 10. — a),Ad valorem duties on bills of exchange and on other commercial instruments of credit issued in the Territory and payable therein or in a place where the Italian Lira is legally recognized and accepted, are hereby established as follow's : 1) On bills of exchange and other commercial instruments of credit whose maturity date is one month or less, L. 0.60 for each L. 1.000 or fraction thereof. 2) On bills of exchange and other commercial instruments of credit whose maturity date is greater than one month and not more than 4 months : Fixed duty Up to and including L. 200 •— L- 0.60 In excess of L. 200 and not in excess of L. 400 — L. 1.— In excess of L. 400 and not in excess of L. 600 —• L. 1.50 In excess of L. 600 and not in excess of L. 800 — L. 2.— In excess of L. 800 and not in excess of L. 1.000 —• L. 2.50 In excess of L. 1.000 — L. 2.50 for each L. 1.000 or fraction thereof. 3) On bills of exchange and other commercial instruments of credit whose maturity date is greater than 4 months and not more than 6 months : Fixed duty Up to and including L. 200 .— L. 0.80 In excess of L. 200 and not in excess of L. 400 — L. 1.60 In excess of L. 400 and not in excess of L. 600 -—■ L. 2.40 In excess of L. 600 and not in excess of L. 800 •—• L. 3.20 In excess of L. 800 and not in excess of L. 1.000 — L. 4.— In excess of L. 1.000 —- L. 4 on each L. 1.000 or fraction thereof. 4) On bills of exchange and other commercial instruments of credit whose maturity date is greater than six months, and on those without maturity date, the duties shall be double those set forth in subdivision (3) of this Section. b) The above duties for bills of exchange and other commercial instruments of credit shall include the fixed duties on receipts therefor. c) The duties established by subdivisions marked „2“, „3“ and „4“ of subdivision a) of this Section shall be reduced by half for instruments drawn within the Territory and payable in a place where the Italian Lira is not legally recognized and accepted : and likewise for instruments drawn outside of the Territory and in place where the Italian Lira is not legally recognized and accepted provided that such instruments have been subjected to the name duties established in the place of their origin. If such instruments drawn outside the Territory and in a place where the Italian Lira is not legally recognized and accepted, do not bear sufficient stamps, in accordance with the laws in effect in such place of origin, they shall be subject to the full duties established by this Section. d) Bills of exchange and other commercial instruments of credit which are drawn outside the Territory but in a place where the Italian Lira is legally recognized and accepted, and which are payable in the Territory, shall be considered to be sufficiently stamped if the duties paid thereon by such stamps in the place of origin correspond to the duties established by this Section. Section 11. — a) The ad valorem duties on securities as set forth in Article 50 of Schedule „A“ shall be as follows : (1} On registered securities : Fixed duty When the nominal capital of the security does not exceed L. 200 ................................................ L. L— In excess of L. 200 and less than L. 500 L. 2.—• L. 500 or more and less than L. 2.500 ...................... L. 4.—- L. 2.500 and above.......................................... L 6-—• (2) On bearer securities : Fixed duty When the nominal capital of the security does not exceed L. 200 ................................................ L. 1 — "In excess of L. 200 and less than L. 500 .................... L. 2,-—* L. 500 or more and less than L. 1.000 ..................... L. 4.—- L. 1.000 or more and less than L. 2.500 ................... L. 6.-—• L. 2.500 or more and less than L. 5.000 ....................L. 8.—• L. 5.000 or more and less than L. 10.000 L. 12.— L. 10.000 and more ......................................... L. 20.— b) The above duties shall be payable on each security. c) Temporary certificate for the securities shall be subject to the same duties. d) The duties shall be payable by means of punch-stamps, stamps, or stamped paper. On temporary certificates, however, the duties shall be payable only by means of stamps or stamped paper. e) When the duty is payable by stamps, such stamps may be affixed and cancelled solely by the Registry Office. f) Article 50 of Schedule „A“ is hereby modified accordingly but shall remain in full force in all other respects. Section 12. ■—• The duties on commercial records set forth in Article 70-b of Schedule „A“ are hereby doubled, and such Article is hereby modified accordingly. DISCOUNTS Section 1. — The discount on the total face value of revenue stamps purchased from the Registry Offices, credit institutions and other authorized primary distributors, by retailers of monopoly goods and clerks and bailiffs of courts for the use of their respective offices, and by all other secondary distributors who are entitled by existing Law to a discount on the purchase of certain types of such stamps from the primary distributors above mentioned, shall be in accordance with the subsequent Sections of this Article, computed for each soler year, after deduction of the amounts set forth in R. D. L., 20 November, 1930, No. 1491 and R. D. L. 14 April 1943, No. 561. Section 2. — Such discount to retailers of monopoly goods shail be as follows : a) On the total face value of revenue stamps purchased during the year up to and including L. 250.000 -T- 3 percent. b) On the total face value of stamps purchased during the same year in excess of L. 250.000 -— 2 percent. Section 3. ■— The discount to judiciary clerks shall be as follows : a) On the total face value of revenue stamps purchased during the year up to and including L. 50.000 — 1 percent. b) On the total face value of stamps purchased during the same year in excess of L. 50.000 and less than L. 250.000 —• 0.50 percent. c) On the total face value of stamps purchased during the same year amounting to L. 250.000 and more •—• 0.20 percent. Section 4. •— Secondary distributors other than those set forth in Section 1 and 2 of this Article and /others entitled to a discount under existing Law upon the purchase of revenue stamps directly from the Registry Offices, Credit institutions and other authorized primary distributors, shall be entitled to discounts upon the revenue stamps so purchased except on stamps for the payment of „Imposta Generate sull’entrata“, as follows : a) On the total face value of such stamps purchased during the year up to and including L. 250.000 -— 2 percent. b) On the total face value of such stamps in excess of L. 250.Q00 and not more than L. 2.000.000 *— 0.50 percent. c) On the total face value of such stamps in excess of L. 2.000.000 —• 0.30 percent. Section 5. — Agents and contractors for the collection of consumer taxes (imposte di consumo), and agents charged with the collection of slaughter taxes who are also responsible for the collection of Imposta Generate sull’entrata on live stock and wines in accordance with Article 14 of R.D.L., 9 January, 1940, No. 2, converted with modifications into the Law of 19 June 1940, No. 762, shall be entitled to the following discount: 2 percent on their purchases of any amount of the prescribed stamps if such purchases are made directly from the Registry Offices, credit institutions or from other authorized primary distributors at their places of business. Section 6. — Private purchasers of double foil revenue stamps for the Imposta Generate sull’entrata in accordance with R. D. L., 9 January 1940, No. 2, converted with modifications into the Law of 19 June 1940, No. 762, who buy such stamps directly from the Registry Offices, credit institutions, and other authorized primary distributors at their place of business shall be entitled to the following discount: 0.75 percent of the face amount of the stamps purchased provided that the amount purchased at any one time is at least L. 5.000. Section 7. ■— The following purchasers of double foil stamps who buy directly from the Registry Offices, credit institutions or other authorized primary distributors at their places of business for the payment of the tax on accrued value (imposta plus valore) and the surtax on business (sovraimposta di negoziazione), shall also be entitled to the discounts set forth in Section 6 of this Article under the same conditions : Executive Stock Exchange Committees ; Stockbrokers, Credit Agencies, and Commissioners of Stock Exchanges. ARTICLE III ADDITION OF STAMPS Section 1. —• Stamped paper and forms and registers otherwise taxed by stamps affixed thereto, which are in the possession of any public or private office, agency or institution upon the effective date of this Order, shall be rendered conformable to the stamp duties prescribed by this Order before their use by affixing thereto the stamps necessary under this Order. Section 2. ■—• Such additional stamps may not be exceed five in number on any single sheet and their cancellation shall be effected by the Registry and Stamp Office, or by the parties themselves by writing the date and signature thereon in such manner that each stamp shall bear at least part of such date and signature. Section 3. ■—• The date of cancellation shall always correspond to the date of the deed recorded by the instrument in question. ARTICLE IV PAYMENT OF STAMP DUTIES Section 1. *— a) It shall be permissible until further Order to use plain unstamped paper (carta libera uso bollo), for those records and documents requiring water marked paper in accordance with Schedule „A“ of the Stamp Decree, provided that duty stamps are affixed in the amount prescribed by this Order and that such stamps are cancelled before use by the Registry Office. b) Such stamps may also be affixed and cancelled by public governmental agencies and administrations, public officials, public functionaries and lawyers and attorneys, in the manner provided for by Article 22 of the Stamp Decree, provided that the records and documents bearing such stamps are prepared or issued by the above named bodies, agencies and persons. c) Such stamps on plain unstamped paper may also be affixed and cancelled upon petitions and applications and appeals by the parties filing the same. The cancellation thereof shall be effected by signing the same with the date of cancellation. Section 2. ■—- a) Unstamped paper with tax stamps may also be used for contracts, deeds and records, including judicial records, required to be registered within a fixed time under the Stamp Decree, as amended, provided that any additional duty which may be due is paid at the time such documents are presented for registration. b) The fact that the proper duty has been paid must be specially noted on the document so registered as well as on all other original documents and copies relating thereto also presented for registration. c) The failure to comply the provisions of this Section shall be punishable by a fine of from 100 to 1.000 Lire, in addition to the penalties prescribed by the Registry Law for failure to register or failure to register within the prescribed time. Section 3. — The limitations set forth in Articles 17, 18, and 26 of the Stamp Decree and the modifications thereof, shall be applicable to all the documents and records permitted by the preceding Sections of this Article to be made on unstamped paper. ARTICLE V STAMP DECREE IN EFFECT EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BY THIS ORDER a) The Stamp Decree (R. D. L., 30 December 1923, No. 3268)^ and the subsequent modifications thereof prior to 8 September 1943, shall be applicable to all matters relating the stamp duties, the responsibility of public officials and private parties, penalties, the deciding of disputes, and all other matters not specifically provided for or included in this Order. b) The parts of the Stamp Decree and the modifications thereof and all other provisions of existing law which are contrary to or inconsistent with this Order, are hereby repealed. ARTICLE ,VI EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall be effective as and from the date of first publication in the Allied Military Government Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 25th day of March, 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS General Order No. 51 AMENDMENTS, MODIFICATIONS AND AMPLIFICATIONS OF THE LAWS RELATING TO : „REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE DECLARATION AS REQUIRED FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF DIRECT TAXES“ WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to make certain alterations to the „REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE COMPREHENSIVE DECLARATION AS REQUIRED FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF DIRECT TAXES'‘ in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the „Territory"), NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I Except as hereinafter specifically mentioned all the provisions contained in the Italian Government decree : D.L.L. 24 Agosto 1945 'N. 585 „Regulations relating to the comprehensive declaration as required for the assessment of direct taxes“ a copy of which is annexed hereto and marked „Exhibit A“ are made part of this Order by reference and shall have the same force and effect in the Territory, as if they had been herein set forth in full. ARTICLE II All references to the Italian State and any Departments bodies, Ministers or Officials acting under its authority referred in the above mentioned decree law, shall be deemed to be deleted and in their place shall be substituted : „Allied Military Government and Officials and bodies operating in the Territory under the control of Allied Military Government“ and nothing herein contained shall confer any jurisdiction upon the Italian State or any person or body acting under its authority with regard to any person property or matter in the Territory. ARTICLE III \ The provisions in „Regulations relating to the comprehensive declaration as required for the assessment of direct Taxes“ contained in D. L. L. 24 Aug. 1945 No. 585 which are not made part of this Order and the modifications therein which be effective in the Territory are as follows : Art. 24 is substituted as follows : „Tne declarations of income as laid down in Art. 10, 15, 16, 17 and -20-of the said Law shall be filed with the appropriate offices before the 30th of April, for the year 1946, and from. January 1st to March 31st, as provided by Art. 10 of the said Law for each subsequent year- ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective in the Territory on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 3rd day of April 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. xActing Senior Civil Officer NOTE GENERAL ORDER No. 51 The Comprehensive Declaration has to be completed within the term 1, JAN, to 31 MAR of every year. For the year 1946 the time for the Comprehensive Declaration will be fixed by subsequent A.M.G. Order. Forms facilitating the Comprehensive Declaration will be available to the public at the Finance Offices in the. Territory. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 69 COMPETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATORS WHEREAS, the last competition for the appointment of Judicial Administrators for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces occurred in 1939: and WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary to make provision for a new competition for1 such appointment ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civi1 Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I COMPETITION FOR JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATORS A competition is hereby announced and established to qualify for appointment as Judicial Administrators of the Tribunale of Trieste, Gorizia, and Pola under the rules and conditions hereinafter stated. ARTICLE II NUMBER OF JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATORS The number of Judicial Administrators to be appointed shall be as follows : Tribunale of Trieste, 40; Tribunale of Gorizia, 7 ; Tribunale fo Pola, 5. ARTICLE III QUALIFICATIONS OF CANDIDATES FOR COMPETITION Section. 1. — The following shall be entitled to take part in such competition : a) Lawyers (avvocati) who have practised as such for at least 4 years. b) Attorneys-at-law (Procuratori Legali), who have practised as such for at least six years. c) Professionists in Economy and Commerce who have practised as such for at least six ye^rs. d) • Accountants who have practised as such for at least ten years. Section 2. —• Service as judicial or administrative magistrate shall be considered to be practice of the particular profession in question in computing the period of practice required by the foregoing Section. Section 3. — Candidates must be residents within the Circondario of the particular Tribunale for. Whose Roll of Judicial Administrators they are competing. APPLICATION FOR COMPETITION AND NECESSARY DOCUMENTS Section 1. ■— To participate in such competition, candidates must, make a written* re* quest therefor on tax paper addressed to the President of the Court of Ajppéal of Trieste and must file the same and the necessary documents with the President of the Tribunale on whose Roll of Judicial Administrators they seek to be inscribed, not later thaii 31- March, 1946. Section 2. — The documents which it shall be necessary to submit with the above inquest shall be those enumerated in Article 4 of R. D. L., 20 November, 1930» No. 1595, except the documents set forth in the next to the last paragraph of said Article. ! ARTICLE Y PROCEDURE AFTER APPLICATIONS ARE FILED Section 1. — The President of each Tribunale shall transmit a list of a*I candidates together with all available information to the President of the Area, the Procuratore di, Stato, and to the local Associations of the Profession to which such candidates belong. Section 2. -— The Area President, the Procuratore di Stato and the above Association, shall make the necèssary investigations as to the moral and professional standing and conduct of the candidates, and shall transmit their findings, within 30 days, to the President of the Tribunale who may call for further information if necessary. The President of the Tribunale shall thereupon transmit the applications together with the results of the above described investigation, to the First President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste. ARTICLE VI ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION AND PROCEDURE Section 1. — There is hereby constituted for the purpose of such competition a Commission of the Court of Appeal of Trieste composed of the following : the First President of the Court of Appeal or a magistrate by him designated of not less than Grade IV.o, who shall be the President of the Commission ; the Procuratore Generale of the Court of Appeal or a Substitute Procuratore Generale by him designated ; two other magistrates whose grade shall be not less than that of Consigliere of the Court of Appeal, to be appointed by the First President of the Court of Appeal ; and three other members, each of whom shall be a member of one of the professions described in Article HI, Section 1, of this Order, to be appointed by the President of the Court of Appeal. Section 2. — a) The presence of not less than half of the members of the Commission shall be necessary for the transaction of business. b) The decisions of the Commission shall be reached by majority vote of the members present. In the event of an equal number of votes the vote of the President or Presiding Officer shall be decisive. c) In the event of the absence or inability to attend of the President of the Commission, the Presiding Officer shall be the Procuratore Generale or the Substitute Procuratore -Generale by him designated as a member. ARTICLE VII RULES OF COMMISSION AND LISTS OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Section 1. ■—• The competition shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth in Article 9 of R. D. L., 20 November, 1930, No. 1505, except that no preference shall given to those inscribed in the Fascist Party, members of Fascist Syndicates, ex-combatants, mutilated, or fathers of children, as provided in the third paragraph of the said Article. - • Section 2. — The successful candidates shall be graded as to each Roll strictly according to merit as a result of the competition. Written lists thereof shall be transmitted for approval to the Allied Military Government and for publication after such approval in the Allied Military Government Gazette. APPOINTMENT OF JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATORS FROM LISTS Section 1. ■—■ Except for good cause shown, Judicial Administrators will be appointed to the number assigned to each Tribunale by this Order, by the Allied Military Government in accordance with their standing upon, the lists described in the foregoing Article. Section 2. ■—• The appointees shall serve during the administration of the Territory by the Allied Forces or until further Order. Section 3. — In the event that an appointment is renounced or a vacancy occurs in the said Rolls for any other reason, new appointments will be made from the above described lists in accordance with the order in which qualified candidates appear thereon unless good cause is shown for a different disposition. ARTICLE IX EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 13th dav of February, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 80 TERMINATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS FROM SALARIES OF COMMERCIAL WORKERS FOR CERTAIN EMERGENCY INDEMNITIES WHEREAS, it is considered desirable and necessary to provide for the termination of the contribution of 0.50 percent from the salaries of employees of commercial concerns towards the payment of certain emergency indemnities granted during the war, within that portion of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces NOW, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I CONTRIBUTIONS TERMINATED AS OF 1 JANUARY 1946 Section 1. —• The contribution of 0.50 percent from the salaries of employees of commercial concerns payable into the „Cassa Integrazioni salariali per il Commercio“, shall terminate as of I January 1946. Section 2, ■—■ All contributions made for periods after the above date shall be repaid immediately. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Triesté, 28th February 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 82 SPECIAL TEMPORARY UNEMPLOYMENT INDEMNITY WHEREAS, it is considered desirable and just to make provision for the payment of a special temporary unemployment indemnity to those who have remained deprived of employment by reason of the unblocking of discharges from employment, within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“); NOW, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I PAYMENT OF SPECIAL UNEMPLOYMENT INDEMNITY Section 1. — A special temporary unemployment indemnity (hereinafter referred to in this Order as indemnity), shall be paid to all workers resident in the Territory who were discharged or suspended from employment after 31 August 1945 but prior to 1 January 1946, in the amount and under the conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth. Section 2. —• The indemnity shall be for the three month period commencing on 1 January 1946 and terminating on 31 March 1946. Section 3. — The following shall be excluded from the indemnity herein provided : domestic workers, occasional workers, agricultural workers, share croppers (mezzadri) ; peasants, artisans, and persons working for themselves. Section 4. — The indemnity shall be in substitution of the normal unemployment indemnity and unemployment allowances from compulsory insurance for and during the above stated period. ARTICLE II CONDITIONS FOR PAYMENT OF INDEMNITY Allowance and payment of the indemnity shall be subject to the following conditions : a) The worker must be a resident of the Territory to be proved by exhibiting the Special Identity Card issued by the Allied Military Government pursuant to Order No. 14, dated 10 September, 1945. b) The worker must have been discharged or suspended from work after 31 August 1945 but prior to 1 January 1946. c) The unemployment must be involuntary and not the result of facts chargeable to the worker. d) The worker must be not less than 16 and not more 70 years of age on the 1 January 1946. e) The worker must be physically able to work and willing to accept whatever other gainful employment which may be offered him by the local Labor Office with which he must be registered. ARTICLE III AMOUNTS OF INDEMNITY Section 1. ■—■ The amounts of the indemnity are hereby established as follows : a) Men and women between 16 and 18 years old......... 40 Lire a day b) Men over 18 years old............................ 80 Lire a day c) Women over 18 y eras old .......................... 60 Lire a day Section 2. — The above amounts shall be increased for workers having wives and children under 18 years of age dependent on him for support, as follows : a) For one such dependent ...............................by 10 Lire a day b) For two such dependents ..............................by 15 Lire a day c) For three or more such dependents ....................by 20 Lire a day ARTICLE IV AGENCY TO MAKE PAYMENT OF INDEMNITY AND REGULATIONS THEREFOR Section 1. ■—■ The indemnity shall be paid by the Tstituto Nazionale della Previdenza Soeiale in accordance with all existing regulations and forms applicable to the normal unemployment indemnity except as modified by this Order. Section 2. ■—- The Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Soeiale, after prior approval by the Allied Military Government, may make and issue such other regulations not inconsistent with this Order, as shall be considered necessary to carry out the provisions herein contained. Section 3. — The functions and duties delegated to the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Soeiale and, the Labor Offices by this Order and any other functions and duties relating to the indemnity which may hereafter be delegated, shall be performed under the supervision and control of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE V FURTHER LIMITATIONS UPON RIGHT TO INDEMNITY The indemnity shall not be payable : a) To workers unemployed during a strike or similar cessation of work in which the worker himself is involved. However, the loss of the right to the indemnity shall be limited to the duration of such strike or cessation of work. b) To workers suspended or dismissed from work pursuant to a final Order made by an Epuration Commission established, organized and functioning under General Order No. 7 and No. 8, both dated 11 July, 1945. i c) To workers who refuse to accept other appropriate employment. ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER Except as otherwise herein specifically provided, this Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Date at TRIESTE, this 5th. day of March, 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 86 TAXES ON LIGHTERS AND FLINTS NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel O.B.E., Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I CLASSIFICATION OF LIGHTERS Section I. ■— Taxation of lighters of the herein mentioned types, and ignited by flint or pyrophorous paper, shall be as follows : Tax Description (i) 500.—• Lire Lighters in a platinum or gold casing, or platinum or gold plated metal or if plated in part with these metals. (ii) 300.—■ Lire Silver easing, metal casing or wholly or partially silver plated, or ename- led or ornamented in any way. (iii) 50.— Lire Common metals and not ornamented or guarnished in any way. Section II. ■— Taxation of lighters of the herein mentioned types and ignited by an electric current shall be as follows : (i) 500.—- Lire When an electric heating conductor is used and the lighter itself is made of, plated or is partially plated with, a precious metal. (ii) 50.— Lire When ignition depends on an electric spark. (iii) 30.—■ Lire When an electric heating conductor is used and the lighter is made of brass or common metal. Section III. —• Lighters for personal use, which have not yet bi sn submitted for taxation, shall be submitted and the tax as scheduled in section I and II ihall be paid within 30 days from the day when this Order comes into effect. Section IV. —• A surtax of 50% increase shall be imposed on lighters submitted for registration after the lapse of the thirty days described in section III. ARTICLE II TAXATION OF FLINTS The tax on flints of the herein mentioned types shall be as follows : Tax Type A •—■ cylindrical shape diameter 2,60 millimeters, length 5 millimeters .. Lire 7.20 Type B — prismatic shape 2x3x5 mm.............................................. „ 7.20 Type C — prismatic shape 3x4x45,5 ............................................. „ 108.— Type D — cylindrical shape, diameter 3 mm. length 3 mm.......... „ 4.50 ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in the Territory on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste 22nd March 1946. , H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 87 GRANTING OF AN AMNESTY AND PARDON FOR OFFENCES OF A FINANCIAL CHARACTER, REMITTANCE OF SURTAXES AND OF FINES FOR INFRINGEMENTS OF FINANCIAL LAWS WHEREAS, it is considered advisable to grant an amnesty and pardon for offences of a financial character and to remit surtaxes and fines for infringements of financial laws in those parts of Venezia Giulia which are administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the .. Territory“') ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.BE., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: GRANTING OF AMNESTIES ARTICLE 1 An amnesty is hereby granted in respeet of offences punishable in accordance with the following Articles of P. 1). 17 September 1931, No. 1608: 1) Art. 15 and Art. 24, para 4, for failure to declare income ; 2) Art. 19, for failure of workers to declare to employers that they are unmarried, when such is the ease, or of failure to give their correct age to employers and Tax Offices ; 3) Art. 20 for failure to comply with instructions given or requests made by Tax Offices and Administrative Commissions in the exercise of certain of the powers conferred on them by the various taxation laws ; 4) Art. 27, for failure to pay six successive tax instalments. ARTICLE 2 An amnesty is also granted for failure to file the declarations provided for by the following laws, as subsequently amplified and amended. 1) R. D. L. 7 September 1935, No. 1627, — re-issued as Law 13 January 1936, No. 76, instituting the tax on security coupons ; 2) R. D. L. 5 October 1936, No. 1743, concerning the issue of a 5% redeemable loan and the institution of the surtax on real property; re-issued as Law 14 January 1937, No. 151 ; 3) R. D. L. 5 October 1936, No. 1744, concerning the progressive surtax on dividens of commercial concerns ; re-issued as Law 14 January 1937, No. 91 ; 4) R. D. L. 19 October 1937, No. 1729, by which a surtax on the capital of joint stock companies was established ; re-issued as Law 18 January 1938, No. 19 ; 5) R. D. L. 19 November 1938, No. 1720, instituting a surtax on the capital of commercial and industrial concerns ; re-issued as Law 19 January 1939, No. 250 ; 6) R. D. L. 13 April 1939, No. 652, relating to the general valuation of urban buil- dings, re-assessment of the income derived from the same and institution of the new urban buildings register; re-issued as Law 11 August 1939, No. 1249; • 7 7) R. T). L. 12 October 1939 No. 1529 instituting the ordinary tax on capital; re- issued as Law 8 February 1940, No. 100 : 8) Law 25 June 1940, No. 870, establishing an extra contribution of 2% on salaries exempt from income tax (ricchezza mobile) in favour of the families of persons serving in the armed forces ; 9) Law 1 July 1940, No. 803, instituting the tax on the emoluments of Directors and managers of commercial concerns ; 10) R. D. L. 25 October 1941, No. 1148, concerning the compulsory registration of all holdings of securities ; re-issued as Law 9 February 1942, No. 96, and subsequently amended ; 11) R. D. L. 7 December 1942, No. 1418 amending the rates of taxes and surtaxes payable on income derived from landed property, in connection with the general revision of valuation affected m accordance with R. D. L. 4 April 1939, No. 589, as amended and reissued as Law 11 March 1943, No. 204 ; 12) R. D. 12 April 1943, No. 205 concerning the institution of a State war contribution on rents of which further increase was not barred by statute, and the special tax on income derived from the capital of individual enterprises and concerns other than joint stock companies. ARTICLE 3 An amnesty is granted in respect of offences punishable under the following laws as subsequently amplified and amended : 1) R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3277, concerning taxes on playing-cards, only for those infringements punishable in accordance with Art.s 21 and 22 ; 2) R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3275, relating to the stamp duty on waybills and bills of lading ; 3) R. D. L. 26 September 1935, No. 1781, concerning the annual presentation of 7ease contracts for buildings ; re-issued as Law 30 December 1935, No. 2247 ; 4) R. D. L. 2 December 1935, No. 2097, relating to the tax on transportation of goods by motor-vehicle ; re-issued as Law 28 May 1936, No. 1260 ; 5) R. D. L. 29 July 1938, No. 1121, concerning fiscal regulations on ^notor transport ; re-issued as Law 3 January 1939, No. 58 ; 6) R. D. 15 July 1941, No. 647, instituting a tax on the accrued value of securities ; re-issued as Law'29 December 1941, No. 1468; 7) R. D. L. 27 September 1941, No. 1014, concerning the tax and surtax on transfers of securities ; re-issued as Law 29 December 1941, No. 1469 ; 8) R. D. L. 5 March 1942, No. 186, concerning the enforcement of the tax on transfers of property re-issued as Law 21 June 1942, No. 840 ; 9) R. D. L. 4 May 1942, No. 417, relating to the special registry tax on the accrued value of real property transferred by deed between living persons ; re-issued as Law 26 September 1942, No. 1151 ; 10) R. D. L. 4 May 1942, No. 434 concerning the duty payable on bequest of personal property ; re-issued as Law 18 October 1942, No. 1220 ; 11) R. D* L. 10 March 1943, No. 94, concerning the annual tax on the circulation of industrial motor-vehicles ; 12) Law 30 December 1923, No. 3278, concerning taxes on stock-exchange contracts. ARTICLE 4 An amnesty is granted for offences punishable under the following laws as subsequently amplified and amended : 1) Law 28 July 1930, No. 1011, on the now repealed exchange tax ; 2) R. D. L. 9 January 1940, No. 2, instituting the Imposta Generale sull’entrata ; re-issued as Law 19 June 1940, No. 762 ; 3) R. D. 3 June 1943, No. 452, instituting a special additional war tax. ARTICLE 5 An amnesty is granted for violations of R. D. L. 21 February 1938 No. 246, concerning provisions for the collection of wireless licenses, so far as such violations are punishable in accordance with Art. 19 of the said Decree. ARTICLE 6 An amnesty is granted for violations of the following Laws : 1) Customs laws, including laws on temporary imports and exports : 2) Laws relating to manufacturing taxes ; 3) Laws relating to state taxes on consumption of gas for lighting and electricity. ARTICLE 7 An amnesty is granted for violations of laws relating to the salt and tobacco monopoly, state quinine, automatic lighters,and flints, matches, and-the manufacture, import and monopoly of cigarette-papers rolled and unrolled. ARTICLE 8 An amnesty is granted for violations of the laws concerning the state lottery. ARTICLE 9 An amnesty is granted for the infringements cited in : A) Art. 296 of the concerning local finances, confirmed by R. D. 14 September 1931, No. 1175 as subsequently amplified and amended. BJ R, D. L. 24 November 1938, No. 1926, concerning the „Soggiorno, cura e turi-smo“ tax ; re-issued as Law 2 June 1939, No. 739. CONDITIONS FOR GRANTING OF AMNESTIES ARTICLE 10 The amnesty granted by this Order is confined to offences for which a fine only is provided, and is subject to the following conditions : 1) For failure to present the appropriate declaration, tax-payers whose taxable income is not yet being assessed by the Tax Office, shall file said declaration within 210 days of the effective date of this Order. 2) If a false declaration has been filed, tax-payers who have not yet received notice of revision of their taxable income by the Tax Office, shall amend their previous declaration within 210 days of the effective date of this Order. 3) In case of delayed payment of taxes or duties, or of failure to carry out formalities for acts required by law, tax payers shall pay the taxes or duties or shall carry out the above acts or formalities within the aforesaid 210 days. , REMITTANCE OF SURTAXES AND FINES ARTICLE 11 The following surtaxes and fines are hereby remitted : 1) The surtax provided for in Art. 15 of R. D. 17 September 1931, No. 1608, for taxpayers who have failed to file the declaration on which direct taxes are assessed ; 2) The surtax provided for in Art. 16 of R. D. 17 September 1931, No. 1608, for taxpayers who have presented false declarations ; 3) The fine from L. 50 to L. 150, provided by Art. 21 of R. D. 17 September 1931, No. 1608 for State, Provincial or Communal Officials who have failed to present- the prescribed declarations to the Tax Offices ; 4) The fine from L. 25 to L. 75 provided by Art. 22 of R. D. 17 September 1931, No. 1608 for those persons who, having been invited to visit Tax Offices, have not compiled with such invitation. ARTICLE 12 The surtaxes due for failure to present the declarations or for falsity of the same as laid down in the following laws as subsequently amplified and amended are also remitted : 1) R. D. L. 7 September 1935, No. 1627, re-issued as Law 13 January 1936, No. 76 instituting the tax on security coupons. 2) R. D. L. 5 October 1936, No. 1743, concerning the issue of a 5% redeemable loan and the institution of the sur-tax on real property ; re-issued as Law 14 .January 1937, No. 151 ; 3) R. D. L. 5 October 1936, No. 1744, concerning the progressive surtax on the di-videns of commercial concerns ; re-issued as Law 14 January 1937, No. 91 ; 4) R. D. L. 19 October 1937, No. 1729 by which a surtax on the capital of joint stock companies was established ; re-issued as Law 13 January 1938, No. 19 ; 5) R. I). L. 9 November 1938, No. 1720, instituting a surtax on the capital of commercial and industrial concerns ; re-issued as Law 19 January 1939, No. 250 ; 6) R. D. L. 12 October 1939, No. 1529, instituting the ordinary tax on capital, reissued as Law 8 February 1940, No. 100 ; 7) Law 25 June 1940, No. 870. establishing an extra contribution of 2% on salaries exempt from income tax, in favour of the families of persons serving in the Armed Forces ; 8) Law 1 July 1940, No. 803, instituting the tax on the emoluments to Directors and managers of commercial concerns ; 9) R. D. L. 25 October 1941 No. 1148, concerning the compulsory registration of all holdings of securities, re-issued as Law 9 February 1942, No. 96 ; 10) R. D. L. 7 December 1942, No. 1418, amending the rates of taxes and surtaxes payable on income derived from landed-property, in connection with the general revision of valuations effected in accordance with R, D. L. 4 April 1939, No. 589, as amended and reissued as Law 11 March 1943, No. 204 ; 11) R. D. L. 12 April 1943, No. 205, concerning the institution of a state war contribution on rents cf which further increase was not barred by statute and the special tax on income derived from the capital of individual enterprises and concerns other than joint stock companies. ARTICLE 13 The penalties provided by Art.s 25 and 26 of R. D. 17 September 1931, No. 1608, for delayed payment of taxes are hereby remitted. ARTICLE 14 The surtaxes and fines provided by the following laws as subsequently amplified and amended are hereby remitted : 1) R. D. 24 March 1907, No. 237, concerning the preservation of the old land registry recjrds ; 2) R. D. 8 October 1931, No. 1572. relating to the new land registry. 3) R. D. 8 December 1938, No. 2153, relating to the preservation of the new land registry records. ARTICLE 15 Surtaxes and fines imposed for violations of the following laws as subsequently amplified and amended are hereby remitted : 1) R. 1). 30 December 1923, No. 3268, concerning stamps duties ; 2) R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3269, relating to the registry tax, including the special tax now repealed provided for in R. D. L. 14 June 1940, No. 643 ; re-issued as Law 21 October 1940, No. 1511; The exemption includes surtaxes referred to in Art. 110 on the aforesaid Law on registry duties, but ordinary .taxes shall be paid ; 3) R. D. L. 30 December 1923, No. 3270, on death duties ; 4) R, D. 30 December 1923, No. 3271 on the „manomorta“ tax ; 5) R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3272. on the mortgage tax ; 6) R. L. 30 December 1923, No. J5275, concerning stamp duty on waybills and bills of lading ; 7) R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3276, relating to entertainment tax ; 8) R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3279. on patents ; 9) R. D. 30 December 1923. No. 3280, on taxes replacing stamp and registry duties and R. D. L. 15 December 1938. No. 1975, relating to the tax on transfers of securities reissued as Law 2 June 1939, No. 739 ; 10) R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3281, on insurances and life annuities ; 11) R. D. 30 December 1923, No. 3283, concerning taxes on motor-vehicles ; 12) Law 28 July 1930, No. 1011, concerning the now repealed exchange tax ; 13) R. D. L. 21 February 1938, No. 246, containing provisions on the collection of wireless licenses ; re-issued as Law 4 June 1938. No. 880 ; 14) Law 19 June 1940, No. 762, instituting the Imposta Generale sull’entrata and R. D. L. 3 June 1943, No. 452, establishing a special additional war tax; 15) R. D. 9 March 1942, No. 357, with provisions concerning taxes on accrued value and surtax on the transfer of shares (securities) ; 16) R. D. L. 4 May 1942, No. 434,, concerning the tax on bequests of personal property ; re-issued as Law 18 October 1942, No. 1220. ARTICLE 16 The fines are hereby remitted : 1) in favour of persons who, prior to the effective date- of this Order, have committed violations of Art. Ill (excluding para e), 112, 113 and 114 of Rules relating io'the growing of tobacco, made law by R. D. 12 October 1924, No. 1590, and amended by R. D. 24 November 1932, No. 1571 ; 2) in favour of store-keepers and retailers of monopoly goods who have violated the regulations relating to the monopoly. ARTICLE 17 Surtaxes and fines established for violations of the laws concerning the state lottery are hereby remitted. CONDITIONS FOR REMISSION OF SURTAXES AND FINES ARTICLE 18 The remission of surtaxes and fines as laid down in the present Order is subject to the following conditions ; 1) in case of failure to present the appropriate declaration taxpayers who have not yet received any assessment notice from the Tax Office, shall file such declaration within 210 days of the effective date of this Order ; 2) in case of a false declaration, taxpayers who have not yet been notified that their declaration has been rectified by the Tax Office, shall amend their former declaration within the same period of time as above ; 3) for delayed payment of taxes or duties,* or failure to carry out any act or formalities required by Law, taxpayers shall pay the taxes or duties, or shall carry out the above acts or formalities within the aforesaid 210 days. ARTICLE 19 1) Postponements granted prior to the effective date of this Order of the final date for payment of taxes, surtaxes duties and fines, remain in force, but the concessions provided for in this Order are subject to the punctual fulfilment of terms and conditions contained in the authority for such postponement. 2) In the case of postponements granted after the effective date of this Order, the concessions as stated above are subject to the postponement being accorded within 120 days of the said date and to the punctual fulfilment of terms and conditions contained in the authority for postponement. ARTICLE 20 • 1) If, prior to the publication of this Order, a taxpayer loses the right to a postponement which had previously been granted, the loss of such right shall be considered as null, provided that the debtor shall pay, within 120 days of the publication of this Order, the tax instalments which are overdue. 2) In such case the authority for postponement previously issued, as well as the guarantee given therefore shall remain valid. ARTICLE 21 The provisions of this Order shall apply to offences committed under the various laws referred to in this Order, such Laws being effective in the Territory before the 8th September 1943, provided the offences were committed after the effective date if the relevant Law and before the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE 22 CLAIMS FOR RELIEF AS A RESULT OF TAXES PAID TO NATIONAL LIBERATION COMMITTEES AND PARTISAN HEADQUARTERS Those persons who have paid taxes to National Liberation Committees or Partisan Headquarters between the 8th of September 1943 and the 12th of June 1945 may submit written proof of such payments to the Allied Military Government, which may in certain cases grant relief from taxes in accordance with payments made. ARTICLE 23 EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall take effect in the Territory on the day signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of March, 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel O. B. E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 95 AUTHORIZED INCREASES IN LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS TO ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and necessary to authorize the Assicurazioni Generali, a joint stock Insurance Company registered at Trieste, to increase the tariffs now in effect for certain types of life insurance, within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Territory) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I AUTHORIZED INCREASES IN TARIFFS Section 1. ■— The above described Company, Assicurazioni Generali, is hereby authorized to make the following increases in its tariffs now in force : A) 6% of the premium, up to and not exceeding 3% of the sum assured, for the following classes of insurance. 31 C •—- Whole Life Assurance, sum assured increasing as from the second year of assurance ; 5 -—- Temporary Assurance, annual premiums ; 5 A-— Temporary Assurance, sum assured decreasing ; 40 •— „Special“ Assurance ; 14 ■— Mortgage Assurance ; 14 S —• Additional Temporary Annuity, only to be applied in connection with Class 13 A ; 4 B — Joint Whole Life Assurance (two lives) ; 13 s. v. m. — Endowment Assurance without medical examination ; 4 BM •— Joint-life Endowment Assurance (two lives) ; 18 ■—• 6% •— Fixed Term Assurance together with a Temporary Assurance „post mortem“ and a Temporary Annuity •— both equal to 6% of the face value ; 18 —• 15% •—• Fixed Term Assurance together with a Temporary Assurance „post mortem“ and a Temporary Annuity — both equal to 15%Nof the face value; 13 •—- 8 H •— Endowment Assurance, sum assured increasing ; 12 —• 14 S — Deferred life •—• long Annuity together with a special temporary „post mortem“ Annuity ; RI ■—• Disability Income Benefit; B) 6% of the Premium, up to and not exceeding 4% of the sum assured, for the following classes of insurance. 31 — Whole Life Assurance, limited payments, premiums decreasing by 3,50% as from the second year ; 32 C -— Whole Life Assurance, sum assured increasing and premiums decreasing as from the second year ; 23 — Endowment Assurance, premiums decreasing by 3,50% as from the fourth year ; 24 •— Endowment Assurance, premiums decreasing by 4.50% as from the fourth year ; 23 A —• Fixed Term Assurance, premiums decreasing by 3.50% as from the fourth year ; 24 A •—• Fixed Term Assurance, premiums decreasing by 4.50% as from the fourth year ; 25 A •—• Fixed Term Assurance, premiums decreasing by 3.50% as from the second year ; 26 —- Endowment Assurance, premiums decreasing by 4.50% as from the second year ; 26 A -|- Fixed Term Assurance, premiums decreasing by 4.50% as. from the second year; 23 E ■— Endowment Assurance, sum assured payable by instalments, premiums decreasing by 3.50% as from the fourth year ; 24 E — Endowment Assurance, sum assured payable by instalments, premiums decreasing by 4.50% as from the fourth year ; 25 E —• Endowment Assurance, sum assured payable by instalmets, premiums decreasing by 3.50% as from the second year ; 26 E — Endowment Assurance, sum assured payable by instalments, premiums decreasing by 4.50% as from the second year ; 25 F ■—• Girls’ Endowment, premiums decreasing by 3.50% as from the second year ; 26 F — Girls’ Endowment, premiums decreasing by 4 50% as from the second year ; C) 4% of the Premium, up to and not exceeding 2% of the sum assured, for the following classes of insurance. 8 B '—- Pure Endowment, annual premiums, without return of premiums ; 8 E — Childrens’ Endowment, with return of premium in the event of nominee dying before the endowment age, and cessation of payments at policy-Holder’s death ; 8 F ■— Girls’ Endowment, payable at nominee’s marriage ; 8 M —- Pure Endowment, increasing by compound interest ; 4% of the Single Premium for the following classes : 8 A — Pure Endowment, Single Premium, without return of premium ; 8 C —• Pure Endowment, Single Premium, with Return of premium ; Poliz. lib. -— Endowment, Single Premium, with return of premium ; 10 — Joint and Survivor Annuity (two lives). Section 2. ■—• a) The Company is further authorized to increase tariffs not included in the scheduled tariffs approved in the Ministerial Decree of 11 May 1940, for the following classes of insurance : IAR ; IBR ; IC ; CO ; 13J; 13; 13A; 25; 12; 12R; 8 H ; 9; 9 F; 31 ; 31C. b) The authorized increases for each of the above classes of insurance shall be those set forth in this Order and in Article 3 of Order No. 9, dated 27 August 1945, 3 Allied Military Government Gazette, (English Edition), p. 13. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste, 25th March 1946. H. P. P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 98 INCREASE IN RADIO LICENSE FEE WHEREAS it is considered desirable to increase the radio license fee in those parts of Ve-nezia-Givlia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) ; NO IV. THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior C ivil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I REPEAL OF ORDER No. 57 Order No. 57 of the Allied Military Government 13 Corps dated the 8th January 1946 concerning the increase in radio license fees is repealed with effect from the 1st February, 1946. ARTICLE II LICENSE FEE DUE BY PRIVATE PERSONS Section I. — The radio license fee due by private persons in the Territory' is hereby increased to 420 lire per annum. Section 2. — The fee may be paid in two instalments, in which case the fee for each six months shall be 215 lire. Section 3. — Any person who obtains the license during the course of the year shall pay the fee for the next half year plus an additional 35 lire for each month or part of a month from the date of issue of the license to the beginning of the half-year. ARTICLE III LICENSE FEE DUE FOR RADIOS IN PUBLIC PREMISES Section 1. — Persons holding radio receivers installed in licensed premises or in any premises open to the public, or for reasons of direct or indirect profit, shall enter into a special contract with the „Ente — Radio - Teatro“ of Trieste. Section 2. — The fixed license fee from bathing-establishments, Kursaals, places of entertainment, clubs and associations, and thermal and hydrotherapeutic establishments, jn accordance with Art. 15 of R. D. L. 17 November 1927, No. 2207, shall be the following : a) for thermal and hydrotherapeutic establishments (for each establishment) ............................................. Lire 1.000.— b) for sea-side, river and lake bathing-establishments having: more than 50 and less than 100 bathing-huts ............ Lire 500.— more than 100 and less than 200 bathing-huts ............. „ 750.— more than 200 and less than 300 bathing-huts ............. „ 1.500.— more than 300 bathing-huts ............................... „ 2.500.— c) for Kursaals, resort and entertainment-establishments enjoying following gross incomes, as assessed by the Tax Office : up to Lire 18.000.— Lire 500.— from Lire 18.001.— to Lire 36.000.— ..................... „ 750.— from Lire 36.001.— to Lire 75.000.— ..................... „ 1.500,— from Lire 75.001.— upwards ................................. „ 4.000.— d) for clubs and associations, if located in town having an urban population between : 5000 and 20.000 inhabitants................................. Lire 500. ■— from 20.001 to 100.000 inhabitants............................ „ 750.— from 100.001 inhabitants upwards ........................... „ 1.500.— Section 3. — The annual fixed contribution of Communes is hereby doubled. Section 4. — The special reduced license fee for radio installations with one central receiver and several loudspeakers fitted in particular quarters or buildings, is fixed at Lire 420 per annum for the central radio-receiver to be paid in equal portions by the various holders of loudspeakers. The annual fee for each loudspeaker shall be 125 Lire. If the license is obtained in the course of the year, the monthly instalments to be paid shall be Lire 10.— ARTICLE IV LICENSE FEE DUE BY WHOLESALERS AND RETAILERS No amendment is made to the regulations in force regarding the payment of the ordinary license fee by wholesalers and retailers trading in radio sets. The „Ente Radio Teatro Trieste“ is authorized, however, to adjust the special license fees as from the effective date of this Order, raising them in proportion to the increase provided herein for license fees due by private persons. ARTICLE V TEMPORARY IMPORT LICENSE The temporary import license shall be issued upon payment of a duty of Lire 100.—. The renewal of such license for radio sets fitted permanently on motor-vehicles is. subject to the payment of a fixed duty of Lire 100.— for each period of 90 days. ARTICLE VI LICENSE FOR RADIO SETS ON TRIAL The blocks containing 25 license-forms for radio receivers given on trial shall be sold by the licensed Broadcasting Company at the price of Lire 100.'—, so that the cost of each license-form amounts Lire 4.—. ARTICLES VII PAYMENT OF FEES AND PENALTIES Section 1. ■— The payment of license fees through the postal current account and the delivery of the radio subscription certificate to the holder of the radio set are exempt from taxes and postage. Section 2. ■—• The „Imposta Generale sull’ Entrata“ is included in the license fee, and the Broadcasting Company shall pay it to the Treasury under the appropriate heading. / Section 3. —- Payment of the Radio license fee is due in advance within the first month of the year* or half-year respectively or, in case of commencement during the year, on the day of commencement. Section i. ■—• For failure to pay the license fee in accordance with the provisions of this Order, any holder of one or more radio-receivers or aerial installation or any other apparatus fitted or which may be fitted for radio-reception is liable to a fine of not less than Lire 300.'—-and not exceeding Lire 3000.—• and is bound to pay the license fee overdue. 5% if settlement is made within 30 days after the time-limit established for the payment ; 10% if settlement is made within 60 days of such time-limit; 20% if settlement is made more than 60 days after time-limit. ARTICLE TUI EXCISE TAX Excise taxes on the manufacture of such radio material as radio receivers, valves, loudspeakers and crystal-detectors shall be as follows : a) for each radio-receiver with valves, 2 percent on the invoice price — without deduction of discounts, allowances, etc. with a minimum of Lire 100.—. Importers shall enter in the usual Customs declaration the price at which they intend to sell radio-receivers subject to the tax. b) for each radio-receiver with crystal ...................................Lire 25.— c) for each thermovcnic valve of any type, even if regenerated, used for receiving, transmitting or transforming industrial electric power .... „ 55.— d) for each loudspeaker forming, or manufactured to''form an inseparable unity with the radio-receiver........................................... „ 60.— e) for each loudspeaker detached from the body of the radio set......... .. ,, 120.—- f) for each crystal-detector................................................... 10.— ARTICLE IX PACKING, SEALING AND UNSEALING EXPENSES The amounts fixed for packing, sealing and unsealing radiosets are respectively increased to Lire 58.—, 60.— and Lire 25.60. ARTICLE X DISCONTINUANCE OF LICENSE No amendment is made to previous regulations relating to time limits and conditions to be adhered to by holders of radio-sets when giving notice.of discontinuance of the license. ARTICLE XI REMITTANCE OF PENALTIES Section i. — The penalties provided for by Art. VII of this Order do not apply to holders of radio-sets who have not yet paid the license fee, nor to holders of newly acquired radio-sets, provided that they shall pay the license fee by the 30th of April, 1946. Section 2. — The fines established by the Law are not applicable in the case of holders of radio materials who have not paid excise taxes, provided that they shall pay such taxes, as laid down in Art. VIII of this Order, by the 30th of April, 1946. ARTICLE XII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in the Territory as of 1st. January 1946, with the exception of Art. VIII which shall come into force as of February 5th, 1946. Dated Trieste, 1st April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 100 ABROGATION OF CERTAIN EXCEPTIONAL TARIFFS ON GOODS TRANSPORTED BY RAILROADS OF THE STATE WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary to abrogate certain exceptional preferential tariffs on goods in transit carried by the State Railways, for that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory)“ ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. RO PERT SON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I ABROGATION OF EXCEPTIONAL TARIFFS Section 1. —- The exceptional tariffs, No. 203, G. V. and No. 403, P. V. of the Conditions and Tariffs for the transport of goods by the Railroads of the State, are hereby abrogated with effect from 19 January, 1946. Section 2. — With effect from 19 January 1946, all references to the exceptional tariff, No. 203, G. V., wherever they appear in the lists and classification of goods sent by express, as provided for in the above mentioned Conditions and Tariffs, shall be cancelled. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall come into force within the Territory on the date that it is signed by me. # Dated Trieste, oth April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel, O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 101 INCREASE OF PENSIONS PAYABLE FROM SPECIAL INSURANCE FUND FOR PERSONNEL OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES (FONDO SPECIALE DI PREVIDENZA PER IL PERSONALE ADDETTO AI PUBBLICI SERVIZI DI TRASPORTO) WHEREAS, General Order No. 17, dated 13 October, I945. made provision for the increase of social insurance pensions based upon compulsory insurance, in favor of old age and invalid pensioners and their dependents and survivors ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed just and necessary to make provisions for the same increase of pensions payable to old age and invalid pensioners and their dependents and survivors from the Special Insurance Fund for the personnel of the Public Transportations Services (Fondo Spe-ciale per la Previdenza del Personate addetto ai Pubblici Servizi di Trasporto), within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territoryu) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I INCREASE IN PENSIONS Section i. — All existing and future pensions within the Territory for old age and invalidism, including pensions to dependents and survivors, payable from the above described Special Fund in accordance with R. D. 30 September, 1926, No. 1538, are hereby increased by the same amounts and percentages and subject to the same conditions and limitations set forth in Articles II through VII inclusive of General Order No. 17, dated 13 October 1945. Section 2. — The said increase shall have effect as and from 1 July 1945. Sectiori j. — Those who also receive a share of pension for old age and invalidism based upon general compulsory insurance shall be entitled only once to the special increase to equal the prescribed minimum pensions set forth in Article III of General Order No. 17, and the amount of such special increase shall be computed upon the gross total amount of both types of the pensions so received or receivable. ARTICLE II CONTRIBUTION Section i. — Payment of the increases in the above described pensions as provided by this Order, shall be met by a contribution equal to 5.10 percent of the gross earnings of the worker to be payable as follows : 1.70 percent by the worker and 3.40 percent by the particular transportation Company by whom he is employed. Section 2. — Payment of the above contribution shall be eff^tive as and from 1 January 1946. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER Except as otherwise hereinbefore specifically stated, this Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 5 day of April. 1946 H P.P ROBERTSON Colonel O B E Acting SeriioT Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 102 SUPPLEMENTARY CONTRIBUTIONS FOR INCREASES OF OLD AGE AND INVALIDISM PENSIONS WHEREAS, General Order No. 17, dated 13 October, 1945, provides for increases in the pensions for old age and invalidism based upon compulsory insurance ; and WHEREAS, Article VIII of such General Order provides that, „payment of the pensions as increased by this Order shall be met by contributions from employees and workers at rates and in accordance with terms which will later be issued“ ; and WHEREAS, it is now deemed desirable and necessary to make provision for such contributions in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „ Territory"1 ) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I RATES AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRIBUTION Section 1. — Except as hereinafter provided, the contribution toward the payment of the increases in pensions for old age and invalidism based upon compulsory insurance in accordance with General Order No. 17, dated 13 October 1945, is hereby established for the Territory as 7.50% of the gross earnings of the worker, to be borne as follows : 5% by the employer ; 2.50% by the worker. Section 2. — Such contributions shall be due and payable as and from the first pay period after 29 December 1945. Section 3. — The elements, conditions, and maximum limitations of worker’s earnings for such contributions shall be governed by General Order No. 47, entitled „Contributions for Family Allowances”, dated March 20, 1946, with the same full force and effect as if the provisions of such General Order were herein set forth in full. Section 4. — The contributions in respect to workers subject to plans of compulsory insurance in substitution of general compulsory insurance for old age and invalidism, shall be in accordance with regulations which will later be issued. ARTICLE II AGRICULTURAL WORKERS Section 1. — The contribution towards the payment of increased pensions for old age and invalidism based upon compulsory insurance, in favor of agricultural workers, men, women and children, who are not to be classified as employees, shall be 3 Lire for each day or work, whether receiving a fixed or daily wage, to be borne as follows : 2 Lire by the employer* and 1 Lire by the worker. Section 2. — The above contributions shall be ascertained and collected in accordance with the procedure set forth in R. D. L., 29 November 1938, No. 2138 and R. D., 24 September. 1940, No. 1949 and No. 1945. ARTICLE III PENALTIES Section 1. — The following shall be the penalties under this Order in addition to all other civil and penal penalties provided by existing Law : a) For default on the part of employer to pay his and/or the worker’s contribution or any part thereof as herein established within the time prescribed, payment of double the contributions due and a fine of from 100 to 5.000 Lire. b) For retention by the employer from the worker’s earnings of an amount in excess of the worker’s contribution as herein established, the restitution of such sum to the worker and a fine of from 50 to 500 Lire. c) For failure or refusal to furnish material information or for wilfully furnishing knowingly false or misleading information, to any public official charged by law with the supervision and enforcement of this Order ; and for refusal to permit inspection of material records or other documents or to produce the same ; — a fine of from 100 to 3.000 Lire. Section 2. — The fines above provided when collected shall be paid to the Istituto Nazionale per Ta Previdenza Sociale. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me- Dated at Trieste, this 5th day of April, 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 105 SUPPLEMENT TO INDUSTRIAL WORKERS AND ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND FOR THAT PURPOSE; TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF DISCHARGE FROM EMPLOYMENT; AND TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF WORK HOURS WEEKLY WHEREAS, it is deemed just and necessary to grant a supplement to workers (operai) in industry based upon reduction in hours of work and to establish a Fund for that purpose ; and further, to make other temporary provisions designed to decrease industrial unemployment, within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the ,,Territory“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I SUPPLEMENT BASED UPON REDUCED HOURS OF WORK Section 1.,— a) Subject to the conditions and limitations'hereinafter stated, workers in industry in the Territory who have work for Jess than 40 hours a week with a consequent reduction in their earnings, shall be entitled to receive an amount (hereinafter referred as supplement), equal to two thirds of the gross earnings which they would otherwise be entitled to for the number of hours in excess of 24 and less than 40 during which they do not have work. b) Workers entitled to the supplement shall also be entitled to family allowances in the normal amounts payable from “the appropriate Fund, Cassa LTnica per gli Assegni Famigliari. Section 2. — Those workers whose hours are established by contract or by the nature of their work, shall be entitled to receive the above supplement for the number of weekly work hours less than the number of hours so established and in any event within the limits as provided for in the preceding Section. Section 3. — Such supplement within the limits prescribed by Section 1 for those workers who receive fixed earnings upon a periodical basis and subject to reduction pursuant to contract because of reduced activity, shall be determined by adjusting such fixed periodical earnings to an hourly basis in accordance with the number of normal weekly hours prevailing in the particular industry. Section 4. — When reduction in the hours of work is effected by distribution of the hours over a previously determined period of time in excess of a week, the supplement, within the limits prescribed by Section 1, shall be computed upon the basis of the average number of work hours weekly during the said period in excess of a week. Section 5. ■—• The supplement in the case of workers paid upon a piece work basis or who receive their compensation in whole or in part as premiums for production or profit sharing and the like, shall be determined upon the basis of their average hourly earnirgs during the pay period for which the supplement is payable. Section 6. — In determining such supplement, indemnities additional to the basic wage payable in respect to a day’s work, shall be computed in accordance with those provisions of existing Law or of collective contracts which govern the said indemnities. For such purpose, the indemnities shall be adjusted to an hourly basis computed upon a daily eight-hour work period. Section 7. •—- a) The supplement shall be paid to those entitled thereto by employers subject to the Collective Labor Contract of 13 June 1941 and for the benefit or workers employed by them at the end of each pay period beginning as and from the first pay period after 29 December 1945. b) Such payment shall be refunded to employers from the Fund hereinafter established in accordance with the regulations for the equalization of contributions and payments in effect foi* the special administrations entrusted to the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale. Section 8. —- The Allied Military Government, after consultation with authorized representatives of trade unions, employers and workers, and with the Committee of the Fund established by Article IV of this Order, may issue appropriate regulations fdr determining wages and may establish special schedules of average wages for each catègory of work. ARTICLE II LIMITATIONS UPON THE RIGHT TO RECEIVE SUPPLEMENT The supplement granted by the preceding Article of this Order shall not be payable : a) In the event of total suspension- of wrork. b) For work hours during which work is not performed by reason of strikes or lock-outs. c) For reduced work hours during unpaid holidays. d) For work hours during which work is not performed by reason of non-compensable absence. e) For reduced work days during which the worker is otherwise gainfully employed ARTICLE III CONTRIBUTIONS Section 1. — The payment of the supplement shall be met by a contribution from employers equal to 5 percent of workers’ gross earnings and the same amount by the Allied Military Government. Such contributions shall begin as and from the first pay period after 29 December 1945. Section 2. — The elements, conditions and maximum limitations of worker’s earnings for computing the above contributions, shall be governed by the provisions of General Order No. 47 entitled, „Contributions for Family Allowances“, dated 20 March, 1946, with the same full force and effect as if the provisions of such General Order were herein set forth in full. FUND FOR PAYMENT OF SUPPLEMENT AND SPECIAL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE THEREFOR Section 1. —-A Fund for the integration of wages of industrial workers (Cassa per la integrazione dei guadagni degii operai dell’industria), is hereby established as part of the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale of the Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Istituto). Section 2. •—- a) A special Committee to supervise such Fund is hereby constituted, consisting of a President and 4 other members. b) The President shall be the Inspector of the Istituto or in his place or during his inability to act, another functionary of the said Istituto to be by it designated for that purpose. c) The other 4 members of the Committee shall consist of a «representative from each of the following agencies to be proposed by them in writing to the Allied Military Government : Ufficio del Lavoro ; Camera Confederale del Lavoro ; Sindacati Unici ; Associazione degli Industriali. Such members shall be appointed by the Allied Military Government. d) The Secretary of the Committee shall be a functionary of the Istituto designated by it for that purpose. ARTICLE V FUNCTIONS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE AND APPEALS FROM ITS DECISIONS Section 1. — The functions of the Committee shall be the following : a) To decide appeals regarding payment of the supplement and the contributions therefor. b) To examine the annual budgets of the Fund. c) To advise on all other questions dealing with the application of this Order. Section 2. —• An appeal may be taken from a decision of the Committee regarding pay-ifient of the supplement and contributions (Section 1 -a, supra), to the appropriate Labor Office. Such appeal must be taken in writing within 10 days after receipt of the decision. The appeal shall be decided administratively and shall be final. Within 30 days, however, from the receipt of the decision of the Labor Office, an action may be begun in the Ordinary Civil Courts (Autorità Giudiziaria), for a judicial determination of the questions at issue. Such Courts, however, shall be without jurisdiction to decide any issue dealing with the amount of the supplement and contributions. Neither the commencement nor the prosecution of such action shall have the effect of suspending or delaying the execution of the decision by the Labor Office. ARTICLE VI PENALTIES Section 1. — The following shall be the penalties for violation of the provisions of this Order in addition to all other punishments and penalties under existing Law : a) For failure by the employer to pay the contribution herein provided in whole or in part within the time prescribed : double the amount of such contribution and a fine of from 1.000 to 5.000 Lire. b) For refusal by the employer to permit appropriate investigation by authorized supervising agents or to furnish them with the necessary books, documents, records and other data : a fine of from 1.000 to 3.000 Lire. c) For making false or fraudulent statements for the purpose of obtaining a supplement not due in favor of the applicant or of another ; a fine of from 1.000 to 5.000 Lire. Section 2. — a) Any person charged with the violation of any of the above provisions shall be permitted to make an offer in compromise to the Istituto. b) Such offer shall be in writing and must be filed with the Istituto before the opening of the trial (dibattimento) in the Court of the First Instance. c) The Istituto shall decide the amount acceptable in compromise within the minimum and maximum amounts of the fines set forth in preceding Section after obtaining the opinion of the Special Committee in reference thereto. Section 3. — The Istituto is also hereby authorized, after obtaining the opinion of the Committee, to accept a reduction of double the contributions set forth in sub-division a) of Section 1. Section 4. ■—- All money collected pursuant to this Article shall be paid into the Fund established by this Order and shall be for the benefit of such Fund. ARTICLE VII R. D. L. 4 OCTOBER 1935, No. 1827, EFFECTIVE EXCEPT AS HEREIN MODIFIED So far as applicable and except as inconsistent with the provisions of this Order, R. D. L., 4 October 1935, No. 1827, converted with changes into the Law of 6 April 1936, No. 1155, shall apply to all matters regarding the supplement granted by this Order and the contributions therefor. ARTICLE VIII DISCHARGE FROM EMPLOYMENT PROHIBITED Section 1. — a) As previously** publicly announced and notified, the discharge from amployment of workers (opérai) and employees (impiegati) in industry subject to the Collective Labor Contract of 13 June 1941, is prohibited as and from 1 January, 1946, to and including 10 April, 1946. b) Provisions in that regard to be in effect after 10 April 1946, shall be in accordance with Orders to be hereinafter issued. Section 2. ■— The above prohibition on discarge from employment shall not be applicable to the following workers and employees : a) To those assumed after this Order goes into effect. b) To those engaged in seasonable employment or for limited periods of time pursuant to contract, or for special work-after the termination of such work. c) To those engaged in industrial work who are nevertheless considered by the Labor Office to belong normally to the category of agricultural workers. d) To those who without good and sufficient reason have refused or refuse to accept an employment offered by or with another employer. e) To those who are or were discharged by reason of acts on their part which constitute good ground for discharge under existing Law or under Collective Labor Contrabts. f) To those who participated in any activity connected with OVRA or who have been discharged or suspended from employment by an Epuration Commission for at least 3 months. g) To those who have sufficient private or family resources other than from their work. Section 3. — The workers and employees included in subdivision d, e, and f of the preceding Section shall not be entitled to the discharge indemnity (indennità di licenziamento). Section 4. — All disputed questions arising from the application of Section 2 of this Article which cannot be conciliated with the assistance of duly elected representatives of workers and employees in their respective industrial undertakings, shall be heard and decided in accordance with the special existing arbitration procedure of the appropriate Labor Office. ARTICLE IX RE-ASSUMPTION OF WORKERS All industrial workers and employees subject to the Collective Labor Contract of 13 June, 1941, except those set forth in Section 2 of the preceding Article, who were or are discharged from employment between 1 January 1946 and 10 April 1946, shall be immediatly reassumed in employment. COMPENSATION DURING PERIOD OF PROHIBITION OF DISCHARGE FROM EMPLOYMENT AND CONTRIBUTIONS THEREFOR Section 1. ■— Workers and employees in industry during the period of prohibition of discharged from employment, namely as and from 1 January 1946 to 10 April 1946, both dates inclusive, shall be entitled to the supplement provided for by Article I of this Order for the number of hours during they did not have work from zero to 40 hours weekly. Section 2. — Notwithstanding the provisions contained in the preceding Section of this Article, those workers (operai) in industry who had work during the month of January, 1946, for less than 48 hours weekly with a consequent proportional reduction in their earnings, shall receive a supplement for the number of hours during which they w*ere without work equal to 75 percent of their earnings which shall include the emergency indemnity (indennità di contingenza), and the temporary indemnity of salary adjustment (l’indennità temporanea di adeguamento salariale). Section 3. ■— a) In addition to the contribution in respect to workers in industry as set forth in Article III of this Order, a contribution shall also be due in respect to employees (impiegati) in industry, with effect during the period as and from 1 January 1946 to 10 April 1946, both dates inclusive, based upon 5 percent of their gross earnings and payable by the employer and the Allied Military Government in accordance with all the provisions of Article III of this Order. b) The maximum limitations in respect to the earnings of both workers and employees (operai ed impiegati), for the purpose of computing contributions, as set forth in General Order Xo. 47, dated 20 March 1946, shall not become effective until 10 April 1946. ARTICLE XI ABROGATION OF COLLECTIVE LABOR CONTRACTS Section 1. — The Collective Labor Contracts of 13 June 1941 and 29 July 1941, so far as they relate to the Fund for the integration of earnings of workers in industry with reduced hours (Cassa Integrazione dei guadagni degli operai dell’ industria lavoranti ad orario ridotto), are hereby abrogated. Section 2. — a) Workers in industry shall have the right to receive any indemnities and allowances due in accordance with Collective Labor Contract other than those hereinbefore set forth from the employers instead of the from the Fund referred to in the preceding Section. b) Notwithstanding the provisions of General Order No. 16, dated 26 September 1945, claims to such indemnities and allowances and the contributions therefor arising prior to 29 December 1945, must be filed within six months after the coming into effect of this. Order. Unless filed within such period, such claims shall be barred. ARTICLE XII TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF WEEKLY HOURS OF WORK Section 1. — As previously publicly announced, until and including 10 April 1946, all industrial undertakings subject to the Collective Labor Contract of 13 June 1941, which provide work for more than 40 hours weekly, shall reduce the same to 40 hours weekly, the purpose being to provide more work for those workers and employees in industry unemployed and seeking work. Section 2. — The above reduction in weekly work hours shall be in accordance with R. D. L. 29 March 1937, No. 1768, converted into the Law of 13 January 1938, No. 203, which shall have effect until and including 10 April 1946. Section 3. -— In providing employment based upon the above reduction in hours of work, priority shall be given to the following : partisans recognized as such under existing regulations ; those returning from war fronts or prison of war or concentration camps and victims of political persecution. CONTINUATION OF UMEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS All workers and employees receiving or entitled, to receive unemployment benefits in accordance with Order No. 52, entitled, „Special Temporary Unemployment Indemnity“, dated 5 March, 1946, shall continue to receive such benefits as therein provided until 10 April 1946 and thereafter if so provided by further Order. ARTICLE XIV EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER Except as otherwise hereinbefore specifically provided, this Order shall come into effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 5th day of April, 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 106 UNBLOCKING OF DISCHARGES FROM INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT; FINANCIAL BENEFITS AND REDUCTION OF HOURS OF WORK WHEREAS, it is considered desirable and necessary to permit a gradual unblocking of discharges from employment of workers (operai) and employees (impiegati) employed in industry and to provide special assistance to discharged workers and employees and to those with reduced hours of employment, in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the ,, Territory11,) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I UNBLOCKING OF DISCHARGES With effect from 11 April 1946, workers (operai) and employees (impiegati) in industry in the Territory subject to the Collective, Labor Contract of 13 June 1941, and to the present prohibition against discharge, may be discharged from employment in accordance with the conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth. ARTICLE II CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS ON DISCHARGE FROM EMPLOYMENT Section 1. — a) No employer shall discharge workers and employees in excess of the following percentages of the total number of workers and employees employed as of 31 December 1945 : 10 percent during the period from 11 April to 30 April 1946, both dates inclusive ; 5 percent during the period from 1 May to 31 May, 1946, both dates inclusive ; 5 percent during the period from 1 June to 30 June 1946, both dates inclusive. In the event that it is considered necessary to extend the limitation on discharge after. 30 June 1946, further Orders will be issued in that regard. Section 2. The above percentages may be increased and additional discharges permitted to employers by written agreement after negotation between the competent Workers’t and Employees’ and Employers’ Associations based upon the strained financial condition of the undertaking and the danger of financial collapse or bankruptcy. Section 3. — Notwithstanding Section 1 of this Article and without regard to the percentages therein set forth, workers and employees may continue to be discharged when good and sufficient ground exists therefor for violation of the Collective Labor Contract and in accordance therewith and nothing contained in this Order shall be construed as prohibiting or limiting the rights of employers in that regard nor to require the payment of the indemnity of discharge to such workers and employees. Section 4. —- Notwithstanding Section 1 of this Article and without regard to the percentages therein set forth, employers may discharge workers and employees who have heretofore been suspended but not discharged from employment (opérai ed impiegati sospesi). Such workers and employees if discharged, shall be entitled to all the financial benefits set forth in Article III of this Order. Section 5. —• Workers and employees discharged or suspended pursuant to orders in Epuration proceedings shall not be counted in arriving at the percentages set forth in Section 1 of this Article. $ Section 6. — a) Employers shall be permitted to discharge first the following workers and employers to the numbers set forth in Section 1 of this Article : workers and employees of small productive efficiency (di scarso rendimento) ; and workers and employees employed after 10 June 1940 who are members of a family one out of every four of which is gainfully employed in continuous employment, or originally belonged to a work category other than industrial, as for example, agriculture, commerce, etc., or who were originally employed in another industry b) In the event that the number of the above described workers and employees to be discharged is less than the number of permitted discharges as provided by Section 1 of this Article, employers are authorized to discharge other workers and employees employed before 10 June, 1940. The total number of all discharges, however, shall not exceed the numbers set forth in Section 1 of this Article. c) In discharging workers and employees as provided by the above sub-divisions of this Section, employers shall act in accordance with the seniority of such workers and employees proposed to be so discharged. Section 7. —• The right to discharge workers (opérai) as above provided shall not be applicable to apprentices, or to workers who have been employed as of 31 December 1945 for less than one year after the completion of their apprenticeship. Section 8. — Duly elected representatives of workers and employ3es in their respective industrial undertakings (hereinafter referred to as workers’ and employees’ representatives), shall not be discharged except with the joint approval of the appropriate Employers’ and Workers’ and Employees’ Associations. In the event of disagreement in that respect, the matter shall be referred to the appropriate Labor Office for arbitration in accordance with the provisions contained in Order No 78, entitled „Arbitration and Mediation in Labor Disputes“, following the rules and procedure there :n set forth ARTICLE III PROCEDURE The discharge of workers and employees permitted bjr this Order shall be in accordance with the following procedure : a) A written list of the workers and employees proposed to be discharged from time to time shall be delivered by the employer to the workers’ and employees’ representatives. b) The discharge shall become effective within 5 days thereafter unless the workers’ and employees’ representatives within that time file with the employer written objections to the discharge of any or all of such workers on the ground that such discharge is contrary to or not m accordance with the provisions of this Order. c) The employer shall thereupon immediately transmit the list of workers and employees proposed to be discharged and the objections thereto, to the appropriate Labor Office for arbitration by an Arbitration Commission constituted in accordance with Order No. 78, entitled „Arbitration and Mediation in Labor Disputes“, following the rules and procedure therein set forth. d) The Arbitration Commission shall immediately serve written notice upon the employer and workers’ and employees’ representatives of the date of hearing which shall be not less than 3 and not more than 5 days from the date of the service of such notice. e) The Arbitration Commission shall make its decision within 10 days after the hearing is concluded. In articularly difficult or complex cases, the decision may be delayed for an additional 5 days. \ The fact that either or both parties fail to appear at the hearing shall not delay the hearing or the decision of the Commission. ARTICLE IV FINANCIAL BENEFITS Section 1. — a) Workers and Employees discharged in accordance with this Order shall be entitled to the usuai indemnity of discharge payable by the employer and, in addition, to a supplement for 60 days after the date of discharge payable from the Casse per in-tegrazione per guadagni degli opérai dell’ industria (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) established by Order No. 105, dated 5 April 1946, which supplement shall be equal for such period to 66 2/3 percent of the total weekly earnings of the worker and employee for a 40 hour week. Such supplement shall not be due if the worker or employee has been offered and refuses or has obtained other continuous gainful employment. b) For the payment of the above supplement» employers shall make the following contribution to the Fund : 16 2/3 percent of the total earnings of the worker and employee based upon a 40 hour week in respect to discharged workers and employees and for such time as the supplement is paid. Section 2. —1 a) After the expiration of the above period of 60 days, workers and employees discharged pursuant to this Order shall be entitled to receive the Special unemployment indemnity in accordance with Order No. 82, dated 5 March 1946, until 30 June 1946. b) Such unemployment benefits under Order No. 82 shall also continue to be payable until 30 June 1946. to all workers and employees now receiving the same in accordance with said Order. * Section 3. — Workers and employees discharged pursuant to this Order shall also receive the family allowances at the normal rates from the appropriate Cassa Unica per gli Asse-gni Familiari for the said period of 60 days after the date of discharge. Section 4. —- Workers and employees wTho voluntarily terminate their employment prior to 30 June 1946, shall be entitled to the indemnity of discharge and to all the other benefits/ set forth in the preceding Sections of this Article ARTICLE V TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF WEEKLY HOURS OF WORK Section 1. -—- Until and including 30 June 1946, all industrial undertakings subject to the collective Labor Contract of 13 June 1941, which provide work for more than 40 hours weekly, shall reduce the same to 40 hours weekly, the purpose being to provide more work for unemployed workers and employees. Section 2. — The above reduction in weekly work hours shall be in accordance with R. D. L., 29 March 1937, No. 1768, converted into the Law of 13 January, 1938, No. 203, which shall have effect until and including 30 June 1946. Section 3. — In providing employment based upon the above reduction of work hours, priority shall be given to the following : partisans recognized as such under existing regulations, those returning from war fronts, or prison of war or concentration camps, and victims of political persecution. t SUPPLEMENT FOR REDUCED HOURS OF WORK Section 1. — With effect from 11 April 1946 and until 30 June, 1946 workers and employees in industry in the Territory who have work for less than 40 hours weekly, shall be entitled to receive a supplement from the Fund equal to 50 percent of their total earnings for the number of hours from zero to 24 hours weekly, and 66 2/3 percent of such earnings for the number of hours weekly from 24 to 40 hours, during which they do not have work. Section 2. — a) All the provisions contained in Articles 1 through VII inclusive of Order No. 105, dated 5 April 1946, entitled j,.Supplement to Industrial Workers and Establishment of Fund for that Purpose, etc.“, except the amount of the supplement therein provided, shall be applicable to the supplement set forth in Section 1 of this Article with the same force and effect as if such provisions were herein stated in full. b) In addition to the contributions provided in respect to workers’ and employees’ earnings by Article III of Order No. 105, a contribution shall also be due in respect to employees (impiegati) in industry, with effect as and from 10 April 1946 to 30 June 1946, both dates inclusive based upon 5 percent of their gross earnings and payable by the employer and the Allied Military Government in accordance with the said Article III of Order No. 105. c) The maximum limitations in respect to the earnings of both workers and employees, for the purpose of computing contributions, as set forth in General Order No. 47, dated 20 March 1946, shall not become effective until 30 June 1946. ARTICLE VII EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER Except as herein otherwise specifically stated, this Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated Trieste, 6th April 1946 H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 107 EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE APPLICATIONS FOR COMPETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATORS — SUPPLEMENT TO ORDER No. 69 WHEREAS, a competition was established and called for appointment of Judicial Administrators for that, part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces, by Order No. 69, dated 13 February, 1946, entitled., „Competition for Appointment of Judicial Administrators“ / and , WHEREAS, it was provided by such Order that applications for such competition be filed not later than 31 March. 1946 ; and WHEREAS, it is now considered desirable and necessary to extend the above period; NOW, THEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE APPLICATIONS The time to file applications for the above described competition is hereby extended to and including 31 May 1946. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall be effective as and from 31 March 1946. Dated at Trieste 8th April 1946. H.P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Admimistrative Order No. 36 APPOINTMENT OF AVV. PRE3CA ROMEO AS SEQUESTRATOR FOR ..MITTELMEER REEDEREI“ WHEREAS it appears that the „MITTELMEER REEDEREI“ (hereinafter called the „Company“) is wholly or in part German owned and was operating in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter called, the „Territory“) ; WHEREAS by Order No. 53 dated 3 January 1946 and issued by ALFRED C. BOWMAN. Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, Allied Military Government, 13 Corps, GERM ANY was declared to be an Enemy State. and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint a Sequestrator of the above Company ; NOW, HEREFORE, I, H.P.P. ROBERTSON, Colonel, O.B.E., Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer, . ORDER: 1. — Aw. ROMEO PRESCA shall be and hereby is appointed Sequestrator of the Company within the Territory. 2. — The said Sequestrator shall have all the functions, powers, rights and duties of a Sequestrator of enemy property under all Laws in effect on 8 September 1934, provide, however, that he shall in the exercise of said functions, powers, rights and duties, be under the control and comply with the orders and instructions of the Allied Military Government. 3. — The said Sequestrator shall be removable Sand his successors appointed i 2 writing by me or by my successors. 4. ■—■ This Order shall come into effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dr ted at TRIESTE, this 6th day of April, 1946. H„P.P. ROBERTSON Colonel O.B.E. Acting Senior Civil Affairs Officer \ X % ; % PARI II TRIESTE AREA Area Administrative Order No. 14 APPOINTMENT OF THE SPECIAL SECTION OF THE TRIESTE AREA TAX COMMISSION Pursuant to the provisions of Art. 1 of General Order Ar. 21, I, J. 0. SMUTS, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste Area, hereby ORDER thé following appointments to the Special Section of the Trieste Area Tax Commission, to take effect from the date of the first publication of this Order : President: Or. BOSCHINI FRANCESCO Members: JAUT GUIDO Deputy Members: DEGIOVANNI MARIO Dr. BOSUTTI GUIDO Dr. FACCINI GIUSEPPE HILTY ATTILIO Rag. ABBIATI GIUSEPPE IVE PIETRO Rag. ZAFFIROPULO DARIO Dated: 3rd April 1940. J. C. SMUTS t : Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste Area ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT TRIESTE AREA Area Administrative Order No. 15 APPOINTMENT OF DR. COLLAVO CARLO AS REGGENTE OF THE ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER L’ ASSISTENZA DI MALATTIA AI LAVORATORI OF TRIESTE [, J. C. SMUTS, Lt. Col., Àrea Commissioner, Trieste Area, hereby ! ORDER ■that Dr. CARLO COLLAVO be appointed as Reggente of the Istituto Nazionale per l'Assistenza di Malattia ai Lavoratori of Trieste, with effect from the date this Order’ is signed by ine. Date: 10th April 1946 J. C. SMUTS Lt. Co!.. Area Commissioner. Trieste Area GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 74 PROMOTION OF BELLI GIORGIO FROM GRADE X TO GRADE IX Whereas GIORGIO RELLI was appointed under the Authority of Allied Military Government by virtue of par. 2, Section 3; of General Order No. 11, as Chief Archivist in the Office of the Area President, and Whereas the said RELLI has been a permanent Grade X official since 1 August 1937 and, WHEREAS it is now desirable to promote the said RELLI, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES E. LONG, Maior, C. M. P., Area Commissioner for the Area of Gorizia, do hereby ORDER that 1. GIORGIO RELLI be, and by virtue of this order, is hereby temporarily appointed Chief Archivist as a Grade IX official. 2. — Said appointee shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and salary of a temporary appointee of the rank of a Grade IX official. 3. —• Said appointment in such grade shall, unless changed by order of the Allied Military Government, ?be effective for the duration of Allied Military Government in this Area«. Dated at Gorizia this 25th day of March 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major, C.M.P. Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 75 PROMOTION OF DR. ARALDO GIUSEPPE FROM GRADE VII TO GRADE VI Whereas Dr. GIUSEPPE ARALDO ivas appointed under the Authority of Allied Military Government by virtue of par. 2, Section 3 of General Order No. 11, as Veterinarian of the Area of Gorizia, and, Whereas the said ARALDO has been a permanent Grade VII official since 10 March 1941 and, Whereas it is now desirable to promote the said ARALDO, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES E. LONG, Major, C.M.P., Area Commissioner for the Area of Gorizia, do hereby, ORDER that , 1. •— Dr. GIUSEPPE ARALDO be, and by virtue of this order, is hereby temporarily appointed Veterinarian of the Area of Gorizia as a Grade VI group „A“ official. 2. —• Said appointee shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and salary of a temporary appointee of the rank of a Grade VI group „A“ official 3c •—• Said appointment in such grade shall, unless changed by order of the Allied Mi* litary Government, be effective for the duration of Allied Military Government in this Area. Gated at Gorizia this 25th day of March 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major, C.M.P, Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 76 i PROMOTION OF COLLODI ADELE FROM GRADE X TO GRADE IX Whereas COLLODI ADELE was appointed under the authority of Allied Military Government by virtue of para 2, Section 3 of General Order No. 11, as Chief Archivist in the Office of the Area President, and, Whereas the said COLLODI has been a permanent Grade X official since 1 May 1936, and> Whereas it is now desirable to promoto the said COLLODI, NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES E. LONG, Major, C. M. P., Area Commissioner for the Area of Gorizia, do hereby ORDER that 1. —- COLLODI ADELE, be, and by virtue of this order, is hereby temporarily appointed Chief Archivist as a Grade IX official. 2. -— Said appointee shall be entitled to all the rights privileges, and salary of a Grade IX temporary appointee. 3. -—• Said appointment in sueh grade shall, unless changed order of the Allied Mili tary Government, be effective for the duration of Allied Military Government in this Area Dated at Gorizia this 25th day ol March 1946 JAMES E. LONG Major, C.M.P. Area Commission*** ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA I Area Order No. 77 REPEAL OF APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDENT OF THE ISTITUTO PER L’ ASSISTENZA DI MALATTIA AI LAVORATORI Whereas Mr. LO RENZO STRATTA was appointed President of the Istituto per T Assistenza di Malattia ai Lavoratori by virtue of Area Order No. 58 dated 17 December 1945, I ' _ NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES E. LONG, Major, C.M.P., Area Commissioner for the Area of Gorizia, hereby ORDER that said appointment of Mr. LORENZO STRATTA, be, and by virtue of this order is hereby repealed effective this date. Dated at Gorizia this 27th day of March 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major, C.M.P. Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 78 APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMUNAL COUNCIL OF GRADISCA WHEREAS the Communal Council for the Commune of Gradisca was appointed by virtue of Area Order No. 49 dated 4 December 1945, and Whereas it is now desirous to appoint a new Council, NOW, THEREFORE, I. JAMES E. LONG, Major, C.M.P., Area Commissioner for .the Area of Qorizia, do hereby ORDER that 1. — Area Order No. 49 is hereby repealed. 2. —■ The following persons, be and by virtue of this order are hereby appointed as members of the Area Council for the Commune of Gradisca : President: ETTORE PATUNA Members: ANTONIO FRANCHI GIUSEPPE TOSO ANTONIO PERCO MARINO COCCOLO 3. — Said Council shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties as set forth in section 7 of General Order No. 11. Dated at Gorizia this 2nd day of April 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major C.M.P Area Commissioner POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 35 APPOINTMENT OF DR. D’ ANDRI LUIGI AS CHIEF AREA INSPECTOR OF AGRICULTURE 1. — I, Lieutenant-Colonel E. .S'. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, HEREBY appoint Dr. LUIGI D’ ANDRI — Group A — Gade VII as Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture, with effect from October 1. 1945. 2. •—■ Administrative Order No. 14 is HEREBY' cancelled. Dated in Pola this 1st April 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD Lt, Col. Area Commissioner, Pola Area ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 36 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF DR. CARRAVETTA MARIO AS DIRECTOR OF THE HOSPITAL SANTORIO SANTORIO“, POLA 1. — I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, ORDER that Dr. CARRAVETTA MARIO be and he HEREBY is temporarily appointed as Director of the Hospital „Santorio Saatorio“ ■— Pola. 2. —• This Order will take effect immediately. Dated in Pola this 1st day of April 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD Lt. Col. Area Commissioner;, Pola Area Area Administrative Order No. 37 PROVINCIAL ANTITUBERCOLAR DISPENSARY - CONSORZIO PROVINCIALE ANTITUBERCOLARE DELL’ ISTRIA — TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS 1. •—. I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, ORDER that Dr. PAVESI ERMANNO the Director i/c of the Antitubercolar Dispensary of Pola, be and he HEREBY is temporarily appointed as „Commissario Straordinario“ of the „Consorzio Provinciale Antitubercolare del-1’ Istria“ and also temporarily in charge of the Sanitary Direction of the a/n Consorzio. 2. — This Order will take effect immediately. Dated this 12th day of April 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Pola Area ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Area Administrative Order No. 38 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF DR. MARTINZ ARMANDO AS „COMMISSARIO STRAORDINARIO“ OF THE „FEDERAZIONE PROVINCIALE O.N.M.I.“ 1. — I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, ORDER that Dr. MARTINZ ARMANDO be and he HEREBY is temporarily appointed as „Commissario Straordinario“ of the „Fede' razione Provinciale O.N.M.I.“. 2. — This Order will take effect immediately. Dated this 12th day of April 1946 E, S. ORPWOOD Lt. Col. Area Commissioner, Pola Area _ -r mgm ■ i, «sp S*• * ; ■ ’• v/; ■ , ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■'* ■ '''S ’’J X ’•'i*/] - ' y ■i' :■ ’• 1 ’ S ■ • . ■ ■ * à? * ' ' . '. ;. <,A - , ■; ' ;.: tM GAZETTE No. 17 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PART I HEADQUARTERS, TRIESTE Page General Order No. 38 B Amendment to General Order No. 38 relating to an additional tax on textile goods ........,....................... 3 No. 41 B Special Court of Assize .............................. 3 No. 44 Further provisions implementing General Order No. 3 restoring Jewish personal rights ................................ 4 No. 46 B Amendments to General Order No. 46 -— Granting of amnesty and pardon........................................... 8 No. 48 Amendments to taxation regulations and modifications of taxes and fees due on documents produced to the Public Automobile Registry 9 No. 49 Rates of stamp duties and provisions for their payment.. 14 No. 51 Amendments, modifications and amplifications of the Laws relating to : ,,Regulations relating to the comprehensive declaration as required for the assesment of direct taxes“. . 19 Order No. 69 Competition for appointment of Judicial Administrators.. 20 No. 80 Termination of contributions from salaries of commercial workers for certain emergency indemnities.................... 22 No. 82 Special temporary unemployment indemnity................ 23 No. 86 Taxes on lighters and flints............................ 24 No. 87 Granting of an amnesty and pardon for offences of a financial character, remittance of surtaxes and of fines for infringements of financial laws ................................... 26 No. 95 Authorized increases in life insurance premiums to Assicurazioni Generali.............................................. 32 No. 98 Increase in radio license fee .......................... 34 No. 100 Abrogation of certain exceptional tariffs on goods transported by railroads of the State ............................ 37 No. 101 Increase of pensions payable from Special Insurance Fund for personnel of Public Transportation Services (Fondo speciale per la previdenza, per il personale addetto ai pubblici servizi di trasporto)......................................... 37 No. 102 Supplementary contributions for increases of old age and invalidism pensions................................................ 39 No. 105 Supplement to industrial workers and establishment of Fund for that purpose ; temporary prohibition of discharge from employment; and temporary reduction of work hours weekly. . 40 No. 106 Unblocking of discharges from industrial employment; financial benefits and reduction of hours of work .................. 45 No. 107 Extension of time to file applications for competition for appointment of Judicial Administrators - Supplement to Order No. 69 48 No. 36 Appointment of Avv. Presca Romeo as sequestrator for „Mittelmeet Reederei“............................................ 49 PART II TRIESTE AREA Area Administrative Order No. 14 Appointment of the Special Section of the Trieste Area Tax Commission............................................. 52 No. 15 Appointment of Dr. Collavo Carlo as Reggente of the Istituto Nazionale per l’Assistenza, di Malattia ai Lavoratori of Trieste.... 52 GORIZIA ARÉA Area Order No. 74 Promotion of Relli Giorgio from grade X to grade IX... 54 No. 75 Promotion of Dr. Araldo Giuseppe from grade VII to grade VI 54 No. 76 Promotion of Collodi Adele from grade X to grade IX... 55 No. 77 Repeal of appointment of President of the Istituto per l’Assistenza di Malattia ai Lavoratori........................ 55 No. 78 Appointment of the Communal Council of Gradisca......... 56 P O L A AREA Area Administrative Order No. 35 Appointment of Dr. D’Andri Luigi as Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture ........................................... 58 No. 36 Temporary appointment of Dr. Carravetta Mario as Director of the Hospital „Santorio Santorio“, Pola ........... 58 No. 37 Provincial Antitubercolar Dispensary — Consorzio Provinciale Antitubercolare dell’ Istria — Temporary appointments . 59 No. 38 Temporary appointment of Dr. Martinz Armando as „Commissario Straoidinario“ of the „Federazione Provinciale O.N.M.I.“ . 59