Procedures for tick bites RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES FOR TICK BITES IN A LYME BORRELIOSIS ENDEMIC AREA F. Strle ABSTRACT Ticks transmit causative agents of several diseases; however, the most-common disease in many parts of the northern hemisphere is Lyme Borreliosis. An active search for possibly attached ticks (after potential exposure to an appropriate environment) is quite important for preventing the disease because it enables early detachment. Recommended procedures after a tick bite in a Lyme Borreliosis endemic region include early removal of the attached tick, disinfection of the site of the tick bite, the policy of wait and watch for the possible appearance of Lyme Borreliosis manifestation(s) and advice on early treatment of the possible signs or symptoms of Lyme Borreliosis. The effectiveness of antibiotics for preventing Lyme Borreliosis has not been unequivocally praven. Even if it was determined, severa! questions concerning the rationality of such preventive usage of antibiotics remain to be answered. KEY WORDS Lyme Borreliosis, prevention, procedures after tick bites, removal of an attached tick, preventive usage of antibiotics INTRODUCTION Ticks transmit causative agents of several diseases; however, the most common human illness in many parts of the northern hemisphere is Lyme Borreliosis (LB) (1,2). Its clinical course is difficult to predict and when the illness assumes a chronic form, it can notably deteriorate the patient's quality of life. The risk of late sequelae is reduced, though not completely eliminated, by initiating proper therapy in early acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 stages of the disease (3). At present, most efforts are directed to the prevention of infection by effective immunization and to non-specific protective measures. In the recent years, people have been increasingly afraid of being exposed to a tick and the associated risk of Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) infection and some individuals even panic when bitten by a tick. T.hus, it is important to have simple and precise advice on what can be done and what should be done following a tick bite. 173 Procedures f or tick bites RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES AFTER TICK BITES ACTIVE SEARCH FOR POSSIBL Y AITACHED TICKS There is not doubt that active search far a tick which may be attached to a person is important because it enables early removal. People should be encouraged to actively check themselves and their clothing after any potential exposure to ticks. REMOVAL OF AITACHED TICKS Important questions about removal are: when and how to do it. The answer to the question „when?" is as soon as possible. It is well known that even if a tick is infected, transmission does not invariably occur after each bite. One of the reasons is that the tick has not been attached long enough far bacteria to be successfully transmitted to the feeding site ( 4,5). In questing ticks borreliae are usually limited to their midgut (6-8); far transmission the spirochetes should disseminate and arrive in salivary glands (8-10). Experiments on animals have stressed the importance of early removal of ticks: transmission occurred only exceptionally when the tick was removed within 48 hours of the bite, while longer attachment times were associated with a much higher probability of transmission ( 4,5). However, the results of animal experiments cannot be automatically applied to man. Furthermore, data from patients with erythema migrans (EM) suggests that some of them developed skin lesions even after a very short tick attacbment tirne. Similar data was also faund at Lyme Borreliosis Outpatient Clinic in Ljubljana wbere 892 adult patients witb typical EM were diagnosed and registered by faur pbysicians in 1993 (11). All tbe patients were asked to estimate tbe duration of tbe tick attacbment. One tbird (212/ 654) of tbe patients witb a tick bite at tbe site of later EM stated tbat tbey were able to accurately assess the maximum possible duration of the tick attachment. These patients were predominantly indoor persons who remembered tbe day and bour wben tbey went out (usually far a walk in tbe forest) and tbe tirne wben tbey returned and discovered an attacbed tick. Nearly one tbird of tbese 212 patients reported the duration of attacbment to be up to 12 bours and more than two tbirds assessed tbis tirne to be 24 bours or less (11) . 174 Tbese results seem to conflict witb the findings of experiments on animals conducted in the USA in wbicb transmission did not take place during tbe first 24 bours of attacbment (4). Wben interpreting tbis contradiction it sbould be stressed tbat tbe tirne required for transmission from a tick vector to a bost may be different far bumans than for laboratory bosts (bamsters) and natural animal bosts (wbite- footed mice ). Moreover, animal experiments were carried out witb Ixodes scapularis (4,5,12) and not witb /. ricinus ticks wbicb are present in Europe (8) . Tbe epidemiological data presented bere concerning I. ricinus complies witb the observations of Lebet and Gern, wbo described the presence of Bb in salivary glands of a relatively bigh percentage (11 % ) of l. ricinus nympbs before tbe blood meal (13). Tbis suggests tbat tbe transmission of spirocbetes by tbese ticks may occur earlier tban wbat was described for l. scapularis. A plausible explanation for tbe disseminated infection in ticks and tbe accelerated transmission of spirocbetes to a bost is antecedent partial feeding of ticks (14). Tbe results tbat were obtained in patients with EM do not negate tbe possibility that the proportion of exposed population wbo develop an EM lesion is lower or even mucb lower in persons who carry tbe infested tick far shorter durations (i.e. 24 bours or less); bowever, according to tbis data, tbere is no „safe" first 24-bour period of tick attacbment. It stili remains to be elucidated as to wby and bow often this kind of early transmission occurs. Despite ali tbe above-mentioned reservations, prompt removal of tbe tick remains a simple and, probably in most cases, an effective way of preventing Bb infection and LB in humans. Daily inspections for attached ticks sbould be a regular routine in endemic regions and prompt removal of attacbed ticks cannot be emphasized enougb (15). Tbe next question is „bow?". Attacbed ticks must be removed immediately witb fine forceps. A variety of tick removal products are now available for tbis purpose, but actually notbing more complicated tban forceps witb sbarp tips is necessary (15,16). The tick sbould be grasped as close to tbe point of attachment as possible and pulled witb a steady motion directly away from tbe skin until removed (15). Some people put a drop of oil on tbe "!ttacbed tick - after a few minutes it will fall away by itself witbout any traction. However, tbis metbod is only effective in cases when it was attacbed for a sbort acta dermatovenerologica A.PA. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 Procedures f or tick bites Table. Controlled tria/s of antibiotic therapy to prevent Lyme Borreliosis after a tick bite (17,19,20). Costello Shapiro Agre 1989 1992 1993 Fisher exact test (2-tailed): p = 0.0593730 period of tirne, that is, when it was attached only superficially; when it is embedded in the skin for a longer period of tirne a drop of oil will not be of any help. There is a fear that manipulating an attached infected tick might increase the chances for transmission of the causative agent to the host. If this were true, it would be logical to expect that it would be more effective when it occurs through vomiting or defecation and not through transmission via salivary glands. Often, especially with adult ticks, some of the mouthparts (hypostome) remain in the skin. Complete removal is not necessary to prevent Bb infection (15). However, the embedded parts need to be treated as foreign body. LOCAL DISINFECTION OF SKIN AT THE BITE SITE As with any wound, it is necessary to disinfect the area. However, it would be beneficial to have a disinfecting agent, which used topically at the site of a tick bite, would have borrelicidal effects on borreliae already present in skin. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any such agent. Wait and watch for the eventual appearance of Lb manifestation(s) In addition to early tick removal, some authors recommend the use of antibiotic prophylaxis. Several reports on this issue appeared in literature mostly published after 1992 (17-20). Some authors tend to use preventive antibiotic treatment for patients with a history of a recent tick bite (21-23), other authors have many reservations against empirical antibiotic prophylaxis (17,19,20,24-26), while others maintain that antibiotics should only be given to patients with a high chance of infection, i.e. when chances to acta dennatovenerologi,ca A.P A . Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 0/27 0/192 0/89 0/308 1/29 2/173 1/90 4/292 (3.4%) (1.2%) (1.1%) (1.4%) develop LB after a tick bite are greater than 3.6% (18,27), in the event that examination for borreliae in tick is positive (28) or after sufficiently long period of attachment of the tick (29). All these views, however, are based on the presumption that antibiotics administered after a tick bite can effectively prevent Bb infection. It would be reasonable to suppose that antibiotics, which are successfully used for treatment of LB, can be equally effective for preventing Bb infection. However, generalizing about the efficacy of a treatment modality may be misleading, as illustrated by the example of Rickettsia rickettsii infection: therapy with tetracycline for Rocky Mountain spotted fever may be potentially life-saving, yet in asymptomatic individuals with a history of tick bite, tetracycline can at the very best delay rather than prevent the onset of the disease (30). In controlled trials of antibiotic therapy to prevent LB after a tick bite (data from the USA) (17,19,20), none of the 308 patients that were given pheno- xymethylpenicillin, doxycycline or amoxicillin developed LB while in the control groups in 4/292 manifestations of LB appeared (see Table). These numbers are not high enough to prove a significant statistical difference. In addition, if the preventive antibiotic usage really is effective, we neither know which antibiotic is the best choice for prophylaxis nor the dosage and duration of treatment. In studies presented on the Table phenoxymethyl- penicillin (17,20), tetracycline (20) and amoxicillin (19) were used for 10 days in a dosage that is usually applied for the treatment of EM. However, as shown in the study by Shapiro and coworkers, compliance to the prescribed regimen may be a substantial problem (19). Even if we presume that antibiotics can successfully prevent the disease, it is highly debatable whether 175 Procedures f or tick bites this prophylaxis is rational. The obseived discrepancy in recommendations provided in the literature is mainly due to inadequate information about the factors involved in the transmission and development of the disease. Accurate data is needed regarding the proportion of infected ticks in individual geographic areas as well as regarding the incidence of infection following a (infected) tick bite and the rate of asymptomatic infections. The latter is estimated at 80% in Europe (31,32) and approximately 50% in the USA (33,34). It should be emphasized that it is nearly impossible to know the tick infection rate for all individual geographic regions and that data on the chances of infection after a bite by a borrelia-infested tick is sparse (17,19) and may theoretically range from O ( as in a tick with small number of spirochetes in the midgut which was attached for a short tirne) to 100%. Thus, we cannot accurately determine the chances of developing LB after a single tick bite. Additional studies will be needed to answer this question more precisely. Yet, it seems that on average chances of developing LB after a single tick bite are low and may only rarely surmount 3.6%, i.e. the percentage found in a mathematical model to be a limit above which preventive treatment with doxycycline (100 mg b.i.d. for 10 days) in all persons with a tick bite is cost effective (18). Even lower chances (1 %- 3.6%) are probably achieved only rarely. When weighing the pros and cons of the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients bitten by a tick, it should be kept in mind that, in addition to being potentially harmful to the patient, overuse of antibiotics also has general untoward effects, such as selection of resistant bacteria. EARL Y TREATMENT A prerequisite for early treatment is early recognition, that is, a timely diagnosis. It is relatively easy to diagnose a typical EM lesion, but often not so simple to recognize other manifestation(s) of LB without previous EM. There may be some difficulties in interpreting the small redness at the site of a tick bite: this may be an early EM lesi on or unspecific ( allergic or toxic) reaction at the site of the tick bite. The latter usually develops at the tirne when a tick is still in the skin or in the first 24 hours after removal of the tick, while in EM a free interval from the tick bite to the appearance of skin redness of at least severa! days is typical. It is not necessary to administer an antibiotic to a person with small redness on the skin in the vicinity of a tick bite which was removed one day ago, but serious thought should be given to EM and antibiotic treatment in a patient with a skin redness of the same diameter if the skin lesion appears one week after the bite. CONCLUSIONS Attached ticks should be removed promptly. The efficacy of antibiotics in preventing Bb infection and the onset of LB has not yet been unequivocally confirmed. 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