K. ZELI^, M. GODEC: NUCLEATION AND GROWTH OF EUTECTIC CARBIDES IN AISI D2 TOOL STEEL ... 515–520 NUCLEATION AND GROWTH OF EUTECTIC CARBIDES IN AISI D2 TOOL STEEL MODIFIED BY RARE EARTH ELEMENTS: EXPERIMENTAL AND MODELLING APPROACHES NUKLEACIJA IN RAST EVTEKTI^NIH KARBIDOV V ORODNEM JEKLU TIPA AISI D2, MODIFICIRANEM Z ELEMENTI REDKIH ZEMELJ: EKSPERIMENTALNI IN MODELSKI PRISTOPI Klemen Zeli~ 1 , Matja` Godec 2 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for Internal Combustion Engines and Electromobility, A{ker~eva 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Institute of Metals and Technology, Physics and Chemistry of Materials Department, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia klemen.zelic@fs.uni-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2018-02-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-09-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2018.024 AISI D2 tool steel from the group of cold work tool steels was modified by rare earth elements (REEs). Small additions of the REEs to the steel melt led to the changed chromium eutectic carbides morphology in the steel as-cast microstructure. REEs impact on nucleation and growth of eutectic carbides in AISI D2 tool steel was investigated by simulation. In order to simulate eutectic reaction phase, field model was build. Dynamic partial differential equation system of the phase field model was solved by finite volumes method. Parameters of the model were determined by comparison between non-modified and rare earth (RE) modified AISI D2 tool steel samples, characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and classical chemical analysis. Beside general morphological change of eutectic carbides from lamellar to globular due to RE modification, our model is capable of explaining small eutectic carbide morphological features. From the results nucleation and growth mechanisms of eutectic phase in RE modified AISI D2 steel can be concluded. Keywords: AISI D2 tool steel, nucleation, phase field modeling Jeklo tipa AISI D2 iz skupine orodnih jekel za delo v hladnem smo modificirali z elementi redkih zemelj. Majhni dodatki elementov redkih zemelj v talino so povzro~ili spremembo morfologije evtekti~nih kromovih karbidov v liti mikrostrukturi jekla. Za preu~evanje vpliva redkih zemelj na nukleacijo in rast evtekti~nih karbidov v jeklu AISI D2 smo izdelali simulacijo evtekti~ne reakcije. Za izdelavo simulacije smo uporabili modelski pristop faznega polja. Sistem dinami~nih parcialnih diferencialnih ena~b modela smo re{ili z metodo kon~nih volumnov. Parametre modela smo dolo~ili s primerjavo vzorcev jekla z dodatkom redkih zemelj in brez. Za karakterizacijo so bile uporabljene tehnike slikanja z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM), disperzivna energijska spektroskopija X-`arkov (EDS) ter klasi~na kemijska analiza. Poleg splo{ne spremembe morfologije evtekti~nih karbidov zaradi modifikacije iz lamelarne v globularno je predstavljeni model sposoben tudi opisa lokalnih posebnosti morfologije evtekti~nih karbidov v modificiranem jeklu. S pomo~jo rezultatov modela lahko dobro razlo`imo mehanizme nukleacije in rasti evtekti~nih karbidov v jeklu tipa ASIS D2, modificiranem z elementi redkih zemelj. Klju~ne besede: AISI D2 orodno jeklo, nukleacija, modeliranje faznega polja 1 INTRODUCTION AISI D2 steel from the group of cold-work tool steels is used when wear resistance is important, such as blanking, forming dies and thread-rolling dies, cutting tools, stamping, woodworking and molding tools for plastics. 1 Due to the high carbon and chromium contents, large eutectic chromium carbides form during the solidification. Carbides in the as-cast microstructure are undesirable because they are points where cracks initiate during the steel’s post processing (usually forging). Thus, it is important to investigate ways in which we can control the process of casting and solidification, for example, by using small amounts of modifying agents (different chemical elements) that are added to the molten steel in order to influence the microstructure during solidification. 2 In later years, modification of melt by rare earth elements (REEs) prior to casting showed good potential for influencing morphology of eutectic carbides in as-cast microstructure of high – chromium high – carbon tool steels. Investigations show that shape, size, mor- phology and type of eutectic carbide can be modified by rare earth (RE) additions. 3–10 Even though a lot of successful experimental exe- cutions of eutectic carbide modification in high – chro- mium high – carbon tool steels by REEs exist in literature, 3–13 governing mechanisms of eutectic carbide modification are not well understood. There are four different possible explanation proposed in literature. Li et al. 8 proposed the first explanation that was later also used by Fu and Xing 5 and Qu et al. 6 According to this explanation, segregations of REEs to the melt during solidification enrich the melt at the tips of the growing dendrites. This brings high compositional undercooling, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 515–520 515 UDK 66.017:669.14:544.015.33:546.65 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(5)515(2018) which promotes the branching of dendrites and conse- quently refined eutectic carbides in interdendritic re- gions. Second possible explanation of the eutectic carbide modification by REEs was also proposed by Li et al. 8 It states that segregations of REEs to the melt during solidification result in the reduced carbon activity in the remaining melt. This further leads to the initiation of eutectic reaction at higher solid (austenite) ratios. Dendrite arm spacing is reduced this way and eutectic carbides solidified in interdentdritic spaces are refined. Third possible explanation that is also capable of ex- plaining change in carbide type due to RE modification states that modification of non-metallic inclusions by REEs in the melt is responsible for the carbide change. 4,7 According to this theory RE modified non-metallic inclusions act as efficient heterogeneous nuclei for the eutectic carbides. Consequently, morphology, size and type of eutectic carbides is changed in comparison to non-modified steel. In our previous work 11–13 we pro- posed new possible mechanism that explains change in morphology of eutectic carbides in AISI D2 tool steel. The change in morphology of eutectic carbides is the result of oxygen and sulfur depletion in the melt, due to REEs high affinity to those two elements. Their theory is firmly supported also by modelling of eutectic reaction and not only experimental observation. Investigation presented in this paper shows important contribution to the clarification of which of four possible explanations is more likely to be true. It is focused only on nucleation of eutectic reaction by RE modified non-metallic inclusions and their effect on growth of eutectic carbides. Investigation was conducted in two phases. First phase includes successful experimental execution of AISI D2 tool steel modification and the second phase is committed to phase field modeling of eutectic reaction, 14–18 that provides good insight in the governing mechanisms. The original contribution of this paper arises from the fact that independency of eutectic carbide morphology in cold work tool steel on non-metallic inclusion type was proved beyond doubt for the first time. With the connec- tion between experimental and modeling observations it was proved that RE modified non-metallic inclusions in AISI D2 tool steel modified by REEs are not the reason for the change in morphology of Cr 7 C 3 eutectic carbides. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Sample Preparation AISI D2 tool steel was melted in open induction furnace. It was cast in five cylindrical metallic molds to obtain five 4 kg ingots with 8 cm diameter and height of approximately 10 cm. Small additions of rare earth elements (REEs) in the form of Ce mischmetal (Table 1) were introduced in the melt prior to last three ingots casting. All ingots were cast under the same conditions. This way comparable ingots of non-modified and RE modified AISI D2 tool steel were obtained. Samples were cut out of ingots by water jet slicer. Since micro- structural differences between samples from all ingots were independent of the spatial position of sample in ingot, only samples from geometrical center of ingots are presented in this paper. Result section of this paper includes only the comparison between samples form first and fifth casted ingot, since differences between this two samples are the most significant. Samples were further prepared for microscopy by grinding, polishing and etching. Table 1: Chemical composition of Ce mischmetal Element Ce La Nd Pr w/% 45–55 20–35 12–20 5–8 2.2 Characterization All characterization was done on the as-cast condition of the AISI D2 tool steel. The chemical com- position of the samples was determined by wet chemical analysis (Table 2). Content of silicon was determined gravimetrically, content of carbon was analyzed with ELTRA CS-800, and all other elements were analyzed with optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) on Aglient 720. The results of the analysis are presented in Table 2, where the chemical compositions of both ingots are shown. Microstructure investigations were performed with a Jeol JSM – 6500F field emission scanning electron micro- scope (SEM) with secondary and backscattered electron detectors. Type of non-metallic inclusions in the samples was determined by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) on SEM. Positions and distribution of RE containing non-metallic inclusions were investigated by backscattered electron imaging (BEI) on SEM. Type of inclusions in both samples were determined by electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) technique on SEM. EBSD measurements showed that type of eutectic carbides in both samples is Cr 7 C 3 . The microstructure consists of martensite and carbides. K. ZELI^, M. GODEC: NUCLEATION AND GROWTH OF EUTECTIC CARBIDES IN AISI D2 TOOL STEEL ... 516 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 515–520 Table 2: Chemical composition of non-modified and RE modified AISI D2 tool steel Element C Si Mn Cr Cu Ni Mo V Ce La Nd Pr Fe Non-mod. 1.42 0.23 0.21 10.1 0.08 0.17 0.60 0.75 ////B a l RE mod. 1.41 0.22 0.21 10.3 0.08 0.17 0.59 0.80 0.013 0.008 0.005 / Bal 3 MODELLING Nucleation and growth of eutectic carbides in AISI D2 tool steel was modelled by phase field approach. 19 Since three phases are present in the system at the tem- perature of eutectic reaction (liquid, austenite and Cr 7 C 3 carbide), two order parameters of phase field are needed for the description of eutectic reaction. Free energy density was minimized for obtaining dynamic equations by Lagrange formalism. 20 Obtained system of partial differential equations was discretized on two dimen- sional domain (50 x 50 control volumes) by finite vol- ume method. Discretized dynamic equations of the system were solved by Newton-Raphson method as des- cribed in Numerical recipes in C. 21 Results of simula- tions were presented as two dimensional plots of the phase field time evolution. Detailed description of used phase field model can be found is described in our previous papers. 11,13 3.1 Nucleation In order to model heterogeneous nucleation of the eutectic carbides in AISI D2 tool steel, non-metallic inclusions were introduced to the model. During simu- lation of melt cooling such non-metallic inclusions act as heterogeneous nuclei either for eutectic carbides or austenitic phase. Non-metallic inclusions were intro- duced to the model as the fourth existing phase in the system that is not affected by temperature but participate in the reaction only by surface interactions with other three phases (liquid, austenite and Cr 7 C 3 carbide). The introduction of additional surface to the system neces- sarily calls for two additional boundary conditions. First boundary condition that was used on the surface of nonmetallic inclusion prohibits any flux of carbon from melt to the bulk of inclusion. This boundary condition was implemented by setting chemical potential gradient at the surface of non-metallic inclusion to zero. Second boundary condition on the surface of non-metallic inclu- sion was much less trivial. Natural boundary condition was used, 20,22 that describe the connection between non dimensional molarity of carbon and surface free energy between inclusion and melt: nc c ∇= ∂ ∂ (1) n is the unit vector normal to the surface of the inclusion, ∇ is gradient operator, c is non dimensional molarity of carbon, is gradient penalty coefficient and denotes surface free energy of interphase between non-metallic inclusion and surrounding phase. Function (c) is the one determining the type of non-metallic inclusion. Linear interpolation was used for the evalu- ation of function (c) between two boundary values of surface free energy of austenite/inclusion and carbide/ inclusion interfaces. Positive slope of (c) in the model leads to the carbon enrichment of the melt in the close surroundings of non-metallic inclusion and consequent- ially nucleation of carbide. Negative slope of (c) results in the depletion of carbon in the non-metallic inclusion surroundings and consequently austenite is nucleated. The boundary values and consequently the slope of (c) surface free energy depends on the crystallographic misfit between crystal lattices of two phases forming the interface. According to the misfit of crystal lattice we divided inclusions in two groups. The first one that show lower crystallographic misfit when forming interface with austenite in comparison to Cr 7 C 3 carbide (∂∂ /c < 0) and second type opposite (∂∂ /c > 0). Non- metallic inclusions of the first type are better hetero- geneous nuclei for the austenite phase and second type non-metallic inclusions nucleate Cr 7 C 3 carbide more efficiently than austenite. This way simulations enabled good insight in the nucleation process of eutectic reaction on different types of non-metallic inclusions that were present in the melt. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Investigation of effect of non-metallic inclusions was done by comparison between experimental and modeling results. Figure 1 shows comparison between SEM BEI K. ZELI^, M. GODEC: NUCLEATION AND GROWTH OF EUTECTIC CARBIDES IN AISI D2 TOOL STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 515–520 517 Figure 1: SEM BEI of Cr 7 C 3 eutectic carbide in: a) non-modified as-cast AISI D2 tool steel and b) RE modified as-cast AISI D2 tool steel micrographs of non-modified and RE modified AISI D2 tool steel. 11,13 From Figure 1 it can be seen that RE modification affects the morphology of eutectic carbides in AISI D2 tool steel as-cast microstructure. Whether or not the REEs containing non-metallic inclusions are responsible for such morphological differences was tested in few different ways. Positions of REEs containing non-metal- lic inclusions were measured first. Since REEs have by far largest atomic weight among all elements present in the samples they appear bright on the SEM BEI micro- graphs. The first proof that REEs containing non-metal- lic inclusion does not influence the morphology of eutec- tic carbides arises from the fact that no such inclusions were found inside the eutectic region in as-cast micro- structure of RE modified AISI D2 tool steel even after investigation of large number of samples. Figure 2 show two SEM BEI micrographs that show typical positioning of REEs containing non-metallic inclusions in RE modi- fied samples (bright spots in images). They are always found inside the matrix of steel. Type of non-metallic inclusions in samples were determined by EDS measurements on SEM. The EDS spectra and detailed discussion of the EDS results can be found in our previous work. 12 Beside Al 2 O 3 an MnS non-metallic inclusions that were found in non-modified samples, complex oxy-sulfide RE 2 O 2 S inclusions were found in RE modified samples (bright spots in Figure 2). Such inclusions were expected due to the high affinity of REEs to oxygen and sulfur. The only difference regard- ing non-metallic inclusion between non-modified and RE modified samples therefore is appearance of RE 2 O 2 S in RE modified samples. This finding is in good agree- ment with Hamidzadeh et al. 7 Second factor supporting the theory that REEs con- taining non-metallic inclusions do not influence final morphology of eutectic carbide in RE modified AISI D2 tool steel arises from the simulations presented in Fig- ure 3. Figure 3 show two cases. Nucleation of eutectic reaction in CASE 1 occurred on non-metallic inclusion which crystal lattice shows lowest misfit with Cr 7 C 3 eutectic carbide crystal lattice in comparison to austenite crystal lattice (type 2 inclusion). Simulation of solidifi- cation in CASE 2 was nucleated on non-metallic inclu- sion that shows lowest misfit of crystal lattice with the austenite in comparison to carbide (type 1 inclusion). Even though simulations of solidification in both cases were nucleated by different crystallographic types of non-metallic inclusions, both simulations ended in the K. ZELI^, M. GODEC: NUCLEATION AND GROWTH OF EUTECTIC CARBIDES IN AISI D2 TOOL STEEL ... 518 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 5, 515–520 Figure 2: Position of RE 2 O 2 S non-metallic inclusions in RE modified AISI D2 tool steel as-cast microstructure Figure 3: Simulation of nucleation and growth of eutectic carbides in RE modified AISI D2 tool steel. CASE 1 (Figures 3a to 3e)s h o w growth of carbides nucleated on non-metallic inclusion of second type. CASE 2 (Figures 3f to 3j) show growth of carbides nucleated on non-metallic inclusion of first type. White color represents liquid phase (melt), blue color austenite and red color Cr 7 C 3 carbide. same morphologic type of eutectic carbide – globular eutectic. This shows that final morphology of eutectic carbide is independent of the type of nucleation sites. Independency of final microstructure on type of nucleation sites can also be seen from Figure 4. Simu- lation presented in Figure 4a was started by nucleation on non-metallic inclusion of the second type (effective austenite nucleation site). Figure 4a shows that nucle- ation on the non-metallic inclusion that effectively nucleate only austenite phase, resulted in the growth of carbide globule. Globule has a shape of toroid since the first phase that grows in the center of globule is auste- nite. Carbon enrichment of the melt in the close sur- rounding leads to the carbide growth around the small austenite core. Very similar morphological features were found in experiment on SEM SEI (Figure 4b). The fact that simulation show carbide globule growth from auste- nite nucleation site additionally proves that final mor- phology of eutectic carbides is independent of nucleation sites type. Carbide morphological features found in SEM BEI, presented in Figure 4b, support conclusions made on the basis of simulation well since they provide additional validation of our model. 5 CONCLUSIONS With the connection between modeling and experi- mental approaches to the RE modification of AISI D2 tool steel investigation, effects of different types of non-metallic inclusion on nucleation and growth of Cr 7 C 3 eutectic carbides during solidification were studied. It was showed that RE containing non-metallic inclusions in RE modified AISI D2 tool steel do not influence the final morphology of eutectic carbides in the as-cast microstructure. The final morphology of eutectic carbides turned out to be independent of the type of nuclei, that initiated eutectic reaction. Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge the financial support from Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) (research core funding no. P2-0132). K. 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