119 Sodobni vojaški izzivi, junij 2019 – 21/št. 2 Contemporary Military Challenges, June 2019 – 21/No. 2 POTREBA PO DEJAVNEJŠEM SODELOVANJU IN BOLJŠIH KOMUNIKACIJAH V SVETU, V KATEREM VLADA STALNA KONKURENCA Paul Ellis Ric Cole THE NEED TO IMPROVE ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS IN A WORLD THAT IS IN A STATE OF PERSISTENT COMPETITION okoljem, tehnološko pismeno publiko in svetovnimi razmerami, v katerih vlada vpogledom v vlogo in koristnost tako imenovane simulacijske skupine nasprotnika nasprotnika. Povzetek Ključne besede DOI:10.33179/BSV.99.SVI.11.CMC.21.2.6 120 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges Paul Ellis, Ric Cole imperative that we recognize the need to improve engagement and communication Strategic Communications; Persistent Competition, Engagement, Storytelling, 1 2 Figure 1 illustrates 1 3 Abstract Key words Introduction 121 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges THE NEED TO IMPROVE ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS IN A WORLD THAT IS IN A STATE OF PERSISTENT COMPETITION Figure 1: Strategic communication: the defence contribution (JDN 1/12) Figure 2.1 122 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges and at the same time we consider that, even though the world has and continues 1 THE ERA OF DIRECT ACCESS Secondly, this seems obvious, but we only really care about that which interests headlines, soundbites and memes that are easy to digest and make assumptions Paul Ellis, Ric Cole 123 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 7 , then we greatly increase the likelihood that our messages 1.1 Is there really a difference between Strategic Communications and Propaganda? to be completely objective, it is normally just the communications directed at our THE NEED TO IMPROVE ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS IN A WORLD THAT IS IN A STATE OF PERSISTENT COMPETITION 124 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 1.2 Let's get social… social Paul Ellis, Ric Cole 125 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 2 WHAT MAKES A GOOD STORY? 10 Figure 2: Visual portrait of a story THE NEED TO IMPROVE ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS IN A WORLD THAT IS IN A STATE OF PERSISTENT COMPETITION 126 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 2.1 A practical story framework 11 11 Paul Ellis, Ric Cole 127 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 3 INCREASED RESILIENCE THROUGH RED TEAMING! 12 and ideally, have experience in Strategic Communications at the governmental THE NEED TO IMPROVE ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS IN A WORLD THAT IS IN A STATE OF PERSISTENT COMPETITION 128 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges « Plus ça where both our adversaries and ourselves have direct access to our audiences, and Concluding Comments Paul Ellis, Ric Cole 129 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 1. 3. 13 Bibliography THE NEED TO IMPROVE ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATIONS IN A WORLD THAT IS IN A STATE OF PERSISTENT COMPETITION 130 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 11. Paul Ellis, Ric Cole