D. FU et al.: DYNAMIC COMPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM-MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED ... 201–207 DYNAMIC COMPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM-MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED WITH SiC PARTICLES DINAMI^NE TLA^NE MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI ALUMINIJEVIH KOMPOZITOV OJA^ANIH Z DELCI SiC Dianyu Fu 1 , Yunhan Ling 1* , Peng Jiang 1 , Yong Sun 1 , Chao Yuan 1 , Xiaoming Du 2 1 Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100083, China 2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-07-27; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-03-01 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.580 The aluminium-matrix composites (AMCs) consisted of (5, 10 and 15) x/% SiC particles (SiCp) in an aluminium alloy 7055 matrix. Specimens were taken from hot-press sintering. High-strain-rate tests were performed using the split-Hopkinson pres- sure bar (SHPB) method. The microstructures were observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to understand the damage mechanisms of the SiCp/7055 Al composites at high strain rate. The SHPB test results show that the SiCp-reinforced composites are more sensitive to strain rate than the unreinforced material. The strain-rate sensitivity of the flow stress of these composites increases substantially with the increase of the strain rate. The flow stress of SiCp/7055Al composites with 10 x/% and 15 x/% SiCp at 3000 s –1 first increases and then decreases with the increase of the plastic strains, which was caused by the heat generated during adiabatic compression. Microstructure-characterization results show that SiCp cracking and SiCp/7055Al interface debonding are the main damage mechanisms of the composites. The SiCp volume fraction and strain rate affect the damage of composites during the dynamic compressive deformation of the SiCp /7055Al composites. Keywords: Al/SiCp composite; dynamic compressive test; strain rate; damage Kompoziti s kovinsko osnovo iz aluminijeve zlitine vrste Al7055 (AMCs) vsebujejo obi~ajno (5, 10 ali 15) x/ % silicij karbidnih delcev (SiCp). Avtorji so izdelali vzorce (preizku{ance) te vrste kompozitov s postopkom vro~ega sintranja pod tlakom. Na izdelanih preizku{ancih so izvedli preizkuse hitre tla~ne deformacije s pomo~jo Hopkinsove cepilno tla~ne metode (SHPB; split-Hopkinson pressure bar method). Za razumevanje mehanizma nastalih po{kodb na preizku{ancih Al7055/SiCp zaradi velikih hitrosti deformacije, so opazovali njihovo mikrostrukturo s pomo~jo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM). Rezultati testov SHPB so pokazali, da so izbrani kompoziti oja~ani z SiCp bolj ob~utljivi na hitrost deformacije kot neoja~an material oz. ~ista zlitina Al7055 brez delcev SiC. Ugotavili so, da ob~utljivost meje te~enja kompozitov nara{~a mo~no z nara{~anjem hitrosti deformacije. Napetost te~enja kompozitov Al7055/SiCp z (10 in 15) x/% SiCp pri 3000 s –1 najprej nara{~a in nato pada z nara{~anjem plasti~ne deformacije, kar je posledica tvorbe toplote med adiabatno tla~no deformacijo. Mikrostrukturne preiskave so pokazale, da se SiCp lomijo oziroma pokajo in da je glavni mehanizem po{kodb kompozitov cepljenje na mejah med SiCp in kovinsko osnovo iz Al7055. Volumski dele` SiCp in hitrost deformacije mo~no vplivata na po{kodbe in poru{itev kompozitov med dinami~no tla~no deformacijo kompozitov vrste Al7055/SiCp. Klju~ne besede: kompoziti Al/SiCp; dinami~ni tla~ni test; hitrost deformacije; po{kodba in poru{itev 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminium-matrix composites (AMCs) reinforced with SiCp possess excellent properties, including high specific strength and specific stiffness, high plastic flow strength, creep resistance, low thermal expansion coeffi- cient, satisfactory wear resistance, good corrosion resis- tance and isotropy. These properties make particle-rein- forced AMCs strong candidates for use within a wide range of applications, such as aviation and aerospace, electronic communication, automobile, military and other fields. 1–4 In many engineering applications, AMCs will inevi- tably be subjected to dynamic loadings. Materials and structures used in aerospace, high-speed railway, the ar- mours of missile vehicles and other fields often face a complex service environment under transient impact loadings. Further, large dynamic deformations are devel- oped during several of the manufacturing processes ap- plied to these materials. 5 The macroscopic mechanical properties and microstructure of the material under high-strain-rate loading will change significantly com- pared with that under quasi-static loading. 6 Therefore, it is of great scientific and engineering significance to study the mechanical properties and damage evolution process of AMCs under high strain rate. In recent years, a great deal of research on the dy- namic compressive behaviour of Al/SiCp composites has been carried out. Li et al. studied SiCp/Al composites’ compression properties at a strain rate range of 10 –5 –10 5 /s and dynamic shearing deformations by SHPB. 7 Kalambur and Hall indicated the dynamic com- pressive behaviour of 25 x/% SiCp/2024 Al composites. 8 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 201–207 201 UDK 669.715:539.383 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(2)201(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: 424212121@qq.com (Yunhan Ling) Cao et al. believed that SiCp/Al composites with large particles were more prone to particle breakage and inter- face failure than composites with small particles during dynamic compressive testing. 9 More recently, Lee et al. concluded that three damage modes existed in the dynamic deformation process of SiCp/Al composites with a high volume fraction, i.e., matrix softening, particle breakage, and interface failure by the SHPB. 10–12 They believed that particle breakage and interface failure were the major damage modes that severely affected the dynamic compressive strength of the composites. However, the relationships between the particle volume fraction and the particle damage are not known. The particle damage affects the dynamic com- pressive properties of SiCp/Al composites by weakening the strengthening effect of the reinforcement. Moreover, some researchers believe that the particle size of the rein- forcement has a significant impact on the damage and fracture mechanisms of AMCs. Lloyd concluded that small silicon carbide particles with 7.5 μm diameter gave significantly higher plastic work hardening than large particles with a 16-μm diameter. 13 Kiety et al. found that the rupture toughness of particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites had a peak value, then decreased signifi- cantly when the particle size increase. 14 Up to now, rela- tively limited investigations have been made to address the damage and fracture mechanisms of particles with different sizes in particle-reinforced metal-matrix com- posites. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the influ- ence of particle volume fraction and size on the damage of particles to reveal the dynamic damage mechanism of composites more accurately. The objective of this research is to investigate the in- fluence of particle volume fraction on the dynamic com- pressive behaviour and damage mechanism of SiCp/7055Al composites at various strain rates. The dy- namic uniaxial compression tests were performed on the hot-pressed sintered SiCp/7055Al composites with dif- ferent volume fractions of SiC particles, while the stress-strain data were obtained with a SPHB. The ef- fects of strain rate, strain hardening and particle volume on the flow stress were analysed. The microstructures were characterized by SEM. The corresponding defor- mation and damage mechanisms were also discussed. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Commercially available, Al powder (purity 99.99 %) with an average particle size of 10 μm, analytical purity Mg, Cu and Zn powders (purity 99.80 %), which were mixed according to a certain weight percentage (Al-7.8%Zn-2.0 %Mg-2.6%Cu, 7055 Al), were used as the matrix materials. This resulted in good mechanical prosperities, good oxidation and corrosion resistance, making 7055 Al a strong candidate for use within aero- space applications. The -SiC particle was chosen as the reinforcement phase. The mean particle size of SiCp was 15 μm. The volume fractions of SiC particles in the AMCs were (5, 10 and 15) x/%, respectively. To obtain SiCp/7055Al mixed powders, Al, Zn, Mg, Cu and SiC powders were blended in an agate container for 12 h. Zirconia balls with a diameter of 5 mm were used. The mass ratio of the ball-to-powder was 5:1. The blended powder was containerized in a heat-resisting steel die (50 mm in diameter, 200 mm in height) and then com- pacted. The compacted composite billets were sintered at 620 °C in a vacuum of 1 Pa for a period of 2h under a pressure of 30 MPa by hot-press sintering. SiCp/7055Al composites with different volume fractions of SiC parti- cles were developed. For comparison, a 7055 Al speci- men without SiCp was also fabricated under the same conditions. After sintering, all the specimens received 2 h of solution heat treatment at 470°C, quenching in cold water, and 16 h artificial aging at 160 °C. Conventional SHPB equipment with 20-mm diameter bars was used for the dynamic compression tests at strain rates ranging from 1500 s –1 to 3000 s –1 . 15–17 The speci- mens that were machined in cylindrical shape with 5 mm in length and 7 mm in diameter by electro-discharge ma- chining were used for dynamic compression tests. The surfaces of the cylindrical specimens were finely ground and made as flat and as parallel as possible. Scanning electron microscopy (S-3400N) was used to study the microstructure of the composites. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Stress-strain curves Figure 1 illustrates that the stress-strain curves of the (0, 5, 10 and 15) x/% SiCp/7055Al composites under various strain rates. As can be seen from Figure 1a, when the strain rate of the Al matrix alloy is 1500 s –1 and 3000 s –1 , the stress-strain curves are almost identical, in- dicating that the alloy shows no obvious strain-rate sensi- tivity in this strain-rate range. However, it is evident that the strain rate has a significant effect on the overall strength and strain-hardening properties of the SiCp/7055Al composites from Figures 1b, 1c and 1d. The alloy also shows obvious strain hardening properties during the high-strain-rate compression deformation. With the increase of the strain rate the effective plastic strain increases; SiCp/7055Al composites have larger elongation at same strain rates compared to the Al matrix alloy. In addition, it can be also found from Figure 1c and 1d that when the strain rate reaches 3000 s –1 , the flow stress of the SiCp/7055Al composites with (10 and 15) x/% SiCp first increases and then decreases with the increase of the plastic strains. The decrease in the flow stress might be caused by the heat generated during adia- batic compression, which makes the matrix material soft- ened or melted and results in the decrease of flow stress at high strain rate. Moreover, Figure 2 shows a variation of flow stress of SiCp/7055Al with (5, 10 and 15) x/% particles at plastic strain of3%atv arious strain rates. It D. FU et al.: DYNAMIC COMPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM-MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED ... 202 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 201–207 can be found that the flow stress of SiCp/7055Al signifi- cantly increases with an increasing volume fraction of reinforcement. The dynamic compression under the condition of high strain rate at room temperature is equivalent to an adiabatic compression process. A lot of heat will be gen- erated in the material and there is not enough time to dif- fuse outwards. This will cause the temperature of the material to increase with the increase of the strain rate and strain. The temperature rise might cause a mate- rial-softening effect. Tan et al. have also found that a larger elongation at high strain rates and increase–de- crease trend with strain rate for flow stress in dynamic compression tests for SiCp/2024Al composite materi- als. 18,19 The temperature rise T cab be given as follows 20 ΔT C = ∫ cv d 0 (1) where is the fraction of the plastic work converted to heat. Generally, 0.9 is taken in the high strain rate com- pression deformation test of aluminium alloy; 21 and are the true stress and plastic strain, respectively; is the density and C v is the specific heat. The stress and strain in Figure 1 were used to estimate the temperature rise. The density of THE 7055Al aluminium alloy and THE SiC particles are 2.85 g/cm 3 and 3.2 g/cm 3 , respec- tively. The density of the SiCp/7055Al composite is ob- tained from c = p V p + M (1 – V p ), where p and M are the density of the reinforced particle and the matrix material, respectively. The specific heats of the alu- minium alloy and the SiC particles are about 886 J/(kg·K) 22 and 399 J/(kg·K), 23 respectively. The specific heat of the SiCp/7055Al composites can be determined by a mixing law. 24 The temperature rise estimated using Equation (1) was shown in Figure 3.It was found that the temperature rise during dynamic com- pression is in the range 30–62 K for SiCp/7055Al com- posites and increases with the increase of the strain rate. It is important to note that the maximum temperature rise in dynamic compression of the SiCp/7055Al composite at a high strain rate of 3000 s –1 is 54.2,58.6 and 61.5 K for 5 x/%, 10 x/% and 15 x/% SiCp, respectively. This can cause the reduced flow stress owing to the thermal softening of the Al matrix. Therefore, the effect of ther- mal softening on SiCp/7055Al composite cannot be neg- ligible. Generally, the transient heat generated by dy- D. FU et al.: DYNAMIC COMPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM-MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 201–207 203 Figure 1: Stress-strain curves for SiCp/7055Al composites at various strain rates: a) Al matrix, b) 5 x/%, c) 10 x/%, d) 15 x/% Figure 2: Variation of flow stress at 3 % plastic strains with reinforce- ment volume fractions of (5, 10 and 15) x/% SiCp/7055Al composites namic compression at high strain rates softens the matrix alloys, resulting in a decrease in the load-carrying capac- ity of the matrix. This phenomenon was found and con- firmed by most researchers. 18,19,25 According to the rele- vant estimation method, the heat can increase the matrix temperature by about 60 °C. If the adiabatic heating ef- fect is investigated by static compression at 60 °C, there will be a significant difference between the microstruc- ture and that under dynamic compression conditions. Be- cause this will lose the strain-rate hardening effect. Tan et al. have investigated the effect of thermal softening on the strength of SiCp-reinforced 2024Al matrix compos- ites. 19 They found that thermal softening made the flow stress decrease at high strain rates. Sun et al. found that the maximum temperature rise in dynamic compression of the Al/SiCp composite is 18.8 K and believed that the effects of adiabatic heating on the thermal softening of Al/SiCp composites can be negligible. 25 Lee et al. found that a part of the Al matrix without SiCp cracking or SiCp/Al interfacial debonding was easily melted by the temperature rise above the melting temperature of the A356 Al alloy. 10 3.2 Effect of strain hardening and strain-rate sensitiv- ity Figure 4 shows the variation of the flow stress for given plastic strains with different strain rates for (5, 10 and 15) x/% SiCp/7055Al composites. It can be found from Figure 4 that the strain rate dominates the increas- ing flow stress compared with the strain hardening, and the flow stress increases substantially with the increasing of the strain rate. The strain hardening of aluminium-ma- trix composites with three SiCp contents shows the same trend, i.e., the increasing trend of flow stress by strain hardening becomes smaller with the increase of strain at the same strain rate. At strain from3%to6%,theflow stress increases from 253 MPa to 330 MPa at 1500 s –1 and increases from 323 MPa to 385 MPa at 3000 s –1 . The strain hardening has a larger influence on the flow stress at 1500 s –1 than that at 2200 and 3000 s –1 for 15 x/% SiCp/7055Al. For 10 and 15 x/% SiCp/7055Al compos- ites, the flow stress also has a similar trend. This is be- cause the heat generated by adiabatic compression is much greater at 3000 s –1 than at 1500 s –1 , which results in a softened matrix at 3000 s –1 . Moreover, the increasing of the flow stress by strain-rate hardening from 1500 s –1 to 3000 s –1 is much higher than that by strain hardening from3%to6%strain, which shows that the effect of strain-rate hardening is stronger than strain hardening. Tan et al. obtained similar results for 40 x/% SiCp/ 2024Al-matrix composites. 19 In general, the strain-hardening effect of an alloy can be measured by its strain-hardening exponent n, which is commonly calculated using the Hollomon relationship. 26 The strain-hardening exponent of an alloy reflects the resistance of the alloy to sustained plastic deformation. For an ideal elastomer the strain-hardening exponent is equal to 1, which means the material has no strain hard- ening; for an ideal plastomer, the strain-hardening expo- nent is equal to 0, suggesting the material can continu- ously withstand plastic deformation. Actually, most metals and alloys have strain-hardening exponents be- tween 0.1 and 0.5. The strain-hardening exponents for (5, 10 and 15) x/% SiCp/7055Al are summarized in Ta- ble 1. The strain-hardening exponents for all SiCp/ 7055Al decrease with increasing strain rates from D. FU et al.: DYNAMIC COMPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM-MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED ... 204 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 201–207 Figure 3: Temperature rise of SiCp/7055Al composites at different strain rates Figure 4: Variation of flow stress with strain rate at given plastic strains of SiCp/7055Al composite: a) 5 x/%, b) 10 x/%, b) 15 x/% 1500 s –1 to 3000 s –1 , and decrease with increasing vol- ume fraction of SiCp from (5 to 15) x/%, which is due to the matrix being softened by the heat generated during dynamic compression. Table 1: Strain-hardening exponent n for (5, 10 and 15) x/% SiCp/ 7055Al at various strain rates Strain rate (s –1 )5 x/% 10 x/% 15 x/% 1500 0.115 0.104 0.06 2200 0.112 0.089 0.049 3000 0.101 0.062 0.035 We attempted the strain-rate sensitivity as follows 27 d q K (2) where d , q are the dynamic and quasi-static flow stresses at a constant plastic strain, respectively; is the strain rate and K is the rate-sensitivity parameter. Eq. (2) is constructed primarily based on the assumption that the dislocation-drag mechanism controls the deforma- tion of metals at very high strain-rate deformation (usu- ally > 1000 s –1 ). 27 The flow stresses at 6 % strain are plotted as a function of strain rate, as illustrated in Fig- ure 4. Marchi et al. and Zhang et al. suggested that the choice of 6 % strain was made so as to avoid the effect of the inhomogeneous deformation at lower strain dur- ing SHPB tests and to minimize the effect of damage ac- cumulation and adiabatic heating at higher strain. 28,29 The strain-rate-sensitivity parameter K of the compos- ites is determined from the slope of the linear regression line of the experimental results as shown in Figure 4.It is found that as the SiCp volume fraction increases, the strain-rate-sensitivity parameter K decreases. This result is consistent with that of Marchi et al. and Zhang et al. 28,29 3.3 Microstructural Characterization Figure 5 shows the microstructure of SiCp/7055Al composites fabricated by hot-press sintering. It can be seen that the SiCp distributes uniformly in the alu- minium matrix. There are little voids or porosities in the D. FU et al.: DYNAMIC COMPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF ALUMINIUM-MATRIX COMPOSITES REINFORCED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 201–207 205 Figure 6: SEM micrographs of the dynamically compressed SiCp/7055Al composites with SiCp volume fraction of: a) 15 x/% at 1500 s –1 , b) 15 x/% at 2200 s –1 ,c)15x/% at 3000 s –1 ,d)10x/% at 3000 s –1 ,e)5x/% at 3000 s –1 , f) Enlarged display of the box in (c). Figure 5: SEM micrographs of SiCp/7055Al composites before compression, a) 5 x/%, b) 10 x/%, c) 15 x/% composites. This indicates proper bonding of SiCp with the aluminium matrix. After dynamic compression tests, the specimens were compressed into thin disks, neither obvious deformation band nor the adiabatic shear band was developed in the specimens. To reveal the damage mechanism of the SiCp/7055Al composites during dynamic compression, the cross-section of the dynamically compressed SiCp/7055Al composite specimens was acquired. Typi- cal SEM micrographs of the dynamically compressed SiCp/7055Al composites with different SiCp volume fractions at various strain rates are shown in Figure 6. There are the two main modes of damage during the dy- namic compression of composites, i.e., SiCp cracking and SiCp/Al interface debonding, as indicated by the black and white arrows, respectively. From Figure 6, there were remarkable differences in the proportion of damaged SiCp in SiCp/7055Al composites with different particle fractions at various strain rates during dynamic compression. Comparing Figure 6a, 6b and 6c, the pro- portion of cracked and de-bonded SiCp with particle vol- ume fraction of 15 % increased with an increase in the strain rate. During deformation, the matrix transfers stress to the particles due to the mismatch of the elastic moduli between the particle and the matrix. The higher flow stress of the matrix, the more stress will be trans- ferred to the particles. So, the composites in service at higher strain rate have a higher flow stress. Cracked SiCp and interface debonding are more readily found in the composites at higher strain rates. Comparing Fig- ure 6c, 6d, and 6e, the proportion of cracked SiCp and interface de-bonding at the same strain rate increased with an increase in SiCp volume fraction. Li and Ramesh believed that the flow stress increases with an increase in the particle volume fraction at high strain rate based on the unit-cell model of Al/SiCp composites reinforced with different particle volume fractions. 30 This is consis- tent with the experimental results shown in Figure 2. Sun et al. concluded that as particle cracking and inter- face failure occurred during the deformation process of the composite, the probabilities of particle cracking and interface failure also increased as the particle volume fraction increased. 25 The above analysis shows that the SiCp volume fraction and strain rate significantly affect the damage of composites during the dynamic compres- sive deformation of SiCp/7055Al composites, and the degrees of damage of SiCp inevitably influences the dy- namic compressive properties of SiCp/7055Al compos- ites. Moreover, Figure 6f shows the local enlarged view of interface debonding in Figure 6c, it is evident that the aluminium matrix is melted locally by heat produced during adiabatic compression. The local melted matrix cannot transfer stress any more, which results in speci- mens’ damage at high strain rates. This agrees well with the decrease of flow stress at high strain rate in Fig- ure 1c. 4 CONCUSIONS The dynamic compressive properties of 7055 Al ma- trix composites reinforced with (5, 10 and 15) x/% SiCp at various strain rates were studied. The primary conclu- sions are as follows: (1) The results showed that (5, 10 and 15) x/% SiCp/7055Al composites were strain-rate sensitive and the effect of strain rate hardening is stronger than strain hardening. The flow stress increased with increasing strain rates. (2) The temperature rise during dynamic compres- sion is theoretically in the range 30–62 K for SiCp/7055Al composites and increases with an increase of the strain rate, which causes a decrease of flow stress for (10 and 15) x/% SiCp at 3000 s –1 owing to the ther- mal softening of the Al matrix. Due to the extremely short adiabatic compression time, it is difficult to test. However, it is necessary to carry out experimental tests. 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