| 11 | | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES V G 2024 GEODETSKI VESTNIK | letn. / Vol. 68 | št. / No. 1| SI | EN ABSTRACT IZVLEČEK KLJUČNE BESEDE KEY WORDS land cadastral boundary marks, Franciscan land cadastre survey, cave, agrarian community, Socerb Castle, Rosandra valley katastrski mejnik, franciscejska katastrska izmera, jama, agrarne skupnosti, Socerb, dolina Glinščice UDK: UDK:528.44(497.4Socerb) Klasifikacija prispevka po COBISS.SI: 1.01 Prispelo: 20. 9. 2023 Sprejeto: 7. 11. 2023 DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2024.01.11-39 SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Received: 20. 9. 2023 Accepted: 7. 11. 2023 Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY V prispevku bomo opisali nekdanje mejnike katastrskih občin na čezmejnem območju med Socerbom in dolino Glinščice. Danes so tod na slovenski strani državne meje vasi Socerb in Beka, na italijanski pa Mačkolje, Prebeneg, Dolina, Boljunec, Kroglje, Gornji Konec in Botač. V času franciscejske katastrske izmere, torej v času Avstrijskega cesarstva, so te vasi, razen Mačkolj, sodile v skupni okraj Robida (Fünfenberg), ki je bil del istrskega okrožja. Zato tod lahko najdemo enake stare mejnike katastrskih občin iz časa franciscejske in remabulančne katastrske izmere kot drugod na današnjem območju Slovenije. Poleg dvanajstih klesanih mejnikov bomo predstavili še dva izjemna primerka naravnih mejnikov: napise, vklesane na vhodne stene jame, in napise, vklesane na gladko kamnito steno. Pokazali pa bomo tudi, da so lahko mejniki, ki imajo enako obliko kot nekdanji mejniki katastrskih občin, nekoč na Primorskem označevali tudi skupne posesti agrarnih skupnosti, ki so jih imenovali jusi, in te niso vedno sovpadale z mejami katastrskih občin. In this paper we will describe the former boundaries of the cadastral municipalities in the Slovenian-Italian cross-border area between the Socerb castle and the Rosandra valley. T oday, the villages of Socerb and Beka are located on the Slovenian side of the border, and Mačkolje (Caresana), Prebeneg (Prebenico), Dolina (San Dorlingo della Valle), Boljunec (Bagnoli della Rosandra), Kroglje (Crogole), Gornji Konec (Bagnoli Superiore) and Botač (Bottazzo) on the Italian side. At the time of the Franciscan cadastral survey in this area (from 1818 to 1822), i.e., at the time of the Austrian Empire, these villages, except for Mačkolje, belonged to the district of Fünfenberg, which was part of the province of Istria. Therefore, the same type of cadastral municipality boundary marks from the Franciscan or a revised cadastral survey can be found here as elsewhere in the present-day territory of Slovenia. In addition to the twelve boundary stones with inscriptions, we will also present two natural boundary marks: inscriptions carved on the entrance walls of a cave and inscriptions carved on the smooth rock wall. We will also show that the boundary stones in the Primorska region, which have the same shape as the former cadastral municipality boundary stones, could also have once marked former common lands of agrarian communities, here called jusi, and these were not always the same as the cadastral municipality boundaries. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 12 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | 1 INTRODUCTION The Karst edge around the Socerb castle and the Glinščica or Rosandra valley (Glinščica in Slovenian, Val Rosandra in Italian) are ideal hiking locations for slightly cooler autumn, winter and spring days without heavy winds. Here you can enjoy the natural, historical and archaeological sites in the countryside or, if you are more adventurous, you can also go rock climbing on the cliffs around the Glinščica valley. The Glinščica valley itself is protected as a nature reserve on the Italian side. For more information on the waterfalls, ponds, the Church of Saint Mary and the beautifully preserved Roman aqueduct remains, see the more recent descriptions of the hiking trails in the Vinčec’s guidebook (2016, pp. 94-98), in the Planinski vestnik (T omšič, Drab, 2011), or Marini’s much more detailed although older Italian guidebook from 1978. However, the area also hides some exceptional geodetic treasures, which will be presented in this paper. At the time of the Franciscan land cadastral survey, which took place in the Austrian Littoral region between 1818 and 1822 (Zupanc, 2020; Slak et al., 2020), the entire area under consideration belonged to the province of Istria, under the district of Fünfenberg 1 , which included the former cadastral municipalities of Boljunec (Bagnoli della Rosandra), Boršt (San Antonio in Bosco), Draga (Draga Santa Elia), Dolina (San Dorlingo della Valle), Ocizla and Prebeneg (Prebenico), which also contained the present-day cadastral municipality of Socerb. T o the north, they bordered on the territory of the City of T rieste (T rst in Slovenian), and to the west the cadastral municipality of Mackolje (Caresana in Italian) in the district of Koper from the province of Istria. T oday, only the cadastral municipalities of Socerb, Ocizla and part of the former Draga are on the Slovenian side of the national border. Figure 1 shows in dotted lines the borders of the former cadastral municipalities on the Italian side, for which we do not know, if they are still officially valid today, and in the solid lines the borders of the cadastral municipalities on the Slovenian side, which are still of- ficially valid today. The former cadastral municipality boundaries around the present-day Slovenian-Italian national border no longer have an official role on the Slovenian side either, as the cadastral municipality boundaries here were changed in official procedures completed in the 1960s (PREG, 2023). At the time of the Franciscan land cadastral survey, the first major centre south of T rieste was the village of Dolina. It was not administratively part of the City of Trieste but belonged to the former province of Istria (Rutar, 1896, p. 255). Even today, Dolina is the name of municipality on the Italian side, under which this area belongs. On the Slovenian side, the area in question today mostly belongs to the municipality of the Hrpelje-Kozina, with only smaller part of the area around the Socerb castle which belongs to the municipality of Koper. The area of the district Fünfenberg, as assessed in the 1819 survey, first came under Austrian rule as early as the year 1414, was later reclaimed by the Venetians in 1508 and again by the Habsburgs in 1511 (Rutar, 1896, p. 255; Darovec, 1989). It belonged to the Habsburg monarchy at the time when the boundary between the V enetians and Habsburgs was no longer changing, i.e., in the period between 1535 and 1797. In the Middle Ages, the predecessor of the Fünfenberg castle, i.e., Moccò castle (Slovenian: Muha Castle), and Socerb castle were the first fortified outposts on the border between the Venetians and Habsburgs, which continued along the Kraški rob plateau with fortifications at Osp, Črni Kal, Loka and Podpeč (Darovec, 1992, p. 47; Darovec, 1989). The Venetian-Habsburg border was also marked 1 In Slovenian the district of Fünfenberg is called Robida (Krnel-Umek, 2006; Kocjančič, 2022). | 13 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | by boundary stones or special piles of stones. The locals called the special piles of stones muše (Vilfan, 1996, p. 133; Medvešek, 1992, p. 159). However, since the unauthorised relocation of boundary marks has always been forbidden, over time these special piles of stones, like other boundary marks (Triglav Čekada, Rože, Škafar, 2022), have become anchors for preserving stories related to their movement and the punishments that followed. T wo stories mentioned by Medvešek (1992, pp. 159, 173) can be linked to our study area. In the first one, a special pile of stones somewhere around the village of Beka is said to have been created by stoning to death a man from Trieste who had been stealing sheep from the locals at its location. The second one, which is connected to the area around the village of Kroglje, is about a farmer who was possessed by a devil, and who relocated boundary marks a few steps to the detriment of an orphan, but then a huge storm came and washed them away, and bare rocks emerged from the ground at the sites where boundary stones had stood before. Figure 1: Preserved old boundary marks from the time of the Franciscan and revised cadastral surveys and the former and present boundaries of the cadastral municipalities (C. M.). The present and former cadastral municipalities boundaries shown here are provided for illustrative purposes only (source: DTK50, GURS). In the past, one of the co-authors of the current work, Bratož, was informed by local people about the existence of older cadastral boundary marks in this area. In 2023 we made a new field inspection of all the presented boundary marks to check their current status in nature. For the interpretation of the | 14 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | historical sequence of changes in the boundaries of cadastral municipalities and land plots, we used the land cadastre data from the eZKN online viewer (2018) and the data on the Franciscan and revised ca- dastral surveys from the online viewer of the National Archive of T rieste (AST , 2023). For the Slovenian side, we also checked the data on the former owners of the individual land plots in the e-Land Registry (e-Sodstvo, 2010). Additionally, in the application PREG (PREG, 2022) we checked the individual cadastral records and the detailed geodetic data about interesting trigonometric points from this area. 2 RESULTS Fourteen older boundary marks can still be found in the entire area shown in Figure 1, for which detailed descriptions are given in Table 1. Table 1 also mentions a location where we cannot find a boundary mark anymore, but one stood there in the past. All the boundary marks have the names of the villages and the year of the Franciscan or revised cadastral survey carved on them. Most of the described bound- ary marks are made from local sandstone. The locals call this sandstone sovdan (Ciglič, 1989). The only exceptions which are made from limestone are a large square stone at Botač located on the end of the former dry wall with the carved year 1894 (Table 1, no. 10), a cadastral municipality boundary mark from 1863 standing beside a present-day national boundary stone between Italy and Slovenia located below the Socerb castle (no. 13) and a three-sided cadastral municipality boundary stone in Mačkolje (no. 14). T wo extremely rare examples of natural boundary marks can be found here as well: a boundary inscription carved into a natural stone slab (no. 11) and Boundary Cave – Mejna jama (no. 7). The first one, with the carved year 1819, can be found under the second tunnel of the former Hrpelje-Kozina- Trieste railway, if the railway tunnels are counted from the direction of the city of Kozina. This is the tunnel closest to the village of Hrvati (Fig. 2). The railway was built in 1885–1886 and closed in 1958 (Marini, 1978). A carved mark on a natural slab represented a cadastral municipality boundary between the cadastral municipalities of Boljunec and Boršt, and it was thus already defined before the railway was built and the tunnel was constructed. On one of the older land cadastre maps 2 this location is marked with a topographical sign which represents a cadastral boundary stone. An even more beautiful example of a natural boundary mark is Boundary Cave – Mejna jama in Slove- nian (No. 7) and known in Italian as the Grotta delle Antiche Iscrizioni (Fig. 3). This horizontal cave is 30 m long and has a 2 m high entrance (Marini, 1978, p. 127). No older inscriptions can be found on its walls, hence its name refers to the inscriptions at its entrance. On the entrance walls the year 1819 is carved on both sides along with the names of the villages of Boljunec and Dolina, meaning that this cave had a border role between those two cadastral municipalities at the time of the Franciscan land cadastral survey. A rectangular cross, which is probably much older, is also carved just above the entrance to the cave. Examples of similar crosses carved into rock were found by Coradazzi and Spinato (1993, p. 127) on the former northern part of eastern Venetian-Habsburg border, which partly coincides with today’s northern part of Slovenian-Italian border and have been dated at least to the first half of the 18 th century. Despite its prominence, the cave is not explicitly marked with a topographical sign depicting its cadastral border role on any of the older land cadastral maps, but it certainly represents a corner point between two former cadastral municipalities. 2 AST (1819). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Bagnoli della Rosandra, 671d03, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/514056f7-654e- 494b-8ba5-201d2e5bd4e7/651-d-03-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-bagnoli-della-rosandra-foglio-iii-sezione-iii-1819 | 15 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | Table 1: Field-verified boundary marks between the Socerb castle and the Mali Kras hill and around the Glinščica valley. 3 No. Name of location Detailed description of the boundary mark: inscriptions on the boundary mark 1 In a forest named on the old cadastral maps Vrh Cesarjevič 3 (Slovenia) Go through the forest about 30 m from the main path to the east. A collapsed and broken boundary stone made of sandstone lies on an old pile of stones, height 78 cm, 23×18 cm: BEKA 1865 / SOCERB 1865. 2 Vrh Cesarjevič: leaning against a tree on the edge of a meadow (Slovenia) From a fallen and broken boundary stone continue eastwards for about 190 m, always staying on the edge of a clearing. A boundary stone made of sandstone is leaning against an isolated tree, height 63 cm, 45×16 cm: SOCERB 1865 / BEKA 1865. 3 Intersection of two paths above the parachute take-off area (Slovenia) There used to stand a three-sided boundary mark, but does no longer exists. 4 Polana (Slovenia) Boundary stone made of sandstone, which has broken into three parts following calcite veins, the height above ground 77 cm, 42×22 cm: BOLIUNZ 1819 / BECCA. 5 By the Brezno pri Beki cave (Slovenia) Boundary stone from a sandstone, height 70 cm, 32×22 cm: BOLIUNZ / BECCA 1819. 6 Near the top of the hill Mali Kras next to the national border (Italy) At today’s national border mark ITA-SLO 82/32, go into the bush towards the top of the hill Mali Kras. The distance between two stones is about 10 m. The boundary stone made of sandstone is broken in half following a calcite vein, height 73 cm, 34×22 cm: BOLIUNZ 1819 / BECCA. 7 Mejna jama – Grotta delle Antiche Iscrizioni (Italy) Cave about 300 m from the national border on the Italian side. The cave entrance is about 2 m high, with a carved rectangular cross above the entrance and an inscription on each entrance wall (carved letters 8 cm high, black marks on the letters): GEMEINDE BOLUNZ 1819 / GEMEINDE DOLINA 1819. 8 Deep into the gorge of the Grižnik stream (Slovenia) Boundary stone made of sandstone, height 70 cm, 39×22 cm: BOLIUNZ 1819 / BECCA. 9 Three-sided boundary stone in Botač: confluence of the rivers Glinščica and Grižnik (Italy) Three-sided boundary stone made of sandstone, height 85 cm, 47×47×36 cm: DORF BECCA 1819 / GEMEINDE DRAGA / GEMEINDE BOLIUNZ. 10 Botač: carved mark on a stone block above the Supet waterfall (Italy) A larger stone block on the corner of a former dry wall with the year 1894 carved on it, 77 cm high, 88 × 43 cm. On top of it lies a smaller stone block without inscriptions, 30 cm high, 62×40 cm. 11 On a natural stone slab under the second tunnel of the former railway (Italy) T wo orientation lines about 1 m long and a rectangular cross (the diameter of the arm is 17 cm) carved into the natural slab: BORST / BOLIUNZ 1819. 12 A hilltop before the top of Sveti Mihael (Italy) Boundary stone made of sandstone, height 70 cm, 43×20 cm, the sandstone is nicely smoothed on the sides with inscriptions: GEMAINDE BORST 1819 / GEMAINDE BOLIUNZ 1819. 13 Under the Socerb castle next to the national border Boundary stone made of limestone, rounded on top, standing 90 cm east of the Slovenia-Italy national border mark No. 83/45; height 95 cm, 31×25 cm: SOCERB 1863 / C DOLINA* 1863. 14 Three-sided boundary stone in Mačkolje at the intersection of four roads (Italy) Three-sided boundary made of limestone, height 107 cm, 43×40×52 cm: MAČKOULJE 1819 / DOLINA 1819 / PREBENEK. 15 Mačkolje: a boundary stone built into a stone fence along the road (Italy) A sandstone boundary stone separating the former cadastral municipalities of Mačkolje and Prebeneg: COMUNE DI CARESANA 1819. * The N in DOLINA is misspelled as И, which can be attributed to the poor literacy of the stonemasons of that time. Similar examples of misspelled letters or words can be found in T riglav Čekada, Rože and Škafar (2022). 3 The term vrh now means “peak” in Slovenian, but it used to refer to a pass, and not to the top of the hill itself (Badjura, 1953). | 16 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | Figure 2: View from lookout point next to the village of Zabrežec (Italian: Vedetta di Moccò) towards the first two tunnels of the former Trieste-Hrpelje-Kozina railway, counting from the direction of Kozina. A circle marks the location of the boundary mark on the natural rock slab below the tunnel (Table 1, No. 11). Figure 3: Boundary Cave – Mejna jama (Italian: Grotte delle Antiche Iscrizioni) (Table 1, No. 7). On the left side is inscribed GEMAINDE DOLINA 1819, on the right GEMAINDE BOLIUNZ and there is a cross above the entrance. | 17 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | 2.1 Around the Glinščica valley – former Boljunec cadastral municipality boundary marks If we examine the archival Franciscan and revised land cadastral maps from the T rieste archive (AST , 2023), we quickly notice that both the inscription on the natural slab under the tunnel and the Mejna jama represent boundary marks of the same former cadastral municipality – that is, the cadastral municipality of Boljunec (Italian: Bagnoli della Rosandra). On the route around the Glinščica valley and the hill Mali Kras, which is also called Vrh Griže by the locals, we will encounter three more boundary marks that once defined the boundary of the same cadastral municipality. On the Italian side just below the top of the hill Mali Kras, approximately 10 metres away from the present-day Slovenia-Italy state borderline stone no. 82/32, we can find a former boundary stone between cadastral municipalities of Boljunec and Ocizla, which is 73 cm high (No. 6) (Fig. 6a). Since the boundaries of the cadastral municipalities on the Slovenian side were adapted to the national borderline in the 1960s (PREG, 2023 4 ), the boundaries of the cadastral municipalities from the time of the Franciscan or revised land cadastral surveys are no longer valid here. The non-valid cadastral municipality boundaries are marked with a dotted line in Figure 1. This boundary stone thus no longer has the official administrative status of a cadastral municipality boundary mark, but the stone itself it is still considered to be an important part of the geodetic heritage. In Botač, at the confluence of the Glinščica and Grižnik rivers, under the newer concrete bridge over which the footpath crosses, i.e., on the opposite riverbank to the ruins of one of the former mills from Botač, we can find a beautiful three-sided cadastral municipality boundary stone that used to demarcate the cadastral municipalities of Boljunec, Ocizla and Draga (No. 9). The year 1819 and the inscriptions reveal that at the time of the Franciscan land cadastral survey it delimited the village of Beka and the former cadastral municipalities of Draga and Boljunec (Fig. 4a). This three-way boundary stone is not specifically designated on any of the older land cadastral maps. a b Figure 4: The cadastral municipalities boundary stones: a three-sided stone in village of Botač (Table 1, No. 9) and a two-sided stone under the Sveti Mihael hill (No. 12). 4 For example, cadastral procedures from 1964: IDPOS 2015 for cadastral municipality 2557 Ocizla, IDPOS 0022 for cadastral municipality 2598 Socerb. | 18 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | From here, you can follow the footpath along the left bank of the river Glinščica towards the Supet wa- terfall, and at the lookout point above the waterfall you should ascend to the faint path leading towards the road headed to village Botač. About 30 metres before the road you will see a larger, roughly square stone block 77 cm high and 88×43 cm in cross-section made of limestone with the year 1894 inscribed in it. It lies approximately on the end of some kind of dry wall remains. The shape of the numbers on this stone block do not resemble the shape of the numbers which can be found on the other boundary marks from this area originating from the time of the Franciscan or revised land cadastral surveys. As can be seen in Figure 5b, which shows a georeferenced 5 land cadastral map from the time of the Fran- ciscan land cadastral survey and the locations of the stone block (No. 10) and the three-sided boundary stone from Botač (No. 9), the stone block presented only the land plot boundary and not the boundary between the cadastral municipalities. a b Figure 5: Mark of the former land plot boundary and dry wall in Botač (Table 1, No. 10): a) stone block with a carved year of 1894, b) a location on the Franciscan cadastral map (AST 6 , 1873). Along the road from Botač, ascend to the route of the former railway, where you then head downwards towards the village of Zabrežec. Just before the entrance to the second tunnel, descend to a steep, unof- ficial path used by climbers, which leads along the outer side beneath the tunnel. After seeing the stone slab with the inscribed lines, cross and names of the former cadastral municipalities (No. 11), which we described in detail in the previous chapter, we return along the same path back to the route of the former railway. We then follow the route of the former railway for a while. We leave the railway track and head towards the village of Zabrežec (Italian: Moccò), where we first head toward the lookout point above Zabrežec (locals call the lookout point Ćajba). On the top of the hill above the lookout point there remain only modest ruins of the former Moccò castle. We then follow the footpath to the neighbouring hill of Sveti Mihael (Italian: San Michele). On the first hilltop before the main peak of Sveti Mihael, some 50 m away from the last houses of the village of Zabrežec, we find another boundary stone of the former cadastral municipality of Boljunec (No. 12) (Fig. 4b). The site itself is not specifically marked on any of the older cadastral maps, but it certainly represents a break in the boundary of two former cadastral municipalities. 5 A linear transformation was used for georeferencing, based on identical roadside points identified on the Franciscan cadastral map and in their current location on the OpenStreetMap. 6 AST (1873). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Draga S. Elia, 661a04, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/c888468f-0a14-4c8e- b016-4cff9538cea1/661-a-04-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-draga-s-elia-foglio-iv-sezione-iv-1819-post-1873 | 19 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | a b Figure 6: Two cadastral municipality boundary stones near the present-day Italian-Slovenian state border: a) the former boundary stone near the Mali Kras which has no official role today (Table 1, No. 6), b) the boundary stone under the Socerb castle located alongside the today’s national boundary mark no. 83/45 (No. 13). 2.2 Between Socerb castle and the Mali Kras hill – boundaries of former agrarian communities Returning to the Kraški rob plateau between Socerb castle and the hill of Mali Kras, the inscriptions on most of the boundary marks found here, with the inscribed years 1819 and 1865, resemble in shape and design those seen on the boundary marks of cadastral communes. But at least five of them today denote only the boundaries of land plots and not the boundaries of cadastral municipalities. An examination of the archival land cadastral maps of the Ocizla cadastral municipality from the time of the Franciscan cadastral survey to the present day (AST , 2023; eZKN, 2023) reveals that the boundaries of the cadastral municipalities here have not changed much over time. The only exception are the boundaries of the cadastral municipalities on the present-day national border, which were amended in the 1960s, as already mentioned in the previous chapter. None of the locations on which these land plot boundary marks are located today is marked on old land cadastre maps with a special cartographic sigh presenting any kind of a boundary mark. The erection of the boundary marks, which are identical in appearance to those of the cadastral mu- nicipalities (Figure 7), but now stand only on the boundaries of the land plots, can be attributed to the management of the former neighbourhoods with their shared common area, which was grazed by the communities’ animals and used for collecting firewood and animal bedding. In the former Austrian Lit- toral region, such land was called gmajna, communal land, srenja land or komunela. The share that each landowner had in such a common land was called a jus, and the beneficiaries of the common land were called jusars. The right to common land was inherited only by the first son of the indigenous inhabitants, and newcomers found it difficult to buy a share of it (Vilfan, 1996, p. 262; Ciglič, 1989). Today, such | 20 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | an area would be called an agricultural community. However, due to various historical circumstances, such common property has now often transformed into a form of co-ownership (Kocjančič, 2022, pp. 110-123; Čeh, Žužel, Mansutti, 2020; Petek and Urbanc, 2007). Ciglič (1989) describes in detail the former management of such common lands, especially for the area around Socerb castle: from how they organised the common grazing of sheep and cows, to the payment of a common shepherd, to the common collecting and cutting of firewood, the common collection of animal bedding and harvesting hay. Their joint ownership of such communal land was later registered in the land register (Ciglič, 1989; Vilfan, 1996 p. 251). Indeed, an inspection of the archival data from the land registry (e-Sodstvo, 2023) shows that boundary marks 4, 5 and 8 still demarcate on one side the common property of the Srenja Boljunec (land plots 5966/2, 5965/1 from the cadastral municipality of Ocizla), on the other side those land plots have a highly numerous ownership (originally consisting of at least 27 owners), which probably originated from the common land of Beka (Fig. 8). Let us also mention boundary mark No. 3, where the three-sided mark used to stand. It represented the intersec- tion of the boundary between the cadastral municipalities of Ocizla and Dolina with the boundary of the two aforementioned common properties. In the Socerb cadastral municipality on the border between land plots 1150/17 and 1150/5 in the north and land plot 1150/15 in the south – which is marked as Vrh Cesarjevič on the cadastral maps from the e-ZKN (2018) and where we find two boundary marks bearing the year 1865 (No. 1 and 2) – we can infer the same phenomenon from the history of ownership relations. The boundary land plots in the north, together with land plot 5966/5, which is already in the cadastral municipality of Ocizla, have the same original composition of a larger number of owners, while the lower land plots have different original co-ownership, firstly being composed just of seven co-owners (Fig. 8). Those two boundary marks thus represented the border between the former common lands of Socerb and Beka. We can deduce why these two boundary marks bear the year 1865 from the land cadastral maps of the Franciscan 7 and the revised 8 cadastres, since this land plot boundary appears for the first time only on the revised cadastral map, whereas the land plot boundary presented in the previous paragraph is already visible on the Franciscan land cadastral map. The revised cadastral maps bear several years of corrections, the first being in 1873, ten years after this boundary was established in nature, which we dated by the year inscribed on the boundary stones. These two bound- ary stones, dated 1865, are also the only ones on which the name of the village of Beka is written as Beka, all the others dating from 1819 have the inscription Becca. This 1865 land plot boundary can be linked to the formal arrangement of the common land ownership following the 1848 land release (Vilfan, 1996, p. 352; Slak et al., 2020, p. 61), and the boundary mentioned in the previous paragraph was already defined before that. As a point of interest, we should also mention that most of the land plots presenting the dolines here (in Figure 8, smaller land plots within larger plots with no land plot number added) have a smaller number of owners or co-owners, in the vast majority of cases with a maximum of two co-owners, which is much less than the land plots created from the former common lands. This is because the ownership of the fertile gardens on bottoms of dolines, which were formerly used for cultivating perennial crops, has always been much more important than the ownership of the common bushes or poor pastures. 7 AST (1819). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Prebenigo, 675b02, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/b0f06751-4b8e-4f7b-b3cc- 488d481b31bc/675-b-02-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-prebenigo-foglio-ii-sezione-ii-1819-sec-xix-primo-quarto 8 AST (1873). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Prebenigo, 675a01, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/e15d6ed7-d230-4d57-923f- 4445f765b717/675-a-02-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-prebenigo-foglio-ii-1819-1891 | 21 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | Figure 7: Boundary marks of the former common land: a) Cesarjevič – a fallen and broken boundary stone with the year 1865 (Table 1, No. 1), b) Cesarjevič – a boundary stone with the year 1865 leaning against a tree (No. 2), c) Polana – a boundary stone from the year 1819 broken into three parts (No. 4), d) a boundary stone at the Brezno pri Beki Cave (No. 5) and e) a boundary stone from the year 1819 in the gorge of the Grižnik stream before the moss was removed from it (No. 8). Between Socerb castle and Mali Kras on Slovenian side of the border we can find another three preserved trigonometric points, each of which represents an interesting heritage (Figure 9): on the embankment next to Socerb castle (141, order IV, trigonometric district Koper), on the rocky pier of the Špeču hill (194, order IV, Koper) and on the top of the Mali Kras hill (241, order III, Sežana). According to the appearance of the trigonometric marks, the first two are post-war trigonometric points, the last one is much older (T riglav Čekada et al, 2022). The trigonometric point at the Mali Kras, which is made out of limestone from the Črni Kal, can be linked to the cadastral survey, as the trigonometric point at this location can already be seen on the Franciscan land cadastral maps. | 22 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | Figure 8: Old boundary marks between Socerb castle and Mali Kras and the division into former common lands according to the current state of ownership or co-ownership of the land plots. For the sake of clarity, only the numbers of the largest parcels – the parcels of the former common lands – are shown. The boundaries of the land plots and cadastral municipalities (C. M.) shown here are for informative purposes only (source: national laser scanning of Slovenia, MOP). Figure 9: Trigonometric marks at: a) Socerb (No. 141, 4 th order, Koper trigonometric district), b) Špeču (No. 194, 4 th order, Koper trig. District) and c) Mali Kras (No. 241, 3 rd order, Sežana trig. District). | 23 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | 2.3 Under Socerb castle – the former Prebeneg cadastral municipality boundary If we walk along the mountain path from the village of Socerb towards the village of Dolina, there is another former boundary stone between the cadastral municipalities of Dolina and the former Prebeneg, today’s Socerb (No. 13), next to today’s Slovenia-Italy national border marker No 83/45. This one is made of limestone and bears the year 1863 and the inscription SOCERB, C DOLINA. C probably stands for “Comune di”, as it is written in full on the boundary mark built into in a stone fence in the village Mačkolje. This boundary stone was erected around the same time as the common land boundary stones erected at the Cesarjevič, i.e., at the time of the revised land cadastral survey. In Figure 6b, in the centre between the cadastral boundary stone and the present-day state boundary mark, a sandstone clade is laid on the ground, which is partially concreted into the foundation of the state boundary mark. Although no inscriptions have been observed on it on the field, the shape of the clade suggests that it represents a former boundary stone that was replaced by a newer one at the time of the cadastral reassessment. The location of this boundary stone is not specifically marked on any of the older cadastral maps. If we drive from Socerb to the village of Mačkolje on the Italian side, at the end of the village, at the edge of a crossroad of four roads, you will find a three-sided boundary stone of the cadastral municipalities of Mačkolje, Prebeneg and Dolina dating from 1819 (Fig. 10a). The boundary stone, which we have marked as No. 14 in Table 1, is 104 cm high, has inscriptions carved in square fields and, unlike the majority of others we have mentioned around the Glinščica valley and on the plateau above Socerb castle, is made of limestone. The location of this boundary stone is already marked with a special topographical sign representing a boundary stone on the Franciscan land cadastral map 9 . From this crossroad, take the road leading south to the village of Osp. The road follows the former border between the cadastral municipalities of Mačkolje and Prebeneg and divides the village into two parts. Until 1797, this border also represented the one between the V enetian Republic and the Habsburg Monarchy. Unlike the Venetian border, which ran between Socerb and Osp and was a site of regular border disputes, in the village of Mačkolje itself the neighbours on both sides of the border were said to have lived in a cohesive manner (Bertoša, 1986, pp. 150-151). A stone fence runs along the eastern side of the road, in which, some 500 metres from the aforementioned three-sided cadastral municipal- ity boundary stone, or 70 metres further from the church of Sveti Jernej, this cadastral municipalities boundary stone from 1819 can be found (Fig. 10b). The location of the boundary stone is not specifi - cally marked on any of the older cadastral maps. Older photographs of the two boundary stones from Mačkolje 10 from 1967 can be found in the collection of the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum (SEM, 1967). If we compare the 1967 photograph of the last boundary stone mentioned here with the present photograph, we can see that the stone fence has already been renovated in the meantime, as today the boundary stone has concrete around it. 9 AST (1819). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Dorligo della Valle, 681b04, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/b9123a22-27d4- 4756-a4c3-9559b4148613/681-b-04-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-s-dorligo-della-valle-foglio-iv-sezioni-iv-e-v-1819-sec-xix-primo-quarto 10 Tree-sided boundary stone from Mačkolje from the year 1967 (SEM, 1967): https://www.etno-muzej.si/sl/digitalne-zbirke/mackolje/f0000023003, https://www.etno-muzej.si/sl/digitalne-zbirke/mackolje/f0000023166 Boundary stone built in stone fence from Mačkolje from the year 1967 (SEM, 1967): https://www.etno-muzej.si/sl/digitalne-zbirke/mackolje/f0000023031 | 24 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN a b Figure 10: Mačkolje: a) three-sided cadastral municipality boundary stone of Mačkolje, Prebeneg and Dolina (Table 1, No. 14), b) cadastral municipality boundary stone of Mačkolje and Prebeneg built into a stone fence alongside a road (No. 15). 3 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Among the boundary marks from the Franciscan or the revised land cadastral surveys, which mainly demarcated the cadastral municipalities and common lands in the area between the villages of Socerb in Slovenia and Zabrežec in Italy, the most important is certainly Boundary Cave – Mejna jama. De- spite the large number of caves on both the Slovenian and Italian sides of the border, this cave is, to the authors’ knowledge, the first cave that, through carved inscriptions, unambiguously demonstrates its border role from at least the time of the Franciscan land cadastral survey. In addition to the inscriptions on the two entrance walls, it has a rectangular cross carved on the top above its entrance. This may have been inscribed much earlier (Kozorog, 2008; Coradazzi and Spinato, 1993). Another remarkable boundary mark is the carved inscription on a natural smooth flat rock slab under the second tunnel of the former Hrpelje-Kozina-Trst/Trieste railway, which uses a break in the natural wall as a bound- ary line. This is an exceptional example of a boundary mark, which is different from other boundary inscriptions found carved on cliffs and bigger rocks in the Slovenian Northern Primorje mountainous areas (Kozorog, 2008) or carved into larger rocky outcrops, such as those found between the town of Sežana and the village of Rodik (Triglav Čekada, Rože, Škafar, 2022), as well as individual ones found elsewhere (T riglav Čekada, 2023). This cross-border area is also interesting from the point of view of the study of changes in the cadastral municipalities’ boundaries, because here the boundaries of the cadastral municipalities should not be considered as boundaries that have remained the same since 1819 until the present day. The finalisation Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 25 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN of the post-war state border between the Italian Republic and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia also led to significant changes in the boundaries of the cadastral municipalities, which were adapted to the new state border, which resulted in cadastral municipality boundary changes that were finalised on the Slovenian side in the 1960s. This is why the former cadastral municipality boundary marks can also be found here, but today they have no officially valid role. Some of them may have retained their role of being land plot boundary marks if new rearrangements of land plots have not taken place here. Nevertheless, they must still be considered as outstanding geodetic heritage, as they tell the story of the former course of spatial and ownership subdivision. After a detailed examination of the archival land cadastral maps of the Franciscan and revised cadastral surveys, we found that most of the boundary marks described here are not marked with special cartographic signs marking the boundary mark. The only exceptions are the three-sided boundary stone in Mačkolje and the carved inscription on the rock slab under the tunnel of the former railway, and even these two are marked as boundary stones only on two individual land cadastre maps. Therefore, this paper proves that for the study of old boundary marks it is not enough to know just the archival records in detail, as it is much more important to have good local knowledge about the terrain. We could come across some of the cadas- tral municipality boundary marks described here while walking along the former cadastral municipalities’ boundaries, but we would surely overlook the former common lands’ boundary marks, because today they mark only the boundaries of land plots. Moreover, four out of five former common lands’ boundary stones are set on a straight line of the land plot, where no breaks in the boundary of the land plot can be seen today. The publication of an inventory of such boundary marks is not only important because of their already significant cultural and historical role, so that our descendants will be able to know where the preserved boundary marks from past periods are still present in the nature (Bradara and Kuzmanović, 2017; 2020), but also for the planning of future geodetic works, as the knowledge about such boundary marks can help in the implementation of various national or local land cadastral procedures (Čeh et al. 2019; Novak, 2020). Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Franc Malečkar for his help in identifying the materials from which the boundary stones discussed in this paper are made. This work was partly conducted within the scope of the applied research project L2-50090 funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency and the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. Literature and sources: Badjura, R. (1953). Ljudska geografija: terensko izrazoslovje. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije. Bertoša, M. (1986). Mletačka Istra u XVI i XVII stoljeću II: Društvene strukture, populacija, gospodarstvo. Pulj: Istarska naklada. Bradara, T., Kuzmanović, N. (2017). Novootkrivene granične oznake u Istarskima šumama. Histria archaeologica, 47, 283-297. Bradara, T., Kuzmanović, N. (2020). Katastar Franje I. i granične oznake na istarskom poluotoku: primer Ćićarije. V Zupanc, I. (edt.). Franciscejski kataster v Istri: vzpostavitev, raziskave, dediščina. 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Boundary Cave and other land cadastral boundary marks around Socerb Castle and the Rosandra valley. Geodetski vestnik, 68 (1), 11-39. DOI: https://doi.org/geodetski-vestnik.2024.01.11-39 Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 27 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKROG SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE OSNOVNE INFORMACIJE O ČLANKU: GLEJ STRAN 11 1 UVOD Kraški rob v okolici Socerba in dolina Glinščice sta idealni pohodniški lokaciji za malo hladnejše je- senske, zimske in pomladne dni brez burje. Tod se lahko v naravi naužijemo naravnih, zgodovinskih in arheoloških znamenitosti ali pa, če smo bolj adrenalinski, se lahko lotimo plezanja po stenah okrog doline Glinščice. Sama dolina Glinščice (v italijanščini Val Rosandra) je na italijanski strani zaščitena kot naravni rezervat. Več o tem, kakšne slapove, tolmune, božjepotno cerkvico sv. Marije ter lepo oh- ranjene ostanke rimskega vodovoda lahko tod občudujemo, izvemo v novejših opisih planinskih poti v vodniku Vinčec (2016, str. 94–98), Planinskem vestniku (T omšič, Drab, 2011) ali veliko podrobnejšem starejšem italijanskem vodniku Marini (1978). Območje pa skriva tudi prave geodetske zaklade, ki jih bomo predstavili v tem članku. Celotno obravnavano območje je v času franciscejske katastrske izmere, ki je na Primorskem potekala med letoma 1818 in 1822 (Zupanc, 2020; Slak et al., 2020), spadalo v istrsko okrožje, pod okraj Robida (Fünfenberg) 1 . Zajemal je tudi nekdanje katastrske občine Boljunec, Boršt, Draga, Dolina, Ocizla, ter Prebeneg, ki je vključevala današnjo katastrsko občino Socerb. Na severu so mejile na ozemlje mesta Trst, na zahodu pa na katastrsko občino Mačkolje iz okraja Koper v istrskem okrožju. Danes so na slovenski strani meje le katastrske občine Socerb, Ocizla in del nekdanje Drage. Na sliki 1 so črtkano označene meje nekdanjih katastrskih občin, za katere za italijansko stran avtorja ne poznata podrobno kakšen status imajo danes, s polno črto pa današnje še vedno uradno veljavne meje katastrskih občin na slovenski strani. Nekdanje meje katastrskih občin v okolici današnje slovensko-italijanske meje danes tudi na slovenski strani nimajo več uradne vloge, saj so bile meje katastrskih občin tod spremenjene v uradnih postopkih, ki so bili dokončani v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja (PREG, 2023). Že v času franciscejske katastrske izmere je bil prvi večji kraj južno od T rsta vas Dolina, ki pa upravno ni spadala pod T rst, ampak v nekdanje istrsko okrožje (Rutar, 1896, str. 255). Po njej se tudi danes imenuje občina na italijanski strani, katere del je to območje. Na slovenski strani obravnavano območje danes večinoma spada v občino Hrpelje – Kozina, le območje okrog samega gradu Socerb je del občine Koper. Okraj Robida iz leta 1819 je prvič prišel pod avstrijsko oblast že daljnega leta 1414, pozneje 1508. so si ga priborili nazaj Benečani in ponovno 1511. Habsburžani (Rutar, 1896, str. 255; Darovec, 1989). V času, ko se meja med Benečani in Habsburžani ni več spreminjala, to je med letoma 1535 in 1797, je spadal k habsburški monarhiji, okraj Koper pa k Beneški republiki. V srednjem veku sta bila predhodnik gradu Robida, to je Muhov grad (italijansko Moccò), in grad Socerb prvi utrjeni postojanki na meji med Benečani in Habsburžani, ki se je nadaljevala po Kraškem robu z utrdbami 1 Poimenovanje Robida za grad Fünfenberg je povzeto po Krnel-Umek (2006) in Kocjančič (2022). Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 28 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI| EN na Ospu, Črnem Kalu, Loki in Podpeči (Darovec, 1992, str. 47; Darovec, 1989). Na tej mejni črti so v več stoletjih redno potekali oboroženi spori (Bertoša, 1986, str. 109, 151). Beneško-hab- sburška meja je bila zaznamovana tudi z mejniki ali kupi kamenja. Domačini so slednje imenovali muše (Vilfan, 1996, str. 133; Medvešek, 1992, str. 159). Ker pa premikanje mejnikov že od nekdaj velja za nedovoljeno, so skozi čas muše, podobno kot ostali mejniki (Triglav Čekada, Rože, Škafar, 2022), postale sidrišča za ohranjanje pripovedi, povezanih s premikanjem mejnikov, in kaznimi, ki so v takem primeru sledile. Z obravnavanim območjem lahko povežemo dve zgodbi, ki ju omenja Medvešek (1992, str. 159, 173). V prvi naj bi ena muša na območju vasi Beka nastala tako, da naj bi na njenem mestu do smrti kamenjali nekega Tržačana, ki je domačinom kradel ovce. Drugo, v kateri je od hudiča obseden kmet na škodo neke sirote za nekaj korakov premaknil mejnike, a jih je nato odnesla nevihta, in na prvotnih mestih mejnikov so se iz tal pokazale gole skale, pa lahko povežemo z vasjo Kroglje. Slika 1: Ohranjeni stari mejniki iz časa franciscejske in reambulančne katastrske izmere ter nekdanje in današnje meje kata- strskih občin. Prikazane meje današnjih in nekdanjih katastrskih občin so le informativne (vir podlage: DTK50, GURS). O obstoju starejših katastrskih mejnikov so soavtorja Bratoža v preteklosti obvestili domačini, avtorja pa sva letos s terenskim pregledom ponovno preverila njihovo stanje v naravi. Pri interpretaciji zgodovinskega Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 29 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN poteka spreminjanja mej katastrskih občin in zemljiških parcel sva si pomagala s podatki o zemljiškem katastru iz spletnega pregledovalnika eZKN (2018) ter podatki o franciscejski in reambulančni izmeri iz spletnega pregledovalnika Državnega arhiva iz Trsta (AST, 2023). Podatke o nekdanjih lastnikih posameznih parcel za slovensko stran sva preverila še v e-zemljiški knjigi (e-sodstvo, 2010), podatke o posameznih katastrskih postopkih ter ostalih zanimivih trigonometričnih točkah s tega območja pa v aplikaciji PREG (PREG, 2022). 2 REZULTATI Na celotnem območju, ki je prikazano na sliki 1, še vedno najdemo štirinajst starejših mejnikov, ki so natančneje opisani v preglednici 1. V preglednici 1 omenjamo še eno lokacijo, kjer danes ni več mejni- ka, v preteklosti pa je tam še izpričano stal. Vsi ohranjeni mejniki imajo vklesana imena vasi in letnico franciscejske ali reambulančne izmere. Večina opisanih mejnikov je izdelana iz lokalnega peščenjaka, ki so ga domačini imenovali sovdan (Ciglič, 1989). Izjeme iz apnenca so le obdelan večji kamniti kvader na koncu nekdanjega suhega zidu z letnico 1894 iz Botača (preglednica 1, št. 10), mejnik iz leta 1863 ob današnjem državnem mejniku pod Socerbom (št. 13) ter tristrani mejnik v Mačkoljah (št. 14). Tod najdemo tudi dva izjemno redka primera naravnih mejnikov: v naravno kamnito ploščo vklesan mejni napis (št. 11) ter Mejno jamo (št. 7). V naravno kamnito ploščo vklesan napis z letnico 1819 najdemo pod drugim predorom nekdanje železnice Hrpelje–Kozina–T rst, če štejemo iz smeri Kozine. T o je predor, ki je najbližji vasi Hrvati (slika 2). Železnica je bila zgrajena v letih 1885–1886 in ukinjena leta 1958 (Marini, 1978). Lom meje med katastrskima občinama Boljunec in Boršt je bil tako opredeljen že pred postavitvijo železnice in gradnjo predora. Ta lom je na enem starejših zemljiškokatastrskih načrtov 2 označen s topografskim znakom, ki predstavlja mejnik. Še lepši primerek naravnega mejnika je Mejna jama (št. 7) z italijanskim imenom Jama starih napisov (Grotta delle Antiche Iscrizioni) (slika 3). Jama je vodoravna in dolga 30 metrov (Marini, 1978, str. 127). V notranjosti na njenih stenah ne najdemo kakšnih starejših napisov, zato se ime nanaša na napise na njenem vhodu. Na stenah približno dva metra visokega vhoda ima vklesano letnico 1819 in napise, ki nam povedo, da je jama v času franciscejske katastrske izmere razmejevala katastrski občini Boljunec in Dolina. T očno nad vhodom v jamo je vklesan še pravokotni križ, ki je verjetno še veliko starejši. Primere podobnih križev, vklesanih v skalo, ki sta jih Coradazzi in Spinato (1993, str. 127) našla na nekdanjem severnem delu vzhodne beneško-habsburške meje, ki se danes deloma ujema s severnim delom slovensko -italijanske meje, avtorja časovno umeščata vsaj v prvo polovico 18. stoletja. Mejna jama pa kljub svoji markantnosti na nobenem od starejših zemljiškokatastrskih načrtov ni eksplicitno označena s topografskim znakom za mejnik, vsekakor pa leži na lomu dveh nekdanjih katastrskih občin. 2 AST (1819). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Bagnoli della Rosandra, 671d03, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/514056f7-654e- 494b-8ba5-201d2e5bd4e7/651-d-03-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-bagnoli-della-rosandra-foglio-iii-sezione-iii-1819. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 30 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI| EN Preglednica 1: Na terenu preverjeni mejniki med Socerbom in Malim Krasom ter okrog doline Glinščice 3 Št. Ime lokacije Podroben opis mejnika: napisi na mejniku 1 V gozdu na območju, ki je v starih načrtih imenovano Vrh Cesarjevič 3 Po gozdu kakšnih 30 metrov od glavne poti proti vzhodu. Podrt in razlomljen mejnik iz peščenjaka na starem kupu kamenja (groblji), višina 78 cm, 23 × 18 cm: BEKA 1865 / SOCERB 1865. 2 Prislonjen na drevo na travniku na območju Vrh Cesarjevič Od podrtega in razlomljenega mejnika gremo kakšnih 190 metrov naprej proti vzhodu, vseskozi se držimo roba jase. Mejnik iz peščenjaka, prislonjen na osamelo drevo, višina 63 cm, 45 × 16 cm: SOCERB 1865 / BEKA 1865. 3 Stik dveh poti nad vzletiščem za padalce Nekoč je tu stal tristrani mejnik, ki ga danes ni več. 4 Polana Mejnik iz peščenjaka, ki je razpadel po kalcitnih žilah na tri dele, višina nad zemljo 77 cm, 42 × 22 cm: BOLIUNZ 1819 / BECCA. 5 Pri Breznu pri Beki Mejnik iz peščenjaka, višina 70 cm, 32 × 22 cm: BOLIUNZ / BECCA 1819. 6 Pod vrhom Malega Krasa tik ob državni meji (Italija) Ob današnjem državnem mejniku ITA-SLO 82/32, v grmovju v smeri proti vrhu Malega Krasa (Velika Griža), razdalja med njima je približno 10 metrov. Mejnik iz peščenjaka, prelomljen na pol po kalcitni žili, višina 73 cm, 34 × 22 cm: BOLIUNZ 1819 / BECCA. 7 Mejna jama – Grotta delle Antiche Iscrizioni (Italija) Kakšnih 300 metrov od državne meje na italijansko stran. Kakšna dva metra visok vhod v jamo, nad vhodom vklesan pravokotni križ, na vsaki steni vhoda v jamo napis (višina vklesanih črk 8 centimetrov, na črkah so sledi črne barve): GEMEINDE BOLUNZ 1819 / GEMEINDE DOLINA 1819. 8 Globoko v soteski potoka Grižnik Mejnik iz peščenjaka, višina 70 cm, 39 × 22 cm: BOLIUNZ 1819 / BECCA. 9 T romejnik v Botaču: sotočje potokov Glinščice in Grižnika (Italija) T ristrani tromejnik iz peščenjaka, višina 85 cm, 47 × 47 × 36 cm: DORF BECCA 1819 / GEMEINDE DRAGA / GEMEINDE BOLIUNZ. 10 Botač: večji obdelani kamniti kvader nad slapom Supet (Italija) Večji kamniti kvader na vogalu nekdanjega suhega zidu z vklesano letnico 1894, višina 77 cm, 88 × 43 cm. Na njem leži manjši kamnit kvader višine 30 cm, 62 × 40 cm. 11 Na naravni kamniti plošči pod drugim predorom nekdanje železnice (Italija) V naravno ploščo vklesani usmerjevalni, približno meter dolgi črti in pravokoten križ (premer kraka 17 cm): BORST / BOLIUNZ 1819. 12 Predvrh Svetega Mihaela (Italija) Mejnik iz peščenjaka višine 70 cm, 43 × 20 cm, peščenjak je na straneh z napisi lepo zglajen: GEMAINDE BORST 1819 / GEMAINDE BOLIUNZ 1819. 13 Pod Socerbom: mejnik ob državnem mejniku Mejnik iz apnenca, ki je na vrhu zaobljen, stoji 90 centimetrov vzhodno od državnega mejnika Slovenija-Italija št. 83/45; višina 95 cm, 31 × 25 cm: SOCERB 1863 / C DOLINA* 1863. 14 T romejnik v Mačkoljah v križišču štirih cest (Italija) T ristrani tromejnik iz apnenca, višina 107 cm, 43 × 40 × 52 cm: MAČKOULJE 1819 / DOLINA 1819 / PREBENEK. 15 Mačkolje: vgrajen mejnik v kamniti zid ob cesti (Italija) Vgrajen mejnik iz peščenjaka, ki je ločil nekdanji katastrski občini Mačkolje in Prebeneg: COMUNE DI CARESANA 1819. *N v DOLINA je napisano narobe kot И, kar lahko pripišemo slabi pismenosti takratnih kamnosekov. Podobne primere narobe izpisanih črk ali besed najdemo še v T riglav Čekada, Rože in Škafar (2022). 3 Poimenovanje »vrh« je nekdaj označevalo preval ali prelaz in ne samega vrha hriba (Badjura, 1953). Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 31 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Slika 2: Pogled z razgledišča nad Zabrežcem (it. Vedetta di Moccò) proti prvima dvema predoroma nekdanje železnice Trst– Hrpelje–Kozina, če štejemo iz smeri Kozine. S krožcem je označena lokacija mejnika na skalni plošči pod predorom (preglednica 1, št. 11). Slika 3: Mejna jama (it. Grotte delle Antiche Iscrizioni) (preglednica 1, št. 7). Na levi strani je vklesan napis GEMAINDE DOLINA 1819, na desni GEMAINDE BOLIUNZ, točno nad vrhom vhoda v jamo je križ. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 32 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI| EN 2.1 Okrog doline Glinščice – mejniki nekdanje katastrske občine Boljunec Če pogledamo arhivske franciscejske in reambulančne zemljiškokatastrske načrte iz arhiva v T rstu (AST , 2023), hitro opazimo, da sta napis na naravni plošči pod predorom in Mejna jama mejnika iste nekdanje katastrske občine, to je katastrske občine Boljunec (it. Bagnoli della Rosandra). Na poti okrog doline Glinščice in Malega Krasa, ki mu domačini pravijo tudi Vrh Griže, pa naletimo na še tri mejnike, ki so prav tako nekoč opredeljevali mejo te katastrske občine. Tik pod vrhom Malega Krasa že na italijanski strani najdemo 10 metrov stran od današnjega državnega mejnika Slovenija-Italija št. 82/32 nekdanji mejnik katastrske občine Boljunec z Ocizlo, ki je visok 73 centimetrov (št. 6) (slika 6a). Ker so v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja na slovenski strani meje katastrskih občin uskladili z državno mejo (PREG, 2023 4 ), tod meje katastrskih občin iz časa franciscejske ali reambulančne katastrske izmere ne veljajo več. Zdaj uradno neveljavne meje katastrskih občin smo na sliki 1 označili s črtkano črto. Ta mejnik tako nima več uradne upravne vloge mejnika katastrske občine, še vedno pa ga štejemo med geodetsko dediščino. V Botaču, na sotočju potokov Glinščica in Grižnik, pod novejšim betonskim mostom, čez katerega gre pešpot, to je na nasprotnem bregu od ruševin enega od nekdanjih mlinov iz Botača, najdemo lep tristrani tromejnik, ki je nekdaj razmejeval katastrske občine Boljunec, Ocizla in Draga (št. 9). Letnica 1819 in napisi razkrivajo, da je v času franciscejske katastrske izmere razmejeval vas Beka ter nekdanji katastrski občini Draga in Boljunec (slika 4a). Ta tromejnik ni posebej označen na nobenem od starejših zemljiškokatastrskih načrtov. Če od tu krenemo po pešpoti ob levem bregu Glinščice proti slapu Supet, na razgledišču nad slapom pa zavijemo po slabi poti navzgor proti cesti, ki pelje v Botač, bomo kakšnih 30 metrov pred cesto med ostanki nekdanjega suhega zidu zagledali večji kamnit in grobo obdelan kvader višine 77 cm in preseka 88 × 43 cm. Vanj je vklesana letnica 1894 (slika 5a). Oblika številk ni podobna letnicam, ki jih lahko vidimo na okoliških mejnikih iz časa franciscejske izmere. Kot vidimo na sliki 5b, kjer je prikazan geore- ferenciran 5 zemljiškokatastrski načrt iz časa franciscejske katastrske izmere ter lokaciji kamnitega kvadra (št. 10) in tromejnika iz Botača (št. 9), lahko ugotovimo, da je kamniti kvader opredeljeval le parcelno mejo in ne meje med katastrskimi občinami. a b Slika 4: Tromejnik katastrskih občin v Botaču (preglednica 1, št. 9) in mejnik katastrskih občin pod Sv. Mihaelom (št. 12). 4 Na primer postopka iz leta 1964: IDPOS 2015 za katastrsko občino 2557 Ocizla, IDPOS 0022 za katastrsko občino 2598 Socerb. 5 Za georeferenciranje je bila uporabljena linearna transformacija na osnovi identičnih točk na cesti, ki smo jih razpoznali na franciscejskem načrtu in v današnjem stanju na OpenStreetMap. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 33 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Po cesti iz Botača se dvignemo do trase nekdanje železnice, kjer se usmerimo navzdol proti vasi Zabrežec. Tik pred drugim predorom sestopimo na neuradno strmo pot, ki jo uporabljajo plezalci, ta nas vodi po zunanji strani pod predorom. Po ogledu kamnite plošče z vklesanimi črtami, križem in imeni nekdanjih katastrskih občin (št. 11), ki smo jo podrobno opisali že v prejšnjem poglavju, se po isti poti vrnemo na traso nekdanje železnice. a b Slika 5: Oznaka nekdanje parcelne meje in suhega zidu v Botaču (preglednica 1, št. 10): a) kamen z vklesano letnico 1894, b) lokacija na zemljiškokatastrskem načrtu iz franciscejske izmere (AST, 1873 6 ). a b Slika 6: Mejnika katastrskih občin blizu današnje državne meje: a) danes neveljavni nekdanji mejnik katastrskih občin na Malem Krasu (preglednica 1, št. 6), b) mejnik katastrskih občin ob državnem mejniku št. 83/45 pod Socerbom (št. 13). Potem nekaj časa sledimo trasi železnice. Zatem se od trase železnice odcepimo na pot proti vasi Zabrežec (it. Moccò), kjer se najprej odpravimo do razgledišča nad Zabrežcem (domačini mu pravijo Ćajba). Na 6 AST (1873). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Draga S. Elia, 661a04, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/c888468f-0a14-4c8e- b016-4cff9538cea1/661-a-04-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-draga-s-elia-foglio-iv-sezione-iv-1819-post-1873. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 34 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI| EN vrhu hriba nad razglediščem so ohranjene le skromne ruševine nekdanjega Muhovega gradu (it. Moccò). Tu zavijemo po pešpoti proti sosednjemu vrhu Sv. Mihaela. Na predvrhu, to je kakih 50 metrov od zadnjih hiš v vasi Zabrežec, najdemo še en mejnik nekdanje katastrske občine Boljunec (št. 12) (slika 4b). Sama lokacija ni posebej označena na nobenem od starejših zemljiškokatastrskih načrtov, vsekakor pa zaznamuje lom meje nekdanjih katastrskih občin. 2.2 Med Socerbom in Malim Krasom – meje nekdanjih jusov Če se vrnemo na planoto Kraškega roba med Socerbom in Malim Krasom, tod večina ohranjenih mejnikov z letnicama 1819 in 1865 po obliki spominja na mejnike katastrskih občin, pri čemer vsaj pet mejnikov danes označuje le meje parcel in niti ne mej katastrskih občin. Ob pregledu arhivskih zemljiškokatastrskih načrtov katastrske občine Ocizla od časa franciscejske katastrske izmere do danes (AST, 2023; eZKN, 2023) pa tod ni videti, da bi se meje katastrskih občin skozi čas veliko spreminjale. Izjema so le meje katastrskih občin na današnji meji med državama, ki so se spremenile v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja, kar smo omenili že v prejšnjem poglavju. Na nobenem od pregledanih zemljiškokatastrskih načrtov lokacije teh starih mejnikov niso posebej označene s topografskim znakom za mejnik. Postavitev mejnikov, ki so po videzu enaki mejnikom katastrskih občin (slika 7), vendar danes stojijo le na mejah parcel, pa lahko pripišemo upravljanju nekdanjih sosesk s skupnim svetom, na katerem so skupaj pasli ter ga izkoriščali za nabiranje drv in stelje. Takemu svetu so na primorskem rekli gmajna, komunska ali srenjska zemlja ali komunela, deležu, ki ga je imel posamezen gospodar na takem skupnem svetu, pa jus. Upravičenci do rabe skupnega sveta so se imenovali jusarji. Pravica se je dedovala le po prvem sinu avtohtonih prebivalcev in prišleki so delež v jusu le s težavo dokupili (Vilfan, 1996, str. 262; Ciglič, 1989). Danes bi jusarjem rekli agrarna skupnost. Zaradi različnih zgodovinskih danosti pa je taka skupna lastnina skozi čas velikokrat prešla v solastnino (Kocjančič, 2022, str. 110–123; Čeh, Žužel, Mansutti, 2020; Petek in Urbanc, 2007). Ciglič (1989) za okolico Socerba podrobno predstavi upravljanje jusarjev s skupnim svetom: od skupne paše ovac in krav do plačevanja skupnega črednika, skupne sečnje drv, skupnega zbiranja stelje in košnje. Njihova skupna lastnina naj bi bila na takih gmajnah kasneje vpisana tudi v zemljiško knjigo (Ciglič, 1989; Vilfan, 1996, str. 251). Ob pregledu arhivskih podatkov zemljiške knjige (e-sodstvo, 2023) se za mejnike št. 4, 5 in 8 res izkaže, da še danes na eni strani mejijo na skupno lastnino srenje Boljunec (parcele 5966/2, 5965/1 iz katastrske občine Ocizla), na drugi strani pa imajo parcele zelo mnogoštevilno lastništvo (prvotno je bilo sestavljeno vsaj iz 27 lastnikov), ki je verjetno nastalo iz skupne lastnine jusa Beka (slika 8). Omenimo še lokacijo št. 3, kjer je nekdaj stal tromejnik. Ta je označeval presek meje katastrskih občin Ocizla in Dolina z mejo prej omenjenih jusov. V katastrski občini Socerb na meji med parcelami 1150/17 in 1150/5 na severu in 1150/15 na jugu, ki je na katastrskih načrtih iz e-ZKN (2018) označena kot Vrh Cesarjevič in kjer najdemo mejnika z letnico 1865 (št. 1 in 2), lahko iz zgodovine lastninskih razmerij sklepamo na isti pojav. Mejne parcele na severu, skupaj s parcelo 5966/5, ki je že v katastrski občini Ocizla, imajo isti prvotni sestav večjega števila lastnikov, spodnje parcele pa imajo drugo skupino prvotnih sedmih solastnikov (slika 8). Mejnika sta tako označevala mejo med jusoma Socerba in Beke. Zakaj ta mejnika nosita letnico 1865, pa lahko sklepamo iz zemljiškokatastrskih Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 35 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN načrtov franciscejskega 7 in reambulančnega 8 katastra, saj se ta meja parcel prvič pojavi šele na reambulančnem zemljiškokatastrskem načrtu, medtem ko se v prejšnjem odstavku predstavljena meja parcel vidi že na fran- ciscejskem zemljiškokatastrskem načrtu. Na reambulančnem načrtu je dopisanih več letnic popravkov, prva je 1873, kar je deset let po določitvi meje v naravi, ki smo jo datirali po letnicah, vklesanih na mejna kamna. Ta mejnika z letnico 1865 pa sta tudi edina, na katerih je ime vasi Beka napisano kot Beka, vsi ostali iz leta 1819 imajo napis Becca. T o mejo iz leta 1865 lahko povežemo s formalnim urejanjem lastništev nekdanjih jusarskih mej, ki je sledila zemljiški odvezi iz leta 1848 (Vilfan, 1996, str. 352; Slak et al., 2020, str. 61), v prejšnjem odstavku omenjena meja pa je bila opredeljena že pred njo. Kot zanimivost omenimo še, da imajo parcele, ki tod omejujejo vrtače (na sliki 8 manjše parcele znotraj večjih, ki nimajo zapisane parcelne številke), povečini manjše število lastnikov ali solastnikov, v veliki večini primerov imajo največ dva solastnika, kar je veliko manj kot pri parcelah, nastalih iz nekdanjih jusov. Lastnina rodovitnih vrtač, v katerih so včasih gojili povrtnine, je bila namreč že od nekdaj veliko pomembnejša kot lastnina skupne gmajne. Slika 7: Mejniki jusov (agrarne skupnosti): a) Cesarjevič – podrt in polomljen mejnik z letnico 1865 (preglednica 1, št. 1), b) Cesarjevič – mejnik z letnico 1865, prislonjen ob drevo (št. 2), c) Polana – mejnik z letnico 1819, razpadel na tri dele (št. 4), d) mejnik pri Breznu pri Beki (št. 5) in e) mejnik v soteski potoka Grižnik pred odstranitvijo mahu (št. 8). 7 AST (1819). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Prebenigo, 675b02, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/b0f06751-4b8e-4f7b-b3cc- 488d481b31bc/675-b-02-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-prebenigo-foglio-ii-sezione-ii-1819-sec-xix-primo-quarto. 8 AST (1873). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Prebenigo, 675a01, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/e15d6ed7-d230-4d57-923f- 4445f765b717/675-a-02-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-prebenigo-foglio-ii-1819-1891. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 36 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI| EN Slika 8: Stari mejniki med Socerbom in Malim Krasom ter razdelitev na juse glede na današnje stanje lastništva ali solastništva parcel na slovenski strani meje. Zaradi preglednosti so izpisane samo številke največjih parcel – večinoma parcel nekdanjih jusov. Prikazane meje parcel in katastrskih občin so le informativne (vir podlage: lasersko skeniranje Slovenije, MOP). Med Socerbom in Malim Krasom najdemo še tri ohranjene trigonometrične točke, ki so vsaka zase zanimiva dediščina (slika 9): na nasipu poleg gradu Socerb (141, IV . red, trigonometrični okraj Koper), na skalnem pomolu Špeču (194, IV. red, Koper) in na Malem Krasu (241, III. red, Sežana). Glede na videz prvi znamenji štejmo med povojne trigonometrične točke, zadnje je veliko starejše (T riglav Čekada et al., 2022). Trigonometrično točko na Malem Krasu, ki je izdelana iz črnokalskega apnenca, lahko povežemo s katastrsko izmero, saj je bila trigonometrična točka na tej lokaciji izrisana že na načrtu franciscejske katastrske izmere. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 37 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN Slika 9: Trigonometrične točke: a) Socerb (št. 141, IV. red, trig. okraj Koper), b) Špeču (št. 194, IV. red, trig. okraj Koper) in c) Mali Kras (št. 241, III. red, trig. okraj Sežana). 2.3 Pod Socerbom – meja nekdanje katastrske občine Prebeneg Če se sprehodimo po planinski poti od Socerba proti vasi Dolina, bomo ob današnjem državnem mejniku Slovenija-Italija št. 83/45 našli še en nekdanji mejnik med katastrskima občinama Dolina in nekdanjo občino Prebeneg, današnjo Socerb (št. 13). Izdelan je iz apnenca in nosi letnico 1863 ter napisa SO- CERB, C DOLINA. C je najverjetneje okrajšava za »Comune di«, enako kot je izpisano na mejniku v Mačkoljah, vstavljenemu v kamniti zid. Mejnik so postavili približno takrat, kot so postavljali mejnike jusov na prelazu Cesarjevič, to je ob reambulančni zemljiškokatastrski izmeri. Na sliki 6b v sredini med katastrskim mejnikom in današnjim državnim mejnikom vidimo na tleh položeno klado iz peščenjaka, ki je deloma zabetonirana v temelj državnega mejnika. Čeprav na kladi na terenu nismo opazili napisov, po njeni obliki lahko upravičeno sklepamo, da je to nekdanji mejnik, ki so ga v času reambulančne katastrske izmere zamenjali z novim. Lokacija mejnika na starejših zemljiškokatastrskih načrtih ni posebej označena. Če se s Socerba odpeljemo v vas Mačkolje na italijanski strani, bomo na koncu vasi na robu križišča štirih cest našli tristrani mejnik katastrskih občin Mačkolje, Prebeneg in Dolina iz leta 1819 (slika 10a). Mejnik, ki smo ga v preglednici 1 označili s številko 14, je visok 104 centimetre, napise ima vklesane v štirioglata poravnana polja in je v nasprotju z večino drugih, ki smo jih omenjali okoli Glinščice in na planoti nad Socerbom, izdelan iz apnenca. Na fransiscejskem 9 zemljiškokatastrskem načrtu je označen s topografskim znakom, ki zaznamuje mejnik. Iz tega križišča se odpeljemo po cesti, ki nas vodi proti jugu v vas Osp. Cesta teče po nekdanji meji med katastrskima občinama Mačkolje in Prebeneg in deli vas na dva dela. Do leta 1797 je bila to tudi meja med Beneško republiko in Habsburško monarhijo. V primerjavi z beneško mejo, ki je potekala med Socerbom in Ospom in je bila pogosto prizorišče mejnih sporov, naj bi v sami vasi Mačkolje sosedje z obeh strani državne meje bivali složno (Bertoša, 1986, str. 150–151). Ob vzhodni strani ceste se še danes vije kamniti zid, v katerem, kakih 500 metrov od prej omenjenega tromejnika oziroma 70 metrov naprej od cerkve Sv. Jerneja, najdemo vgrajen mejnik katastrskih občin iz leta 1819 (slika 10b). Lokacija mejnika na starejših zemljiškokatastrskih načrtih ni posebej označena. Starejši fotografiji obeh mejnikov iz Mačkolj 10 iz leta 9 AST (1819). Distretto di Fünfenberg, Comune di Dorligo della Valle, 681b04, https://a4view.archiviodistatotrieste.it/patrimonio/b9123a22-27d4- 4756-a4c3-9559b4148613/681-b-04-mappa-catastale-del-comune-di-s-dorligo-della-valle-foglio-iv-sezioni-iv-e-v-1819-sec-xix-primo-quarto 10 Videz tromejnika iz Mačkolj iz leta 1967 (SEM, 1967): https://www.etno-muzej.si/sl/digitalne-zbirke/mackolje/f0000023003, https://www.etno-muzej.si/sl/digitalne-zbirke/mackolje/f0000023166. Videz vgrajenega mejnika iz Mačkolj leta 1967 (SEM, 1967): https://www.etno-muzej.si/sl/digitalne-zbirke/mackolje/f0000023031. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 38 | | 68/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI| EN 1967 najdemo v zbirki Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja (SEM, 1967). Če primerjamo fotografijo mejnika iz leta 1967 in današnjo, opazimo, da so kamniti zid vmes že obnavljali, saj mejnik danes obdaja beton. a b Slika 10: Mačkolje: a) tromejnik katastrskih občin Mačkolje, Prebeneg in Dolina (preglednica 1, št. 14), b) mejnik katastrskih občin Mačkolje in Prebeneg, vgrajen v kamniti zid ob cesti (št. 15). 3 RAZPRAVA IN SKLEP Med obravnavanimi mejniki iz franciscejske ali reambulančne katastrske izmere, ki so večinoma raz- mejevali katastrske občine in juse na območju med vasema Socerb v Sloveniji in Zabrežec v Italiji, je vsekakor najpomembnejša Mejna jama. Kljub velikemu številu jam na slovenski in italijanski strani meje je ta jama po védenju avtorjev prva, ki z vklesanimi napisi nedvoumno izpričuje svojo mejno vlogo že vsaj iz časa franciscejske zemljiškokatastrske izmere. Poleg napisov na obeh vhodnih stenah ima na vrhu vklesan pravokotni križ, ki pa bi ga lahko vklesali že veliko prej (Kozorog, 2008; Coradazzi in Spinato, 1993). Drug izjemen mejnik je vklesan napis na naravni gladki ravni skalni plošči pod drugim predorom nekdanje železnice Hrpelje–Kozina–Trst, ki lom v naravni steni izkoristi kot mejnik. To je izjemen primer mejnika, drugačen od preostalih mejnih napisov, ki jih najdemo vklesane na stene in v skale v severnoprimorskem visokogorju (Kozorog, 2008), ali vklesane v večje kamnite osamelce, kot jih najdemo med Sežano in Rodikom (T riglav Čekada, Rože, Škafar, 2022), posamezne pa tudi drugod (T riglav Čekada, 2023). Obravnavano čezmejno območje je zanimivo tudi iz vidika preučevanja spreminjanja mej katastrskih občin, saj tod mej katastrskih občin ne smemo obravnavati kot mej, ki so ostale enake vse od leta 1819. Dokončna ureditev povojne državne meje med Republiko Italijo in Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo je namreč prinesla tudi precejšnje spremembe v mejah katastrskih občin, ki so se prilagodile novi državni meji, kar so na slovenski strani izvedli v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja. Zato tod najdemo tudi nekdanje mejnike katastrskih občin, ki pa danes nimajo uradno veljavne vloge. Nekateri so lahko ostali le še mejniki parcel ali pa še to ne več, če so se medtem izvajale nadaljnje parcelacije. Kljub temu jih Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 | | 39 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 68/1| RECENZIRANI ČLANKI | PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES SI | EN doc. dr. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, univ. dipl. inž. geod. Geodetski inštitut Slovenije in Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Jamova cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana mihaela.triglav@gis.si Branko Bratož - Ježek Bertoki, Markova ulica 40 6000 Koper branko.bratoz@gmail.com Triglav Čekada M., Bratož - Ježek B. (2024). Mejna jama in drugi zanimivi katastrski mejniki okrog Socerba in doline Glinščice. Geodetski vestnik, 68 (1), 11-39. DOI: https://doi.org/geodetski-vestnik.2024.04.11-39 moramo še vedno šteti med izjemno geodetsko dediščino, saj pričajo o nekdanjem poteku prostorske in lastniške razdelitve. Po podrobnem pregledu arhivskih zemljiškokatastrskih načrtov franciscejske in reambulančne katastrske izmere smo ugotovili, da večina obravnavanih mejnikov na njih ni označena s posebnimi kartografskimi znaki za mejnike. Izjemi sta le tromejnik v Mačkoljah in vklesan napis na skalni plošči pod predorom nekdanje železniške proge, pa še ta sta označena kot mejni znamenji samo na posameznem zemljiškokata- strskem načrtu. Zato ta članek dokazuje, da za preučevanje starih mejnih znamenj ni dovolj le poznavanje arhivskih virov, ampak je zelo pomembno tudi dobro lokalno poznavanje terena. Pri obhodu po mejah starih katastrskih občin bi morebiti slučajno še naleteli na kakšen mejnik katastrskih občin, mejnike jusov pa bi gotovo spregledali, ker danes označujejo le meje parcel. Poleg tega so štirje od petih mejnikov jusov postavljeni na ravno črto parcele in ne prikazujejo lomov parcelnih mej. Publiciranje popisa takih mejnikov ni pomembno samo zaradi njihove danes tudi že pomembne kultur- nozgodovinske vloge, da bodo lahko naši zanamci vedeli, kje stojijo ohranjena mejna znamenja iz preteklih obdobij (Bradara in Kuzmanović, 2017; 2020), ampak tudi za načrtovanje prihodnjih geodetskih del, saj lahko védenje o takih mejniki pomaga pri izvedbi različnih državnih ali lokalnih zemljiškokatastrskih postopkov (Čeh et al., 2019; Novak, 2020). Zahvala Avtorja se zahvaljujeva Francu Malečkarju za pomoč pri določanju kamnin, iz katerih so obravnavani mejniki. Delo je delno nastalo v okviru aplikativnega raziskovalnega projekta L2-50090, ki ga financirata Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije ter Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije. Literatura in viri: Glej stran 26. Mihaela Triglav Čekada, Branko Bratož - Ježek | MEJNA JAMA IN DRUGI ZANIMIVI KATASTRSKI MEJNIKI OKOLI SOCERBA IN DOLINE GLINŠČICE | BOUNDARY CAVE AND OTHER LAND CADASTRAL BOUNDARY MARKS AROUND SOCERB CASTLE AND THE ROSANDRA VALLEY | 11-39 |