Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American- Sloyenians Vol. 107, No. 39 ...USPS 024100 vISSN Number 0164-68X “«me Am SLOVE................... 9956-1.80^ HO Ay y 3d iaayis oiho eeee 1 nohvw^w Nviyvw AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 » Phone:(216)431-0628 Crniail: ah@buckeyevveb.cotn / vf x Preserving our Proud Slovenian Heritage by PROF. EDWARD GOBETZ Speech given to Slovenian Women’s Union Ohio-Michigan Convention on Oct. 2nd in St. Lawrence hall, Cleveland. Introductory Remarks Most Reverend Bishop Pevec, Reverend Father Monzewleski, National President Mrs. Kathleen Dorchak Hall, Regional President Mrs. Olga Dor-chak, Regional Vice President Mrs.Debbie Duris; Coordinator of the Convention Committee Mrs. Marjorie Church; Branch 42 Committee member, Mrs. Lil Sadowski who first invited nie to be your speaker (but please don’t be too hard on her); esteemed guests, offi-eers, delegates and members °f the Slovenian Women’s Union; dear sisters and brothers, drage sestre in bratje: ft is, indeed, a great honor and privilege to be with you today. It is particularly fitting that we are celebrating your accomplishments of the Past and making plans for the future here, in the oldest Slovenian neighborhood in Greater Cleveland where oOr brst immigrants had settled efore spreading all over teveland and beyond, '''here they worked so incredibly hard and laid the oundation for a better life, if not always for themselves, then certainly for their children and grandchildren. They were our pioneers of Slovenian heritage and contributors to the growth of the American Dream. Yes, it is great to be at St. Lawrence Parish where Monsignor. John Oman once labored, wrote his “Newbur-ske novice” for Ameriška domovina and hosted the saintly exiled Bishop of Ljubljana, Dr. Gregory Rozman; and where our current bishop and today’s outstanding homilist Bishop Edward Pevec, served as associate pastor in the early 1950s; where Fr. Gabriel Rus, Director of International Education at University of Dayton, sang his silver mass of thanksgiving in 1964; where Tony Zupančič, one of my particularly talented students, grew up to become a professor of theater and of English (without my accent) at Notre Dame College; where Prof. Rose Mary Prosen was first inspired to write poetry and become a published American poet, while parishioner Dorothy Slak rose to become a respected Information Officer with the U.S. Information Agency in Africa, Indonesia and Yugoslavia and educational exchange officer in Saigon, South Vietnam, and finally the Agency’s recruitment officer; and, I Members of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home Ladies tfftary on Waterloo Road in Cleveland serve their al fish fry on Friday, Oct. 28, but dressed in unusual re — Halloween costumes. The customers teved it. (Photo by EM1LEE JENKO) During their September Kollander World Travel trip to Slovenia, KSKJ board members had the privilege of having a meeting with the Slovenian Prime Minister, Janez Janša. He just returned from meetings in the United States on September 19, and he met with them the next day. We had discussions about the KSKJ, the economy of Slovenia, as well as the economy of the United States. The interesting session lasted about 45 minutes. At this meeting representing the KSKJ, from left to right, were Regional Director Tony Flaynik, First Vice President Joseph Hočevar, and Audit Committee member Robert Vicich. Also present was Joyce Vicich. Representing Slovenia were the Prime Minister, Janez Janša, two of his cabinet members, and Tony Gogola, former Slovenian General Consul in Cleveland. -Joseph V. Hočevar should add, where the good local people continue to be known for their hospitality and the tireless cooks for their ability to prepare such a wonderful banquet as we have enjoyed today. They all deserve our thanks and applause. It is particularly humbling for me to be the speaker at the convention of the Ohio and Michigan delegates of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, the oldest and strongest Slovenian women’s organization in America and, it seems to me, in the world. As you know, this great organization was established in 1926 by a handful of determined Slovenian ladies, led by Mrs. Marie Prisland, a woman of great vision, wisdom, energy, and courage who was too poor to become a teacher, as she had once dreamed, but rose to become an outstanding Slovenian American leader. It may be helpful to remember that the birth of SWU occurred only six years after the passing of the 19th Amendment which had given American women the right to vote and the atmosphere in the 1920s was still rather unfriendly to women anywhere outside of the kitchen and the church, just as it was frequently hostile to immigrants, especially to Slavic immigrants, often condescendingly called Pollacks, Bohunks, Hunkies, Greiners, or worse. These sturdy Slovenian pioneers, women and men, were also important active participants in the equality of status and of opportunity for all. Intelligent, hardworking and irrepressible, they built numerous churches, including this beautiful St. Lawrence Church, and this spacious national hall, and were determined to leave to their children more than they had themselves received. Today, we salute all these pioneers and all of you, as you continue their great legacy. The great role and mission of women There is an important Slovenian proverb: "Zena tri vogle podpira - the woman supports three comers of a home!” A man, important as he is, supports but one of the four comers. I know that sociological research supports this primary importance of women and I happily admit that this has also been true in our own family. This is why I consider my wife, Milena, the greatest single gift that the goad Lord has given me. She has put up with me for almost 40 years (and only she knows how tough this was) and she has always been my best friend and my tireless number one coworker in the never ending work of the Slovenian Research Center of America, apart from being the principal author of two comprehensive volumes of the Slovenian Language Manuals and, as teacher of Latin also Ohio’s Teacher of the Year in 2000-2001. Enrolled by our good friend Mrs. Marie Prisland, she has for several decades also been a proud member of SZZ-SWU in Mrs. Prisland’s own branch, as are our three daughters. Yes, women do, indeed, support three out of the four comers. Every husband, every man, every family, every community, and every nation should always remember this fact - and give women more recognition, more gratitude, more respect and, above all, more loving help and support. (Continued on page 8) Life isn’t about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce. -John Mercina 2 m o o (N eS w CQ s UJ > o z < z HH > O s o Q '00 S AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir * ' NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 39 November 3, 2005 Grandson Brian Meets ‘Challenge’ by RUDY FLIS I love sleeping in on Sunday mornings, but this Sunday we arose early to be a part of the audience at Channel 5’s “Academic Challenge.” We picked up my sister-in-law Lorene and her grandson Matt, who wanted to see the show. We arrived at 8:30 a.m. and were told we needn’t be there until 10 a.m. Back home we drove Lorene and Matt for they had a noon appointment. Our grandson Brian Carlson is the captain of the Academic Challenge Team at Elyria Catholic High School where he is a senior. There were three teams that faced off against each other. Adam Shipiro was the host and was excellent at his job with the students and keeping the audience entertained during breaks in the show. At break time Shipiro asked the audience random questions about the “Stude-baker” cars, their history and some other auto history. He asked a question, “What was the refrigerator built by a car company?” I answered, “Kelvinator.” Even though I won a previous prize for answering another question, he said, “For that answer you get another prize.” It was great fun. Elyria Catholic High School was the winner this day and we are very proud of our grandson and his fellow team members from Elyria Catholic High School. Our congratulations to all students who participated in this “Challenge.” The brain power of the students amazed me., , , Four years ago, on his birthday, we asked Brian if there was anything special he wished for his birthday. To our amazement he asked if he could get the Slovenian paper, “American Home.” He has been a subscriber since that time. This week Brian will be 18. We will celebrate his birthday at Frank Sterle’s Slovenian Restaurant with family and friends. They are looking forward to the tasty food, but mostly the Slovenian music from six to nine in the evening. Unlike me, Brian excels at his studies. He takes after his grandma. He is a semifinalist in the National Merit Scholarship, and pours over anything he can read about Blessed Martin Slomšek, or Bishop Frederic Baraga, and gives me copies of interesting articles he reads. I wish not to be obnoxious or a braggart, but we are so proud of our grandson and I pray you will bear with me for these few paragraphs. The wish of this very caring young man is to be in the medical field. Please say a special prayer for him. American Home will be in our homes on Friday. It is my prayer Brian will be pleasantly surprised if ,thpse thoughts are printed. Jim’s Journal By ^im Debevec My friend Bob Mills came running up to me the other Wednesday when I was about to start printing this newspaper. Excitedly, he said, “I dreamt about you last night.” “Oh,” I responded, suspiciously. “What about?” “I dreamed you got all new equipment and was printing the American Home newspaper on a brand new state-of-the-art press.” Well, I figured maybe he knew something. So I went out and bought a super lottery ticket, thinking that after being here for 45 years this year, the only way we were going to get a new printing press was to win the lottery. Unfortunately, Bob’s dream didn’t come true, as the lottery numbers didn’t match mine. Hard to believe, but this week I reciprocated. I dreamed about Bob. We were driving out to Harpers-field, Ohio for the annual volunteer firemen’s benefit chicken dinner held in an outdoor field there. (Just like we used to with John Turek, in our youth.) Bob was sitting down at a long table with his wife, Marcie, on one side and Madeline and I sitting next to him on the left side. It was an old fashioned long table filled with food of all types, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, fresh com, lettuce, beans, and loads of chicken. People were sitting in wooden folding chairs. All of a sudden Bob grabbed what he thought was his napkin but it really was the tablecloth and he put it under his chin. In doing so, all the food flew off the table and landed on the folks sitting on the other side, knocking them down. They were stunned, couldn’t imagine what happened, and all the food and table were laying on top of them. I started to laugh, and laugh, and couldn’t control myself. All of a sudden, from a dead sleep, I laughed so hard, I woke up laughing out loud. My myrthful noise woke Madeline and she asked what was so funny. “I just got even with Bob Mills in my dream,” I said. This afternoon I told Bob about my dream. He was one step ahead of me and said he had another weird dream last night. He was cooking a turkey and draining the grease off and it fell into the soapy dishwater. He was shaking the turkey, trying to drain off the soap suds when he woke up shaking the pillow. Well, it’s my turn. What mischief can I get into while in my subconscious? Usually I dream of being a baseball pitcher or a batter. Maybe Bob will be the catcher, or worse yet, the umpire. In that case I may not wake up laughing, but strangling my pillow, too. East Texas Fishing Joke A Texas redneck was this ice chest and I take ‘em stopped by a game warden recently with two ice chests full of fish, leaving a river well known for its fishing. The game warden asked the man, “Do you have a license to catch those fish?” “No, I don’t have a license. These are my pet fish.” “Pet fish?” “Yep, every night I take these fish down to the river and let ‘em swim around for a while. Then I whistle and they jump right back into home.” “That’s a bunch of hooey. Fish can’t do that.” The redneck looked at the game warden and said, “It’s the truth. I’ll show you.” The redneck poured the fish into the river and stood and waited. After several minutes, the game warden turned to him and said, “Well?” “Well, what?” “When are you going to call them fish back?” “What fish?” —Joe Snyder Globokars Mark 50th Anniversary Congratulations to Vince and Mitzi Globokar who observed their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 23 at a 12 noon Mass in St. Vitus Church. They were married 50 years ago with Father Joseph Varga officiating at their wedding ceremony. Best wishes to this wonderful couple who are very active in church events. Goulash Dinner St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Holy Name Society annual Goulash Dinner will be held on Saturday, Nov. 12 beginning at 6 p.m. in the new parish community center. Tickets may be purchased from Holy Name members or at the door. $7 for adults and $3 for children. Curiosity killed the cat. But for a while there, my wife was a close second. Thanksgiving Holiday There will be no American Home (Ameriška Domovina) printed the week of Thanksgiving (Nov. 24). 10© WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina For Those Who Love the Philosophy of Hypocrisy and Ambiguity” (Found by a friend on the Internet, author unknown) □ ‘One tequila, two tequila, thrce tequila, floor... LJ Atheism is a non-prophet organization. Q If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes? □ I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, where's the self-help section. She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. What if there were no hypothetical questions? □ If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap? U If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? Q Is there another word for synonym? □ Where do Forest Rangers go to ‘get away from it air? Belokranjski presents 40th Martinovanje From its humble beginning 40 years ago, the Belokranjski Klub has grown from the original 30 members to in-clude over 100 members to-J^y- The majority of them 1Ve in the Greater Cleveland area> but our Belokranjci members can be found as far away as western Ohio, New Hampshire, North Carolina, °rida, Arizona, and Cali-tornia. The Belokranjski Klub still embraces its original charter y Promoting fellowship and ovenian cultural heritage. n support of Slovenian eritage, the Klub donates to ovenian churches in Cleve-and and Slovenia, Slovenian ools, the Slovene Home °r the Aged, Slovenian Ra-10 Programs, the American °nie newspaper, and Slo-fUenska Pristava. To achieve Belokranjski annual fund- s end, the Klub holds two raising events, a picnic during the summer and a Martinovanje dinner dance in November. This year the Klub is proud to celebrate its 40lh Martinovanje dinner dance. While the Belokranjski Klub regrets it cannot offer the original 1965 dinner ticket price of $1.75 with a glass of beer or wine for 30 cents, it still promises an evening of good food, fine wine, polka music, and dancing. Tickets are still available for this year’s Martinovanje which will be held on Saturday, Nov. 12 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Doors open at 6 p.m., with dinner served at 7 p.m. For tickets please call 440-729-3427 or (216) 481-3308. Nasvidenje. Odbor Attention West Side Residents Slovenski Dorn of Toronto organized a tour to Kitchener, Ontario for a day on Saturday, Oct. 15. Munich is the location of the first and the second largest Oktoberfest in Canada. We had a great time._______________________________________________________-Oscar Fall Festival St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.), Fall Festival will be held on Sunday, Nov. 20th in the new parish community center. The secret to a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. -George Bums I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. —Grocho Marx KWICK-N-CLEAN DR¥ CLEANERS & LAUNDRY SAAD SIBAI 226-3730 ALTERATIONS BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING • SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE ■ LAKEWOOD, OHIO 44107 Gary bukovnik november 4 - december 3 « tumbling still life” 60 x 80 inches S IB opening reception: * Friday, november 4, 5'7:30pm gallery talk and book signing: Saturday, november 5, beginning at 10am 1710 euclid avenue. Cleveland, oh 44115 21 6.621.01 78 www.bonfofy.CQm Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s Ha ir sa l on 521'6;Wils«ivM*lteP«aaj TRADITION: HANDING ON ALL THAT IS OF VALUE TO THE NEXT GENERATION... Seated:, Tony J. Sustarsic. Former Mayor of Euclid, 1975 to 1980 Left to Right: Jerry Sustarsic, Council President; Tony Sustarsic, Councilman at-Large JERRY AND TONY SUSTARSIC ARE A FATHER AND SON CONTINUING A 50 YEAR FAMILY TRADITION OF DISTINGUISHED PUBLIC SERVICE TO THE CITY OF EUCLID AND THE SLOVENIAN COMMUNITY. We are proud to be endorsed by: AFL-CIO, Cleveland Building Construction and Trades Council, Laborers Local 860, Building Laborers Local 310, Euclid Democratic Club, State Representative Kenny Yuko, and many of your friends and neighbors. Re-Elect Democrats Jerry and Tony SUSTARSIC Paid for by : Sustarsic for Euclid Committee, Gerry Sustarsic, Treasurer 595 Willow Drive, Euclid, Ohio ,.,. 44i3^cF.CJitj2e!nS»fanSustaf»ib Contoittcd,'MatthfeWLe'mielix, frea^urerA4660 Puritan, Euclid. Ohio m lUXSiilTK AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 4 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR Ray is back but then so is the cool weather and all we can hope for is a winter without much snow, for most of us can do without that extra chore. It seems things are not going well here for my brother-in-law (Josephine’s older brother) has been in the hospital for well over three weeks now and a couple of weeks ago my brother-in-law (my sister’s husband) was admitted to the hospital and so I ask that you keep them both in your prayers, please. Well, in my last column we finished with our trip to Slovenia and even to this day, I wish I could return, but unfortunately 1 don’t think Happy Harry could sit that long and to tell the truth with the experience of the return trip home the last time, guess I would have to insist on my own “private bathroom” and they would have to provide a few free trunks in the isle to keep “Harry” content with his own “potty-where-about.” Wonder if Air Force One is available? Needless to say, I helped pay for that plane. To divert my column from the usual, will go on with a “Special Story” that touches the heart, perhaps one we can all keep in mind. Have no fear, you can be rest assured I will have a joke for you before the column comes to an end. the story is titled, “The Heart” which by all means should be our point of view also. It was sent to me by a retired Army Colonel that I had worked for back when I was with the Army Reserves as a civilian technician. “Tomorrow morning” the surgeon began, “I’ll open up your heart.” Happy Harry “ You’ll find Jesus there,” the little boy interrupted... The surgeon looked up, annoyed, “I’ll cut your heart open,” he continued, “to see how much damage h&s been done.” “But when you open up my heart, you’ll find Jesus in there,” said the little boy. The surgeon looked at the parents who sat quietly. “When I see how much damage has been done, I’ll sew your heart and chest back up and I’ll plan what to do next.” “But you’ll find Jesus in my heart. The bible says he lives there. The hymns all say he lives there. You’ll find him in my heart.” The surgeon had enough. “I’ll tell you what I’ll find ih your heart. I’ll find damaged muscle, low blood supply and weakened vessels and I’ll find if I can make you well.” The surgeon left. He sat in his office recording the notes from the surgery. “Damaged aorta, damaged pulmonary veins, wide spread muscle degeneration, no hope for a transplant, no hope for a cure. Therapy will be painkillers and bed rest. Prognosis? Here he stopped the recorder but there was more to be said. “Why?” he asked. “Why did you do this? You put him here. You put him in this pain. You cursed him to an early death. Why?” The Lord answered and said, “The boy, my lamb, was not meant for your flock for long because he is part of my flock and will forever be here in my flock. He will feel no pain and will be comforted as you cannot imagine. His parents will one day join him here and they will know peace and my flock will continue to grow.” The surgeon’s tears were hot but his anger was hotter. “You created that boy and you created that heart. He’ll be dead in months. Why? The Lord answered, “The boy, my lamb shall return to my flock for he has done his duty. I did not put my lamb with your flock to lose him but to retrieve another lost lamb.” The surgeon wept. H6 sat beside the boy’s bed, the boys parents sat across from him. The boy awoke and whispered, “Did you open my heart?” “Yes,” said the surgeon. “What did you find?” “I found Jesus there.” The author of this story is unknown. Celebrate Jesus in 2005. Jesus said, “If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my father. I am not ashamed.” Well, cheer up. Ray has got a joke for you. A store manager overheard one of the salesmen talking to a customer, “No sir,” said the salesman, “We haven’t had any for a while and it doesn’t look like we will be getting any soon.” The manager gasped and shouted after the departing customer, “Come back soon, we’ll have whatever you want in a week or so.” The manager then turned to the salesman and said, “Never, ever say we’re out of anything to a customer. Tell them we will have it in stock soon. - Now, what did the man want?” “Rain,” said the salesman. Some of the folks are ready to ‘chow down’ at the Bishop Baraga Association banquet held on Sunday, Sept. 4 in St. Mary’s new Community Center in Cleveland. At far left is Rev. Frank CVoaic, pastor oi immaculate Conception parish on Superior Avenue in Cleveland. fphoto bv ANNA LUNDERt David Kogovšek of Wickliffe, Ohio is happy as he celebrated his first birthday on July 7. He is the son of David and Amy Kogovšek. Grandparents are Frank and Ivana Kogovšek and Gerri and Frank Spisich of Wickliffe, Ohio. Polka Promoter George Knaus, left, and musician J°e Petrich will celebrate their 91st birthdays on December 8th at Recher Hall in Euclid, Ohio. Jeff Pecon and the Joey Tomsick and New Generation orchestras are the bands that will be on hand. Good dancing and listing music for everyone of all ages. Everyone is welcome, the festivities will begin at 6 p.m. Slovenian Art & Craft Show The Slovenian American National Art Guild is sponsoring its annual Art and Craft Show and Sale on Sunday, Nov. 13, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the lower hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. Our famous Slovenian artists will show their paintings; our potica ladies will be there once again with their holiday pastries, and our crafters will have many interesting items for sale including Christmas cards in Slovenian and English. If you need a homemade potica for the holidays, this is °n^ of the few places you 'vl find one. The kitchen will be °P6 selling klobase sandwich65, potica. ^ and for dessert other pastry. There are many shows at this time of ^ but no other show wu Slovenian theme. We inV^e you to join us to see ^ unique items we have to fer and then partake in s® of our Slovenian delica6 Admission is free. . -Pal Ha;"'; Vice Presit Hospitality is Highlighted I ----- SLOVENIA Bishop Pilla: ponder ‘gifts in our lives’ 5 The devastation cause by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast region and Wilma can give people unaffected by the storm the chance to ponder the “gifts in our lives,” Cleveland Bishop Anthony Pilla said. “We have been blessed. When you see all of that (damage), think about all that we have,” he said during his homily at the noon Mass last Friday at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Cleveland. The day was designated as a national day of prayer for victims of the hurricanes. The loss of life and property is far more than anyone outside of the affected area can imagine, he said. “\Ve have a cathedral to pray in, they don’t. We have a job or a lunch break, they don’t. When you finish your job, you’ve got a home to go to. They don’t,” he said of the thousands of people affected by the storm in the southeast part of the United States. Bishop Pilla suggested that all the faithful could find consolation in the way Jesus identified himself with needy people - both the physically needy and the spiritually needy -much to the surprise of the majority of people of Israel two millennia ago. It’s just the same today, he said. He likened Christ’s relationship to the faithful as a shepherd to his sheep. The bishop thanked the people of the diocese for their generosity in supporting relief efforts all along the Gulf Coast. “It is this ministry to other people that we find meaning and fulfillment in our own lives,” he said. www.ibtauris.co m ^ook highlights post-war drama of local Slovenians telt nCW just published s the dramatic, coura- J°Us st°ry of Slovenians 0 fled their homeland at S(je end of World War II, C-d massacres and cam years m refugee Hew'38’ anC* t'len em'8rate(f lo p. homelands, including ^dand, Ohio. hVen'a 1^45•’ Memories and Survival after Co°rselli War n’ by John telis v,18 an<* ^arcus Ferrar> Com °W t^ousands of anti-theirrn- Slovenes fled Vim .0m.e^and, then part of *iSaVla’ t0 escaPe Com-Power Partlsans seizing armpj British Army dis-Were ^’000 of them who diers and sent them they ° ^ugoslavia, where SaCre^re immediately mas-vi ^ fhe Communists. $torvVema. l945 tells the tered ^ ^Ust °C the slaugh- 6-Oonliiers but also of 1116 ians w, 0vene Catholic civil- the Sa 0 narrowly escaped ventir,me ^ate’ a^er the inter-n °C Red Cross and C°rs.;. aid workers. Author ^aker'8•^VaS 0ne of those In o ai^ WorIcers-arid tra e- tbe most moving gtc Diaspora accounts v0rs orld W ar II, the survi- ^ftim t^le*r tales of then kC Cruelty, of reviving refugCeattcrcd community in etnii>ra.. CattlPs. and of their a00 ‘o Canada, the Sli:or8entlna and Britain, dttongi SUccessful new lives atdsfronCouragc, self-help, lron8 cultural identity. One survivor was Uros Roessmann, who narrowly escaped the repatriations as a soldier, and later became a distinguished neuropathologist in Cleveland. He now lives in Helena, Montana, with his wife Milchi, who remembers the desperate flight from Slovenia as a teenage escapade. Uros’ brother Matej (recently deceased) also lived in the Cleveland area, as does Val Meršol, son of the Slovene refugees’ leader, who experienced much of the war as a schoolboy. Rudy Kolarič, in Willoughby, Ohio, walked over the mountain pass to Austria in the retreat with a bucket over his head, because he was so frightened by the shooting and killings around him. Frank Jeglič worked with NASA. The authors have written to British Prime Minister Tony Blair askjng that Britain make a gesture of regret for the repatriations. Until now, no British authority has acknowledged that they even took place. Most of the surviving Slovene emigrants lost close relatives among the massacred soldiers. For more information contact Hannah Blake or Liz Sich, Coleman Getty PR, Middlesex House, 34-42 Cleveland Street, London WIT 4JE. Phone: +44 20 7631 2666. E-mail to Hannah£®colmangettyErxauL ln the middle of difficulty lies oppoO1111'^ Ohio Genealogists Meet The Ohio Chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society International will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio at 7 p.m. The agenda for the evening will include a Slovenian language lesson taught by Slovenian Language School instructor Lillian Centa and a presentation by member Kathy Dillon detailing the work she has just completed for SCSI editing a book written by a Slovenian author describing daily life in the village of Kos during the 15th and 16th centuries. Kos is a small village located on the Croatian border in southern Slovenia. Additionally, all members are encouraged to bring a copy of their family tree. To celebrate the coming holiday season, refreshments will be served. Anyone interested in learning more about researching Slovenian heritage is welcome to attend. Call Rose Marie Jisa at 440-230-2251 if you have any questions. New Years Eve at St. Mary’s Plan to usher in the New Year in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) new parish community center with a gala dinner/dance. Tickets are $100 per couple. Veseli Godci will play for your listening and dancing pleasure. Reservations may be made by calling the parish house at (216) 761-7740. It’s Cool To Be SLOVENIAN Joey Tomsick Orchestra Performance Schedule November, 2005 Sun, Nov. 6 Melvlndale Michigan Melvindale Slovenian Home Sat, Nov. 19 Stories Country House 11401 E. 55th St. (Cleveland) 8p-12a Nov. 24 - 25 Thanksgiving Polka Weekend - Celebrate Tony Petkovsek’s Radio Anniversary Fri, Nov. 25 December, 2005 216/881-4181 216/481-8669 Sat, Pec. 3 Fri, Dec. 9 Stories Country House |1401 E. 55th St. (Cleveland) |8p-12a 216/881-4181 Westpark Slov-Home |4183 W. 130th St. A Great Time! |7:30p-11:30p 1216/433-1941 22400 Chardon Road, Euclid, OH 44117 EMAIL: joeynow@yahoo.com A LEGEND OF SAINT NICHOLAS Bernice Krašovec A LEGEND OF SAINT NICHOLAS is an entertaining story in verse about the Saint who was a Bishop in Myra, Turkey in the year 300 A.D. This story is also educational and brings Jo fife the spirit of giving and sharing. While numerous parallels are drawn between St. Nicholas and the famous Santa Claus legend, the author informs her readers that the Santa Claus story is the product of many different cultures. Still, this entertaining book will warm the hearts of both children and adults as they gather together to celebrate the holiday season. Bernice Krašovec p.O. Box I888 Pueblo, CO 8 1002-1888 SEHD TODAY! A LEGEND OF SAINT NICHOLAS Quantity Price of each $5.95 ORDERS FULLY GUARANTEED SHIPPED’UPON RECEIPT OF ORDER Sub Total Postage and Handling CO residents add sales tax I have enclosed my check or money order for $_Total Total Price $1.75 Name Address City State J ..* . • piv::.,'-*, no »V’Lv.q no'.'-vo*.'.'..!' vžmo.h .iutn > Tomu >| in.i.n tional Art Guild Art and Craft Show and Sale 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in lower hall of Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid. Tuesday, Nov. 15 Ohio Slovenian Genealogy Society International Meets at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, from 7:30 to 11:15 p.m., featuring Bob Kravos. Saturday. Nov. 19 Glasbena Matica singing society celebrates 75th Anniversary at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Saturday, Nov. 19 Slovenian National Home 3563 E. 80th St., Night at Races. $8 includes food, beer, door prizes. Doors open 7 p.m. Race time 8 p.m- Sunday, Nov. 20 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) fall festival in the new parish community center. Wednesday, Nov. 23 Thanksgiving Eve Jan1 Session at Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Doors open 7 p.m. Admission $3. All musicians are welcome. Thursday, Nov. 24 Tony Petkovšek Thanksgiving polka party at Cleveland Marriott downtown hotel beginning at 4 p.m. with 12 polka bands. Tickets $1^ in advance; $15 at door. Free underground parking. Tickets at Kollander Travel,800' 800-5981. Friday, Nov. 25 Tony Petkovsek’s polk® party at Cleveland Marriott hotel, 127 Public Square (at St. Clair Ave.), beginning at 3 p.m. with 12 polka groups-Tickets at Kollander Travel 800-800-5981. Saturday, Nov. 26 Polka Awards Sho^ XVIII, 2 p.m. in Euclid High Auditorium, 605 E. 222 St Tickets at Polka Hall Fame (216) 261-3263. After show: “Meet the Winners” at Mamott Hotel Downtown. Tickets $1® at door. Polka Mass 6 p.m. with Bishop A. Edward Pevee with Bob Kravos Band. At p.m. All Star Introductio11’ 9:30: Riders in the Sky ^ turing Joey Miskulin. At p.m., Fred Ziwich Intern® tional Sound Machine. Sunday, Nov. 27 Friends of Slovenian Na tional Home Holing Brunch. Doors open 11 ^ Serving from 11:30 to !• j p.m. Further information ca (216)361-5115. Friday, Dec. 9 Dance at West Park Sl°^ nian Home, 4583 W. 130 ”, Cleveland, from 7:30 t; 11 • 1 'n m -• I 1.1 P. m •, .. n -4., r, r. n .i * Death Notices MATEJ ROESMANN Matej Roesmann, age 85 of Euclid, beloved husband of Marija “Pepca” (nee Paj-sar); loving father of Joseph (Susan) and Barbara Roesmann; cherished grandfather of Jeffrey and Michael Roesmann; dear brother of Or. Uros Roesmann and Ada Rastreli of Italy. Family suggests memorial contributions in his name to the St. Vitus Building Fund, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Mass of Christian Burial was on Saturday, Oct. 29 at St. Vitus Church. Interment AH Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., (between Bishop Rd. and Rt. 91), Willoughby Hills on Friday, Oct. 29, from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. frank chemas Frank Chemas, beloved husband of Danica (nee Stegne). Surviving relatives ln Canada and Slovenija; friends and members in The Belokranjski Klub. h4r. Chemas was an usher at St. Vitus Church for many years. Friends were received Tuesday, Nov. 1 from 2-7 P-m. at The Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Mass of Christian Burial Wednesday, Nov. 2 in St. Vitus Church at 10 a.m. Interment ip All Souls Cemetery. Mary p. ivancic Mary p. ivancic (Luz Passed away on Mond et- 24, 2005 at the Slovi ^me for the Aged in Cle ®nd. She was bom on Ma > 1932 in Cleveland. ! Was a lifelong Clevel; resident. Mary was a former 24 y ecretary of AMLA Lo< • She was also a mem Progressive Sloven emen’s Union Circle #2 , ^he is survived by Us and Frank; daught na/ol Ann (Andrew) P02 (Ed Silsby, Christ Mramor; MoPko. and ^e deceased. Triends were receiv mrrsday, Oct. 27 fro Pm- at the Žele F Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland. Mass of Christian Burial was at 10 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 28 at St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, with Rev. John Kumse officiating. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. Contributions in her memory to Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 or St. Mary Endowment Fund, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. BERTHA D. RICHTER Bertha D. Richter (nee Prince), age 91, wife of the late Sam; beloved mother of Robert (Debra), Marcy (Kenneth) Spalding of TX, Ray T. (Karen) of PA and Marilyn Richter; cherished grandmother of Lisa (Dave) Skinner, Denise McFadden, Carl and Stefan Richter; great-grandmother of Megan Melissa and Aaron; dear sister of Fred Prince and the following deceased: Joseph, Louis, Albert and Josephine Prince, Frances Loeffler, Mary Hočevar and Molly Marcus. Bertha was a member of Martha Washington lodge of AMLA. Family suggests memorial contributions in her name to the St. Vitus Building Fund, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 or the Hospice of the Western Reserve. Mass of Christian Burial on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2005 at St. Noel Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd. (between Bishop Rd. and Rt. 91), Willoughby Hills, Ohio on Wednesday, Nov. 32 between 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. MARY OLSEN Mary Olsen (nee Dobida), age 89 of Mayfield Village, wife of the late Roy; beloved mother of Ken (Barbara) Olsen and the late Roger L. Olsen; cherished grandmother of Kim (Dave) Gut-franski and Karen (Scott) Farrow; dear sister of Julie Rožance, Dorothy Brown, and the late Alice Kuharic and Gilbert Dobida. Funeral service 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 4, 2005 at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills where family receives friends today, Thursday, Nov. 3 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. 2ele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216)481-3118 Family own pH and operated since _ In Memory Thanks to Frank Orazem of Manhattan, KS who submitted a $50.00 donation in memory of his wife, Slava, who died recently. He also extends greetings to all his relatives and friends in the Cleveland area. In Memory Thanks to Mary M. Okicki of Cleveland, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of the Zupančič Family. In Memory Thanks to Frances Kristanc of Euclid, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of husband and son Jože Kristanc. In Memory Thanks to Jean Roden of Fairport Harbor, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of her mother Mary Gorenc. In Memory Thanks to Alice Cech of Highland Heights, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her dear husband, John Cech. In Loving Memory On the 24‘h Anniversary of the death of our beloved Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Father-in-Law Stephen Opalich Feb. 22, 1911 Nov. 9, 1981 He left us his smite and his . sweet memory, That the passing of time just endears. He left us his laughter to ring in our hearts, A nd comfort us thru the years. He left us his faith in the goodness of life And his courage to see it as '. such And tho we are grieved that he left us, We are grateful he left us so much. Sadly missed by: George Opalich - son Dorothy Bryan and Patricia Chiappetta -.....dayshters......... Richmond Hts., OH______ In Memory Thanks to Ann Arko of Cleveland, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Arko and Mar-ton families. In Memory Thanks to Ivana Košir who added a $20.00 donation to her subscription renewal in memory of her husband, Janez Košir. In Memory Thanks to Dorothy and Thomas Bryan of Richmond Heights, Ohio who submitted a $100.00 donation in memory of their father and mother Stephen and Alice Opalich. In Memory Thanks to Sonja Stergar of Willowick, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of Mary Zupan and Ivana Kodrich. In Memory Thanks to Antonia To-polnicki of Garfield Hts., Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $20.b0 donation in memory of the Rolih and Topolnicki Families. In Memory Thanks to Mary Ann Hamlin of Rocky River, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of parents, Joseph and Ivanka Kete. Donation Thanks to Cirila Sluga of Middlebury, CT who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Anonymous of New York City for the $100 donation. Large Donation Thanks to Anthony S. Ravnik, M.D., Oakland, CA who renewed his subscription and added a $65.00 donation. Large Donation Thanks to Prof. Jože Velikonja of Bellevue, WA who renewed his subscription and added a $100 donation! Donation Thanks to Maria Hecka-man of Shaker Hts., Ohio who added a $25.00 donation to her subscription renewal. Large Donation Thanks to Mary Urbančič of Euclid, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $65.00 donation. Large Donation Thanks to Stanley Rus of Willoughby Hills, Ohio who renewed his subscription and added a $100.00 donation! Love never dies as long as there is someone who remembers. Article submitted by Phil Hrvatin ^ rrenen toast will be held at Our Lourdes Shrine, 21 don Rd., Euclid, i Sunday, Nov. 6 fr t0 H:30 a.m. Tic $5.00. On the menu French toast, bacon sage, coffee or tea ai More than a ton of concrete is produced each year for every man, woman, and child on Earth. Yet concrete is generally ignored outside the engineering world, a victim of its own ubiquity and the industry’s conservative..pace .of. development. . __^^^^esV-Deevec, II AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 * Slovenian Heritage (Continued from page 1) And now, let me insert something that may at first seem a little bit shocking, but trust me, it is ultimately quite ______________ all right. This is the story of Remembering Senator a pastor of a large congrega- Lausche’s respect for tion, as told by Bernard immensely benevolent and generous plan, gave us life and a goodly portion of our character and culture. as Brunsting, a minister. Unlike our own Bishop Pevec who is such an outstanding speaker and knows how to hold the attention of his listeners, this pastor, according to Brunsting, had a serious problem, as during his sermons several of his parishioners always began to doze off. No matter how he raised his voice, he could not catch and hold their attention. Then it occurred to him to try a different approach. As marty of his parishioners were again beginning to doze off, he intoned with a strong voice: “Let me now tell you something that I have never told you before. Yes, it is true: I was never as happy as the time when I was in the aims of another man’s wife!” The statement woke up and electrified the whole congregation. Whispers were exchanged. “Have you heard him? “The old rascal.” “How does he dare to say something like this in our Godfearing church?” After a long pause, the good pastor continued, “And this woman, the greatest woman in my life, was my dear mother.” Mothers, indeed, are the greatest women in our lives. Next to priesthood, motherhood is the most sacred, the most significant and the most responsible vocation in the world. The saintly Slovenian bishop Anton Martin Slomšek, whom our unforgettable Pope John Paul II beatified in Maribor, Slovenia in 1999, always reminded us that we owed to our mothers not only our lives, but also our Catholic faith, the knowledge of our first prayers and songs and, in Slovenia, of the Slovenian language. He exhorted his Slovenian flock with these memorable words: “Sveta vera bodi vam luc in materni jazik bodi vam ključ do zveličavne slovenske omike. ” - May the holy faith always be your light and your mother’s language your key to the redeeming values of our Slovenian heritage. women and SWU Speaking of our roots, we Slovenian Americans also proudly remember a great friend of SWU, Cleveland’s mayor, the only five-term governor of Ohio, and two-term U.S. Senator, Frank J. Lausche, widely known as Ohio’s Lincoln. How deeply he loved and admired his immigrant, self-sacrificing mother who was always ready to help her compatriots, as well as complete strangers in need, who sang in the choir of St. Vitus Church and saw to it that all her children received a good education and always remained a good Christian and good Slovenian American. When he was selected Slovenian Man of the Year by the Federation of Slovenian National Homes in 1968, he accepted the plaque in honor of his mother to whom he owed his success; and before he died, in 1990, he, a frugal man, left his life’s savings, as well as some charity funds entrusted to him by others, to a foundation which he named not after himself but, again, in honor of his mother Frances and his wife, Jane. And so we are blessed with The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation, which continues to perform many good deeds under the leadership of James and Madeline Debevec, publishers of Ameriška Domovina, and John Urbancich, President and Chief Executive Officer of all Sun Newspapers. Although we ordinary mortals are unable to establish a special foundation as a tribute to our mothers and wives, we can and we should always remind ourselves that they as women support three out of the four comers of our homes and of our communities. Yes, this is true in our Slovenian American community, where Slovenska zenska zveza has for almost 80 years been such a vibrant organization. It still has conventions such as ours today; it still has branches throughout America and, since 1981, operates its own Slovenian Heritage Museum. Zveza’s founder, the unforgettable Mrs. Marie Pris-land, attended countless meetings, authored hundreds of articles and a very valuable book, From Slovenia to America, while its prolific former Heritage Director Irene Planinšek Odorizi, also the founding director of the Museum, wrote another precious book of life stories of Slovenian immigrant women, Footsteps through Time, and filmed awardwinning Slovenian oral history videotapes highlighting our women’s roles in preserving Slovenian heritage in families and community - a magnificent labor of love that has remained unsurpassed to the present day. SWU has also published much needed song books and several excellent cook books and our wonderful cooks have managed to attract attention of such leading American newspapers as The Chicago Tribune. In addition to The New Neighborhood newsletter on line, started and self-sacrificially edited by Lynn Zalokar, Zveza’s Zarja - The Dawn has survived as the leading Slovenian American magazine -for over half a century under its indefatigable, very capable current editor Corinne Leskovar, who is also a well known radio personality and choreographer, while her aunt, Jean Križman, was the first woman executive with Stouffer’s Restaurants chain and continues to be a most prolific volunteer in Greater Cleveland. We could go on and on, yet let us today only gratefully salute all Zveza’s leaders and members, past and present, prominent and anonymous, for their great labor of love which should always remain an inspiration to all of us. (To Be Continued) Thanksgiving Eve Jam Session The Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave- Here in America it may be have 16“ A””1181 fficult if not imnossihle for Thanksgtvmg Eve Jam Ses- sion on Wednesday, Nov. difficult if not impossible for everyone to know the Slovenian language, although most of us could learn at least a few words, such as “Slovenska zenska zveza, dober dan, kako je kaj, dobro, vse najboljše, or vesele praznike. ” But all of us can and always should lovingly remember Slovenia as the country of bur roots and our mothers who, according to God’s 23. The Jam Session will start at 7 p.m. in the Eddie Kenik Room (Annex). Sandwiches and refreshments will be available. Admission is $3.00 at the door. Security parking will be provided. For your listening and dancing pleasure the Jam Session will feature various popular musicians from the Cleveland area as well as out of town guests. All musicians are warmly welcome and asked to bring their instruments. It is the perfect “warm up” for Tony Petkovsek’s Thanksgiving Polka Party. Why not “kick off’ the Holiday Season by getting a group of your friends together for a fun-filled evening. We will look forward to seeing you on the 23rd. --Sylvia Plymesser Cranberry Nut Bread 1 c cranberries 1 % c sugar 3 c all purpose flour 4 Vi tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt grated rind of 1 orange 1 c milk 3 T melted butter 1 egg, slightly beaten Vi c chopped nuts. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 9x5x3 loaf pan. Mix cranberries with !4 c sugar and set aside. Sift 1 c sugar with flour, baking powder and salt. Add grated orange rind. Blend in milk and butter, slightly beaten egg and nuts. Fold in cranberries and pour into pan. Bake in preheated oven for 60 minutes. Turn out on rack to cool. Wrap in foil. Freezes well. Can be baked in smaller pans. Will slice thin the second day. X (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 ZELE & ZELE CO., L.P.A. RONALD ZELE & SCOTT J. ZELE Attorney-at-Law Centre Plaza South Suite 380 35350 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 Krofe sale St. Vitus Altar Society^will be holding a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, Nov. 12 at the usual times in the social room. Please tell others, too. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 “The Original Polka Tour Headquarters!” j3 “Alpine All Star Music Festival at Sea" with your Host: Tony Klepec mO With the Cleveland Area Alpine Players and ALFI NIPIČ from Slovenia. You’ll enjoy the best in ‘Oberkrainer” or Slovenia Alpine Music sailing the Star Princess (^February 5 -12, 2006^) from Ft. Lauderdale to the Western Caribbean js “Polka AL9lSE3l Cruise”^ J3 aboard the Dawn Princess • ^ Sailing from Seattle to the Inside Passage to Juneau, Skagway, Ketchican and Victoria, B.C. July 15- 22, 2006 Join experienced musicians and hosts: A1 Battistelli (Ohio) and Hank Thunander (Minnesota) for this music filled cruise! 'Celebrating 82 Years in Travel, since 1923" Kollaiider World Travel 971 E 185 St • Cleveland OH 44119 (S00) 800-5981 . (216) 692-1000 www.kollandcr-travcl.coni Come Visit PATRIA IMPORT STORE for your Unique Gifts Boris and Suzi Music Store Hours; Mon. - Sat: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m Tel: (216) 531-6720 Patria Imports 794 E. 185th St. Cleveland, OH 44119 Enjoy Pumpkin Pie Ali Season (NAPS)—Enjoy the great taste of pumpkin pie all season long. Pumpkin-Ginger Pie with Gingersnap Strcusel earns rave reviews whenever—and wherever—it’s served. The frozen crust comes in an oven-ready, disposable pan that’s easy to transport, and the recipe is fast and easy to make. Pumpkin-Ginger Pie with Gingersnap Streus'el 1 Pillsbury Pet-Ritz frozen deep dish pie crust Pilling 1 can (15 oz.) pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix) 1 cup evaporated milk '■< cup packed light brown sugar 2 eggs, slightly beaten 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger 1 teaspoon pumpkin pic spice X teaspoon salt Streusel '(> cup crushed gingersnap cookies (9 cookies) 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened % cup chopped pecans Heat oven to 425° F. Place cookie sheet on oven rack. In large kowl, mix filling ingredients. Pour into pie crust. Hake on cookie sheet 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350° F; bake 15 minutes longer. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix 8treusel ingredients. Sprinkle streusel over filling. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely on wire rack, about 3 hours. 8 servings. TiP: If desired, top with whipped cream or whipped topping. If preparing recipe With the Pumpkin Spice Packet (included with Pet-Rite pie crust packages for a limited time during Fall 2005), eliminate pumpkin pie spice and salt. SNH Holiday Brunch Glasbena Matica Concert to Celebrate 75th Anniversary Friends of the Slovenian National Home, Inc., will ave a Holiday Brunch on Sunday, Nov. 27. This will be held at the St. a'r Slovenian National «ome, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Ueveland, OH 44103. Doors ®Pen at 11 a.m. Serving will e from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 Pm. Featured entertainment, a Ufron box group. $10^ssion members — Non members — $14.00 Children under 12 — $4.00. To obtain brunch tickets please send check and a self-addressed envelope to: Friends of the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. (rear), Cleveland, OH 44103. Reservations must be received no later than Nov. 21. For further information please call (216) 361-5115. —Sylvia Plymesser Ursula’s Concerts Here is a list of Ursula Kuhar’s upcoming concerts in Indianapolis. Ursula is a student at Butler University there which is famous for its music department which has a number of nationally renowned published members. It is the fourth oldest university musical institute in the United States. Dec. 2-4: Butler University. Madrigal Singers Dinners (this is an annual event at Christmas with the flavor of a medieval dinner/feast). Dec. 9 - 10: Mezzo-soprano soloist in Handel’s “Messiah” featuring Butler University Choir and Chorale, and Butler University Symphony Orchestra. Feb. 9 - 12: Purcell’s “Dido and Aeneas.” May 7 and 9: Indianapolis Opera’s Puccini’s “Turandot.” Ursula is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bogomir Kuhar of Powell, Ohio. Q. What makes the Earth flatter at the South Pole than at the North? A.: Great weight of Antarctica’s ice cap. "Slovenian Society Home (Recher Hall) Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Fish, Shrimp, Pork Chops, and Goulash Dinners Accordion for sale 1980 Melodija 4 row Diatonic Button Accordion, GCF&B flat. Very beautiful and in mint condition. $1,500. Telephone (216) 520-1531. email is: mrmrsz@core.com____ FISH FRY Every Friday by Auxiliary of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo-Cleveland Fish - Shrimp -Pork Chops Goulash, etc. Take-owts: 216—481-5378 FOR SALE Beautiful Willowick ’05 Condo. 2 BR, 2BA (one w/walk-in shower), LR w/FP, new appl. 1200 sq. ft. Great neighborhood! $180’s. Call 440-257-9325 to see. ___________ Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Serviceš 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http:llsllmbuTysaccounling.com to ftsclra Baa. »»/1^ SaiviM The year was 1930. Herbert Hoover was president of the United States. The Great Depression had everyone in its grip. In Germany, the Nazi party was gaining strength. Not a particularly cheerful time. But in Cleveland, Ohio, musically, at least, there was some^positive news: Severance Hall, the new home of the Cleveland Orchestra, was dedicated and on the Eastside, Glasbena Matica, the Slovenian-American singing society, was founded, starting a tradition of quality choral performance that remains very much in evidence to this day. Glasbena will celebrate its VS* anniversary at its annual concert, Saturday evening, November 1911’, at Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Doors will open at 5:30 PM, and the concert will begin,at 7:00. The theme for this year’s concert is “Diamond Jubilee: 75 Years of Harmony.” And to help commemorate this special occasion, a number of “alumni” _ long-time Glasbena members from years past _ will return to join with current members in lending their rich voices to the celebration. By Coleman Hawkins = Phil Hrvatin K Boris Karloff = William Henry Pratt Danny Kaye = David Kaminsky Diane Keaton = Diane Hall Michael Keaton = Michael Douglas Chaka Khan = Carol Yvette Marie Stevens Carol King = Carole Klein Larry King = Larry Zeigler Ben Kingsley = Krishna Banji Nastassja Kinski = Nastassja Naksyznski Billy J. Kramer (The Dakotas) = William H. Ashton Kris Kristofferson = Kris Carson L Cheryl Ladd = Cheryl Stoppelmoor Veronica Lake = Constance Ockleman Dorothy Lamour - Mary Kaumeyer In tribute to past Glasbena luminaries such as Eddie Kenik and the late June Price, and to past legendary music directors such as John Ivanu sch, Ivan Zorman and Anton Schubel, the group will perform a variety of traditional Slovenian songs as well as a few well-known operatic pieces and Broadway tunes. All arc under the direction of Julie Tragon, Glasbena’s new music director, with piano accompaniment by Michael Cercek. Admission is $12 per person and tickets may be purchased by calling Eileen Ivancic at (440) 946-0002 or Lori Sierputowski at (440) 449-5643. Tickets may also be purchased at the Polka Hall of Fame, 605 East 222nd Street, Euclid, or at the door. Dinners, sandwiches and beverages will be available for purchase and Glasbena will provide complimentary hors d’oeuvres. The Wayne Tomsic Orchestra will offer music for dancing immediately following the concert. It promises to be a memorable evening for all traditional Slovenian-American music fans. Michael Landon = Eugene Orowitz Mario Lanza = Alfredo Arnold Cocozza Queen Latifah = Dana Owens Stan Laurel = Arthur Jefferson Steve Lawrence = Sidney Leibowitz Brenda Lee = Brenda Mae Tarpley Bruce Lee = Lee Yuen Kam Spike Lee = Shelton Jack-son Lee Jay Leno = James Douglas Muir Leno Huey Lewis = Hugh Cregg Jerry Lewis = Joseph Levitch Liberace = Wladziu Lee Valentino Jack Lord = John Joseph Ryan\ Sophia Loren = Sophia Scicoloni Peter Lorre = Laszio Lowenstein Courtney Love = Michelle Harrison Bela Lugosi = Bela Ferenc Blaško Lulu = Marie Lawrie (To Be Continued) Vegas Church Joke In Las Vegas there are more Catholic churches than Casinos. Not surprisingly, some worshippers at Sunday Mass will give casino chips instead of cash when the bas-ket is passed. Since they get chips from so many different casinos, churches have devised a method to collect these offer frfis. They send all of their collected chips to a nearby Franciscan Monastery for sorting and then the chips are taken to the casinos of origin and cashed in. This work is done by a Franciscan chip monk. —Marie Dular PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster 2 Hour Cooking Video Tape • Krofe • Potica • Strudel • Pohanje • Potato Pancakes • Noodles and cabbage • AND MORE Ideal for Brides, Showers — Christmas Gifts, Personal Price $29 - Send to Florence Petrich 38453 Wood Rd., Willoughby, OH 44094-7604 Call 1-440-946-2803 — Dan Hrvatin, President Celebrities Real Names AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 presents North America’s Premier Event the Traditional THANKSGIVING CLEVELAND POLKA WEEKEND November 24 - 26, 2005 CLEVELAND^gf f |q|| 127 public square DOWNTOWN CLEVELAND at ST. CLAIR AVE A grem putiiii gctawiiy weekend for groups and individuals! Only *95fl° total per room, per night. (Includes Hotel Taxes/Frce Parking) The beautiful Marriott, polka weekend headquarters for the past 14 years, features 400 rooms, swimming pool, health club with sauna and whirlpool. Plush accommodations overlook the lake, downtown and city limits. Convenient to all major shopping such as Tower City or the Gal leria, both in walking distance. David’s Restaurant inside hotel plus others in the area for your convenience. Special '9500 rate good November 21-27. Recommend reservations should be made by October 20 or in the end, may not be available, or could be subject to higher rates! MAJOR TEN MILLION DOLLAR RENOVATION OF ALL GUEST ROOMS WILL BE IN PLACE. ADMISSION TICKETS AVAILABLE THROUGH KOLLANDER TRAVEL AFTER SEPTEMBER IS. ORDER FORMS WILL BE SENT OUT TO ALL REGISTERED AT THE HOTEL. Welcome Reception - Wednesday Joe early arrivals. To make reservations Contact.... Kollander World Travel Now a Division of AAA - Ohio Motorists Assn. “Polka Tour Headquarters-” 971 E. 185 St. ~ Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Toll Free Number for Reservations: /JT**'"? 1 (800) 800-5981 Clev eland / Local Phone: {^Travel (216) 692-1000 a Fax: (216)692-1821 e-mail: tp( utrjevanje in ohranjanje narodne, jezikovne ter kulturne identitete > medizseljensko povezovanje > ohranjanje vezi s Slovenijo > vzdrževanje struktur in dejavnosti Slovencev v izseljenstvu. Namen javnega poziva je tudi vzpodbujanje dejavnosti s tega področja v Republiki Sloveniji. - Prijavatelji in predmet javnega poziva: Na javni poziv se lahko prijavijo tako pravne kot fizične osebe (organizacije, društva ter njihove zveze, posamezniki itd.) iz tujine. Predmet javnega poziva so programi in projekti, ki podpirajo namen poziva (zgoraj pojasnjeno). Urad zbira predloge programov in projektov, ki naj bodo razvrščeni po kategorijah, kot so navedene v razpisni dokumentaciji. - Pomen izrazov: Program pomeni redno dejavnost slovenske organizacije oziroma društva in zajema materialne stroške delovanja, stroške dela, stroške širitve itd. kot tudi določene vsebine oz. aktivnosti, ki se kontinuirano izvajajo v okviru rednega delovanja neke organizacije oziroma društva - programske enote. Programska enota je posamezna aktivnost, ki jo subjekti izvajajo znotraj svojih rednih letnih programov (radijske oddaje, periodični časopisi, delovanje folklornih, pevskih športnih idr. akcij, stroški vzdrževanja, lahko je to tudi koncert ali gledališka predstava ipd.). Programske enote naj se uvrstijo v “redno delovanje” oziroma letni program dela in na) se ne navajajo kot posamični projekti. Projekt je začasnega značaja in njegov cilj je doseganje enkratnega rezultata. Začasen značaj pomeni, m ^°n®l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family i „ k i •» Ki-.iiikSkk*wirWMi*u*i:v •-1.1. % s. i' EDMEJAC ROC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrajc Drive Willoughby Hills. OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEiyFAX web: www.wcsb.org A> Belokranjci praznujejo 40. obletnico svojega kluba CLEVELAND, O. — V naročju sončne strani Gorjancev, semiških in dra-šičkih vinskih goric, povezana z zelenomodrim trakom reke Kolpe, leži deželica polna prelesne lepote. V njej se skozi stoletja živijo skromni, gostoljubni ljudje, ki se zaradi belih noš, narejenih iz domačega planta, imenujejo Belokranjci. Ta sončna deželica, polna naravnih lepot, je skromno delila kruh svojim prebivalcem, zato jih je žeja po boljšem življenju pognala v svet. V začetku 20. stoletja v Beli krajini skoraj ni bilo družine, ki ne bi imela vsaj enega člana v tujini. Večina jih je našla kruh v Ameriki. Našli so boljše pogoje za življenje, toda njihova srca so ostala doma v brezovih gajih, steljnikih in v vinskih goricah. Kako potešiti domotožje, po domačih običajih Jurjeva-nja, kresovanja. Martinovanja? Kako pričarati nazaj fantovsko petje, ples dekliškega kola, vasovanje, kjer se ob prigrizku “proste pogače” in ob “kupici” vina pozabi vse težave delovnega dne? V Clevelandu so našli rešitev. Dne 26. septembra 1965, se je zbralo 30 rojakov, ki so ustao-vili skupino, katero so imenovali Belokranjski klub, z namenom širiti medsebojno razumevanje in bratsko zavest. Prirejali naj bi domače veselice v zabavo članov in prijateljev. Z dohodkom naj bi pomagali širiti slovensko kulturo in običaje. Vsa ta leta smo denarno podpirali slovenske šole, radijske oddaje, slovenski časopis AD, Slovenski dome za ostarele na Neff Rd. Veliko pomagamo pri obnavljanju cerkva v Sloveniji, pomagali smo tudi pri Slovenski kapeli v Washingtonu, D.C. Sploh kjerkoli so potrebe in prošnje, se radi odzovemo. Še do danes smo ohranili tradicije praznovanja sv. Martina. Letos vas vabimo na 40. martinovanje, ki bo že v soboto, 12. novembra, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju s pričetkom ob 6h zvečer. Pridružite se nam tudi vi, da skupno praznujemo to pomembno obletnico. Nasvidenje! Odbor da ima vsak projekt omejeno življenjsko dobo, trajanje je določeno z datumom začetka in konca. Projekt je izvedbeno in vsebinsko zaključena enota, npr. proslava, gostovanje, srečanje, koncert, razstava, publikacija ipd. - Razne druge točke iz javnega poziva: Osnovni pogoj za kandidiranje na javnem pozivu je izpolnjevanje namena javnega poziva. (Ur. AD: Ta stavek je v pozivu posebej podčrtano.) Prijavatelji iz tujine svoje projekte prijavijo neposredno na Urad in ne preko drugih ustanov kot npr. Slovenske izseljenske matice, Slovenije v svetu ali Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa. Razpisna dokumentacija Je na razpolago tudi na spletni strani Urada za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu: www.uszs_.gQV,sj (Ur. AD: gen. konzul Žigon je (dalje na str. 13) Pouk slovenščine na Koroškem Letos se uči slovenščine že 3.743 učencev Čeprav število učencev pada, se je letos na Koroškem prijavilo k pouku slovenščine 161 učencev več Celovec - Na 64 ljudskih šolah je v letošnjem šolskem letu prijavljenih 1884 (lani 1866) učencev k dvojezičnemu pouku. Na 13 glavnih šolah obiskuje slovenščino 339 (337) učencev. Zvezno gimnazijo za Slovence obiskuje letos 541 (542) dijakov, Dvojezično trgovsko akademijo pa 141 (139). Na Višji gospodarski šoli v Šentpetru je letos vpisanih 134 učenk in učencev. Velik prirastek pri slovenščini so zabeležili na drugih srednjih in po-klicno-izobraževalnih šolah, kjer obiskuje pouk slovenščine 558 (494) dijakov. Za neobvezne vaje iz slovenščine se je prijavilo le še 37 (55) učencev. Porast prijav je izredno pozitiven in signalizira splošno pozitivno ozračje do slovenščine, žal pa vedno manj učencev pride v šolo z znanjem slovenščine. NOVICE, Celovec 21. okt. 2005 ^ Seznanjajte naše bralec z aktivnostmi vaših društev! Gdč. Tina Redek ki je umrla 17. oktobra 2005. Amerika ni imela možnosti, da bi te lahko srečala, a te pogrešam jaz. Naj te blagoslavlja Bog, in tvojega očeta Jožeta, tvojo mamo Zofko, brata Jurija, ter stari mami Modic in Redek. Počivaj v miru, večno mlada! William Zaletel — Nova knjiga ZBORNIK: Paradigmatičnost dr. RAJKA LOŽARJA CLEVELAND, O. - V Londonu je bila 26. oktobra predstavljena knjiga Slovenija 1945: Memories of Death and Survival after World War II. Avtorja sta John Corsellis in Marcus Ferrar. John Corsellis je poznan vsem slovenskim beguncem iz taborišč v Vetrinju in Peggez-u, kjer je bil odgovoren za dobro stanje beguncev. Bil je priča angleški izdaji domobrancev, katere so pod pretvezo preseljenja v Italijo dejansko predali partizanom, kateri so jih pobili v Kočevskem rogu, Teharjah in po drugih krajih po Sloveniji. Ta dogodek mu je ležal na duši vsa ta mnoga leta in ga končno pripravil, da je pričel pisati o tem knjigo. Pred par leti je pridobil kot sodelavca Marcus Ferrar-ja, bivšega poročevalca za agencijo Reuters, kateri je imel večletne izkušnje v vzhodni Evropi in mu je bila problematika teh dogodkov znana. Založba I B Tauris je prevzela tisk in izdajo knjige. Predstavitev knjige se je udeležilo kakih osemdeset ljudi iz angleškega javnega življenja, vključno več članov angleške zakonodaje, profesorjev zgodovine in časnikarjev. Od bivših beguncev so bili prisotni tudi Marija Jančar s sinom in hčerko iz Anglije ter Milči in Uroš Roessmann iz Združenih držav. Oba avtorja sta si na-dela nalogo opisati ne samo življenje v taborišču in naprej v izseljenstvu. kjer so mnogi od beguncev dosegli izredne uspehe, kot na primer kardinal Ambrožič, nadškof Rode, sedanji finančni minister Andrej Bajuk in podobni. Hotela sta podati celotno ozadje dogodkov v Sloveniji, zakaj je prišlo do državljanske vojne in njenih posledic. Opisala sta tudi sedanje stanje v Sloveniji, vprašanje sprave ter vzroke, zakaj do nje še vedno ni prišlo. Hotela sta biti čimbolj objektivna ter citirala tudi glasove od nasprotne strani. To je seveda zelo težka naloga in si mora bralec sam ustvariti mnenje o nekaterih problemih. Knjiga tudi zelo odkrito piše o vlogi angleških oblasti pri vračanju slovenskih in drugih jugoslovanskih beguncev in tako zahteva uradno priznanje, da ta usodna napaka otežuje tudi angleško vest. V Združenih državah in Kanadi zastopa izdajatelja Palgrave Macmillan v New Yorku. Njihova telefonska številka je 212-982-3900. fax 212-777-6359. Knjigo bo možno naročiti direktno pri njih po 5. decembru letos. Možno pa jo bo dobiti pri vsaki knjigarni, kjer jo bodo mogli naročiti, ako je ne bodo imeli v založbi. Cena bo $42.50. Zanimala bo gotovo vsakega bivšega begunca, posebej pa njihove otroke, saj bo osvetlila mnoga vprašanja iz njihove preteklosti. Za Slovenski ameriški svet: Uroš Roessmann Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanjem v jjlovenskem^votu Sprememba naslova ° se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo napro :ni, da naši pisarni posredujete tako Vaš novi islov kakor sedanji oz. stari. To omogoča, da 3ste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list. Nov naslov Datum začetka: Vaše ime: Naslov: Star (dosedanji) naslov Postava zunaj splošnega in ALENKA PUHAR “Oktobra lani je bil simpozji o dr. Rajku Ložarju, zdaj pa je že natisnjen zbornik. Z naslovom Pretrgane korenine, na 415 straneh, v založbi ZRG SAZU. Ena tehtnejših knjig leta, tudi po zaslugi specifične teže glavne osebe. Rajko Ložar (1904 - 1985) je bil umetnostni zgodovinar, arheolog, etnolog, kritik in publicist, urednik več revij in knjig. Pol življenja je prežival tu, pol v emigraciji, to je v Avstriji in ZDA. Tako s svojimi dosežki kot polomi paradigmatična oseba naše polpre- tekle zgodovine.” Prispevki v zborniku predstavljajo “sijajni in tragični lik Rajka Ložarja, velike in izjemne enciklopedične znanstvene osebnosti”, kot se je izrazil Andrej Vovko. Njegovih talentov je bilo toliko, da se je zlahka selil iz ene vede v drugo -iz arheologije v umetnostno zgodovino, iz etnologije v jezikoslovje. Že v mladosti se je, po sili razmer, priučil muzeologije, a ta je bila vsaj vezana na njegovo domovino, na stara leta pa se je, spet po sili razmer, ukvarjaj z muzejskimi zbirkami severnoameriških Indijancev. V prvi polovici življenja je bil izobražen človek, ki je užival spoštovanje, bil vabljen k vsem mogočim projektom, zelo bran in citiran, v drugi polovici je bil še vedno izobražen, a zelo samoten, v gluhem živeč mož. Kaj se je zgodilo na prelomu? Prelom je bil 8. maja 1945 zvečer, ko je Rajko Ložar sedel na kolo in se odpeljal na sever, proti Avstriji. Odšel je iz strahu, ki je tedaj pognal v beg na milijone ljudi po vsej vzhodni polovici Evrope. Doma je pustil nosečo ženo. Njegovega brata Slavka Ložarja so zadnjič videli na Teharjah, nato je bil ustreljen. V vseh desetletjih, ki so minila od tedaj, ni bilo mogoče najti v Lo-zarjevem medvojnem delu nič kaznivega, vsaj po kriterijih, ki so veljali v zahodni, nerevolucionarni Evropi. Ponavadi se je v zvezi z njim navajalo samo, da je “prekršil kulturni molk”; to je bil eden tistih meglenih očitkov, ki ga ni bilo mogoče dokazati, je pa veljal toliko kot “kolaborant lahke ka- - JAVNI POZIV - (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 12) v torek rekel, da ta stran še ni delala, da pa mu je bilo neposredno zagotovljeno, da kmalu bo. torej lahko poskusite.) - Trajanje javnega poziva in način prijave: Poziv se je pričel 21. oktobra 2005 in zaključi s porabo razpoložljivih sredstev oz. najkasneje do 25. septembra 2006. (Ur. AD: Zopet poudarek preko konzula Žigona, naj se zainteresirane organizacije ne odlašajo pri prijavi. Najboljše bi bilo npr., če bi mogle prijavo odposlati na Urad do 15. novembra letos.) Vloga mora biti podana na ustreznem prijavnem obrazcu in poslana na naslov: Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu. Železna cesta 14, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija. Posebna komisija bo pričela z odpiranjem vlog dne 5. decembra 2005. Po tem datumu bo vloge odpirala vsake tri mesece. (Dodaten vzrok za zgodnjo prijavo.) Vloge prispele na poziv komisija odpira po vrstnem redu sprejetja. Zainteresirane organizacije se lahko po potrebi obrnejo na generalni konzulat v Clevelandu za uradno dokumentacijo, če imajo namen vložiti prošnjo za podporo. Naslov: Consulate General, Republic of Slovenia, 1111 Chester A ve., Suite 520, Cleveland, OH • 44114-3516. Tel: (216) 589-92?0. Fax (212) 589-9210. 'ti/ i,tl SlUib) Cm3S»”■ asr.S'flJMMHBfrMUMfc"■ MMBBMl3S3 povprečnega tegorije” in je mnogim načel ali celo uničil življenje. Iskanje Ložarjevega dosjeja v arhivih Udbe oziroma Sove ni dal nobenega rezultata. Iz drobnih Ložarjevih beležkov in nekaj tujih pričevanj pa je mogoče sklepati, da se je nova oblast potrudila, da bi ga spravila nazaj. (Čim več ljudi privabiti v domovino oziroma čim manj jih imeti v emigraciji, je bila dolgo politika komunistične partije ali vsaj njena ambicija.) Med skope čvrste podatke sodi ta, da sta se zakonca Ložar septembra 1950 srečala na mejnem prehodu Ljubelj, trikrat, ona je prišla iz Ljubljane, s hčerko, on je prišel iz Celovca. To zrežirano srečanje je imelo tudi političen cilj: pridobiti Ložarja, da se vrne. Ponujali so mu službo, baje na Ptuju. V zameno so hoteli vdanostno izjavo, verjetno tudi ovajanje. Ložar na to ni pristal. Ker ne v Avstriji ne v Italiji - nekje v bližini, z razgledom na domovino - ni dobil dela, se je leta 1951 izselil v Združene države Amerike. Pet let je delal v tovarni. Zaman se je trudil, da bi se kot arheolog zaposlil v fundaciji, ki je kupila znamenito “staro železo", izkopano v Sloveniji, to je Mecklenburško zbirko. Končno je dobil službo kustosa v muzeju v Ma-nitowocu, majhnem mestu v Wisconsinu in “poslej je imel dovolj za jesti, ga je pa ta služba potrla še bolj kakor prva v tovarni; v tovarni je še lahko upal, da bo prišel (DALJE na str. 14) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD . 6316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanta na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! £.S SS Z »S ; S = 3 * 3 3 ff3 f; Zbornik o dr. Rajku Ložarju (nadaljevanje s str. 12) Marca 1927 so se dunajski študenti nastavili fotografu, čepita Vinko Zwitter in Rajko Ložar, nad njima so Joško Hutter, Joško Tischler in neznani, v tretji vrsti Tine Debeljak in neznani, na vrhu pa kraljuje Marjan Kozina. do sebi primernega položaja, v Manitowocu pa je vedel, da bo predaval samo ženam mestnih va-žičev.” Novo razočaranje je prišlo z ženo, ki je po dolgih letih dobila dovoljenje za odhod iz Jugoslavije. A prišla je z “neko od režima napisano izjavo, ki naj bi jo on podpisal. To je odklonil.” Verjetno bi se dalo reči, da Ložar ni bil kriv kršitve kulturnega molka, temveč ker je kljub hudim pritiskom kulturno molčal. V knjigi je zbranih 23 razprav. Samo ena je ponatisnjena in to prav zaradi trdoživosti očitkov o kršenem kulturnem molku, kar tudi med mladimi generacijami velja za očitek posebne veljave. Helena Ložar Podlogar, etnologinja, soure-dnica knjige, Ložarjeva nečakinja, je znova objavila študijo “Ozadje nastanka Narodopisja Slovencev” iz leta 1998, ki razkrije marsikaj, tudi to, kako so v neki fazi iskali in spodbujali narodno-spodbudno literatuo, (celo OF), nato pa je bila, čez noč, prekvalificirana v pol-izdajstvo. Če se ta skopi pregled v glavnem ukvarja z življenjem Rajka Ložarja, to ne pomeni, da je to edini zanimivi element zbornika. Poleg mnogih pretežno biografskih člankov, ki so jih poleg Ložar-Podlogar-jeve prispevali še Tom Ložar, Jože Velikonja, Marjan Drnovšek, Andrej Rot, Andrej Vovko in Kajetan Gantar, se večina avtorjev ukvarja z Ložarjevim delom. Gre torej za študije, ki dopolnjujejo naše vedenje o razvoju intelektualnega življenja in posameznih strok v prvi Jugoslaviji. Da nudijo sveže razglede, nakazuje že o-prema platnic, ki predstavlja Rajka Ložarja z doslej pri nas neznanim portretom Mihe Maleša. Čeden moški, zanesljive poteze s tušem, toda nežne akvarelne barve - PrijatePs Pharmacy St. Ciair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVA OHfO -‘-Aift-Včfe THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS vse skupaj razodeva neke druge in drugačne čase. Razvoj arheologije je osvetljen s študijami Staneta Gabrovca, Predraga Novakoviča, Tomaža Nabergoja in Antona Veluščka. Ložarjev delež v umetnostni zgodovini sta obdelala Damjan Prelovšek in Milček Komelj, medtem, ko je to v etnologiji podano skozi prispevke Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik, Inje Smerdel, Maje Godina Golija, Janeza Bogataja in Vita Hazlerja. Ložarjevo ukvarjanje s slovenskim jezikom, ki je bilo nadomestilo za intelektualno življenje v najhujših časih, med begunstvom na Koroškem, sta predstavila Marjeta Humar in Herta Maurer-Lausegger. Na koncu, pa še zdaleč ne na zadnjem mestu, je umestno opozoriti na razpravo Matije Ogrina. Posvečena je literar-nokritiškim in estetskim pogledom Rajka Ložarja na slovensko literaturo. Ložar je vse življenje veliko bral in od mladih let pisal tudi literarne kritike. Razodeval je velik interpretativni talent in bil predvsem pozoren na umetniško naravo literature. V nasprotju z ideološkimi zastranitvami, ki so, po Ogrinu, zajele liberalne in marksistične kritike, da so “pogosto zašli v pravcate redukcije literarnega dela na določeno ideološko tezo”, se je Ložar posvečal “edinstveni umetniški posebnosti” literature, zlasti poezije. Naslonil se je na Vebrovo Estetiko in fenomenologijo. Odkril je Kocbeka. In napisal uvod v antologijo Sodobne slo- C LEVE LAND PUBLIC RADIO WCPN 90.3 FH Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJIŠČE UUBLJANA -trjrfoq Stario y-\ JBaln venske lirike (1933), prelomno besedilo te vrste. Rajko Ložar je bil inteligenten in izobražen mož, osebno pa pogosto siten in strupeno kritičen. Kako je zašel v osamljenost, naj pomaga doumeti stavek iz njegove 75 let stare kritike: Mesec november pričenjamo z zapovedanim praznikom Vseh svetnikov. Spominjamo se naših dragih in vseh, ki jih je Bog poklical pred nami: “O srečni dom nad zvezdami, / kjer bivajo vsi blaženi, / predragi bratje in sestre, ki so ločili se z zemlje. / Obrisal Bog je njih solze, / nič več bolesti ne trpe, / minil je jok, minila smrt, / nebeški raj jim je odprt. / Predragi bratje in sestre, / ki v Bogu se radujete, / vodite nas v nebeški raj, / kjer bomo srečni vekomaj.” Vernim dušam, 2. novembru, darujemo popolni odpustek, ko obiščemo cerkev in zmolimo Oče naš, Vero in Zdravo Marijo po namenu sv. očeta: “Poglejmo še v vice, / na vegne,y(jušjc^.:^y.r. usmili se Jezus, / jih re- “To je šund, ki si nadeva ščit velikih firm in vara nepoučene bravce, z drugimi besedami: ki zamenjava trač starih tet pri čaju z resno literarno produkcijo.” KNJIŽEVNI LISTI Delo, 12. okt. 2005 ši iz vic. / Češčena si, Marija, / je angelski glas; / bo zadnja ura bila, /. Marija prid' po nas." V nedeljo, 6. novembra, se bomo, kakor vsako leto, spominjali naših rajnih - Verne duše v Lemontu. Ob 2. popoldne bomo pomolili na poko-poališču sv. Frančiška, nato med molitvijo rožnega venca v cerkev Marije Pomagaj, kjer bo ob 2.30 sv. maša za vse, ki počivajo na našem pokopališču, za rajne sobrate, sorodnike in dobrotnike. Ker je mesec november posebej posvečen rajnim, vsak dan darujemo sv. mašo za rajne, ki nam Jih priporočite, spominjamo se jih pa tudi v skupnih in zasebnih molitvah. Zato smo tudi kot simbol položili listke z vašimi nameni na oltar, kjer bodo ostali d^R?W>i ca meseca. Rojstni dan obhaja p. Martin Stepanic (12. nov. 1915), isti dan tudi go-duje. Naše čestitke 90-letniku! P. Martin, Bog Vas ohrani in blagoslavljaj! Sobratje umrli v novembru: p. Andrej Svete (7. nov. 1988); br. Franc Ksaverij Paton (9. nov. 1952); br. Serafin Vene (9. nov. 1985); p. An-zelm Murn (20. nov. 1941); p. Rafael Sešek (21. nov. 1999); p. Stanislav Drev (30. nov. 1922), Naj jim sveti večna Luč! “Baragovi dnevi 2005” v Clevelandu so bili letos lepi in slovesni. Posebej sta se izkazala župnika slovenskih župnij. Fr. Jože Božnar pri sv. Vidu in Fr. John Kumše pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Od pripravljalnega odbora je Stane Kuhar veliko pisal, časopisi, predvsem Ameriška domovina, pa vneto objavljali njegove prispevke. Predstavil je povabljene škofe. Med njimi so bili: škof Andrej Glavan, iz Slovenije, ki je imel slovensko mašo s pridigo v cerkvi Sv. Vida; clevelandski škof Pilla, glavni celebrant slovesne maše pri Mariji Vnebovzeti, ki je v pridigi priznal Slovencem pridnost in zvestobo veri in Cerkvi; nadškof Elden Curtis iz Omahe, Neb., po materi Slovenec; škof Roger Foys, ki izhaja iz prekmurske družine v Chicagu; Baragov naslednik, škof Garland; škof Edward Pevec iz Clevelanda; Rev. Alex Sample, predsednik Baragove Zveze; Elizabeth Delene, tajnica Baragove Zveze in Arhiva; lemontsk frančiškane je zastopal p. Ven-delin Špendov, OFM. Podrobno je bil ves potek Baragovih dni opisan v Ameriški domovini. Obiskal nas je mešani pevski zbor Cantate Domino iz Kočevja v Sloveniji. V koncertu so nam predstavili izbor slovenskih narodnih pesmi v izvirnih in sodobnih pri' reditvah. Ob zaključku smo pa slišali še nekaj pesmi kot jih pojejo v Kočevju domačini nem-škega rodu. Zbor izborno vodi zdravnik dr. Franc Štefa-nič. Žal, je bil koncert sredi tedna, ko se ga marsikdo od rojakov ni mogel udeležiti. Zbor gla' p. dr. VENDELIN ŠPENDOV LEMONTSKI ODMEVI PAVEL BORŠTNIK Ocena Mala enciklopedija bivše Jugoslavije “The Former Yugoslavia’s Diverse Peoples — A Reference Soucebook” (ABC-CLIO, 2004, Santa Barbara, CA, 246 pp.) o o (Slučaj je nanesel, da Je avtor knjige, ki jo g. Borštnik obravnava, dr. Matjaž Klemenčič, pred kratkim slavil svoj 50. roj'stni dan. Članek o nJem, ki je izšel v koroškem tedniku Novice, je bil ponatisnjen v AD* Ur. AD) O To bi bil lahko slovenski naslov v angleščini Pisane knjige, ki sta Jo °bjavila Matjaž Klemenčič ln Mitja Žagar. (“The Former Yugoslavia's Diverse Peoples - A Reference Sourcebook, ABC-CLIO, 2004, Santa Barbara, CA, 246 pp.). Gre za znanstveno knji-8° v seriji z naslovom Ethnic Diversity Within Nations”, ki obravnava tudi druge narodnostne skupine. Brez tega dodatnega Pojasnila namreč, se bral-Cu samo po sebi pojavi vPrašanje: komu naj bi služila enciklopedija bivše Jugoslavije? Ni pa to edi-n° vprašanje, ki se pojavlja, Vprašljiva je tudi 2r»anstvena vrednost vsaj kga dela, za druga • pa 0t*° pač pristojni drugi Menjevale!. Avtorja ločeno obravna-Vata vse narode in naro-^ne skupnosti nekdanje ugoslavije, celoten razvoj 0d prvih začetkov “jugo-8 ovanske” ideje do konč-116 krvave tragedije pa s|a razdelila v posamezna dobja. V teh poglavjih P°tem opisujeta glavne dogodke določenega ob-d Ja, glavne osebnosti, so vplivale na razvoj dgodkov v njem. in gla-e datume teh dogodkov. metoda je morda Smerna za znanstveno ravnavanje snovi, za naVPre^nega bralca pa je aPorna in v resnici ne- hje^92113' Se V Preso-la" hib °^ravnavane vsebine ke 116 sPu^amo- Napa-’ ki jih pri prelistava-kn ^ enciklopedije od-je Varn°’ Pa tudi po svo-hle V^^Va^° na razpoloženj Le malokdo reč b° mogel knjigo O z razumevanjem prebrati kot celoto. Povprečnemu slovenskemu brralcu, recimo, so poglavja iz srbske ali makedonske zgodovine popolnoma nepoznana in samo resnično zanimanje zanje mu lahko narekuje, da vztraja pri branju celotne knjige. Če se torej omejimo na slovenski del, je pripomb več kot dovolj, zlasti še, ko pridemo do poglavij, ki smo jih sami doživljali. Mitja Žagar je slovenskemu bralcu zunaj domovine vsekakor manj poznan kot Matjaž Klemenčič, ta pa je v preteklosti že poskrbel za razna “presenečenja” in tudi to pot ni razočaral. Klemenčič, ki predava zgodovino na mariborski univerzi, je prvič povzročil razburjenje, zlasti v emigraciji, pred desetimi leti, ko je takrat še izhajajoča, v angleščini pisani četrtletnih Slovenia ponatisnila njegovo v “Journal of American History” objavljeno pismo “So-ameri-kanistom”. (Moj prevod, p.b.) Primerjajoč slovensko zgodovino z obdobjem ameriške državljanske vojne (1861-1865), pravi Klemenčič, da je ob koncu 2. svetovne vojne v Sloveniji prišlo do “debate med komunisti, ki so hoteli spremeniti družbeni red v Sloveniji, in 'buržuazijo', ki je hotela, da se povrnejo 'normalne' stvari kot pred vojno". Debata naj bi se nanašala na vprašanje: “what to do with members of the Home Defense units returned to Yugoslav partisans by EngUsh authorities in Austria”... {.Slovenia, Vol. VIII, No. 3. p. 61). Klemenčič si te izmišljotine. ki ji najbrž ni para v slovenski publicistiki. ni nikdar preklical, kaj šele obžaloval. Zato je presenečenje, ki ga Je pripravil v sedanji enciklopediji”, nekoliko anti-klimatično. Med vidnimi osebnostmi poglavja o “Prvi Jugoslaviji”, navaja na prvem mestu Aleksandra Kara-djordjeviča, ki je postal kralj Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev leta 1921, kralj Jugoslavije pa leta 1929. Govoreč o njegovi zavzetosti za program “integralnega jugoslovanstva”, ki ga je Aleksander uvedel po znanih dogodkih v parlamentu, navaja Klemenčič, da je kralj “v potrdilo te svoje zavzetosti, dal svojim trem sinovom srbsko (Djuradj), hrvaško (Petar) in slovensko (Pavle) ime...” (Klemenčič,op.cit.str. 149). To pa je vsekakor novica za vse, ki smo živeli v Aleksandrovi Jugoslaviji. Aleksandrovi sinovi so bili res poimenovani po treh “narodih” ali, takrat, “plemenih”, ampak to so bili Peter, Tomislav in Andrej. (Pozanimal sem se pri srbskih znancih o tej zadevi, pa tudi oni so bili vsi nad to Klemenčičevo navedbo do kraja presenečeni. Medtem ko bi “ime” “Djuradj” lahko predstavljalo angleško fonetično izgovarjavo imena “Juraj”, pa ostaja ta stavek v knjigi brez dvoma kot kričeč primer površnosti, s katero sta jo avtorja prirejala.) Jedkih komentarjev na našo preteklost, na učin-kotivost stare Jugoslavije, na veljavo same “jugoslovanske ideje”, smo v preteklosti slišali še in še, vmes so se zvrstile tudi žaljivke ene ali druge vrste - in zdaj se pojavi še en "strokovnjak”, ki s svojo navedbo dokazuje popolno nepoučenost o resničnem stanju pa -tako se zdi - tudi popolno neodgovornost, da bi svoje navedbe kritično pregledal in jih objavil šele, ko bi bil prepričan o njih zanesljivosti. Ta napaka bi bila spregledljiva, če bi bila prva in če bi jo presojali z vidika splošnega učinka tega dela, vendar se mora človek pri tem le vprašati, kako pa Je s srbskim, hrvaškim, makedonskim in bosanskim delom te “znanstvene” razprave? Površnost tudi ni edina napaka te publikacije. Klemenčičeve navedbe o dogodkih ob koncu druge svetovne vojne bi komaj mogli prišteti med “površne” navedbe. Bolj primeren bi bil najbrž pridevnik “zloben”. Pavle Borštnik: Neutrudni glasnik slovenstva Ljubljana (Demokracija, 13. okt. 2005, str. 66, brez podpisa) -Pavleta Borštnika z osmimi križi na plečih misel na slovensko domovino ni nikoli zapustila, čeprav že več kot pol stoletja živi v ZDA. Ob častitljivem jubileju je prav, da poudarimo njegovo razgibano življenjsko pot, ki ga je, Ljubljančana, najprej privedla v okupatorjeve zapore, nato pa v vrste domobrancev in kasneje v Jugoslovansko vojsko v domovini. Povojna usoda begunca ga je pehala iz enega taborišča v drugega, dokler ni leta 1949 prispel v svojo drugo domovino -Ameriko. Tam je Borštnik pomembno sooblikoval kulturno in družbeno življenje slovenske skupnosti in prispeval "drugačen” pogled na sočasno dogajanje v Jugoslaviji pod komunistično oblastjo. Poleg tega, da je bil poročevalec in urednik pri Glasu Amerike (naposled je prevzel vodenje slovenskega oddelka), se je izkazal tudi kot ploden pisatelj. Že pred prihodom v ZDA je izdal pesniški zbirki, kasneje je sledila knjiga v angleščini. v kateri je razkrival med- in povojno dogajanje v Sloveniji, leta 1998 pa je pri Mladinski knjigi v Ljubljani izšla njegova razprava Pozabljena zgodba slovenske nacionalne ilegale. Svojo publicistično dejavnost je razvijal s soustano-vitvijo Slovenske pravde in sodelovanjem pri njenem glasilu Klic Triglava, v listu slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev Tabor, bil Je tudi redni dopisnik Ameriške domovine in sourednik glasila Ameriško-sloven-skega kongresa. Kljub obsežnemu delu, v katerem ni nikoli pozabil na tragično usodo domovine, se je udejstvoval tudi v gledališki in zborovski dejavnosti slovenske skupnosti. Govoreč o razvoju v Sloveniji, piše Klemenčič, da so Nemci, po kapitulaciji Italije, “rešili del vaških stražarjev in jih organizirali v slovensko domobranstvo, pomožne policijske oddelke. V navzočnosti škofa Rožmana so (ti oddelki, p.b.) svečano prisegli Hitlerju na njegov rojstni dan leta 1946 (! p.b.), da se bodo borili proti komunistom in njihovim zaveznikom v korist nemške vojske.” To pa je navadna laž in klevetanje, napačna letnica pa še enkrat potrju- je “zanesljivost” teh Klemenčičevih prizadevanj. (Ur. AD: Tu bi pa res trdil, da gre za tiskarski škrat, ki bi ga morali pri lektoriranju popraviti ali avtorja sama ali pri uredništvu izdajatelja.) Ne zmanjka pa mu “znanstvenosti”, ko gre za interese komunistične partije, njene Osvobodilne fronte in njenih partizanov. Klemenčič namreč elegantno preide preko ene najbolj kritičnih točk razvoja v okupirani Slove-(DALJE na str. 16) Mala enciklopedija bivše SFRJ (NADALJEVANJE S Str. 15) nlji: ilegalna komunistična partija je, piše, “as early as April 26” (!) vzpostavila odporniško organizacijo, ki se je sprva nazivala “Protiimperiali-stična fronta”, kmalu (po nemškem napadu na Sov-' jetsko zvezo) pa se je preimenovala v “Osvobodilno fronto slovenskega naroda”. Tisti “kmalu” za nepoučenega bralca ali za površnega “znanstvenika" u-činkovito zakamuflira trimesečno medvladje in negotovost vsled nemško-sovjetskega zavezništva. Takrat je “Protiimperiali-stična fronta” v svojih proglasih med imperialiste izrecno prištevala tudi Angloameričane. Podobno se razpisuje Klemenčič, ko obravnava vprašanje sovjetsko-jugo-slovanskega spora in ponavlja staro pripovedbo, da se je Tito uprl Stalinu, in ne, da je Stalin nagnal Tita iz svoje druščine. Zanimiv je njegov opis prvih dni po marčevem državnem udaru odnosno po nemškem napadu 6. aprila 1941. Takrat, kot vemo, se je jugoslovanska vojska (v skladu z obstoječim strateškim obrambnim načrtom) umaknila iz Slovenije. Sledilo je nekajdnevno brezvladje, v katerem je bil v Sloveniji, po sili razmer, najvišji predstavnik jugoslovanskih oblasti - ban Natlačen. Ker temu na misel ni prišlo, da bi se oklical za kakega ali drugačnega “državnega” funkcionarja, je sklical vse dosegljive poslance in predstavnike posameznih parlamentarnih strank ter iz njih sestavil t.i. “Narodni svet”, ki naj bi državljanom nadomeščal oblast, dokler pač se ne bi pojavila neka nova oblast, okupatorska ali kakršnakoli že. Zelo dvomljivo je, da se je ta Narodni svet (ki ga ne gre zamenjavati za kasnejši Narodni odbor) sploh kdaj sestal, s prihodom italijanske vojske 10. aprila zvečer pa je prenehal delovati in se je razšel. Klemenčič ima nekoliko drugačno razlago, če že ne dogodkov, pa vsaj njihove vsebine. Po njegovem, je “del slovenskega političnega vodstva, ki je ostal v domovini, 6. aprila 1941 ustanovil v Ljubljani Narodni svet pod vodstvom bana Natlačena. (Ta) Narodni svet je potem začel sodelovati z italijanskimi okupatorji, češ da bi to znižalo število Slovencev, ki so bili preganjani...” (Klemenčič, op. cit., str. 166) Razlaga je vsaj nejasna: kot se bere, bi človek rekel; da je ta, 6. aprila ustanovljeni Narodni svet, pričel sodelovati z Italijani še isti dan. Težava je v tem, da so Italijani dosegli Ljubljano šele štiri dni kasneje. Narodni svet, kot rečeno, pa se je ob njihovem prihodu razšel. Še manj je jasno, kdo naj bi “preganjal” Slovence. Ali naj razumemo Klemenčičevo navedbo, da je hotel Narodni svet s takojšnjo “kolaboracijo” olajšati usodo tistih primorskih rojakov, ki so bili čez noč spet izpostavljeni italijanski jezi? To bi bila samo delna razla- LEMONT... (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) sovno lepo zazveni kot celota, kar je pri desetih pevcih in pevkah vsega upoštevanja vredno. Upamo, da bodo zvesto nadaljevali. Zahvala vsem, ki redno poravnavate naročnino za Ave Maria, nekateri že za vtč Jet naprej, pri tem pa nekateri pridajo še “dar Ave Mariji”, poleg ostalih darov: za vzdrževanje Lemonta, za misijone... Pri tem vemo, da se zavedate važnosti mesečne sv. maše za žive in rajne naročnike. Obiskal nas je sobrat iz Slovenije, p. Tadej Strehovec, OFM, novoma-šnik leta 2001, po rodu iz ljubljanskega Bežigrada, ki je v New Yorku nadomestoval p. Krizolo-ga, pri tem je pa izkoristil bogastvo znanstvenih virov glavne velemestne knjižnice za svoje nadalj-ne znanstveno delo. Lani je doktoriral iz teologije v Ljubljani, zdaj pa se v Louvainu na katoliški univerzi specializira za bioetiko. AVE MARIA -v,, , november,2005 ga, saj do zadnjega nismo vedeli, kdo se bo prikazal v Ljubljani, Nemci ali Italijani. Klemenčič na splošno potrjuje zaporedje dogodkov, kot so se odvijali v zasedeni Sloveniji, jim pa daje nek povsem svojski pečat s tu in tam skoraj smešno razlago takratnega razvoja. Kako npr. je prišlo do terorja VOS-a v začetku leta 1942? Klemenčič se v to vprašanje spusti kot razigran otrok med piščance na dvorišču in “podi” svoje misli in ideje na vse konce in kraje. Najprej pravilno zapiše, da je prišlo do nepremostljivih razlik med OF in pristaši predvojnih političnih strank. Potem pa ga že zanese: te stranke naj bi vodil škof Rožman, z delom duhovščine. In potem: “When the false expectations of the Communist leaders to end the war quickly had not materialized by spring 1942, the Communists started to kill the collaborators of the occupiers and the Communists’ political opponents...” (str. 167) To je vsekakor nova, edinstvena razlaga izbruha partijskega terorja. Dvomimo pa lahko, da je bo vesela današnja partijska struktura. Da je ta razlaga povsem zmotna, ve vsak, ki je preživel tiste dni. Precej presenetljiva je tudi navedba, da je bil t.i. “kulturni molk” v Sloveniji proglašen med nekim koncertom v Unionski dvorani v Ljubljani. Koncert naj bi bil zaključen s pesmijo “Lipa zelenela je...” Človeku ob tem res prihaja v spomin nekakšen zborovski koncert v Unionski dvorani, zdi pa se malo verjetno, da bi kdorkoli ob tisti priliki, ko so bili v dvorani brez dvoma že navzoči tudi agentje italijanske okupacije, javno razglašal “kulturni molk”. Ta je bil razglašen "impliclt.e”, od ust do ust. saj so bili Italijani v tistih prvih dneh okupacije zelo občutljivi za kakršno koli slovensko “nehvaležnost". Navsezadanje, v Ljubljano so takrat prihajali razni italijanski umetniki in umetniški ansambli, da bi Slovencem dokazali “dobro voljo” Mussolinija in kralja Viktorja Emanuela. Brez ugovora pa ,so Itali--..v; 'iv.' ;<■ ,< Jani sprejemali tudi begunce s Štajerske in Gorenjske, tudi tiste, ki so že bili deportirani v Srbijo, pa so od tam pribežali nazaj v Slovenijo. Zelo tudi moti, da sta si avtorja, kot kaže, precej samovoljno (pa v resnici tudi brez potrebe) “izposojala” podatke iz drugih virov, ne da bi to nakazala v opombah. Kartotečni zapis o “Slovenskem domobranstvu” se npr. v prvih stavkih dobesedno sklada z onim, objavljenim v “Historical Dictionary of Slovenia”, (Leopoldina Plut-Pregelj and Carole Rogel, The Scarecrow Press Inc., Lanham Md., 1996. Klemenčič str. 189 - Plut-Rogel str. 120). Isto velja za vpise: “Četniki” - Klemenčič str. 188, Plut-Rogel str. 42; “Bela Garda" - Klemenčič str. 193, Plut Robel str. 28; “Kominforma” - Klemenčič str. 273 - Plut-Rogel str. 28. Klemenčič - Žagarjeva knjiga naj bi bila še tako dobronamerno zamišljena, a dela slabo uslugo zgodovini nekdanje Jugoslavije in njenih narodov in narodnostnih skupnosti, ker jo bo vsak kolikor toliko informiran bralec prepoznal kot ne ravno uspešno apologijo komunistične revolucije v Sloveniji. V LJUBEČ SPOMIN OB 13. OBLETNICI NAŠE DRAGE MAME IN STARE MAME JOŽEFA KUHAR (ROJ. REBOLJ) Umrla 4. novembra 1992 LJUBLJENA MAMA! Za vse dobro Vam nihče plačati ne more, zato upamo, da ste prišteta v nebeških zborih! Žalujoči: Alojzij, Bogomir, Frančišek in Stane — sinovi Marcy in Metka — snahi Uršula Marija — vnukinja Andrej, Benjamin, Marko in Niko — vnuki ter ostali sorodniki v Argentini, Sloveniji in Ameriki. v: '„v, ptjf ap Površno prikazovanje dejstev, ali pa njih namerno prenarejenje, sta dva najhujša prestopka proti zanesljivosti zgodovine in zaslužita vsaj obžalovanja. Prizadet pa je tudi osebni sloves avtorjev, obenem s splošnim slovesom, ki ga uživa slovensko zgodovinopisje, pa tudi sloves založbe, ki ob pomanjldjivih kriterijih objavlja dela in razprave o vprašanjih, o katerih njeni uredniki očitno nimajo pojma. NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 11) in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin St. Vitus Building Fund, 6019 Lausche Ave-) Cleveland, OH 44103 ali Hospice of the Western Reserve. Mary Olsen Umrla je 89 let stara Mary Olsen iz Mayfield Vi-llagea, rojena Dobida, vdova po Royju, mati Kennetha in že pok. Rogelja, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Juli® Rožance, Dorothy Bro^11 ter že pok. Alice Kuharic in Gilberta. Pogreb bo jutr’> v petek, v oskrbi Cosiceve-ga zavoda na Chardon Rd-; kjer bodo pogrebni obredi ob lih dop., sledil bo P°' kop na Vernih duš p0^0' pališču. Ure kropljenja s0 danes, četrtek, pop. od 2-do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Erika J. Champa Dne 26. oktobra je umr la 58 let stara Erika Champa iz Eastlaka, hčef ka že pok. Andrewa Cham pa in Ruth (r. Spackman) Champa Kozak, pastorka 6 pok. Georgea Kozak, sest/.a Andrewa J. in Williama Pogreb je bil 31. oktobra oskrbi Brickmanovega zaV° da s sv. mašo v cerkvi sV^ Pavla na Chardon Rd' j pokopom na Vernih d | pokopališču. Albert J. Widmar Dne 15. oktobra je , Tulsi, Okla., umrl 80 stari Albert J. Widnar, ^ jen v Clevelandu kot Josepha in Anne, roj- » j nejcic (oba že pok.), ^ Betty, oče JoAnn * ^ I Thomasa in Michaela, j krat stari oče, brat Mary ^ Shuss, Margaret Scarr že pok. Johna in Jos6P v j poklicni igralec in trener,6t, baseballu več kot 60 ^ igral od leta 1947 dalje ^ St. Louis Browns in P° ^ i za Chicago White Sox, d ^ | je postal trener za ,0- j pri raznih ekipah. SP0 ^ ^ ska sv. maša je bila oktobra v cerkvi BreZ^ žnega spočetja na 41^ j,jl perior Ave., pokop „ na pokopališču Floral ^ v Tulsi.