Rchahilitaci_ja Letnik VII. 11111/ . -1 (!008/ DEMOGRAPHIC ANO PHENOTYPIC CHARACTERISATION OF DUR ALS PATIENTS V Zgonc, L. Dolenc Gr ošelj. 8. Koritnik, L. Le onardis, S. Ristic-Kovačič, V štukovnik, l. Zidar, J. Zidar Institute of Clinical Neur ophysiology, University Medica! Cen tre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slove nia Knowledge of clinical and epidemiological data on ALS patients assist physicians to identify prognostic factors of the disease what helps patients and their relatives to schedule their activities during disease course. Our aim was to analyse the available demographic and phenotypic disease characteristics f r om our ALS database that includes patients referred f r om October 2002 to July 2008. We identified 124 patients (45% men, 55% women). Mean age at disease on set was 62 years (range 35-81, SD = 1 O years), 63 years (SD = 10) in women and 61 years (SD = 11) in men. The disease started as spina( form in 58%, and as bulbar form in 27%. Fifteen percent ofpatients could not be unequi vocall y classified in either of these two categories. Four patients (3%) had familial form of the disease. Accord­ ing to EI Escorial diagnostic criteria (EDC) at the tirne of First referral, 26% of patients had definite, 40% probablc, 12% possible, and 22% suspicious form of ALS. Walking problems in 77% of patients started on average 10 months after admission (range 0-96, SO = 17). Forty percent of them were unable to ambulatc independently on average 25 months after admission (range 2-105, SD = 23). Twenty-eight percent of patients were unable to fecd themselves, what on average happened 23 months after the diagnosis (range 5-69, SO = 16). Fifty-eight percent had speech problems that started on average after 11 months (range 0-102, SD = 19), 32% became anarthric (on average after 21 months, range 5-72, SD = 15). Swallowing problems had 62% of patients, on average 16 months (range 0-110. SD = 21) after disease onset and in 27% percutaneous endo­ scopic gastrostomy (PEG) was performed (on average after 25 months after making the diagnosis, range 5-96, SO = 21 ). Breathing problcms that on average started 25 months after admission (range 2-108, SO= 24) had 52% of patients, and 11 % opted for noninvasive ventilation, on average 30 months after the diagnosis was made (range 7-110, SD = Ei 26) while only 2 patients were tracheotomised. Among most f r equently used drugs were riluzole (36% of patients) and glycopyrrolate (22% ofpatients), both drugs being registered in Slovenia since 2005, followed by antidepressants (21 % of patients) and quinidine ( 12% of patients). Sixty-five percent of patients f r om our register had already died. The median survival tirne f r om symptom onset was 28 months (range 3-111, SO= 19) with the median age of death at 66 years (range 45-82, SO= 10). The median sur­ vival tirne after admission was 13 months (range 1-39, SD = 10). In those with PEG, the median survival tirne after this intervention was 7 months (range 0-23, SD = 7). The survival curves for the following variables were calcu­ lated by Kaplan-Meier method and compared with the log­ rank test. The hazard ratio was calculated for cach variable. The variables were: male vs. fe male f r om thc first symptom onset, male vs. female f r om the tirne of rcfcrral to our clinic, patients with bul bar vs. spina! forms of thc disease, median delay between the symptom onset and tirne of diagnosis (less or more than 15 months), median age at thc onset of first symptom (older and youngcr than 62 ycars), median grade of ALS Functional Rating Scale score at the time of referral (below and above 31 points), and median Norris ALS Ois ability Scale scorc at Lhe tirne of referral (below and above 80 points). The significantly better survival was identified only for patients with longer diagnostic delay (over 15 months; log-rank chi square = 23.23, p < 0.0001, HR (95% C[) = 3.7) and in a younger age group ( < 62 years at the tirne of the first symptom, log-ran k chi square = 9.98, p < 0.0016, HR (95% CI) = 2.1 ). Our database, that is regularly updated, was not designed to serve for the descriptive epidemiological studies and is insufficient in many other aspects as well. Its main aim was to support other possible clinical studies that neverthe­ less necessitate a prospective collection of separate sets of data. Rehabilitacija Letnik VII. .11111I . -J /2008) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Organising Committee of the Symposiwn on Amyo­ trop hic Lateral Sclerosis with the 24'" D,: Janez Faganel Memorial Lecture gratefully acknowledges financial support of the general sponsors, thc British Council (The lnterna­ tio nal Networkingfor Young Scientists Progra111111e) and the Slovenian Research Agency. Pharma, Boehringer lngelheim Pharma, Eli Lilly , Genzyme Europe, GSK, Janssen-Cilag, Krka, Lek, Lundbcck-Pharma, Medis, Mylan, Novartis, Ortosana, Pfizer, Pharmaswiss. Pliva Ljubljana, Pul modata, Sanofi-Aventis, and Torrex Chiesi Slovenia. We are pleased with participation of the following com­ panies (in alphabetical order): Auremiana, Bayer Schering The kind contribution and support of the Slovenian Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Republic of Slovenia [nstitute for Rehabilitation, the Slovenian Medica! Association, and the Mayor of Ljubljana is much appreciated. General Sponsors ee BRITISH ••coUNCIL GlaxoSm1thKlin Si/ver Sponsors 1ni PharmaSwiss Bronze Sponsors 1 � �� KRK� 11 � M E D 1 s Cojfee Break Sponsors /@\ Boehringer �,lllw' lngelheim • ti