original scientific article UDC 574.4/.5:581.9(497.4 Strunjan) received: 2005-05-30 VEGETATION OF THE STJUZA COASTAL LAGOON IN STRUNJAN LANDSCAPE PARK (SLOVENIA): A DRAFT HISTORY, MAPPING AND NATURE-CONSERVANCY EVALUATION Nina ŠAJNA University of Maribor, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Biology, SI-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 E-mail: nina.sajna@uni-mb.si Mitja KALIGARIČ Department of Biology, Pedagogical Faculty, University of Maribor, SI-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre of Koper, Institute for biodiversity studies, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 1 ABSTRACT A draft history of the artificial Stjuza coastal lagoon was reconstructed on the basis of old maps (1804 and 1873) and compared with the present-day situation using GIS. The current data were simplified to obtain comparable categories (landscape units) with old maps. The following major landscape units were distinguished: lagoon, salt marshes, mainland, brackish rivers and estuaries, ditches and canals, salt-pans, embankment, villages and roads. On current map, a total of 47 habitat types according to PHYSIS typology occurring in 206 polygons, which cover an area of 41.6 ha, were identified and described. Habitats with greater nature-conservancy value cover 26.7 ha of the total research area and constitute 40% of the polygons described. 55.6% of these belong to halophilous scrubs - Sar-cocornetea fruticosi (= Arthrocnemetea fruticosi) - and 25.9% to annual salt pioneer sward communities, dominated by Salicornia europaea. Mediterranean salt swamps (Juncion maritimi) are present to a small extent only. It could be concluded that the artificial Stjuza lagoon, constructed for fish farming purposes, developed in habitat diverse coastal wetland area after partial abandonment. Key words: coastal lagoon, vegetation, habitat types, PHYSIS, mapping GIS VEGETAZIONE DELLA LAGUNA COSTIERA STJUZA NEL PARCO NATURALE DI STRUGNANO (SLOVENIA): BOZZA STORICA, RILEVAMENTO E VALUTAZIONE DEL GRADO DI CONSERVAZIONE DELLA NATURA SINTESI Sulla base di vecchie mappe (datate 1804 e 1873) gli autori hanno ricostruito una bozza storica della laguna costiera artificiale Stjuza e, con l'ausilio del GIS, l'hanno confrontata con la situazione attuale. I dati recenti sono stati semplificati per ottenere categorie comparabili (unita di terreno) con le vecchie mappe. Le nove maggiori unita distinte comprendono: laguna, maremme, terraferma, fiumi ed estuari salmastri, fossi e canali, saline, argini, villaggi e strade. Sulla mappa contemporanea vengono identificati e descritti 47 tipi di habitat conformi alla tipologia PHYSIS, ritrovabili in 206 poligoni, ricoprenti un'area di 41,6 ettari. Gli habitat con il piu alto grado di conservazione della natura ricoprono 26,7 ettari dell'area studiata, ovvero il 40 % dei poligoni descritti. Il 55,6 % di essi appartiene ad arbusti alofili - Sarcocornetea fruticosi (= Arthrocnemetea fruticosi) - mentre il 25,9 % alle comunita annuali pioniere alofile, dominate da Salicornia europaea. Le caratteristiche maremme mediterranee (Juncion maritimi) sono presenti solo in minor misura in quest'area. Gli autori concludono che la laguna artificiale Stjuza ha sviluppato, dopo un parziale abbandono dell'attivita di pescicoltura, diversi habitat tipici delle zone umide costiere. Parole chiave: laguna costiera, vegetazione, tipi di habitat, PHYSIS, rilevamento, GIS INTRODUCTION The area under consideration was declared Strunjan Nature Park in 1990 (Firbas, 2001), primarily due to its floristic and faunistic diversity, geological phenomena and landscape value. The attractive seacoast cliffs are built of flysch (Eocene calcareous sandstone), which enables development of deciduous thermophilous vegetation. Due to flysch properties (impermeable to water), there are several springs and most of them remain active also during the summer. The most prominent among them is the Strunjan stream, even though it is only 5.6 km long but, except that in its lower course the permanent water input is provided with underground springs (Radinja, 1979). In its mouth in Strunjan bay there probably was, in pre-human history, a seacoast marsh, developed on alluvial deposits. We could assume that Phragmites and -uncus maritimus-dominated vegetation developed in permanently flooded stands. Halophyte vegetation probably developed on shallow mudflats of the estuary in different forms, mostly due to the salinity level, water availability, soil type and microtopography. The area, however, must have been subjected to strong human pressures in distant past. As early as in Roman times (Darovec, 1992), the sedimentary coast of the mouth of the Strunjan stream was probably transformed into salt-pans, which still exist nowadays. Another part of the bay was later separated from the sea by a shallow dyke, but remained connected with a canal. It was used for fish farming, but abandoned at the beginning of the 20th century (Avcin et a/., 1974). As the lagoon originated due to the fact that the bay was artificially closed and separated from the open sea, it was given the name Stjuza, deriving from the Italian term "chiusa" (closed). Marine environments, like estuaries and lagoons, constitute highly productive ecosystems with special ecological role owing to their location between marine and terrestrial interface area, where nutrients are supplied from fresh water inputs, tides, the atmosphere and bottom sediments (Forman & Godron, 1986). Still, they remain among the most threatened ecosystems worldwide according to IUCN classification, especially due to various anthropogenic impacts, such as tourism activities, aquaculture and agriculture (Salman, 1994). Today, the Stjuza coastal lagoon is an important wetland site also due to the rare and endangered halo-phyte vegetation types and its halophyte flora. Ample data on the halophyte flora of Strunjan were available already in some historical floras, such as Marchesetti (1896-97) and Pospichal (1897-98). A very comprehensive list was produced by Wraber (1974) and later completed by Kaligaric (1996). The vegetation cover, threat status and phytocoenosis distribution of halophytes have been discussed by Kaligaric (1985, 1996, 1999a, 1999b), with phytosociological Strunjan releves also included in Poldini et a/. (1999). The objective of this study was (1) to make a draft historical reconstruction of the area's vegetation assemblage, (2) to quantify and spatially characterise the present vegetation throughout habitat types, (3) to identify valuable habitats for conservation, and (4) to develop a GIS system that can be used for future observations. MATERIAL AND METHODS Cartography The early available vegetation covers of the area were interpreted from Austro-Hungarian military maps, made in 1804 exclusively for military purposes within the "Emperor Joseph II Land Survey" (Rajsp & Ficko, 1996). The maps were drawn at a scale of ca. 1 : 28,000. They are not sufficiently accurate to be processed directly by GIS (Carni et a/., 1998), but by comparing the positions and distances between still existing single houses from old and new maps, it was possible to transfer categories, clearly visible from the old maps, into GIS and allowed us to resize the maps to fit the scale of the present ones. Next temporal window is represented by Italian cadastre ("Regolazione dell'imposta fondiaria") at a scale of ca. 1 : 20,000, drawn in 1873 by Giuseppe Coreggi (Coreggi, 1873). The lagoon is marked "Peschiera di Strugnano Basso" and "Pesca", with both names referring to fish farming. The current data were simplified to obtain comparable categories (landscape units) with old maps. We distinguished the following major habitat categories: lagoon, salt marshes, mainland, brackish rivers and estuaries, ditches and canals, salt-pans, embankment, villages and roads. Habitat mapping To represent the diversity of various biological features, different approaches are used. Diversity can be measured either at the species or community levels (Boteva et a/., 2004). A survey at the species level could be very complex and time-consuming, like a detailed floristic and faunistic inventory. Remote-sensing data, like airborne methods, require field evaluation to prevent different kinds of errors associated with digitising and subjective photo interpretation (Green & Hartley, 2000). Sometimes the scale is not sufficiently accurate, especially if the vegetation occurs in a small-structured mosaic, like the Stjuza coastal lagoon. Smith & Theberge (1986) emphasize that vegetation communities are the most commonly used spatial unit for diversity assessment. As suggested by Kati et a/. (2004), standard typologies of habitats, predominantly based on vegetation types, according to Devillers & Devillers- Terschuren (1996), Pienkowski et a/. (1996) or Stoms et a/. (1998), Fig. 1: Historical review of the Stjuža lagoon and adjoining areas on the basis of 10 landscape units. Sl. 1: Zgodovinski pregled lagune Stjuža in sosednjih območij na podlagi 10 krajinskih enot. could be used effectively. Among them PHYSIS is very practical, due to its physiognomically based criteria of determining single polygons, but its units are phytoso-ciologically grounded. PHYSIS Data Base (Devilliers & Devilliers-Terschuren, 1996) was adapted and improved in order to fit local conditions (Jogan ef a/., 2004). Therefore, we evaluated the current situation by field observations combined with aerial photographs (digital-ized ortho-photographs, provided by GURS, Republic of Slovenia). For elaboration in GIS, the computer package ArcView 3.1 (ESRI) was used. Field data included habitat types classified according to Palaearctic habitat typology from PHYSIS Data Base, adjusted to Slovenian habitat characteristics. To obtain more precise description of habitats occurring in the field, we used intermediates (marked with "x") between two habitat types in case of transition between two habitat types. For the same purpose we used a combination of two habitat types marked with "/", when trying to explain one type with the help of another (for instance forest fragment explained with the type of the forest). For the identification of habitat units with greater nature-conservancy value (App. 1), we used the list of priority habitats ("FFH" code that corresponds to the NATURA 2000 code) from the Annex I of the "Habitats Directive" (Directive 92/43/EEC, 1992) To reduce the level of details that cannot be show on 1 : 6,000 maps, we aggregated related habitat types into 15 categories (App. 1) and named them adequately (Tab. 1). Each map produced was processed via detailed quality control check with CLU Quality Control extension in ArcView, to clear the multipart polygons, overlapping polygons, sliver polygons, void polygons and adjacency. Obtained spatial data is geolocated and can now be stored and visualized using geographic information systems (GIS). Tab. 1: Codes and names for different aggregate types derived from PHYSIS typology. Tab. 1: Kode in imena zbirnih habitatnih tipov na podlagi tipologije PHYSIS. Aggregate code used in Fig. 2 Name of the aggregate 1 Marine communities Open-water and bottom communities and vascular vegetation beds; marine communities of the littoral zone and coastal lagoons. 2 River mouths, estuaries and mudflats River mouths, estuaries, sand or mud sea banks under influence of tide. 3 Glasswort swards Annual salt pioneer swards, in particular Salicornia herbacea, colonizing periodically inundated mud of the Mediterranean coastal saltmarshes. 4 Tall rush saltmarshes Beds of Juncus maritimus or J.acutus of periodically inundated depressions of the Mediterranean. In Slovenia, only J. maritimus occurs. 5 Saltmarsh scrubs and rocky shore communities Low shrubby expanses of woody halophytes, characteristic of inundated saltmarshes and rocky shores with several annual plants. 6 Coastal lagoons Saline or hypersaline waters cut off from the sea completely or still connected to the sea by narrow passages. The presence of marine invertebrate communities or vegetation can be indicated by addition of other habitat codes. 7 Ligneous formations Ligneous formations of natural thermophilous shrub communities or cultivated tree formations composed of native, exotic or native species out of their natural range and habitat. 8 Reed beds Communities of the margins of lakes, sea inlets, rivers and brooks, eutrophic marshes, swamps, ditches dominated by tall Poaceae-like Phrajmites. 9 Ruderal communities Communities of pioneering, introduced or nitrophilous plants colonising waste places, disturbed natural or seminatural areas, roadsides and other interstitial spaces or disturbed ground. 10 High-stem orchards Tree crops of standards, cultivated for fruit production. 11 Urban green spaces Usually varied formations, created for recreational use. The vegetation usually composed mainly of introduced species or cultivars. 12 Towns, villages, industrial sites Areas used for human occupation and industrial activities. 13 Salt-pans Active or recently abandoned salt-extraction basins. When vegetation is established, detailed habitats can be specified by means of the subdivisions of 15. 14 Ditches and small canals Narrow linear artificial freshwater bodies, mostly used for irrigation or partition, in this case for the purpose of salt-extraction basins. 15 Roads RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Slovenia has a very short coastline of 47 km (Kos, 1996), whose greater part is composed of a fairly steep coast (including an 80 m high cliff formation). Despite its artificial origin, the Stjuza lagoon developed into diversity-rich habitats of great ecological importance. A draft historical reconstruction There were no maps, transferable to GIS, available before the beginning of the19th century. Therefore, there are no cartographic records of the earlier mentioned open bay. On the Austro-Hungarian military map, however, the embankment seems to be of relatively recent origin if we look at the shape of the dyke and the green coloration on the original map. The halophyte and brackish swamp vegetation began to develop when the lagoon was closed, and due to hydrologic dynamics, sediment deposition and anthropogenic impact, the vegetation cover continuously followed these dynamics. The cartographic aspect of the vegetation cover, simplified in order to be comparable, is shown in three temporal windows in figure 1. A review of the historical data shows that the area of brackish rivers, estuaries and salt marshes became shrank during the centuries, whereas the salt-pans expanded towards the sea. Nowadays, the increasingly occurring saltmarshes favours salt-pans abandonment. Also, the size and shape of the lagoon has varied through history. In 1873, the lagoon was the largest, almost twice the present size with its total surface area of 10.55 ha. In general, it is well known that species diversity correlates with habitat size, but in habitats that include shoreline, the shape is significant as well. To describe the changes occurring in the shape of the lagoon, we calculated an index according to Forman & Godron (1986). It is the ratio between shore length and the circumference of a circle with same surface area as the water body that can describe the degree of development of the shoreline (D). In 1804, the shoreline development values were higher (D = 1.317), the dyke and the lagoon had a more natural appearance. The smallest values were calculated for the year 1873 (D = 1.130), despite the large surface area. This leads back to an intense fish farming activity at the time. Nowadays, the degree of the lagoon shoreline development increased (D = 1.283) due to abandonment of fish farming and assemblage of marginal vegetation (saltmarsh scrub, reed beds and ruderal communities). Fig. 2:15 aggregated habitat types (see Table 1) of the Stjuža lagoon and adjoining areas. SI. 2:15 zbirnih habitatnih tipov (glej Tabelo 1) lagune Stjuža in sosednjih območij. Fig. 3: Habitat types of greater nature-conservancy value ("Natura 2000 habitats") of the Stjuža lagoon and adjoining areas. For names of the habitats see App. 1. Sl. 3: Naravovarstveno pomembnejši habitatni tipi ("habitati Natura 2000") lagune Stjuža in sosednjih območij. Za imena habitatnih tipov glej App. 1. Habitat mapping We identified and described a total of 47 habitat units according to PHYSIS typology occurring in 206 polygons that cover an area of 41.6 ha. The current situation of aggregated habitat types is shown in figure 2. It is a remarkable complex of coastal and halophytic habitats present in a small area, although some polygons show consider- able size. Most of the area is occupied by seagrass meadows with Cymodocea and Zostera (13.6 ha), although we found Ruppia cyrrKosa in a single small polygon (0.8 ha) as well. Areas with extensive salt-extraction activities occupy 10 ha. The cover area is followed by ruderal communities (3.8 ha) and glasswort swards with annual Sali-cornia, Suaeda or Salsola on 2.35 ha. We introduced a new habitat type category for Slo- vene PHYSIS classification - Tamarisk stands, due to the subspontaneous abundant formations in areas that cannot be avoided at this mapping scale. Large part of the mapped habitat is covered by ruderal communities or their intermediates. This is a sign of unstable and disturbed habitats, though very floristically rich due to warm climatic conditions at Strunjan. Habitats with greater nature value (Fig. 3) cover 26.7 ha of the total research area, constituting 40 % of the polygons described. Almost all halophytic habitat types known for Slovenia and classified as priority habitats by the Habitats directive are present there. Among these habitat types, 55.6 % are represented by habitats suitable for halophilous scrubs - Sarcocornetea fruticosi (FFH code number 1420), occurring mainly in the abandoned salt-pan basins, and 25.9 % habitats by annual salt pioneer swards communities, in particular with dominating Sa/icornia europae, often the only species in the community, colonising periodically inundated sand and silt banks (code 1310). This communities require soil with high ion concentration and low oxygen availability, as well as gently sloping sea banks protected from direct impact of the sea for their establishment (Ka-ligaric, 1996) that can be found in the abandoned saltpans and at the edges of some still active salt-extraction basins. Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncion maritimi) are present to a minor extent, likewise the annual halo-phytes colonising the rocky shores. It could be concluded that this is the only lagoon on the Slovenian flysch and flysch-derivated sedimentary coast, despite being artificial developed in habitat-diverse and halophyte communities-rich coastal wetland area. Historical reconstruction of the past 200 years indicates that the assemblage of valuable habitats increased, probably due to partial abandonment of saltpans and fish farming activities. VEGETACIJA OBALNE LAGUNE STJUŽA V KRAJINSKEM PARKU STRUNJAN (SLOVENIJA): ZGODOVINSKI ORIS, KARTIRANJE IN NARAVOVARSTVENO OVREDNOTENJE Nina ŠAJNA Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta, Oddelek za biologijo, SI-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 E-mail: nina.sajna@uni-mb.si Mitja KALIGARIČ Univerza v Mariboru, Pedagoška fakulteta, Oddelek za biologijo, SI-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Inštitut za biodiverzitetne študije, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 1 POVZETEK Avtorja sta na osnovi starih zemljevidov (1804 in 1873) napravila rekonstrukcijo lagune Stjuža v Strunjanu in jo ob pomoči GIS (geografskega informacijskega sistema) primerjala z današnjo. Z namenom, da bi dobila s starimi zemljevidi primerljive kategorije (krajinske enote), sta poenostavila današnje podatke in določila naslednje poglavitne krajinske enote: laguno, slanišča, kopno, brakične reke in ustja, jarke in kanale, soline, nasip, vasi in ceste. Na današnjem zemljevidu sta identificirala in opisala skupaj 47 habitatnih tipov glede na tipologijo PHYSIS, ki se pojavljajo na 206 poligonih na površini 41,6 ha. Naravovarstveno pomembnejši habitati se raztezajo na 26,7 ha celotne raziskane površine in sestavljajo 40 % opisanih poligonov. 55,6 % od teh pripadajo slanoljubemu grmišču -Sarcocornetea fruticosi (= Arthrocnemetea fruticosi) - 25,9 % pa enoletnim slanim pionirskim združbam, v katerih prevladuje navadni osočnik Salicornia europaea. Značilnih sredozemskih slanih močvirij (Juncion maritimi) je tu malo. Avtorja zaključujeta, da se je laguna Stjuža po delni opustitvi rabe razvila v pestre habitate obmorskih mok-rišč. Ključne besede: obalna laguna, vegetacija, habitatni tipi, PHYSIS, kartiranje, GIS REFERENCES Avčin, A., I. Keržan, L. Kubik, N. Meith-Avčin, J. Stirn, P. Tušnik, T. Valentinčič, B. Vrišer & A. Vukovič (1974): Akvatični ekosistemi v Strunjanskem zalivu. I. Preliminarno poročilo. 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Cymodoceion nodo-sae Den Hartog 1976, Zosterion Christiansen 1934 1 11.33x21 Intermediate type 1 11.412 Brackish waterbodies with Ruppia cir-rhosa Stands of Ruppia cirrhosa, colonising brackish waterbodies, shoals, abandoned salt-pans and river mouths. Ruppion maritimae Br.-Bl. 1931 1 13.11 Brackish rivers Brackish lower stream of rivers caused by tide. 2 13.2 River mouths, estuaries Usually broad river mouths, deltas into the sea. Detailed habitats can be specified by means of the subdivisions of 11. 2 1130 14 Sand or mud banks without vascular vegetation beds Sand or mud sea banks, usually without vascular plants, can be overgrown by algae or cyanobacteria. Similar permanently flooded habitats belong to subdivisions of 21. 2 1140 14x15.113 Intermediate type 2 1140x 1310 15.113 Mediterranean glasswort swards Annual salt pioneer swards, in particular Salicornia herbacea, colonising periodically inundated muds of Mediterranean coastal saltmarshes. Salicornion patulae Gehu et Gehu-Franck 1984 3 1310 15.113x15.61 Intermediate type 3 1310x 1420 15.113x53.6 Intermediate type 3 1310 15.113x87.2 Intermediate type 3 1310 15.11 xTamarisk stands Intermediate type 3 1310 15.51 Mediterranean tall rush saltmarshes -Juncion maritimi Beds of Juncus maritimus or J. acutus of periodically inundated depressions of the Mediterranean. In Slovenia, only J. maritimus is known to occur. Juncion maritimi Br.-Bl. 1931 (Juncetum maritime-acuti Horva-tic 1934) 4 1410 15.51x53.6 Intermediate type 4 1410 15.61 Mediterranean saltmarsh scrubs Low shrubby expanses of woody glassworts, seablites, sea purslanes or Ha-/ocnemum, characteristic of inundated saltmarshes of the Mediterranean coasts. Characterised by dominant species belonging to Arthrocnemum, Ha/imione and Limonium genus. Arthrocnemion fruti-cosi Br.-Bl.1931 corr. O. Bolos 1967 5 1420 15.61x53.6 Intermediate type 5 1420 15.61x87.2 Intermediate type 5 1420 17.2 Rocky shore communities of annuals Rocky shores with several plants like Atrip/ex spp., Sa/so/a soda, Caki/e maritime ... Cakiletea maritimae Tüxen et Preising, Tüxen1950 5 1210 21 Coastal lagoons Saline or hypersaline waters cut off from the sea completely or still connected to the sea by narrow passages. The presence of marine invertebrate communities or vegetation can be indicated by addition of other habitat codes. 6 1150 31.8122 Sub-Mediterranean blackthorn-privet scrub Thermophilous shrub communities of the Sub-Mediterranean part of Slovenia, occupying a large range of the mentioned area. Occurring in hedges dividing karst grasslands (Istria, flysch area), forest edges, woodland recolonisation communities or on sites exposed to sun. On steep rocky edges it can occur as a pioneer forest. Formed by Prunus maha/eb, Frangu/a rupestris, Cotinus coggygria, Fraxinus ornus, Rubus u/mifo/ius, Ligus-trum vu/gare, Carpinus orienta/is, Cornus mas, Berberis vu/garis. Ligustro-Prunetum Tx. 1952 7 31.8122x53.6 Intermediate type 7 31.8122x87.2 Intermediate type 7 53.6 Reed beds Communities of the margins of lakes, sea inlets, rivers and brooks, eutrophic marshes, swamps, ditches dominated by tall Poaceae- like Phragmites. Phragmitetum communis Koch 1926 subass. halophylum Pignatti 1953 8 53.62 Giant reed stands Secondary formations of Arundo donax. 10 53.62xTamarisk stands Intermediate type 9 53.6x53.62 Intermediate type 9 53.6x87.2 Intermediate type 9 83.11 Olive groves Mediterranean intensively farmed and traditional plantations of O/ea europaea. 10 83.151 Extensively farmed high-stem fruit orchards High-stem orchard of apple, pear, cherry, often extensively farmed. Low density of trees allows mowing of herb undergrowth. 10 83.152 Intensively farmed high-stem fruit orchards High-stem orchard in Sub-Mediterranean, often intensively farmed. High density of trees planted in rows. 10 83.152x85.31 Intermediate type 10 83.3 Plantations Cultivated ligneous formations planted most often for the production of wood, composed of exotic species or native species out of their natural range and habitat. 7 83.3x87.2 Intermediate type 7 83.324 Locust tree plantation Plantations and spontaneous formations of Robinia pseudacacia. 7 83.324xTamarisk stands Intermediate type 7 84.2 Hedgerows Small tree and shrub formations arranged in a linear or reticulated manner, closely with grassy or cultivated habitats, usually serving as partitions and shelter. 7 85.11 Park woodlots Copses, groves of woods of native or introduced trees, with or without accompanying shrubbery and herbaceous undergrowth, constituting elements of urban parks. 7 85.12 Park lawns Frequently mown grassland (more than 3 times per year), composed of native or sometimes exotic grasses, constituting elements of urban parks. 11 85.12x87.2 Intermediate type 11 85.31 Ornamental gardens Areas of land adjoining a house, planted with ornamental grass, shrubs, trees, flower beds. 11 86.2 Villages Small groups of houses in rural areas, susceptible to strong interconnection between usages by the fauna of the built-up and countryside habitats. Includes bordering areas of town suburbs and isolated buildings. 12 87.2 Ruderal communities Communities of pioneering, introduced or nitrophilous plants colonising waste places, disturbed natural or seminatural areas, roadsides and other interstitial spaces or disturbed ground. Sysimbrion officinalis Tx- et al., Tx. 1950, Dauco-Melilotion Goers 1966, Artem-isio-Egropyrion inter-medii Mueller et Goers 1969. 9 87.2xTamarisk stands Intermediate type 9 89.11 Sea harbours Seaside complexes of artificial basins and inlets constructed for the purposes of navigation. 12 89.12 Salt-pans Active or recently abandoned salt-extraction basins. When vegetation is established, detailed habitats can be specified by means of the subdivisions of 15. 13 89.22 Ditches and small canals Narrow linear artificial freshwater bodies, mostly used for irrigation or as partitions, in this case for the purpose of salt-extraction basins. 14 - Tamarisk stands 9 - Asphalted road 15 - Macadamised road 15 - Path 15