© Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), Ljubljana ISSN 1581-0267 83 UDK: 504.4:519.61/64:627.8(282.243.743) UDC: 504.4:519.61/64:627.8(282.243.743) Strokovni prispevek Professional paper TOPLOTNA OBREMENITEV SA VE DOLVODNO OD TRBOVELJ THERMAL LOAD OF THE SA V A RIVER DOWNSTREAM FROM TRBOVLJE Andrej ŠIRCA Prikazani so bili rezultati študije “Toplotna obremenitev Save v zvezi z izgradnjo TET3”, v kateri smo obravnavali vplive sedanje in nač rtovane Termoelektrarne Trbovlje (TET), Nuklearne elektrarne Krško (NEK) in bazenov spodnjesavske verige HE na temperaturno stanje Save. V predavanju je bil na kratko podan uvodni del študije (analiza znanih podatkov), glavna pozornost pa je veljala prikazu rezultatov uporabljenih 1D in 3D modelov. Iz teh je razviden velikostni red vpliva posameznih bazenov spodnjesavske verige in toč kovnih onesnaževalcev (TET3, NEK) na toplotno stanje reke. V vseh predstavljenih primerih je bil glavni poudarek študije na objektu v Trbovljah, medtem ko sta bili NE Krško in veriga hidroelektrarn obravnavani poenostavljeno. Ključ ne besede: toplotna obremenitev, akumulacije, pretoč ne hidroelektrarne, matematič no modeliranje, termoelektrarna Trbovlje, nuklearna elektrarna Krško, reka Sava Results of the study “Thermal load of the Sava River related to the construction of TET3”, are presented, where influences of the existing and of the planned Trbovlje Thermal Power Plant (TET), of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK) and of the reservoirs of the future chain of hydro power plants on the Lower Sava River on the thermal state of the river were studied. A brief presentation of the introductory part of the study (an analysis of the existing data) is given first during the presentation, which is followed by a presentation of the results of the 1D and of the 3D models. The aim of the latter was to illustrate the share of each future reservoir and of the point pollution sources (TET, NEK) on the thermal state of the Sava River. A simplified description of reservoirs and of the NEK cooling system were applied, while the TET was accounted for with all available details. Key words: thermal load, reservoirs, run-of-river hydro powerplants, mathematical modelling, Trbovlje thermal powerplant, Krško nuclear powerplant, the Sava River 1. UVOD Po izgradnji Termoelektrarne Trbovlje 3 (TET3) in zamenjavi uparjalnikov Nuklearne elektrarne Krško (NEK) se prič akuje poveč anje toplotne obremenitve reke Save. Dodatne obremenitve bo prinesla tudi zajezitev v bodočih akumulacijah spodnjesavske verige hidroelektrarn. V dosedanjih študijah (VGI-VGL, 1989; VGI, 1 991 ; IHR, 1 995; Č ehovin & Rodič , 1 996) problematika ni bila obdelana v zadostnem obsegu. Zato je bila pred izdelavo idejnega projekta TET3 postavljena zahteva po jasno definiranih ekoloških in iz teh izhajajoč ih ekonomskih pogojih za obratovanje tega objekta. V tehnološko-ekološkem delu študije 1. INTRODUCTION An increase of thermal pollution in the Sava River is expected after the construction of the new Trbovlje Thermal Power Plant (TET3), and after an increase of power at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NEK). Additional loads are expected, due to the retention of river water along a future chain of HPPs along the Lower Sava River. Since the problem was not sufficiently elaborated in some recent studies (VGI-VGL, 1989; VGI, 1991; IHR, 1995; Č ehovin & Rodič , 1 996), a clear definition of the environmental and economic conditions of operation was required prior to the construction of the TET3. Three combinations of power plants were elaborated upon in the Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 84 (Rajar et al, 1998) smo obravnavali tri temeljne kombinacije objektov: obstoječ e stanje (analiza), bodoče stanje brez spodnjesavske verige in z novo TET3 ter bodoč e stanje z verigo in TET3 (prognozi). Ekonomski del študije bo predvidoma konč an v letu 2000. 2. PODATKI Velik del študije je predstavljalo zbiranje, usklajevanje in dopolnjevanje podatkov, potrebnih za modele. Potrebni so bili hidrološki (pretok, rečna temperatura), meteorološki (temperatura in vlažnost zraka, insolacija, hitrost vetra) ter obratovalni parametri za posamezne elektroenergetske objekte (TET, NEK). Sedanje stanje pretokov na obravnavanem odseku smo ovrednotili s karakteristič nimi količ inami: srednjimi, srednjimi nizkimi in nizkimi nizkimi (najnižjimi zabeleženimi) pretoki na posameznih vodomerskih postajah: VP Litija, VP Radeče in VP Č atež (preglednice 1 - 3). Zaradi medsebojne primerljivosti prikazujemo v treh preglednicah starejše rezultate (VGI, 1983), ki pa edini kažejo razmerje med posameznimi postajami. V konkretnih rač unih smo, kjer je bilo mogoče, uporabljali najnovejše ali vsaj novejše podatke. Okvirno velja, da so srednji in srednji nizki pretoki v Radeč ah aritmetič na sredina tistih v Litiji in Č atežu. Za nizke nizke pretoke ni opaziti posebnih zakonitosti. Na VP Č atež je zelo izrazito upadanje pretokov v zadnjih desetletjih. To so potrdile kontrole na profilu Krško, vendar bi bilo za popolnoma zanesljivo trditev treba izdelati posebno hidrološko študijo. Glede na splošno neusklajenost podatkov iz različ nih obdobij bi bila takšna študija potrebna pred zač etkom ekstenzivnega izkoriščanja Save (termoenergetika, hidroenergetika), seveda pa bi morala temeljiti na najnovejših podatkih. technological-environmental part of the study: existing state (analysis), future state with the TET3 and without the HPP chain and the future state with both the TET3 and the chain (both prognoses). The economic part of the study is to be completed during the year 2000. 2. DATA A great deal of study was dedicated to the collection, harmonization and completion of the input model data. Hydrological (discharge, river temperature), meteorological (air temperature and humidity, insulation, wind speed) and operating parameters for the particular power plants (TET, NEK) were required. Present discharges along the elaborated stretch of the river were evaluated by characteristic values: mean, mean low and (absolute) minimum discharges at particular gauging stations: GS Litija, GS Radeč e and GS Č atež (Tables 1 – 3). In these tables, older data (VGI, 1983) are given which are only capable of displaying the mutual relations between the stations. If it was possible, the most recent, or at least the more recent data were applied in the calculations. In general, the mean and mean low discharges at Radeč e can be obtained as the aritmetical means of the corresponding values at Litija and Č atež. There is no similar relation for the minimum discharges. A trend of decrease in discharges is evident at GS Č atež. Although it was confirmed by some controls in the Krško cross-section, a separate hydrological study related to this topic would be neccessary. In view of some further disagreements of data from different time periods, such a study, based on the most recent data, would also be necessary prior to an extensive exploitation of the Sava River (thermal power and hydropower). Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 85 Preglednica 1. Srednji pretoki Save za obdobje 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983). Table 1. Mean discharges of the Sava River for the period 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983). JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC leto year Q sr-L 149 147 196 210 199 169 127 106 141 193 268 200 175 Q sr-R 198 197 255 273 260 225 172 145 183 246 339 256 229 Q sr-Č 265 267 350 356 332 286 217 177 226 321 440 336 298 L = Litija, R = Radeč e, Č = Č atež Preglednica 2. Srednji nizki pretoki Save za obdobje 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983). Table 2. Mean low discharges of the Sava River for the period 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983). JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC leto year sr Q n-L 75.9 73.5 91.8 114 107 87.4 71.4 56.8 55.0 75.8 103 96.7 45.8 sr Q n-R 106 104 129 155 145 120 99 81 76 101 140 129 64 sr Q n-Č 139 133 168 193 175 147 119 98 94 128 170 160 79 L = Litija, R = Radeč e, Č = Č atež Preglednica 3. Nizki nizki pretoki Save za obdobje 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983). Table 3. Minimum discharges of the Sava River for the period 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983). JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC leto year n Q n-L 34.4 34.8 41.4 38.5 55.9 41.9 34.1 29.4 27.7 24.4 33.0 46.6 24.4 n Q n-R 60.6 60.1 51.4 50.0 57.3 52.5 48.4 43.3 40.5 39.6 39.6 65.8 39.6 n Q n-Č 60.8 61.7 70.7 69.0 85.9 78.5 52.3 50.0 47.1 47.1 48.5 62.0 47.1 L = Litija, R = Radeč e, Č = Č atež Za študijo ima poseben pomen spreminjanje reč nih temperatur na obravnavanem odseku med Litijo in državno mejo. V preglednici 4 podajamo srednje meseč ne temperature za obdobje 1964 - 1975, kar pomeni, da je v njih deloma že zajet vpliv TET2, ki je zač ela obratovati v letu 1968. Poleg tega je zajet tudi vpliv TET1. Ta je bila zgrajena kmalu po vojni in je vzporedno s TET2 obratovala do leta 1 986. V Č atežu še ni upoštevan vpliv NE Krško, ki je zač ela obratovati leta 1 983. Iz navedenega je razvidno, da je pri oceni sedanjega stanja nemogoče govoriti o naravnem stanju, saj so vse analize temperatur nastale že po izgradnji prvega objekta v Changes of river temperatures along the elaborated reach between Litija and the state border are of special importance for the study. The mean monthly river temperatures for the period 1964 – 1975 are given in Table 4. In these values, influences of the existing TET2 (in operation since 1968) and of TET1 (in operation since WW2 and until 1986, in parallel with TET2) are included, while there are not yet any intrinsic influences of the NEK (in operation since 1 983) in Č atež. With all this in view, the natural state of the river can not be recovered, as all analyses were performed long after the beginning of electricity production in Trbovlje. Within the framework of our recent study, only the Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 86 Trbovljah. V okviru naše študije smo ocenili le vpliv TET2, ki ob polnem obratovanju zvišuje temperaturo Save za 0.16 (november) do 0.35 ºC (avgust), v letnem povpreč ju pa za 0.22 ºC. Za izključ itev vpliva TET2 bi bilo treba te vrednosti odšteti od podanih v preglednici 4, vendar bi še vedno ostal vpliv TET1, ki ga nismo ocenjevali. Porast srednjih temperatur je v resnici manjši, ker TET2 ne obratuje ves č as s polno moč jo, dejanski porasti v reki pa so lahko tudi višji, ker je pretok spremenljiv in pogosto nižji od srednjega. Iz preglednice 4 je tudi razvidno, da se Sava v hladnejših mesecih vzdolž toka ohlaja, v toplejših pa v nekoliko več ji meri segreva. Med Litijo in Radeč ami se ohlaja od decembra do marca, med Radeč ami in Č atežem pa od oktobra do marca. Na obeh odsekih, predvsem pa na zgornjem, je zaradi nestalnega in nedokumentiranega obratovanja TE objektov nemogoče oceniti dejansko naravno ohlajevalno zmogljivost reke. Zato smo prisiljeni sedanje stanje z obratujoč imi TE objekti upoštevati kot izhodiščno. Edina izvedljiva alternativa za oceno naravnega stanja bi bil zelo natanč en model, ki bi ga morali kakovostno umeriti, za kar bi potrebovali dobre in obsežne meritve. Srednje vrednosti le malo povedo o vsakoletnih kritič nih poletnih razmerah, ki smo jih obravnavali v prognostič nih simulacijah. Za primerjavo s temi rezultati so ustreznejše srednje visoke temperature, ki so za navedena tri vodomerne postaje prikazane v preglednici 5, in visoke visoke temperature (absolutni maksimumi obdobja), ki so prikazane v preglednici 6. Pri razlagi zadnjih dveh preglednic moramo upoštevati, da so primerjave srednjih visokih temperatur v različ nih profilih smiselne, primerjave visokih visokih pa ne, ker ne gre za soč asne dogodke. Ker gre torej pri preglednici 6 za informativne vrednosti, kako visoke temperature so bile tam že dosežene, razlike med profili niso prikazane. Poudarjene so le avgustovske vrednosti, ker smo tudi v naših simulacijah upoštevali avgustovske pretoke, hidrološke in meteorološke razmere. influence of TET2 was evaluated, which increases the river temperature from 0.16 (in November) to 0.35 ºC (in September) with an annual average of 0.22 ºC. All these values assume power production at nominal full rate. We could thus eliminate the influence of the TET2 from the values in Table 4, but influences of the old TET1 would still remain unclear. In reality, the increase of the average river temperatures is smaller due to the usual operation with lower power. But on the other hand, it can be even greater, due to the frequent occurence of natural discharges which are lower than average. From Table 4, a decrease of river temperature along the river is evident during the winter months, while a somewhat stronger increase is evident in the summer months. Between Litija and Radeč e, cooling takes place from December to March, while between Radeč e and Č atež, it occurs from October to March. Along both stretches, it is impossible to determine the natural cooling capacity of the river, due to the inconsistent and non- documented operation of the thermal power plants in Trbovlje. Therefore, the present state of operation for the TET2 power plant is assumed to be the initial state. The only alternative for determining the present natural state would be a precise and exactly verified mathematical model, which is presently not feasible due to extensive data requirements. Average values give little information about the critical summer conditions which were elaborated in the prognostic simulations. More suitable for comparison with these results are the mean high temperatures shown for the three relevant gauging stations in Table 5, and the absolute maximum temperatures (of the period), shown in Table 6. It must be taken into account that comparisons of the mean high temperatures in different cross sections are acceptable, while those of the absolute maximum values are not, since the latter are not simultaneous events. As only informative values are given in Table 6 to show the possible extremes at different cross sections, the differences between the cross-sections are not calculated. August values are emphasised, because the August values of temperature, discharges and meteorological parameters were used in the prognosticated simulations. Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 87 Preglednica 4. Spreminjanje srednjih reč nih temperatur med Litijo in Č atežem pred izgradnjo NEK za obdobje 1964-1975 (VGI, 1983) na podlagi meritev enkrat dnevno. Table 4. Changes of mean water temperatures between Litija and Č atež before the construction of the Krško NPP, period 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983) based on one measurement per day. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC leto year T LIT 4.4 5.1 6.3 8.6 11.1 13.1 14.7 15.0 13.1 10.2 7.7 5.3 9.6 T RAD 3.5 4.4 6.2 8.8 11.7 14.2 16.3 16.7 14.3 10.9 7.8 4.7 10.0 ! ! ! ! -0.9 -0.7 -0.1 0.2 0.6 1.1 1.6 1.7 1.2 0.7 0.1 -0.6 0.4 T RAD 3.5 4.4 6.2 8.8 11.7 14.2 16.3 16.7 14.3 10.9 7.8 4.7 10.0 T Č AT 3.0 4.2 6.1 9.1 12.7 15.3 17.3 17.3 14.3 10.6 7.2 4.2 10.1 ! ! ! ! -0.5 -0.2 -0.1 0.3 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.6 0 -0.3 -0.6 -0.5 0.1 T LIT - Litija, T RAD - Radeč e, T Č AT - Č atež Preglednica 5. Spreminjanje srednjih visokih reč nih temperatur med Litijo in Č atežem pred izgradnjo NEK za obdobje 1964-1975 (VGI, 1983), na podlagi meritev enkrat dnevno. Table 5. Changes of mean high water temperatures between Litija and Č atež before the construction of the Krško NPP, period 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983) based on one measurement per day. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC leto year sr T v-LIT 6.0 6.2 8.3 10.0 13.2 15.6 17.1 17.1 15.1 12.5 9.6 7.4 - sr T v-RAD 5.7 6.3 8.7 11.0 14.2 17.3 18.8 19.3 16.8 13.5 9.7 7.1 - ! ! ! ! -0.3 0.1 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.9 2.1 1.7 1.0 0.1 -0.3 - sr T v-RAD 5.7 6.3 8.7 11.0 14.2 17.3 18.8 19.3 16.8 13.5 9.7 7.1 - sr T v-Č AT 4.8 6.4 8.9 11.6 15.5 17.8 19.6 20.1 16.9 13.9 10.1 6.4 - ! ! ! ! -0.9 0.1 0.2 0.6 1.3 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.4 0.4 -0.7 - sr T v-LIT - Litija, sr T v-RAD - Radeč e, sr T v-Č AT - Č atežu Preglednica 6. Spreminjanje visokih visokih reč nih temperatur med Litijo in Č atežem pred izgradnjo NEK za obdobje 1964-1975 (VGI, 1983), na podlagi meritev enkrat dnevno. Table 6. Changes of maximum water temperatures between Litija and Č atež before the construction of the Krško NPP, period 1926-1975 (VGI, 1983) based on one measurement per day. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC leto year v T v-LIT 7.4 8.4 11.3 12.4 15.8 18.0 21.0 20.5 17.0 15.1 11.7 9.0 - v T v-RAD 8.0 8.4 10.4 13.0 17.2 19.0 21.2 22.1 18.5 16.6 12.4 8.7 - v T v-Č AT 6.2 8.5 11.0 16.0 17.1 21.5 22.5 22.0 19.4 17.2 12.2 7.4 - v T v-LIT - Litija, v T v-RAD - Radeč e, v T v-Č AT - Č atež Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 88 3. MODELIRANJE Glavni del šudije je predstavljalo matematič no modeliranje toplotne dinamike Save. Ustaljen pristop pri tovrstnih problemih je, da se daljši reč ni odseki modelirajo enodimenzionalno, posamezne lokalne težave (bazeni, podrobnosti izpustov in zajetij) pa več dimenzionalno - 2D ali 3D (Fischer et al., 1979; Edinger & Geyer, 1965). Tako smo ravnali tudi v našem primeru, v katerem smo zaradi kratkega roka obdelali enodimenzionalno tudi več ino bazenov. Ta korak smo upravič ili s primerjavo s 3D modelom (za bazena Vrhovo in Suhadol), ki je kljub bistveno več ji kompleksnosti dal zelo podobne rezultate kot 1 D model. Največ jo pozornost smo posvetili dopolnitvi 3D modela PCFLOW3D s toplotnimi č leni in razvoju novega 1D termalnega modela za akumulacije, HOTLAKES. V zač etni fazi smo razvijali tudi poenostavljeni 1D nestacionarni model THERMALS, ki pa ga zaradi pomanjkanja meritev nismo mogli zadovoljivo umeriti in je v študijo vključen zgolj informativno. Predvsem zato, ker ga nameravamo v morebitnih prihodnjih študijah dopolniti, saj je tako rekoč edino orodje za vrednotenje sedanjega, nezajezenega stanja. Vsi omenjeni programi so podrobneje opisani drugje (Rajar & Širca, 1998a; 1998b; Širca & Rajar, 1999). Bazeni na Savi, zaradi več jih volumnov in posebno zaradi poč asnejšega toka, drugač e vplivajo na toplotne razmere kot sama reka Sava. Na nezajezenem delu Save je zaradi majhnih globin in več jih hitrosti prič akovati skoraj popolno premešanje (in izenač enje) toplote po globini, medtem ko v bazenih meritve kažejo, da se zgornji sloji č ez dan moč neje segrejejo kot spodnji. Razlika med izmerjenima temperaturama površinskega in spodnega sloja je poleti dosegla celo 3.6 ºC (profil most Vrhovo, 1995-07-18-17:30). Meritve, posebno pa še tridimenzionalni (3D) matematič ni model, so pokazali zanimivo toplotno dogajanje v bazenu. Po eni strani se toplotno sevanje iz ozračja prenaša v površinske sloje, ki se preko dneva grejejo, po drugi strani pa se toplota delno meša po 3. MODELLING Mathematical modelling of the Sava River thermal dynamics was a main part of the study. The usual approach to such problems is to model longer river reaches in one dimension, while details of the local problems (e.g. reservoirs, discharges and intakes) are elaborated in more dimensions – 2D or even 3D (Fischer et al., 1979; Edinger & Geyer, 1965). This was also the case with our simulations, where the majority of reservoirs was modelled by an 1D model, due to short time schedules. This simplification was justified by comparisons of the 1D and 3D models for the Suhadol and the Vrhovo reservoirs, where a good agreement of results was obtained in both cases, despite the much higher complexity of the 3D model. Attention was mainly paid to the inclusion of thermal equations into the existing 3D model PCFLOW3D and to the development of a new thermal model for reservoirs, HOTLAKES. In the initial phase, the simplified 1D unsteady model THERMALS was also developed, but was not verified to an acceptable extent due to a lack of data. It is also presented informatively. The reason for this is that our intention for the further development of this model in future studies as this is practically the only tool for the evaluation of the present unobstructed flow (without dams). Details of all the programs are given elsewhere (Rajar & Širca, 1998a; 1998b; Širca & Rajar, 1999). Reservoirs on the Sava River represent a different influence on the thermal state of the river, due to greater retention volumes and due to much lower velocities. Along unobstructed reaches, a complete mixing (and vertical temperature equalization) is expected, due to high velocities and low flow depths, while measurements in different existing reservoirs show stronger or weaker daily thermal stratification. In the Vrhovo Reservoir, the difference between the surface and bottom layers even reached 3.6 ºC (Vrhovo bridge, 1995-07-18-17:30). Both measurements and the 3D mathematical model have shown an interesting thermal dynamic in this reservoir. On the one hand, radiation from the atmosphere is transmitted into and stored in the surface layers during the daytime hours, Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 89 globini in prenaša v globlje sloje. Poleg tega se voda giblje v smeri toka in z njo se prenaša tudi toplota. Tipič ni č as, ki ga voda potrebuje za prehod vzdolž celotnega bazena, je za nižje pretoke v poletnem č asu 1 0 do 1 2 ur. Tako je porazdelitev toplote v bazenu odvisna od oddaljenosti obravnavane toč ke od vtoka v bazen, globine in od č asa. Kritič ne razmere smo v vseh primerih (1D in 3D) prikazali z dvema hidrometeorološkima scenarijema: 1. z vsakoletnimi kritičnimi (poletnimi) razmerami, ki so bile ponazorjene z dolgoletnim srednjim nizkim avgustovskim pretokom in srednjo avgustovsko reč no temperaturo. Klimatski vpliv smo upoštevali z merjenimi podatki s postaje v Krškem za povpreč no vroč poletni dan 1995-07-18 2. z ekstremnimi (poletnimi) razmerami z majhno verjetnostjo nastopanja, ki so bile ponazorjene z absolutno najnižjim zabeleženim avgustovskim pretokom in najvišjo, v letih 1 994 in 1 995, zabeleženo reč no temperaturo. V tem primeru smo vpliv meteoroloških parametrov upoštevali v obliki teoretič nega vroč ega poletja, kot ga po nemških avtorjih povzema VGI-VGL (1989). 4. ZAKLJUČ KI V sedanjih razmerah obratovanje TE Trbovlje (TET2) z vidika toplotnega onesnaženja Save ni problematično. To potrjujejo tako izračuni, ki dokazujejo usklajenost z veljavnimi vodnogospo-darskimi pogoji (UL-RS, 1996a; 1996b; 1996c), kot izkušnje upravljalcev, ki navajajo, da do omejevanja proizvodnje do sedaj ni prihajalo (sliki 1 in 2). Dolvodno od Trbovelj se Sava v poletnem č asu segreva, v zimskem pa ohlaja. Analiza vpliva bazena Vrhovo kaže, da se vzdolž bazena voda v kritič nih razmerah segreva za 0.4 - 0.5 ºC bolj, kot se je v nezajezenem stanju. V izrednih razmerah se vzdolž bazena segreje za približno 1 ºC, primerjava z nezajezenim stanjem pa ni mogoč a. V obeh primerih gre za poveč anje povpreč ne temperature, ki mu moramo dodati while on the other hand, the heat is also mixed and transported into the lower layers. Due to advection, a longitudinal transport of heat also occurs. A typical time scale of the longitudinal reservoir crossing (i.e. retention time) in the summertime is from 10 to 12 hours. The distribution of reservoir heat is thus dependent on the distance from the beginning of the reservoir, on depth and on time. Critical conditions for the simulations with both the 1D and 3D models were described by two hydrometeorological scenarios: 1. Typical critical (summer) conditions which were described by the long-term mean low August discharge and the mean August river temperature. Climatic conditions were assumed to equal (measured) the dynamics from a typically hot summer day, as recorded at the Krško Meteorological Station on 1995-07-18 2. extreme (summer) conditions with a low probability of occurence were approximated by the absolute low August discharge and the highest river temperature from the period 1994 – 1995. Meteorological parameters were taken from unknown German authors (in VGI-VGL, 1989) in the form of a » theoretically hot summer«. 4. CONCLUSIONS Operation of the Trbovlje TPP (TET2) in present conditions is not problematic from the point of view of the thermal polution of the Sava River. It is confirmed both by calculations which show the implementation of valid water management conditions (UL- RS, 1996a; 1996b; 1996c) and by up-to date experience without operative limitations of production (Figures 1 and 2). Downstream from Trbovlje, the Sava River is heated in summer and colder in the winter months. Analysis of the Vrhovo reservoir in critical conditions shows an additional longitudinal heating of 0.4 to 0.5 ºC, as compared to the initial state without the reservoir. Under extreme conditions, the longitudinal increase equals 1 ºC, while such a comparison was not possible for the unobstructed river. Both increases are given for average temperatures, but daily variations in the range ±1.5 ºC must Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 90 še dnevna nihanja v razponu do ±1.5 ºC. Zaradi dolgoletne prisotnosti TE objektov v Trbovljah je njihov vpliv na toplotni režim Save težko loč iti od naravnega. S tem mislimo na prepletene vplive postopne izgradnje in režima obratovanja TE objektov v Trbovljah, dotoka Savinje, in morebitnih hidroloških in klimatskih sprememb. Pogoste izjemne hidrološke razmere v zadnjih 1 0 letih in oč itno upadanje pretokov v zadnjih 20 letih kažejo potrebo po popravkih hidrologije Save za profil VP Č atež. Posredno kaže na spremembe pretokov in temperatur tudi pogostejše omejevanje proizvodnje NEK. Bodoč e stanje s TET3 in brez verige HE: Veljavne uredbe o emisijah toplote praktič no ne omejujejo obratovanja bodoč ega objekta TET3. Poveč anje toplotne moč i objekta s sedanjih 1 57 MWt na 237 MWt bi povzroč ilo dvig temperature v Savi, ki je linearno odvisen od njenega pretoka. To pomeni ob obratovanju objekta s polno moč jo ob vsakoletnih kritič nih razmerah povišanje temperature v Savi za največ 0.53 °C, v izrednih razmerah pa za največ 1 .0 °C. Glede na rezultate rač unov z verigo se opisana razlika med sedanjo in bodoč o obremenitvijo med Trbovljami in zajetjem NEK zmanjša v kritič nih razmerah za 12 odstotkov, v izrednih pa za 22 odstotkov. Vsi rač uni in ocene v nezajezeni Savi so bili narejeni ob predpostavki popolne premešanosti. V sedanjih razmerah ni jasno, ali je ta predpostavka izpolnjena, ker ustrezne meritve na odseku Trbovlje-Savinja ne obstajajo. also be considered. Due to the long-term existence of the Trbovlje TPP with a gradual increase of power, changes in the operational regime, the Savinja River tributary and possible hydrological and meteorological changes, it would be very difficult to divide the influences of the TPP from the natural ones. Frequent extreme hydrological events in the last decade and the evident decrease of discharges during the last 2 decades require an update of the Sava hydrology for the Č atež cross-section. An additional sign of river temperature and discharge changes might also be the repeated limitations of the Krško NPP production in the summer months. The future state with the TET3 and without the HPP chain: Valid legislation about heat emissions does not limit the operation of the future TET3 plant. An increase of thermal power from 157 MW t to 237 MW t would increase the Sava River temperature proportionally and linearly to the river discharge. Operation of the TET3 with full power in critical conditions would increase the river temperature by 0.53 ºC at the most, and by 1.0 ºC at the most in extreme conditions. According to the calculations with the HPP chain, a decrease of difference between the TET3 and TET2 influence is expected downstream, with a reduction of 12% in critical conditions and 22% in extreme conditions, at the NEK cross-section. All calculations for the unobstructed river assume complete mixing. It is not certain, however, whether this assumption is correct, as no measurements are available for the Trbovlje- Savinja tributary reach. Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 91 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC temperatura (st. C) / temperature (deg. C) naravno/natural TET2 TET3 Slika 1. Temperatura Save pod Trbovljami ob srednjih nizkih pretokih. Figure 1. Sava river temperature downstream from Trbovlje at mean low discharges. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC temperatura (st. C) / temperature (deg. C) naravno/natural TET2 TET3 Slika 2. Temperatura Save pod Trbovljami ob nizkih nizkih pretokih. Figure 2. Sava river temperature downstream from Trbovlje at minimum low discharges. Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 92 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 TET SUH VRH BOS BLA KRS NEK BRE MOK lokacija / location temperatura (st. C) / temperature (deg. C) naravno/natural TET2 TET3 Slika 3. Narašč anje temperature Save vzdolž toka v kritič nih razmerah. Figure 3. Increase of Sava river temperature along the stream in critical conditions. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TET SUH VRH BOS BLA KRS NEK BRE MOK lokacija / location temperatura (st. C) / temperature (deg. C) naravno/natural TET2 TET3 Slika 4. Narašč anje temperature Save vzdolž toka v ekstremnih razmerah. Figure 4. Increase of Sava river temperature along the stream in extreme conditions. Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 93 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.4 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.35 0.34 0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4 0.42 0.44 TET SUH VRH BOS BLA KRS NEK BRE MOK lokacija / location ∆∆∆∆ T (st. C) / (deg. C) Slika 5. Zmanjševanje razlike med obremenitvama Save s TET2 in TET3 v kritič nih razmerah. Figure 5. Decrease of the difference between TET2 and TET3 influences in critical conditions. 0.83 0.8 0.76 0.73 0.68 0.65 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 TET SUH VRH BOS BLA KRS NEK BRE MOK lokacija / location ∆∆∆∆ T (st. C) / (deg. C) Slika 6. Zmanjševanje razlike med obremenitvama Save s TET2 in TET3 v ekstremnih razmerah. Figure 6. Decrease of the difference between TET2 and TET3 influences in extreme conditions. Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 94 Bodoč e stanje z verigo HE, TET3 in brez HE Suhadol. V študiji je bil prvikrat ovrednoten vpliv izgradnje spodnjesavske verige HE (IBE, 1963; 1995a; EIMV, 1996) na temperaturno stanje Save. Rezultati kažejo, da se vzdolž bazenov Vrhovo, Boštanj, Blanca, Krško in Brežice temperature Save v kritič nih poletnih razmerah zvišajo za 2.6 do 3.4 °C (v stanju brez bazenov med VP Radeč e in VP Č atež 0.8 °C), v izrednih razmerah pa za 5.3 do 6.6 °C (sliki 3 in 4). Pri tem gre le za naravno ogrevanje zaradi pozitivne toplotne bilance na vodni gladini. Največ ji delež dviga ima zaradi velike površine bazen Brežice (0.9 - 1 .2 °C v kritič nih in 1 .6 - 1 .8 °C v izrednih razmerah). Nižje ležeč i bazen Mokrice z dvigi temperatur 0.4 - 0.5 °C v kritič nih in 0.6 - 1 .1 °C v izrednih razmerah dodatno zvišuje temperaturo v mejnem profilu s Hrvaško. Ocenjeno je bilo, da bo izgradnja verige bazenov povzroč ila dvig temperature Save nad zajetjem NE Krško za približno 1 .0 °C v vsakoletnih kritič nih (primerjava s srednjo visoko temperaturo) in do 5.3 °C v izrednih razmerah (primerjava z najvišjo zabeleženo temperaturo). V rač unih verige do državne meje smo upoštevali bodoč o toplotno moč NEK 1379 MW t (IBE, 1995b), vendar tako, kot da bi hladilni sistem še vedno obratoval po sedanjih pravilih vodnogospodarskega dovoljenja (IJS-SEPO, 1989). Glavni zaključ ek študije je, da poveč anje moč i s TET2 na TET3 ne povzroč a bistvenih težav termič ne polucije v Savi. Sama TET3 ne bi imela omejitev glede na veljavne zakonske predpise, razen v izrednih razmerah, ki pa bi predvidoma nastopile le nekajkrat v življenjski dobi objekta. Razlike med toplotnim onesnaženjem TET2 in TET3 so majhne in se vzdolž toka zmanjšujejo (sliki 5 in 6). Za zdaj ni potrebe po omejevanju obratovanja verige HE, razen v omejenem obsegu v bazenu Suhadol, vendar le v izrednih razmerah. The future state with the HPP chain, the TET3 and without the Suhadol HPP. In this study the influence of the Sava River HPP chain (IBE, 1963; 1995a; EIMV, 1996) on the thermal state of the river was evaluated for the first time. Under critical summer conditions, an increase of temperature along the Vrhovo, Boštanj, Blanca, Krško and Brežice reservoirs is expected to equal 2.6 to 3.4 ºC (without the reservoirs, an increase of 0.8 ºC occurs between Radeč e GS and Č atež GS), while under extreme conditions the increase would reach 5.3 to 6.6 ºC (Figs 3 and 4). This increase occurs due to the positive heat balance at the surface of the reservoirs. The greatest contribution to the increase is the one from the Brežice Reservoir, with its large surface area (0.9 - 1.2 °C in critical and 1.6 - 1.8 °C in extreme conditions). The downstream Mokrice Reservoir, with increases of 0.4 - 0.5 °C in critical and 0.6 - 1.1 °C in extreme conditions, is an additional factor for the increase of temperature at the SLO-CRO state border. According to these estimations, the Sava HPP chain might increase the intake temperature at the Krško NPP by about 1.0 °C in typical critical conditions, and up to 5.3 °C in extreme conditions. In these calculations, the future NEK thermal power of 1379 MW t (IBE, 1995b) was assumed, but only when operating under presently valid water management permit (IJS-SEPO, 1989). The main conclusion of this study is that an increase of power at Trbovlje would not cause additional thermal problems downstream. Except for some extreme events occuring only a few times in a lifetime, there would be no limitations in the operation of the TET3, allowing for present environmental legislation. The differences between the influences of the TET2 and the TET3 would be small, and would even decrease along the stream (Figs 5 and 6). No need for limitation of the HPP chain operation was detected, except, again under extreme conditions, in the Suhadol Reservoir. Širca, A.: Toplotna obremenitev Save dolvodno od Trbovelj - Thermal Load of the Sava River Downstream from Trbovlje © Acta hydrotechnica 18/29 (2000), 83-95, Ljubljana 95 VIRI - REFERENCES Č ehovin, I., Rodič , P. (1 996). Temperaturno stanje reke Save od Radeč do državne meje (Temperature state of the Sava River between Radeč e and state border). Acta hydrotechnica 14/12, 81-89. (in Slovenian). Edinger, J.E. in Geyer, J.C. (1965). Heat Exchange in the Environment. Department of Sanitary Engineering and Water Resources. 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