Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 09/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 1. 3. 2015 2. POSTNA NEDELJA 2nd SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Skrivnostni svet žrtve Misel današnje nedelje bi lahko strnili takole: božja volja, pa če je še tako težka in trpka, vodi človeka do polne uresničitve samega sebe in svojega življenjskega poslanstva. Še posebej sodobni človek želi na vso svojo silo priti do sreče. Vendar gre navadno po poti bega od napora, a ta vodi v slepo ulico. Žrtev pa je čuden zakon vesolja jn človeškega življenja. Še posebej, odkar se je v človeku in v svetu zlo tako globoko zakoreninilo. Postni čas je čas, ko preverjamo naš odnos do žrtve, kadar je le-ta potrebna, da bi dosegli višjo vrednoto. V prvem berilu bomo slišali o Abrahamu, ki ga Bog preizkuša, ko zahteva, da daruje svojega sina. Ko je bil že tako daleč, da se je res popolnoma predal v božje roke in bil pripravljen darovati tudi svojega edinega sina, ga Bog nagradi s posebnim blagoslovom: »V tvojem zarodu bodo blagoslovljeni vsi narodi na zemlji zato, ker si poslušal moj glas.« Starozavezni odlomek o Abrahamu in njegovem sinu je čudovita podoba božjega Sina in njegovega Očeta, ki daruje svojega Sina za naše odrešenje. Zato apostol Pavel v drugem berilu vzklikne: »Če je Bog za nas, kdo je zoper nas? Lastnemu Sinu on ni prizanesel, ampak ga je dal za nas vse.« Kako naj človek še dvomi o božjem prijateljstvu do človeka, če je Bog šel tako daleč v ljubezni do njega? Po svojem učlovečenju in svoji smrti je dal samega sebe za nas. Trije apostoli, Peter, Jakob in Janez, ki so bili na neki način Jezusu bliže kot drugi, doživijo na gori nekaj nenavadnega: »Tam se je pred njimi spremenil: oblačila so se mu zasvetila silno bela. Prikazala sta se jima (tudi) Elija in Mojzes in sta govorila z Jezusom.« Apostole so čakale velike preizkušnje vere v Kristusa kot odrešenika. Potrebovali so pogled za zastor vidnega, sicer bi merili preveč s človeškimi merili. In zopet slišimo potrditev: »To je moj ljubljeni Sin, poslušajte gal« Z drugimi besedami: Ne poslušajte tistih, ki obljubljajo vse lepo, a konec je uničujoč, eno samo veliko razočaranje! Doživetje učencev je moralo biti zelo močno. Zato jim Jezus zapove, »naj nikomur ne pravijo, kaj so videli, dokler Sin človekov ne vstane od mrtvih«. KROFI IN KAVA Slovenska šola je v letošnjem šolskem letu kar nekajkrat povabila na krofe in kavo tako po slovenski kot tudi po angleški maši. In odziv je bil vedno zelo dober. Največkrat tisti, ki so prišli po enajsti maši, so bili prikrajšani, ker ni ostalo toliko kot so želeli. Vsakokrat je bilo potrebno pospraviti stvari in naši šolarji so z veseljem prskočili na pomoč. Hvala učiteljicam slovenske šole, ki so prevzele organizacijo in staršem in otrokom za pomoč. Vsem pa hvala, ker ste se z veseljem popili kavo in se posladkali s krofi. Statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins re: Ontario Health & Physical Education Curriculum - February 23, 2015 On Monday, February 23, 2015, the Ontario government released its revised Health & Physical Education curriculum. The Ministry of Education has indicated the curriculum will be implemented in schools across the province this September. Below is a statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto and President of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario: "As Catholics, we understand that parents are the primary educators of their children, and that especially in the teaching of family life issues, the parental role is vital. For more than 30 years, Ontario's publicly funded Catholic schools have provided a family life curriculum consistent with our faith. The goal is to present a Catholic view of human life, sexuality, marriage and family, complementing the efforts of parents to teach their children at home. While Catholic schools have a responsibility to follow the curriculum set out by the Ministry of Education, they have always sought to do so in a way that conveys, respects and models Catholic Christian principles to our students. They will continue this tradition. A group of Catholic educators will produce resources that support Catholic teachers so that the new curriculum is implemented in a way that is consistent with our Catholic teachings and appropriate within the context of a Catholic classroom." Since 1989, the Institute for Catholic Education (ICE) has coordinated the implementation of the family life curriculum in publicly funded Catholic schools. ICE will serve as the point of contact for further media inquiries. PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH_ Lent is a time for us to focus on important practices of our faith: prayer, fasting and almsgiving. During Lent help your children see that prayer is both formal and informal and that God wants to hear from us in many ways; - teach them that we can fast from a favourite food or drink, but also from a bad habit or mean spirited action; - remind them that almsgiving provides support for those in need and can take the form of money, goods, or time and talent. - Lent is about focussing in on how we can be better people and so it is a great teaching tool to help your children grow. (From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250) DAROVI_ Julija Sagadin je darovala $100 za misijone. Društvo svetega Jožefa je darovalo za pet svetih maš za pokojnega Atnona Šverka in $50 za gradbeni sklad. - Hvala vsem za vaše velikodušne darove. Response: I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. First Reading Genesis 22:1-2. 9-13. 15-18 Abraham trusted God even when he was called to sacrifice his only son. Second Reading Romans 8:31-34 St Paul explains that since God loved us enough to let his own Son die for us, no one can condemn those that God has chosen. Gospel Mark 9:2-10 As Jesus is transfigured on a mountain in the presence of Peter, James and John, a voice from heaven tells them that they are to listen to Jesus as God's beloved Son. "This is my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him." Illustration In 1940 Brother Roger Schutz founded a Christian community in Taizé, France. The community grew and became a major spiritual centre for young people, and now attracts 100,000 young people each year. For many of these young people this is their first experience of intensive prayer, and they experience the presence of Christ in a powerful manner. This encounter can stir up deep emotions and often the young people do not know how to react. The community at Taizé offers help and guidance, which aims to help them make sense of their encounter with Christ but also to reflect upon what this will mean when they leave Taizé and return to their lives. Many would like to remain in Taizé and never let go of this experience of Christ's presence. Yet our vocation as Christians is not one of flight from the world. For those who do remain there is no flight from reality. Welcoming 100,000 young people each year requires a great deal of planning and work, especially when you are faced with all their needs: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. For the Brothers of Taizé, sharing the lives of the young people requires a commitment to the cross. Many of the young people who arrive in Taizé have broken lives, and welcoming them means sharing in their sorrow and pain. Gospel Teaching This encounter of Peter, James and John upon the mountain with the glorious Christ seems out of place in the Gospel of Mark. Why are they given this vision of the glorious risen Christ before the cross and resurrection? We can, however, turn the question around. Why are the disciples not able to see the glory of Christ at every moment? He is the Son of God, the Word through whom all things are made. Why can they not see this? It is because they have not accepted that Jesus must die on the cross. After they come down from the mountain Jesus commands them to tell nobody about what has happened until after "the Son of Man [has] risen from the dead". They do not understand what Jesus means by this saying. But we, the readers of Mark's Gospel, are now seeing all this in the light of the cross and resurrection. We know that without the cross there can be no resurrection. It is only after Jesus has risen that the disciples will understand the significance of what happened upon the mountain. The mountain of the glorious appearance of Jesus only makes sense in the light of that other mountain, Golgotha, the place of the crucifixion. On the cross Christ shares all our pain and suffering; this is Christ's glory. When we think of earthly glory we think of those who have risen above our ordinary human weakness and vulnerability. The great sportsperson never experiences the disappointments of the ordinary competitor. Those who are rich and famous do not share in our daily struggles to make a living. Sometimes we think that sharing in the glory of Christ will make us invulnerable to human weakness and suffering. With Peter we say that it is wonderful to be with the glorified Christ, and we wish to build a dwelling place so that Christ can stay forever with us. Yet remaining with Christ means following him to that other mountain, the place of the cross. Jesus enters into glory not through rising above our suffering, but by embracing it. Application In order to enter into his glory, Christ calls us to follow him on the path to the cross. It is very tempting to remain on the mountain, but we are called to return to our lives. Each of us is confronted by suffering: the pain and disappointments of our own lives, the sufferings of those around us. Even a few moments in the presence of the risen Christ can bring us relief from such suffering. But this is not because Christ does not share in our sufferings. Rather, it is because Christ enters into and transforms our sufferings. As Christians we are not called to rise above the pain and suffering of the world, but to follow Christ and enter into those places where people suffer. We can only do this as Christ's disciples, allowing him to enter into our own suffering and pain, so that we can show to others this healing love. This is what it means to show the glory of Christ. St. Gregory the Great CACTHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE Cordially invites everyone to our Annual Parish Sunday, March 1st, 2015 Lunch at 12:30 Bake Sale, Penny Sale, Raffles, Children's gAmES, 50/50 draw Join us foR a day of FAmiLY fUN ADmissiON: Adults: $15 in advance prepaid $ 17 AT DOOR Children 4-10 yes. - $5 Children 3 & under - Free Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR-VAJE fb -Л il ffik Vaje za župnijski mešani * / V J pevski zbor bodo v četrte 5. ^ * marca. Pojemo na 5. postno nedeljo, 22. marca, ko bo tudi banket društva sv. Jožefa. Maša je samo ob 10:00 a.m. Pojemo skupaj z angleškim zborom. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 1. marec: CWL-KŽZ - Bazaar ♦ 1. marec: Sv. Jožef - Občni zbor/Annual General Meeting -11:00am ♦ 3. marec: Lipa Park - 5:30 p.m. - Občna seja ♦ 8. marec: Triglav-London: ob12:15 p.m. maša v dvorani društva & Koline. - Bled: Members General Meeting ♦ 15. marec: SAVA -1:00 p.m. maša Bled: Dan žena - banquet (Otto Pestner) ♦ 22. marec: Banket društva sv. Jožefa - maša bo ta dan SAMO ob 10:00 a.m. ♦ 26. in 27. marec: Duhovna obnova: četrtek in petek zvečer, spoved ob 5:30 p.m. ♦ 29. marec: Cvetna nedelja: Blagoslov zelenja -procesija ♦ 3. april: Veliki Petek: Obredi ob 3:00 p.m., - v dvorani: Fish Fry (Slovenska šola) ♦ 4. april: Velika sobota: dopoldne: molitev pri božjem grobu, blagoslov jedil: 10:00 a.m. London, 12:00 Sava-Breslav, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 p.m. V župnijski cerkvi. 8:00 p.m. -Velikonočna Vigilija. ♦ 5. april: Velika noč ♦ 12. april: Občni zbor ob 3:00 p.m. ♦ 19. april: Spomladanski banket BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA_ Letos bo banket društva sv. Jožefa v nedeljo, 22. marca. Dopoldne bo samo ENA SV. MAŠA ob 10:00. Začetek banketa s kosilom ob 12:00h. Vstopnice in rezervacije miz lahko uredite pri Franku Erzarju 905-643-0285. SLOVENIANS GOT TALENT_ This year the Slovenian Society of St. Joseph will be hosting a talent show at their annual banquet on March 22. We are looking for anyone (all ages) including kids, parents, grandparents who want to show their talents to our community. It can include singing, dancing or playing an instrument. There is no judging, just having fun. To sign up or for more information, please contact Peter Novak 905-560-4201 ( BARAGOV POSTOPEK_ Baragov postopek za beatifikacijo potrebuje našo podporo. Prosimo, da bi še posebej molili v četrtek, 5. marca, ko se bo v Rimu sestala zdravniška komisija za obravnavo čudeža v prid Baragove beatifikacije. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA VENEC_ Folklorna skupina VENEC invites all interested in joining their group under the motto of "friends, folklore and fun" on Sundays: March 1st and March 29th starting at 4:30pm in the lower hall of St. Gregory's. We are always open to new and old members to help us celebrate our Slovenian roots and culture. Those with the interest to dance, sing, play music and have some fun with like minded people are encouraged to come help make our 5th year even more memorable! For more information, contact Dave Antolin 905.664.5980, or Folklorna skupina VENEC on Facebook. Special interest: All those interested in our beautiful history of traditional costumes is encouraged to visit a special site on Facebook: Slovenska ljudska noša - Slovenian traditional costumes. We are all encouraged to share this site with others and celebrate our rich culture. POKOJNI_ V torek, 24. februarja 2015 je odšla k Bogu po večno plačilo MARTA KOLARIČ, sestra našega farana Ignaca Sarjaša. Pokojna Marta je bil v svojem 90. letu starosti. Umrla je doma v Trnju, župnija Črenšovci. Pogreb pokojne je bil v sredo, 25. februarja v Trnju, v naši župniji pa isti večer darovali sveto mašo za pokoj njene duše. Iskreno sožalje Ignacu in vsem najbližjim. Pokojna Marta pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. CWL-KŽZ_ This Sunday, March 1st, the CWL is hosting the annual bazaar. All of the usual and anticipated items, including the sale of noodles - a two bag limit, pecivo, baked strudel, krofi, Lottery tickets, Penny Sale and Special Raffle have been organized. The Catholic Girl's Club has worked hard to provide entertainment for our younger guests. We appreciate your support for the bazaar, which is our major fund raising event for St. Gregory the Great Church and we look forward to seeing all of you there. Many volunteers have worked hard to ensure that you will enjoy the event. The next CWL meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 4th at 7:30pm. We hope to present a summary of the bazaar at this meeting and to discuss ways we could improve for next year. New members are always welcome to attend. PRVI PETEK_ Ta teden je zopet prvi petek v mesecu. Obiskoval bom bolnike, zvečer pa bo prilika za sveto spoved - tokrat že od 5:30 p.m. in molitev križevega pota ob 6:30 p.m., nato bo redna sveta maša. VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu marcu bo večna luč svetila po namenu Mie Goodfellow za pokojno Mary Hochevar. SLOVENSKO VELEPOSLANIŠTVO-OTTAWA Slovensko veleposlaništvo v Ottawi bvešča, da bodo naslednje konzularne ure v Torontu v soboto, 7. marca 2015 in sicer od 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 in nato od 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Naslednji termin bo še v drugi polovici marca meseca. INCOMETAX_ V atriju imate kuverte z »Income tax« potrdili za leto 2014. Če se vam zdi, da je kakšna napaka, prosim, da me obvestite. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. Od 1. 3. 2015 Do 8. 3. 2015 svete maše - masses Nedelja - Sunday 2. Postna 1. Marec Albin, škof za žive in rajne župljane f Anton Vogrinc f Božo Bratanič ff Frank in Vera Staniša CWL- BAZAR 9:30 a.m. Milena Volčanšek Milena Volčanšek 11:00 a.m. Sin Frank Staniša z družino 12:30 p.m. Zgornja dvorana Ponedeljek Monday 2. Marec Neža Praška, devica ff Martin in Marija Zelko ff Franc in Sidonija Drvarič f Anton Pozderec 7:00 p.m. Marija in Toni Franc Toni in Marija Franc Julija Sagadin z družino Torek - Tuesday 3. Marec Za zdravje 8:00 a.m. mama Kunigunda, cesarica Sreda - Wednesday . f Sidonija Drvarič 7:00 p.m. Demšar-Scarcelli 4. Marec f Lojze Gačnik Družina Kastelic Kazimir, kralj Četrtek - Thursday f Albin Žagar 7:00 p.m. G & F. Berkopec 5. Marec ff Pokojni Oberman in Malevič Družina Malevič Hadrijan, mučenec ff Pokojni Farani Družina Malevič Prvi Petek First Friday 6. Marec Fridolin, opat ff Za duše v vicah ff Ida in Joseph Ftičar f Anton Hočevar, obl. ff Pokojni sorodniki f Ida Ftičar Spoved: 5:30 p.m. Križev pot: 6:30 p.m 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Družina Gergyek Mary in Tom Miklavčič z dru. Veronika Čurič Joe Ftičar Sobota Po namenu 8:00 a.m. n.n. Saturday f Matija Vlašič, obl. 5:30 p.m. Žena in otroci ff Ivan in Anna Selšek Družina Krminac 7. Marec f Stanko Oberman Družina Slobodnik Perpetua in Felicita f Sidonija Drvarič Francka Cestnik z družino Nedelja - Sunday za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 3. Postna f Štefka Kovič Stojanka 8. Marec f Albin Žagar 11:00 a.m.Angela in George Pavlisko Janez od Boga, red. ff Pokojni člani društva London 12:15 p.m. London-dvorana Triglav