CRITICAL SETBACK DISTANCE FOR A FOOTING RESTING ON SLOPES Keywords bearing capacity ratio, cohesionless soil, footing, setback distance, slopes Abstract Structures are often constructed on slopes in hilly regions, which results in a lack of soil support on the sloping side of the footings. This causes a reduction in the bearing capacity of the footings. Though there are number of studies about foundations on slopes, most of these studies are confined to surface footings only (i.e., without the depth of embedment). Furthermore, there is no consensus in the literature over the influence of the setback distance on bearing capacity. This paper presents the results of finite-element analyses on a strip footing resting on stable slopes. A very large number of possible soil slopes with different footing depths were analysed. From the results it is found that the critical setback distance increases with an increase in the internal friction angle of soil, the depth of the footing and the slope gradient. The critical setback distance is varying between 2 to 4 times the footing width for soils with a low internal friction angle, while it is more than 10 times the footing width for soils with a higher internal friction angle. A regression equation is also developed based on the outcomes of the study. The developed equation is able to predict the influence of various parameters affecting the bearing capacity of a footing resting over the slopes. The results are compared with earlier experimental and numerical studies. Rajesh Prasad Shukla IIT Roorkee, Department of Earthquake Engineering Roorkee, India E-mail: Ravi Sankar Jakka (corresponding author) IIT Roorkee, Department of Earthquake Engineering Roorkee, India E-mail: 1 INTRODUCTION Structures are often built on or near a slope for several reasons, such as the unavailability of level ground, to make the structure more appealing, to construct a foundation for bridges, etc. The presence of a slope significantly affects the load-carrying capacity of a footing [1], A footing constructed on slopes, lacks soil support on one side, which results in the failure of the foundation at a lower load compared to the identical foundations on level ground. This means that the ability of soil to support structures (i.e., bearing capacity) reduces. An estimation of the bearing capacity after accounting for the slope and foundation geometry is difficult. In these cases, the determination of the bearing capacity is different from general cases, as various additional factors influence the bearing capacity. For foundations located on a slope, the plastic zone on the side of the slope is relatively smaller than those of similar foundations on level ground [2], Thus, the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation is correspondingly reducing in almost all cases. The soil strength on the slope side is fully mobilised before the complete mobilization of the soil strength on the side of the level ground, and consequently the footing fails without reaching its ultimate collapse load. The geometry of the Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2017/2 19. R. P. Shukla & R. S. Jakka: Critical setback distance for a footing resting on slopes slopes and the soil characteristics are important factors influencing the mobilization of soil strength on either side of the slope. The geometry of the slope includes the setback distance (B'), the slope gradient (horizontal: vertical) and its height. The soil characteristics include the type of soil and the strength parameters of the soil (c and (degree) 45 u ffl« (b) 25 l ae B'/B=0 —■—B'/B=l —B'/B=3 B'/B=5 -*-B'/B=7 30 35 40 45 (]> (degree) (c) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 k-i ----i -♦-B'/B i=0 — B'/B=l —BVTi=3* B'/B i=5 -*-B'/B=7 25 30 35 40 ij) (degree) 45 Figure 7. Effect of friction angle on BCR for a footing of zero embedment resting over soil of internal friction 35°. (a) 10H: V, (b) 4H: IV and (c) 3H: IV. Table 2. Normalised critical setback distance for cohesionless soils. Friction Slope gradi- Critical Setback Meyerhof angle (cp°) ent, G distance (B'/B) from [6] (V/H) present study 25 1/10-1/3 2-3 - 30 1/10-1/4 3 - 1/3-1/2 4-5 3 35 1/10-1/4 4-5 - 1/2-1/1.5 6-7 5 40 1/10-1/5 5-6 >6 1/4-1/3 6-7 >6 1/2-1/1.3 8-9 - 45 1/10-1/4 8-9 - 1/3-1/2 9-10 - 1/1.5-1/1.2 >10 - A steep slope of low relative density soil (low angle of internal friction) loses its stability with the application of a small magnitude load. In this condition, the slope sometimes fails itself and sometimes the foundation soil fails by means of local or punching shear failure (small area of shear zone). In both conditions a very small volume of soil is involved in the strength mobilization, without affecting the large mass of soil. In contrast, in the dense sand, failure is normally a general shear failure (a large area of shear zone). The larger area of soil contributes to the resistance against failure, and a large setback distance requires to mobilize the full strength of the soil. Chang et al. [34] and Raftari et al. [35] also found that the depth and the area of the shear zones increase with an increase in the setback distance in the reinforced slope. Similar to the present study, almost all previous studies also found that the critical distance increases with the increase in the angle of shearing resistance or the relative density of the soil. 5 STATISTICAL ANALYSES_ Statistical analyses were also performed to determine the factors affecting the BCR using the results of numerical analyses. A simple multiple regression and correlation analysis along with other statistical tests were performed to derive an equation to determine the BCR of a footing resting over cohesionless soil. As it can be seen from the numerical analysis, a total of four independent parameters (i.e., setback distance, slope gradient, soil friction angle and depth ratio of footing.) are influencing the bearing capacity of a footing resting near the slope. The results of the numerical study show that the relationship between the independent parameters and the bearing capacity ratio is not linear, and hence it is necessary to consider the nonlinearity in order to develop an equation for the BCR calculation. As an exact nonlinearity in the relationship is not known initially, it was assumed that the BCR is not only depending on these four parameters, but also upon various derivatives as well. Initially, a total of 96 parameters, which are the function of these 4 independent variables, are considered in the regression analysis. T-Tests were performed to determine the dependency of the BCR on these parameters. Along with the probability level, the R2 value was used to determine the critical factor affecting the BCR. The degree of multicol-linearity was used to remove the insignificant parameters. It was found from these studies that only 12 parameters, including the four basic parameters, critically affect the bearing-capacity ratio. Later these 12 variables were used to develop the equation for the bearing capacity ratio. 20. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2017/2 R. P. Shukla & R. S. Jakka: Critical setback distance for a footing resting on slopes Figs. 8 (a) and (b) respectively show the residues of the BCR (observed BCR-predicted BCR) versus the percentage of the value for 96 and 12 variables. The equation was developed as a consequence of a comparative study carried out to develop an equation that can predict the effect of the slope inclination and the foundation geometry very effectively. Based on a regression analysis and a comparative analysis, an equation is proposed to estimate the BCR. For this, various type of functions, such as logarithmic, linear, polynomial and exponential func- tions, were assumed and the best relationship is used to develop the equation. It was found that R2 is reduced from 0.9947 to 0.987, when the number of insignificant variable were removed from the analysis. It ensures that the other assumed dependents parameters are not affecting the bearing capacity, as assumed in the initial phase of the regression analysis. Based on the T Test, the probability level and the degree of multicollinearity, the following order can be assigned to the factors, critically affecting the bearing capacity: Slope > Setback distance I 5 10 25 S3 75 90 95 99 Percent of Values Percent of Values Figure 8. Residuals versus percentage of values (a) for 156 independent variables (b) for 12 independent variables. 20. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2017/2 R. P. Shukla & R. S. Jakka: Critical setback distance for a footing resting on slopes > Friction angle > Depth ratio of footing. The effect of the depth ratio of the footing on the bearing capacity is very nominal, as compared to the other three factors. Equation 1 shows the BCR equation developed to determine the influence of the slope geometry and the angle of internal friction of the soil. Annexure shows an equation that is relatively complex, but it can predict a change in the bearing capacity with a higher accuracy. BCR = 1 + 0.044B'/B(1 - 0.14B7B + 0.09D/B + 3.4$ + 0.06D/B(D/B - 1) - 0.4(5(1 + 0.35/3 + 0.8 D/B + 2.1tan / >— /y //i «J— —♦ J£&¡£Z*«kr J-»* g -A- -R= =30 - ♦• -p=5 =25 -*-B=35 - (3=15 4 B'/B P=35 6 —A— p=25 B'/B (d) Figure 10. Comparison of results with analytical results of Huang and Kang [14] shown by dashed lines for surface footing resting on slope, (a) 9=30°, (b) cp=35°, (c) cp=40° and (d) cp=45°. in the case of a higher slope angle, the BCR evaluated from the present study is smaller than the BCR of the former studies. The slopes have an adverse effect on the bearing capacity of a footing. The slope gradient, setback distance, angle of internal friction of the soil and the depth ratio of footing affects the bearing capacity of a footing resting over the slope. The bearing capacity decreases with an increase in the slope gradient. The reduction in the bearing capacity with the slope gradient is relatively higher for a footing of large embedment depth and when the footing is resting near the slope crest. Particularly for dense sand, the effect of the slope gradient on the reduction in the bearing capacity is observed, even up to very large setback distances of 11B. Soil deformation also increases with an increase in the slope gradient. At a low slope gradient, the orientation of the failure surface and the soil deformation are very much similar to the footing resting on the level ground. Both the failure surface and the direction of propagation of soil deformation oriented downwards and towards the slope surface with an increase in the slope gradient. The soil confinement and strength mobilization on the level side of the footing increase with an increase in the setback distance; therefore, the bearing capacity increases. 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[5] (9°) G (V/H) (B/D) (S/B) 25 1/10-1/5 0.5 2 - 1/5-1/3 1 3 - 0 2 2 1/10-1/4 0.5 3 30 1 3-4 0 3 3 1/4-1/2 0.5 3-4 1 4-5 0 4-5 1/10-1/5 0.5 5 1 5-6 0 5-6 35 1/4-1/2 0.5 6 1 6-7 0 5-6 1/2-1/1.5 0.5 6-7 1 7-8 1/10-1/5 0 5-6 1 6-7 40 1/5 -1/2 0 6-7 >6 1 7-8 1/2-1/1.3 0 7-8 >5 1 8-9 >7 1/10-1/4 0 7-8 1 8-9 45 1/4-1/2 0 8-9 1 10-11 1/2-1/1.2 0 >12 1 >12 Annexures: The equation to calculate the bearing-capacity ratio more accurately BCR = 0.047B7B + 0.32D/B + 4.46tamp -0.02(B'/B)2(1 - 0.34D/B - 0.75tan