Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American-__Slovenians Amei IE vnwAvyx nviiiai •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER vol. 106, No. 33 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 26, 2004 Phone: (216)431-0628 Id/b e-maihjih@buckeyevveb.com / 'J* Father Perkovich and the First Polka Mass St. Joseph’s Catholii hurch in Gilbert, MN i °nie of the Polka Mass he Polka Mass consists o e same basic worshi} ^rvice celebrated in thi Oman Catholic tradition utilizing a unique modi ® nnisic. Folk music, cher hed by generations o °venian and Croatian peo Pe, was especially arrangec and adapted with hymn lyr-lcs 'n English. Mary Cvek of Virginia •nnesota, who is the j ot^er of orchestra leadei °e Cvek, wrote the lyrics 0r many of the Polka Mass songs The original Polka Mass as Erst celebrated in Resur-p'on Catholic Church in ^eleth, MN on May 5, '3. The first performers ack then were Joe Cvek and e Variables, and a men’s •uging group called The j'horaleers. Today the in-lrumentalists are called “The Polka Masters” and the vocal group is The Perka-tones.” Father Frank Perkovich has presented the Polka Mass all over the United States and even took it to the Vatican in Rome at which time there was an audience with Pope John Paul II. The Polka Mass was performed in St. Peter’s Basilica in 1983. It has now been performed all over the world. It’s a Mass of the people because it came from the people and went up to the hierarchy. In 1991, Father Perkovich was induced into the Polka Hall of Fame at Ironworld Discovery USA in Chisholm. In 1992, he became a member of the National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame. The Polka Mass recordings have now been enjoyed by as many consumers as that of Frankie Yankovic recordings. —Philip J. Hrvatin St. Vitus Adult Slovenian School The St. Vitus Adult uvenian language class ul begin on Saturday, Sept, k at 9:15 a.m. in the school fr*Sj£Sement- New students are welcome. ■•dents will continue to on vocabulary, grammar and conversation. Presentations will also be given on Slovenian history and culture. For further information call Mrs. Marie Burgar (216) 249-3703 or Mrs. Lillian Centa (216) 289-7253. Even though a month has passed, the children of Camp Pristava still remember what a great time they had at camp this year, which I realized at the St. Mary’s parish picnic on Aug. 15 when at least 10 kids came up to me and said “Hi,” or gave me a hug. This year 20 counselors put on a wonderful week-long camp for almost 60 children who are members of St. Vitus or St. Mary’s Slovenian Schools and/or Pristava. Working with head counselor, Daniel Lavrisha, the counselors planned many activities including a hike to an ostrich farm, a “camp-academic challenge,” bonfires, and polka lessons. Also this year, the campers enjoyed a Camp Pristava Dance. With this year’s camp theme being “Kids movies,” the counselors named Thursday’s theme “Shrek” and we hosted a “Fairy Tale Ball.” The picture above shows all the counselors dressed up in their “royal garb.” -(Photo story by Lauren Calevich) After an evening of skits and performances on Saturday night, the last day of camp is here and the kids are sad to go home. As tradition, after awards are given out to all the campers, kids and counselors gather together to take final pictures and say their goodbyes. Another wonderful week of camp ends, but the children look forward to next year’s Camp Pristava. xst-t In honor of the Olympics this year, Camp Pristava planned their own extravagant rendition of the world sports event. This year activities included obstacle courses through the playground, relays in the field, smallest and biggest splash in the pool, and even a synchronized swimming contest. _Lauren Calevich AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 26, 2004 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 33 August 26, 2004 Left to right: Mary, Carolyn, Susan, and Monica All My Lovely Ladies Rudolph Giuliani Is Guest at Voinovich Party by RUDY FLIS August 20th was our wedding anniversary, and this year we celebrated in a special way. We got in our car and left home, our destination was Mocksville, North Carolina, now home to my daughter Sue and her family. This was our first visit. Next year Sue and her family will be here with us, as we celebrate No. 50. My daughter Carolyn who now lives in Lake Jackson, Texas, will also be up here for that occasion. It’s nice when we are a family together. It’s like pooling all of your blessings, and just savor the flavor with all the memories and laughs that was our family. We grew, sometimes with some pain, but mostly as a working community, with more laughs than cries. By now you must have an idea I had more than one woman spoiling me. First there was Mary, then Caro- Monica, our youngest. If I were to tell you a story about daughters, you would have to know that at times girls slip from their angelic pedestal and can ruffle a parent’s feathers. One rare Saturday this happened, and I warned Mary and Carolyn, who were grade school age, not to repeat their dastardly deed ever again. The punishment must fit the crime. Vividly, they remember their punishment to this day. On Sunday morning at 5 a.m. we were up. I served the 5:30 a.m. Mass and Mary and Carolyn sat in the front pew, yawned more than they prayed, but they did stay awake. Seems cruel, doesn’t it? But it was a two-part punishment. The second part was cruising the streets of Brooklyn in my Dodge Dart with my radio blasting polka music - played by disc jockey A. W. Debrowski, till about 7 a.m. On August 2, former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliana was the guest speaker at the Voinovich for Senate Birthday Bash. Tony Petkovšek served as Master of Ceremonies, and the Joey Tomsick Orchestra provided music for the event. Photo by Phil Hrvatin. In 1944 Rudolph W. Giuliani was bom to a working class family in Brooklyn, New York. As the grandson of Italian immigrants, Mayor Giuliani learned a strong work ethic and a deep respect for America’s ideal of equal opportunity. He attended Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School (Class of 1961) in Brooklyn, Manhattan College (Class of 1965) in the Bronx, and New York University Law School in Manhattan, graduating ( magna cum laude in 1968. Upon graduation, Rudy Giuliani clerked for Judge Lloyd MacMahon, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York. In 1970, Giuliani joined the office of the U.S. Attorney. At age 29, he was named Chief of the Narcotics Unit and rose to serve as executive US Attorney. In 1975, Giuliani was recruited to Washington, D.C., where he was named Associate Deputy Attorney General Carolyn yet speak of that Sunday morning long ago, and I never had to repeat it. Time heals all wounds, and they speak with me today, even after I did that to them. and chief of staff to the Deputy Attorney General. From 1977 to 1981 he returned to New York to practice law at Patterson, Belknap, Webb and Tyler. In 1983, Giuliani was appointed US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, where he spearheaded the effort to jail drug dealers, fight organized crime, break the web of corruption in government, and prosecute white-collar criminals. Few US Attorneys in history can match his record of 4,152 convictions with only 25 reversals. In 1989, Giuliani entered the race for mayor of New York City as a candidate of the Republican Party just losing by the narrowest margin in City history. However, in 1993, his campaign focusing on quality of lift, crime, business and education made him the 107th Mayor of the City of New York. In 1997 he was reelected by a wide margin, carrying four out of New York City’s five boroughs. As Mayor, Rudy Giuliani has returned accountability to City government and improved the quality of life for all New Yorkers. Under his leadership, overall crime is down 57%, murder has been reduced 65%,and New York City - once infamous around the world for its dangerous streets - has been recognized by the F.B.I. as the safest large city in America for the past five years. When Mayor Giuliani took office, one out of every seven New Yorkers was on welfare. Mayor Giuliani has returned the work ethic to i ! the center of City life by implementing the largest and most successful welfare-to-work initiative in the country, cutting welfare rolls in half while moving over 640,000' individuals from dependency on the government to the dignity of self-sufficiency. In addition, he has enacted a record of over $2.5 billion in tax reductions - including the commercial rent tax, personal income tax, the hotel occupancy tax, and the sales tax on clothing for purchases up to $110. Under Rudy Giuliani’s leadership, New York City has become the best-known example of the resurgence of urban America. I have grown old and gray, as my beloved wife, Therese has, but we ty&js how living in Texas, My daughters do not rel- wouldn’t haye it another jSue).$e!Southern’ Bdlie'. aifid "fell polka musid.. .Mary agd ■|y,::W4y. It’s- how relaxing time. r >'/. ’ i,.. * Senator George V. Voinovich cuts his birthday cake on Monday, Aug. 2, while his wife, Janet, welcomes everyone to. the party. ■ > : i [...... (Photos and text by PHIL' HRVATIN) Life in the Refugee Camps 1949 By Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Friday, May 6, 1949 Mr. Jesenko was called to meet with the IRQ staff. They demanded that he decide between Australia and Brazil. He said he would rather go to Argentina. Saturday, May 7,1949 This afternoon, we planted lettuce (for the first time) and red beets. Sunday, May 8, 1949 The first group left for New Zealand today - 50 People, among them three Slovenians and a number of Ukrainians (including Strihačenko and engineer Pahonov). The train went off the tracks in the Trofaiach station soon after everyone got on board. They had to move everybody into trucks and transport them to Leoben, where they boarded another train. Tuesday, May 10,1949 We took our son Janko to the clinic for an exam. He Weighs 21 pounds. The doctor recommended lots of fresh air and Vigantol D (Vitamin D). I am taking Janko for walks in the nearby woods almost every day. The other day, we saw a beautiful little fawn with spots. I talked with the farmer Who usually sells us milk. He agreed to lower his price from 2.50 to 2 shillings per liter. This will save me 6 shillings a month. Wednesday, May 11,1949 Snow and rain today. I Was called to meet with the 1RO staff to discuss emigration to Argentina. Thursday, May 12,1949 Again I was called to meet with the IRO staff. I gave them the address of my friend Ceferin, who emigrated there last November. They said they will write to him. Saturday, May 14,1949 My friend Karl bought his wife Mici a watch for 467 shillings. Monday, May 16,1949 Jernej Zupan is sick with the mumps, so he asked me if I could go get the mail for him and distribute it to everyone in the camp. I ran around doing that from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the evening, I read my English essay, “My Home Village” to the class. The teacher corrected only a couple of words. In the evening, Erznožnik, Jesenko and I applied to emigrate to South Carolina to work on the tobacco plantations. Tuesday, May 17,1949 I distributed the mail from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. I ride around on a bike, but it causes my heart to pound. Wednesday, May 18,1949 Each day, I’m getting the mail distributed 15 minutes quicker. Saturday, May 21,1949 Today, we had rain so I had to walk instead of bike when I went into town to get the mail. (To Be Continued) More Bumper Stickers A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines. Get a new car for your spouse. It’ll be a great trade. Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow. Always try to be modest, and be proud of it. U you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of Payments. OK, so what’s the speed of dark? How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink? I couldn’t repair your brakes so I made your horn louder. _ —Henry Stalzer CIEVILAND PARKING TICKETS PAYMENT PLAN J* you have $300.00 dollars or ^ in unpaid, City of Cleveland, Poking tickets you may be eligible 0r 0Ur flgw payment plan. Call a ustomer service representative in e Pafking Violations Bureau. How It works. • Sign the agreement. • Pay a third of what is owed. •Get your plates released. . Maintain monthly payments. Open 8:00 am-4:00 pm j^stomer Service 216^64-4744 Earle B. Turner, Clerk Cleveland Municipal Court > n ii: >i Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec With the Republican Convention next week in New York City, an interesting scenario would be if Vice President Cheney steps out of the race by claiming health problems, and popular former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani steps in as a Vice President candidate. This would be a smart move on the part of the Republicans and add some interest to the long presidential race. Was reading an article in the “Financial Times” of London last week about a number of companies in Germany who were devastated because the U.S. government announced they were pulling 20,000 troops out of the Rhineland. The U.S. soldiers had been in Germany ever since Eisenhower left in 1945. Their object was to be the first line of defense in case of Soviet Union attack in Europe. Eleven years ago the So- viet Union ceased to exist and the Berlin Wall came 3 down and with it the need for the U.S. Army to be there. If you recall, when the United States asked for help in maintaining the peace in the Middle East, Germany and France were among those (including Slovenia) who absolutely refused. Now German businesses which relied on the U.S. soldiers spending money in the European country, are crying because of loss of income. Gee, maybe they should have thought of that before taking such a forceful stance against the U.S. A Cluster of Useless Facts... On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year. On average people fear spiders more than they do death. Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived immigrants. Elephants are the only animals that can’t jump. Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. It’s physically impossible for you to lick your elbow. The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take" into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building. A snail can sleep for three years. No word in the English language rhymes with “month.” Average life span of a major league baseball is 7 pitches. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. Scary. The electric chair was invented by a dentist. All polar bears are left handed. In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall. Her full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day. Almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow. —Phil Hrvatin, Emma Pogačar. Savings Account ^^Life Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? Savings Account:______________ • Earns interest • Taxable interest income Life Insurance:______________________ • Earns dividends • Guaranteed cash value. • Death benefit passes to heirs tax-free (Example: If you’re a 68 year old, non-smoking male, in reasonably good health, you can take your savings account of $5,000 and purchase a KSKJ Life Insurance Policy. Immediately, your $5,000 premium has turned into a tax free death benefit of $8,166!) Interested? Want to learn more? Call KSKJ at 1-800-THE-KSKJ or visit us online at www.kskjlife.com KSKJ i'jfe/ AMERICAN StOVENIAN CATHOtIC Life Insurance • Annuities Proudly serving the needs of more than 24,000 members nationwide since 1894. 2439 Glcnwood Ave. Joliet, IL 60435 -i4- • M 1'800-TIJEhRSkj AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 26, AMERIŠKA DUMUV1MA, AUUUSi /0, ZUU4 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane fa by RAY MLAKAR Well, I am back and I must say perhaps a few pounds heavier. It is not due to living right, but kind folks who think of me when it comes to food. A couple of weeks ago Carol Kortnik, a fine Slovenian from Euclid, brought me a coconut strudel. What can I say; you haven’t lived until you eat coconut strudel. She gave it to me after Mass at St. Theresa’s and it goes without saying that for the following week I had a warm piece at breakfast each day. Then last Sunday after Mass, my good Slovenian friend Joe Snyder from Sagamore Hills met me at the car as I was driving into St. Theresa’s parking lot for Mass and gave me a loaded box of real home made potato pancakes that he had gotten at Peter’s Market on Tumey Road. I savored those for three days, for it was my Sunday supper. Peter’s Market prepares food for take-out only on Fridays and their potato pancakes more than fill a dinner plate; it is huge. When us kids were growing up, mom always made those on Fridays since it was a fast day, but when it comes to potato pancakes I can consider them a blessing even on Thanksgiving. What can I say, George Bush; you know what you can do with your Texas toast. To top it off, my sister Irene brings me her own homemade berry pie with a half gallon of ice cream to put on top. To all of them my heart-filled Thanks and I appreciate each inch I put on around the waist. To top it off, this past weekend our church, St. Theresa’s had their parish picnic at Furnace Run Park in Richfield, Ohior Furnace Run Park is part of the Metropolitan Park system and by far this is the nicest park of all. The landscaping is out of this world. What made it nice was they have a glass enclosed pavilion as well as an open pavilion and fortunately our church made reservations for the pavilions some time back. The picnic ran from noon to eight at night. Father Greenwell came at 2 p.m., when we said grace together and dug in. They * had two and three cooks at the grill at all times. You name it and we had it from Slovenian homemade sausage and real sauerkraut prepared by yours truly as well as boneless chicken done on the open pit along with hamburgers and hot dogs. You name the side dishes and they were there. Far £ JC C ‘61 more than you see at any wedding. The dessert table must have been 30 feet long and it was good I went there last. Again, the Snyders outdid themselves bringing berry squares and lemon squares with whipped cream. Joe Snyder said he made the lemon squares and all I can say is he missed his calling for he should have opened a bakery shop. If they had to give out blue ribbons for the most outstanding dish, they would have run out of ribbons. The Holy Name Society and the women did a tremendous job. The kids really enjoyed the area for there was plenty of room to play and even fish. They even had Fr. Greenwell out there playing volleyball. When you get to be here well over a quarter of a century, I can just sit back and watch. Some folks even brought their dogs and they enjoyed it as well for there was enough food to go around and to tell the truth, another 50 people could have come and they still would have had food. The inside pavilion is breathtaking for they even had a lounge with living room furniture and a fireplace. One can have the enclosed pavilion only upon reservation and I understand they had a big wedding there the night before. For those who have never been to Furnace Run Park, it is worth the trip to go out to see that fabulous place. It is the kind of place you see on a post card. The sign on Brecksfield Road indicating Furnace Run Park says the place was built in 1971 and it is certainly a prize possession of Metro Park System. Actually, the park is located within Summit County. I am sure everyone went home happy and filled to capacity. As I said, I never seen so much food at one event like that and in spite of all the rain last week, the Good Lord saw to it that we had plenty of warm sunshine on our parish picnic. Well, now that mealtime is over and before I close, time for a couple of jokes which I owe to my brother Frankie Mlakar in Erie, PA who passes the good ones to me via the Internet. Ready? A distraught senior citizen phones her doctor’s office. “Is it true,” she wanted to know, “that the medication you prescribed has to be taken for the rest of my life?” “Yes, I’m afraid so,” the doctor told her. There was a moment of silence before the senior lady replied, “I’m wondering then, just how serious is my condition because this prescription is marked ‘no refills’.” 8 ms* \ Okay, one more before we call it a night. A man goes into a store and tells the clerk, “I’d like some Polish sausage.” The clerk looks at him and asks, “Are you Polish?” The guy is clearly offended, and says, “Well yes I am. But let me ask you something. If I had asked for Italian sausage would you have asked me if I was Italian? Or if I had asked for Slovenian sausage, would you have wanted to know if I was Slovenian? Or if I asked for Westphalia Ham, would you have asked me if I were German? Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you have asked me if I was Jewish?” The clerk says, “Well... no.” And the man continues, “And if I had asked for Irish whiskey would you ask if I were Irish?” “Or if I had asked for Peking duck, would you ask if I was Chinese?” Or if I had asked for Swedish meat-balls, would you have asked if I was Swedish?” “Well, probably I wouldn’t.” With deep self indignation, the guy asks, “Well, all right then, why did you ask me if I am Polish just because I ask for Polish sausage” “Because this is the Home Depot.” With that thought, time to say good night, and may the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you all in his loving care. Dr. Mirko Vombergar D.D.S. 6551 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 Call for your appointment 1-440-473-4746 Office Hours - by appointment only. Saturday and evening hours available. We also speak SLO VENI A N! It’s Cool to be Slovenian rx J—>cuz (So^La Funeral Homes Two Convenient Locations 28890 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills 440-944-8400 (Formerly Grdina) 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland (Collinwood Area) 216-486-2900 A Slovenian Family Serving the Slovenian Community. Dignified-Personalized-Professional Services Dan Cosic and Joseph Zevnik, Funeral Directors 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina DO YOU KNOW ANY SLOVENIAN “COPS”? A^e cities 0.f C!ev®land and Euc,id have been blessed with many tn ZZZ^7Cm P F °-ffiCerS-If y0U know ofany now, you may wish rur^W WOrdS 01 W,Sd0m With lhera- as fou"d «” 0* Internet. Q ILiT50!?6 LT iiS/h" lunch at a homicide scene. A veteran eats ms/her lunch at a homicide scene. Q reports'6 PUtS ^ mUCh “ rePOItS' A Ve,eran doesn’, P1” “»ugh in® □ A rookie loves foot pursuits. A veteran makes the rookie do foot pursuits. □ A rookie is given 40 hours of training on communications at the imhce academy. A veteran was gi ven 40 rounds of ammo when he/she left the academy. □ A rookie loves to find stolen vehicles. A veteran does not care about stolen vehicles unless someone is in them. □ A rookie cm spot an expired tag at 50 yards. A veteran can’t spot anything at 50 yards. Q deathts*! suicide iS * horaicide- A veteran thinks every a bmss by ^rank- a ™caiis ^hy □ A TT * hptfP computer*A veteran writes on his/her hand. □ A rookie checks out deserted spots in hope of finding a drug deal. A veteran checks out deserted spots in hope of finding solitude. Etrrrs: Kisns —1^~- Q A mold* stops at McDonalds. A veteran stops at a greasy spoon (vi.ioH r.)!-, :• ul !. ; r , ■ _■ '/ ' ,r i I jv,j {i.-i'j -to reiioil iLLg:; ■ (vttO- • V-’’ ''ML* .1. ' ,V.;O.M 1" rP-IiT (bl ’ i v • !!ic{ •'•Jib x! 6dl liWrOr: (It? -li; 10 »UJJiVijK« OrX ' V " ............., ’ ■ ... ,~fl -h'P vof. a* ririhkv netrmD *r’nl !r,r § The Saga of Father Karel Pekovnik by BOB WERCHAY ST. CLOUD, MN -About six years ago I started visiting Father Karel Pekovnik and Father Joseph Vogrin. Both were in their 80s and had spent most of their priestly life serving parishes in the western part of our diocese. They were living in retirement in Parkers Prairie, MN. I was interested in them because they came from the country of Slovenia. This small country is the same country my grandfather emigrated from over 100 years ago. Father Joseph died two years ago. A year ago Father Karel decided to move to an assisted living apartment in Parkers Prairie. Father Karel is now 88 years old and alert and healthy. He still says Mass when he is able and reads everything in sight. His 60th anniversary of ordination was in March. It was always his hope and dream to return to his seminary in Maribor, Slovenia to celebrate that anniversary. He was ordained in the •940s during World War II. While there, we visited 'vith him and several of his relatives. It was a great experience. During my visits with Pather Karel he told me ntany stories of his life in Slovenia and what events brought him here. Our visit to Slovenia put all of this |nto perspective. It is a very 'nteresting story. To put Father Karel’s story into a geographic perspective, here is a little about lovenia. Slovenia is a fautiful country of neat Ullages and vineyards in the n°rthem part of the former ^ountry of Yugoslavia. Nearly 95% of the 2 million People in Slovenia are Ro-ytan Catholic. It is bordered y Italy, Austria, and Hun-Slovenia is sometimes to be “On the Sunny . °f the Alps,” because it ]S Seated south of the Aus-^r,an Alps. The many vil-a8cs we visited were neat ari(l clean and the people 'Vere very friendly. Slovenia Karel Pekovnik was bom ? a srnall village of Varan-1 ° ‘n Central Slovenia in „ '• His father was a armer. Karel was one of ven children. His mother fam When he was 12 and his j er died when Karel was ^ ‘ When asked how he tio^ded on bis priestly voca- °n> Karel says that he re- hi^bers his mother telling ke Ibat she wished he’d fl Come a priest. Despite the il anc‘al hardships, the fam- y exPerienced in the 1930s and 1940s, they always managed to find money to send Karel to good schools. After his mother died, Karel’s father and older sisters continued to tell him he would someday be a priest. In 1943, one year from his ordination, German soldiers moved into Slovenia. At the same time the Communist Government had taken control of Yugoslavia (Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia). Karel’s studies were interrupted when the seminary in Maribor was closed by the invading Germans, and Karel was sent with the other seminarians to complete his studies in the capital city of Ljubljana. Shortly after his ordination on March 4, 1944, the Yugoslav Communist Government imprisoned him. When I asked him why, he said, “For being a Catholic priest.” After three months, German soldiers released him as well as other Slovenians from the prison. The prisoners asked the soldiers for protection from the Communists. The soldiers refused, saying they were there only to release them from prison. The prisoners decided they would walk back to Ljubljana behind the soldiers. By doing this they hoped they would not be attacked by the government Communist forces. Turmoil in the Slovenian capital caused many people to flee to Austria. In 1945, Father Karel and his fellow-priest and longtime friend. Father Joseph Vogrin, decided they would also leave their beloved homeland. They walked with other refugees north to Austria. They survived on meager food offerings from peasant farmers along the way. Potatoes were their main food. The frigid temperatures and hilly paths made for a challenging journey, but it was especially difficult for Father Karel because he had no shoes. Out of desperation, he made a pair out of wood, which he describes as “nothing more than a sole tied onto my feet with rags.” Fr. Karel said that often during their journey he felt that it would be the cold, not the Germans, that would kill him. Just as he was about to give up, Father Joseph was able to flag down a truck and a Slovenian driver gave them a ride to the Austrian border. After walking for nearly 100 miles, they reached the heavily guarded Austrian border. Karel said he and Father Joseph could smell the cigarette smoke of the German soldiers as they quietly crossed the border. The heavy snowfall concealed the two priests and they were able to pass into Austria undetected. Austria In Austria the priests settled into a refugee camp with many other Slovenians. Food was scarce and the refugees were given little hope of making a home in this German-speaking country. Fr. Karel remembers that the food at the camp was very, very scarce. It improved significantly when a British Battalion of soldiers camped nearby. The moldy bread that the British threw away became the refugee’s staple food. After several months, the priests moved to central Austria with the help of an Austrian priest. Conditions did not improve, however, until later when they moved to a village with a Franciscan convent. At this village, they were able to work with the local priest and help with the gardening at the convent. Food became more plentiful and they started to leam some rudimentary German. This helped them communicate with the Austrians. Even with this, Fr. Karel said they felt they were not wanted in Austria. They doubted they would ever be welcome or able to belong anywhere. As communications in the region improved, a Slovenian priest in New York contacted them and said priests were needed in the United States. Through this priest they learned that a St. Cloud Bishop wanted priests for the Diocese and would welcome them. They tried one more time to get back to Slovenia, but were told by their family not to return. The Communist Government of Yugoslavia did not favor church and religious activity and family members feared for them if they were to return. Father Karel said neither of them ever intended to leave Slovenia. They had planned to be diocesan priests in Eastern Slovenia. Even though they were active in their vocations in Austria, they were not part of any diocese and were not invited to stay. Still, leaving Europe was very difficult. Father Karel said they decided to either go or stay together, but would not part after all those years of hardship endured together. They finally decided to come to America and the Diocese of St. Cloud in Minnesota. (To Be Continued) Greater Clevelanders Should Pull Together Editor, The noise from the landings, and especially takeoffs can be unpleasant at times for those who live close to Hopkins Airport. While I was the city lawyer for Hopkins and later while chairing Cleveland City Council’s airport committee in the 1970s, I gladly accepted all invitations to talk to officials or groups of persons in the areas affected, especially those in the nearby suburbs, some of whom wanted Hopkins to just go away. Ever since undergraduate years (when I had 32 items promoting Cleveland on my dorm room walls at University of Detroit), I have been obsessed with improving and promoting Metropolitan Cleveland because it has seldom been given the‘credit and recognition it deserves in the U.S. or in the world. Yet when domestic or foreign visitors have been my house-guests and are shown around, they invariably leave very well impressed. We have, however, seen many companies, especially headquarters such as BP Spaghetti Dinner St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Holy Name Society sponsors a “Right to Life” Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 18 in the school auditorium from 6 to 8 p.m. $7 adults, $3 children under 12. Tickets available at the parish house or call Lou Koenig at (216) 481-0800 or Bill Kozak (216) 731-9373. America, Revco Drug Stores, TRW, Charter One Bank, GE Lighting, and most unfairly of all, the entire 500 jobs of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, move elsewhere. The latter is especially outrageous because it was moved supposedly to cut costs for the federal government. But a later analysis by the Pentagon Inspector General concluded that keeping the 500 jobs here actually cost less than moving them elsewhere. Correcting that should be a priority in our dealing with Washington and the White House. In the meantime, Greater Clevelanders should be pulling together whenever possible, not continuing the one neighborhood against downtown or suburbs against each other or the mother city. Unfortunately, we had an egregious example of this recently when the president of Olmsted Falls City Council made a statement relative to Hopkins Airport which may have won her praise from some of her voters but which was not only harmful to progress in Metropolitan Cleveland, but was also inaccurate. The statement was made that Hopkins does not need to extend a 9,000 foot runway to 11,000 feet because the “largest planes can land and takeoff on the existing 9,000 foot runway.” In fact, for more than 30 years the airlines have required at least 11,000 feet for safe operation of fully loaded (fuel and passengers) wide body aircraft. That lack is one reason no wide body, very long-range fully loaded aircraft operate out of Hopkins. It’s one thing to represent your voters, but it should not lead to the point of using arguments that are not factual. That type of approach has helped keep Hopkins a comparatively minor American airport - not even in the top 30 for service - and has not helped Metropolitan Cleveland keep from loosing companies and jobs it cannot afford to lose. —John J. Prince (Former Councilman, Ward 32) Dr. Zenon A. KIos t. J8$ Area *531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental fnsurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 26, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 26, 2004 Sgt. Goršek Guards Slovenian Athletes Cleveland Police Sergeant Anthony Goršek (center) proudly wears a Slovenian insignia pin on his lapel. He is shown with members of the International Children’s Games delegation aboard the Goodtime III on Aug. 1. Sergeant Goršek was in charge of the Cleveland Police security detail for the International Children’s Games village that was erected in downtown Cleveland. The security detail began on July 27,h and continued 24 hours a day, until Aug. 3rd. His duties had him working 18 hour days. The sergeant was honored to personally provide Cleveland Police security for the athletes, coaches and other local and international VIPs on the Goodtime III cruise sponsored by Bob Tomsich. It was fascinating to watch as Sergeant Goršek became somewhat of a celebrity once members of the Slovenian delegation discovered that he spoke Slovenian. This was evidenced by the number of people asking to have their picture taken with the “Slovenian police officer.” It was a night that all the participants will long remember, especially our own Tony Goršek. -Phil Hrvatin Slovenian Band at Pristava On Labor Day weekend we will have a chance to hear and see another excellent ensemble from Slovenia, Ansambel Vrisk. There are three musicians and a female and male vocalist. The leader of the group is Joze Avbar from Trebnje. - Rok Fojkar and Jernej Tisler, from Gorenjsko, are the other two musicians. The two vocalists are Joze Sarc, also from Gorenjsko and Tatjana Hutar from Bela Krajina. The ensemble will perform at Slovenska Pristava on Saturday, Sept. 4 after 6 p.m. Entrance tickets are $4 for members and $8 for nonmembers. Students and kids are admitted free. Food and refreshments will be available. We are asking our generous “gospodinje” to donate desserts for this occasion. On Sunday, Sept. 5 the Ansambel Vrisk will entertain at St. Mary’s in Collin-wood. Let’s help our organizers and attend both events. Vsi ste lepo vabljeni. A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence. —John Mercina Apts, for Rent One and two bedroom apts., plus store available. 216—481-3576 Stimbur^s Accounting Accounting & Income Thx Sewices 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119- (216)404-0990 Fax (216} 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimbury saccounting.com tmUed t> Pfjtfice Before the Internal Revenue Service SenmnQjndivktoals Corporations S Small Businesses. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster --- Specialists in cSpSaT} Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON Road i61-7989 7 4,61-0^ .Richipp^d Ht!?,, Qhjo 44143 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216—486-1105 Saturday, Aug. 28 Cleveland SNPJ Lodges celebrate 100lh anniversary with banquet, dance at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio. Tickets $30. Call (216) 481-6909 before Aug. 25. '■ ^Saturday, Aug. 28 Cleanup in the Slovenian Cultural Garden from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1 Sunday, Aug. 29 DSPB Annual Pilgrimage to Sorrowful Mother Shrine, Frank, Ohio; Mass at 12 noon. Bus leaves Collin-wood Slo. Home at 8 a.m., then St. Vitus Village. Returns around 6 p.m. Cost $15.00. Reservations call (216) 531-2728, (216) 481-9150, (216) 391-4818 or (440) 944-0020. Saturday, Sept. 4 Slovenska Pristava Labor Day weekend veselica, 6 p.m.. Ansambel Vrisk from Slovenia playing. Also folk dance group Lipa from Chicago. Sunday, Sept. 5 Dedication of St. Mary’s (Collinwood) parish hall at ‘ 11 a.m. Mass with Bishop Pilla. Following Mass, banquet in new hall prepared by Julie Zalar. Tickets $25 for adults, $10 for children. Call rectory (216) 761-7740 for tickets before Aug. 29. Saturday, Sept. 11 Folklorna Skupina Kres 50,h Anniversary Performance at Slovenian National Home. Saturday, Sept. 11 Rummage and Bake Sale Collinwood Slovenian Home, 9 a.m. until 5. Donations welcome. Drop off before 5 from Sept. 7 - 9th. Sunday, Sept. 12 St. Vitus Altar Society dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium. Sunday, Sept. 12 Rummage and Bake Sale Collinwood . Slovenian Home, 9 a.m. until 4. Donations welcome. Drop off before 5 from Sept. 7 - 9th. Saturday, Sept. 18 St. Mary (Collinwood) Holy Name Society Right to Life Spaghetti Dinner in school auditorium 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. $7 adults, $3 children. Tickets at parish house or call (216) 481-0800 or(216)731-9373. Sunday, Sept. 19 Wine Festival at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Sunday, Sept. 19 Wine festival featuring New Generation Band (Grand Avenue Band) at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Sept. 19 Holy Cross Church of Fairfield, Connecticut Annual Picnic. Day begins with 11:00 Polka Mass and continue until dusk. Music by “The Polka Quads.” Sept. 24-26 Bishop Baraga Days, L’Anse-Baraga area of Michigan. Sunday, Oct. 10 Koline dinner (Retirees of Slovenska Pristava.) Sunday, Oct. 10 Collinwood Slovenian Home Musicfest honoring Fred Ziwich. Festivities begin at 1 p.m. Free admission. Saturday, Oct. 16 Sweetest Day Anniversary Dance, Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair. Doors open 6 p.m. Buffet dinner. Music by Jeff Pecon Orchestra. $30 couple. ($3 discount with copy of wedding photo). Sunday, Oct. 17 St. Mary’s School Alumni (Collinwood) Annual Banquet following 12 noon Mass. Sunday, Oct. 24 Newburgh Slovenian Home, E. 80th St., Annual Clambake catered by Maple Hts. Catering. Serving 2-4 p.m. Music by Joe Novak 4 -7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31 St. Vitus Alumni Honoree Day. Sunday, Nov. 7 Newburgh Slovenian Home, E. 80th St., honoring Tony Mannion, Federation Man of year. Dinner 2 p m-Donation $18.00. Music begins at 3:30 Wayne Tomsic-Saturday, Nov. 20 Glasbena Matica Singing Society annual concert, dinner and dancing, Slovenian Home, St. Clair. Doors open 5:30, concert at 7 p.m. Ne'* *' singers welcome. Call Darl Hrvatin, president, at (4400 944-1243. SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX . AmericanCfx"ess We bHI "“’s' maior insurance plans • Photo Finishing • Package & Mailing Center • Discover • MasterCard • Visa • WIC - Food Stamps • Manufacturers Coupons '*Vi,>'riVi'ii,,Vi;i'ii.'i',!iY f. It .’..III ItXJIRIunmitl Visit Us! • FAX Service • Keys Made • Layaways • Contact Lens Replacement 'iVJCit 'oeltvvstiici btw hen wo ■duviG | Death Notices ■h r- JOSEPH A. OKORN Joseph A. Okom, 81, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2004 in Euclid Hospital. Mr. Okom was bom on Feb. 11, 1923 in Cleveland. He lived in Euclid for 18 years. Mr. Okom was a U.S. Navy Veteran of World War N. having reached the rank °f Radioman Second Class. He was a member of AMLA, St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post 1655. He regularly played the banjo at the Slovene Home for the Aged with Champa’s Old Timers Band. He also played the banjo with many °f the local Slovenian bands. Mr. Okom was also an avid fisherman, having caught some large ones from a chartered fishing boat with bis sons. His fishing expeditions continued both in fair Weather and in the middle of winter. Mr. Okom was also a tiember of St. Clair Pensioners, and Euclid Pensioners. He was owner/operator °f Okom’s Variety Store in Cleveland. He is survived by sons Allen, James (Kathy), Joseph (Rhonda), Edward (Diane); daughters: Linda (Steve) Hogan, and Carolyn (Tallie) Young. He is also survived by 18 grandchildren. His wife Frances “Toots” (nee Stemad), and a sister Clga Hockman, are deceased. Calling hours were 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at Zele Funeral Nome, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland on Friday, Aug. 20th. Mass of Christian Burial "'as held in St. Vitus Church 0n Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004 at 10 a.m., pastor, Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, officiating. Eleven members of his fel-*°w Catholic War Veterans from St. Vitus Post 1655 Wered the flag on his casket at the end of the church services. Burial was in All S°uls Cemetery where a Lt. Commander and First Class Fetty Officer performed the military services during ^bich taps was played by a bugler. Contributions in his Memory to St. Vitus Church, ^bl9 Lausche Ave., Cleve-and, OH 44103 or Slovene Nome for the Aged, 18621 NcffRd., Cleveland, 44119. CAROLINE STEFANČIČ Caroline Stefančič (nee Kosoglov), age 90, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2004 in Willoughby, OH. Caroline was bom on April 27, 1914 in Cleveland. She resided in Willoughby for the last 12 years. She was a former resident of Collin-wood for 50 years. Caroline belonged to AMLA Lodge #38 Martha Washington, Holmes Avenue Pensioners, St. Mary’s Seniors, and United Slovene Society. She was an inspector for Clevite Corporation for 30 years retiring in 1976. Caroline is survived by daughter Bonita “Bonnie” Quagliata; son-in-law John Quagliata; grandchildren Angelo and Antoinette “Toni;” sister Olga (Daniel) Perhay; and many nieces and nephews. Her husband, Anthony; and brothers Victor and Anthony; sisters Vera Sadler, and Vida, are deceased. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland, on Friday, Aug. 20 from 2-8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was held on Saturday, Aug. 21 at 9:45 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, Rev. John Kumse, pastor, officiating. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Contributions in her memory to St. Mary Church Building Fund. STANLEY JANEZIC Stanley Janezic, 85, of Mentor, OH, formerly of Willowick, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2004 at Heather Hill Healthcare in Munson Twp., OH. Mr. Janezic was bom on April 24, 1919 in Voljči Potok, Slovenia. Mr. Janezic was a Machinist with Efficient Industries. He is survived by wife, Veronica (nee Sepin); daughters Stella (Darrell) Saylor, John (Cindy), Veronica (Gary) Fetsko; and 10 grandchildren. Deceased family: siblings Frančiška, Ivan, Jože, Mimi, Otto,and Magda (all of Slovenia. Friends called at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Friday, Aug. 20 from 5-8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was on Saturday, Aug. 21 at St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland. Interment All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, OH. DOROTHY DISCOVICH Dorothy Discovich (nee Kennick) passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2004. She was the beloved daughter of Anna and James Kennick (deceased); mother of Michelle; grandmother of David, and sister of Anna (deceased). Prayer services were by Bishop Pevec at Tomon & Sons Funeral Home. In Loving Memory of the 12f H ! i ... li'i j 1 h 'mUf I < i i !■! i \\vh-- ;.U t '-i AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 26, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 26, Four Oldest Slovenian Documents See Slovenian Tennis Players at U.S. Open (Conclusion) The Stična Manuscript The Stična manuscript consists of Slovenian texts, written into a manuscript book containing Latin texts (NUK, manuscript department, Ms 141). They were written on the last five pages of the book: two formulas of General Confession (confessio generalis), the beginning of an Easter hymn, several word pairs of Latin-Slovenian expressions, an invocation to the Holy Ghost and Mary, and a Salve Regina prayer. Some Slovenian interlinear glosses are scattered among the Latin text in other places in the book. The General Confession (confessio generalis) is the longest of the texts in the Stična manuscript. It belongs to a group of similar church texts, which enumerate all kinds of sins, even though the person who delivers the text has not committed all of them. The Stična General Confession is an independent adaptation of a German example from the family of formulas of confessions deriving from a corresponding formula written by Honorius Augustodun (first half 12th century). The verse of the Easter hymn deals with the liturgical idea of the resurrection and its significance for the salvation of mankind. Though it certainly is an adaptation of a German hymn (Christ ist erstanden), the differences in expressions, rhythm, and in the structure of the sentence suggest an affective and linguistically independent adaptation of a well-known medieval theme. The pre-sermon invocation is a standard invocation of mercy and hope. The Salve Regina prayer is a deeply emotional, medieval church hymn that is normally recited by priests in the liturgy. Its Slovenian version witnesses to the beginnings of the Marian cult in Slovenia. The Cedad or Cernjeja manuscript The Cenjeja manuscript is kept in the Archaeological Museum in Cividale (Italy, Slovene Cedad) and is officially (though not quite correctly) called (Anniversario di Legati latino-italiano-slavodella confraternitadi S. Maria di Cergenu. Codice n. CXLIV. It is a small manuscript book, consisting of 16 leaves with short entries (a total of 102) on both sides, listing names of parishioners and visitors of the church of sv. Marija in Cemjeja, their pledges, and endowments. At first, all the entries are in Latin, later in North-Italian dialect that was spoken around Cemjeja. Towards the end of the book’s first half, a Latin note (No. 41) states that the notary Johannes from Vegla (Italian Veglia, the island of Krk) had started to translate the Latin records into Slovenian, here referred to as lingua sclabonica, in 1497. The next 25 entries were made by Johannes and his work was then continued by other writers (12 or 13). The manuscript contains 52 records of Slovenian. Every entry has three to five lines; their content is quite “standardized”: ... parish- ioner X from the village of Y bequeathed to the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Cernjeja something (wheat, wine, money, land) to have a number of masses said for his soul... It is well worth emphasizing that, in spite of their standardized form, these notes contain precious topo-■ nymic and anthroponymic material, and they are very important for the study of the history of Slovene as well as for the interpretation of its role in Venetian Slovenia (Italian: Slavia Veneta) in the 15th and 16th centuries. Humorous Bumper Stickers Save the whales. Collect the whole set. A day without sunshine is like, — night. On the other hand, you have different fingers. I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. 99% of all lawyers give the rest a bad name. I feel like I’m diagonally parked in a parallel universe. Honk if you love peace and quiet. He who laughs last, thinks slowest. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm. I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol. Support bacteria. They are the only culture some people have. Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life. —Henry Stalzer He that goes barefoot must not plant thorns. Flower Power 2004 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and dis-|| plays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment (216) 361-9909 rmiSOH PI “KITE SUPERMARKET 12503 EDISON dVL LflKCWOOD, OHIO 44107 216 521 4619 ATTENTION WEST SIDE RESIDENT: WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - WE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS, - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 AM- 8PM SUNAY9 AMT06PM by KATARINA TEPESH Come see the world’s best tennis players and support your favorite Slovenian tennis stars KATARINA SREBOTNIK, TINA PISNIK, TINA KRIŽAN, MAJA MATEVŽIČ and others. Tennis matches will be at the US Open, Flushing Meadows, Queens, New York from Aug. 30,h thru Sept. 12th. Free admission to Open Practice Day on Sunday, Aug. 29. Gates open at 11 a.m. Free admission to US Open Qualifying Tournament starting Tuesday, Aug. 24 to Friday, Aug. 27. Gates open at 10 a.m. Come see tomorrow’s Croatian stars at one of the largest tennis tournaments in the U.S. Admission to all US Open qualifying matches are free. To purchase tickets for the 2004 US Open, go to Ticketmaster.com or call Ticketmaster at 1 -866-OPEN-TIX. The US Open is the highest attended annual sporting event in the world. Transportation: Subway at Grand Central Station/Times Square. Take Flushing bound IRT number 7 train to Willets Point-Shea Stadium stop. Cleveland SNPJ Banquet Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Slovene National Benefit Society at a special banquet at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio on Saturday, Aug. 28. This Centennial event brings together Cleveland-area members and friends to pay tribute to the SNPJ with an elegant evening of fine dining, dancing and entertainment. What better place to gather than SNPJ Farm? The flagstone pavilion is an inviting setting to host a party. Enjoy a delicious and varied menu, special guests, the polka styling of Frank Moravcik Orchestra, the keyboard artistry of Leo Coach, and a surprise musical feature. Mingle with your friends at 5:00 p.m., sit down to dinner at 6:00 p.m., and step onto the dance floor at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $30.00 per person, including complimentary refreshments. Seating is limited. Contact Sophie Matuch (216) 481-6909 One of every four SNPJ members hails from Northeast Ohio. The Centennial Banquet salutes the generations of fraternal and cultural support the SNPJ has provided America’s largest Slovenian community. Reserve your place in history for Saturday evening, Aug. 28 at SNPJ Farm. Joseph Valencie, President, Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges Stretch Your Vacation Dollars + Save Time! Euclid Travel’s agents have the expertise to plan a vacation that fits your budget and lifestyle. EUCLID 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 1-216-261-1050, travel@euclidtravel.com . Al'la: I;;; i: I'i Sil!l!!'.'! -t i.HTdioHr IrtiuU i 9 Importance of Slovenian Language Schools by IVAN MERLJAK Slovenija svet In the first and second generations of Slovenian immigrants in the United States of America, the family held the primary role in preserving the Slovenian language. At home, family members spoke Slovenian. This is understandable: to the first generation, conversation iu their maternal language Was natural, easier and less contrived than in English which almost none of them spoke upon arrival in America. Because of the relatively high concentration of Slove-nian immigrants in the Northeast of the United States, especially in the Cleveland area, the Slove-nian language spilled into the streets. Even two decades ago, the children ran around the streets in the St. Vitus neighborhood “in Slovenian.” After the family, the Catholic Church played an important role in preserving the Slovenian language and the Slovenian culture in the USA. It still does. In Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Chicago, New York and some other cities, Slovenian parishes were set up where Masses were conducted in Slovenian and where church choirs sang Slovenian songs. In fact, parish life itself was wholly Slovenian as all religious practices were brought over from their old home, like the celebrations of Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter and so on. Throughout the year parish halls produced plays in Slovenian thus keeping alive the language and national identity. The wealth of vocabulary of Slovenian immigrants was relatively meager. Therefore, for the second and following generations, the vocabulary of the family environment became insufficient for normal communication. Even more so as they went to English schools and in public spoke more and more in English. Eventually, the need arose for supplementary teaching of Slovenian language, • for Slovenian schools. They were set up in the Slovenian parishes, in “the parallel institution,” so to speak, as it represented the most integrative factor for the Slovenian community. In Cleveland today, two supplementary schools of the Slovenian language and culture still operate, one in the parish of St. Vitus and another in the parish of St. Mary of the Assumption (Collinwood). The St. Vitus Slovenian School is now 52 years old. The number of pupils varies, but in the long term it is slowly declining. The Kres dancers gather for one last picture with their favorite bus driver, Tomaz, after ^eir final program in Zreče in the region of Štajerska this summer. Kres performed six tidies throughout their tour in Slovenia which was very well received by the Slovenian c°ttiniunity. It was a successful journey. Folklore Group Kres Celebrates 50 Svt _u_ ___i__^_:_ /* . .... St. Vitus Church was a popular gathering P ace in the late 1940s and 1950s for Slovenian refugees who arrived in Cleveland during that 'ttie. Soon a variety of academic, social and cultural organizations were formed including ^Parate Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs. These two ubs shared many common objectives, in-ttding Catholic religion, preserving and pro-ttioting Slovenian culture, and sports. In No-Vernber, 1954 these two youth clubs merged formed one common organization, named Kres, which means “bonfire.” Since that time, Kres has been an integral Part °f the Cleveland Slovenian community. ^res members learn and perform Slovenian j^ttgs and dances, both traditional and stylized. fes programs are recognized for their visual Ppeal and spirited song and dance. Skits de-Picting Slovenian traditions are often a part of e Performances and are presented through °ng, dance and humor. Over the years, Kres as also performed popular dances such as the ango, Waltz, and the American Western, g Kres has performed throughout the United ates and Canada, as well as in Italy and jPsfria. This summer, the senior members of es realized a long-standing dream and com-eted a iour of Slovenia. a Today, nearly one hundred fifty children young adults are members of Kres, the ^Jority of them following in the footsteps of ,r parents and grandparents. Comprised primarily of second and third generatioi American Slovenians, the members hav remained true to the original purpose of th club formed in 1954, proudly remaining rootei in their Catholic faith and preserving and pro moling their Slovenian heritage. Reaching thi milestone is quite an accomplishment for ; youth organization, especially during an en when there are so many other interest group and activities available to our young people. This year Kres’ eagerly anticipated 50' anniversary performance will be held on Sat urday, September 11 at the Slovenian Nationa Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. Thi: program will be performed to live music am will include a special historical segment, a: well as many beautiful, colorful traditiona dances and the beloved skit. The program be gins at 7:00 p.m., and will be followed by ; social with dancing to the Veseli Godci band. A limited number of tickets are still avail able for this 50th Anniversary performance Due to the popularity of Kres programs anc expected sell out, advance reservations an recommended. Please call Sonja Kolarič a 440-585-1577 for ticket information. Come and celebrate this milestone with th« current and former members of Kres. Let us acknowledge the present accomplishments ol our youth, and offer support for their futun success. iiiiiniiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiunrinirHOilunininuiiiiiKHiiiiiiiiiniioiiiiii-aMiuuiiiiilniiiiaiiiilll This year there are 70 students altogether, from nursery school to the 8,h grade. St. Mary of the Assumption school has half this number of pupils. The headmistress of the St. Vitus School, Marija Petelin, says this school is not of primary importance; all children attend regular English schools and the Slovenian school is only on Saturdays for two-and-a-half hours. “But children come from all over,” Marija Petelin emphasizes. “Most of them are from the wider area of Cleveland, though there are some from Columbus, from places in neighboring Pennsylvania and from towns along the Canadian border. The school is voluntary and I am so glad that so many children attend, especially as they come from so far away. The youngest ones are taught to count in Slovenian, to name colors and to sing, and we teach them to recite a number of short Slovenian poems. The older ones work at Slovenian grammar, history and geography. Twice a year we stage two central ceremonies, the St. Nicholas feast in December and, just before Easter, a Spring Academy. Every year we visit Slovenia to see places of interest so that the children get first-hand experience of what they leam in school.” Marija Petelin is already Cleveland bom and teaches at a regular English school like most of the seven teachers of the Slovenian school. She told us that most of the teaching material for the supplementary lessons is prepared by the teachers themselves, though in the last few years they have received some support from Slovenia. But they would like more. Jerneja Turk, one of the teachers, only came to Cleveland when she married 10 years ago and knows most about e 0tte>r’ ^ Je sicer doma iz Jamajke. Naknadno poročamo, da Otteyeva, ki je tet V P°,finalu za ženske 200 m, ni mogla končati in je tako ostala osma od osmih »dnovaik. To je bil gotovo zaključek njene izredno dolge športne tekmovalne kariere. ji • n ■! •: is; :;i :.''r« ni«mM««wwn«x3!raaS.. • *,*J4! ,J »-m*«***«*»'«*»*»»» Iz Clevelanda in okolice Romanje v Frank— Romanje je to nedeljo in je avtobus zaseden. Odhod od Slov. doma na Holmes Ave bo točno ob 8h zjutraj, od 8.15 pa od St. Vitus Village. Maša bo ob 12. uri, pobožnost ob 3h pop. Naprošeni ste, bodite točni! Spominski dar— Ga. Mary Pervan, Rocky River, O., je darovala $49 v podporo listu, v spomin na starše Rozi in Viktor Blatnik. Hvala lepa. Novi grobovi Vlasta Radišek Umrla je 70 let stara Vlasta Radišek iz Euclida, rojena v Rudniku, Slovenija, žena Josefa, mati Betty Romanin, Josepha, Albina, Theodorea in Mary Ann Daugherty, 13-krat stara mati, lastovala je umetnostno galerijo več kot 30 let in komaj pred tedni imela razstavo svojih del na Slovenski pristavi, bila članica in nekdanja predsednica pevskega zbora Glasbena Matica, članica Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave. Pogreb je bil 21. avgusta v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Chardon Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Felicite in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Stane Janežič Dne 18. avgusta je v Heather Hill Healthcare v Munson Twp. umrl 85 let stari Stane Janežič iz Mentorja, pred tem v Willo-wicku, rojen 24. aprila 1919 v Volčjem potoku, mož Veronike, roj. Šepin, oče Stelle Saylor, Johna in Ve-ronice Fetsko, 10-krat stari oče, brat Frančiške, Ivana, Jožeta, Mimi, Otta in Magde (vsi že pok., v Sloveniji), zaposlen do upokojitve kot strojnik pri Efficient Industries. Pogreb je bil 21. avgusta v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marjie Vnebovzete in poko-kom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Joseph A. Okorn Dne 18. avgusta je v Euclid Hospital umrl 81 let stari Joseph A. Okorn iz Euclida, kjer je živel zadnjih 18 let, rojen 11. februaija 1923 v Clevelandu, vdovec po Frances, roj. Sternad, oče Allena, Jamesa, Josepha, Edwarda, Linde Ho- (•talje na str. 14) Blagoslovitev dvorane— V nedeljo, 5. septembra, bo škof Anthony Pilla maševal pri Mariji Vnebovzeti dop. ob 11., po maši bo procesija v novo dvorano in blagoslovitev. Sledil bo banket in kratek program. Za banket so potrebne vnaprejšnje rezervacije, zato pokličite župnišče na 216-761-7740 in to samo do 30. avgusta. Vstopnica je $25 za odraslo osebo in $10 za otroka. “Vrisk” na Pristavi— V soboto, 4. septembra, po 6. uri zvečer, bo na Slovenski pristavi igral ansambel Vrisk, ki gostuje iz Slovenije. Med veselico se bo tudi predstavila folklorna skupina Lipa iz Chicaga s polurnim nastopom. Vstopnina na SP bo $4 za člane in $8 za nečlane, študenti in otroci bodo pa imeli prost vstop. Kuhinja in bara bosta odprti, gospodinje so naprošene za pecivo. Maša za gen. Rupnika— V nedeljo, 12. septembra, dop. ob 10.30, bo sv. maša v spomin gen. Leona Rupnika. Tabor DSPB vabi slovenske ljudi, da se maše in spomina udeleže. Dobrodelna večerja— V soboto, 18. septembra, bo v avditoriju pri Mariji Vnebovzeti špageti večerja, katere prebitek bo šel za kampanju proti splavu. Serviranje bo od 6. do 8. zv., za nakazico boste odšteli $7, za otroka $3. Za nakaznice pokličite župnišče na 216-761-7740 ali pa 216-481-0800 oz. 216-731-9373. KOLEDAR AVGUST 29. - Društvo SPB sponzorira vsakoletno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O. Sv. maša ob dvanajstih, druge pobožnosti ob 2.30 pop. SEPTEMBER 11. - Folklorna skupina Kres praznuje 50. obletnico s celovečernim programom v SND na St. Clair Ave. 12. - Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima kosilo v šolskem avditoriju. 19. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima Vinsko trgatev na svojem parku. 25., 26. - Baragovi dnevi v mestu Marquette, Michigan. A IXOGI; | PAVLE BORŠTNIK Da se v Sloveniji dogajajo dokaj nenavadne stvari, je zdaj jasno in potrjeno. Slišati je, da je menda celo Spomenka Hribarjeva svetovala starim osvoboditeljem, naj vendar že umolknejo in odidejo v pokoj. Vse skupaj se vrti okrog vprašanja resnične vrednosti in zaslužnosti slovenskega osvobodilnega boja odn. osvobodilnih prizadevanj, ki naj bi jih izkazovala osvobodilna fronta v letih 1941-1945. Zelo značilen je članek, ki ga je o tej problematiki objavil Rastko Močnik v tedniku Mladina 9. avgusta. V njem obžaluje dejstvo, da Slovenija oz. njeni vojašali ali, bolje, osvoboditelski predstavniki, niso bili povabljeni na proslavo 60-letnice izkrcanja zavezniških sil v Normandiji, in piše: “Ob prispevku slovenskega narodnoosvobodilnega boja k zmagi nad fašizmom in nacizmom je to vsekakor vredno preudarka.” Dodaja: "...še zlasti, ker je pri zavezniškem izkrcanju sodelovalo tudi nekaj tisoč slovenskih vojakov”... Morda se motim, ampak s temi slovenskimi vojaki Močnik najbrž misli na ameriške vojake slovenskega RODU. Pri večini teh pa najbrž ne moremo govoriti o kakšnih posebnih simpatijah za narodnoosvobodilno gibanje. Resnejša je pomisel, da si slovenski partizanski predstavniki - pravzaprav je o tem kot prvi spregovoril nekdanji predsednik Milan Kučan - sploh predstavljajo, da bi morali biti povabljeni na omenjeno proslavo tudi oni. Še najbolj verjetna razlaga, zakaj niso bili. Je namreč v enostavni ugotovitvi, da organizatorjem proslave najbrž sploh ni prišlo na misel, da bi vabili še razna partizanska gibanja. Drugače povedano: skoraj gotovo ne Komentar gre za namerno odločitev organizatorjev, da na proslavo ne pripustijo predstavnikov komunističnih partizanov, temveč za nedolžno predpostavko, da je zavezniško izkrcanje v Normandiji predvsem (zahodna) zavezniška stvar, da je to torej predvsem zadeva Američanov, Britancev, Kanadčanov in Svobodnih Francozov ter nikogar drugega razen, seveda, Nemcev, ki so bili letos prvič povabljeni na proslavo, kjer pa so bili predvsem in v glavnem tudi samo - navzoči. Močnik potem zapiše slabo utemeljeno trditev, da (v Sloveniji) o teh vprašanjih “že dolgo govorijo le tiste stranke, ki bi rade rehabilitirale kolaboracijo in obsodile protifašistični boj”. Ta njegov stavek vsebuje dve postavki, ki se - tega on gotovo ni nameraval - nekako dopolnjujeta. S tem namreč, da eni strani pripisuje kolaboracijo, delovanje druge pa označuje za protifašistični boj, je dobro nakazal dejanski položaj v medvojni Sloveniji- Partizanski protifašistični boj je bil v resnici nekaj ločenega od zavezniškega boja, se pravi od boja zahodnih zaveznikov (ki so v omenjenem primeru proslavljali izkrcanje v Normandiji). Zavezniške čete se niso borile samo prod fašistični SS, temveč proti nemški vojski kot taki. Tej kot celoti bi težko očitali fašistično usmerjenost, če pustimo ob strani zvestobo domovini. Ali ni morda zgodovinska tragična krivda nemške vojske v tem, da je v čutu dolžnosti zatajila vse pomisleke, slepo sledila legalno izvoljenemu državnemu poglavarju in se mu skušala upreti šele potem, ko je bil njen poraz očiten? Zdaj znani izidi osvobodilnega boja v Sloveniji dokazujejo, da je bil usmerjen predvsem proti domačim ljudem, ki so bili zaradi brutalne brezobzirnosti komunističnih partizanov prisiljeni v greh kolaboracije in so si s tem prislužili oznako “fašisti". Njihova kolaboracija pa je imela svoj čisto specifičen predznak: slovenski protikomunistični oddelki se niso borili v sklopu nemških edinic ne v Normandiji in ne na vzhodni fronti proti Sovjetom. Niso torej kolaborirali z Nemci v njihovem boju proti zaveznikom. Nasprotno, protifašistični boj slovenskih partizanov jih je prisilil, da za zaprosili za pomoč na edinem možnem mestu, kjer so lahko dobili orožje za - samoobrambo in ne za boj proti proti-nemški koaliciji. V Sloveniji je vendar divjala komunistična revolucija, katere druga faza je predvidevala likvidacijo vseh resničnih in možnih nasprotnikov revolucije. Ti pa so gotovo imeli pravico, da so se branili. Tudi dejstvo, da jih je komunistična propaganda oblatila z oznako fašisti, jim te pravice ne jemlje. Pri ocenjevanju protifašističnega boja moramo zato upoštevati, kako se je opredelila Slovenija kot celota. Partizansko gibanje je res zajelo do-male vse predele Slovenije in še Koroško in Primorsko, toda njena osrednja dejavnost se je razvijala v t. i. Ljubljanski pokrajini, ker so jo Nemci na Gorenjskem in Štajerskem skoraj do samega konca učinkovito omejevali. Pa tudi odpor os-voboditeljskemu gibanju je bil najmočnejši v Ljubljanski pokrajini. Po nekaterih podatkih naj bi bilo v nemško vojsko mobiliziranih 80 tisoč slovenskih fantov z Gorenjske in Štajerske. Tudi teh in njihovih družin najbrž ne moremo samodejno prištevati v kolono protifašističnega gibanja. To potrjuje tudi njihov sedanji položaj, saj si kot vemo že ves čas po vojni prizadevajo, da bi jim bile priznane določene pravice in odškodnine. Upoštavti je treba tudi prisilne izseljence iz Go- (dalje na str. 13) M ^°n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TF.i/fax web: www.wcsb.org “Politika osvobajanja” Ka/ror se to dogaja v ZDA, tako v Sloveniji Vse več ljudi potrebuje pomoč na domu Ljubljana - Vse več ljudi potrebuje pomoč na domu, pa ne le socialno, ampak tudi ali predvsem zdravstveno. To potrjuje realnost, ki jo slovenski navzven še vedno socialno obarvani sistem zdravstvenega varstva sicer želi prikazati v lepši luči. A življenje mnogih, ki so v vedno očitnejšem razslojevanjem na Slovenskem nezaščiteni, socialno ogroženi, finančno podhranjeni in zdravstveno nezavarovani, ostaja skrito za štirimi stenami, obvarovano pred pogledi javnosti, nemo. Ne le da živimo v času, ko je treba pospešeno poskrbeti za zaščito pomoč najbolj potrebnih, ampak si je treba jasno priznati, da javne službe, v tem primeru zdravstvene, nemalokrat odpovedo tudi zaradi slabosti v sistemu, ki jih je, vsaj po grenkih izkušnjah sodeč, vedno več. “Želeli bi, da patronažna sestra postane prijateljica družine,” pojasnjuje dr. Mateja Kožuh Novak, ki bedi nad projektom, s katerim želi Ljubljana spodbuditi celovitejši razvoj zdravstvene pomoči na domu. “Zadnjih petnajst let so namreč patronažne medicinske sestre, edine strokovnjakinje v zdravstvu, ki imajo delovno mesto med ljudmi, izgubile možnost dobrega poznavanja terena; delno zaradi hitro naraščajočih potreb po zdravstveni negi bolnikov, delno pa zaradi spremenjenega plačevanja storitev v patronažni dejavnosti. Njihovo število je v 20 letih kljub naraščanju potreb celo upadlo. Zdravstveni politiki zadnja leta sicer tej dejavnosti posvečajo nekoliko več pozornosti, toda vseeno še nimamo dolgoročnega načrta za prilagajanje patronažne dejavnosti spreminjajočim se razmeram med prebivalstvom. Ne poznamo dejanskih potreb po strokovni pomoči na domu, zanimanje za delo v patronaži pa se med medicinskimi sestrami zmanjšuje.” Zato je, kot pojasnjuje Mateja Kožuh Novak, na razpise za tovrstno delo danes višje medicinske sestre ne prijavljajo, temveč se raje odločijo za drugačne, manj obremenjujoče poklicne izzive. Kmalu bo šest patronažnih sester Zdravstvenega doma Ljubljana (mesto je prispevalo denar za zaposlitev štirih dodatnih) na vzorčnih območjih začelo sistematično spremljati potrebe p° strokovni pomoči na domu. Tako naj bi dobil' kalup, s katerim bi lahko sčasoma po vsej državi ponudili roko številnim, ki se obisku zdravnika zaradi pričakovanih stroškov raje odrečejo. Dr. Kožu-Novakova, ki deluje tudi pri Slovenski filantropiji, kjer imajo izkušnje z delom v brezplačni ambulanti za mnoge, ki niso zavarovani-pravi, da je ta vedno bolj obiskana. “Tudi vse več ljudi v starosti živi doma, zat° moramo ukrepati; treba je načrtovati, koliko h1 kakšno nego potrebuje]0 ti bolniki na domu. h1 ker je razlika med deloh1 zdravstvene in social*16 nege na terenu pogost0 precej zabrisana, je ve^ kot nujno medseboj*10 obveščanje in sodelovanj6' predstavniki obojih na**1' reč skrbijo za istega Pa' cienta.” Socialno pomoč na do mu danes v Ljubljani 0 pravlja Zavod za oskrb0 na domu; tri leta je lal s sredstvi mesta. ^ i te storitve je v Slove*1*] treba plačati, zato lju^e lahko izbirajo, kaj potre bujejo. Do leta 2004 je v bJu' bljani omenjene storit1' stoodstotno subvencij Vi rala občina, letos ji*1 (dalje na str. 13) -;if tii' ■ 4- Listen to SLOVENIAN W HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Rad' ■jli Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 A. PAVLE BORŠTNIK... Politika osvobajanja (NADALJEVANJE s str. 12) renjske in Štajerske. Prvi val, ki je bil poslan v Srbijo, je v precejšnji meri simpatiziral s srbskimi težnjami in te je tokrat še najbolj pravilno tolmačil Draža Mihajlovič. P° nekaterih navedbah, 80 Nemci dejansko ustali Izseljevanje v Srbijo, ker se je izkazalo, da s tom dobavljajo rekrute Mihailovičevim četnikom. Ob vsem tem je težko vzdržljiva trditev, da se Je večina slovenskega naroda odločila za tisti pro-dfešistični boj. Navsezad-nJe je slovenske narod ^e danes, po vseh teh letih, v bistvu razdeljen na dve skoraj enako toočni polovici. Da je bil učinek manjšine v voj-nern in povojnem času toliko bolj opazen, za to s° seveda poskrbeli raz-nl krvavi komisarji in Udba. Vendar pa ta uči-nek - vsaj 20.000 po-toorjenih možnih nas-tobtnikov revolucije - ne Pomeni takega doprinosa tovezniški zmagi, da bi Udi njegovi nosilci povabljeni na proslavo. Konflikt v Sloveniji je 11 sideshow” 2. svetov-j16 Vojne in z njenim po-ek°m in izidom v resnici ni imel kritične teže. Velja za obe strani. °jna se zaradi prispev-a slovenskih partizanov končala ene ure prej, °1 bi se bila sicer, ^o^ojna se je tudi vlekla konca brez ozira na Pomoč... (nadaljevanje s str. L U odstotno, delno °cialni lestvici) pa ^je treba plačati. atronažne sestre * SV°Jem U0*11 omej tle §a ljudje neposre ter ^*a^ujeJ°: za delo Potrebujejo n kl poSosto Spj e§a bolnika Kož°hu nC Vid1, P°jasr 'tohova. tor ?e*° Patronažnih Žnej 1 m°ralo postati prilagojeno za hif. in p°trebam da: it PO a pa ga ^ » Jih na tra- Diana ; ^ te. 23. avg »’uojvq v»no C \ »■ Sodelavci slovenskega sporeda ORF so se preselili v nove sodobnejše, lepše In vetje prostore, kjer imajo odslej odlične pogoje za ustvarjanje programa. Celodnevni slovenski radijski spored Dodatne frequence za boljši radijski sprejem Dvojna dobra vest za celodnevni slovenski radijski spored. Sredi tega meseca se je ekipa slovenskega sporeda ORF preselila v nove 180 kv m velike prostore v Celovcu, skoraj istočasno pa je prišla vest, da je ORF postavil pet dodatnih ojačevalcev. Pregradnja novih prostorov je stala 590.000 evrov in jo plača ORF. V novih prostorih bo imelo prostora 16 stalnih poklicnih sodelavcev slovenskega sporeda ORF, uredniki in moderatorji pa bodo od srede oktobra naprej samostojno, torej brez tehnika oddajali iz studia, ki bo integriran v prostore slovenskega oddelka, kjer sta pripravljeni tudi dve delovni mesU za sodelavce Radia 2, Radio Agora pa bo kot doslej oddajal iz svojega studia. Z dodatnimi ojačevalci je program odslej slišen na celem dvojezičnem ozemlju. Novice, 13. 8. 2004 Na Koroškem: Komentar predsednika NSKS Člen 7 Avstrijske državne pogodbe kolaboracijo, ki so jo oskrbeli protikomunistični Slovenci. Če partizanski odredi ne bi kradli po vaseh in če njihovi poklicni krvniki ne bi odstranjevali “možnih” nasprotnikov revolucije, bi ne bilo v Sloveniji nobenih vaških straž in nobenega domobranstva. Protirevolucija se je začasnosti svoje akcije zavedala od vsega začetka in si s tem ni belila las. Njena medvojna odločitev je bila edini možni odgovor na nečloveški teror komunistične strani in, če bi ta ugasnil, bi z njim ugasnila tudi njena dejavnost. Fantje so se hoteli čimprej otresti vojaščine; čakala so jih polja in dekleta. Seveda so se partizani bojevali tudi z Nemci. Največkrat se je to zgodilo, ko so jih Nemci napadli. Toda preprosta matematika dokazuje izven vsakega dvoma, kje je bilo težišče partizanskega boja: v izločanju resničnih in možnih nasprotnikov revolucije, ne v osvobajanju dežele. Dejstvo pa je - kot piše Močnik - da današnja slovenska uradna (se pravi kontinuitetna) politika, “ki naj bi se navezovala na antifašistične tradicije ... poskuša higienično ločiti narodnoosvobodilni boj od socali-stične revolucije”, vsekakor potrjuje domnevo, da se v Sloveniji nekaj premika, in da se žalost-3(i/iris£(oq JO/'. /iti .FjsvoM jh'ioM Oil! V'/V.' na socialistična epizoda slovenskega naroda morda vendarle bliža svojemu koncu. Močnik potem zapiše nekakšno dogmatično u-gotovitev, da “narodnoosvobodilnih bojev 20. stoletja ni mogoče ločiti od socializma”. Seveda ne. Domala vse so zanetili komunisti, ki so se skrivali pod nedolžno masko socialistov, ali celo samo narodnih osvoboditeljev. Nadaljne razpredanje Močnikovih misli je mogoče razumeti le v kon-tektstu čistega marksizma. Spet se pojavijo interesi svetovnega kapitala, socialistična razsežnost tega ali onega gibanja itd. “Boj partizanov je bil narodnoosvobodilni boj prav zato, ker se je navdihoval pri socializmu in v domobranstvu zato ni bilo nič osvobajajočega, nič emancipacijskega, ker se ni navdihovalo pri socalizmu...” Ampak domobranstvo ni nič tega potrebovalo, ker je bilo zgolj domobranstvo'. Udba je morila po vaseh in jezni vasi so se ji potem postavile po robu - iz gole želje po življenju, pa brez vsake pomisli na kakršno osvobajanje. Stvar s tem še ni o-pravljena. Močnikov marksistični močnik se namreč vse bolj zgoščuje: “Zagovorniki kolaboracije, pravi, in privrženci “higienske revizije NOB” (!?, op. PB), so strnili utu> /JUau uvr..x.uu«J -oO si :)>ci9|l^:«l onllehq ij (f.l I’.'I '(lil; Jože Wakounig CELOVEC - Člen 7 ADP seveda ni uresničen. Kar precej še manjka. Dvojezični napisi, uradni jezik, šolstvo, da naštejem le tri točke. Če pozorno preberemo določila člena 7 iz leta 1955 in potem jemljemo v primerjavo razmere iz leta 2004, se moramo vsaj krepko zamisliti. Trditev, da pri uresničitvi člena 7 manjka le še to in to, potem pa bo vse v redu, ne drži in slovenski narodni skupnosti na Koroškem sploh ne koristi ne pomaga. Člen 7 Avstrijske državne pogodbe je nastal na podlagi takratnih razmer in potreb. Zato tudi ni govora npr. o sodobnih občilih (tiskarna, radio, televizija, internet), o o-troškem varstvu, tudi ne o različnih vrstah nadaljnjega izobraževanja in sodelovanja. skupne vrste, da nas zrinejo v zvezo NATO” ... “Politični aparat (kontinuiteta!) je podprl vilniu-ško izjavo” ... in še in še. Kaj še čaka Slovenijo? Anarhijo? »AV.ii-i •'NK: c,;.;. fkoW 'VVrv •(!• W Za letošnjo jesen napovedujejo novo konferenco o konsenzu. Kancler Wolfgang Schussel bo še počakal izid državnozborskih volitve v Sloveniji (3. oktobra), potem pa bo sklical omizje, ki naj se zmeni o nadaljnji ureditvi. Koroška Freiheitspar-tei Osterreichs (FPO) trdi, da taka konferenca ni potrebna, saj da so zastopniki Slovencev zavrnili leta 2002 odlično ponudbo. Deželni glavar Jorg Haider je izjavil ob “prazniku koroške svobode" v nedeljo 8. junija, v Šentjurju ob jezeru, da tako dolgo, dokler bo on deželni glavar, na Koroškem ne bo dodatnih dvojezičnih napisov. Za manjšinska vprašanja je pristojna zvezna vlada, zvezna vlada mora tudi uresničiti razsodbi ustavnega sodišča iz leta 2000 (uradni jezik) in 2001 (dvojezični napisi); z uresničitvijo že hudo zamuja. Razcepljenost pri Slovencih Ena najhujših težav in ovir je razcepljenost znotraj slovenske narodne skupnosti. Prijatelji iz (DALJE na str. 16) P., VENDELIN SPENDOV_______________Lemont, IL LEMONTSKI ODMEVI Dva Marijina praznika najdemo v septembrskem koledarju. Prvi je Mali šmaren - Rojstvo Marije Device, 8. septembra. Na ta dan so v Jeruzalemu praznovali spomin na posvetitev cervke Marijinega rojstva. Bogoslužna pesem poje: "Ko rojstva božje Matere / vsa Cerkev zdaj se veseli, / slavimo Troedinega, / na vekomaj mu dajmo čast.” Z drugim Marijinim prazikom tega meseca se spominjamo sedmerih Marijinih žalosti, 15. septembra, ko je praznik Žalostne Matere božje. Pred obnovljenim bogoslužjem je bil spomin Žalostne Matere božje tudi na cvetni petek; nekatera “Društva krščanskih mater” še vedno obhajajo oba dneva. Naša stara pesem poje: “Jezus, pesem čem zapeti, / sedem žalost' razodeti; / koTko božja Mat’ / mogla je prestat' / k’ je b'la žalostna sedemkrat. ” Gotovo se še spominjamo, da je bila pobožnost v čas Žalostni Materi božji zelo razširjena in obiskana zlasti v času druge svetovne vojske. Po nekaterih cerkvah je še v navadi. Za Bežigradom v Ljubljani so ji matere med vojsko postavile celo lep stranski oltar. Marija sedem žalosti je stoletja tolažila slovenski narod, naj nam ostane pribežališče in tolažba tudi v bodoče. Slovenski frančiškani slovesno obhajamo praznik Povišanja svetega križa, 14. septembra, ker je to godovni dan slovenske frančiškanske province svetega križa in naše kustodije. Zahvaljujemo se Kristusu, ki nas je s Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD $316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 210-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! svojim križem odrešil, pri tem pa prosimo za varstvo in blagoslov še vnaprej. V frančiškanskih cerkvah je 17. septembra spomin Vtisnjenja ran sv. Frančišku, ko je v molitvi in zamaknjenju na gori La Verni nedaleč od Assisija, dve leti pred smrtjo (umrl 3. oktobra 1226), prejel na svojem telesu stigmata - vseh pet Kristusovih ran. Ne smemo tudi pozabiti godu nadangelov Mihaela, Gabriela in Rafaela, 29. septembra, saj so številnim rojakom pri krstu dali za zavetnike enega od nadangelov, največkrat Mihaela. Vse češ-čenje angelov usmerja naš pogled na Kristusa, ki mu angeli služijo: “Vpričo angelov ti bom prepevali, Gospod” (bogoslužni spev). Sobratje umrli septembra: p. Alojzij Madic (12. sept. 1979); p. Ben-venut Winkler (15. sept. I960); p. Robert Mazo-vec (24. sept. 1992); br. Viktorijan Žnidaršič (20. sept. 1959); p. Fortunat Zorman (30. sept. 1998). Naj jim sveti večna Luč. Deset let poteka, kar je bila ustanovljena slovenska župnija s sedežem v frančiškanskem samostanu in cerkvi Marije Pomagaj v Lemontu: “Slovenian Catholic Mission - Slovensko versko središče". Obletnico bomo slovesno obhajali v soboto in nedeljo, 18. in 19. septembra 2004. Te slovesnosti se bo udeležil in jo vodil škof Alojzij Uran iz Ljubljane, ki po odredbi Slovenske škofovske konference skrbi za rojake po svetu. G. škof se bo tudi pridružil romarjem v Baragovo deželo, ko bo teden kasneje, v dnevih 25.-26. septembra, “Baragov dan 2004” v L’Anse - Baraga. V soboto, 25. septembra, bo ob 6.30 zvečer slovenska sv. maša v kraju Baraga, ki jo bo daroval g. škof. Odbor Baragove zveze v Marquette, Mich., pričakuje lep obisk letoš- Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESC1PTIONS ij. njih Baragovih dni. Upamo, da bodo ti Baragovi dnevi z molitvami in žrtvami pripomogli k čimprejšnji Baragovi beatifikaciji. Za prva letošnja le-montska romanja smo imeli v glavnem lepo vreme. Junija še ni bilo prave vročine, vročino in vlago pa je prinesel julij, kar so primerno čutile romarice in udeležene piknika Slovenske ženske zveze in društva sv. Ane KSKJ. Kljub temu je bila udeležba pri sv. maši boljša kot prejšnja* leta. Podobno tudi ob pikniku na lemontskem gričku. Enoletna naročnina na Ave Maria je $20, izven ZDA pa $25. Naslov za naročitev: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main Street, P. O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Za Medeni piknik smo meseca junija razposlali pisma v vednost in s prošnjo za pomoč, ker so vsi dohodki namenjeni za vzdrževanje cerkve, samostana in celotnega slovenskega Lemonta. Veliko naročnikov in prijateljev Lemonta se je hitro odzvalo. Bog plačaj. Izid žrebanj bomo objavili v prihodnji številki, saj je ta septembrska številka morala v tiskarno že pred medenim piknikom. Mnogi so v teh mesecih tudi poravnali naročnino, nekateri za nazaj, mogi pa že za naprej, za kar iskrena hvala. Posebej smo hvaležni za "dar listu”, da nam ni treba zviševati naročnine. Poleg tega so misijonarji hvaležni za vsak dar, prav tako za sv. maše, da jim jih moremo poslati. Misijonar p. Hugo Del-čnjak, OFM, ki je več let deloval v Venezueli, je moral bežati, ker mu Je zaradi roparskega napadu grozila smrt in sedaj deluje v Francoski Gvineji, prav tako v Južni Ameriki. V Ave Maria so, kakor veste, v vsaki številki objavljeni darovi za cerkev, za samostan, pa še za Baragovo zvezo in lučke, da jih prižigamo Materi božji v čast. Zadnji čas tudi za popravilo orgel v cerkvi Marije Pomagaj -razen onih, ki pošlj.j,. naravnost na samostan, pa še za novo namestitev in elektrifikacijo zvonov pred samostanom, ker se menda zvonovi, ki so bili do sedaj v zvoniku za cerkvijo, pre-malo in preslabo slišijo. Vsak mesec so naši naročniki - živi in rajni - deležni milosti sv. maše, ki jo zanje opravimo. Apostolat sv. Frančiška: Za vpisane opravimo vsako leto sto sv. maš. Dar za vpis je $10. Ista vsota je že več kot 60 let, zato se nam zdi prav, da prosimo, da bi jo zvišali - sedaj bi bil primeren dar vsaj $20, ker so vpisani in darovalci deležni tolikih sv. maš na leto združeno z molitvami sobratov. V večjih slovenskih naselbinah najdemo Sobotno slovensko šolo tako za mladino, kot za odrasle, ki navadno traja od oktobra do druge nedelje v maju (Mother’s Day), razen, kadar se z učitelji domenijo drugače. Znane so zaključne predstave z recitacijami, s petjem, plesi in igranjem inštrumentov (klavir, violina in drugi inštrumenti). Vsi se zavedamo velike važnosti in vrednosti teh slovenskih šol, čeprav jim je namenjen zelo kratek urnik. Bog naj blagoslavlja vse učiteljice in učitelje pa tudi starše, ki redno pošiljajo svoje otroke, saj so te šole pod pokroviteljstvom blaženega škofa Antona Martina Slomška, ki se je v težkih časih vneto boril za slovenski jezik. Poročila o avgustovih romanjih in darovih bodo v oktobrski številki, če bi zmanjkalo prostora, pa še kasneje. Ave Maria September 2004 NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 11) gan in Carolyn Young, 18-krat stari oče, brat Frances Wascak in že pok. Olge Hockman, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški mornarici, več let lastoval in vodil Okorn’s Variety Store, član AMLA, Katoliških vojnih veteranov št. 1655 pri Sv. Vidu, Kluba upokojencev na St. Clair-ju in v Euclidu, vsak teden je igral banjo z godbo Champa’s Old Timers za stanovalce Slovenskega doma za ostarele. Pogreb je bil 21. avgusta v oskrbi že-letovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin župniji sv. Vida, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 ali Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd" Cleveland, OH 44119. John C. Legan Dne 19. avgusta je v Manor Care v Willoughbyju umrl 86 let stari John C-Lekan, rojen 28. novembr* 1917 v Clevelandu, zadnjik 30 let živeč na Willoughby Hillsu, mož Jennie, roj. V*' dmar, oče Deborah in Bat' j bare, brat Franka, Albert3 in Mary Brule (vsi že pok )> zaposlen 30 let pri Hob burgh & Scott, do svoje u pokojitve, član AMLA ^ 1. Pogreb je bil 24. avg« sta v oskrbi Želetovega za voda s sv. mašo v cerkv* sv. Vida s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Caroline Stefančič Dne 18. avgusta je umrl3 | 90 let stara Caroline St6 fancic iz Willoughbyja, roj® na Kosoglav 27. apr*3 1914 v Clevelandu in živ®a 50 let v collimvoodski 113 j selbini, vdova po Anthony ju, mati Bonite Quagli3^3’ j 2-krat stara mati, sestra ge Perhay ter že že P0^ Victorja, Anthonyja, ^er j Sadler in Vide, zapos len3 pri Clevite Corp. 30 ®1 1 do svoje upokojitve 1- ™ članica AMLA št. 38, ^ i MALI OGLASI ted Slovene Society in Kln' V NAJEM - EUCLID 1-družinska hiša z 2 spalnicama. Zaželjena profesionalna oseba. Nič živali. Severno od Lake Shore, pravica do uporabe plaže. Prizidana garaža za 1 avto. Blizu javnega prometa in trgovin. Kličite: 216-261-0460 (9-2) ba upokojencev na Holn^ Ave. Pogreb je bil 21-gusta v oskrbi Želeto^. zavoda s sv. mašo v ccrkvl ok®' Marije Vnebovzete in P0^. pom na Vernih duš P0^ pališču. Družina prip01.^ , darove v pokojničin sp^g 1 St. Mary Church Bu Fund, 15519 Holmes Cleveland, OH 44110- AV®-' BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, m Rojena Jamajkanka, danes slovenska olimpijka Gotovo so mnogi bralci opazili pretekli teden, da se je pojavila med članice slovenske olimpijske ekipe tudi neka 44-letna temnopoltna športnica z imenom Merlene Ottey. Najprvo nekaj osnovnih podatkov. Rojena je hila 10. maja 1960 na Jamajki. Visoka je 173 em in tehta kakih 60 kg. Prvič je na olimpijskih igrah, seveda za robno Jamajko, tekla leta I960 v Moskvi. Leto prej je osvojila prvo kolajno na vseameriških igrah. Skupno je osvojila 35 kolajn, od teh rekordnih 14 na svetovnih prvenst-'bh in 8 na olimpijskih igrah. Med letoma 1989 in 1991 je zapored zmagala na kar 88 tekih. še vedno je Ottejeva lastnica svetovnega rekor-ba na 200 m v dvorani 21,84. Njeni osebni rekordi: 100m 10,74; 200 10 21,64 (zunaj dvorane); 400 m 51.12. Pred leti se je sprla z j jnmajskim olimpijskim °bborom, ki je hotel na tekmih poudarjati mlajše kandidatinje. Zaradi tega Se je Ottejevi odprla pot končno v Slovenijo, kjer je, mimogrede povedano, že dobila državljanstvo. Takole je o njej odslej pisal v sicer daljšem članku v Sobotni prilogi Dela z dne 14. avgusta novinar Vito Divac: V Sloveniji našla svoj mir Merlene je diplomirala iz umetnosti in oblikovanja na ameriški univerzi Nebraska. Živela je v največjih metropolih sveta -Los Angeles, Amsterdamu, Rimu in Monte Carlu. Zdaj je v Ljubljani. Eno izmed najpogostejših vprašanj, ki jih je dobila zadnja leta, je, kaj jo je tako navdušilo, da je prišla v Ljubljano. Pravi, da je bil prvi razlog zagotovo trener Srdjan Djordevič, za katerega je leta 1997 slišala, da je vsestranski strokovnjak in znanstvenik na tistih področjih, ki jo kot športnico in človeka zanimajo. “O Slovencih sem, zahvaljujoč mojemu švicarskemu menedžerju in njegovemu varovancu Juretu Koširju, vedela le, da so dobri smučarji. Pripoto- vala sem tako rekoč v neznano, vendar sem imela odprte oči, odločena, da se bom prilagodila na kakršne koli razmere. Tudi s prilagajanjem na zimo nisem imela večjih težav, saj sem nekaj let preživela v Nebraski, kjer je včasih veliko hladneje kot v Ljubljani. Kljub temu da sem po svetu spoznala veliko čudovitih krajev in ljudi, nikjer nisem našla stalnega bivališča, ker sem pač v nekaterih stvareh zelo neprilagodljiva oseba. Po letu ali dveh preverjanja pa sem v Ljubljani ugotovila, da je prišel čas, da se preselim v novo okolje, saj sem v njem našla vse, kar potrebujem za kakovostne treninge. Sem namreč neke vrste ptica selivka, saj vsakih pet let zamenjam okolje,” je povedala o selitvi v Slovenijo. Pri tem se je nekoliko skrivnostno nasmehnila, češ, tu sem že šest let, pa nameravam ostati še nekaj časa. Na vprašanje, ali je to njena končna postaja, je odgovorila, da kaj takega ne more reči. Z bivanjem v Sloveniji je zadovoljna. Počuti se varno, ljudje pa se Ji zdijo veliko bolj Savings Account Life Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? Savings Account: • Earns interest • Taxable interest income Life Insurance:______________ • Earns dividends • Guaranteed cash value. • Death benefit passes to heirs tax-free (Example: If you’re a 68 year old, non-smoking male, in reasonably good health, you can take your savings account of $5,000 and purchase a KSKj Life Insurance Policy. Immediately, your $5,000 premium has turned into a tax free death benefit of $8,166!) Interested? Want to learn more? Call KSKJ at 1-800-THE-KSKJ or visit us online at www.kskjlife.com K SKI 44/ AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC /y UNION Life Insurance • Annuities Proudly serving the needs of more than 24,000 members nationwide since 1894. 2439 Glcnwood Ave. Joliet, IL 60435 1-800-THE-KSKJ . - ..h .i prijazni, kot sami zase pravijo, da so. “Slovenci ste zelo mirni in ponosni ljudje, moti pa me, da se velikokrat ne držite dogovorov, v slogu, saj je vseeno, če zamudim na zmenek. Velika večina govori angleško, kar me je še posebej razveselilo, tako da nimam težav s komuniciranjem. O tem, koliko in kako ste čustveni, težko karkoli povem, ker svoje poglede na svet in doživljanje le-tega zelo radi skrivate. Sem zadržana, vendar znam pokazati, da sem jezna, in včasih tudi zakričati. Rada imam svoj mir in zasebnost, ki ju v Sloveniji zelo spoštujete,” pravi o slovenski mentaliteti. Posebej všeč ji je poletna Ljubljana, ko se lahko ob prostem času sproščeno sprehaja po ulicah in opazuje, kako ljudje pred lokali uživajo na soncu. Nekaj podobnega požno ljudje na Jamajki, kjer so ritmi življenja sicer precej drugačni. Merlene pravi, da je zelo težko primerjati Evropo s Karibi prav zaradi drugačnega življenjskega sloga. "V prijaznih ljudeh bi lahko našla veliko skupnega,” išče v ljudeh tisto, kar je najboljše in najbolj žlahtno. Nikoli lokalna junakinja Slovensko državjanstvo, ki ga je dobila pred dvema letoma, je po njenem logičen korak za vsakogar, ki se je vživel v neko družbo in želi biti njen sestavni del. “Slovenija me je rešila, ko sem bila zaradi konflikta z jamajsko zvezo v težavah. Zelo sem ji hvaležna in mi ni vseeno, kaj si drugi mislijo v Sloveniji,razmišljat; 0 ^ej temi Ottejeva, ki je zadnje čase eden izmed najboljših ambasadorjev Slovenije. To pričajo številni članki v največjih svetovnih revijah, kjer nikoli ne pozabi poudariti, da sedaj tekmuje za Slovenijo in da njene ambicije niso le, da bi bila dobra športnica. “Naj se sliši še tako patetično: velika čast mi je tekmovati za Slovenijo. Želela sem nastopiti že na evropskem prvenstvu v Miinchnu, vendar sem imela preveč težav s poškodbami. Za novo domovino bi zelo rada osvojila kolajno na veliki tekmi, tako kot sem jih v preteklih 24 letih osvajala za Jamajko. To je motiv, ki ga mnogi ne razumejo. PO Sydneyju sem menila, da so to moje zadnje igre, vendar so se stvari spremenile. Četrto mesto mi je dalo veliko misliti in me prepričalo, da sem še vedno dovolj dobra za največja tekmovanja. Upala sem seveda, da bom za Slovenijo uspešno nastopila na evropskem in svetovnem prvenstvu v Miinchnu in Parizu, vendar so mi poškodbe sfi-žile načrte. Olimpijske igre v antičnih Atenah so pravšnje mesto za slovo od velikih tekmovanj. Rada bi se poslovila zdrava in čila z dobrim rezultatom na 100 in 200 m, ki bosta v veselje meni in mojim prijateljem v Sloveniji in po svetu, trenerju ter novim sodržavljanom.” Pred časom je v Ljubljani kupila stanovanje, čedalje globlje pa je tudi v poslu s firmo TMG-BMC (biomedical consul-(dalje na str. 16) /j s s y?y s y i j > yyjrjrry ryyryi ritt-yyi yj'r'y Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1537. Sredi junija je bilo objavljeno poročilo misijonarja p. Stanka Rozmana o mladem misijonarju p. Miju Kekiču, danes pa že o sholastiku Damjanu, ki tudi prihaja iz slovenske jezuitske province. Bil je dve leti na pastoralni praksi v Zambiji in odhaja na študij v London. Pred odhodom je svoje vtise strnil v naslednje pismo: “V Zambijo sem prišel marca 2002. Prva dva tedna sem preživel v Lusaki, nato pa odšel v Chikuhi, najstarejši jezuitski misijon v tej deželi. Sredi gričevja sta v sto letih zrasli dve srednji šoli, bolnišnica, učiteljišče in župnija, ki ji pripada tudi cerkveni radio. V tem kraju sem se srečal z Afriko, s popolnoma drugačno stvarnostjo, ki jo do sedaj nisem poznal. Štiri mesece sem kot negovalec delal v bolnišnici, obenem pa preučeval kulturo plemena Tonga, ki je pretežno naseljeno v tej provinci. Nato sem bil poslan na 100 km oddaljeno mesto Choma. Začel sem učiti kot učitelj, vzgojitelj in kaplan v malem semenišču sv. Mukasa, ugandskega mučenca. V 19. stoletju je ob preganjanju kristjanov ta 15-letni fant pretrpel mučeniško smrt s sežigom na grmadi. Spominjam se, da sem nekoč kot novinec molil pred Bogom. Prosil sem ga, da bi me v življenju vedno podpiral, a naj mi ne nalaga delo z najstniki, ker za te res nisem poslan. In Bog je takoj uslišal mojo prošnjo in molitev. Poslal me je sem v Chomo, kjer imamo v semenišču 105 fantov starih od 13 do 20 let. Zelo sem hvaležen Bogu, da je mojo prošnjo sprejel, da sedaj lahko zapišem, da je bilo to bivanje s temi najstniki eno najlepših obdobij mojega življenja. Vzljubil sem to življenjsko energijo, odprtost in ljubeznivost mladih ljudi. Med njimi so mnoge sirote, največ pa jih je brez očeta. Postali smo kot ena velika družina, prijateljsko in bratsko med seboj povezana. Kot učitelj sem bil zadolžen, da jih poučujem angleščino, literaturo, geografijo in računalništvo. Prav poučevanje angleškega jezika je bilo zame velik izziv, saj je ta jezik v Zambiji uradni jezik države. Fante sem popeljal tudi v svet računalništva. Za to imata zasluge p. Miha Drevenšek iz Ndole in ga. Marija Golob iz Dravelj. Z njuno finančno pomočjo nam je uspelo postaviti na noge pravo računalniško učilnico. Tako smo postali prva šola v Južni provinci, ki je uvedla v svoj urnik računalništvo. Fantje so bili navdušeni in hitro učljivi. Včasih se je izkazalo, da znajo uporabljati to moderno in tako uporabno napravo bolje od mene. Stokratna hvala p. Mihu in ge. Golobovi. Našim semeniščnikom sta naredila veliko veselje in jih uvedla v svet tehnike. Bog vama povrni s svojimi darovi. Tudi kaplanska služba mi je bila v veselje.* Skrbel sem za lepo bogoslužje, pripravljal duhovne vaje za mladino in odrasle, skušal reševati osebne težave se-meniščnikov, poleg tega pa imel še kakšno predavanje za pedagoge. Dolgčasa ali domotožja nisem poznal. V tem delu Zambije je veliko protestantskih cerkva in tako sem skušal v praksi uresničiti Jezusov molitev k Očetu: “...naj bodo vsi eno”. Skupaj z zakonskim parom iz protestantske skupnosti smo začeli z mesečnimi srečanji za vse misijonarje iz različnih krščanskih cerkva. Bilo je prijetno, nekaj molitve, večerja in mnogo družabnosti. Med nami se je vzpostavilo pristno prijateljstvo in skrb za drug drugega. Vedno sem lahko računal na podporo iz drugih cerkva, če sem jo potreboval. še na neko službo, ki sem jo opravljal v semenišču, ne smem pozabiti. Bil sem “boarding master”, kot temu rečejo tukaj. Skrbel sem za študij in disciplino gojencev in tudi za njiihovo prehrano. Torej bi moral biti strah in trepet učencev, še posebno, ker sem belec. Res se me je kdo od začetka bal, a pozneje se je med nami stkala vez prijateljstva in medsebojnega zaupanja, lahko bi rekel kar družinska vez. Vesel sem bil tudi obiskov iz Slovenije. Obiskali so me oče, mama, brat in babica, ki je imela takrat že 87 let, a se ni ustrašila dolge poti, in slovenski provincial p. Janez Poljanšek. Vesel sem, da so me v mojem poslanstvu vsi tako velikodušno podpirali. Tu- di drugi slovenski misijonarji, ki delujejo v Zambiji, so mi bili v vsakem pogledu v duhovno in materialno oporo ter v navdih, kako postati požrtvovalni apostol Jezusa Kristusa. Hvala vsem, ki ste mene in moje fante v semenišču nesebično podpirali in nam vsem pomagali. Tudi zato je Zambija sedaj za kanček bogatejša.” Zares lepo pismo, kako poteka življenje misijonarja, posebno med mladino, ki je temelj prihodnosti. Hvala za to pismo, ki je bilo objavljeno v Iz sončne Zambije. Tudi laični misijonar g. Jože Letonja, ki deluje na Madagaskarju, se je oglasil s par vrsticami: “Bog plačaj vsem, ki skrbite in zbirate sredstva za naše delo v misijonih, posebej pa še za molitve.” Ni veliko napisanega, a dovolj povedano, da je vesel našega dela v zaledju, ko zbiramo pomoč in molimo za uspeh dela v misijonih. Bog ima z vsakim svoj načrt, kaj bo delal v življenju, od človeka pa je odvisno, ali z Njim sodeluje ali pa gre po svoji poti. Vsem vam, ki berete te vrstice, prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih in Marice Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Člen 7 ADZ (nadaljevanje s str. 13) nemške narodne skupnosti se koj čudijo, da mi Slovenci ne zaznamo (nočemo ali ne moremo zaznati?) resnih znamenj in se cepimo še dalje, namesto da bi iskali skupnost. Za mnoge smo le še najbolj smešna točka v zadnjerazrednem kabaretu. Manj nas je, več menda hočemo imeti osrednjih in predstavniških organizacij. To morda kratkoročno koristi kakim osebam, kakim skupinicam, slovenski narodni skupnosti kot celoti dolgoročno grozno škoduje. Tega se oblasti dobro zavedajo in zato tako stanje podpirajo. Uspeh avstrijske politike v Južnem Tirolu temelji na enotnosti Južnih Tirolcev. To enotnost je Avstrija ves čas podpirala in jo nadalje podpira. Razcepljenost je posledica povojnega razvoja. Kam nas je ta razcepljenost pripeljala, dnevno kruto doživljamo sami. Ljudje nam uhajajo, saj nočejo biti člani neke na smrt sprte združbe, ki v pravi samomorilski sili išče spor za sporom. Mnogi so iskali rešitev v integraciji v kako avstrijsko stranko. To je nekaterim sicer prineslo osebne koristi, narodni skupnosti pa bore malo, saj strankarski interesi pogostokrat niso v skladu s slovenskimi narodnimi. Poglejmo samokritično svoje vrste. Smo v organizacijski krizi. Vrtimo se v začaranem krogu. V naših organizacijah manjka mladih ljudi z novimi, s spodbudnimi ideja- | BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš lisi! mi. Če hočemo dostojno preživeti, moramo najti in si ustvariti novo obliko organiziranosti, ustrezno sodobnim zahtevam. Mimo skupne demokratične organizacije ne pelje nobena pot v uspešno prihodnost za nas Slovence na Koroškem. NOVICE, Celovec 13. avgusta 2004 Merlene Ottey (nadaljevanje s str. 15) ting and engineering), ka' tere solastnik je. O tre' nerski karieri ne razmišlja. Pravi, da ni pisarniški človek in si sebe ne predstavlja, da bi preostanek življenja presedlala v pisarni. Zato je naredila inštruktorski izp'1 za TMG (tenziomiografija oziroma diagnostika skeletnih mišic). Razmišlja o tem, & bi ustanovila in financirala kamp za najbolj na' darjene atlete "tretjega sveta”, Tei v domačih 1°' gih nimajo možnosti, da bi razvili svoj talent. Sama naj bi bila mentor te skupine, v katero v vklju' čila tudi nadarjene slovenske in jamajske atlete in tako povezala svoj* domovini. “V Sloveniji sem opa2*' la kar nekaj vrhunski*1 talentov, ki imajo pote11' cial za kolajne na najve<* jih tekmovanjih. Takšni111 ljudem je treba dati vse' da nadarjenost izrazij0 : do konca. Atletinje koVa Brigite Bukovec se tud* pri veliko večjih narodi*1 redko rojevajo, zato Je vsak izgubljeni talent ve' lika škoda za ves šport' pravi o slovenski atletik*' 1 pri tem pa ugotavlja. 0 je največji problem nea mbicioznost. Ni ji jasn0, zakaj le nekaj posah10 znikov stremi k visok*11’ ciljem na mednarod11 sceni, vsi drugi pa . zadovoljujejo z domač*11’ drobtinicami. “Nikoli s^ ne bi mogla zadovolji^ | državnim naslovom vi* slovesom lokalne jurl3 nje...” Podpirajte naše oglaševalce - Tudi ti pomagajo našemu listu, da lahko še izhaja redno, ko jih je toliko že ugasf|ijo! SPOROČILO Misijonske znamkarske akcije Blagajniško delo pri Misijonski znamkarski akciji sta sprejeli gdč. Helena Nemec in gdč. Marjanca Tominc. Naslov Helene Nemec je 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Naslov Marie Tominc je 407 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143. Dekleti sta precej bremena odvzeli Ani in Rudiju Knez, ko sta blagajniško delo prevzeli, le glavni blagajnik še ostane Rudi Knez. Darove za misijone pošiljajte na gdč. Heleno Nemec, katera bo tudi potrdila prejem in ga vrnila darovalcu. Dragi dekleti, hvala Vama za odvzem velike skrbi in Bog naj Vaju blagoslovi s svojim blagoslovom! Marica Lavriša few'