Rehabilitacija - Letnih. VII. 11111/ . -1 (2008) INVESTIGATING THE CENTRAL CONTROL OF RESPIRATION IN ALS - A PILOT fMRI STUDY B. Koritnik 1 , S. Azam 2 , C. M. Andrew2, J. Zidar 1 , S. C. R. Willams 2 , P. N. Leigh 2 1 In stitute of Clinical Neu rophysiology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Deparment of Clinical Neu roscien ce, In stitute of Psych iatry, King's Co llege London , London, UK BACKGROUND How the brain controls breathing is stili not completely understood ( 1 ). In recent years, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMR1) has been used to study voluntary brealhing in healthy subjects (2). Respiratory failure due to progressive respiratory muscle weakness is lhe usual cause of death in ALS. Maximal sniff nasal pressure measurement was the single respiratory test combining linear decline, sensitivity in mild disease, and feasibility in advanced disease. Therefore it appears well suited to assess the decline of respiralory muscle strength, the risk of respiratory failure and to provide prognoslic information in ALS palients (3). Upper motor neuron abnor­ malities could add to the respiratory dysfunclion in ALS. HYPOTHESES We hypothesised thal fMRI during sniffing would reveal sniff ing-associated brain activation palterns both in healthy Compared to healthy subjects, ALS paticnts showed reduced activation bilaterally in lhe pref r ontal corlex, and to a lesser extent also in temporal and occipilal lobes and cerebellum. lncreased activation in ALS patients was found in left tem­ poral lobe only. CONCLUSIONS Using fMRI during sniffing, it is possible to visualise the cor tical sensorimotor network associated with voluntary control of breathing both in healthy subjecls and in ALS patients. The reduced prefrontal activation suggesls lhat a central neural component to the respiratory dysfunction could exisl in ALS. Some clinical observalions support this hypothesis (4). Reduced pref r ontal activation was also described in ALS patients using fMRI during hand move­ ments (5). subjecls and in ALS patients, and that ALS patients would show References : reduced cortical activation compared to healthy subjects. METHODS Six ALS patients and five healthy subjects were stud ied. Static inspiratory and expiratory mouth pressure and maximal sniff nasal pressure were measured. lmaging was performed on a 3T Siemens Trio scanner. In each subject, 221 functional seans were acquired. Nasal pressure and chest movements were rneasured during scanning. An event-related experimental design was used. A submaximal sniff manocuvre was per ­ formed every 20 s. Image pre-processing and stalistical analy­ sis werc done using the SPM5 software. A random effects group analysis was performed (p < O.OJ uncorrected). l. Guz A. Brain, breathing and breathlessness. Respir Physiol 1997; 109: 197-204. 2. McKay LC. Evans KC, Frackowiak RS, Corfield DR. Neural corrclatcs of voluntary breathing in humans. J Appl Physiol 2003; 95: 1170-8. 3. Ly all RA, Donaldson N, Polkey MI, Leigh PN, Moxham J. Respiratory muscle strength and ventilatory failure in amyotrophic laterni sclcrosis. Brain 2001; 124: 2000- 13. 4. Pinto S, Pinto A, Atalaia A, Peralla R, de Carvalho M. Respiratory apraxia in amyotrophic lateral sclcrosis. Amyotroph Laterni Scler 2007; 8: 180-4. RESULTS 5. Stanton B, Williams V, Leigh P, Williams S, Blain C, Jarosz J, Simmons A. Allered cortical activation during A bilateral cortical and subcortical sensorimotor network a motor task in ALS. J Neurol 2007; 254: 1260-7. was found to be activated during sniffing in both groups. rli