Hladnikia 10: 29-40 (1998) 29 Dinaric Fir-beech Forests {Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marjnček et al. 1993) on Blegos Dinarski jelovo-bukovi gozdovi (Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marjnček et al. 1993) na Blegošu Lojze Marinček & Petra Košir Institute of Biology, Centre of Scicntific Research, Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 5. SI-1000 Ljubljana Abstract: An intrazonally extended dinaric fir-beech forest in the Prealpine region of Slovenia as the Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marinček et al. 1993 ranunculetosumplatanifolli subass. nova is described in this work. Izvleček: Avtorja predstavljata mtrazonalno razširjen dinarski jelovo-bukov gozd v predalpskem območju Slovenije kot Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marinček et al. 1993 ranunculetosum platamfolii subass. nova. 1. Introduction The dinaric fir-beech forests of the western part of the lllyrian floral province Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov ¡957) Marinček et ai. 1993 have been relatively well studied and represented in the literature from the phytosociological point of view (Tregubov 1957, Puncer, Wojterski & Zupančič 1974, Puncer 1980, Marinček 1987, Kordiš 1993). Additionally, there arc several elaborations on dinaric fir-beech forests, written according to the requirements of the Forestries of Kočevje and Ljubljana. According to the sources known so far, these forests are loeated in the dinaric region (Wraber 1969) and are a notion for the dinaric region in the phytosociological sence and the most reliable basis for their horological determination. The phytosociological research on Blegoš, a remarkable mountain in the middle of the Prealpine region has shown that the dinaric fir-beech forests are spread also extrazo-nally in the Prealpine phytogeographical region (Marinček 1995). Six phytosociological releves have been collected, on the basis of which the systematic classification of the afore-mentioned phytocoenoses on Blegos have been determined by comparing them with similar associations. The values of Sorenssen's coefficients were calculated and on their basis a dendrogram of similarities was drawn up. The nomenclature is in accordance with the nomenclature by Trpin and Vres (1995) for higher plants and with the one by Mar-tinCic (1968) for mosses whereas the synta-xonomic nomenclature with the one by Ma-rincek et al. (1993). 2. Results 2.1. Ecological circumstances The phytocoenoses represented are located on the sunny sides of Blegos (W, SW), from 1160 to 1250 m (fig.l) above sea level. On Blegos, the climatic characteristics of mountainous Prealpine region of Slovenia mrawm I.MMM11 ■ su.»—i ill ■ w uMiiirirM^-ay^'g'g'ra 30 L. MariNCek & P. KoSir: Dinaric Fir-beech Forests on Blegos Tab. 1: OMPHALODO-FAGETUM (Tregubov 1957) Manncek et al. 1993 ranunculetosum platanifolii ass. nova Relevé no. 1 2 3 4 - Altitude - m 1200 1250 1160 1170 1200 1200 w w sw sw w sw 25 25 30 30 25 25 Aspect Slope - degrees Stonincss - % 12 1 2 20 Coverage - % uocs 90 90 90 90 90 100 shrubs 1 2 5 2 10 10 herbs 70 50 80 70 80 50 mooses 1 1 1 2 1 10 I 11 HI IV V CHARACTER SPECIES Abies alba Al 1 2 2 Abies alba A2 1 1 2 Abies alba B 2 Abies alba C 1 Omphalodes verna 1 + 1 Cardamine trifolia 1 + + Aremonia agrimonioides + + Rhamnus fallax Festuca ahissima B C DIFFERENTIAL SPECIES OF SUBASSOCIATION Polygonatum verticil la turn 1 1 Adenostyles glabra Ranunculus platanifolius Veratrum album Cicerbita alpina AREMONIO-FAGION s lat Dentaria enneaphyllos Helleborus nigerssp. niger Hacquetia epipactis Cyclamen purpurascens Aposeris foetida Vicia o rob o id es Lamium orvala Primula vulgaris Euphorbia carniolica Anemone trifolia Daphne laureola B Scopolia carniolica C 5 5 5 5 4 3 1 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 + 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 5 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 5 1 5 + 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 3 + + 1 + + + 5 5 + + 2 1 1 4 + 1 2 2 3 + 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 1 Hladnikia 10: 29-40 (1998) 31 Relevé no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I II III IV V FAGETALIA SYLVATICAE Fagus sylvatica Al 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 Fagus sylvatica A2 1 2 2 3 1 2 5 Fagus sylvatica B 2 + T 4 5 5 3 4 Fagus sylvatica C + 1 3 2 1 Euphorbia amygdaloides 1 + 1 1 1 1 5 3 4 5 2 Mercurialis perennis 1 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 5 4 4 l.athyrus vernus + -t- + 1 5 - 1 Sanícula europaea 1 1 1 1 ! 5 3 4 3 1 4 Lamiastrum montanum 1 - + 1 1 + 5 3 5 Acer pseudoplatanus A 1 1 3 3 1 Acer pseudoplatanus B 1 5 2 3 4 Acer pseudoplatanus C + + + 4 5 2 3 3 Senecio fuchsii 1 + + + - 5 4 4 5 4 Daphne mezereum B 4- T + 5 5 5 2 3 Dryopteris fdix-mas C 1 + - -r 4 5 3 5 5 Symphytum tuberosum 4- - — + 4 1 4 4 1 Mycelis muralis + - \ - 4 5 3 Prenanihes purpurea - + 3 5 5 4 3 Viola reichen bachiana * 3 3 ■J 2 Pulmonaria officinalis ■t - 2 1 1 1 Heracleum sphondilium + - + 3 5 Galium o do ra tum 1 + 3 - Dentaria bulbifera + jr 2 3 2 3 1 Lilium martagón t- + 1 + 4 3 1 Campanula iracheUum + + 3 3 2 Salvia glutinosa + + 2 4 4 Polygottatum multiflorum -r + 2 3 3 i Sambucus nigra B + + 2 1 2 2 Ado.xa moschatellitia C - 1 1 Carex sylvatica + 1 5 4 1 1 Scrophularia nodosa + 1 2 3 2 Paris quadrifolia ] 4 4 3 Actaea spicata + 1 3 3 1 Epipactis helleborine + 1 1 1 Phyieuma ovatum + 1 1 1 Epilobium montanum 5 1 Geranium robertianum 4 2 1 4 Polystichum aculeatum 4 4 Eurchynchium zelterstedti D 3 1 Brachypodium sylvaticum C 2 3 1 Ulm us glabra A 1 2 Ulm us glabra B 2 3 Ulm us glabra C 1 1 Lonicera alpígena B 1 3 3 1 1 Ranunculus lanuginosus C 3 32 L. MariNCek & P. KoSir: Dinaric Fir-beech Forests on Blegos „ , . 12 3 4 5 6 i II HI IV V Releve no. i ¿ j * 3 1 Peta sites a lb us 0 Bromus ramosus j Euphorbia dulcís j j Citvaea luleliana ( Acer platanoides Dentaria pentaphylfos . 2 Phyteuma spicatum Neottia nidus avis Mélica nutans Cephalanthera alba Fraxinus excelsior B Aruncus dioicus C Gymnocarpium robertianum Veronica montana r Galeobdolon luteum ^ Asperula odorata Tilia platyphyllos Phyllitis scolopendrium Hordelymus europaeus A C qUKRCO-FAGETEA 1 + 1 1 1 1 5 3 5 3 5 Anemone nemorosa 1 + 1 1 | , Galium laevigatum + + ' 2 2 3 4 + 13 1 Carex digitata Clematis vitalba B + . . ... n + 12 2 Hepatica nobihs Lonicera xylosteum B Corylus avellana u Aegopodium podagraria C Helleboms odorus Rosa arvensis Catharinea undulata D Ostrya carpinifoHa B Euanymus verrucosa B Carex pilosa C adenostyletalia Aconitum vulparia Antriscus sylvestris Myrrchis odorata Aconitum paniculatum Saxífraga rotundifolia Ribes alpinum Milium effusum Adenostyles alHariae Saxífraga rotundifolia Doronicum austriacum 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Hladnikia 10: 29-40 (1998) 9 Releve no. __1 VACCINIO-PICEET ALIA s lat Gentiana asckpiadea Picea abies A Picea abies B Picea abies C Rosa pendulino B Valeriana tripteris c Oxalis acelosella Veronica urlicifolia Dicranum scoparmm O Dryopteris dilatóla C Vaccinium myrtillus Httperzia selago Rhylidiadelphus loreus D Lonicera nigra B Hylocomium splendent L) Homogyne sylvestris C Majanth em um b if o liu m Veronica officinalis Lycopodium annolinum Rhylidiadelphus triquetrus D Luzula ¡um hides C Polytrichum attenuation Hieracium sylvaticum Dryopteris expansa Luzula pilosa Polytrichum foniioitim D La rix decidua A Luzula ¡azulina C Diyopteris carthusiana Gymnocarpium dryopteris Hylocomium trquetrmn D Orth i lia secunda C Phegopteris connectilis Thelypteris limbospeima Bazzania trilobata D Rubus saxatilis B Pelligera aphtosa D kínium ortonhynchum D Leticobiyum glaucum D Luzula sylvatica ssp.sx'lvalic C Polyslichum bnchitís OTHER SPECIES Calamagmstis varia Digitalis grandiflora Carex jlacca A thyiium fllixfem ¡na 34 L. MariNCek & P. KoSir: Dinaric Fir-beech Forests on Blegos Relevé no. _ Thalictrum aquilegifolium Rubus idaeus B Rubus hirtus B Carex alba C Aconitum ranunculifolium Cirsium erisithales Betónica officinalis Asplenium viride Asplenium trichom anes Polypodium vulgare Ajuga reptans Urtica dioica Platanthera bifolia Sorbus aucuparia A Sorbus aucuparia B Sambucus racemosa B Fragaria vesca C Rubus sp. B Epipaclis alrombens C Be. tu ta venvcosa Melittis m efysophyllum Mélica uniflora Poa nemo ralis Laburnum alpinum B Cystopleris fragilis C Aquilegia vulgaris Solidago virgaurea Laserpilium ialifolium Geum urbanum Convalaria m aja lis Eupatorium cannabimtm Fraxinus ornus A Ilex aqu ¡folium B Moehringia muscosa C Solanum dulcamara Sorbus aria A Asplenium ruta muraría C Hypericum maculatum ] II III IV V 2 1 5 4 3 1 1 MOOSES Ctenidium moUuscum D + + + + + i Isothccium myuntm + + + + + +■ Tortella tortuosa + + + + + Hypnuni cupressifonne + Neckera crispa 4- + Plagiochila asplenioides + + Thuidium tarn ariscinum + Fissidens taxifolius + Hladnikia 10: 29-40 (1998) 35 Relevé no. 1 2 3 4 S 6 1 II HI IV V Plagiothecium sylvaticum + ' Grim ¡a puhinala + 14 1 Cladonia rang ¡ferina 2 I Racomitrium canesaens Melzgeria furcata 1 Bartramia pomiformis Plagiothecium denticulalum 1 Camtothecium lutescens 1 Mnium unduiatum 2 1 Cladonia pyxydata 4 ! Mnium affine 2 ' Piagyothecium platyphyllum Eurhynchium striatum FegateUa cónica ' Mnium rostratum ' Rhynchoslegium murale ' I.......Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marîncek et al. 1993 ranunculecosum platumfuln var. Hacquetia epipactis (6 relevés hoc loco) [|......Omphalodo-Fagetum adenostyletosum Puncer 1980 (10 relevés) Ili .... Omphalodo-Fagetum mercurialetosum (Tregubov 1957) Puncer 19X0 (13 relevés) IV ... Ranuticulo platanifolii-Fagetum Mariniek et al. 1993 hacquetietosum epipactis Marîncek (mscr.] (7 relevés) V.....Homogyno sylvestris-Fageium Marincek et al. 1993 typicum Marmcek (mscr.) (16 relevés) prevail, with fresh summers and cold winters. The precipitation is rather abundant ranging from 1500 to 2000 mm per year on the average and is relatively evenly distributed during the growth period. Snow remains also up to 100 days. The vegetation period takes about 5 months. In winter, stabilized cold period is from December to February when the average month temperatures are almost always under the zero. The temperature extremities are rather expressive (Marinček 1981). The slopes arc moderately steep, with an inclination of 25° to 30°, smooth, mostly without surface stoniness. The geological bedrock is dolomite limestones and dolomites, where medium deep brown carbonate grounds with a rather thick layer of moder mull. The deeper the ground, the higher share of skelet can be found. The ground is well supplied with humidity all the vegetation period long. In some places they proceed to brown rendzinas. The brown calcareous soils have the following structure of the soil section: A00 -hor. Layer of litter, mostly soft, in some places interrupted, it can also be dense and compacted. A1 -hor. It is somehow compacted, but brittle. fine-grained to thick lumpy, in some places rather fibroidly bound with roots of herb layers, clayey, skeletal to skeletoidal, moder mull to mull, seldom to densely rooted through, with individual earthworms, with a gradual proceeding to (B) hor. (B)-hor. Condensed, breakable to brittle, clayey to loamy, skeletal to very skeletal, seldom rooted through, with earthworms. The soil is medium deep and medium fertile. «•v y-i» l' "i'^JJ 36 L. MariNCek & P. KoSir: Dinaric Fir-beech Forests on Blegos Fig. 1: Spreading of the subassociation in the Prealpine region of Slovenia SI. 1: Razšiijenost subasociacije v predalpskem svetu 2.2. Structural and floristic composition Within the tree layers the beech (Fagus sylvatica) and fir tree (Abies alba) dominate. The maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) appears only individually. In the recent time shelter felling prevailed. The expressive two-layer character of these forests today results from the clearings on large surface areas before and after the second world war. They are almost without any underbrush (fig.2). In the dominating layer the bcech prevails over the fir tree in relation 4:1. In the lower tree layer the beech tree also prevails over the fir tree, however the relationship is rather more favourable for the fir tree, 2:1. The fir tree seedlings are seldom found what results, to a high degree, from the large population of the game, especially chamois and roe deers and unfavourable microclimate for the germinating of fir sproutings. For the dinaric fir-bcech forests a selecting structure of different forms is characteristic. For the limestone carst-like bedrock, prevailing in the Dinaric region, an exceptionally rugged mezzo and micro relief is characteristic. Ecological circumstances, an especially great hazard of erosion along the clearings, force somehow the proprietors of forests to apply the selection principle, which in connection with a high air humidity, characteristic of the Dinaric region, forms favourable conditions for germinating and growth of fir sproutings. The two-layer fir-beech tree stand in the Dinaric region develops, as shown in the examples from the Idrija region, at the border of the area of the dinaric fir-beech forests (Ma-rincek, n.p.). If these forests grow on small surfaces within the high altimontane beech forests, as it is the case on Blegos, which were almost all without an exception grown accor- Hladnikia 10: 29-40 (1998) 37 ding to the shelter felling, the rejuvenescence of the fir tree cannot be realised. In addition to this, the dolomitic bedrock predominates on the sites of the fir-beech forests on Ble-gos, which offers a little possibility for the forming of the microclimate which is agreea- ble for the fir tree. As shown on the examples from the experience gained, a fair share of the fir tree can be preserved under such circumstances only, if forests are cultivated by means of selection. The shrub layer is very badly developed. Fig. 2: Structure of fir-beech tree forests on Blegos SI. 2: Stroktura jelovo bukovih gozdov na Blegosu Chiefly, only individual shrubberies of the species like Daphne mezereum, Sambucus nigra and Rosa pendulino are found. The herb layer is well developed, for it covers from 50 to 80 percent of the ground. The basophilous-neutrophilous species predominate. Most of species are of the order Fagetalia sylvaticae (tab. 1). Also the species of the allianc eAremonio-Fagion are very well represented. Due to higher altitudes also the species of the order Adenostyletalia are present. In accordance with the mountainous climate the species of the class Querco-Fa-getea arc more seldom. The acidophilus species of the order Vaccinio-Piceetea are completely missing. The moss layer is badly developed Nomenclatural type of the Omphulodo- Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marincek et al. 1993 ranunculetosum platanifolli subass. nova is relevé 1 in tab. Í. 2.3. Character and differential species The character and differential species of the association Omphalodo-Fagerum (Punccr 1980): Omphalodes verna, Cardamina trifolio, Aremonia agrimonioides, Calaminlha grandiflora. The attention should also be paid to the great coverage property of ihe species Omphalodes verna, which is found in the Prealpine altimontane beech tree forests of the lllyrian region by chance. Sirnilary, the same also applies to the species Calaminlha grandiflora and Aremonia agrimonioides. Carda-mine trifolio appears permanently in all alti- : . - r jsü.»*A. act--".' TKZrti -rC9tmM9W -' 38 L. Mamnček & P. Koše: Dinarje Fir-bccch Forests on BlegoS montane forests of the Illyrian floral province, however, it reaches its greates constancy and coverage in the dinaric fir-beech forests. The Rhamnus fallax, for which a high constancy in the association is noticed, is found on Blegos only as accidental species. Festuca altissima, the character species of the fir-bccch forests throughout Europe, is completely missing. The differential species of the subassociation Omphalodo-Fagetum ranunculetosum platanifolii are species of the order Adeno-sTylelalia s. lat.: Polygonatum verticillamm, Adenostyles glabra. Ranunculus platanifo-lius, Veratrum album and Cicerbita alpina, which show an explicitly alpine character of the subassociation. Of the greatest diagnostic importance is the species Ranunculus plata-nifolius, which in the dinaric fir-beech forests hasn't been noticed yet. In the fir-bcech forests on Blegos, there is a very interesting group of plant species: Hacquetia epipactis, Digitalis grandiflora and Carex flacca, which shows a definite warm effect, being dependend on the expressively sunny position and skeletal aerated ground above the dolomite bedrock. 3. Discussion The phytocoenoses on Blegos have transitional character among the dinaric fir-beech forests and altimontane beech forests in the Prealpine region of the Illyrian floral pro- vince. The synsystematic classification of these phytocoenoses is therefore demanding task. This proves also the fact that V. Tregubov who had already known the beech forests on Blegos (orally stated by M. Zupančič) avoided the discussion of these forests in the sixties. Only when the altimontane beech and fir-beech tree forests of the Prealpine region had been studied, their proper synsystematic classification was possible. In order to establish a syntaxonomic position of the phytocoenoses dealt with on Blegos, six collected releves were compared which had been arranged in a phvtosociolo-gical chart, with the following apparently similar associations, Omphalodo-Fagetum (Tregubov 1957) Marinček ct al. 1993 ade-nostyletosum Puncer 1980 (Punccr 1980:tab.7), Raminculoplatanifolii-Fageiiim Marinček et al. 1993 hacquetielosum (Marinček msa.), Homogyno sylvestris-Fagetum typicum Marinček et al. 1993 typicum (Marinček rnscr), Omphalodo-Fagetum mercu-rialetosum (Punccr 1980: tab.5). The results of the similarity calculation among the afore-mentioned associations according to the Sorenssen's coefficient were as follows (fig. 3). The most insignificant similarity 0.492 was established with the association Omphalodo-Fagetum adenostyleto-sum. It seems to be surprising, for it thrives at the highest altitudes within the framework of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum. However, a more detailed analysis (fig. 4) shows its - Omphaiodo-Fagelum ranunculeiDsum plaunifoJii - Ranunculo plalanifolii-Fagcrum hacquetieUwum epipactis — Homogyno 5i^vcsijis-FflKctumtyP»cum — Omphalodo-Fayeium mercuriuletosum _——---— Omphalodo-PBgcium adenosiylciosum —---1-! 0 5 0 fi 0.7 Fig. 3: Dendrogram of similarities according to Sorenssen's coefficient SI. 3: Dendrogram podobnosti po Sorenssenovem koeficientu Hladnikia 10: 29-40 (1998) 39 a. to o_ 0 en LU 01 s D Z 14C 120 100 80 60 40 20 2 3 4 5 ASSOCIATION □ MOSSES 0 OTHER S FECI ES m QUERCOFAGETEA bAREMONIO-FAGION badenostyletalia a: VACCINIO-RCEETALIA 0 FAGETALIA SYLVATICAE Fig. 4: Sociological structure of comparative associations St. 4: Sociološka struktura primerjanih združb explicitly acidophilous character resulting from expressively sunny positions on the limestone bedrock. Therefore, the synsystema-tic classification of the phytocoenoses into the subassocialion Omphalodo-Fagetum adeno-styletosum is a prion not possible. A bigger similarity 0.643 is found with the association Omphalodo-Fagetum mercu-naletosum, which thrives on moderately steep to steep sunny slopes, that means, under the very similar ecological circumstances as phytocoenoses on Blegos, however, at somehow lower altitudes. Almost the same similarity is found with the association Ho mogy no sylvestris-Fage turn typicum - 0.658. The closest similarity (0.694) is shown with the association Ranunciilo pla-tanifolii-Fagetum hacquetietosum thriving on Blegos in the immediate vicinity of the phytocoenoses dealt with. In spite of the closest similarity with the association Ranunculo piatamfalii-Fagetum hacquetietosum, the phytocoenoses on Blegos were classifed into the association Om-phalodo-Fagetum. It was taken into considération that the most important basis of the Braun-Blanquet school is the principle of the character and differential species. With regard to the aimost complete presence of the character and differential species of the association Omphalodo-Fagetum in the phytocoeno-ses on Blegos. they were classified into this association. 4. Acknowledgement We would like to thank dr. A. Garni for his substantial comments and advice. We also thank Urban Šile for preparation of the manuscript in final stages. 5. References: Kokuiš, F. 1993: Dinarsko jelovo bukovi gozdovi v Sloveniji. Strokovna in znanstvena dela 112 Maarel, E. vam der 1979: Transformation of cover-abundance values in phytosocioiogy and its effccts on community similarity. Vegetatio 39(2): 97-114. 40 L. Marinček & P. 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Sörenssen, T. 1948: A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of species content. Biol. skr.., K. danske Vidensk. Seisk. 5(4): 1-34. Tregubov, V. et col. 1957: Prebiralni gozdovi na Snežniku. Strok.-znanstv, dela 4. Trpin, D. & B. Vreš 1995: Register flore Slovenije. Praprotnice in cvetnice. Zbirka ZRC 7, Ljubljana. Wraber, M. 1960: Fitocenološka razčlenitev gozdne vegetacije v Sloveniji ln: Zbornik ob 150. letnici botaničnega vrta v Ljubljani, 49-94, Ljubljana