ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2011 Vol. 54, Št. 2: 31-41 ЛВ The role of cell selection for pollen grain fertility after treatment of barley sprouts (Hordeum distichum L.) with UV-B irradiation Pomen izbora celic za plodnost pelodnih zrn po obravnavanju kalic ječmena (Hordeum distichum L.) z UV-B sevanjem Elena Kravets Department of Genomics and Molecular Biotechnology, Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2a Osipovskogo Str., Kyiv 04123, Ukraine correspondence: Abstract: UV-B irradiation of barley sprouts within the range of 0.5-4.3 kJ/m2 induced an increase in the number of chromosome aberrations in the root meristem and pathologies in the reproductive system. Enhancement of cytomixis, increase of polymorphism and cytopathology of pollen grains were observed in the male generative system. The inverse trend was observed when intensity of cytomixis was compared to the pollen grain sterility. Damages induced by low doses of UV-B radiation were eliminated neither by DNA reparation nor by cell selection and were preserved in many cell generations. High UV-B level led to the activation of cytomixis due to which the population of microsporocytes was released from the excess load. It is presumed that cytomixis present a form of cell selection which was induced by an excess of microsporocyte disturbances. Keywords: chromosome aberrations, root meristem, microsporangium, cytomixis, pollen grain sterility, cell selection, UV-B radiation, Hordeum distichum L. Izvleček: Obravnavanje kalic ječmena z UV-B sevanjem (od 0,5-4,3 kJ/m2) je povzročilo nastanek številnih kromosomskih aberacij v rastnem meristemu korenin in motnje v reproduktivnem sistemu. Pri moških generativnih organih smo zasledili povečanje citomikse, polimorfizma in patoloških sprememb pelodnih zrn. Ugotovili smo negativno povezanost med jakostjo citomikse ter pogostostjo patoloških sprememb pri tetradah mikrospor in sterilnostjo pelodnih zrn. Poškodbe zaradi nizkih odmerkov UV-B sevanja s popravljanjem DNA in z izborom celic niso izginile in so se ohranile več generacij celic. Visok odmerek je povzročil citomikso, zaradi česar se je sprostila populacija mikrosporocit. Predvidevamo, da citomiksa predstavlja način izbora celic, ki nastane zaradi večjega obsega motenj mikrosporocit. Ključne besede: kromosomske aberacije, koreniski meristem, mikrosporangij, citomiksa, sterilnost peloda, izbor celic, UV-B sevanje, Hordeum distichum L. Introduction Ultraviolet in the range of280-320 nm affect all levels of plant organization and also signal, regulatory and energetic functions (Jordan 1996, Ziska et al. 1992, Ziska and Teramura 1992, Caldwell et al. 2003, 2007; Zhang et al. 2003, Koti et al. 2004 a, b, 2007, Hectors et al. 2010, Ballaré et al. 2011, Krasylenko et al. 2011). One of the most significant effects of enhanced UV-B radiation is an injury of the reproductive function of plants. It has been shown that additional UV-B radiation can exert genotoxic effect on the meristem, inhibit growth and development, influence pollination, decrease the quantity of the produced pollen and seed production of plants (Flint and Caldwell 1984, Conner and Neumeier 2002, Koti et al. 2004 a, b, 2007). Besides the direct action on generative organs, the main target of which is DNA of cells, UV-B radiation produces indirect effects which are realized by mechanisms connected with pho-toreception, transduction of signals and hormonal regulation (Tevini et al. 1981, Flint and Caldwell 1984, Santos et al. 1998; Caldwell et al., 2007, Demkura et al. 2010, Keller et al. 2011;. The effect of action depends in many cases on genotype, ecotype, the stage of ontogenesis and other reasons (Jordan 1996, Torabinejad et al. 1998, Caldwell et al. 2007, Li et al. 2010). The data on mechanisms of the effect of UV-B radiation on the generative organs of plants are not available. In this connection, the main goal of the paper was to elucidate the character of damages in the generative system induced by UV-B radiation, its dose dependence, and also to estimate the role of cell selection in normalization of the pollen grain fertility. Material and methods We used barley (Hordeum distichum L., 2n=14) of Scarlet variety of French selection. Three-day sprouts were irradiated by a 20 W Philips TL ultraviolet lamp with filter cutting off the short-wave region of the ultraviolet spectrum. Radiation doses were 0.5, 2.2 and 4.3 kJ/m2 with the intensity 0.5 W/m2s1. One group of sprouts (about 100 plants) was fixed 24 and 48 hour after irradiation. The other group of sprouts (about 100 plants) was cultivated in soil to study the development of reproductive organs. The material was fixed with Navashin mixture; temporal slides were prepared according to the standard cytological protocol (Pausheva 1984). The fixation of spike was made from the differentiation stage of microsporocytes to maturation of pollen grains. The slides were stained with acetoorcein following enzymic maceration (for root meristem) and either acetocarmin or Schiff's reagent (Feul-gen protocol) for microsporangium. The quantity of anomalies in cell systems was counted and measurements were made. The calculation of the number of chromosomal aberrations was carried out by the ana- telophase method, the mitotic index (MI) was defined by percentage of mitotic dividing cells. We estimated 10 roots per stage, 50-70 anthers with microsporocytes and 20 anthers for the analysis of pollen grains (PG) per stage. The data were statistically processed by the Microsoft Excel software. Results The effects of UV-B-radiation on the root meristem. In the first mitosis the quantity of chromosome aberrations increased in proportion to the radiation dose, in the second mitosis the dose dependence varied: at high dose the level of chromosome aberrations decreased, while the number of degenerated cells increased (Table 1, Fig. 1). The cell degeneration occurred by the apoptosis type. It was particularly remarkable that in individual cases under maximal exposition of UV we observed the phenomena of cytomixis connected with migration of the injured chromatin along the plasmodesmal channels. Therefore, the increasing of UV-B-radiation dose resulted in increased number of aberrations in the first mitosis, while in the second, the induction dynamics of chromosome aberrations exhibited both direct and inverse dose-dependence (Fig. 1). The effects of UV-B radiation on the reproductive system of plants. Microsporogenesis: Microsporogenesis was with the formation of tetrads of the isobilateral m p v e d roB n e M С сд rt