Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians American Home Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 109, No. 28 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 Phone:(216)431-0628 $1.00 E-mail: ahn@buckeveweb.net Gospa Sveta, birth of first Slovenian nation For hundreds of years, Slovenians have been visiting the ancient Carantanian cathedral of Gospa Sveta (Maria Saal) which is located just north of the City of Klagenfurt-Celovec in southern Austria near the Slovenian border. This cathedral was founded in 753 AD by Bishop Modestus, the Apostle of the Slovenians-Carantanians. Gospa Sveta is important in Slovenian history because it was at this location that the first Slovenian nation known as Carantania (Karantanija) was born in the 6th Century AD. Gospa Sveta was also the place where Slovenian Dukes were installed in the 6th century using the Prince’s Stone (Knežji Kamen). This symbol now appears on the Slovenian Euro coin. The present-day parish priest. Father Bernhard Grewe, welcomes Slovenian visitors and pilgrims at Gospa Sveta. Retired Msgr. Leopold Silan looks after the welfare of pilgrims at Gospa Sveta. Since he can speak Slovenian, particular care is given to Slovenian pilgrims. His address is: Karfrefreistrasse 30/7, 9020 Klagenfurt-Celovec, Austria, Tel. 0043/463/91-35-74. Violin soloist JinJoo Cho, left, and mezzo soprano Angela Mortellaro in St. Vitus Church _______(Photo by TONY GRDINA) CityMusic Concert Triumphs At the largest international hot air balloon festival in the world held in Albuquerque, New Mixico, a message for Slovenians was spotted at the Festival Park. Lou Lobe (Atlanta, GA), along with wife, Kathy, and daughter Katie were joined by Lou’s sister Dana Lobe Leonard (Cleveland) for the event that draws over 800 hot air balloons and has more than 30 nations participating. For generations the Lobe family patriarchs have contended that the people from Dolenjsko are the heart and soul of Slovenia. In the photo above, left to right, is Katie Lobe, Lou Lobe, Dana Leonard and Kathy Lobe proudly promoting their roots. Lep pozdrav.______________________________________ '''••I.ImIII,„1,Ill, 0********************5-DlGIT 44081 ^ARIAN MCMAHON ^33 OHIO ST ptRRy oh 44081-9552 CityMusic Cleveland, a 32 piece chamber orchestra under the direction of 28-year-old music director James Gaffigan, demonstrated on Wednesday, Oct. 10 at St. Vitus Church why the arts are robust and alive in Cleveland. The orchestra lived up to its reputation as a first class music ensemble much to the delight of the nearly 500 people who ignored a steady downpour to be in attendance. Despite Mr. Gaffigan’s youth, he was appointed Music Director of CityMusic Cleveland in 2005 and was named Associate Conductor of the San Francisco Symphony in 2006. For the previous three years he was assistant conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra, assisting Maestro Franz Welser-Most, conducting concerts at Severance Hall and the Blossom Music Festival as well as serving as Music Director of the Cleveland Youth Orchestra. His undergraduate studies were at the New England Conservatory where he majored in bassoon performance. He was graduated with a Master’s of Music degree in conducting from Rice University. The evening’s performance began with a musical composition by Mozart titled “Overture to The Abduction from the Seraglio.” The performance continued with a musical composition from the composer Mendelssohn titled, “Violin Concerto in E Minor.” Featured violin soloist for this music was JinJoo Cho, a First Grand Prize winner of the 2006 Montreal International Musical Competition and gold medalist of the 2005 Stulberg International String Competition. JinJoo, a native of Seoul, South Korea, is currently enrolled at Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM) for her Bachelor’s degree as a student of Paul Kantor. Her playing was magnificent, even more so considering she is still a teenager. At the conclusion of this musical piece there was a short intermission. The third selection was Samuel Barber’s composition entitled “Knoxville: Summer of 1915.” This lyrical composition highlighted another soloist, mezzo soprano Angela Mortellaro, who holds degrees in music performance from Rice University and the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Her clear and wonderful singing validates the numerous awards she has received including first prize in the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Concerto Competition. The fourth and final piece from the French composer Ravel titled “Mother Goose” consisted of five separate but unique pieces. The attendees gave three standing ovations to demonstrate their approval of the fine performance that started around 7:15 p.m. and concluded at 8:30 p.m. A social followed in the parish auditorium with a variety of food, pastry, and refreshments for all. The attendees at the social had another sur- prise: a mix of Mexican art was on display in the auditorium. The social concluded at 10:15 p.m. The CityMusic Cleveland concert was the first in a series of four concerts that will be held in St. Vitus Church as part of the series of events that highlight the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee Year of the completion and dedication of St. Vitus Church in November, 1932. Much thanks goes to the following for informing the public of this event: the American Home (James and Madeline Debevec publishers), KSKJ Voice, St. Anne Lodge #4 lodge reports in Our Voice, Tony Petkovšek Jr. Radio Hour, Tony Ovsenik Slovenian Hour (90.3 FM), Slovenian Family Hour (WCSU-FM, under direction of Edi Mejac), Euclid Sun News, News Herald, and various Catholic parish bulletins. Thanks to the many benefactors of this concert series who were named at the beginning of the performance as well as the parish volunteers who helped make this show a reality. Thanks to Joe Tavčar and Sofi Mazi for their wonderful culinary and baking skills. The next CityMusic Cleveland in St. Vitus Church will be on Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. The music will include Beethoven, Suk, Mozart, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, and Dvorak. Guest conductor will be Andrew Kuerti accompanied by solo harp player Megan Kevin. --Stane Kuhar AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 28 November 1, 2007 The Great Melting Pot by RUDY FLIS Growing up, I loved reading funny books. I didn’t do any great amount of reading, except what I had to do in school. I’m just not a book person, and never will be. But, at this moment, I am reading a book my wife, Therese, gave me for Father’s Day. Its title is “America, the Last Best Hope,” written by William J. Bennett. How informative reading this book is, as it is all absorbing to me in every sentence. It is the story of the birth of our nation, truly a miracle and a gift from God. Not at all like I remember history in high school, where I thought about lunch or getting out of school. As I read this book, it is difficult to put it down and stop the historic story that is flooding my brain with American history with each page I turn. Just a few days past, it was the birthday of our country. This is the first year of my life that I gave special thanks to God that my mom and dad chose to come to this great nation, and especially that there was such a nation for them tq escape their poverty. The United States of America is unique. What ever becomes of our nation, there will not be another such as us. We are a melting pot, not only people of color, but of religion. We the people are the United States. We elect our representatives, they do laws, finance and judicial rulings, under the rules of our forefathers, even with all the hassle and so many times we almost didn’t make it as a united states. Thank you God for the miracle that is this nation and oh yes God, please bless America, home of the brave and the land of the free, and guide our troops and their leaders toward peace and an end to terrorism. Refugee Balinca Players Identified John Žakelj of St. Paul, MN submitted a photo which recently ran in the American Home newspaper seeking the identification of the balinca players in the refugee camp in Judcnbuig, Austria in 1946. Replies were received from Milica Ovnic and Veronica Janezic (via her daughter Stella Saylor) who were able to name almost everyone in the picture. Some of the men were their relatives, including Milica’s brother. They are (upper left to right) Nande Zonta, Zupančič, Vinko Kokelj, Slavko Smole, Janez Šušteršič, and one unknown man. In the front row, left to right are Vicic, Ivan Zakrajšek, Miro Kolenc, and Marjan Filipič.___ . Thanksgiving Polka Party Festival The Awards Show XX of the National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame will be a highlight of the traditional polka weekend in Cleveland, the premier Cleveland Style polka event. The Saturday, Nov. 24 event at 2 p.m. in Euclid High Auditorium, 711 E. 222 St., is one of the two events on this day sponsored by the Polka Foundation. The other is the Meet the Winners Dance downtown at the Cleveland Marriott Hotel at Key Center, 127 Public Square, along with Bishop Pevec’s Polka Mass at 6 p.m. with Don Wojtila Orchestra, this past year’s winner of the Album of the Year featuring vocalist Christine Hibbs. Fred Ziwich will direct the all time Lifetime Achievers, all star musicians in a special presentation of the hotel as well as at the 20th anniversary show in the afternoon. Capping off Saturday night festivities will be the Band of the Year, Joe Grkman’s Grkmania from Pennsylvania. Tickets for both the show and dance are $15 for each event. The weekend is shaping up to be another very special festival tied in with polka radio promoter and DJ Tony Petkovšek’s Thursday and Friday Polka Parties, Nov. 22 and 23 at the Marriott Hotel. Approximately 20 of North America’s leading polka bands and artists will be highlighted, headlined by Polka Grammy stars Walter Ostanek of Canada and Joey Miskulin of Tennessee. For variety, the colorful Kres Folklore group will offer “Dancing with the Slovenian Stars” on Thursday night and the all female tamburitza combo, Sarena, on Friday along with the Western Pennsylvania SNPJ Button Box Club. For a bright orange brochure for the holiday weekend stop by at the Polka Hall of Fame in Euclid or Kol-lander Travel, 971 E. 185 Street in Cleveland. $15 tickets for each event includes free parking. The $99 all-inclusive reservations for hotel rooms should be made as soon as possible with Kollander Travel at their toll free number 800-800-5981 along with your credit card number. Details are available by listening to Tony Petkovšek on America’s longest daily polka radio program from 2 until 4 p.m. and Saturdays, noon until 2:30 on WELW, 1330 AM locally and worldwide at 247 Polka-Heaven.com Farmer’s Dinner’ featured at Pristava Thanksgiving Eve Jam Session We are having another traditional "kmečka večerja" (farmer’s dinner) at Slovenska Pristava prepared by Breda and Helena Ribič. It is a matching fund-raiser with KSKJ. The dinner will be served on Saturday, Nov. 3 from 5 -7 p.m. Featured will be three kinds of “štruklji,” meat stew (Obara po slovensko) and coffee. The price is $15.00. Free entertainment will be provided by Wayne Tomsic and Val Ribic. The dinner must be reserved by Nov. 1 - advance only, by calling Elizabeth Zalik at (440) 537-1941 or Helena Percic at (216) 732-8082. Members and friends of Slovenska Pristava are cordially invited. —Milan Ribic St. Mary Seniors Memorial Mass St. Mary’s Seniors (Col-linwood) will have their Memorial Mass on Tuesday, Nov. 6 at 12:30 p.m., in St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Avenue. The meeting will follow in the Church Hall beginning at 1:30 p.m. Children are unpredictable. You never know what inconsistency they’re going to catch you in next. —Bob Mills The Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue will have its 18Ih Annual Thanksgiving Eve Jam Session on Wednesday, Nov. 21. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Jam will start at 7 p.m. in the Eddie Kenik Room (annex). Sandwiches and refreshments will be available. Admission is $2 at the door. Secured parking will be provided. For your listening and dancing pleasure the Jam Session will feature various popular musicians from the Cleveland area as well as out of town guests. All musicians are warmly welcome and asked to bring their musical instruments. It is the perfect “warm up’ for Tony Petkovsek’s Thanksgiving Polka Party-Why not “kick Off’ the holiday season by getting 3 group of friends and come to the Slovenian National Home annex for a fun-filled evening. —Sylvia Plymessef This and that from Emilee Don’t forget to vote on Tues., Nov. 6th. I attended the City Music of Cleveland held in St. Vitus Church on Wed., Oct. 10. Over 500 in attendance and a very attentive audience. You could tell the audience was very appreciative; they were very quiet during the performance. Solo violinist Jin-Joo Cho was terrific. She put her heart and soul into the piece. The soprano, Angela Mortaliaro, was equally terrific. The entire orchestra up front in the church was very professional for so young a group. Many standing ovations were given, especially for James Gaffigan, the director. The reception afterward at St. Martin de Porres high school was done with much finesse and taste. The tables were beautifully arranged. Much thought was put into the arrangement and best of all it was delish. My hat is °ff to the kitchen crew, especially Joe Tavčar. I especially enjoyed, as did others, the Hanky Pankies. Secretary of Modem Crusaders Gina Volpe attended the City Music of Cleveland concert. I spoke with her son Greg and he said they all enjoyed the music very much. They hope they can make it to the December performance. If you are a Bocci or Balina sportsman, you might enjoy Com Hole. I heard about it on Tony Petkovsek’s Program. Sounds like fun. At least the com ball throws 'vere lighter than the balinca halls. Believe me, I know. I m the worst balinca thrower. Ask anyone with the C.W. Vets Post 1655. I was very honored at the KSKJ Reverse Raffle at SNH on Oct. 17.1 was a rose (ahem) between 6 gentlemen. How did I luck out? Didn’t win anything except the company of six great Suys. Dinner was excellent Per usual catered by Julie Zalar and her very capable crew. On my leaving SNH, a ^dy delayed me, Mary Ann Zupančič. Way back she was ^ tenant at my aunt, Mrs. ennie Medved’s property on Glass/Lausche Avenue. We ^hatted about days gone by. I eft with my promise I would convey good wishes to all ^ relatives from her. It is a 'vays nice to bump into good friends of the past that you haven’t seen in a long time. At the raffle, Lil Frederico wants to send good health wishes to Mary Jo Rom, get well wishes from me, too. Joey Tomsick (JTO) was the wonderful entertainment. His singer, Hank Guzel celebrated his birthday that evening. All the band members wish him the best and many happy returns from yours truly. Živijo. Sunday, Oct. 14 I was a guest of CWVet’s Post 1655 for a Mass and brunch at the 100th Bomber Restaurant. It was very nice and the food delicious. Many varieties of food to choose from. My luncheon companions were Ron and Marilyn Genovese, Danny Reiger, Dorothy Ljubi, Jean Kuhar, Fred and Fran Spelic. What a fun group. We had a ball chatting about “this and that.” My love and your future happiness to Tony and Dolores Mihelich on their 50 wedding anniversary. Mass was held at St. Vitus Church on Lausche Avenue. Many good wishes from family and friends. Oct. 18 wedding anniversary wishes to Ed and Anne Arhar — 60 years of happiness. 35 years of happiness on their wedding anniversary to Bill and Jean Lipoid. 41 years of togetherness to Ron and Marilyn Genovese. My sincerest congratulations to all these wonderful couples. Rest in peace Frank Klopčič. He was a resident of St. Vitus Village. Fr. J. Božnar celebrated his Mass and we all will keep him in our thoughts and prayers. To Regina Burya: I appreciated your call. Yes, the shingles are terrible. Just heard on T.P.’s program, a new song to be called Cilka-bration. The recording consists of Cilka Dolgan, Christine Hibbs, and Tony Mihelich Jr. Sounds like a winner to me. Condolences to the family of Vera Hlad. Vera was very active at St. Vitus Church. Rest in peace. You will be missed. The angels will watch over Vera. The passing of Emma Tariscka this past month. Sympathies to family, Richard and Charlotte. Fiebh City Council wivvv Do vidFiebig. com Willoughby Hills Paid for by the Committee to Elect Fiebig, Madge & Romeo Ciofani, Treasurer, Hanna Rnari Willnnflhhy Hille 441104 Nov. 8th is quite a big day for Jim and Millie Logar. They will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniver- . sary. The best of wishes from family and friends. Many more happy and healthy years ahead. John Kovelan is new president of the Holmes Avenue Pensioners. Congratulations from all members plus all your friends on St. Clair Avenue. You have a terrific guy in your midst and he will do a fine job. Welcome. More October birthdays (from the Pensioners club), Elsie Zgonc, Ray Yartz, Josepha Strauss, Stanley Vidmar, Josephine Tome, Audrey Vertosnik, Julie Hill, Tony Baznik, Marija Cugelj, Tony Grdina, Sr. Mary Avsec, Dick Mott, Vincent Globokar, Wencel Frank. Happy Wedding anniversary. wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wagner. Get well wishes to: Ed and Fran Kamak, Julie Floria, Ivan Matic, Dorothy Ljubi, Angeline Kuhel, who is in rehab at Mt. St. Joseph. To members of the Pensioners: Christmas Party Dec. 13 at SNH. Julie Zalar will be doing the honors. See you there. Elections will be held at our November meeting. Oct. 30 was casino tour to the Meadows. Luck to all. Till we meet next time I leave you with this thought: “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” Luvya. Emilee oxoxox Belokranjski Klub Martinovanje The Belokranjski Klub will have its annual “Martinovanje” on Saturday, Nov. 10 at 6 p.m. in the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Music will be by Stan Mejač Orchestra. For tickets ($25.00) call Rezka Smuk at (440) 729-3427 or Amelia Maslac at (440) 423-0527. All You Really Need is SLOVEnia For Rent - For Sale Port Charlotte, Fla. Condo. 2 BR, 2B. All appliances. Newly remodeled. Call 440 205-0564 or 941 -624-3811. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 Tribute to Tony Grdina and All Veterans American Home photographer Tony Grdina donated some items he had from World War II to his nephew Rob Flake. Tony received the following missive from his nephew thanking him for the items and included some sentiments which could be applied to all veterans, especially on Veterans Day, Nov. 11. We deemed it worthwhile sharing it with you. The note is as follows: Dear Uncle Tony, Thank you for your generous gift of historical memorabilia. I appreciate your trusting me with its safekeeping and am honored to display them in a manner befitting them. As you are a card carrying member of the truly “Greatest Generation,” it is important to preserve and protect these items which show you have done your job well. More important than physical/material artifacts, is the wonderful living example of patriotism you always demonstrate. Our hearts are filled with pride and hopefully all of us (including young Daniel) have etched into our memory forever the image of our “Warrior Uncle” standing erect - once again performing his duty for our God and our Country. We are grateful for your selfless service. A card cannot sufficiently convey our gratitude and appreciation, so we will pray for you and your fellow defenders of freedom and pledge to never forget your very costly gifts for our liberty. Respectfully, Rob Flake Newspaper Schedule Due to unexpected increases in mailing and printing costs, the American Home (Ameriška Domovina) newspaper will be printed only twice a month, on the first and third Thursday of each month. Deadline for all copy is a week before publishing date. The next American Home will be printed on Nov. 15. In December, the American Home will be printed on Dec. 6 and 20. Euclid Hospital ^ J| Hillcrest Hospital Huron Hospital South Pointe Hospital Cleveland Clinic hospitals Your Doctor Joseph Karimpil, MD Internal Medicine Office Locations: 763 East 200,h Street, Euclid, OH 44119 Contact Information: Office: 216 - 481-0073 Fax 216 - 481-0075 Medical Degree: Trivandrum Medical College, MB, BS, India 1971 Special Training: Residency - Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, NY Downstate Medical School, NY Special Interests: Internal Medicine, Diabetes Hospital Affiliations: Euclid Hospital • Workers Compensation • Personal Injury Cases • Accepts New Patients DiDonato FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH (216) 481-5277 Jeff DiDonato, owner - Tom Corrigan, Danielle Dolan, Rick Tolley 3 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 4 Holmes Pensioners News © © © A crowd of HAPpy (Holmes Avenue Pensioners) “Recycled Teenagers” gathered at Holmes Hall on Wed., Oct. 10 to hear Atty. Scott Zele’s talk on Medicaid changes. The newly revised regulations are so complex even lawyers have trouble understanding them. It boils down to this: if you need Medicaid funds for nursing home care, you better be dirt-poor when applying, or you won’t qualify. Forget about giving away your assets to family beforehand; that counts against you. Anyone telling you of ways to get around these new rules, is just scamming you... Thanks, Scott, for a very enlightening talk. Our new president John Kovelan began his tour of duty by leading us in Pledge of Allegiance. A moment of silent prayer was observed for our deceased members, friends, and relatives: ft Peter Golobic, brother of Marie Dular; fr Mary Obat; and fr Jennie Schultz. God grant them eternal rest and peace. Deepest sympathy to the bereaved families. Mary’s husband John has resided at the Slovenian Home for the Aged on Neff Road for several years already. He is still quite chipper, but says his legs don’t work. Jennie’s family is planning to hold a memorial service for her in the near future, and will notify us so we can pay our respects. Jennie and Carl COLUMBUS, OH - State Representative Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Hts.) received an award from Linking Employment Abilities and Potential (LEAP) for his continued support of a Medicaid buy-in program for workers with disabilities. Rep. Yuko first backed the creation of such a program when he co-sponsored House Bill 104, which had it passed the Ohio House of Representatives, would have created a similar buy-in plan. Rep. Yuko continued to advocate Schultz have been very active and generous HAP members in their time. Fran Kajfez reported 180 members in attendance with one guest: Betty Santee, friend of Fran Ruzic. Glad to have you. We have 131 honorary members, and 13 on the waiting list. I’ll try not to brag, but we are the only Club to have one. Matt Kajfez collected $6.75 in badge fines, to great amusement of all present. Guess we’ll need a bigger piggy bank. Sunshine Lady Ann Eichler was very happy to send just a couple of get-well cards, to Ed Fujda and Ann Orlikowski. She wants everyone to be well, and stay well. Ann is now residing at Grande Pointe on Richmond Road. She is happy with the new home, but regrets losing her driving privileges. At 98 years young, she still wishes to be independent, but is now “stuck” at home. Give her a buzz at (216) 797-7475; or better yet, stop in and visit. Nice to see Zora Kocin feeling much better, and mobile again. Oh, the freedom of “wheels.” Most appreciated after you lose it, even for just a short time. Many thanks to Myra Jerkič, and October helper Dorothy Lamm, for another fine 50/50 raffle. Many HAPpy winners in the crowd. Shhh, don’t tell, the IRS may be listening. Six members were serenaded with “Happy Birth- for the program after the bill’s failure as a vocal supporter of Governor Strickland’s successful campaign to incorporate the buy-in program into this year’s two-year budget bill. “Protecting our citizens is one of the main functions of government,” Rep. Yuko said. “We have to provide access to medical care for people with disabilities, and this program is a natural fit to help this vulnerable population.” day” and wishes for many more happy, healthy years. Na zdravje. Anniversary celebrants are Fran and Ron Alic, 46 years; Fran and Joe Klemenčič, 59 years; Flo and Tony Stražišar, 4 years (youngsters); and Rose and Tom Weber, 52 years. Živijo and hooray. I’d still like to know which of our couples holds the record for longest marriage. We have some very solid ones. Our next meeting is on Nov. 14. Make a note: Euclid Hospital dietician Cheryl Brown will be back, to speak on nutrition and diabetes. Don’t miss her informative talk. Our Christmas dinner and party is on a regular meeting day, Dec. 12. Joe Tavčar is our cook. Doors open at 12 noon, and dinner will start with soup at 1 p.m. A1 Battistelli will play for our listening and dancing pleasure from 3 p.m. until the cows come home. This is MEMBERS ONLY affair, and tickets at $7 will be available at the November meeting. Cut-off day for purchase is Dec. 4 - no exceptions. So get your tickets early. All of us are invited to attend St. Mary’s Holy Name famous goulash dinner on Saturday, Nov. 10 from 6-8 p.m. in the church hall. Tickets are $8 and available from Holy Name members and at the door. This traditional affair was begun by former HAP member the late Ed Kocin, years ago, and his own recipe is still used. Polenta lovers, ahoy. Come one, come all and sail down the river of delicious food. John Kovelan thanked all the hard workers in various areas: kitchen, bar, ticket sales, sound system, auditing, etc., by name. Time to mention also faithful coffee servers Vida Kalin and Zora Kocin. Ladies, we salute you. How fortunate we are to have so many dedicated and talented members. Ooh, you are a goooood group. John K. — terrific job conducting your first meeting. We are glad to have you in the leader’s chair. —Rose Ramble. There is no friend like someone who has known you since you were five. —John Turek W. Maier Services Garage Doors & Openers Electrical & Small Misc. Repairs Walter Majer 216-406-8483 Home 440-286-7177 Bridegroom Joke The prospective father-in-law asked, “Young man, can you support a family?” The surprised groom-to-be replied, “Well, no. I was just planning to support your daughter. The rest of you will have to fend for yourselves for the time being.”_ & Specialists in Corrective Hair .Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. Yuko Receives Medicaid Award Holiday Brunch at SNH Friends of the Slovenian National Home, will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary with a Holiday Brunch on Sunday, Nov. 25. This will be held at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Serving will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission: Members $10 Non-Members $14 Children under 12 - $4.00 To obtain brunch tickets, please send check and a self-addressed envelope to: Friends of Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave (rear) Cleveland, OH 44103 Reservations must be received no later than Nov. 19. For further information please call (216)361-5115. —Sylvia Plymesser Strawberries Boost Heart Health (NAPS)—First it was cholesterol, then “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and “good” cholesterol (HDD. Now there’s a new factor that may be important in predicting the risk of heart disease: it’s called C-reactive protein, or CRP. A new Harvard study suggests that eating strawberries at least two times a week may be associated with reducing elevated CRP and LDL levels. CRP is a protein in the blood that is elevated in response to injury, such as the chronic injury to blood vessels that comes from having damaged arteries. Previous studies have shown that elevated CRP may explain heart disease in people who otherwise appear to have very low risk, even among those with normal cholesterol levels. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower CRP, an effect attributed to the high amounts of antioxidants found in these foods. Because strawberries are an antioxidant powerhouse, they were singled out for a closer look by nutrition scientists. In the new study, diet records and blood samples from 27,000 women enrolled in the Women’s Health Study were analyzed and compared with their risk of developing heart disease over a 10-year period. When the women were separated into high- and low- strawberry intake groups, those with the highest intakes—two or more servings of strawberries a week—were found to be less likely to have elevated CRP in their blood. They also had slightly lower cholesterol levels. Although the study was not designed to show cause and effect, the findings add to a growing body of research showing how eating strawberries may support a healthy heart. The researchers also noted that the women who ate the most strawberries were the same ones most likely to engage in a heart-healthy lifestyle. They ate more fruits and vegetables daily, exercised more and smoked less. For more information about California strawberries and heart health, visit www.calstrawberry.coni. Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage. He didn’t have to hear about all the men she could have married, and she didn’t have to hear about the way his mother cooked. —Phil Hrvatin Bishop Rozman Memorial Mass DSPB Tabor invites all members and friends to attend a Memorial Mass for deceased Bishop Gregorij Rozman on Sunday, Nov. 18 at 10 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Collinwood. May his life of devoted service to Slovenian people never be forgotten. With thirty-two historical bridges, Parke County, Indiana is considered by many to be the Covered Bridge Capital of the World. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 Zele & Zele Co., L.P.A. Ronald Zele, Scott J. Zele, Zachary1 F. Zele Attorneys-at-Law 38106 Third Street Willoughby, Ohio 44094 Rep. Yuko Introduces Increased Penalty Bill COLUMBUS, OH - State Representative Kenny Yuko (D-Richmond Heights) announced on Sept. 24 he has introduced a bill that would increase the penalty for fleeing or eluding a police officer in a motor vehicle from a first-degree misdemeanor to a fifth-degree felony. “People need to know that if they run from the police, they are going to pay,” Rep. Yuko said. “Maybe once the price for fleeing is a felony, criminals will think twice about trying to get away.” Existing Ohio law stipulates that a person in a motor vehicle who tries to escape an officer could receive up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Yuko’s legislation stiffens the penalties, allowing for a 6-to-12 month jail sentence and fines up to $2,500. The bill also makes fleeing police without the use of a motor vehicle punishable as a misdemeanor. This proposal comes on the heels of several violent incidents that involved police officers and/or bystand- Wherever you are, it is your friends who make your world. -Tony Petkovšek ers. Cleveland Police Officers Aric Pruitt and Robert Fllis were wounded when their cruiser crashed into a vehicle driven by Namir Spratt while the officers chased a separate subject. Officer Pruitt, is still hospitalized with head injuries. Officer Ellis suffered a fractured pelvis and an injured knee, and Spratt’s liver and spleen were punctured. In a separate incident, Virginia DiGiorgio was hit and killed by a 13-year-old suspect who had stolen a car and was attempting to elude police. “The officers’ injuries and Ms. DiGiorgio’s tragic death were absolutely senseless and should never have happened,” Rep. Yuko said. “This has got to stop, and I’m going to do my part to put an end to it.” Rep. Yuko’s legislation is awaiting assignment to a House legislative committee. Co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle have signed on in support of this bill. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe sale on Saturday, Nov. 10, in the auditorium social room. Genealogists Meet The next meeting of the Ohio Chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society will be at Recher Hall in Euclid, Ohio on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. Included in the evening activities will be a brief discussion of the Slovenians in the 1908 Collinwood School fire, an update on the Slovenian Oral History Project, and sharing your genealogy items. Attendees are encouraged to bring along items relating to their Slovenian genealogy to share with members. As this will be our fall social event, potica, coffee, and other Slovenian treats will be served. The first fruit eaten on the moon was a peach. Stimburys Accounting Accounlinig & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 tajcttme@en.com http://stimburysaccounting.com EnmBed Ic Practice Setdte tie Interna! Revenue Senice Servicing Indiektuals Corporations t Smalgusinessec. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster ttiil We Make House Calls *.. A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! G&RJANC HEATING - COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 xssir www.gorjanc.com 2003 ^ Heating > $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service May not be combined with other »jducountf .. • ■ Plumbing^ $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 3/31/05 y 5 ROBERT WEGER for Mayor of Willoughby Hills Bob Weger has the vision to put Willoughby Hills residents first and the experience to get the job donee Bob Weger's Residents First Plan Makes Government Accountable to You. Bob Weger has a constituent services plan to organize all city departments and make sure that residents have their questions answered- fast. . Bob Weger Will Protect Your Quality of Life. Bob Weger will fight to stop runway expansion at Cuyahoga County Airport. ' Bob Weger Will Respect Your Tax Dollars. Pild for by FrtemH* of Wtgct. k* Ziwauki, Clwiroun, 2K-10 Luicio Drive. Willoughby Hills. Ohio 44li*M Entkws*|br' CASSIS Supported by Peter Osenar and Tom Lobe AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 My Hallowed Halloween by JOE ZELLE One autumn Sunday morning, after the 10 o’clock Mass, I was on the verge of returning from my parked car to pick up my eye glasses which I had left in the pew. However, I changed my mind and returned home. As the week wore on, I missed the glasses more and more. I had worked in a radio station and had to keep the official record of the program times as a studio engineer. Finally, by Friday, I decided to pick up my eye glasses, anyway, at the church. I drove to St. Vitus and entered the beautiful courtyard. Father Boznar, the pastor, answered the door, and said, “Hi, Joe.” I replied, “Father, I forgot my eye glasses in the church last Sunday and would like to pick them up.” “Sure, come on in.” Father led me through the hallway of the parish house to the side entrance to the church. “Wait until I turn on the lights,” the priest said. “Won’t be necessary, Father.” I walked down the aisle to the pew where I knew the glasses were. I sat down, felt for the glasses, and momentarily said a little prayer. It was dark in the church but enough light was coming through the stained glass windows from the outside city lights, and the waning bright sky. I became lost in thought. What a beautiful magnificent temple dedicated to the glory of God by Slovenian American early settlers for future Catholic generations. Occasionally I heard a toot and a joyous scream of children on the outside. It was Halloween. But here inside was total silence. It was different from the church that I. knew. Bright brilliant electric lights would flood the church for Christmas, Easter, weddings and for funerals. I remembered the first entrance to the new church. Happy, smiling, and proud were the parishioners including my own parents and sisters. I felt so close to God. The warmth, the peace, the quiet of an earthly existence. To God in awe I felt so near. God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all combined in One which human brains could not comprehend. I have never been so filled with love. I could have cried for sheer joy. And then suddenly, a rectangular light appeared at the far front shift of the church. “Joe, are you all right?” “Yes, Father. I’m coming.” I traipsed down the aisle, genuflected at the center, and joined the pastor. “I was beginning to worry about you,” he said. “Oh, Father, I got lost in thought. I was never in a darkened church alone in my life before. I was close to God...” Father Boznar gave me a quick, strange look, and then we said goodbye. I walked back to my car parked in front of the parish house. I got in, started the engine and drove back home into the night amid the horns, looters, and the costumes of Halloweeners. * I learned never to fear this loving Master of my life. I never before talked to anyone about this experience with God. Oct. 26, 2007. —J.Z. Kres StoryBook Available Great news for those parents, grandparents and Kres dancers that missed getting pictures of this year’s Kres performance. A Creative Memories StoryBook photobook has been put together of the entire show and is available to view and/or purchase on-line. A StoryBook is the latest way to display pictures, using digital images and free downloadable software. The result is a personalized high-quality, hard- cover, stitch-bound book with photos of every dancing and singing number from this year’s performance at Pristava, including names of all the teachers and performers. Contact me, Creative Memories Consultant Barbara Beyer, with any questions or for an email with the website link at (440) 259-3023. Or visit my website www.mycmsite.com/bbeyer. The more educated you are, the less likely you are to smoke. Approximately 70 percent of high school dropouts smoke, compared with only 20 percent of Americans who have high school diplomas. It’s Cool Being Slovenian Opportunity knocks once, but temptation bangs on your door forever. --Phil Hrvatin When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion. --Dale Carnegie Coming Events Friday, Nov. 2 Dance, West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 - 11:15. Admission $8. Music by Wayne Tomsic. Saturday, Nov. 3 Kmečka večerja (farmer dinner) from 5-7 p.m. featuring 3 kinds of “štruklji” (meat stew) and coffee at Slovenska Pristava. $15. Free entertainment by Wayne Tomsic and Val Ribic. Reservations only by calling (440) 537-1941 or (216) 732-8082. Friday, Nov. 9 Dance, West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 - 11:15. Admission $8. Music by Joey Tomsick. Saturday, Nov. 10 Slovenian (Newburgh) National Home, 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland, Veterans Day Dance coordinated by Wayne Tomsic. Donation $5. Jam session 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10 St. Vitus Altar Society krofe sale in the auditorium social room. Saturday, Nov. 10 St. Mary’s Holy Name Society Goulash Dinner from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in auditorium. $8 adults, $4 children. Saturday, Nov. 10 Belokranjski Klub annual Martinovanje, 6 p.m. in Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. For tickets $25 call (440) 729-3427 or (440) 423-0527. Sunday, Nov. 11 Fall Concert, of Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 SNPJ, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH - 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16 Dance, West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 - 11:15. Admission $8. Music by Frank Moravcik. Saturday, Nov. 17 Glasbena Matica concert in Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. For tickets call Lori at (440) 449-5643 Sunday, Nov. 18 Memorial Mass for Bishop Gregorij Rozman, 10 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave. Sunday, Nov. 18 St. Mary (Holmes Ave.) Fall Festival in the parish hall beginning at 2 p.m. Turkey raffles, games, food, refreshments, bake sale. Wed., Nov. 21 Jam Session St. Clair Slovenian National Home. All musicians welcome. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Admission $2.00. Nov. 22, 23, 24 Tony Petkovšek’s Annual Thanksgiving Polka Dance at Marriott Hotel in Downtown Cleveland. For hotel reservations call Kollander World Travel (216) 692-1000. Saturday, Nov. 24 National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame Awards Show XX at Euclid High School Auditorium, Euclid, Ohio, 2 p.m. Admission $15. Meet the Winners Dance that evening at Marriott Hotel, Downtown Cleveland. Admission $15. Polka Mass at 6 p.m., with Bishop Ed Pevec. Sunday, Nov. 25 Friends of Slovenian National Home Holiday Brunch celebrating 20lh anniversary. Members $10; non-members $14.00; children under 12 -$4. Doors open 10:30 a.m. Serving 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. More info at (216) 361-5115. Friday, Nov. 30 Dance, West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St, Cleveland, 7:30 - 11:15. Admission $8. Music by A1 Battistelli. Sunday, Dec. 2 St. Nicholas visits St. Vitus Slovenian School 3 p.m. in parish auditorium. Friday, Dec. 7 Dance, West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St, Cleveland, 7:30 to 11:15. Admission $8. Music by Fred Ziwich. Wednesday, Dec. 12 City Music Cleveland concert, 7 p.m, in St. Vitus Church. No admission charge. Free-will offering accepted. Friday, Dec. 14 Dance, West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St, Cleveland, 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. Admission $8. Music by Joey Tomsick Orchestra, featuring fabulous Phil Hrvatin on tenor saxophone. Sat, Feb. 16 thru 24 Slovenian Ski Trip to Chamonix, France. $1,895. Call John Kamin for details 718-4242711. Sunday, Feb. 24 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual benefit dinner 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in parish auditorium. March 30 thru April 5 Slovenian Ski Trip 2008 to Sun Valley, Idaho. $1299. For information call John Kamin (718) 424-2771. ' Joyce Hribar Fiebig Attorney at Law 33977 chardon Road Willoughby Hills Oh 44094 440-516-0200 x 204 Continuing the tradition established in 1952 www hrih:,r^w.rnm Death Notices VERA M. HLAD Vera M. Hlad (nee Koletic), age 85. Beloved wife of Louis S. (deceased). Loving mom of Louis F. (Martha), Veronica, Frank (Donna), Mary (deceased), Annie, Joseph and Terri. Grandma of Nancy (Eric), Andrea (Rob), Louis S., Kathy (Eric) and Amanda; great grandmother of Luke. Sister of Julie Koletic (deceased). Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Friday, Oct. 19 from 2-4 and 6-9 p.m., where services were held Saturday at 9:15 a.m., and St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. GERRY DISKOWSKY Gerry Diskowsky, age 60; Sister of Maryann Koestner; dear aunt and great aunt. Friends were received at St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Saturday, Oct. 5 at 9 a.m. until time of Mass at 10 a.m. Zele Funeral Home was in .charge of arrangements. Donation Thanks to Polde and Fani Omahen of Richmond Heights, OH who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. In Loving Memory On the 26'h Anniversary of the death of our beloved Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather, Father-in-Law Stephen Opalich Feb. 22,1911 Nov. 9, 1981 He left us his smile and his sweet memory, That the passing of time just endears. He left us his laughter to ring in our hearts, And comfort us thru the years. He left us his faith in the goodness of life And his courage to see it as such And tho we are grieved that he left us, We are grateful he left us so much. Sadly missed by: ^ _____Family_________ In Memory Thanks to Anne and Gregory M. Mihalek of Sevierville, TN who renewed their subscription, paid for a year’s gift subscription, and added a $30.00 donation in loving memory of her mother and father, Ed and Dorothy Debevec. In Memory Thanks to Eric and Antonia Snyder of Solon, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of mother Antonia Šega. In Memory Thanks to Joe and Frances Klemenčič of Willoughby, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of parents Joe and Frances Klemenčič. In Memory Thanks to Stefani Zidar of Wickliffe, OH who sent in a $25.00 donation in memory of husband, William Zidar. In Memory Thanks to Sylvia Klopcic of Parma, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of son John Yesenko. Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Jana Bevec, Washington, DC - $5.00 Ivan Berlec, South Euclid, OH -$15.00 Rudy and Anica Knez, Cleveland, OH — $15.00 Angela Shine, Euclid, OH -$15.00 William J. Adler, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Maria Yaecker, Strongsville, OH -$15.00 Terezija Teskac, Euclid, OH - $5.00 John and Ivanka Kustec, Richmond Hts., OH $10.00 John and Dana Leonard, Cleveland, OH — $15.00 Ed and Carol Hren, Chardon, OH — $15.00 Don and Pat Močnik, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Dragica Koritnik, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Frances Webber, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Victor and Agnes Tominec, Richmond Hts., OH -- $5.00 Stan and Ivanka Vidmar, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Slovenians "R" Us Memories of Andrew Cashen by SUE CASHEN Memories of Andrew also consist of his enjoyment of children’s performances. Suggested songs: “How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?” He had three dogs, two were bom on Halloween. “Bring on the Clowns,” “Candy Man” (by Sammy Davis Jr.), “When You Wish Upon a Star,” “Wishing Will Make It So,” “Dance Ballerina, Dance,” “Seventeen” (Fontaine), “I’m Just a Teenager In Love,” “I Wanna Be a Polka Sweetheart.” In Loving Memory of ANDREW CASHEN 12/11/23-9/30/06 The Tide came in... Water poured over the concrete wall. The sand crept along the shore -As he watched the sunset. He knew our time was limited. One year has passed, but memories of our time together are deep in my heart. I miss you and love you, Honey. Sue Ann In Memoriam Our Dear Parents: Frank L. Snyder, (R.I.P. Dec. 20,1971) Mary F. Snyder (R.I.P. Aug. 9, 1982) Married: November 11, 1918 and Brothers and Sister: James Martin (R.I.P. 11/24/27), Joseph Ivan (R.I.P. 07/13/30, Mrs. Dorothy M. McCarthy (R.I.P. 11/04/77), Frank V. (R.I.P. 10/04/87), and James Joseph (R.I.P.) 12/18/03) Requescant in Pace. Lovingly remembered by: Sister Anne Marie O.P. (Sr. John Vianney O.P.) Mrs. Jean T. McGrath, Paul A., and Joseph T. In Loving Memory Vera Hlad 1922-2007 With great sadness at our loss and with great joy remembering her life, we announce the passing of our mother, Vera Hlad. She dedicated years of service to St. Vitus parish, and its Christian Mothers’ Club, its Altar Society, and its Lira Choir. She volunteered for decades in the school cafeteria, and was awarded membership in the St. Vitus Alumni Hall of Fame. Mom was active in the community as well, serving the neighborhood in the St. Clair-Superior Coalition, and even distributing the Ameriška Domovina for a number of years. Mom conquered the loss of her father at age 7, her mother at age 9. She bore the loss of her husband and our Dad, Louis, in 2000, and our sister Mary in 2001. She was always the epitome of Catholic self-sacrifice, using our Blessed Mother as an example of raising us all to be Christ-loving adults, no small task. She will ever remain OUR model of decency, perseverance, and cheerful love. Sadly missed by: Louis F. (Martha) of Doraville, GA Veronica of Bratenahl Frank (Donna) of Mayfield Hts. Annie of Rocky River Joseph of Cleveland Terri of Cleveland Nancy Noltkamper (Eric), of Bainbridge Andrea Peterson (Rob, and great-grandson Luke) of San Diego, CA Kathy Janke (Eric) of Concord Louis S. of Doraville* GA Amanda of Doraville, GA Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 8 Slovenians Among First to Track Sputnik First to tape Russian ‘Sputnik” are St. Joseph students in action in 1957. Left to right, Joe Marsey, K8EGZ, Fred Imm, K8EVB at the HRO-60, Bob Leskovec, K8DTS at the NC-109, and Dave Mazi at the mechanical calculator. (Frame 7 bmp) from and old fdm clip Why Tomatoes Are 6Love Apples’ (Continued from last issue) by BOB LESKOVEC By May of 1958, local news interest about Sputnik had died down, and by this time ham radio operators and the government thought it was no longer a big deal to receive satellite signals. Then on May 15th the Russians launched Sputnik III which weighed nearly 3,000 lbs. But apparently nobody in Cleveland was hearing the signal so we started getting calls from the news media. Immediately back at it, we found it was no longer a beep-beep-beep, but instead a new didahdidit sound - the letter ‘L’ in Morse code. So we ran off a few tapes and passed those out to the local news, but for us the novelty had passed, and we were on to other projects, especially dreaming of bouncing a radio signal off the moon. Ed and I graduated in 1960, but the club continued, and by 1962 Bob Kozar K8NXF and Ted Alexander K8VPL had engineered a huge array on the roof with a horizontal rotating tower section holding eight, 10-element 2-meter antennas, and they built a 1,000 watt transmitter. Maybe somebody out there remembers seeing that on St. Joe’s roof years ago and had wondered what it was. These activities were undoubtedly the high point of a “radio-active” club that was benefiting from the heyday of ham radio after WWII. That club started growing right from the beginning of the high school itself that opened in 1951, and prevailed until 1975. So the big reunion we are trying to put together in 2008 could involve an estimated 150 people, many who never actually knew each other. As we track our buddies down we are finding many success stories. Besides amateur radio, Mike Stimac pushed us to get our FCC commercial radio operator licenses “as a backup” to any career or job we might pursue. The idea worked. John Van Blargan ’57 (then W8VBU) having obtained the First Class Commercial Telegraph Operator’s License, got a job with the Cleveland Police Department maintaining their police radios, and quickly mastered the 1,000-watt coast-to-coast HF relay station. Soon he was routinely translating the Morse code in his head while typing out the messages at 20-30 words per minute, - and that was on a totally mechanical typewriter. Thus he was able to pay for college, attend JCU, and later Cleveland State, got an MSEE, and had a long career with General Electric as a Manager of Information Systems. Today he has a Doctor of Education Degree, and is an adjunct Professor at Cleveland State University. The commercial FCC licenses we were encouraged to obtain, led to several of us being hired by Classical & Fine Arts Station WCLV-FM which was starting up in 1962, and we grew with the station. That is also how I came to meet Joe Zelle, but curiously not until many years later. He was working for them “on the side” for the 95.5 MHz station as Joe tells me, and was lectured by some fellow workers back at WERE that he was in violation of his full-time union job there. Meanwhile, Ed Miller ’60 (K8EHA) who, by luck, lived close to WCLV coowner “Pat” Patrick, got a job there, and then brought me onto the scene, but by that time Zelle was gone, so we had not met. Because of my FCC First Class license I became Chief Engineer and served until 1968. Meanwhile, Ed moved on to establishing an entire closed-circuit broadcasting system for the Cleveland Diocese called Cleveland Catholic Educational Radio with WCLV carried on a 57 kHz “sub-channel” and which the schools picked up on special FM receivers. In 1970 he moved onto WEWS, began his long career there, and also became active with the Society of Broadcast Engineers. He had been involved in many interesting “behind-the-scenes” projects down through the years such as engineering the grand opening of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1995. By 1968, WCLV had moved to the Terminal Tower and Joe Zelle was again working for them, but I was not working there. Meanwhile I had finished an M.S. in Physics at JCU in 1966 and was teaching night school there (until 1974) and by 1967 had joined Case Institute of Technology as Sr. Staff Physicist just as it started merging with Western Reserve University. I retired in 2006 after 39 years, but still consult in electronic lighting circuit design for GE, Venture Lighting, and Energy Focus, Inc. Along the way I got to build the first prototype of the High Intensity Discharge automotive headlights for GE in 1985 and was named on that patent, and several others, such as the circuit that is now used inside many of the “screw-in fluorescent” lamps. Along the way, I kept a foot in broadcasting, with “contract work,” did some work for the 1260 AM station while it was WMIH, and even helped my niece Betty Zanoskar and her husband produce a network radio show for three years. In 2001 I worked for WCLV again, helping with the changeover from 95.5 to 104.9 MHz when we established the new transmitter in Avon and a studio for the 1420 AM station which they then operated as WRMR for a few years. Back in the days at WCLV, I had hired some other St. Joe’s grads, like Bob Kozar SJ’62 and Tony Bacevice SJ ’66, who went on to work at other radio and TV stations such as WJW and WJKW as well, while they continued college. For the first few years at Case, I also took care of WRUW 91.1 FM, the school station and then turned that over to Tony when he came in later (To Be Continued) Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: What is a love apple? A. - Jonathan Apple B. - Tomato C. - Beet D. - Pomegranate Anne Lawson of Elizabethtown, KY, Patricia Wilks of Concord, OH, Vida Kalin of Cleveland, Patricia Klančar of Cincinnati, OH, Stan Žakelj of Broadview Heights, OH, and Anthony Goršek of Cleveland all gave the correct answer which is B. --TOMATO. NEW QUIZ: What were the more familiar names of fictional crime fighters Bruce Wayne, and debonair newspaper publisher Britt Reid? (Britt Reid’s father was Dan Reid, the nephew of the Lone Ranger.) Answer requires two names. Send your answers to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Consulate conducts Information Session Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia will conduct an information session regarding the Office for Slovenes Abroad grant application on Monday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. in the Slovenian National Home, Kenik Room, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Why tomatoes were dubbed “love apples” is a matter of some dispute. First cultivated by the Mayans and called the xtomatl, the tomato was named the pomi del pent and mala peruviane when Cortes brought it to Europe from America. That tomatoes hailed from exotic climates and were a scarlet, shapely fruit undoubtedly helped, but the designation love apple owes just as much to semantics as romance. All Spaniards at the time were called Moors, and one story has it that an Italian gentleman tojd a visiting Frenchman that the tomatoes he had been served were Pomi dei Moro (“Moor’s apples”), which to his guest sounded like pom- mes d’amour, or apples of love. However, another version claims that “apples of love” derives in a similar roundabout way from the Italian porno d'oro, “golden apple,” and a third tale confides that courtly Sir Walter Raleigh presented a tomato to Queen Elizabeth, coyly advising her that it was “an apple of love.” In any case, the tomato quickly gained a reputation as an aphrodisiac, and justly or not, it has held that distinction ever since. In Germany the tomato’s common name is still Liebe-sapfel, or “love apple.” And the expression "hot tomato” applies to a sexy woman in many languages. The better part of one’s life consists of one’s friendships. __________________—Abraham Lincoln Strong Leadership for Euclid’s Future Community Services Cervenik expanded recreational programs, restored curbside recycling and improved streets and water lines Re-Elect Mayor Cervenik Performance Counts Paid for by Citizens for Bill Cervenik, Michael L. Gallagher, Treasurer, 333 Babbitt Road, Euclid, OH 44123 ________ Fr. Pedro Opeka, Warrior of Hope Text and photo by Andrea Comino Pedro Opeka has helped the poor in Madagascar for over 40 years. His success is enormous - he has helped build over 3,400 houses and saved more than a quarter of a million people from extreme poverty. During a recent visit to Slovenia, the entourage of Prince Albert II of Monaco to Slovenia attracted a lot of attention. Among 40 special guests, most of them wealthy businesspeople and politicians, one stood out in particular. Although modestly dressed and wearing a tarnished cross around his neck, he was an equal among his peers. This was the Slovenian missionary Father Pedro Opeka, who has been helping the poor for over 35 years in Madagascar, an idyllic but poverty-stricken island. It was decades ago that the country of Madagascar abandoned its people who found themselves in poverty unimaginable in the Western world of today. Many people made a living by begging or rummaging through garbage. When the missionary Pedro Opeka, bom in Argentina to Slovenian parents, first traveled to Madagascar °n a brief visit in 1970, he knew this was the country where he would spend his lifetime helping the less fortunate. And it would take many more years than that to succeed. Six years later, Pedro returned to Madagascar and went to Vaingain-drano, a village in the southern part of the island, where he dedicated his life to helping the poorest. As a white man Pedro was given sideways glances at first because the white man is master there and one is expected to serve him, not have him help you and live umong you as an equal. However, the people from the edge of society soon accepted him as one of their °wn. “I didn’t preach of a better life. I simply began living as they did, and they soon began to follow, wishing to lead a better life themselves,” Pedro recalls. Together they built a clinic, some modest but sturdy stone houses sporting grounds and other valuable structures, restoring hope to People from the edge of Society. The humanitarian cause (“I did not choose to become a Priest. I was chosen for it”) drove Pedro forward, to Madagascar’s capital city of Antananarivo, where more than a quarter of a million People lived in extreme pov-erty on a public garbage dump. Along with his colleagues, he began to fight alcoholism, drug abuse, prostitution and gambling, which were destroying the fringe population already stricken by poverty. “Many of them spent all the money they earned by selling useful things others had discarded, on alcohol, gambling or drugs, forgetting their children who often died because of their parents’ neglect,” Petro said. Pedro said news of his success and cause soon spread across Madagascar’s borders. Even as far as Monaco. International Foundation On a territory dominated primarily by numerous banks, there are also quite a few charity organizations in Monaco. One such organization, in which Prince Albert5 is very active is APPO } (Aide au Pere Pedro Opeka -Aid for Father Pedro Opeka). Together with other individuals and organizations they raise funds for Pedro’s Akamasoa (good friends) society, dedicated to helping the poorest people of Made-gascar. During his visit to Slovenia, the Prince donated a check for $150,000 to Pedro Opeka. Monaco’s charity donors finance the salaries of 150 teachers providing education for over 7,000 children and adults. This is only a part of the humanitarian aid with which the Prince hopes to increase the global recognition of Monaco, known as a meeting place of the famous, wealthy and powerful. The Prince aims to ‘ increase the world reputation of the pocket-sized state with a population of 32,000 in various ways. One of the ways is by endorsing Pedro’s humanitarian cause. Prince Albert has traveled to Madagascar many times and seen for himself how the money was being used. In recognition of Monaco’s aid, many buildings across Madagascar built with the money from the principality are named after members of the Grimaldi dynasty. Pedro and the Prince have formed a close friendship over the years, which they both cherish greatly. Plans for the Future Although Pedro will celebrate his 60th birthday next year, he is not considering retiring and moving to some other place. “There is so much left to do, there are so many impoverished souls we still need to help that I simply have no time to think about myself,” said the man who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts, and received numerous awards around the world. Pedro receives invitations from all parts of the world, asking him to come and show them his way of fighting poverty. Pedro says the most important thing is to give the people an education. Only with education will they have a real chance for a future. School system developed by Pedro is the most successful system in Madagascar. More than 90% of all pupils finish their education in professions like masonry, stonecutting, carpentry, teaching and others. The Father, or Pater, as he is called in Madagascar, is particularly proud of one person from the garbage dump who received a grant and is on his way to finishing his doctorate at the Paris University of Sorbonne. Pedro feels it is very important to offer moral support to the people, to offer consolation when they are anguished by drugs and alcohol. “Sometimes the word of gospel is enough to make them go forth and find the strength to keep them from falling back into the abyss of despair and poverty,” says Pedro who has learned to distinguish the truly impoverished from imposters and fraudsters over the years. Even so, he is occasionally swindled - but he has learned to forgive, because helping the truly impoverished outweighs all the bad experiences. Just before Pedro’s visit to Slovenia, the Mohorjeva Družba publishing company published the book “Bojevnik upanja” (A Warrior of Hope”), a detailed account of Pedro’s life and his reflections. He did not write it himself, being simply too busy for something like that, but he had help from Carole Escaravage and Gregory Rung. The book also reveals Pedro’s hidden passions: In his villages, Sundays are dedicated to sports. As a naturalized Argentinean, he has embraced the love for sport and he passes it on to the people he is helping. So, playing football is his favorite Sunday pastime apart from holding religious service. During that time, he forgets all his cares and worried about whether aid will arrive in time or whether it will be delayed due to various bureaucratic complications. But hope dies last, and the strength and resolve of Pedro Opeka to help his people from the garbage dump are immense. —Sinfo Escorted and Hosted Travel & Cruise Adventures! .Adriatic Cloast and ^lovem'a A 9 day - First Class escorted tour of Croatia, and Slovenia Featuring: Dubrovnik, Split, Plitvice Lakes, Ljubljana, Postojna Caves, Lake Bled, Zagreb Departs Saturdays: April 19 - November 8, 2008 ‘K 802’ - Tour Cost: from $1548 per person Highlights of Slovenia Enjoy this 6 night fully escorted tour of Western Slovenia Visiting: Piran, Postojna, Lipica, Goriška Brda, Lakes Bled & Bohinj, and Ljubljana 4 star hotels - Breakfast, Dinner and sightseeing daily Music, wine tasting, great local foods - all included! Departure available May - Oct, 2008 Tour Cost: $ 1475 pp Slovenia in a Week Enjoy this 7 night fully escorted tour featuring: Ljubljana, Novo Mesto, Maribor, Catez, Rogaška Slatina Lake Bled, Goriška Brda, Škocjan Caves, Portorož 4 star hotels - Breakfast, Dinner and sightseeing daily Music, wine tasting, great local foods - all included! Departure available May - Oct, 2008 Tour Cost: $1450 pp Deluxe - All of Italy Tour April 28 - May 13, 2008 A first class, very inclusive tour featuring; roundtrip airfare, 15 nts. in excellent - first class hotels, breakfast & dinner daily, wine tasting, guided tours, private coach, hosted! Palermo, Taromina, Sorrento, Rome, Assisi, Florence,Venice Tour cost including all taxes: $5395 pp from Cleveland Polka Party at Sea '08 March 9- 16, 2008 Enjoy a 7 night Polka Party on the Carnival Valor Set Sail from Miami, and enjoy the music of our Polka Hosts and fun with Polka Fans from across the USA. We sail to the shops and beaches of St. Thomas, St. Maarten. Nassau. Prices start at $799 per person!! Call for details and more information! Over ISO signed up! Join the Fun! — Featuring the musical talents of — Adam Barthalt, Hank Thunander, Joey Tomsick, Mike Schneider Seibert’s - California Polka Power, and Jack Tady !! Please call, write, or email for a complete brochure !! discount airfare available from most cities for any tour Group Leaders? - Call to plan your next adventure! Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. _________________—Rudy Flis Giving You The World Since 1923 Kollander World Travel 971 E. 185th St-Cleveland OH 44119 (800)800-5981 - (216)692-1000 www.kollandcr.coni 9 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 10 The Chronicle of Louis R. Erste Rose and Louis Erste, 1960 Craft Show (Continued from last week) World War II The United States didn’t become directly involved in World War II until 1941 and the entire country participated in efforts to win that war, which they eventually did. Although war is never a desirable thing, and a World War is devastating, this followed the biggest economic depression ever seen and everyone felt an urgent desire to do whatever they could to conquer it and overcome the personal depression that pervaded. The history of the American public’s participation in the war effort is not necessary to this biography but it needs to be mentioned that Louie got a severe case of pleurisy early on in the war and lost an entire year of work because of it. This meant that Rose again had to support the family; and her mother, Helen Cotman, who lived with the family, had to take care of Lou quite a bit as he was growing up. Helen Cotman’s husband, Karl Cotman, died on March 11, 1929 leaving her with very little, if anything. It was a time when families took care of their parents so Louie added a room above their kitchen, with a sink and stove for Rose’s mother to spend the rest of her years with them. Rose’s siblings helped with this project as they were all glad to have a permanent place for their mother. When Louie finally recovered from his bout of pleurisy he was in a weakened state. He was advised not to go back to work in the foundry right away. By then the war effort was in full force and jobs were available for everyone. Louie was given a job at Alcoa Aluminum for the duration of the war, working 12 hours a day. What a way to recuperate from a serious illness. Having just gone through the Great Depression and then an illness that put Louie out of work for over a year, he and Rose were accustomed to living very sparingly so they continued to do so until the overtime money Louie earned built up to the point they could pay off Mr. Regan and own their house free and clear. It was time for a celebration and they threw a mortgage burning party. Toward the end of the 1940s Once the war was over and the mortgage was paid it was time for Louie and Rose to have a little fun. They finally had a little money to spend on themselves and their favorite entertainment was “bar hopping” on Saturday nights. The bars they went to had a family atmosphere and they often took Lou, especially when their built-in babysitter, Vi, had a date or when she finally got married. The bars they went to were in the St. Clair Avenue area close to St. Vitus church. Of course, they knew the bar owners and many of their friends also patronized these bars making it very pleasurable for them. Louie and Rose’s favorite was Luzar’s Bar and Grille where they had tables to sit around, drink, visit, eat, and sing with the other patrons (spontaneous singing was common in those days since everyone knew each other like one big happy family). The Luzar’s residence was above the bar/restaurant, and they had two boys and a girl who Lou would play with when he went along. As stated before, “Like a big happy family.” As mentioned earlier, Louie was very intelligent but in a practical sense rather than in an educated sense. He comprehended things rather than learning them. In 1948 there was a heated presidential election and Governor Dewey of New York, an extremely capable man, was expected to win the election hands down over President Harry S. Truman, the ill-educated Vice President who went on to become President when Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in office. Dewey’s election was so guaranteed that the nation’s newspapers already had their lead stories in print showing his victory. The election results being broadcast over the radio (we didn’t have TV yet), looked like a landslide in the making for Dewey. As the evening wore on, Louie matter-of-factly said “Truman is going to win,” and went to bed. What a surprise the family got upon waking the next morning and finding out that Pop was correct and Truman had won the election. Another similar incident occurred in the late 1940s. Boxing was a favorite sport in those days and everyone followed professional boxing since Joe Louis, a black man, had won the heavyweight title and held onto it for about 12 years. A potential rival came on the scene and built his reputation to the point that he challenged Joe Louis for the championship. The championship title match was a 15 round bout and the contender, Jersey Joe Wolcott seemed to be leading the entire time. Of course we, like most other people, listened intently to it all on radio. Somewhere around the 9th round Louie suddenly said, “Joe Louis is going to win it.” That dumbfounded us and as the fight went on Jersey Joe Wolcott held his own for the entire 15 rounds. (Joe Louis usually knocked out the opposition half way through the match). When the fight ended, Joe Louis was bleeding and Jersey Joe was looking good. There was a long delay while the judges determined the winner, and you guessed it, they awarded the bout to Joe Louis; and Louie was right again. In 1948 Rose’s mother, Helen Cotman, 88 years old, succumbed to cancer and passed away after a short but difficult illness. She never did learn to speak English and although she read the Slovenian newspaper and the German newspaper, she normally spoke Slovenian except to people who only spoke German. But she spoke English to no one even though she spent 40 years in the United States. (To Be Continued) SHA Christmas Bazaar The Annual Slovene Home for the Aged Christmas Bazaar and White Elephant Sale will be held on Friday, Nov. 9 and Saturday, Nov. 10, and Sunday, Nov. 11 in the Launch Room at the Home, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The proceeds from the Bazaar will benefit the residents at SHA by providing them with new, enriching activities and unique opportunities. The average cruise ship burns about a gallon of fuel when it moves six inches. The 22nd annual Beary Merry Christmas Crafts Show will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 28 and Thursday, Nov. 29 at the. Normandy Party Center in Wickliffe, Ohio. The show will benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure Northeast Affiliate. The Promise of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is “to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality of care for all, and energizing science to find the cures.” This craft extravaganza showcases 40 talented artisans from Ohio and Pennsylvania, displaying unique holiday gifts for your shopping pleasure. Featured will be a Chinese raffle for all family members including a spa package, an overnight, a variety of tickets, dinners, sports items and more. Delicious lunch and dinners catered by Normandy Party Center will be available for purchase. Hourly door prize gift certificates will be provided by John Roberts Hair Studio and Spa of Mayfield, Solon and Chagrin Falls. Admission is $2.00. Hours are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. ^ • r-U-Jcxn v__ Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Funeral Director Dignified, Professional arid Personal Service has a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! Th&SImPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense Insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800-843-5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. *7 used to set a 1099 for my Bank CD, until I found \iiU ruau: #Yuwk3M Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my ^ money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, . KSKJ life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near youl j&V "HaU gummt»+ttar 13 rrcrlfm on 0 ptmex rr«f cfrHTga wiha^rdMm. j&W FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS024100) Thursday, November 1, 2007 - Vesti iz Slovenije - • _________ Lojze Peterle in dr. Danilo Turk zmagala v prvem krogu predsedniških volitev -Drugi krog bo v nedeljo, 11. novembra -Sorazmerno skromna volilna udeležba V nedeljo, 21. oktobra, so bile po Sloveniji in na voliščih v raznih mestih po svetu, volitve za novega predsednika Republike Slovenije. Sedanji predsednik dr. Janez Drnovšek ni ponovno kandidiral za novi petletni mandat, ki se bo sicer pričel 23. decembra letos. Prvo presenečenje na volitvah je bilo, da je bila udeležba kar dokaj majhna oziroma je na volišča odšlo glasovat okrog 57 odstotkov upravičenih volilcev. Od sedmih kandidatov na glasovnici je največ oziroma relativno večino prejel poslanec evropskega parlamenta in predsednik prve demokratične slovenske Demosove vlade Lojze Peterle. Prejel pa je le okrog 28 odstotkov glasov. Sledila sta mu dva kandidata iz levega pola politične lestvice. Drugi je bil bivši slovenski veleposlanik pri Združenih narodih dr. Danilo Turk, zanj je pač glasovalo nekaj več kot 24 odstotkov volilcev. Za las tretji je bil pa Mitja Gaspari, bivši guverner Narodne banke Slovenije. Ostali kandidati so vsi bili daleč zadaj. Tako bo potreben - kar je sicer bilo pričakovati - drugi krog volitev. Pomerila se bosta Lojze Peterle in dr. Danilo Turk. Te bodo v nedeljo, 11. novembra. (Informacije o teh volitvah najdete na str. 12.) Na prvih tu v Clevelandu, tako sporoča Generalni konzulat, je volilo 137 slovenskih državljanov. Naslednje bodo na istem kraju, v Slovenskem domu za ostarele na 18621 Neff Rd. v Clevelandu. Politični analitiki in komentatorji v Sloveniji sedaj razpravljajo, ali bo levici uspe- lo združiti svoje sile v prid dr. Tiirka, ki je večino časa samostojne Slovenije preživel zunaj Slovenije in tako ni bil neposredno angažiran v strankarskem življenju. Problem je lahko tudi na drugi strani politične slike, kajti je splošno znano, da Lojze Peterle in premier slovenske vlade Janez Janša nista ravno srčna prijatelja. Mnogi volilci, ki niso bolj ozko strankarsko opredeljeni, bi torej utegnili videti Tiirka kot manj ostro profilirano osebo, človeka, ki bi lahko bil nekakšen most med levo in desnico. Novinarji menijo, da je v Sloveniji vladna cenzura in politični pritiski nad njimi Skupina novinarjev je v Sloveniji pripravila peticijo zoper politične pritiske in cenzuro. Zaradi tega, menijo, naj bi bila medijska svoboda v državi kršena. Vlada je te trditve odločno zanikala. Meni namreč, da so mediji svobodni oz. neodvisni, to pa potrjuje dejstvo, da večina medijev prej stalno kritizira kakor podpira vlado. Vlade je tudi posredovala nekatere ocene s strani mednarodnih organizacij, ki sledijo medijski svobodi v državah po svetu in le-te poudarjajo, da je Slovenija kar med svobodnejšimi državami. S takšnimi ocenami pretežno soglašajo tudi letna poročila o stanju človečanskih pravic v Sloveniji s strani ameriškega State Departmenta. Najnovejše poročilo o demografskih gibanjih Državni statistični urad sporoča, da v Sloveniji še ni mogoče preseči dva milijona prebivalcev. Še več, v prvih štirih mesecih 2007 se je v Slovenijo preselilo 7493 novih prebivalcev, iz Slovenije pa se jih je odselilo 3922. Urad poudarja, da k povečani rasti prebivalstva prispevajo le priseljenci iz tujine, ti pa so v veliki večini Neslovenci. OB RAZVELJAVITVI SODBE PROTI ŠKOFU ROŽMANU - Ljubljanski nadškof Alojz Uran je imel tiskovno konferenco potem, ko je bila objavljena odločitev Vrhovnega sodišča Slovenije, da je bila sodba vojaškega sodišča iz leta 1946 proti takratnemu škofu dr. Gregoriju Rožmanu in Mihi Kreku razveljavljena. Njegov obsežni komentar na ta dogodek je posredovan na str. 13. Nadškof je posebej poudaril med drugim delo dveh slovenskih zgodovinarjev, ki sta oziroma še raziskujeta to obdobje polpretekle slovenske zgodovine in sicer dr. Tamara Griesser Pečar in dr. France M. Dolinar, ki sta sodelovala na tiskovni konferenci in sta z nadškofom na sliki zgoraj. Odločitev Vrhovnega sodišča je dvignila veliko prahu tudi med zagovorniki prejšnjega režima oz. med tistimi, ki še podpirajo dosedanja bolj ali manj uradna stališča do škofa Rožmana in tistih, ki so med drugo svetovno vojno kljubovali revolucui. Tako so bili zelo kritični tudi do spominske slovesnosti v Logu pri Vipavi, ko je bil postaven kip bana dr. Marka Natlačena, ki so ga leta 1942 komunistični atentatorji ubili. Iz Clevelanda in okolice WCSB Radiothon— Na clevelandski univerzitetni postaji WCSB se bo vršila letošnja nabirka študentov - Radiothon, to od 4. do 11. novembra. Med slovensko oddajo “Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije” v sredo, 7. nov., od 5. do 6. zv. in v nedeljo, 11. nov., od 9. do 10. dop., bo Radijska družina sprejemala telefonske klice s ponudbami prispevkov. Telefonirali boste lahko na 216-687-6900 in govorili tudi v slovenščini. Čeke s svojim prispevkom pa nasljavljajte na naslov: WCSB/CSU Foundation P.O. Box 931848 Cleveland, OH 44101-8656 Za vsak vaš dar in razumevanje se vam že v naprej najlepše zahvaljuje Radijska družina! Novi grobovi Christine M. Verch Umrla je 88 let stara Christine M. Verch, rojena Fabec, mati Anthonyja, 3-krat stara mati, sestra Caroline Lokar, Anthonyja in Louisa, teta. Pogreb je bil 25. oktobra v oskrbi Žele-tovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Kristine in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Vera M. Hlad Umrla je 85 let stara Vera M. Hlad, rojena Ko-letic, vdova po Louisu S., mati Louisa F., Veronice, Franka, Mary (pok.), Annie, Josepha in Terri, 5-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, sestra že pok. Julie Ko-letic, pred leti raznašalka AD v okolici St. Clair. Pogreb je bil 20. oktobra v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Joseph A. Seme Umrl je 86 let stari Joseph A. Seme, mož Albine, roj. Meljac, oče Josepha in Catherine Soukop, 4-krat stari oče, sin Josepha in Mary, roj. Zakrajšek (oba pok.), brat Frances, Josephine Tomšič, Lawrencea, Dorothy Distransky, Bernadette ter že pok. Johna, Rose, Mary in Franka, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški vojski. Pogreb je bil 20. oktobra v oskrbi Fortunovega zavoda na Brecksville Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Monike in pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Belokranjci vabijo— Belokranjski klub vabi na svoje letno martinovanje, ki bo v soboto, 10. novembra, v SND na St. Clairju s pričetkom ob 6. zv. Za ples in zabavo igra Stan Mejač orkester. Za vstopnice, pokličite Rezko Smuk na 440-729-3427 ali Amelijo Mas-lač na 440-423-0527. Prodaja krofov— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov v soboto, 10. novembra, v društveni sobi ob običajnem času. Pridite! Molitve za rajne— Člani in prijatelji Slov. pristave ste vabljeni v soboto, 3. nov., ob3. uri na molitve za pok. člane in žrtve komunistične revolucije. Po molitvah si lahko privoščite kmečko večerjo, ki bo servirana od 5. ure dalje. Drugi krog volitev— V Sloveniji za predsednika države. Te bodo 11. novembra, v Clevelandu zopet v Slovenskem domu za ostarele na Neff Rd. Vse informacije na str. 12. Jesenski festival— Župnija Marija Vnebov-zeta ima svoj jesenski festival v župnijski dvorani v nedeljo, 18. nov., od 2. do 7. ure zv. Več v dopisu na str. 12. Maša za škofa Rožmana— DSPB Tabor sporoča, da bo v nedeljo, 18. nov., spominska sv. maša za škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana, ob lOh dop. v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Vsi člani in prijatelji lepo vabljeni. Nova knjiga— Slovenska pisarna ima v prodajo knjigo Jožeta Ranta “Slovenski eksodus leta 1945”. Vsebuje 350 str. in preko 120 slike. Opisuje obdobje med in po 2. svetovni vojni v Sloveniji. Ta knjiga bo koncem leta izšla tudi v angleščini. Naši podporniki— Ga. Julka Zalar, Richmond Hts., je poklonila $40, v spomin staršev Max in Agnes Jerin. G. Frank Šega, Will. Hills, je daroval $15, v spomin žene Tončke. G. Victor Štepec je daroval $20, v spomin očeta Cirila. Ga. Ivana Košir, Cleveland, je darovala $20. v spomin moža Janeza. Ga. Sylvia Klopčič, Parma, je darovala $20, v spomin sina Johna Yesenko. Vsem darovalcem gre naša iskrena zahvala! SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST: Drugi krog volitev predsednika Republike Slovenije Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu sporoča, da bo drugi krog volitev za predsednika Republike Slovenije v nedeljo, 11. novembra 2007, od 9. do 17. ure. Tokrat bomo izbirali med dvema najbolje uvrščenima kandidatoma iz prvega kroga. V Clevelandu bodo volitve na istem volišču kot v prvem krogu: Slovenski dom za ostarele 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 S seboj prinesite osebni dokument z vašo fotografijo, na podlagi katerega bo mogoče ugotoviti vašo istovetnost (potni list, vozniško dovoljenje, osebna izkaznica...). Če niste prepričani, ali ste vpisani v seznam volil-cev, prinesite s seboj tudi dokazilo o slovenskem državljanstvu (slovenski potni list, potrdilo o državljanstvu in podobno). To so četrte volitve predsednika republike od razglasitve samostojnosti in neodvisnosti Republike Slovenije. Predsednika se voli za dobo 5 let, mandat pa bo nastopil s 23. decembrom 2007. Prvega kroga volitev se je v Clevelandu udeležilo 137 volilcev, kar je skoraj še enkrat več kot referenduma o RTV Slovenija jeseni 2005. Istočasno in na istem volišču bo v nedeljo, 11. novembra 2007 potekal tudi zakonodajni referendum o Zakonu o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o lastninskem preoblikovanju zavarovalnic v Sloveniji. Vprašanje, ki se daje na referendum, se glasi: “Ali ste za to, da se uveljavi Zakon o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o lastninskem preoblikovanju zavarovalnic, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 11. septembra 2007?” Za dodatne informacije lahko odprete spletno stran www.dvk.gov.si. lahko pa se obrnete tudi na Generalni konzulat RS v Clevelandu na tel. št. 216-589-9220. Vrhovno sodišče razveljavilo Rožmanovo sodbo Trst - Vrhovno sodišče Slovenije ugodilo zahtevi ljubljanske nadškofije ter razveljavilo pravnomočno sodbo proti nekdanjemu ljubljanskemu škofu Gregoriju Rožmanu in nekdanjemu voditelju SLS Mihi Kreku. Vrhovno sodišče je po poročanju STA ugotovilo, da je v primeru sojenja škofu Rožmanu prišlo do bistvenih kršitev določb kazenskega postopka glede vprašanj sojenja v nenavzočnosti, glede vprašanj pravice do obrambe in tudi glede vprašanja, ali je bila dana pravna podlaga za to, da je škofu sodilo vojaško sodišče. Pri presoji je vrhovno sodišče določbe zakona o kaznivih dejanjih zoper ljudstvo in državo, na podlagi katere je bil škof Rožman obsojen, razlagalo s pomočjo uredbe o vojaških sodiščih, zakonika o sodnem kazenskem postopku za Kraljevino SHS, statutom Niirnber-škega sodišča in sedaj veljavnega zakona o kazenskem postopku. Ker so razlogi glede nedopustnosti sojenja v nenavzočnosti v korist tudi obsojenemu Mihi Kreku, je vrhovno sodišče obenem odločilo v njegovo korist, čeprav zanj zahteva za razveljavitev sodbe ni bila izrecno vložena. Vrhovno sodišče je torej razveljavilo sodbo Vo- jaškega sodišča četrte armade z dne 3. avgusta 1946 v zvezi s sklepom Vrhovnega sodišča Jugoslovanske armade s 1. septembra 1946. ❖ Ljubljanski nadškof in metropolit msgr. Alojz Uran je o zadevi škofa Rožmana na posebni tiskovni konferenci prebral naslednjo izjavo: “Čas med prvo in drugo svetovno vojno je bil nedvomno prelomen v zgodovini slovenskega naroda. V mnogočem je bil prelomen tudi za Cerkev na Slovenskem, saj je pomenil obdobje preroda katolištva, ki se kaže v razgibanem laiškem udejstvovanju. Posebno pomembna je bila dobro organizirana Katoliška akcija. Vrh tega življenja pomenita 2. evharistični kongres za Jugoslavijo leta 1935 in 6. mednarodni kongres Kristusa Kralja leta 1939. Oba dogodka sta se odvijala v Ljubljani. Obdobje druge svetovne vojne je zaradi revolucije, ki jo je začela Komunistična partija Slovenije, ter z njo povezane državljanske vojne, prineslo hude posledice tudi v cerkveno in versko življenje. Ljubljanski škof dr. Gregorij Rožman (1930-45/59) je med leti 1941 in 1945 preživljal grenko izkušnjo, v kateri je predvsem skušal pomagati, kjerkoli in kakorkoli je mogel. Doživel je tragedijo tuje okupacije in državljanske vojne. Škof Gregorij Rožman je skupaj s približno 200 duhovniki in tisoči drugih državljanov ob koncu vojne v strahu pred komunističnim nasiljem zapustil Slovenijo in osamljen umrl v izgnanstvu. Težko je bilo posebej po vojni. Jugoslovanski škofje so v pastirskem pismu 20. septembra 1945 ostro kritizirali vlado zaradi njenega odnosa do katoliške Cerkve in družbenih sprememb. Posledica je bila hudo preganjanje duhovnikov: 123 duhovnikov je bilo ubitih, skoraj tisoč je bilo zaprtih ali obsojenih, cerkveno premoženje je bilo nacionalizirano, leta 1952 verouk je bil v šolah prepovedan in ukinjene so bile vse cerkvene šole. Teološka fakulteta pa je bila izključena z Univerze v Ljubljani. Preganjanje je doseglo vrh 20. januarja leta 1952, ko so v Novem mestu na železniški postaji zažgali tedanjega ljubljanskega škofa Antona Vovka. Čeprav je preživel, si ni nikoli opomogel. Tudi njegov kasnejši naslednik dr. Jožef Pogačnik je bil kot ljubljanski stolni kanonik zaprt več kot pet let. K pravični osvetlitvi dela škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana in njegove vloge med 2. svetovno in državljansko vojno je veliko prispevala knjiga zgodovinarjev dr. Tamare Griesser Pečar in dr. Franceta Martina Dolinarja o Rožmanovem procesu. Na podlagi ekspertiz dveh zgodovinarjev, ki sta pregledala ohranjeno dokumentacijo sodnega procesa proti škofu Rožmanu, je bila ugotovljena ne le vrsta nepravilnosti v sodnem postopku, ampak tudi, da obtožbe na Rožmanov račun ne držijo. Na sedanji razstavi Boj proti veri in Cerkvi v Muzeju novejše zgodovine pa je razvidno, da so bila tedanja sodišča do Cerkve pristranska in sovražno nastrojena. Razsodba Vrhovnega sodišča Republike Slovenije v kazenski zadevi zoper obsojenega škofa, msgr. dr. Gregorija Rožmana, in ostale zaradi kaznivih dejanj zoper ljudstvo in državo, pomeni razbremenitev ljubljanske nadškofije in Cerkve na Slovenskem po dolgi ideološki vojni, ki je trajala vse od leta 1945 naprej. (DALJE na str. 13) Izpod zvona Marije Vnebovzete CLEVELAND, O. - V naši župniji je veliko življenja. V začetku oktobra smo imeli kosilo našega Oltarnega društva, ki je lepo uspelo. Vsem, ki so v kuhinji in drugače pomagale. Dan je bil lep. Hvala vsem obiskovalcem kosila. V dneh 26. in 27. oktobra je bilo delanje krofov, kar je bila zopet lepa zasedba pri delu in prodaji. Hvala vsem. Med vsemi mašami v soboto popoldan in v nedeljo, 3. in 4. novembra, bo obred sv. maziljenja v naši cerkvi. Za bolnike, starejše in za pred operacijo je to v pomoč v vztrajno zaupanje v Boga in okrepitev moči proti vsemu slabemu. Po-služite se tega zakramenta! To nedeljo (4. nov.) bo maša ob 10. uri za vse žive in pokojne članice Oltarnega društva, popoldne ob dveh bo ura molitve pred Najsvetejšim in nato spomin vseh naših članic, ki so odšle od lanskega vsesvetnega praznika v večna bivališča. Sledila bosta blagoslov in sestanek v Slovenski sobi. Pridite! V soboto in nedeljo (10. in 11. nov.) bo evharistična pobožnost v naši cerkvi. Vsi smo vabljeni, da se udeležimo obiska Najsvetejšega, saj bo pred nami Jezus v sv. hostiji čakal, da Ga obiščemo. Naš jesenski festival bo v nedeljo, 18. novembra od 2. pop. do 7. zv. V petek pop. in v soboto dop. (16. in 17. nov.) bo zopet delanje krofov in prodaja domačega peciva. Povabljeni na to ste vsi, kakor tudi na nedeljski festival. S skupno močjo pomagajmo naši župniji Mariji Vnebovzeti, ki nas vsako jutro Marija lepo sprejme, ko pridemo k maši ter nam pomaga v naših težavah. Vsem čitateljem prav lep pozdrav! Lavriševa PrijateFs Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Pesmi inMeloaije EDI MEf.vC Vbfyr ftiifyrihf Dnuini WCSB89.» M Ntdefr 10 im Sredi 6-7 pm iz NaSe Lepe Slovenije Radiji ki Družina CZnvbnri JHMSJ-ITWtujr« wik urww.wab.oig Saturdays 9-IOpm Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FN Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills. Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LjUBLjANA iJ&r- »liy* Mici XocfOK $0 ~ (tC&HrCCO’ Ko zdaj slaviš že osemkrat deseti rojstni dan, želimo vse najboljše Ti, predraga slavljenka, Mici Kocjan. S Teboj se Tone veseli, ta možek Tvoj, kot boljših ni. In hčerka, vzorna ta učiteljica in nagrajena upraviteljica ter njena dobra sfestrica Ti z žlahto vso iz dna srca želi: še mnogo srečnih let in dni. Res je: Pozabljaš, Mici, vse, kar pretrpiš. Življenja se hvaležno veseliš — prijazna, vdana, vedrega srca: Nič čudnega, da vsak Te rad ima. Nad Tabo vedno Mati božja naj bedi, Ti zdravja daje, sreče in moči in v zlatih letih vseh nadlog naj varuje Te ljubi Bog! Mož Tone z družino, sestra Štefka, vsi sorodniki, Pristavski upokojenci in drugi prijatelji Vrhovno sodišče razveljavilo (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 12) šlo za totalitarno vojaško sodišče, ki je služilo interesom tedanje komunistične oblasti v želji uničiti Cerkev. Za Cerkev na Slovenskem razsodba pomeni pomemben korak k normalizaciji odnosov v slovenski družbi, ki jo še toliko let po drugi svetovni vojni obremenjuje ideološka razdeljenost in nestrpnost do Cerkve. Ljudje smo v svoji najgloblji biti naravnani na resnico. In interiore ho-mine habitat veritas, v notranjem človeku biva resnica, je oznanjal sv. Avguštin. Ko človek zgubi zanjo občutek, zgubi tudi kažipot življenja in ne more več jasno razločevati med tem, kaj je dobro in kaj je slabo. Na to dejstvo nas spominja papež Benedikt XVI. v svoji pastirski službi in nam kaže, kako je resnica nevsiljiva, vendar nepogrešljiva luč našega življenja. Resnica je sad neprestanega iskanja, poglobljenega študija, iskrenosti in poštenosti srca, pa tudi prizadevanja Razsodba, ki razveljavlja sodbo montiranega političnega sodnega postopka in vrača zadevo Okrožnemu sodišču v Ljubljani v novo sojenje, končno omogoča korektno razjasnitev vloge, ki jo je imel škof Rožman v težkem in zapletenem času druge svetovne vojne. Prepričani smo, da se bo na podlagi zgodovinskih dejstev medvojno zadržanje ljubljanskega škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana, ki je bilo prav zaradi umetno ustvarjene negativne podobe na sodnem procesu avgusta 1946 za velik del Slovencev vse do sedaj sporno, pokazalo v novi in bolj objektivni luči. Trdno upamo, da se bodo prenehali tudi krivični napadi na njegovo osebnost, ki smo jim priče vse do danes. Še enkrat torej izražam zadovoljstvno nad razsodbo Vrhovnega sodišča, ki je s tem opozorilo na številne pravne pomanjkljivosti v sojenju škofu Rožmanu, saj je PAVLE BORŠTNIK KOMENTAR - MIROVNA POGODBA - (Ob prazniku Vseh svetih) PERRY, O. - V govoru na letošnji proslavi pokola slovenskih domobrancev v Kočevskem Rogu, je prof. Justin Stanovnik, predsednik Nove slovenske zaveze (NSZ), izjavil, da je za rešitev in konec še vedno trajajoče slovenske državljanske vojne potrebna - mirovna pogodba. In res je tako, tudi če upoštevano nezapL sano pravilo,, da se nobena državljanska vojna v resnici ne konča. Toda prišel je čas, ko se mora Slovenija odločiti: ali se bo ta vojna nadaljevala skozi prihodnje generacije, ali pa bo zaključena z neko “mirovno pogodbo”, ki naj bi Slovenijo rešila sedanje more. Razkol, ki ga je med nami povzročila komunistična revolucija v letih 1941-45, je namreč tako globok, da se upira celo naravnim biološkim dejavnikom, ki odpremljajo stare generacije v zgodovinsko pozabo in vpeljujejo na narodno sceno nove, mlajše rodove, na videz neobremenjene s preteklostjo. Žal, tega ne moremo reči za Slovenijo, zato ji je v resnici potrebna -mirovna pogod-ba. Morda bi se zgledovali po preteklosti: brez mirovne vojne se je končala boljševiška revolucija v Rusiji. Šele padec komunizma je tej orjaški državi odprl pot v nova obzorja, ki pa so še vedno preprezena s spomini na preteklost, izbruhi neporavnanega sovraštva in temu sledečo nejasnost položaja Rusije v današnjem svetu. Isto negotovost lahko brez vsakih težav opazujemo v naši lastni državi - Sloveniji. Včasih se človeku zdi, posebej, če razvoj opazuje iz neke perspektive, da se v resnici ni nič spremenilo, samo klanje je bilo ustavljeno, sovraštvo pa cvete neomejeno in neobrzdano, kar vse se drastično izkazuje v slovenskem dnevnem tisku in drugih komunikacijskih sredstvih. Žrtve revolucije so še vedno prav to: nepriznana trupla “gnijo po poljih, v bojih pokončana” in v kraških jamah Kočevskega Roga in opuščenih rudniških jaških našega Zasavja. Vsi klici po neki pravičnejši rešitvi te sramotne situacije, se izgubijo v hrupu nasprotne propagande, ki operira z istimi gesli, pod katerimi so te žrtve padle in umrle. Iz preteklosti pa se oglašajo drugi glasovi: Ko bo plamenica izročena v druge roke, na druge ljudi, na druge generacije, naj ne pozabijo, če jim kri kdajkoli spet zavre in jih še enkrat vzpodbudi k nestrpnosti, sovraštvu in uničevanju, naj ne pozabijo in se spomnijo na padle in prisluhnejo njihovemu nauku: nauku tistih, ki so hrabro padli v bitkah, ko so se srčno bojevali za svoje ideale in ki zdaj, v varnem naročju domače zemlje ne čutijo nobenega sovraštva, nobene jeze in nam s svetlo, utripajočo lučjo mirno in oddaljeno, kot zvezde, sporočajo naročilo večne domovine: Mir, Usmiljenje in Odpuščanje.” Te besede je rojakom iz političnega pregnanstva poslal Manuel Azana, zadnji predsednik španske republike, 18. julija 1938, ko so po Španiji še odmevali poslednji streli revolucionarnega nasilja. Ko se je končala bratomorna vojna v Ameriki, aprila 1865, sta se oba poveljujoča generala: Ulysses Grant iz Združenih držav in Robert E. Lee iz Konfederatskih držav, sestala na bojišču. Grant je Leeja presenetil z velikodušnimi pogoji vdaje, ki so zaščitili Leejeve vojake pred vsakršnim maščevanjem ali kaznijo za uporno vztrajanje v vojni, obenem pa jim dovoljevala, da so se vrnili na svoje domove s svojimi konji, ki so v tistih časih pomenili nujno potrebno delovno silo na farmah. Iz te, neformalne, “mirovne pogodbe”, je potem zrasla moderna Amerika, čeprav se odmevi državljanske vojne tudi v Ameriki še vedno oglašajo ob določenih prilikah in spominih. “Vrnite se na svoje domove,” je dejal Lee svojim vojakom, “v polni zavesti, da ste častno opravili svojo dolžnost, zato prosim Vsemogočnega, da vam nakloni svoj blagoslov in svojo zaščito.” Tako zaključujejo svoje spore - zreli narodi. Tako zaključujejo svoje spore - civilizirani narodi. Čas je, da mednje vstopimo tudi mi - Slovenci. ■ in truda vsakega človeka. Jezus Kristus je resnico oznanjal s tem, da je svoje življenje iz ljubezni daroval Očetu za življenje sveta. Naj nam tudi ta zgodovinski trenutek pomaga razmišljati o temeljnih vprašanjih našega življenja in medsebojnih odnosih ter vzpodbuja naprej iskanje v službi resnice, pravičnosti in ljubezni.” NOVI GLAS Trst, 18. oktobra 2007 Z Ameriško Domovino pokrivamo slovenski svet I I Demokracija Tedenska revija Demokracija! Približajte si domovino svojih prednikov! Želite na 74 straneh izvedeti, kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji, zamejstvu in med Slovenci po svetu? Naročite revijo Demokracija! Z njo bo Slovenija prišla v vaš dom. Demokracija razkriva preteklost, opisue in analizira sedanjost. Mesečna naročnina na revijo, ki vključuje tudi letalsko poštnino, ie 23.66 USD. Revijo lahko naročite po elektronski pošti: narocnine@demokraciia.si ali na telefon: + 386 1 230 06 66. Priporočajmo se škofu Baragu! Vabljivi hazard Ljubljanski pomožni škof Anton Jamnik na Baragovih dnevih v mestu Sauit Ste. Marie Letošnji Baragovi dnevi so bili od 29. do 30. septembra v mestu Sauit Ste. Marie, Michigan, ki je s svojim zgornjim delom zagozdena med tri velika jezera: Huronsko, Michigansko in Veliko jezero, samo mesto Sauit Ste. Marie pa je ob prehodu Velikega v Huronsko jezero. Že smo poročali o namenu velikega ameriškega podjetja Harrah’s International za gradnjo tkim. mega zabavišča na Primorskem, konkretneje v Novi Gorici. Gradili naj bi več objektov, investirali pa kar kakih 800 milijonov dolarjev. Projekt je postal zelo sporen ne samo na Primorskem, marveč tudi v Sloveniji sami. Podjetje želi določene davčne ugodnosti in so bili signali, da bi bila vlada pripravljena le-te predlagati parlamentu, kjer seveda ima zanesljivo večino. Vendar so se mnogi dvignili proti temu projektu, zlasti na Primorskem samem. Tem protestom se je med drugimi pridružila tržaška slovenska revija Mladika in se je v svoji rubriki “Pod črto” v št. 7 (avgust) 2007 takole izrazila: Igralništvo je Nova Gorica, pravzaprav vsa Slovenija, podedovala od Jugoslavije oziroma od socialističnega sistema, ki si ni pomišljal pri izbiri sredstev, da je le prilil devize v svoje majavo gospodarstvo. Vprašanje je sicer, kam so šla takrat pridobljena sredstva, saj je znano, da je denar vsak večer romal preko meje kar v kovčkih, očitno ne na najbolj legalen način. V prvem povojnem času se je isti sistem poslužil tudi dosti manj korektnih potez - da ne rečemo nemoralnih -, ko je postavil na noge najmočnejšega slovenskega avtoprevoznika in še kaj drugega. Pomagal si je s tihotapljenjem cigaret in mamil. Ampak to je preteklost. Danes je Slovenija samostojna in mora popravljati posledice napak preteklega režima, ter pospešiti svoj razvoj. Za to potrebuje sredstva in tuje naložbe, ki pa jih je doslej privabila bolj malo. Zato je razumljivo, da je slovenske gospodarske in politične kroge zamikala ameriška ponudba za mega zabavišče v Novi Gorici, čeprav je pravi cilj megaigralnica, ki naj bi privabila trume ljubiteljev hazarda od vsepovsod. S tem bi slovenska država potrdila politiko prejšnjega režima, ki se ni ozirala na človeka in njegove hibe. Igralništvo, ki bi bilo lahko tudi skoraj neboleča zabava, če bi ostalo v sferi zmernosti, nujno pahne določen odstotek ljudi v hudo odvisnost, ki je povod za kup nesreč in velikokrat tudi pravih družinskih tragedij. Poleg tega dobesedno privablja pranje denarja sumljivega izvora in ljudje, ki se s tem ukvarjajo, niso vzori človeške brezhibnosti. Slovenija je že zdaj prenasičena z igralnicami, ki so vzrok nezadovoljstva v sosednjih deželah. Pristati na megaigralniško naložbo bi pomenilo dokončno preusmeriti del svojega nevelikega teritorija v zelo specifično kakor tudi negotovo dejavnost brez pravih jamstev za prihodnost in usodno prizadeti socialno tkivo prebivalstva. Poleg tega bi tak zabaviščni center terjal novo delovno silo, morda celo tujo, da ne govorimo o prostituciji in oderuhih, ki se kot klop držijo igralnic. Preveč senc meče igralništvo na obe strani meje, da bi lahko nanj mirno pristajali. Ljubljana - Mesto je bilo tudi prvi sedež Baragove škofije, ki je bila ustanovljena pred 150 leti, in sicer 9. januarja 1857, v maju 1866 pa so sedež škofije prestavili v Marquette, ki leži približno na sredini škofije in je bolj dostopno po vodi kot tudi po cesti in železnici. Kraj je dobil ime po najbolj znanem jezuitskem misijonarju iz 17. stoletja Mar-quettu. Molimo za Baragovo beatifikacijo Udeležba na dnevih je bila zelo številna. Poleg domačinov smo prišli Slovenci iz Hamiltona, Chicaga, Milwaukeeja, Du-lutha, Indianapolisa, Connecticuta, Wisconsina, Clevelanda, Toronta in iz drugih krajev. Ker so tukaj razdalje precejšnje, je večina potovala ves dan. Ko smo se namestili, smo se zbrali v cerkvi sv. Jožefa pri maši. Somaševanje je vodil ljubljanski pomožni škof dr. Anton Jamnik ob navzočnosti domačega škofa A. K. Sampla in nekaterih duhovnikov. Maša je bila v slovenskem jeziku in prav tako tudi ljudsko petje. V BLAG SPOMIN PETE OBLETNICE Odkar nas je zapustil ljubi mož, brat, stric in svak IVAN NOVAK Umrl 8. novembra 2002. Zakaj usoda posega tja, kjer je najmanj zaželena, vzame ti, kar si imel najraje in ti dodeli osamljenost, polno spominov. Žalujoči: Žena Maria v Sloveniji sestri Angela in Terezija, nečakinji in nečak ter ostalo sorodstvo. Cerkev je bila polna kot le redkokdaj. Škof Jamnik je homiliji poudaril, da je 150. obletnica ustanovitve škofije priložnost, da se še posebej zazremo v svetniško poslanstvo škofa Baraga in molimo za njegovo čimprejšnjo beatifikacijo. Baraga je bil poln zaupanja v Boga, bil je človek molitve ter velik častilec evharistije in Božje Matere Marije. Prav to mu je dajalo moči, da je v vsakem človeku skušal odkrivati božjo podobo, tudi v vseh tistih, ki so mu nasprotovali in ga ovirali pri njegovem misijonskem delu. Vdano je prenašal trpljenje in ga daroval za svoje vernike. Škof Jamnik se je vsem Slovencem, ki so se množično zbrali pri maši, zahvalil za zvestobo Kristusu, jeziku, kulturi in temu, da so ponosni na svoje korenine, iz katerih rastejo. Vse zbrane je povabil k molitvi za Baragovo beatifikacijo, škofa Sampla in V UUBEČ SPOMIN OB 15. OBLETNICI NAŠE DRAGE MAME IN STARE MAME JOŽEFA KUHAR (ROJ. REBOLJ) Umrla 4. novembra 1992 LJUBLJENA MAMA! Za vse dobro Vam nihče plačati ne more, zato upamo, da ste prišteta v nebeških zborih! Žalujoči: Alojzij, Bogomir, Frančišek in Stane - sinovi Marcy in Metka - snahi Uršula Marija - vnukinja Andrej, Benjamin, Marko in Niko - vnuki ter ostali sorodniki v Argentini, Sloveniji in Ameriki upokojenega škofa Gar-landa pa prosil, da storita vse, kar je v njuni moči, da bi ta postopek (po dveh poročilih o čudežu, poslanih v Rim) hitreje stekel. Po indijanskih pesmih so zadonele tudi slovenske Po bogoslužju smo se zbrali v casinu Sauit Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indiana, ki ga vodijo Indijanci, na večerji in kulturnem programu, pri katerem so sodelovali tudi domorodci. Mlada skupina The Pride Drum of The Bay Mills Boys and Girls Club so začeli program z u-darjanjem na boben in petjem, dekleta pa s plesom. Potem sta Jessica Dakota, mlada članica Native American Community of Assinins, in p. John Hascall, župnik župnije St. Isaac v Sauit Ste. Marie, na flavto in violino zaigrala in zapela nekaj pristnih indijanskih pesmi. Drugi del programa pa je oblikovala skupina pevcev in igralcev iz kraja Duluth v Minnesoti. Dobro uro so prepevali slovenske pesmi in čeprav so druga ali tretja generacija, so nas vse razveselili z lepo izgovorjavo slovenščine in navdušenim petjem in igranjem. Vsi so bili oblečeni v slovenske narodne noše, oder pa so okrasili s slovenskimi dežniki. Program so popestrili še najmlajši člani skupine s prisrčno pesmico. V nedeljo so nam v cerkvi sv. Jožefa članice pripravile dober zajtrk, potem pa smo se odpravili na dopoldanski izlet na otok Sugar Island, kjer je Baraga leta 1856 zgradil cerkev Holy Angels in je še sedaj v uporabi. Zanjo skrbi ena od bližnjih družin. V cerkvi smo lahko videli oblačila, ki jih je uporabljal škof Baraga, predstavili pa so tudi njegovo delo in položaj prebivalcev otoka, ki je dobil ime po tod bogatih gozdovih javorja, iz katerega so Indijanci pridobivali sladko tekočino, iz katere so pridelovali sladkor. Pridružila sta se nam tudi škofa Jamnik in Sample in preizkusila zven zvonika. ki je dolga leta vabil domačine k bogoslužju. Nedeljsko bogoslužje smo obhajali v prvotni stolnici Holy Name of Mary v mestu Sauit Ste. Marie. Prva cerkev je bila na tem mestu zgrajena že leta 1868. (Glede na sledeči stavek, se zdi tu pomota v datumu, op. ur. AD) Leta 1857 pa je postala prva stolnica, ko je Vatican postavil Friderika Barago za prvega škofa škofije Sauit Ste. Marie. Zdajšnja cerkev je iz leta 1880, nazadnje je bila obnovljena leta 1996 BRALCI! Priporočajte naš list! v lepem slikovitem neogotskem slogu. Škof Baraga bi bil lahko zavetnik evangelizacije Somaševanje je vodil domači škof Alexander K. Sample ob škofih Jamesu H. Garlandu in Antonu Jamniku in drugih duhovnikih in diakonih. Tokrat je petje vodil domači zbor. Za začetek in konec šo Indijanci zaigrali in zapeli ob ritmu velikega bobna,- Škof je med homilijo poudaril, kako zelo je škof Baraga častil sv. Jezusovo ime. Poudaril je pomen imena v Svetem pismu Stare in Nove (DALJE na str. 15) Jože Bernik je dobil tožbo proti časopisni hiši Mladina Revizija je bila zavrnjena Po desetih letih sodnih postopkov je z zavrnitvijo revizije Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije dalo prav Jožetu Berniku, ki je toži! Mladino, ker je o njem pisala, da je bii sodelavec Gestapa. Bogdan Sajovic DEMOKRACIJA (Ljubljana, 11. X. 2007) Po desetih letih sodnih postopkov se je pred Vrhovnim sodiščem Republike Slovenije v Ljubljani končala zasebna odškodninska tožba, ki jo je zasebni tožilec dr. Jože Bernik (v njegovem imenu odvetnik Jože Hribernik) vložil proti časopisnemu podjetju' Mladina. Petčlanski sodni senat vrhovnih sodnikov je zavrnil revizijo, ki jo je tožena stranka. Mladina, podala na sodbo Višjega sodišča v Ljubljani. S tem je dalo prav zasebnemu tožniku in sodbi je tako pred dnevi postala pravnomočna. Pred desetimi leti se je dr. Bernik pojavil kot eden od kandidatov za predsednika Republike Slovenije. Glede njegove kandidature je bilo dvignjenega precej prahu, še posebno zato. ker je bil Bernik v mladih letih med drugo svetovno vojno pripadnik propagandnega oddelka slovenskih domobrancev. Njegova kandidatura je bila še dodatno spolitizirana, kajti tedanji (in zdajšnji) predsednik Slovenske nacionalne stranke Zmago Jelinčič je izjavil, da “so Bernikovi volivci golazen, ki bi jo morali pospraviti že leta petinštirideset”. Novinarji Mladine so bili malo blažji v svojem mnenju o predsedniškem kandidatu Berniku. V treh številkah Mladine, v 42., 44. in 45. v letu 1997 so izšli trije članki, ki so Bernika označevali kot sodelavca gestapa in kot med gestapovci izšolanega domobranskega propa- V LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob 13. obletnici smrti našega ljubljenega atija, starega ata in prastarega ata Ob 18. obletnici smrti naše ljubljene mame, stare mame in prastare mame JANEZ V A RS EK katerega je Bog poklical k sebi 28. oktobra 1994 JOŽICA VARSEK katero je Bog poklical k sebi 26. januarja 1989 Gomilo Vajino krasimo in molimo za dušni mir, da enkrat srečni se združimo tam kjer je večne sreče vir. Žalujoči: Joži in Blanka (pokojna) - hčerki Rudi Merc in Marjan Tonkli - zeta vnuka in pravnuki ter ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji gandista. Za nameček so ga primerjali tudi z nekdanjim avstrijskim predsednikom Kurtom Wald-heimom. Bernik je ocenil, da mu je neresnično pisanje v Mladini povzročilo škodo, zato je v nekaj tednih vložil odškodninsko tožbo. V njej je zahteval tedanjih pet milijonov tolarjev odškodnine (danes dobrih dvajset tisoč evrov), poleg tega pa za približno dva tisoč pet sto evrov (tedaj malo manj kot šeststo tisoč tolarjev) sodnih stroškov. Prvostopenjsko sodišče je Bernikov odškodninski zahtevek zavrnilo. Opiralo se je namreč na dejstvo, da je bil Bernik res domobranski propagandist, poleg tega pa se je na začetku leta 1945 udeležil enodnevnega tečaja propagandistov v Kranju, ki ga je organiziral ges-tapo. Višje sodišče meni drugače Na Bernikovo pritožbo je Višje sodišče v Ljubljani razsodilo prav nasprotno. Ne glede na to, da je bil Bernik domobranski propagandist, so menili višji sodniki, ni izkazan noben dokaz za trditev, da ga je izšolal gestapo, prav tako pa tudi ni nobenega dokaza, da bi bil Bernik med vojno gestapovski sodelavec. Trditve v članku je sodišče označilo kot močno pretirane. Pri tem ni zanemarljivo dejstvo, da je gestapo Bernika pred koncem vojne, ker je napovedoval poraz nacistične Nemčije, celo aretiral. Trditve v časopisu so višji sodniki ocenili kot žaljive za tožnika, zato so razsodili njemu v prid. Mladina je nato podala zahtevo za revizijo na Vrhovno sodišče RS, to pa je ugotovilo, da so višji sodniki razsodili korektno in se pri tem ozirali na vse okoliščine, zato je zahtevo za revizijo zavrnilo. ■ Škof BARAGA (nadaljevanje s str. 14) zaveze. Baraga se je tega zelo zaveda, zato je hotel, da bi tudi drugi spoznali to Jezusovo ime, živeli po njem in bili v tem imenu tudi rešeni. Vsakemu je hotel prinesti Cerkev in Jezusa. Evharistija je bila za Barago vir moči za oznanjevanje. Baraga bi bil lahko zavet- nik vseh, ki delajo na področju evangelizacije. Upajmo, da ga bo tudi Cerkev kmalu povzdignila na oltar, potrebno pa je, da se mu priporočamo v molitev. Škof Baraga mi je pomagal pri odločitvi za duhovništva Spregovoril je tudi škof A. K. Sample in povedal, kako se je začela njegova duhovniška pot leta 1986, ko se je šel vpisat v semenišče. Peljal se je mimo kipa F. Barage in se mu priporočil, da bi se odločil za pravo poklicno pot. Zanimivo je, da so ga že kmalu po posvečenju naprosili, če bi lahko raziskoval čudeže. Tako se je natančneje seznanil z Baragovim postopkom. Od leta 1995 je tudi voditelj komisije, ki pripravlja Baragove dneve. To pa še ni bilo vse. Novembra 2005 je dobil telefonsko sporočilo, da ga kličejo še k pomembnejši službi, to je v službo škofa in Baragovega naslednika. Najprej je šel na grob F. Barage in tam dolgo molil in se mu priporočil. Potem ko je postal škofa, pa si je zadal nalogo, da bo F. Barago povzdignil, da bo dosegel čast oltarja, četudi bo potrebno pogosto romati v Rim, da bi zadeve pri komisiji, ki odloča, ne zastale. Drago Gačnik DRUŽINA. 14. okt. 2007 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! MMŠ/fš/ has a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! Tim SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense Insurance and level premiums. There are no medical Beams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800-843-5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. "I used to set a 1099 for my Bank CD, until I found KSK1 MlVCAU SIOrtWlAM CaJUOUC Me,/ 40LC fVuhiCtl Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gjave me options so 1 would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, kskj Life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near youl ■KM, DjwM,: ftr U rtxrl'n. on • >.«•» (Mr. Mu rr* chr«« ■rtlwut reUia. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1611. - Že v aprilu se je oglasil misijonar p. Hugo Delčnjak iz Francoske Gvineje: “Draga gospa! Vaše pismo je rabilo kar nekaj časa, a je prišlo v prave roke. Prisrčna hvala za vse dobre želje in Bog povrni vsem radodarnim dobrotnikom, ki tako zvesto in velikodušno pomagate misijonarjem. Res, Cerkev se gradi z molitvijo, a za delovanje potrebuje tudi materialna sredstva, zato je radodarnost vernikov še kako dragocena in potrebna. Tukaj v Sunnamary so najbolj pomoči potrebni prišleki iz Brazilije, Surinama in Haitija. Ker so brez dokumentov ne morejo dobiti ne dela ne podpore. Ti so res v velikih stiskah in teh je veliko, pač po besedah našega Gospoda: “Reveže boste imeli vedno med vami!” Še enkrat prisrčna hvala za pomoč Vam in vsem dobrotnikom. Želim Vam trdno zdravje in vse dobro.” V juniju sem prejela pismo od misijonarke, usmiljenke s. Vide Gerkman, ki deluje v Burundiju: “Spoštovana! Po šestih letih dela sem se odločila, da grem domov na dopust. Tako sva s s. Bogdano Kavčič v Sloveniji. Ne delava skupno na istem misijonu. Sama delam v Burundiju že 10 let, preje pa 18 let v Rwandi. Delam v zdravstvu in kar še spada v teh razmerah. Popravljanje stavb nas je veliko stalo in jih bo še treba. Za delo je bilo treba usposobiti ljudi, ker tu na deželi je težko dobiti prave delavce. Poskrbeti je treba za redno dobavo zdravil, materiala, hrane, obleke, šolskih potrebščin. V vsakem misijonu je delo zelo zahtevno, razgibano in sreča, da nas je v skupnosti šest sester, vsaka z različnim znanjem in sposobnostmi. Velik problem so neurejene, razbite družine, sirote in otroci, ki so izgubili starše radi vojne bolezni -malarije, tuberkuloze, aidsa itd. Otrok in mladine je tu ogromno. Kot za državo, je tudi za nas misijonarje vprašanje - kako tej mladini omogočiti preživetje, šolo študij, zaposlitev, človeka vredno življenje, ko so možnosti tako majhne. Pri nas imamo navado, da enkrat na mesec darujemo sv. mašo za vse dobrotnike. Takrat še posebno mislimo na vas vse. Marija Brezmadežna naj nas povezuje v eno duhovno občestvo. Vam hvaležen pozdrav, sestra Vida!” Vsak misijonar se po svoje trudi in lajša težave v njegovi okolici. Vse se zatekajo pred tabernakelj in Jezusa prosijo za pomoč in modrost. Naj jim pomaga naša molitev, da ne omagajo na strmi poti proti večnosti. Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN STANISLA V IN MARIJA MR V A „ . 13. obletnica 25. obletnica umrl 19. nov. 1982 umrla 23. okt. 1994 Gospod, daruj jim mir, naj večna luč jim sveti; ker si dobrote vir; uživajo raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: Stane in Tone Mrva z družinama, sinova Marinka Tominc z družino, hčerka ter ostalo sorodstvo. Že dva meseca je minilo, kar je Nebeški Oče poklical dobrega služabnika Vinka Vrhovnika v večnost. Odšel je po svoje plačilo za vsa dobra dela, ki jih ni bilo malo. Bil je' tudi dobrotnik misijonov, kjer je zelo z veseljem pomagal pri kosilu in pikniku. Nebešča-ni so ga bili veseli, mi ga bomo pa pogrešali. Naj se veseli v božjem kraljestvu in še nam pomaga pri misijonskem delu tu v zaledju je naša želja! Par dobrotnikov se je oglasilo s svojim darom: N.N. (za Rev. Izidor Grošelj) $500; Jelka Kuhel, v spomin moža Franka, $100; M. Lavriša (v spomin na V. Vrhovnika za Rev. L. Podgrajška) $50; Sonja Glagola (v spomin stare mame Ane) $10. Naša blagajničarka Kristi Nemec odide v Argentino za nekaj časa in bo njeno delo nadaljevala ga. Mari Zupančič, 2120 Country Dr., Wickliffe, OH 44092. Draga Kristi! Želimo Ti lepo potovanje in veliko dobrega v novem svetu, ki je tudi misijonsko na mnogih predelih. Bog s Teboj! Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih in... Marice Lavriše 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 V zvest in hvaležen spomin pokojni Frances Dragan MILWAUKEE, Wis. - V sredo, 29. avgusta, smo se slovenski rojaki iz Milwaukeeja poslovili od Frances Dragan, roj. Winkler, med nami dobro poznana in vsem močno priljubljene, globoko verne in zavedne slovenske žene in matere. Po sv. maši zadušnici pri fari sv. Janeza smo jo spremili na pokopališče "Oljsko goro” k večnemu počitku. Iskreno, sožalje izražamo sinu Robertu in njegovi družini. Pokojno Frances sem spoznala kmalu nato, ko sem se z družino vključila v slovensko skupnost, potem, ko smo se po petih letih bivanja v begunskih . taboriščih v Italiji in Nemčiji, preselili v Združene države. Prva, bridka leta v novi deželi, ko so se nas mnogi rojaki neprijazno in nezaupno izogibali, nam je iskreno dobra in ljubezniva Frances na široko odprla svojo plemenito srčno dobroto in nam s svojim možem Jožetom olajšala začetne težave v velikem, tujem svetu. Takrat sem tudi izvedela za njeno življenjsko zgodbo. Winklerjevi so živeli v Milwaukeeju že pred prvo svetovno vojno, ko se je oče odločil, da se z družino vrne v domači kraj. Tam so doživeli in preživeli strahotna vojna leta. Na god sv. Frančiška, leta 1916, se je rodila mala Francka. Po končani vojni in srečni očetovi vrnitvi iz vojske, se je družina vrnila v Milwaukee, kjer je Fran- ces živela vse svoje, večkrat truda polno, pa vendar z lepimi uspehi kronano, življenje. Pokojna Frances je bila članica in velika dobrotnica mnogih slovenskih organizacij, predvsem društva “Triglav", kamor je tako rada prihajala in s svojo naravno in odkrito prijaznostjo z nami delila prelepe dneve v triglavskem parku, vesele in srečne spomine, ki padejo globoko v srce in tam ostanejo. Bila je pobudnica in ustanoviteljica folklorne plesne skupine pri V blag in nepozaben spomin ob prvi obletnici mojega moža ANTON CRNIC Umrl je 6. novembra 2006 Ostra temna črta je zarezala v življenje, da je postala pokrajina bolečine in žalosti. Stojim nema in brez moči, da bi stopila onstran, kamor je odšel moj najdražji. Nobena beseda nas ne more več združiti. Le misel, da je bilo z njim nekoč lepo, me naj pomaga tolažiti. Ostal mi bo v lepem in trajnem spominu. Žalujoča žena Slavica sv. Janezu “Slovenski nagelj”, s katero je navdušeno nastopala v mnogih ameriških mestih, mednarodnih kulturnih prireditvah, večkrat tudi na televizijskih programih. Vse življenje je bila naročena na Ameriško Domovino, ki jo je z velikim veseljem prebirala prav do svojega zemeljskega slovesa. Bila je pravi samouk bogate narodne zakladnice slovenske književnosti: dobro je poznala Prešernove in Gregorčičeve poezije, spremljala je Finžgarja na njegovih potovanjih in večkrat prebirala Mausar-jev življenjepis o svetniškem škofu Baragu, kar jo je vedno navdajalo s ponosom in navdušenim občudovanjem. Ob 50. obletnici društva “Triglav” je še zadnjikrat sodelovala v svoji lepi, slovenski narodni noši pri sprevodu, pri slovesnem bogoslužju in pri kulturnem programu kot slovenska predica za kolovratom. V zadnjih letih je večkrat potrebovala zdravniško pomoč. Svojo bolezen je, vdana v božjo voljo, potrpežljivo prenašala, vendar se po zadnji operaciji ni več opomogla. Mi vsi, ki smo Frances poznali, z njo delali, z njo v cerkev hodili, z njo živeli, vsi, ki smo jo zares radi imeli, jo bomo ohranili v lepem in trajnem spominu. Lepo se Ti zahvalimo za prelep vzgled in za vse dobro, ki si nam ga tako radodarno razdajala. Dobri naš Gospod naj Ti obilno povrne. Prijatejica V blag spomin John Yesenko Umrl 10. novembra 2002 Res na svetu vse minljivo je, a spomin na Tebe, dragi, ne zamre. Odšel za vedno si od nas. Vsa radost, sreča je s teboj odšla. Žalujoča mama Slavi vnukinji Shelli in Debi