Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Amiric 89S6-L80W HO AddSd 133yis OIHO 8868 NOHVIAPW NVIdVlAI Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Pust, Polenšek Rescue Slovenian Maiden from Dungeon of Cleveland City Hall by DAN HARKINS ___ Free Times To look at her today, it’s easy to see how she kept getting lost in all the clutter of city business, covered in plastic in the humid and gloomy sub-basement at Cleveland City Hall, tucked behind a row of half-filled oil drums and the tiny, narrow door for room 77 that couldn’t help but give her a little smack in the backside every now and again. She’s perhaps the best example of how much the city has lost sight of its proud history, chronicled in a succession of artifacts so scattered across city facilities that nobody seems to know exactly what is out there and where it all came from. When Tone Kralj, one of Slovenian Traditions on U.S. Postage Stamps There is good news for people, especially for American Slovenians, who appreciate the rich history of Slovenian traditions. First class 39 cent U.S. postage stamps, featuring two of the most celebrated holidays: Christmas with Sveti Miklavž (St. Nicholas), and Easter with butare are now available. Butare are typical Slovenian bouquets made with pussy willow branches, various shrubbery with fruits tied with colorful ribbons. Both stamps are from the original artwork of Cleveland Slovenian artist August B. Pust who incorporated many years of research and input of the Slovenian community at large, including Slovenian language schools in Cleveland. Both of the Sveti Miklavž and butare traditions have been alive and perpetuated among our Slovenian families, especially children, for the past half a century. These beautiful full-color stamps, size 1.5 x 2.5 inches, are available 20 stamps per sheet on high gloss paper. They can only be ordered electronically. To order the stamps use the link: www.zazzle.com/gapust Slovenia’s preeminent sculptors and painters, whittled the 42-inch-tall maiden out of a single piece of cherry wood at the end of the 1930s, she surely didn’t look like this. Deep cracks hadn’t i formed along her wind-strewn dress. Mildew and quick-patch repairs hadn’t stained her flanks a sickly pallor. Nary a nick or scrape had combined to give her the haggard look of a Salvation Army hand-me-down. But look close and see her shine: The date engraved in her base, May 15, 1938, is the day she was given to Cleveland by the mayor of sister city Ljubljana. World War II was brewing, and some of her handlers today believe the gift was a blatant effort to remind Cleveland, the home to more Slovenian immigrants than anywhere else on earth, that the homeland might soon become a Nazi sub-nation. The maiden clutches flowers to her chest with her left hand, waves her handkerchief into the sky with the other. Is she waving to family as their ship sails west to freedom? Or maybe she’s the one who’s leaving. No one seems to know for sure. Some clearly don’t care. “Maybe this is not as valuable in America,” surmises Zvone Žigon, Slovenian consulate general, who keeps his office not in Washington, but here in Cleveland. “But for Slovenians, this would be of big symbolic and financial value. I was definitely surprised by this. That’s the only polite word I can use.” By all accounts, the statue was proudly displayed at City Hall for many years, but US. ZAZZU.COM *0*»i XrrirtoartJrt August Pust and Charles Gliha inspect the maiden rescued from Cleveland City Hall basement nit some time after George ^ / Au Voinovich began serving his * / j* decade-long stint as Cleveland mayor in 1980, the statue was discovered in a cluttered basement room. Voinovich is Serbian, so when he heard the story of the statue and how it hailed from another former Yugoslavian territory, he was both intrigued outraged. August Pust, a Slovenian who served as chief of international relations and multiculturalism under Voinovich, says his former boss didn’t let it out of his sight after that. “We immediately cleaned it up and he put it up right next to his working table in US. ZAZZLC.COM »M *4 • *£»'*« * nr Sveti Miklavž Butare - Velikanoe ie mayor’s office,” remem-ered Pust, who performed the same job for Voinovich and Taft in the governor’s office. “So everybody immediately was introduced not just to the city of Cleveland when they came there, but to his heritage and to the heritage of many Clevelanders. How it could happen again, I don’t know. WHAT’S KNOWN IS that Voinovich handed the keys to Mike White, who apparently saw nothing but a battered old statue when he was having his offices renovated near the end of his final term, around the turn of the new century. By the time Jane Campbell took over in 2002, the maiden had vanished again. But no one noticed until last summer, when Slovenia’s prime minister traveled to Cleveland to celebrate 15 years of Slovenian independence. Councilman Mike Polenšek, another proud Slovenian, wanted to know where the maiden had gone. He put the feelers out, and a janitor found her in the basement again, far worse for wear. (Continued on page^) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel- - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published three issues per month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 10 April 5, 2007 A Wedding Toast Here’s to lying, cheating, stealing, and drinking. If you lie, may you lie together. If you cheat, may you cheat the devil. If you steal, may you steal each other’s hearts. And if you drink, may we all drink to your happiness. Happy Easter-Vesela — Velika Noč DiDonato Funeral Home Jeff DiDonato, owner Tom Corrigan, Harlan Saxton, Lloyd Rankin 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, OH (216) 481-5277 Caring - Compassionate - Dedicated to Euclid This and that from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO Will we have a spring fling real soon? I hope so. Happy springtime to all. A belated condolences to Fran and Ed Kamak on the loss of a brother, Joseph Moze. He passed away this past month. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. The husband of Judy Bagwell, Anthony, passed away this past month, at a very early age. Condolences to all family and relatives. Judy is the well known cashier at Sheliga Drug. God be with you. Minor surgery for Milena Gobetz. Wishes for a speedy recovery. The February Wednesday Slovenian National Home held their monthly raffle. We had a great crowd. Beside the money raffle, the Home raffled off wine. Ron Godic did his magic with the food. It was a delicious quiche. Keep us guessing for the next month’s treat. I can hardly wait. I know it will be something terrific. Belated birthday wishes to Ann Opeka. She is a Febru-aiy candidate. A very loyal and active person in all our cultural affairs. Živijo. Get well wishes to Steve Piorkowski who had surgery, but is convalescing at home as is Bill Azman Jr., who is also back behind his meat counter and looking very fit. Our own Gwen Slapnik Washington is also at home with her family. We wish them all a speedy recovery and good health in the future. Want to send my hello’s to all the customers at Shelli’s coffee house and also say hi to Ray and Noreen Skully who come into town every now and then and have lunch with their friends at Shelli’s. Good to see you again. Thanks George Knaus for the dedication on Dale Bučar’s program. Luv ya. He is fortunate to have found a caregiver, M. A. Cassidy. Good luck to both. Had a great time in Fla., Boca Raton, Agnes Koporc and Angie Shine. We wish we had been with you. Enjoy the weather. You never know about Cleveland weather. It changes by the minute. Welcome back. Each year I am requested to assist with the drive for the Heart and March of Dimes Fund. I am happy to report that all the envelopes I mailed were filled. The contributors were tremendous and very generous. “A good cause.” Thank you very much. The gift that keeps on giving. A big hand to Violet Ru-pena for a great job with the balina players at Waterloo. Sounds like fun. I attended the annual meeting of the Croatian Credit Union at the Croatian Center at Route 91 and Lake Shore Blvd. It was so delightful. My table companions were Euclid, OH - Slovenian Singing Society Zarja will present its annual Spring Fling on Saturday, April 28 at the Slovenian Home on Recher Avenue. The performance is entitled Vaudeville III. Zarja had performed two previous Vaudeville Shows about a decade ago. According to the history books, approximately beginning in the 1880s thnx to the 1930s, Vaudeville, a mixture of a dozen acts, magicians, dancers, singers, comedians, etc., tried to bridge the social gap between the upper and lower class of people. Some of the legends of vaudeville West Park Slo On Sunday, April 22, the West Park Slovenian National Home will have an afternoon dance. It will be a fund raiser for repairs to the building, roof, and parking lot. At this time the Home will also recognize Rudy Pivik for his dedicated service to the West Park Slovenian Home for over 40 years. Doors open at 2 p.m. Fred Ziwich Orchestra will begin playing at 3:30. At the first intermission, the Home will very cordial and friendly. The food was very tasty. Many monetary gifts were raffled off, although I wasn’t one of the recipients. Met many people: Linda and Carole Fuduric, Enika Zulic, the artist, Paul Schultz from St. Paul’s church, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Knezevic. So very nice to see old friends. The piece de resistance was the “confetti cake.” Wonderful to the palate and a delight to admire. (To Be Continued.) Abbott and Costello, even Bob Hope started in vaudeville, as a young dancer in a trio. The Zaija Chorus started rehearsals on Jari. 10th, and judging from the music presented to the chorus by Doug Elersich, our Director, the program, although not finalized as yet, will be a winner. We will keep you informed as to the progress. In the meantime mark your calendars and reserve Saturday, April 28 to join Zaija as we start our 91st year of performing. —Jim Kozel Home Dance salute Rudy with his favorite music, the button box. Dick Bennetto of Lorain Radio Station 1380 AM will be the Master of Ceremonies. Admission for the dance is $8. Food and refreshments will be available. Come and join us and show your support to Rudy for his years of service and help us keep the West Park Slovenian Home open. For further information call (216) 433-1941. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster St. Mary Slovenian School Breakfast set for April 15 The St. Mary Slovenian School will host a palčinka breakfast on Sunday, April 15 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon in the parish center. The egg, sausage and crepe breakfast is $7 for adults and $4 for children. Proceeds from the event will go toward the students’ trip to Slovenia this summer. Everyone is cordially invited. Zarja Anticipates Spring Fling are Jolson, Durante, Groucho, • • Update to General Puhlin St. Vitus Capital Improvements Project Listed in today s edition of the Ameriška Domovina/American Home is the summary of the annual report for 2006 regarding the church and parish house roofs and parish capital improvements project for St. Vitus Parish, Cleveland, Ohio. Registered parish households and donors have already received this report. The good news is that nearly 600 of 800 registered parish households have responded and made a contribution to this project, a 75% participation rate. The major exterior work performed and completed included new “rose colored” clay tile roofs for both church and parish house, tuck point work on brick fayade as well as both' chujrch bell towers, replacement of exterior protective glass windows, cleaning of the exterior of the church, new copper metal work, new side church steps, cleaning out of sewer and drain tile lines, and the stripping and painting of the church fence. The major interior church work was repairing damaged plaster and new painting including the church choir stairwell while major interior work for the parish house included dry wall work, stripping and restoring original oak, maple, and pine wooden floors, new wallpaper, new restroom fixtures, and a parish office used primarily for parishioners as well as guests to the parish. The work inside the rectory was the result of a combination of water damage as well as updating the interior to meet current and future parish needs. The last major work in the parish house occurred in the mid-1970s. Both church and parish house roofs were the original roofs already past their 73 years of service. The total cost of the project was $1.78 million. The parish secured a bank loan in the dollar amount of $300,000 to complete this work. As of December 31,2006 half of the loan amount had been paid with a $150,000 outstanding balance. The parish pays $15,000 in principal and interest a quarter each year to pay down this loan amount. St Vitus Parish is thankful and grateful to the many parishioners, friends and benefactors who have faithfully supported this and other parish endeavors. This report is now provided to the general public to ensure accountability for the work completed. Two outstanding tasks in the process of being completed include an interior support railing in the church sanctuary and completion of the final lower church stain glass window for the church’s “Lourdes” grotto. The rendering in this stain glass window will be St. Bernadette. In closing, thank you again to the many parishioners and supporters of St. Vitus Parish. Your continued cooperation and understanding on these matters is greatly appreciated. A Blessed and Happy Easter to All! 3 Summary Paoa: Source« and Uaa of Fund« Sourc9S of Funds Raised Directly Raised Oct 2003-Dec 2004 Directly Raised Jan-Dec 2005 Directly Raised Jan-Dec 2006 Parish summer picnics 2004, 05, and 06: Net Bingo (2003, 1/2 year 2004) Bequeath NJ Gregorich estate Anonymous-for rectory (GN) Anonymous: Mam: Msgr.LB BaznflcChurch Distribution: Endowment Trust 2004 Reimbursement Insurance Proceeds Reimbursement: Blueprints Sals: Estate real prop-FL(for rectory work) Bank Loan Parish MemaLJLoan___________________ LessiBank loan repaid, as of 12/31/06 Total sources of funds: U*9 of Funds Roof &Capital lmprovements:Church Roof &Capital lmprovements:Rectory Capital lmprovements:School/auditorium Miscellaneous work: Other Total funds used: Total Source Funds Raised: Total Source Funds Used: Variance (to date): Bank loan to repay as of 12/31/06: Leas: Varianca Balance remaining;* _____________ •Does not include interest paidAo be paid (loan to mature June 2009 based on principal payment of $15,000 plus Interest _ St-Vltus Roof Prelect Pane S of S Dollar Amt Detail Use: Church/ Dollar Amt $267,452 (Izdatki, Cerkve) $150,179 Printing-Campaign $1,749 $142,039 Postage-Campaign $592 $60,000 Publishing Costs/Advertising $640 $66,100 CPP-Cover:outslde electric wires $4,500 $50,000 Copies-blueprints $767 $100,000 Moving & Storage $200 $100,000 Roof/Metalsmith**** $716,373 $100,000 Exterior/Interior $29,500 Painting-ArtWork $74,484 $200 Exterior Windows $28,775 $208,000 Exterior Church Cleaning(bricks,etc) $34,478 $300,000 Masonry Work $91,853 J$4QCMJ0Q_Msc. Supplies/rental _ $857 ($150 000) Physical Engineer Testing Work $250 Worker Supplies $1,605 $1,823,470 Miscellaneous expenses $28,057 Carpentry/Wood Repair/ Supervision $77.232 ($1,062,412) Church Work Total: $1,062,412 ($495,041) Detail Use (Rectorv:lzdatki Zuonlscal ($185,623) Architect $5,850 ($45.000) Asbestos Removal $1,480 Carpentry/Walls/remove plaster walls/ ($1,788,076) Drywalls/dumpster/linwork $133,615 Exterior Painting $6,675 $1,823,470 Floor Rework $15,134 ($1.788.076) Floor tiles $1,658 Furniture Repair $425 $38,384 Fumitur/Appliac/Cabinets/Fixtur. $55,746 Interior Painting/Wallpaper $63,953 Light fixtures/misc.work $24,074 ($160,000) Moving/Storage $999 $3&3$4 Postal $98 ($114,806) Roof/MetalSmith(copper,lead,etc) .$185.334 Rectory Work Total: $498,041 Detail Use (Wscellaneoua Worfctf (Izdatki, Razno) Drain tile work-church $4,800 DrainTite-School/Auditorium $31,150 Fendng/Park Lot $13,145 Front/Back Entrances $23,086 Painting Work $9,628 Miscellaneous Work $2,692 Asphalt paving and sealing work $8,147 Plumbing $16,748 Repair-auditorium/garages $15,347 Roof work:auditorium/car garages $6ol88Q Miscellaneous Work Total: $185,823 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 Mlakar Walks down Memory Lane « by RAY MLAKAR i-l MM < z > o s o Q >Crt MM a; ? First and foremost my thanks to Jim Debevec and Ray Stopar for publishing the photo of Camp Brecken-ridge “after I cut the grass.” I really hoped, perhaps in vain, that the President back in 1948 would have erected a sign along side the Camp Breckenridge sign that the beautiful grounds, the landscaping was attributed to two fine Slovenians from the Greater Cleveland area. At this time I wish also to congratulate all the fine chosen Slovenians who were honored as the Outstanding Slovenians of their respective Slovenian National Homes. It goes without saying that only through their dedication over the years that has enabled our Slovenian National Homes to continue. Well, I am not going to waste any more time and get on with my column, a heart touching story which I hope will touch your heart as it has mine. Most of all I have to thank none other than Frankie Mlakar, my brother from Erie, PA who sent me this story quite some time back. Perhaps some of my close friends had got this via e-mail from me. I am grateful to God to have given me the time now to insure that this story of God’s love and compassion is passed on to you. She jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said, “How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?” The surgeon said, “I’m sorry. We did all we could, but your boy did not make it.” Sally said, “Why do little children get cancer? Doesn’t God care any more? Where were you God, when my son needed you?” The surgeon asked, “Would you like some time alone with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes before your son is transported to the university.” Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said good bye to her son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair. “Would you like a lock of his hair?” the nurse asked. Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy’s hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. The mother said, “It was Jimmy’s idea to donate his body to the university for study. He said it might help someone else. “I said no at first, but Jimmy said, “Mom, I won’t be using it after I die. Maybe it will help some other little boy spend one more day with his mom.” She went on, “My Jimmy had a heart of gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting to help others if he could.” Sally walked out of Children’s Mercy Hospital for the last time, after spending most of the last six months there. She put the bag with Jimmy’s belongings on the seat beside her in the car. The drive home was difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty house. She carried Jimmy’s belongings, and the plastic bag with the lock of hair to her son’s room. She started placing the model cars and other personal things back in his room exactly where he always kept them. She laid down across his bed hugging the pillow, cried herself to sleep. It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Laying beside her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said, “Dear mom. I know you’re going to miss me, but don’t think that I will ever forget you or stop loving you, just because I’m not around to say, “I LOVE YOU.” I will always love you, mom, even more with each day. Someday we will see each other again. Until then, if you want to adopt a little boy so you won’t be lonely, that’s okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff to play with. But if you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn’t like the same things boys do. You’ll have to buy her dolls and girl stuff. Don’t be sad thinking about me. This is really a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything. The angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And you know what, Jesus doesn’t look like any of his pictures. Yet when I saw him I knew it was Him. Jesus himself took me to see God. And guess what, mom? I got to sit on God’s knee and talk to him, like I was somebody important. That’s when I told him I wanted to write you a letter, to tell you goodbye and everything. But I knew that wasn’t allowed. Well, you know what, mom? God handed me some paper and his own personal pen to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop the letter off to you. God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked him. “Where was He when I needed Him? “God said he was in the same place with me, as when his son Jesus was on the cross. He was right there, as he always is with all his children. Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I’ve written except you. To everyone else this is just a blank piece of paper. Isn’t that cool? I have to give God his pen back now. He needs it to write some more names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for supper. I am sure the food will be great. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don’t hurt anymore. The cancer is all gone. I am glad because I couldn’t stand that pain any more and God couldn’t stand to see me hurt so much either. That’s when he sent the Angel of Mercy to come get me. The angel said I was a “special delivery.” How about that? Signed with Love from God, Jesus and Me.” Sorry, no jokes this week, there is a lump in my throat that just won’t go away. Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ:. How many stars can be seen by the naked eye from earth by somebody with perfect vision from one location under ideal conditions? ANSWER: There are 300 billion stars in our Milky Way. At most, 8,479 of them are visible from Earth to someone with perfect vision under ideal conditions. But not all can be seen from any one location. Roughly 2,500 stars are available to the unaided eye in ideal conditions from a single spot at a given time. Thanks to Stan Žakelj of Broadview Heights, OH who submitted the correct answer of 2,500 stars. NEW QUIZ: 72 people were reported to die of this cause in 2005, particularly around Indonesia. What did these people die of? Send your answer to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleve-land, OH 44103-1627. Spending Increase In the first five years of the Bush regime, Federal spending increased 45%. Federal government debt increased $553 billion in fiscal year 2005 alone. That’s more than $1.5 billion of additional debt per day and over $1 million of borrowing per minute for every minute of the year. Happy Easter to AH Readers of Ameriška Domovina! Happy Easter to All Dr. and Mrs. Chrzanowski M. J. Chrzanowski, DDS, Inc,. Family Dentistry 782 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216) 692-2010 Happy Easter Vesela Velika Noc From the Directors, Officers and Members of the tata SIM Slovenian in origin American in spirit Fraternal in principle 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44119-3250 Telephone 216-531-1900 A Slovenian Fraternal Insurance organization originally organized on November 13,1910 as the Slovenska Dobrodelna Zveza. CX :li(’ SJ r-J^)an L^osic Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Director Our Slovenian Family Serving Yours Permes’ Adventure Around Lake Erie 5 by PHILIP L. PERME (Continued from last issue) Day Five - Presque Isle (Conclusion) This segment is really still erie. Given it was our last day and quite interesting I decided to give it its own title. As the day started it was rainy and gray and cold. This was predicted the day before but we were optimistic. We awoke at what would be sunrise if it weren’t overcast. The room was cold -the AC cranked all night. Upon looking at it we could have set the temperature higher so it would quit at some point. Oh well, breathing steam in the room kept the germs away. Soon enough we wanted to get breakfast and decide about the boat tour. Well, the weather wasn’t going anywhere. So I called off our reservations for the boat tour. We headed downstairs to the Benjamin’s Pub and ordered a very nice breakfast at reasonable prices. The restaurant was glassed in from the outside at street level. So we could see the streets, the buildings and passers by as if we were standing there with them. It was kind of like the news shows in the mornings that broadcast in front of a street audience. In this case our breakfast was the feature -and us the featured eating guests. Having breakfast there nrade me appreciate the history and pride this city had. Smaller than Cleveland yet so very similar in roles; it was like being home and a few hours away at the same time. We enjoyed our break-fast of fruit, coffee and Jufees. Nice leisure pace and good company. We disused driving through resque Isle and went back Death Notices MARY URBANČIČ Mary Urbančič, age 91. Loving daughter of John and Agnes (nee Kraševec) Urbančič (both deceased). | Dearest sister of John (deceased), Cousin of Frances Poremba (deceased), Eleanor Zrimšek, Frank Zrimšek (AR) and Patricia Varga (Australia). Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Tuesday, March 27 from 4-7 p.m., where services were held Wednesday at 9 a.m. and St. Vitus Church at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Donations to St. Vitus Village, 6114 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. JOSEPH D. MOZIC Joseph D. Mozic died suddenly in Elkton, Oregon in an automobile accident. He was bom on Aug. 19, 1932, and passed away on March 6> 2007. He was 74 years old. Joey was a graduate of St. Vitus School, East High School and Case Institute with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He was employed at TRW in Cleveland and worked on the Apollo Space Program. Joe is survived by his sister Olga Kočevar, her husband Dick and his niece Karen Aranjo, and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his par-ents John and Mary Mozic. A “Celebration of His Life” was held in Elkton, Oregon where he lived for the past 15 years. A beautiful life that came te an end. He died as he lived: Everyone’s friend. LOUIS F. PIBERNIK Louis F. Pibernik, age 89, Passed away on Saturday, March 17, 2007. Beloved husband of 63 years to the late Helen (nee ^onderchek); dear father of Barbara (James) Jeunnette, and Anita Pibernik; loving brother of the late Edward and Catherine. Mass of Christian Burial "'as on Wednesday, March at 10 a.m. in St. Paul Church, 1231 Chardon Road, Euclid, Ohio. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Friends called at the Brickman-DiDonato Funeral Borne, 21900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, Ohio from 2-4 and 6-S P m. on Tues., March 20. MARIJA STANISA Marija Stanisa, age 80, daughter of the late Frank and Ivana Stanisa; beloved sister of Frank (Vera) of Canada, John, Josephine (Joseph, deceased) Comely, Sylvester (Nancy) Stanisa and the following deceased: Louis, Joseph, Michael, Ivana and Stephen; cherished aunt of many. Memorial donations in her name may be made to St. Mary’s Building Fund, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119. Funeral Mass at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 24 at St. Mary’s Church. Entombment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Friday, March 23 from 2-4 p.m., and 7-9 p.m. ANTHONY JEREB, JR. Anthony “Tony” J. Jereb, Jr., 51, died March 20‘ 20()7. He was bom in Ontario, Canada on Oct. 4, 1955. Beloved husband and best friend of Patricia Cindric of Oberlin; stepfather of Myron Scott Gibbs of Bloomington, IN; grandfather of two grandsons; son of Katarina and the late Anthony J. Jereb Sr. of Cleveland; brother of Olga Jereb of Cleveland. Former member of KSKJ St. Joseph Lodge No. 169 of Cleveland. Member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Oberlin. Visitation was on Friday, March 23 from 3-7 p.m. at the Cowling Funeral Home, Oberlin. Funeral Mass 9:30 a.m. Saturday, March 24 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Oberlin. Interment All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. ELVERA V. WARNICK Elvera V. Wamick (nee Vidic) (formerly Hrisko), age 92. Wife of Daniel (deceased); beloved mother of Paul Hrisko (Arlene) and Jim Hrisko (Karolina); dear sister of the following all deceased: Louis Vidic, Angelo Vidic and Olga Vogrig (nee Vidic); dear grandmother of Paul (Evelyn) Hrisko, Peter Hrisko (deceased), Preston Hrisko, Jimmy Hrisko (deceased), Michelle (Devin) Rench, Dawn (Rob) Vondrasek, Jennifer Hrisko; dear great-grandmother of Candice, Jimmy Jr., Asher and Jasper. Elvera was active with Cleveland Senior Center, Euclid Senior Center, Euclid Lakeshore Garden Club, Euclid Library Book Club, Salvation Army branch, and Meals on Wheels. Family received friends Tuesday, March 20 from 4-8 p.m. at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Services Wednesday at 10 a.m. in St. Mary church, 15519 Holmes Avenue. Family requests donations be made to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. STANLEY F. ROME Stanley F. Rome, age 86, of Euclid, Ohio. Husband of the late Stella (nee Lanckiewicz); beloved father of Sharon Rome-McColgan and Lisa (Martin) Blase; cherished grandfather of nine and brother of Edward and Mildred (both deceased). Memorial donations in his name may be made to the Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, OH 44119. Funeral Mass was at 10 a.m. on Monday, March 19 at St. Paul Church (Euclid). Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Sunday, March 18 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. JUSTINE OZANICH Justine Ozanich (nee Jacob), beloved wife Edward; dearest mother of Elaine Hren (husband Michael), Eric Ozanich, Diane Azman (husband Lou) and Todd Ozanich (wife Kim); devoted grandmother of Melissa O’Donnell (husband Rick), Lisa Kodrin (husband Kevin), Stephen Hren, Brandon, Ashley and Caitlin Azman, Nicole, Adam and Jennifer Ozanich. The family suggests contributions to The Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 or to The Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Mass of Christian Burial was at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 31 at St. Francis of Assisi Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Thanks to Mary E. Sadar of Columbus, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of her husband, Edward Sadar.. She writes, “Thank you for keeping us ‘close to home.’” In Memory Thanks to Silva Vining of San Mateo, CA who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her father, Lee Vining. In Memory Thanks to Carole Czeck of Wickliffe, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Ann and Louis Silc. In Memory Thanks to Dušan “Duke” Marsic of Eastlake, Ohio who donated $100 to the American Home newspaper in memory of his wife, Mary Marsic. In Memory Thanks to Olga Kalar of Mentor, OH who donated $20.00 in memory of her wonderful husband, Ludvik Kalar. In Memory Thanks to Olga and Richard Kočevar of Long Beach, CA who donated $20.00 in memory of Joseph D. Mozic. In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Ruth Hribar of Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of her wonderful husband, Fritz Hribar. In Memory Thanks to Olga Nosan of Euclid, Ohio, formerly of Nosan’s Bakery on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of her son Joseph Nosan, Jr. She writes she enjoys the nice variety of articles in the American Home newspaper. Perme’s Articles Brings Memories Editor, Am reading Perme’s adventures around Lake Erie and it brought back memories of when I was an Ordinary Seaman in 1947 on the steamship Larry L. Findley for the Steinbrenner Company. We went through the same Welland Canal to Oswego, NY, with a load of grain rfrom Superior, Wisconsin. Sailors and the Coast Guard have many good memories for me. —Rudy Pivik Broadview Heights, OH Donation Thanks to Nežka Guardia of Zephyr H;lls, Florida for subscription renewal and a donation of $30.00. Nežka writes, “I enjoy the paper very much, especially the Slovenian section.” In Loving Memory Margaret A. Rebel Born July 1,1929 Died April 1,2001 Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tomorrow. Remembec the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I’ve only gone to rest awhile. Although my leaving causes pain and grief, my going has eased my hurt and given me relief. As long as I have the love of each of you, I can live my life in the hearts of all of you Marion (Roy) - husband (dec.) Margie (daughter) Mike (son) Marianne (daughter-in-law) Matt and Danny (grandsons) Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 _ Family owned and operated since 1908_ AMERICAN StOVfNIAN CA1HOUC BECOME A MEMBTER WITH ANEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium - $1.00 per thousand in PA $1.20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MT, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 v/ww.kskjlife.com AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 ST. VITUS CHURCH - CERKEV SV. VIDA 60109 Lausche Avenue - Cleveland Ohio 44103 ST. VITUS CHURCH 2007 Dear Parishioners: With Palm Sunday we begin the most solemn days in the Church calendar, the days of Holy Week. In faith we listen to the words of Scripture as they proclaim the saving works of Jesus on behalf of mankind and each one of us. Christ suffered, died on the cross and arose from the dead, so that ws might be assured lives free of sin and life everlasting with Him in eternity. Please join us and other parishioners in the Holy Week liturgies which commemorate Christ's great love for us. Perhaps we failed to accomplish every good resolve in Lent, but we still have the days of Holy Week ahead of us to make those promises good to the Lord and ourselves. May we be reconciled to God in the sacrament of Penance, so that with peace in mind and heart, we may fully experience the joy of Easter Sunday! Your Priests at St. Vitus Parish Staff HOLY WEEK 2007 WEDNESDAY April 4, 2007 8:00 PM TENEBRAE EVENING PRAYERS HOLY THURSDAY April 5, 2007 8:00 PM Mass of the Lord's Supper (Eng. & Slov.) 9:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 11:0Q PM End of Adoration GOOD FKIDAY April 6 , 2007 12:00 Noon Stations of the Cross (In English) 3:00 PM Stations of the Cross (In Slovenian) 7:00 PM Celebration of the Lord's Passion A Death HOLY SATURDAY April 7, 2007 1:00 PM Blessing of Easter Food (English) 3:00 PM , Blessing of Easter Food (Slovenian) 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass EASTER SUNDAY April 8, 2007 7:00 AM Mass of the Resurrection 9:00 AM Mass (In English) 10:30 AM Mass (In Slovenian) Dragi farani! S Cvetno nedeljo začenjamo naj slovesnejši čas v cerkvenem letu, Veliki teden. Z globoko vero v srcu prisluhnimo svetopisemskemu poročilu o Jezusovem odrešenj skem Helu . Bogoslužje Velikega tedna ni le preteklost, ampak tudi sedanjost; Kristus je med nami, preziran, preklinjan, osovražen, pa tudi priljubljen! Kristus je trpel, umrl na križu in vstal od mrtvih, da bi nes odrešil greha in nam zagotovil večno življenje. Pridružite se nam ip drugim faranom v obredih Velikega tedna, v katerih se bomo spominjali Kristusove velike ljubezni do nas! Morda smo pozabili na dobre sklepe, ki smo jih naredili v začetku postnega časa, skušajmo jih udejaniti vsaj v Velikem tednu iz ljubezni do Jezusa in nas samih. Spravimo se v zakramentu sprave z Bogom ter z brati in sestrami, da bomo mogli s čistimi srci in mirno vestjo doživljati polnost velikonočnega veselja! Vaši duhovniki pri Sv. Vidu župnijsko osebje VELIKI TEDEN - 2007 SREDA, 4. aprila 2007 8:00 ^ SLOVESNE VEČERNE MOLITVE VELIKI ČETRTEK-, 5. aprila 2007 8:00 PM Sv. Maša zadnje večerje (slov. & angl.) 9:00 PM Češčenje Naj svetejšega 11:00 PM Konec Ceščenja VELIKI PETEK 6. aprila 2007 12:00 PM Križev pot v angleščini 3:00 PM Križev pot v slovenščini 7:00 PM Obhajanje Kristusovega trpljenja in smrti VELIKA SOBOTA 7. Aprila 2007 1:00 PM Blagoslov jedil (angl.) 3:00 PM Blagoslov jedil (slov.) 8:00 PM Sv. maša velikonočne vigilije VELIKA NEDELJA 8. aprila 2007 7:00 AM Slovesno velikonočno vstajenje 9:00 AM Maša v angleščini 10:30 AM Maša v slovenščini SCHEDULE FOR THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION URNIK SPOVEDOVANJA WEDNESDAY VELIKA SREDA * HOLY THURSDAY VELIKI ČETRTEK GOOD FRIDAY VELIKI PETEK ‘ HOLY SATURDAY VELIKA SOBOTA . . . 7:30 p. m. -8:00 p. m. ... 7:30 p. m. -7:50 p. m. .. 12:30 p. m. -1:00 p. m. 3:30 p. m. -4:00 p. m. 6:30 p. m. - 6:50 p. m. .. 12:30 p .m. -1:30 p. m. 2:30 p. m. - 3:30 p.m. / i, || A ■! mV'!)'?'- “Agony of Defeat” Guy? Slo. Customs Grab Cigs LJUBLJANA, Slov. - Who Is The In the hierarchy of skiing accidents, there are spills, there are falls, and there are catastrophic wipeouts. “The agony of defeat” was definitely a catastrophic wipeout. For yours, ABC’s “Wide World of Sports” showcased the crash during its introduction: Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sport. The thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat. The human drama of athletic competition. This is ABC’s Wide World of Sports. The agonized athlete was a Slovenian ski jumper by the name of Vinko Bogataj. A respected jumper and a fierce competitor, Bogataj’s fyte took a turn for the worse at the World Ski Flying Championships in 1970. Midway through his spectacularly over the side of the ramp, Bogataj suffered only a concussion. An interesting side note: Bogataj lived behind the Iron Curtain. As a result, he had no idea how infamous his crash had become in the United States. So it was with great confusion that he accepted an invitation to attend ABC’s “Wide World of Sports” anniversary show. Once there, he found himself hounded by fans (including Muhammad Ali) who wanted to shake hands with the “agony of defeat guy.” We call that a minor victory. Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for this interesting item. March 13 - Slovenian Customs agents confiscated 1.8 million cigarettes from a Croatian truck when its driver tried to cross into Slovenia from Croatia. A statement by the Slovenian customs office in the northeastern town of Maribor said Tuesday the truck was stopped at the Zavrc-Dubrava Krizovljanska crossing point on the border with Croatia. Customs agents seized more than 9,000 cartons of the contraband cigarettes of Marlboro and Memphis brands, whose black market value is estimated at more than $290,000. The cigarettes were stashed in cardboard boxes hidden under scrap aluminum, which was to be delivered to a buyer in Austria, the Croatian news agency Hina said. Slovenian customs agents said this was the third seizure of contraband cigarettes in the past six months at this border crossing. T IMF Urges SI Pension, Budget Reform A delegation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged Slovenia to undertake substantive reforms of the pension system “sooner rather than later,” in order to ensure its sustainability. “If nothing is done now to improve the parameters of the system, calculations show the system would be completely unsustainable by 2050,” the head of the delegation, Pritta Sorsa, said at the end of the annual IMF mission on Friday, 16 March. Sorsa noted that Slovenia „ had one of the most rapidly aging populations and the pension system was very generous compared to other European countries. There are plans for reforming the system, for example by raising the retirement age and putting in place an active aging policy, but “more needs to be done.” According to Sorsa, Slovenia must look at the amount of benefits and the indexation of pensions, as well as develop private pensions. “The minimum guaranteed returns (for private pension funds) discourage people from saving, as returns are not very good. If that is lifted, pension fund managers might take more risk, which would increase returns.” At the same time, there is a need to accumulate more public savings to cover future pension liabilities, she said. Overall Slovenia is doing well, Sorsa said, but euro membership brings new challenges. “Maintaining prudent fiscal and wage policies, and increasing economic flexibility and productivity, will be key to ensuring that the economy can continue to grow without building up inflationary pressures.” If wages grow faster than productivity, Slovenia could eventually “lose competi- tiveness and fall into a low-growth trap.” The IMF mission therefore recommended a “tighter than budgeted fiscal stance for 2007-08,” underpinned by reforms in rigid spending. This would also help improve the flexibility of fiscal policy, create room for capital spending and accommodate the recent reduction in taxes. Sorsa also called for the further privatization of the banking sector which she said would “increase efficiency and enhance transparency.” She lauded the government’s ambitious plan for privatization in 2007, which includes the Slovenska industrija jekla steel group and the telco Telekom Slovenije, which the IMF “supports very much.” Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for this information. Stimbur^s Accounting Accountirig 6 Income Tax Service* 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com rittp://stimburysaccounting.com bmkd to Practice Sef&e fie Internal Revenue Senna Senicimi Indmduals Ccmrelions t Small Businesses W. Maier Services Garage Doors & Openers Electrical & Small Misc. Repairs Walter Majer 216-406-8483 Home 440-286-7177 FISH FRY Every Friday 11:30 AM - 8 PM SWH AUXILIARY 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH Fish - Shrimp — Goulash Breaded Pork Chops Reservations & Take Outs Call 216/481-5378 The world is all gates, all opportunities, strings of tension waiting to be struck._____________-Ralph Waldo Emerson LOVENIAN ATIONAL OME 6417 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 (216) 361-5115 Happy Easter from/ The/ Board/ of Directory HALL FOR ALL * OCCASIONS * Weddings parties • CONCERTS MEETINGS Brickman- I)i Doiiato FUNERAL HOME zsxz Mi Jeff DiDo nato, owner lorn Corrigan Harlan Saxton Lloyd'Rankin 21900 Euclid Ave. Euclid, OH 216.481-5277 Caring ~ Compassionate ~ Dedicated to Euclid In Loving Memory of Tony Sturm 1 Year Anniversary March 30, 20(16 Dear Tony, My Heavenly Mate, Loving you always. Your presence we miss, Your memories we treasure. A part of us went with you. The day God called you home. Sadly missed by: Your Wife, Helen, Daughters: Marlene, Carole, Jackie, Sally, Cynthia, Becky, and families. “The Best Man in Collinwood” In Loving Memory Rosemary Zorman Schneider 6-20-55 3-30-04 “Starry, Starry night... Now we understand and What you tried to say to us... How you suffered for your dignity... How you tried to set yourselffree... We did not know... This world was not meant for one As beautiful as you. ” Your children Chris and Lindsay Your siblings, Mici, Estelle, Frank... Kistine, Helen, Millie, Joe and their families. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 10 Marjan Kosem’s Children Remember Ati After almost a year of fighting aggressive bone cancer, Marjan Kosem died peacefully at home with his family on January 11, 2007. St. Noel Church in Willoughby Hills, Ohio was packed for the beautiful funeral liturgy. The evening before, after the closing prayers, at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, his children, Tim, Christy and Jim shared some loving memories of their dad. These are the words from their hearts. Tim’s Memories (presented with a prop, his father’s hammer.) This is Ati’s favorite hammer. It is the hammer Ati bought to replace the one he broke way back when we built our vacation home in Treasure Lake in Pennsylvania back in the mid-70s. This has special meaning to me because it represents all the time he and I spent together working on each other’s homes - all the time he spent passing along his knowledge and experience both practically, in passing along the skills of construction trades as well as spiritually, as he had become my mentor and guide after I had ‘ grown enough to realize I had received all I could learn from him. You really get to know a person and his values when you spend hours on end, side by side working with someone. Whether it was the hours spent chatting about stupid technology stuff that we both loved to discuss, or the more important family and career discussions when things got more serious, it didn’t really matter. I felt very comfortable around him and really appreciate the time we spent together. The hammer represents the lessons Ati taught me about hard work and perseverance. It was his view that almost anything is achievable if you use the gifts God gave you, and work hard enough, and stay on the task. This hammer also represents all the hard work and love he had put into building our home. Thankfully, our home will serve as a constant reminder of him - part of his legacy. Everywhere I look within it I can see his handiwork. I can still picture him working tirelessly to make it a reality. Thank you, Ati. I love you and miss you dearly.__________ Jim’s Memories - “Moj Junak /My Hero.” If I had only half the strength that my dad had, I could move mountains. If I had to live through half of what my dad did, I wouldn’t hugging him., remember playing Scrabble with him, and remember the softer side of him. The dying process is never easy, but in so many ways we truly were blessed. Thanks to Rev. Frank P. Kosem for submitting these perceptive thoughts. have lasted a minute. If I was only able to give half what he gave of himself to help without so much as a question, I just might earn a place in heaven. If I would have to suffer half as horribly as he did and still look to the bright side no matter what, they would make me a saint. They don’t make them like that any more, but hopefully someday they will. This world could use more people who craved every bit of life, and treated every minute with their family like it was gold. This world could use more people who had that drive to do what was right no matter what. I’ll be honest, he wasn’t always the easiest person to live with. Most people that extraordinary and blessed probably aren’t. There isn’t enough paper or words to describe what my hero gave to me. My only hope is that someday I might be able to pass even half that much on to someone else. So on those sunny slopes up there Ati, with your brother, your Ata and Mama, I know you’ll be smiling on us. In that place where there is no pain but instead joy and legs that will take you as far as you want, remember us. Even though your body quit on you, just know that we will not. Počivaj in Uživaj v miru Ati,si vse zaslužil in stokrat več, moj junak. Naš dragi Ati, pozdravi vsem tam gor in upam da se vidimo še enkrat. Hvala za vse ker sem, pa priložnost bit tvoj sin. Ljubim in pogrešam te, moj junak. Christy’s Memories -When asked to say some words about my father, the thoughts that come to mind first are from the last year of his life. It was such a terrible, painful illness as diagnosed a year ago. Watching him suffer was unbelievably difficult, but there actually was something so wonderful to be grateful for. It was the gift of time. God somehow knew we needed time to get to know each other. Someone very close to us said how much the illness softened Ati. It was so true. We talked about things we never had, we hugged, and we actually verbalized that we loved each other. Most importantly to me at this stage in my life is the fact that he spent the time to get to know my children. I am so grateful they are old enough to remember Folklorna Skupina Kres Seeks New Members Would you like to become more engaged in the Slovenian culture? Do you enjoy dancing? If so, then becoming a member of Kres the Cleveland-area Slovenian folk dance group, is an excellent choice. This Slovenian folk dance group currently includes over 100 members and enthusiastically welcomes new faces. Students who have finished kindergarten, at the encj of the 06-07 school year through the 8th grade are now being accepted. Practices for students Kindergarten through eighth grade normally have practice once a week during the summer, starting in June. If you or your child is interested in joining, please con1 tact Monika Percic at 440-256-1376, or e-mail her at twin-klingstar88@yahoo.com by April 15. Please provide child’s name, phone number, address, email address, and current grade for the 06-07 school year. Current members do not need to re-register at this time unless you would like to update the contact information. Please feel free to pass on the word to anyone who may be interesting in join-ing this compelling and exciting Slovenian dance group. “We’re As Near As Your Phone 486-4343 or FLO-WERS ^ W Vesele velikonočne praznike vam zeh —Terri Jarem V Big BOUQUET \ F 1. O R 1 S T, 480 East 200 Street -Euclid OH 44119 “Wishing my patients and their families a very HAPPY EASTER!” Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 Bike Thru Slovenia, Croatia Police Arrest Illegals in Croatia n “Slovenia and Croatia Summer Adventure” features guided cycling from the Alps to the Adriatic, 10-day “Slovenia and Croatia Summer Adventure” departs Aug. 14. The challenging tour explores the remote Slovenian countryside to the Adriatic Coast and the Croatian peninsula of Istria. Croatia and Slovenia are lands of amazing contrasts - from surging peaks to rolling meadows of cranberries and wild flowers to soft sandy beaches - and their well-preserved historic villages and cities, abundance of well-maintained trails and high ecological standards are attracting a growing number of cyclists, making them two of Bike Tours Direct’s more popular destinations. Bike Tours Direct’s founder and president, Jim Johnson, who fell in love with these countries on a Prior tour, is accompanying the 10-day trip. Highlights along the way include the picturesque Bled Lake with its small isle and 900-year-old castle in the middle; the isolated lush valley of Radovna in the heart of the Alps; the unspoiled Soca River and a winding ride through Triglav National Park; a multi-sport break in Bovec with optional activities such as kayaking, rafting or hiking; the remote Tolmin area with its hospitable villagers and stunning scenery; the amazing rock formations along the Karst plateau; the medieval seaside town of Roving; and countless small medieval villages and towns. Complete tour information is online at http://biketoursdirect.com. Additional information and reservations are available at www.BikeToursDirect.com: tel. (877) 462-2423 or (423) 756-8907. Waterloo Balinca Club News Unfortunately, our Sausage and Sauerkraut Dinner/Social was canceled. Our previous major fraternal source of communication decided not to publish the announcement of our event. The reason given by the president and editor was that it did not involve SNPJ. This despite the fact that most of our club members are members of various SNPJ lodges and actively involved in the promotion of ffatemalism and support of the Home. This was a big disservice to our club and to the Home, a beneficiary of our donations which are used for maintenance and improvements. Thanks to the Ameriška Domovina for their support of our activities. —Violet M. Rupena The white trumpet Illy, which blooms naturally In springtime, was brought here from Bermuda. They are often called “Easter Lilies” because they bloom around Easter time. ZAGREB - Croatian police have arrested 28 illegal immigrants, 24 Albanians and 2 Serbs, trying to cross into Slovenia en route to Italy. Police arrested the immigrants at Lanišaee in western Croatia’s Istra peninsula near the border with Slovenia. Police took them to the Ježevo center outside Zagreb before deporting them back to their countries of origin. They will be banned from entering Croatia for the next two years. Serbia and Croatia are on a major Balkan route for smuggling people, drugs, and contraband goods to Western Europe. —Phil Hrvatin BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS EASTER James A. Slapnik, Jr. FLORIST 650 E. 185th St. 531-7887 —Phil Hrvatin Mary’s Forgotten Lamb Mary had a little Lamb, His fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, The Lamb was sure to go. He followed her to school each day, T’wasn’t even in the rule. It made the children laugh and play, To have a Lamb at school. And then the rules all changed one day, Illegal it became; To bring the Lamb of God to school, Or even speak His name. Every day got worse and worse. And days turned into years. Instead of hearing children laugh, We heard gun shots and tears. What must we do to stop the crime, That’s in our schools today? Let’s let the Lamb come back to school, And teach our kids to pray. _________________—St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Bulletin We Wish Everyone Happy Easter! '■ ^ .jdl — Family Owned and Operated Since 1908 — In Time of Need — We Are Here to Help You. Licensed Funeral Directors: Richard J. Zele — Sutton J. Girod — Louis E. Zele “Four Generations of THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. (Main Office) 452 East 152nd Street — 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 St. Mary’s pastor, Rev. John Kumse, blesses Easter food (Photo by JO ANN KAIFESH) Blessing of Easter Food An Eastern European tradition, including Slovenian, that has become quite popular in most parishes in the United States is the blessing of Easter food on Holy Saturday. In the traditional food basket for Easter are certain foods. Easter bread or potica is symbolic of Jesus, the true bread of life. It is usually a round loaf symbolic of the crown of thorns. Sausage is a sign of God’s favor and generosity. Horseradish is symbolic of the nails that pierced the hands and feet of Jesus during His bitter passion. Eggs are a sign of resurrection and new life. Salt, necessary for flavor, is a reminder of our Christian duty to help one another. Wine is blessed as a reminder of the moderation that Christians should have in all things. Ham and other meat is a sign of the great joy and abundance of Easter and God’s mercy to us. Butter, often shaped into a figure of a lamb or small cross, reminds us of the goodness of God that we should find in all things. If you have not yet made the blessing of Easter food a part of your family’s holiday celebration, why not begin this year? St. Mary’s (Collinwood) and St. Vitus pastors bless Easter food on Holy Saturday afternoon, at 1 and 3 p.m., St. Christine church at 2 and 5. — Happy Easter — to our customers, relatives, friends “Vesela Velika Noč” 'Somrak OQtchens CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER ...J. * . ! » i % ■ fl, Somra^adcU fiis personal tone ft ... to all of his custom Kitchen designs. At SOMRAK S. we take the time to listen to your needs and expectations so you will have the most efficient working room in your home. From design to installation your satisfaction is ensured 26201 Richmond Road .HOURS M-F 9-5 SAT 9-1 Visit Our Showroom 464-6500 Bedford Heights .Ohio EVENING BY APPOINTMENT WANTED Live-in and light housekeeping and care-taking of an elderly gentleman in exchange for room and board. Flexible hours. Must be on premises during overnight hours. George Knaus 216-261-2561 Easter Plants - Corsages - Fruit Baskets' EASTER BASKETS - Bunnies Louis Slapnik & Son 6102 St Clair Ave., Cleveland Phone: 431-1126 City Wide and Suburb Delivery A Most Happy and Joyous Easter to All! St. Mary’s Slovenian School Fundraiser Everyone is cordially invited to attend a Reverse Raffle on Friday, May 11 sponsored by St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School. The raffle will be held in the St. Mary’s parish center. Doors and sideboards will open at 6 p.m. Tickets for the event are $65 per couple, and $45 for a single ticket which includes dinner, open bar, music by Veseli Godci, and a number on the Main Board. The main Board prize is $2,000. For tickets or more information, please contact Christy Vidmar at 216 -731-0287, Susie Hamilton at (216) 481-0464, or Julie Tromba at (440) 350-9526, or email at stmarvslovenianschool@vah oo.com All proceeds will benefit an educational trip for St. Mary’s Slovenian School children to Slovenia this summer. | Slovenians "R" Us! LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Happy Easter from the staff of JAKUBS & SON FUNERAL HOME 936 E. 185 St., Cleveland 531-7770 JAKUBS - DANAHER FUNERAL HOME 36000 Lake Shore Blvd. Eastlake 953-4600 GOLDEN RULE Funeral Home Slovenia Gets Prominent Place at Leipzig Book Fair Slovenian Literature got a prominent place at the Leipzig book fair which took place in the German city between 22 and 25 March. The fair has its roots going all the way to the second half of the 15lh century focused on Slovenia as part of presenting literature from Central and Eastern European countries. Slovenia was represented by a slogan that could be translated as “Hospitable Loquaciousness.” According to Urska Feme, who headed the Slovenian delegation along with Ales Steger. The slogan wishes to convey that Slovenian literature is alive and kicking despite its “smallness,” while also expressing the concept of Slovenia’s diverse and dynamic presence at the fair. Along with an eclectic mixture of readings, music and exhibitions, the Slovenian stand offered a host of gastronomic delights, and some of Slovenia’s best wines. Slovenian authors at the event were writers Florjan Lipus, Boris Pahor, Drago Jančar, Brina Svit, Mojca Kumerdej and poets Tomaž Salamin and Ales Steger. Slovenian philosophers, meanwhile, were represented by Mladen Dolar and, arguably Slovenia’s best known writer, Slavoj Zizek. Zizek, however, did not want to be a part of the official Slovenian delegation, because he wants to maintain his “political and ethical integrity.” The country’s young photographers also got a chance to present their best shots with Tanja Verlak, Jasna Klanisar, Barbara Ogric and Spela Kasal being chosen by Breda Kolar Sluga, the cura-tor of the Maribor art gallery. Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for this information. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 HAPPY EASTER! Hospitality is Native to Slovenia NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS The annual meeting of members of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED To be held on Friday9 May 18, 2007 in the LAURICH ROOM of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, Ohio Registration 6:00 p.m. - Meeting 6:30 p.m. Members are cordially invited to attend this important meeting. Members, as defined in the Bylaws, are those individuals and organizations who have contributed a minimum of $25 during the preceding year. For the 5/18/07 meeting, this is the period from 4/1/06 through _3/31/07. VESELA - VELIKA NOČ HAPPY EASTER FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES ROSTER President - Anthony Mannion 1M Vice President - Edward Gabrosek 2** Vice President — Stephen Zalar Financial Secretary - Lou Grzely Corresponding/Recording Secretary - Nancy Vasilko Executive Secretary - Patricia Ipavec Clarke Auditors: Evelyn Pipoly, Anna Mae Mannion, Frank Gruber Legal Advisor Charles Ipavec Historian: Edward Gabrosek — Happy Easter - an 0±LC FUNERAL HOME “Family Owned & Operated” 20 Years of Continuous Service to your Community' 28890 Chardon Koau Willoughby Hills 440 944-8400 DAN COSIC and JOE ZEVNIK Licensed Funeral Directors AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA APRIL 5, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 5, 2007 EASTER 2007 Cerkev Sv. Marije Vnebovzete 15519 Holmes Avenue - Cleveland, OH 44110 VELIKA NOČ 2007 Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary’s, Holy Week is meant to be just that - a truly Holy Week - a time when we re-live the events of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. The Easter message of joy echoes throughout the world proclaiming Christ’s victory of light over darkness, grace over sin, life over death. The message of Easter is our anchor of hope in a world that is so sadly tossed about oti the waves of negativity, pessimism and hatred. But in spite of the evil that surrounds us, the Risen Christ stands as our beacon of light and hope, restoring our faith and filling us with joy. We invite you to meet the forgiving, merciful Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for this holiest time of the year. We invite you to walk with Jesus to Calvary and to share in the glory of the empty tomb on Easter Sunday. With, in and through Christ, all creation is made new. May the hope of the Resurrection keep the joy of the Lord and his peace in your hearts and bless you throughout this Easter Season. Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen, Alleluia!! Fr. John Kumse MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK, April 2, 2007 ’frOOp.m. Seder Meal HOLY THURSDAY, April 5, 2007 7:30 p.m. Mass of tlie Lord’s Supper 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. Slovenian Holy Hour 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. English Holy Hour 11:00 p.m. - midnight Quiet Adoration GOOD FRIDAY, April 6, 2007 12:00 noon English Stations of the Cross 3:00 p.m. Slovenian Stations of the Cross 7:00 p.m. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion HOLY SATURDAY, April 7, 2007 1:00 p.m. Food Blessing 3:00 p.m. Food Blessing 7:30 p.m. Solemn Easter Vigil EASTER SUNDAY, April 8, 2007 7:00 a.m. Procession and Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection (Slovenian) 9:30 a.m. Mass in English 42:00 noon Mass in English Dragi farani in prijatelji Marije Vnebovzete, Veliki teden pomeni prav to - daje resnično Veliki teden - čas ko zopet doživimo dogodke trpljenja, smrti in vstajenja našega Odrešenika, Jezusa Kristusa. Velikonočno sporočilo radostno odmeva skozi ves svet, razglaša Kristusovo zmago luči nad temo, milosti nad grehom, življenje pad smrtjo. Sporočilo Velike noči je naše sidro upanja v svetu, ki ga tako žalostno premetavajo valovi negativnosti, pesimizma in sovraštva..Toda kljub vsej hudobiji, ki nas okroža, nam vstali Kristus stoji kot naš svetilnik luči in upanja, oživlja našo vero in nas napolnjuje z radostjo. Vabimo vas, da se srečate z usmiljenim Kristusom v zakramentu svete spovedi v pripravi za ta najsvetejši čas v letu. Vabimo vas da hodite z Jezusom na Kalvarijo in ste delež v slavi praznega groba na Velikonočno nedeljo. V Kristusu, s Kristusom in po Kristusu je vse stvarjenje zaživelo novo življenje. Naj upanje Vstajenja ohranja Gospodovo radost in njegov mir v vaših srcih in vas blagoslovi v tem Velikonočnem času. Kristus je vstal! Resnično je vstal! Aleluja! Fr. Janez Kumše, župnik VELIKI PONEDELJEK, 2. aprila 2007 6:00 p.m. Starozavezni velikonočni obed VELIKI ČETRTEK, S. aprila 2007 7:30 p.m. Slovesna maša zadnje večerje 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. Slovenska ura moltivc pred Najsvetejšim 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. Angleška ura molitve pred Najsvetejšim 11:00 p.m. - polnoči Tiho češčenje pred Najsvetejšim VELIKI PETEK, 6. aprila 2007 12:00 opoldne Sv. križev pot v angleščini 3:00 p.m. Sv. križev pot v slovenščini 7:00 p.m. Slovesno opravilo v čast Gospodovem trpljenju VELIKA SOBOTA, 7. aprila 2007 1:00 p.m. Blagoslov jedil 3:00 p.m. Blagoslov jedil 7:30 p.m. Slovesna velikonočna vigiliija VELIKA NOČ, 8. aprila 2007 7:00 a.m. Vstajenska procesija in slovesna maša Gospodovega vstajenja v slovenščini 9:30 a.m. Slovesna maša v angleščini 12:00 noon Sv. maša v angleščini v Consul General Žigon Salutes SNH Honorees Consul General of the 2007, Geraldine Trebets and Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Robert Dolgan. Zvone Žigon congratulates Dear honorees, thank you all honorees of the for your contribution to Federation of Slovenian Slovenian spirit in National Homes, especially Cleveland. Man and Woman of the year Happy Easter from all of us . . . When You Want to Travel... Contact the Travel Experts at HANSA TRAVEL SERVICE On the West Side visit HANSA IMPORT STORE and TRAVEL AGENCY 2717 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland 44113 631-6585 ALSO - VISIT OUR NEWL Y REMODELED PATRIA IMPORT STORE 794 E. 185th Street, Cleveland 44119 ■«4 We import various Slovenian good quality wines, mineral water (Radenska), all kinds of cookies or candies, plus a large selection of audio musical cassettes from Slovenia, herbal teas, etc. STOP IN and VISIT US SOON. Ask for Suzi (216) 531-6720 SCHEDULE FOR THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION URNIK SPOVEDOVANJA V VELIKEM TEDNU WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2007 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. VELIKA SREDA 7:30 p.m. -8:00 p.m. HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 200? VELIKI ČETRTEK 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 2007 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. VELIKI PETEK 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina & it Ti i a ri rcfr ■ r«T. 11 a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Ustanovitev pokrajin v Slovenci na dnevnem redu - Različne možnosti V zadnjem času v Sloveniji, tako v vladi, občinah in organizacijah tkim. “civilne družbe” obravnavajo zasnove regionalne členitve države, ki predvideva ustanovitev ali nekaj manj pokrajin. Te bi bile vmesna stopnja lokalne samouprave, torej predstavniški in upravni organi med državo in občinami. Gre za iskanje skupne rešitve, kajti so mnenja še precej deljena glede že samega števila pokrajin, nato njenih meja ter celo, katerih mest naj bi bile njih “prestolnice”. Ob vseh predlogih se je pojavil tudi eden, ki predlaga, naj bi bila koprska škofije preimenovana in preseljena v Vipavo. Vlada usklajuje svoje stališče, celotna zadeva bo prišla v odločitev državnega zbora. “Prestrukturiranje” na levici se nadaljuje - Pojav novega društva “Zares” - Ankete kažejo na porast Pahorjevih SD Na ruševinah stranke Liberalnih demokratov, kjer se razpadanje nadaljuje, sta se pojavila dva nova faktorja, ne pa še nove stranke. Prva posledica je, kot kaže, da več članov in pristašev LDS preusmerja svoje angažiranje k Socialnim demokratom, k stranki torej, ki ga vodi predsednik Borut Pahor. V anketi, ki je bila izvedena sredi marca, je stranka SD prvič presegla podporo in število glasov, ki jo je ves čas od parlamentarnih volitev v letu 2004 dosegla Slovenska demokratska stranka predsednika Janeza Janše. Prednost SD je sicer bila še majhna, toda je očitno velikega in psihološkega pomena. Ker pa je imel že doslej Pahor določene težave znotraj stranke, ker naj ne bi bil dovolj levičarski, sedaj pa pri- hajajo izkušeni, čeprav nezadovoljni politiki iz vrst LDS, je vprašanje, kako bo vse to vplivalo na Pahorjevo vodenje SD. Drugi morebitni faktor je ustanovitev novega društva, ki se imenuje “Zares”. Ali je to prvi pojav nove stranke, še ni jasno. V Zares se je vključilo šest nekdanjih poslancev nekdanje Liberalne demokracije Slovenije. Ti so zdaj vključeni v skupino nepovezanih poslancev. Društvo vodi nekdanji podpredsednik LDS Matej Lahovnik. Vodstvo Zares za zapisalo, “da vabila za članstvo ne bodo nikomur osebno pošiljali, vendar Zares odpira politični prostor in daje možnost za sodelovanje vsem, ki je sedaj nimajo”. Splošno mnenje je, da ob dokončnem razpadu LDS potrebuje levica v Sloveniji neko novo močno in dokaj strnjeno levičarsko usmerjeno stranko. Bo^ odločna politika do Hrvaške Izgleda, da je v slovenski politiki zdaj jasno, da mora država voditi bolj odločno politiko in odnos do Hrvaške. V zadnjem času se je zgodilo, da sta predsednik hrvaške vlade Ivo Sanader in zunanja ministrica Kolinda Grabar-Kitanovič v Bruslju lobirala za to, da bi evropski parlament ob bližnji obravnavi poročila o pripravah Hrvaške za sprejem v EU sprejel mnenje, da naj slo-vensko-hrvaški spor o meji rešijo z arbitražo. Zoper hrvaško vedenje sta govorila tako premier Janez Janša in zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel, evropski poslanec Lojze Peterle - tudi letošnji slovenski predsedniški kandidat - pa je rekel, da so Hrvatje v Bruslju govorili tako, kot da gre za sprejem Slovenije v EU, ne pa obratno. SINDIKATI SKUŠAJO OVIRATI VLADNE REFORME - Sredi marca je skupina petih močnejših sindikatov v Ljubljani organizirala protestni shod, katerega namen je bil izraziti dvome glede mnogih napovedanih reform s strani vlade Janeza Janše, ki še vedno razpolaga z zanesljivo večino v Državnem zboru. Sindikate skrbijo reforme, ki naj bi vodile do privatizacije predvsem šolstva in zdravstva. Poudarjajo, da morajo ostati dostopne vsem yudcm javne storitve. Ravno ta čas pripravlja vlada svoje predloge za reforme, protestni shod sindikatov je bil opozorilnega značaja. Minister za šolstvo Milan Zver je povedal, da reforme v šolstvu še niso dorečene in da se bodo o njih pogovorili z ljudmi iz področja šolstva. Tu gre npr. za pospeševanje ustanavljanja zasebnih šol s koncesijo - poudarek je predvsem na osnovnih šolah, kjer je zasebni sektor praktično nerazvit. Sindikati menijo, da bi zasebne šole mogle z visokimi šolninami preprečiti dostop šolarjem iz revnejših družin. Kot odgovor je trditev, da bodo prav konce-sUe preprečevale kaj takšnega in kot primer so navajene štiri katoliške gimnazije, ki dyakom zaračunavajo le mesečni prispevek za nadstandardni program, ki ga socialno ogroženim družinam dyakov vsaj delno krye Slomškov sklad. Drži pa tudi, da so v sindikatih predvsem močni levičarski elementi iz politične opozicye, ki uporabljajo program privatizacije za strnitev svojih vrst. Vsem našim zvestim naročnikom, Bralkam in Bratcem povsod po Združenih državah in OQmadi ter po vsem svetu in še vsem našim dopisnikom in drugim sodeCavcem žeCimo vsi pri Ameriški ‘Domovini veseCe VeCifgnočne praznike! Iz Clevelanda in okolice Večer konjskih dirk— Slovenski narodni dom na St. Claiiju ob sodelovanju Slov. šole pri sv. Vidu prireja “Večer konjskih dirk” v petek, 20. aprila, na svojih prostorih. Vstopnina $10 vključuje prigrizek, pivo in lahko pijačo. Vsi vabljeni, za nakaznice pokličite g. Franka Žitko na 440-975-0683. Novi grobovi Marya Staniša Dne 19. marca je umrla 80 let stara Marija Staniša, hčerka že pok. Franka in Ivane Staniša, sestra Franka, Johna, Josephine Cor-nely, Sylvestra ter že pok. Louisa, Josepha, Michaela, Ivane in Stephena. Pogreb je bil 24. marca v oskrbi Cosicevega zavdoa s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebov-zete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin St. Mary’s Building Fund, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119. Anthony Jereb V torek, 20. marca, je na svojem domu nenadoma umrl 51 let stari Tone Jereb, rojen v Torontu, preje živeč v Clevelandu, nazadnje v Oberlinu, kamore se je preselil pred 20 leti. Za njim žaluje žena Patricia, mama Katarine Nemec (r. Nemec) in sestra Olga. Oče Tone Jereb st. je umrl v Kanadi že pred 40 leti. Tone Jereb ml. je bil nečak Anice Knez (Rudi), Helene Gorše (Tne) in že umrlega Toneta Nemec, bratranec mnogih, ter ostalih sorodnikov. Bil je tudi veteran ameriške mornarice. Pogreb je bil 24. marca iz Cowling pogrebnega zavoda v Oberlinu, v katoliško cerkev Sacred Heart, nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. (DALJE na str. 20) Primorski klub vabi— Ameriško slovenski Primorski klub prireja svoj vsakoletni pomladanski banket v soboto, 14. aprila, v SND na St. Claiiju. Hkrati bo klub praznoval 30. obletnico ustanovitve. Večerja se bo pričela servirati ob 6. uri zvečer. Za ples in zabavo bo igral ansambel Murski val iz Toronta, Pridružili se bodo prijatelji iz Kanade. Za vstopnice, pokličite: 216-692-1069. Zajtrk s palačinkami— Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti vabi vse na zajtrk s palačinkami in sicer v nedeljo, 15. aprila. Zajtrk bo v župnijski dvorani s serviranjem od 8.30 zj. do 12. opoldan. Prebitek bo pomagal kriti stroške obiska učencev v Sloveniji letos poleti. Vsi lepo vabljeni. Koncert v Clevelandu— Znani pevec iz Slovenije Marjan Zgonc bo imel koncert v novi dvorani župnije Marije Vnebovzete v četrtek, 10. maja. Za hrano in pijačo bo poskrbljeno. Vstopnice so po $10. Po koncertu zabava s plesom. Več podrobnosti o pevcu in koncertu prihodjič. Že danes pa zabeležite datum na svojih koledarjih. “Povratno vlečeiye”— Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti bo imela tkim. “Povratno vlečenje” (Reverse Raffle) v petek, 11. maja, v župnijski dvorani. Pričetek bo ob 6h zvečer. Vstopnice so po $65 za par in $45 za posameznika, kar pa vključuje večerjo, listek za vlečenje (največja nagrada $2000), prosta pijača, za glasbo igrajo Veseli godci. Za več informacij in vstopnice, pokličite Susie Hamilton (216-481-0464) ali Julie Tromba (440-350-9526). Prebitek bo pomagal kriti stroške obiska učencev v Sloveniji letos poleti. / Ameriško Domovino pokrivamo slovenski svet Od Vietnama do Mozirja piše mag. TINE GOLEŽ, profesor na Zavodu sv. Stanislava v Šentvidu, Ljubljana Ob 45. obletnici gradnje Katoliškega doma v Gorici in vlogi clevelandskega odbora pod vodstvom dr. Karla Bonuttija... Z NAŠO KULTURO NAPREJ! Po tej poti - od Vietnama do Mozirja - ni potovala oseba, ne stvar, pač pa namen. Pot je trajala kar nekaj desetletij. Gre za resnično zgodbo, ki povezuje človeško žalost in solidarnost. Prav uresničenje slednje pa daje celoti vrednost in morda tudi zgled še komu, zato je prav, da pripoved pride do širše javnosti. Predstavitev knjige “Naš kulturni hram in njegovi graditelji" Govor prof. Marije Kacin, kot objavljen v Novem glasu (Trst, 8. III. 2007) Alojzija Tellis je zapustila Slovenijo kot begunka leta 1945. V rojstni domovini je začasno pustila svojega sina edinca, Andreja. Stalno bivališče je našla v ZDA, kjer je spoznala begunca iz porevolucijske Rusije, inženirja Tellisa. Poročila sta se in kmalu se jima je pridružil Andrej, ki ga je očim sprejel kot svojega. Ta sin je bil njen edini otrok. Ko se je leta 1968 začela vojna v Vietnamu, sta se zakonca Tellis zavedala, kaj grozi Vietnamcem, če pride na oblast komunizem. Ni bilo države, kjer prevzem oblasti in uveljavitev tega sistema ne bi terjala mnogih žrtev in povročila trpljenje množicam. Obljuba iz pesmi Internacionala (...nato svoj novi svet zgradimo, bili smo nič, bodimo vse.) je veljala le za vrhnji sloj komunistov. Prav zato sta bila Tellisova ponosna na sina, ki se je z idealom svobode za Vietnamsko ljudstvo kot ameriški vojak odpravil v boj. Tam svojega namena ni mogel uresničiti, saj je padel že med prvimi. Izguba edinega otroka je bila največja bolečina Alojzije Tellis. Ko ji je čez dobrih deset let umrl še mož, je vse bolj začela razmišljati o vrnitvi v Slovenijo. Nazaj se je preselila še pred razglasitvijo samostojne Slovenije. V Mozirju si je kupila hišo, kjer je preživljala zadnja leta svojega življenja. Misel na pokojnega sina Andreja jo je stalno spremljala. V Mozirju je gradila še eno hišo in jo podarila tamkajšnji župniji. Hiša, poimenovala jo je Andrejev dom in je na nek način spomenik njenemu sinu, naj bi bila po njeni volji namenjena za ostarele duhovnike. Zaradi različnih razlogov v ta namen ni bila skoraj nikoli uporabljena. Jeseni 2006 so hišo še ne-koliko prenovili in jo namenili za zavetišče za mlade mamice. Andrejev namen, da prinese svobodo, pravičnost in upanje, se je tako namesto v Vietnamu začel uresničevati v Mozirju. Andrejev dom je namesto kot dom za ostarele duhovnike zaživel kot drugi materinski dom Škofijske karitas Maribor. V njem najdejo za leto dni ali malo več zatočišče tiste nosečnice ali mlade mamice, ki jih sorodniki ne podprejo pri najplemenitejšem poslanstvu - materinstvu. Pokojna gospa Alojzija je uresničila svetopisemsko misel, ki pravi, da njim, ki ljubijo Boga, vse pripomore k dobremu. In dejansko se njena globoka žalost ni izrazila v osebni zamorjenosti, pač pa se je spremenila v konkretno solidarnost z ljudmi v stiski, kar je pravzaprav tudi zgled za vse nas. Tako se gradi boljši svet. Hiša, ki jo je ga. Alojzija Tellis podarila župniji Mozirje. Sedaj je v njej zaživel materinski dom - Andrejev dom. O Spoštovani in dragi prijatelji! V imenu vseh, ki so sodelovali pri tej publikaciji, se prisrčno zahvalim GMD (tj. Goriška Mohorjeva družba, op. ur. AD), ki jo je vključila v svoj edicijski program. V svojem imenu se prisrčno zahvalim msgr. dr. Oskarju Simčiču za dragocene nasvete v zvezi s preglednostjo teksta. Ob 45-letnici otvoritve KD, današnjega KCLB, se tudi s to knjigo želimo hvaležno spomniti vseh, katerim dolgujemo ta naš kulturni hram. Čas in razmere, v katerih je nastajal in nastal Katoliški dom, današnji Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž, so za nas že davna preteklost. “Slovenci, ki smo se znašli septembra 1947 v italijanski republiki, smo bili zaradi fašizma praktično oropani vsega svojega narodnega premoženja in ustanov,” je zapisano v brošuri, ki je izšla ob 10-letnici KD. V tej strnjeni trditvi je zaobjeto vse, kar je bilo na kulturnem področju zadano v več kot četrt stoletnem turobnem obdobju, skozi katerega so se goriški Slovenci prebijali in prebili. Črno nasilstvo ni prizanašalo niti otrokom. Živ ostaja na primer spomin na šolarke iz Vrhpolja pri Vipavi, katerim je učitelj Sottosanti pljunil v usta, če so se pogovarjale v slovenščini. Ali pa na desetletno deklico Marijo Tušar iz Idrije, katero je iz istega razloga učiteljica Clementina Modeli! iz kraja Medicina pri Bologni tako pretepla, da se je morala več tednov zdraviti v bolnici. Poudariti gre - in to zlasti danes, po izjavah predsednika republike -da se za prestano nasilje primorski ljudje niso maščevali: kjer so le mogli, so preoblekli v civilne obleke italijanske vojake, ki so po kapitulaciji Ita- Hermina Bonutti, dr. Karel Bonutti in prof. Marija Kacin lije 8. septembra 1943 -prav. tako kot priseljeni civilisti - naglo odšli z ozemlja, na katerem se niso čutili doma. Z razmejitvijo septembra 1947 je bila Gorica odrezana od svojega naravnega zaledja. Živahnosti, ki je bila mestu od nekdaj lastna, ni bilo več. Slovensko manjšino pa je dodatno šibilo še eno dejstvo: ni bila enotna. Hudo ideološko razhajanje Jo Je neizprosno delilo. Tisti del, ki ni soglašal s takratnim jugoslovanskim režimom, je bil v vsakem pogledu pri-puščen samemu sebi in se je lahko opiral le na svoje lastne sile. V taki situaciji in v takem vzdušju se je obnavljalo toliko let zatrto, a globoko zakoreninjeno kulturno življenje. Predočiti je treba tudi, da so potrdili dejstvo, da Je mogoče tudi v nenaklonjenih razmerah in s skromnimi sredstvi veliko pozitivnega narediti, če je sposobnost in volja. “V tistem prvem času odbor razen dobre volje in poguma ni imel v blagajni ničesar, niti lire,” je na primer rečeno v brošuri, ki je izšla ob 10-letnici KD. In predočiti Je treba, da so pokazali miselno širino, za tisti čas in prostor zelo poudarjeno, za marsikoga presenetljivo odprtost: v program kultrne dejavnosti KD so nameč vključili tudi gos- tovanja skupin z onstran takrat še zelo zaprte meje. Uresničitev tega načrta pa je tudi ponoven in neizpodbiten dokaz o tolikih pozitivnih lastnostih naših ljudi. Tudi to pot se je namreč izkazalo, da je takih lastnosti v naših ljudeh izredno veliko: predvsem poguma, pokončnosti, smisla za skupno stvar, nesebične radodarnosti. Od tod tako občuten in številen odziv - v zamejstvu in zdomstvu -na prošnjo za denarno pomoč. Neprecenljivo vrednost ima dar, ki so ga od svojega skromnega in težko pridobljenega zaslužka namenila Katoliškemu domu Marijine družbenice. Med ’čudovite primere velikodušnosti’ sodi primer neimenovane družbenice, ki je od svojih prihrankov darovala en milijon lir. Načrt, ki ga je v tistih daljnih letih, v takratni politični in ekonomski situaciji zastavila skupina sposobnih idealistov, bi se bil lahko zdel neuresničljiv. Toda težave jih niso ustavile. Osebnostim, ki so ta načrt najprej zasnovale, nato pa izvedle, so bile namreč lastne značajske poteze, skupne tolikim primorskim Slovencem med obema vojnama, ne glede na svetovnonazorsko in ideološko opredeljenost posameznikov. (DALJE na str. 18) ^Sdies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio family ED MEIAC ROC Program Dinfaor WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive i Willoughby Hills,- OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEl/FAX web: www.wcsb.org PESEM MOLKA MARA CERAR HULL Celje: Društvo Mohorjeva družba: Celjska Mohorjeva družba, 2007 ISBN 978-961-218-621-0 O Ur. AD: Letos je izšla zgoraj omenjena knjiga izpod peresa mnogim našim bralcem dobro poznana Mara Cerar Hull. Na ovitku knjige je krajši življenjepis avtorice, ki je posredovan spodaj v celoti, nato pa sledi recenzija te knjiga, ki jo je objavil v Delu Marijan Zlobec, prav tako posredovana v celoti z izjemo zadnjega odstavka, ki ga je pisec povzel skoro dobesedno iz ovitka same knjige. MARA CERAR HULL Lani februarja je preteklo dvajset let, odkar je umrl prof. Matija Tomc, glasbenik, skladatelj, komponist, duhovnik. Ali pa bi morala zapisati: duhovnik, skladatelj... - četudi so ga vsi Domžalčani, celo župnik Bernik, klicala za “gospoda profesorja”. Ob tej obletnici je dr. Velimir Vulikič, katerega dela oziroma njegove biografije ne poznam dobro (v posvetilu je zapisal “to dvajseto knjigo"), objavil Tomčevo biografijo z naslovom Domžalska leta profesorja Matije Tomca. Knjiga je trdo vezana, v 212 straneh, in opremljena s številnimi fotografijami iz življenja profesorja in njegovih faranov, sodelavcev, prijateljev in drugih Domžalča-nov, ki so se učili in so delovali ob tem velikem človeku. Knjiga ima sedem delov, ki so nakazani pod naslovi: Nova doživetja v novem času. Z dobrimi dejanji velikega Domžal-čana. Glasba združuje, V novo življenje, Tomčevi pomočniki, Tomčevo leto 2006, in z Avtorjevo besedo ob koncu knjige. Kot tam dr. Vulikič, Je bil “v skrbeh, kako ga čimbolj verodostojno opisati sedanjim in prihodnjim rodovom, da ne bo šel v pozabo”. Nemogoče je, da bi glasba prof. Tomca zamrla! Kompozicije ustvarjalca Matije Tomca obsegajo preok 1.300 del. Njegove pesmi pojejo gotovo vsi slovenski zbori po vsem svetu. (Ravno ob tem času sem videla v Družini članek o izvedbi Tomče-vega Slovenskega Božiča, ki ga je v Litiji uprizoril zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija). Nekatere pesmi in melodije so poznane bolj kot narodne, npr. Delaj', delaj dekle pušeljc (str. 26). Tomčeva ustvarjalna leta obsegajo dobo pred njegovim domžalskim žu-pnikovanjem. Skladal in urejal je pesmi že v svojih študijskih letih. Dr. Vulikič piše, da je imel Tone do leta 1923 (str. 26) že deset skladb, o pesmi Slava Mariji iz 1. 1936 pa Je “Stanko Premrl v Cerkvenem glasbe-niku med drugim zapi- Recenzija sal: 'Naši solisti si večkrat želijo izvajati domače slovenske samospeve ... Glede načina glasbenega izvajanja...se mi zdi posebno značilen drugi samospev, ki je tako topel, iskren in pristno slovenski. .. Teh samospevov smo lahko po pravici veseli. Naj bi se le mnogo peli...”’ Tako je prof. Tomc prišel med Domžalčane kot poznan in v slovenskem glasbenem svetu uveljavljen komponist in skladatelj, in kot takega so ga farani tudi sprejeli, torej z razumevanjem, da je poleg duhovnika tudi umetnik, z obzirnostjo, spoštovanjem in seveda veliko radovednostjo. V začetnem delu avtor oriše prihod novega kaplana v Domžale in sprejem pri že bolehnem župniku Berniku, ki je po dveh letih bolezni podlegel. Potem se dotakne tistih težkih in problematičnih povojnih let v četrtem in petem desetletju, kjer nam pove, da je bil prof. Tomc. kot toliko drugih duhovnikov, nekaj časa zaprt (str. 56). Zakaj? Kot pove Vulikič, Tomcu niso ne v Domžalah in ne v Ljubljani izrekli kake uradne obtožbe in so ga čez kaka dva meseca brez razlage izpustili. Tomc, enako kot Domžalčani, ni govoril o tem zaporu, trdi Vulikič, ker ga je napolnjeval sram, kaj si bodo o njem mislili njegovi farani (str. 58). Predstavljam si, da se je prof. Tomc zaradi zapora čutil ponižanega in tudi, da so bili z njim ponižani vsi Domžalčani. Obenem je - se mi zdi - lastno ponižanje, kot duhovnik, lahko prenesel, ponižanja svojih faranov pa težko. Vendar je morala biti novica o Tomčevem zaporu dovolj poznana, da jo Vulikič omenja. Moje začudenje nad tem podatkom se lahko samo meri s presenečenjem nad avtorjevem odnosom do nekaterih osebnosti v domžalskih političnih krogih. A o tem pozneje. O Torej - Domžalčani so svojega novega župnika spoznali šele, ko je njegova kariera že izoblikovala njegov značaj, v poznih letih četrtega desetletja. Kakšen človek pa Je bil v mladih letih? Gotovo njegova drža, da si je s svojim molkom v podporo sošolca zaslužil nezadostno oceno v petju (kakor je rad sam s smehom povedal, pravi Vulikič), tudi nekaj pomeni. Mirnost in tiha prisebnost sta bili enako njegova posebna drža. In kot takega, molčečega, opazujočega, premišljene- (DALJEnastr. 18) Mara Cerar Hull je prvih dvajset let preživela v Sloveniji, sedaj pa že petdeset let prebiva v Ameriki. Z možem Gary-jem, s katerim je poročena 37 let, imata dva otroka, Anamario in Marko, oba sedaj že z lastnimi družinami, dve vnukinji in enega vnuka, eno posvojeno vnukinjo, moževo hčerko Carlo in ob njej še vnuka in vnukinjo ter enoletno pravnukinjo. Kadar pridejo vsi skupaj, postane dom kar premajhen ... Mara pravi, da je njeno življenje polno in blagoslovljeno. Paleta življenja ob možu Garyju, upokojenem grafičnem umetniku, ki še vedno opravlja svoj poklic, in ob lastnem pisanju, branju in raziskavah, sestankih ter drugi in tretji generaciji otrok, ji ne dopušča ne časa in ne želje, da bi se ukvarjala z leti. Nekoč, pravi, se bo še vedno lahko upokojila O Pesem molka je tretja in zadnja knjiga trilogije Molk, kot je svoje delo naslovila Mara Cerar Hull. Prva knjiga. Poletje molka, je izšla leta 1995, druga. Pot molka, leta 2002, obe pri Celjski Mohorjevi družbi. Prva knjiga je bila ob istem času napisana v angleščini in je pod naslovom Summer of Silence v publikaciji Electronic Media izšla leta 1999 v Ameriki. O Mara Cerar Hull piše v angleščini in slovenščini. V raznih časopisih in revijah objavlja povesti, črtice, pesmi in novele. Lani je v slovenščini končala igro v treh dejanjih z naslovom Vrnitev. Objavlja tudi članke in oce- ne dogajanj v slovenski skupnosti v Clevelandu in okolici. Obenem je urednica slovenskega dela časopisa Glasilo (Voice) Amerikanskega Slovenca, ki ga izdaja KSKJ v Jo-lietu (Illinois). 0 4 0 Mohorjeva: roman Mare Cerar Hull Marijan Zlobec (Delo) Celjska Mohorjeva družba je v Ljubljani predstavila že tretji roman slovenske pisateljice Mare Cerar Hull, zadnjega iz trilogije Molk, z naslovom Pesem molka. Doslej sta pri MD izšla Poletje molka (1995) in Pot molka (2002). Gre za dobro desetletje ukvarjanja s slovensko zgodovino oz. avtobiografskimi izkušnjami od maja 1945 dalje. Mara Cerar Hull je najprej preživela dve de-steletji v Sloveniji, zdaj pa že dobrih petdeset let živi v ZDA. Njena usoda je bila tragična, očeta so ji po koncu druge svetovne vojne ustrelili, skrb zanjo so prevzeli sorodniki, kasneje pa sta s sestro morali doživljati prevzgojo v Kamniku. Šolanje je nadaljevala v Ljubljani. V letih 1954/ 55 je pod pokroviteljstvom Miška Kranjca, tedanjega urednika Obzornika, objavila nekaj povesti v Obzorniku in Sociali- (DALJE na str. 20) V LJUBEČI SPOMIN ob prvi obletnici smrti drage žene, mame, stare mame, sestre in tete Mary Maršič V luči večni ti počivaj, dobroto, milost božjo uživaj. V duhu vedno smo s teboj in z nami vedno duh je tvoj. Žalujoči: mož Dušan, sin Martin, hčerka Verica snaha Marija, vnuka Niko in Andreja, ter sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Skladatelj Matija Tomc v knjigi Velimirja Vulikiča Z NAŠO KULTURO NAPREJ! (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 16) Gre za poteze, ki so značilne za pokončne ljudi, ne glede na čas, prostor in razmere; gre za lastnosti, ki na človeški ravni vzpostavljajo korektne in iskrene odnose, vzbujajo medsebojno zaupanje, strpnost in spoštovanje. Med izrazite poteze teh oseb sodi gotovo - to je treba najprej poudariti -njihovo nesebično delo za skupno stvar, nedvoumno zavzemanje stališč, jasno določanje ciljev in začrtanje mej, ki Jih ne gre prekoračiti. Sodijo nadalje njihov optimizem, njihova vedrina in še zlasti njihova zdrava samozavest. Močnejši jim ni vzbujal ne strahu ne rešpekta; svoje nestrinjanje ali pa svoj odklon so izražali jasno in odločno, tako pred državnimi oblastmi kot pred cerkvenimi dostojanstveniki. Kako ogromna je bila taka vsota takrat in kako težko jo je Marijina družbenica - hišna pomočnica - zaslužil, tega si danes človek sploh ne more predstavljati. Naša dolžnost je, da se Jih tudi na tem mestu z velikim spoštovanjem spomnimo. Dr. Karel Bonutti in Clevelandski odbor ter njegova pomembnost Odločilno vrednost - to je treba izrecno predočiti in poudariti - pa ima izredno velikodušen dar, ki ga je v rekordnem času, potem ko Je bila nabiralna akcija že zaključena, zbral clevelandski odbor pod vodstvom dr. Karla Bonuttija: šest milijonov takratnih lir! Ta vsota je omogočila nakup stavb in zemljišča, za kar je bilo potrebnih sedem milijonov. Vsota je bila takrat neverjetno ogromna: goriški Slovenci bi je nikakor ne bili zmogli. Brez te vsote pa bi ne bilo Katoliškega doma in bi ne bilo današnjega Kulturnega centra Lojze Bratuž.- Clevelandski odbor je štel več članov kot goriški in ga ne gre primerjati z drugimi odbori, ki so Jih za KD osnovali Slovenci po svetu. Zlasti pa ni mogoče primerjati njegove odločilne vloge z delom - čeprav zelo zavzetim - drugih odborov v zdomstvu. Naj predočimo, da je bil v dvajsetih letih prejšnjega stoletja Cleveland znan kot največje slovensko mesto: tam je živelo večje število Slovencev kot v takratni Ljubljani. Slovenski emigrantje -pozneje so dobili naziv ’staronaseljencev’ - so tja prihajali zlasti v desetletjih 1880 - 1920: od doma Jih je prisililo za nas nepojmljivo pomanjkanje. Staronaseljencev je v Clevelandu velika večina, novonaseljencev, političnih emigrantov, ki so tja prišli po drugem svetovnem spopadu, je le 10%. Razumljivo je, da odnosi med staro in novo-naseljenci niso bili vedno lahki. Poudarjena razhajanja pa so obstajala tudi med novonaseljenci samimi: botroval jim je, med drugim, tudi vzvišen odnos do Primorcev, kar je prišlo zlasti pri nabirki za KD Jasno in klavrno do izraza. V taki situaciji in kljub vsem obveznostim se je dr. Karel Bonutti brž in zavzeto odzval prošnji go-riških prijateljev; jemal je celo neplačan dopust od dela, da se je lahko udeleževal sej, ki jih je dejansko vodil. Izključno družini se je dolgo vrsto let posvečala gospa Hermina, Goričanka iz znane Rijavčeve družine. Sledila je otrokom, bila ob njih vedno prisotna in obenem vodila gospodinjstvo. Čeprav je iz Evrope takrat prihajalo nešteto prošenj za pomoč, so se Slovenci v ZDA, zlasti staronaseljenci, občuteno odzvali na vabilo clevelandskega odbora. Navaja se kak primer. “Prilagam 1 dolar za Kat. Slov. dom in mi je prav žal, da mi ni mogoče več, ker sem v domu starcev brez vsakega zaslužka -je pa od srca dano za naše sobrate in sestre Slovence. Bog naj vas blagoslovi vaša dela. -Vam pošiljam ček za 10 dolarjev za slovenski dom v Gorici. Gorica mi dobro znana. Moj rojstni kraj je Vedrijan v Brdih. - Tukaj Vam pošljem (Money Order dolars 10) za slovenski dom v Gorici. Odkoder sem Jaz doma. Bila Je enkrat lepa Gorica. Kako je sedaj tam. To mi ni znano. To vem, da je enkrat bilo lepo mesto. Zelo rada jo bi še enkrat videla. To vem, da moje sanje se ne bodo uresničile.” In kot je bila nabiralna akcija že zaključena in se Je v najbolj kritičnem trenutku goriški odbor obrnil v Cleveland prošnjo za posojilo, se je clevelandski odbor ponovno in odločilno odzval ter poslal neobhodno potrebno vsoto. Skoraj vsi ameriški dobrotniki so svoje posojilo pozneje darovali. Omeniti gre tri dobrotnike iz Clevelanda. Ti so: Anton Grdina, Avgust Kollander in John Potokar: vsak Je najprej posodil, nato pa daroval 1000 dolarjev. Dr. Anton Kacin, predsednik gorlškega odbora za KD. Je dne 2. septembra 1953 na dr. Karla Bonuttija naslovil naslednje pismo: “Dragi gospod Bonutti! Denar za Katoliški dom je prispel. Rad bi se Vam še osebno zahvalil za ve- liko delo, ki ste ga izvršili s tem, da ste poskrbeli za tolikšno vsoto. Vsi tukaj vemo, da bi brez Vašega prizadevanja ne bilo nič. Vsa zasluga gre Vam. Mi goriški Slovenci Vam ne bomo mo- ga, sem ga v svojih otroških letih spoznala tudi sama. Zaradi košat obrvi, ki smo jih otroci posebno občudovali, je iz-gledal strog in navidezno nedostopen. Vendar je njegova narava med Dom-žalčani delovala kot pomirjujoča smernica. To smo videli in lahko občutili samo Domžalčani, ki smo se ob vedno novih prepovedih z njim vred blagohotno in z majhno kapljo cinizma nasmehnili med sabo, ko smo med petjem in molitvami v procesiji obšli privaten travnik pod Goričico. Knjiga je napisana v lahko dostopni pripovedni besedi, bolj kronika kot polemika. Kot pravi avtor, so bila Tomčeva glasbena dela prikazana že ob deseti obletnici njegove smrti v Zborniku in se je sam “te tematike izogibal”. Zato so toliko bolj dobrodošli opisi farnih in krajevnih dogodkov, pogovori, skladateljevo prizadevanje za mirno sožitje med skupinami različnega političnega pogleda, posebno pa še Tomčeva osebnost in manire, ki Jih pisatelj dobro -četudi le rahlo - oriše. Zanimive so posamezne citirane besede profesorja (sicer le redke) in govori domačinov, ki se resnično izražajo na tipični domžalski način. Tu pa pogrešam imen tistih Domžalčanov, ki Jih pisatelj sicer citira, kar pomeni, da so mu o pogovorih sami povedali, a so razen besed ostali neznani bralcu. Kot Domžalčanki bi me podrobnejši opisi nadvse zanimali. O Ker sem prva leta po vojni živela v domačem kraju, mi Je branje te knjige priklicalo v spomin v prvi vrsti Tomče-vo celotno pojavo: po- končna postava, resen obraz in pozoren, tudi zvedav pogled - kot bi med bivanjem in delom gli nikoli povrniti tega dobrega dela, a Eden je nad nami, ki na nič ne pozabi.” V nadaljevanju prof. Kacinova opisuje gradnjo leta 1983 telovadnice ob KCLB. Ur. AD. vedno prisluškoval še neki drugi, neizgovorjeni besedi ali odtenku glasu, ki ga njegovi sogovorniki niso slišali. t Pa še nenavadna mirnost in nekaka celotna tišina vsega njegovega bitja, ki Je blagodejno vplivala posebno na na nas otroke, ki smo peli v njegovem cerkvenem mladinskem zboru. Mi smo seveda najbolj opazovali njegove košate obrvi. Gotovo je videl naše radovedne poglede, ki ga niso niti malo pri-zadeU. Vulikič pravi, da je poskušal vestno slediti dogodkom življenja tega slavnega Domžalčana, vendar moram popraviti njegovo trditev, da je profesor Tomc prvič prišel v Ameriko leta 1976. Resnično je prišel leta 1969, leto potem, ko sem ga ob svojem prvem obiskom Slovenije poiskala v župnišču. Prav nič se ni spomnil, da sem nekaj let pela na koru -saj nas je bilo toliko! Prišel je v maju 1969, na poroko svoje nečakinje, kot se spominjam, in nekaj nas Domžalčanov ga Je pričakalo na letališču. Drugi ali tretji dan pa smo mu priredili majhno srečanje, kjer so mu otroci druge generacije Domžalčanov v Clevelandu, Rihtarjevi in Sršenovi, v zahvalo in čast zapeli nekaj njegovih pesmi. Tudi takrat Je poslušal z vsem telesom, z resnim obrazom, s popolno prisotnostjo. Avtor piše (str. 73), da Je bil Franc AvbelJ-Savo prijazen, inteligenten, sploh dober človek. (Ali dr. Vulikič govori o devh različnih ljudeh: Francu Avbelj in Alfonzu Avbelj-Savu?) Za dokaz navaja, da Je rad govoril s prof. Tomcem, da Je vodil dolge ali prijateljske pogovore ,z duhovnikom prof. Tomcem, da sta skupaj hodila na sprehode, da ga je včasih celo peljal v Ljubljano in sta skupaj obiskala opero ali slišala koncert. (DALJE na str. 19) Sprememba naslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo nagro-šeni, da naši pisarni posredujete tako Vaš novi naslov kakor sedanji oz. stari. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš. list. Nov naslov Datum začetka: ________________ '____ Vaše ime: ______________________________ Naslov:_______________________________ •* ' * Star (dosedanji) naslov Skladatelj Matija Tomc (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 17) Skladatelj Matija Tomc (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 18) Čudno. Po vsem, kar sem slišala in brala o tem človeku (Alfonzu Avblju) bi bolj verjela, da je prišel k prof. Tomcu iz drugih vzrokov. Vsaka zgodba - in to toliko bolj, če je biografija nekega človeka - je osebna in zgodovinska, tipično vsakdanja in mitološka. Človek živi v nekem času in tisti čas enako močno vpliva na človeka kot človek vpliva na okolico okrog sebe. Če beremo knjigo škofa Vovka V spomin in opomin, lahko takoj razumemo, kako in zakaj so poslali avtomobil, da ga je zapeljal na Urad za notranje zadeve, kjer Je včasih prestal celo noč in odkoder so ga v jutranjih urah pripeljali nazaj na škofijo. Ali je bil prof. Tomc izvzet iz takih pritiskov? Pisatelj se strogo drži previdne politike neobto-Ževanja in nedraženja nekdanjih politično pomembnih ljudi in mogoče tudi sedanjih vplivnih ljudi v Domžalah. Enako obzirno oriše zadržanje prof. Tomca, ki je moral živeti v tistih časih in tedanjih razmerah, da si ne bi zaslužil ali nakopal sumnje provokacije. Kar je bilo za tiste čase razumljivo. Zanimiva je pripomba pisatelja - ali Tomca samega? - da je bil klican na zaslišanje kmalu po V drag in lep spomin ob tretji obletnici smrti Jože juršič Umrl 28. marca 2004 ^ luii večni Ti počivaj, dobroto, milost boijo uživaj. Oh, grenko je le to, si prezgodaj vzel slovo. Čeprav v hladnem grobu spiš, v naših srcih še živiš. Tvoji žalujoči: Žena Rezka sinova Jože z družino, in Janez z ženo Kimberly bčerka Marija igr ostalo sorodstvo tistem, ko je na izletu na Veliko planino (str. 55) srečal ali opazil človeka, ki ga je - posredno, se pravi, proti svojim tovarišem - ogovoril, češ, glejte, tudi župnik planinari. Ker se je to velikokrat zgodilo tudi drugim, posebno tistim, ki so bili smatrani kot protirežim-ski, torej sovražniki novega sistema - tudi meni sami -, je sumnja razumljiva. Kot da bi tisti, ki jih sistem ni smatral za svoje, ne bi smeli uživati lepote slovenske narave. Nehvalevredna pa je navada, da se velikaše starega režima - tu mislim komunističnega - tudi v tem času osamosvojene in demokratične države - po zahodnem, ne socialističnem vzorcu - v Sloveniji še vedno varuje in ščiti pred preveč kritičnim pogledom, pred podrobnim ogledalom. To je samo še ena nerazumljiva gesta v dolgi vrsti zapuščin, ki nam jih je podaril desetletja dolg pritisk na našo sen-sibilnost. Ali je temu vzrok neka človeška neobčutljivost in nekritičnost, nezavedanje čustvenega vpliva, ali samo plitvin-ska duševnost povezana z malomarnostjo, tega ne vem. Potem se sprašujem: ali je to samo strah, tisti strah, ki smo ga vsi v tistih dolgih letih po vojni tako dobro poznali in vskravali, da se nam je zajedel v kri in kosti, za katerega bi morali že dolgo nazaj, v naši odraslosti, spoznati, da ga ni več. "Strah potrka na vrata: vera jih odpre: 'Nikogar ni,” pravi,” sem brala. Ali, kot je v svojem značilnem 'New England’ narečju povedal Franklin Roosevelt: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” (Edino, česar se moramo bati, je strah, ki ga imamo pred strahom.) Tistim, ki so med vojno doživeli krivice - od ene ali druge strani -zaradi svojega prepričanja ali delovanja svojih sorodnikov, je povišavanje komunistov gotovo potrebno. Kar je obžalovanja vredno. In tu mislim krivice, za katere bi se, če bi bilo to ob tej knjigi in v tem kontekstu primerno, ali bi jih sama srečala, lahko samo opravičila. Na splošno je Velimir Vulikič napisal zelo dobro in primerno knjigo o Matiji Tomcu, skoraj učbenik, ki ga bodo lahko uporabljali učenci in ljubitelji Tomčevih skladb. Raziskovalci zgodovine mesta Domžale - tudi življenja fare Domžale - se bodo lahko obrnili na to in verjetno tudi k drugim Vulikičevim knjigam, ki jih piše o Domžalah in Domžalčanih - čeprav je enako kot prof. Tomc tudi sam 'prisvojen' Dom-žalčan - za gradivo in primerjavo v svojih delih. C. J. MEJAČ Silver Spring, Md. Cleveland Public IUimo WCPN 90.3 m . Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willou^by Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone:1-440-944-2538 e-mail: toniy.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net gjoian* «• Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RAPI0 00NJISCE-LJUBLJANA Ob knjigi Borisa Pahorja: Pogledi iz jamborovega koša KOMENTAR Sem pa tja še odmevajo Slovencem neprijazne besede /Giorgija/ Napoli-tana, predsednika italijanske republike na njih “Dan spominov”. (Ur. AD: Gre za komentar Napoli-tana o “fojbah” ob koncu 2. svetovne vojne, za katere so bili krivi takratni jugoslovanski komunisti in z njimi seveda tudi nekateri Slovenci. V svojem komentarju je Na-politano vestno spregledal zločine italijanskih okupatorjev slovenskega / Jugoslovanskega ozemlja za časa fašizma in omenjene vojne.) Dejansko bi ogorčenje moralo biti večje, saj za fojbe niso krivi Slovenci, pač pa komunistična partija Slovenije. Je pa res, fojbe so bile. Sicer v nekem smislu kot plačilo ali povračilo za italijansko nasilje in krutosti za časa fašizma, toda početje povzročiteljev fojb je enako neodgovorno In nehumano, ko je po končani drugi svetovni vojni jugoslovanska vojska imela zaseden Trst in Gorico, preden se Je morala umakniti na zahtevo zahodnih zaveznikov. Kako naj bi torej bili eni in drugi drug drugemu zavezniki! Kar je takrat počela komunistična partija ni nikakor bilo v interesu slovenstva: nasprotno, bilo je slovenstvu v veliko škodo, če že ne naravnost v sramoto. Obžalovati je tudi treba in se resno vprašati, ali je bilo ravnanje komunistov takrat in tudi ves čas pozneje namerno razvredno- o tenje slovenskih narodnih koristi in slovenstva sploh. Nisem še zasledil, vsaj ne v Ameriški domovini, temeljite ocene knjige Borisa Pahorja, katere naslov je: Pogledi iz Jamborovega koša, ki jo je izdala Goriška Mohorjeva. Točnejše ocene bi si sam ne upal podvzeti, kajti preveč premišljevanj o slovenstvu je v tej knjigi. Tudi ni treba, da se z njegovimi trditvami strinjamo, vsaj v celoti ne -jaz sam se prav gotovo ne morem strinjati z njegovimi nazori in pogledi na OF - ima pa močan poudarek in ostro kritiko ter v celoti negativno stališče do KPS o njenem vrednotenju slovenstva. Pahor nenehno poudarja zvestobo slovenstvu; zanikanje te zvestobe je že samo po sebi velika krivda, ki bremeni KPS. Slovenska javnost se vse premalo zaveda te krivde, tega groznega madeža komunistične partije, ki je sledila Edvard Kardeljevemu ukazu, češ, da je komunizem edina vrednota in da narodnost, to Je slovenska identiteta, mora preiti v pozabo in seveda izginiti. Naj tukaj Pahor dobesedno spregovori: “Najbolj drastičen primer, kako je ideološki ekskluzivizem docela prezrl narodne koristi, je ukrepanje slovenskega partijskega vodstva zunaj matičnih mej, ko je naj-poprej nastopalo v imenu proletarskega bratstva (slovensko-italijanskega in slovensko avstrijskega), potem pa, ko je bilo (DALJE na str. 20) AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium -$1.00 per thousand in PA $1.20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MI, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com Ob knjigi Borisa Pahorja (N ADAU EVAN J E S STR. 19) vprašanje mej rešeno, uveljavilo načrt o vključevanju v italijanske in avstrijske levičarske stranke. Tako je, s pomočjo obeh od njega odvisnih forumov, ljubljanski center krojil nesrečno usodo slovenskima narodnima skupnostima onkraj Karavank in onkraj Sežane.” Očitki Pahorja, velikega idealista, ki je bil med vojno tudi v Dachauu in je bil zavesten pristaš OF, bi morali vsekakor globoko odjekniti in, če je med člani partije kdo, ki mu je v prvi vrsti mar slovenstvo, bi moral iskreno spoštovati to sodbo, ki bremeni partijsko vodstvo in celotno slovensko komunistično partijo. Sam sem bil v coni A tista povojna leta, ko se je odločala usoda Slovenskega Primorja. Slovenstvo je predstavljala, a ne zagovarjala ali branila KPS. Tudi v tem je Pahor načelen in oster: “Treba bo tudi politiko tedanjega slovenskega vodstva dati na rešeto. Predvsem je bilo zgrešeno njegovo revolucionarno razmerje do anglo-ameriške oblasti. Saj to ni nikakršna politika, če oblastnikom rečeš: ’mi vas ne priznamo, mi ne sodelujemo, mi zahtevamo itd.’ to je bila za našo skupnost prava polomija.” In še: “Zakaj jih moraš prej dobiti po glavi, preden razumeš, kaj je zgrešeno?” KPS se je uradno prelevila v Zvezo komunistov Slovenije in zdaj je to po imenu neke vrste socialistična stranka pod vodstvom drugačnega Pahorja. Po sedaj objavljenih raziskovanjih slovenskega javnega mnenja ta stranka dobro napreduje. (Po zadnji anketi, naj bi bila druga stranka, sicer za Janez Janševo SDS, op. ur. AD.) Morda tudi zato, ker nekdanja Drnovškova stranka (tj. Liberalnodemokratska -LDS, op. ur. AD), sicer komunistična, a pod drugim imenom, izgublja članstvo in pripadnike. Morda bi bilo preveč pričakovati, čeprav zaže-Ijeno, da bi obe ti stranki postali stranki, ki bi jima bilo slovenstvo prvina, ne pa, kot je bilo povelje Kardelja, da naj slovenstvo propade, samo da prevlada socializem, kar seveda pomeni komunizem, medarodni komunizem, ki mu vsaj slovenske narodnosti ni mar. ■ PESEM MOLKA (nadaljevanje s str. 17) stični misli, pisala pa je tudi za svoj predal in zgodbe kasneje objavila v Clevelandu. Spodbuda za nadaljevanje pisanja ji je bila nagrada Mladike v Trstu leta 1992. Odločila se je, da bo popisala svoja doživetja od leta 1945 do 1955, ko se je preselila v Ameriko. V prvem romanu Poletje molka obravnava leto 1945, čas zmage in porazov, molka padlih. V Poti molka opisuje zgodbo o Mini in njenem internatskem življenju po vojni, ki sta ga zaznamovala vpliv komunizma in naperjenost proti domobranstvu. Pesmi molka pa opisuje predvsem svoje doživljanje Ljubljane, tako da se spominja vsega, kar je bilo tam nekoč v prvobitni podobi, s srednješolsko kljubovalnostjo nadarjenega in ambicioznega dekleta. Kot taka marsikdaj komentira komunizem, njegove politične in gospodarske načrte, rahlo se norčuje iz Kardelja v Beogradu. Kot hči domobranca se je spraševala tudi o tem, za kaj so se domobranci borili, seveda pa je morala preživeti marsikatero grenko izkušnjo. pri čemer je bilo zmerjanje z “domobransko cunjo” še kar znosno, težje je bilo z miličniki in ud-bo. V ZDA je odšla legalno s potnim listom. V romanu zapiše, da odhajala, kot da ni imela več povezave s svetom, v katerem je živela: nič je ni priklepalo na zemljo ali ljudi: ne osebna vez, ne ljubezen, ne domači, ne spomini. Domotožno je strmela le na Šmarje in Zeleni potok. Zadnji del romana se že dogaja v Ameriki. Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. 15) Justine Ozanich Umrla je Justine Ozanich, rojena Jacob, žena Edwar-da, mati Elaine Hren, Erica, Diane Ažman in Todda, 9-krat stara mati. Pogreb je bil 31. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Frančiškega Asiškega s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 ali pa Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Joseph Tuljak Dne 28. marca je umrl 92 let stari Joseph Tuljak, vdovec po Mariji, oče Marijana, Marie Lanigan in Marte Glazen, 3-krat stari oče. Privaten, družinski pogreb je bil v oskrbi Zak zavoda na St. Clair Ave. Doug J. Mervar Umrl je 55 let stari Doug J. Mervar iz Kingma-na, Ariz., mož Mary, roj. Leinweber, oče Elizabeth, brat Dennisa in Linde, sin že pok.' Johna in Betty, r. Cernelich) Mervar, z ženo sta pred leti za 12 let las-tovala in vodila Best Trophy’s and Awards v Ches-terlandu ter tudi lastovala Tyler Concessions. Pogreb je bil 28. marca v oskrbi Brunnerjevega zavoda v Mentoiju. Joseph D. Možic Dne 6. marca je v avtomobilski nesreči, ki se je pripetila v Elktonu, Oregon, kjer je živel zadnjih 15 let, umrl 74 let stari Joseph D. Možic, rojen 19. avg. 1932. Pokojni zapušča sestro Olgo Kočevar, njen mož Dave in njegovo nečakinjo ter več drugih nečakov in nečakinj. Že pokojna sta njegova starša John in Mary Možic. ..PrijatePs Pharmacy S«. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN pomoči DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESC1PTIONS Pokojni je bil graduant svetovidske farne šole in East High School, diplomiral na takratni Case Institute of Technology kot mehanični inženir, nato bil zaposlen pri TRW v Clevelandu in je delal na vesoljskem programu Apollo. Praznovanje njegovega življenja je bilo v Elktonu z geslom, da je umrl kakor je živel, kot prijatelj vsakemu. William J. Vidmar Umrl je 87 let stari William J. Vidmar, vdovec po i Mary, roj. Miklavčič, oče Williama J. in že pok. Bernadette J. Sterk, 7-krat stari oče, 4-krat prastari oče, brat Josephine Gliha ter že pok. Johna, Johanne, Louise Knofel in Alberta. Pogreb je bil 3. aprila s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Rita Hraster Umrla je 85 let stara Rita Hraster, bivša žena že pok. Williama, mati Janice Conley, 1-krat stara mati, sestra Marthe Peter ter že pok. Lydije in Eleanor. Pogreb je bil 2. aprila v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s pokopom na luteranskem pokopališču. Stanley F. Rome Umrl je 86 let stari Stanley F. Rome iz Euclida, vdovec po Stelli, roj. Lanc-kiewicz, oče Sharon Rome-McColgan in Lise Blase, 9-krat stari oče, brat Edwar-da in Mildred (oba že pok.). Pogreb je bil 19. marca v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Chardon Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Elvera V. Warnick Umrla je 92 let stara Elvera V. Warnick, rojena Vidic, prej poročena Hrisko, vdova po Danielu, mati Paula Hrisko, in Jamesa Hrisko, 7-krat stara mati, 4-krat prastara mati, sestra Louisa, Angela in Olge Vo-grig (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil 20. marca v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebov-zete. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Louis F. Pibernik Dne 17. marca je umrl 89 let stari Louis F. Pibernik, vdovec po Helen, roj Wonderchek, oče Barbare Jeunnette in Anite, brat že pok. Edwarda in Catherine-Pogreb je bil 21. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Naznanilo in zahvala Z globoko žalostjo v srcu naznanjam vsem prijateljem in znancem, da nas je za vedno zapustil moj dragi mož in svak Frank Mavsar Pokojni Frank je bil rojen v Šentrupertu, Praproče, Dolenjsko, 23. septembra 1927. Pogreb pokojnega je bil 5. junija 2006. Hvaležni smo članom društev KSKJ št. 226, St. Mary Seniors, in Slovenski pristavi. Hvaležni smo pogrebnemu zavodu Dan Cosic, pod vodstvom Josepha Zevnika, za skrbno in lepo ureditev pogrebnih priprav in vodstvo sprevoda na pokopališče Vernih duš. Naša lepa hvala g. župniku Janezu Kumšetu za večkratne obiske v bolnici, za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu, za pogrebno sv. mašo, in za molitve na pokopališču. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste prišli se poslovit od pokojnega Franka, darovali cvetje, za sv. maše in dobrodelne namene. Prav lepa hvala nosilcem krste, in vsem, ki ste nas spremljali na zadnji poti pokojnega. Iskrena hvala vsem našim dobrim prijateljem, posebno Elsie in Charles Jacobs. Poslali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, za katere smo imeli naslove. Ako kdo kartice ni prejel, naj nam oprosti in naj s to javno zahvalo sprejme našo globoko hvaležnost. Dragi mož, počivaj v. miru in naj ti bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Tvoji žalujoči: žena Ivana (Ivica) rojena Mavsar svak Francisco Mavsar in žena Rosita, nečaka v Argentini Oscar in Ruben ter sorodstvo v Kanadi in Slovenji.