JEZUSOV KRST BAPTISM OF THE LORD SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 2/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 10. 1. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ VESTNIK Jezusov krst Zakaj se je dal krstiti? Ko je prva Cerkev opisovala Jezusa, je poudarjala, da nam je bil v vsem enak, razen v grehu. Če je to res, zakaj potem krst? Tu je več niti, ki se spletajo. Jezus je slišal za Janezovo delo in za moralno prenovo, ki jo je spodbujal. V nesebičnosti, ki je zanj značilna, je želel z njim najprej navezati prijateljstvo. Mogoče je bilo pričakovanje, ki ga je Janez razvnel v ljudeh, zanj signal, da je prišel čas, ko naj prične z oznanilom, o katerem je dolga leta premišljeval v Nazaretu. Kristus bo krščen, ne zaradi svojih grehov, ampak zaradi izrečne posvetitve njegove pripravljenosti. In tretjič, nekateri poudarjajo, da se Jezus ni nikoli zapiral v osamo. Bil je Izraelec in vse, kar je pripadalo njegovemu ljudstvu, vso narodno dediščino, je sprejel nase. Kot namestnik je bil krščen in s tem izrazil nujnost nastopa božjega kraljestva. Nicejska veroizpoved trdi, da je Jezus edinorojeni božji sin, ki je rojen pred vsemi veki in je Bog od Boga, luč od luči, pravi Bog od Pravega Boga, ne ustvarjen, enega bistva z Očetom. Tega ne smemo pozabiti. Hkrati pa lahko pri opisovanju Jezusa uporabimo besede apostola Pavla: »Prevzel je naravo hlapca in postal podoben ljudem« (ril 2,7), in »ki je kakor mi prezkušan v vsem, razen v grehu« (Heb 4,15). Jezus nam odkriva božje možnosti v človeškem življenju, ne v kakšnih drugačnih zemeljskih pogojih, ampak na naši »pešpoti«, na kateri nam vedno nudi roko in nas vabi. Ker je sam molil, lahko tudi nas spodbuja k molitvi, saj ve kolikšnega pomena je in kaj vse lahko naredi. Jezus je molil tudi zato, da je spoznal Očetovo voljo in njegove načrte. Z molitvijo se je dvigal v nebeško čistost, v kateri so vse stvari vidne v božji perspektivi. Med možmi in ženami, ki so mu sledili, so bili tudi taki, ki jim je čistost srca omogočala delno poglabljanje v jasnost razumevanja. V primer-javi z drugimi učenci mogoče niso bili najboljše vzgo-jeni, mogoče niso bili vešči pripovedovanja, toda zaradi svojega blagoslovljenega zrenja, zaradi svojih molitev, so vedeli kam vodi božja pot. Niso se motili v razločevanju pravega in napačnega. V molitvi je Jezus črpal moč. Kamorkoli je šel, je izžareval moč. Ljudje so čutili, da je vsak njegov trenutek popoln; da niso nobene težave, nobenega nasprotovanja močnejša od njega. Resnica je, da na tragični zemlji — udarjeni s človeškim grehom — niti božji sin ni mogel doseči vsega, kar je nameraval. Prevzel je nase našo naravo in človeško življenje se ne konča vedno z zmago. Getsemani je podoben popolnemu neuspehu, križ porazu. Kdor pa premišljuje zadnji Jezusov čudež, ve, da je Jezus zmagal. Celo v navideznem izničenju se je njegova duša premikala visoko, proti izpolnitvi njegovega življenja. In moč, ki jo je v molitvi črpal Jezus, lahko prejme vsak kristjan, ki se uči moliti, kot je molil njegov Gospod. 14 | VESTNIK 2016 16 | VESTNIK 2016 18 | VESTNIK 2016 20 | VESTNIK 2016 22 | VESTNIK 2016 24 | VESTNIK 2016 NEW YEAR' EVE 2015 New Year's was a great event last week - hosted by our St Gregory the Great Parish and Društvo Bled. Together we pulled our resources and managed to create a memorable start to 2016. The hall was beautiful, the food was tasty, the band was great and the company of family and friends fabulous. An evening so won-derful couldn't have happened without the help of many many hands... It is an event like this that we see just how much work goes into the organi-zation of such memorable occasion. Thank you to everyone who made the ringing in of 2016 such an unforgettable night! On the next page is a list of our great volunteers who helped out. We appreciate their time and commitment THANK YOU! - our apologies if we've missed anyone off this list. Please let us know if you were accidentally omitted so that we can document our volunteers accurately and properly thank you! - Če smo koga izpustili, pa ste bili vključeni v pripravo, nam prosim sporočite. Res iskrena hvala vsem. VESTNIK 2016 | 15 VESTNIK 2016 | 17 VESTNIK 2016 | 19 VESTNIK 2016 | 21 VESTNIK 2016 | 23 Your Lead Organizers for New Years were: Heidy Novak Marianne Skerl Mary Miklavcic Leah Skerl Daniela Pavlich Milena Krusic Ticket Sales Heidy Novak Ivan Krušič Marianne Skerl Ticket and Poster Graphics and Printing Joe Horvat Fr. Drago Gačnik SUNDAY Tables and Chairs Set-up Kevin Miklavcic Frank Skerl, Marian Skerl, Eric Skerl, Mark Skerl, Leah Skerl Adam Novak, Heidy Novak, Brock Novak, Clark Novak Drago Horvat, Marianne Horvat, Stephen Horvat, Jason Horvat, David Horvat Štruklji Prep Anica Vidmar Magda Benc Milena Krušič MONDAY Bar Supply Purchase and Delivery Tony Horvat Hall Décor Prep Heidy Novak TUESDAY Hall Set-up Tony Horvat Heidy Novak Leah Skerl Pamela Gosgnach Marianne Skerl Elka Persin Sonya Podrebarac WEDNESDAY Kitchen Set-up Milena Krušič Ivan Krušič Magda Benc Theresa Pucka Irena Kolmanič Terezija Sarjaš Dragica Ferencak Daniela Pavlich Hall Set-up Tony Horvat Lojze Lesica Mirko Kolmanič Heidy Novak Marianne Skerl Sonya Podrebarac Andrea Farkas Ralph Farkas THURSDAY - EVENT DAY Special Effects pick-up Heidy Novak Décor Pick-up Marianne Skerl Special Effects (Webcast Big Screen & Dry Ice) Joe Horvat Fr. Drago Gačnik Coat Check Jay Cestnik Final Set-up Admission Heidy Novak Appetizer Prep Marianne Skerl Mary Miklavcic Bar Staff Joe Černelič Sam Husic Tony Horvat Server Supervisor / Kitchen help Sandy Ferletic RAFFLE & 50/50 SELLERS Tončka Smodiš Magda Benc Sonya Podrebarac Elka Persin SATURDAY CLEAN-UP Drago Horvat, Steven Horvat, Jason, Horvat, David Horvat, Tony Horvat Heidy Novak Marianne Skerl Pamela & Joe Gosgnach Sonya Podrabarac Sidonia Poppa Bob Poppa Lojze Lesica Dragica Ferencak Louis Ferencak Ivan Krušič Milena Krušič Gospa Marincic A Special thank you also to all of our Paid Event Day Staff with whom our evening could not have happened. Thank you all for your time and commitment to ensuring such a great and successful New Year's Eve Celebration. Coat Check Sean Dwyer Noah Servers Maja DeForest Samantha Tougher Izzy Marincic Melissa Tougher Maya Marincic Amalija Lukezic Daniel Dwyer Matjaž Mramor Bar Staff Kristen Farkas Kitchen Staff Milena Krušic Terezija Sarjaš Ančka Prsa Dragica Ferencak Marina Stefanec Daniela Pavlich Ivan Krušic Dragica Ferencak Sandy Ferletic Anica Vidmar Dishwashing Jeff To the Band: Šibaj It is important also to thank the many who supported our event with wonderful Door and Raffle Prizes for our New Year's Event. Thank you to our Sponsors for their support: SCU – Slovenia Credit Un-ion, Novak Property Maintenance, Eddie Kodarin, Powerkure – Milan Ferletič, Branko Pouh, St. Gregory the Great Parish, Društvo Bled. NOVO BANDERO SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA Po doglem času smo dobili tudi bandero zavetnika naše župnije. Kar nekaj časa smo iskali primerno sliko. V cerkvi že imamo mozaik sv. Gregorija Velikega, iskali pa smo primer-no sliko za bandero. Na internetu smo našli sliko, ki se nam je zdela dobra in je delo slikarja Joseph Marie Vienn (1766-1809). V slikarski delavnici »Ocean's Bridge Oil Painting Reproductions« smo naročili kopijo te slike. Naša slika je velika 70 x 52 cm. Slika je ročno delo »neznanega« slikarja iz te delavnice. Da pa je bandero nastalo smo potrebovali še druge stvari. Družina Lorie in Frank Mramor je v Sloveniji naročila in plačala za pasarja, ki je iz medenine izdelal križ in nosilec bandera. Ga. Jožica Vegelj je poskrbela za blago in vse »okraske« in našla mojstra, ki je bandero sešil, Gizela je še prišila »cofke« in tako je bila glavnina bandera pripravljena, da se obesi na stojalo. Oltarno društvo je plačalo izdelavo in blago za bandero. Mirko Zorko pa je še vse skupaj sestavil, tako, je sedaj bandero stoji na podstavku v cerkvi in ga bomo letos, ko bo prvo sveto obhajilo in birma in istočasno tudi praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa in krvi - 29. maja - nesli v procesiji. Takrat bo naš gost hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby. COOKING SESSION Next Week, Saturday January 16, 2016 at 9am in the upper hall kitchen, we will be hosting another "Kitchen Secrets Cooking Session!" - Our demonstration next week will be on how to make "Pierogies". There are many variations, however we will be focusing on the potato/cheddar filling, however, we will include a demonstration with a cottage cheese filling. Because Pierogies take up a lot of table space for prep - we have to limit this class to 16 participants. We already have a number of people interested and signed up... so, if you would like to be included, please contact me ASAP to secure your spot. Please ensure if you sign up for this cooking session, that you are available to attend. I look forward to seeing you all in the kitchen on Saturday 9am sharp! You can contact me Heidy Novak by phone: 905-317-6002 or by email: BAPTISM OF THE LORD Response: O bless the Lord, my soul! First Reading Isaiah 40:1-5. 9-11 A message of consolation: the Lord is coming to save his people. Prepare a way for him. Second Reading Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 God saved us by the cleansing water of re-birth, renewing us with the Holy Spirit so gen-erously poured over us through Jesus Christ our saviour. Gospel Luke 3:15-16. 21-22 After Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit descend-ed upon him in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven declared, “You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you.” “He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Illustration Once when Mother Teresa was selecting children for an orphanage she was establishing in Ethiopia, a journalist challenged her about the children who were not to be taken. “What are you going to do about them?” he asked. With-out hesitation, Mother Teresa fixed him in the eye and said, “What are you going to do?” The journalist returned home, gave up his job and started to raise funds to build another orphan-age. His meeting with Mother Teresa had been a life-changing experience. Gospel Teaching The baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan was a life-changing experience for him. From Luke’s Gospel we gather that Jesus was at this time about thirty years old, the presumed son of Joseph. For the years that followed his experi- ence of being lost in the Temple when he was twelve years old, we hear nothing more of Jesus except that he increased in wisdom, in stature, and in favour with God and with people. For eighteen years he had been pondering on what “being busy with his Father’s affairs” was to mean for him. Now, while he was at prayer after being baptised, the Holy Spirit came down on him in the form of a dove and a voice from heav-en declared, “You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you.” From this moment, Jesus, filled with the Spirit, set out to fulfil his mission as the anointed servant of the Lord, the Messiah, the Christ. There were thousands of people who had come for baptism by John in the Jordan. They were expecting something to happen and won-dered if John himself might be the Christ. John, however, pointed them away from himself. He baptised only in water, but he was to be followed by someone more powerful than himself who would baptise with the Holy Spirit and with fire. If they had experienced something powerful in John, how much more could they expect from the Christ! Application We move the clock forward nearly two thou-sand years to find a happy couple bringing their newborn infant to the church to be baptised. A crowd of family and friends have come to witness the event and to share in the happiness of the day. As the parents hold the child over the font, the priest pours water over the child’s head, saying, “I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” He anoints the child with oil on the forehead and says some prayers. Is this the life-changing experience foreshadowed by the baptism of Jesus? Is this really baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire? It has to be said that for most of those witness-ing the baptism described here, it will be a fairly bewildering ritual, but for those of us with faith something extraordinary is taking place. The sym-bolic actions of the rite of baptism are in fact the sacramental signs, “he saved us, by means of the cleansing water of rebirth and by renewing us with the Holy Spirit which he has so generously poured over us through Jesus Christ our saviour”. It is in this way that we are born again of water and the Holy Spirit and enabled to enter the kingdom of heaven. Whether we appreciate the fact or not, this really is the most life-changing experience that can possibly happen to us. It took Jesus thirty years to grow in wisdom, in stature and in favour with God and with peo-ple before the events of his baptism changed his life. He recognised that he was being anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit; he was truly the Christ. The voice from heaven affirmed that he was truly the beloved Son of God. He knew that he had been sent to bring Good News to those who were poor. Maybe now we should spend some time pondering on what baptism really means for us. OBLETNICE POROK Tisti, ki letos obhajate okrogle obletnice porok, se lahko prijavite za mašo, ki bo 29. maja letos ob 1:30 p.m. v katedrali. Mašo bo vodil naš škof. Douglas Crosby. Več informacij imate na oglasni deski v atriju cerkve. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Mešani pevski zbor dva tedna ne bo imel pevskih vaj. Naslednje vaje bodo v četrtek 28. januarja. Pevci se bomo v soboto, 30. januarja v domu Lipa v Torontu, pridružili zahvalni maši ob praznovanju stoletega rojstnega dneva pevovodje gospoda Naceta Križmana. Bil je prvi zborovodja našega mešanega in moškega zbora Majolka. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 17. januar: Bled - Koline - Sausage FestivalBanquet. . 17. januar 2016: v župniji bo SAMO ENA MAŠA OB 10:00h - Ob 1:00 p.m. je v hamiltonski katedrali, ob svetovnem dnevu imigrantov, etnična maša. . 24. januar: Lipa park - Hunter's Lunch - Koline - Kulturni dan . 6. februar: St. Gregory - Pustovanje . 7. februar: Sava - maša ob 12h - kosilo, Prešernov dan - London-St. John the Divine: maša ob 4 p.m. PRINAŠANJE DAROV: GIFTE BEARERS Gifte bearers for Slovenian mass: - January 10th: Zorka Rev in Sonja Peternel - January 17th - mass is at 10:00 a.m.: Gizela Hauzar in Cilka Lehner CHURCH CLEANING SCHEDULE 2016 The new schedule for 2016 is posted on the notice board in the foyer. Please see Pamela if your team would like a personal copy. SAVA-BRESLAU & LONDON-TRIGLAV V nedeljo, 10. januarja bo sveta maša ob dvanajstih pri društvu Sava v Breslavu. Darovala se bo za pokojne člane društva Sava, za pokojne iz družin Kolenc in Jaklič - za mašo daruje Viktorija Jaklič. Maša se bo darovala tudi za pokojne starše Ludvika in Marijo Serbec in brata Slavka - za mašo daruje Zinka Mirt z družino. Ob 4:00 popoldne bo sveta maša tudi v Londonu, v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Maša se daruje za pokojne člane društva Triglav in še po drugih namenih, ki bodo naznanjeni pred začetkom maše. CWL-KŽZ: BAZAAR The Catholic Women's League Bazaar arrives earlier this year. It is on Sunday, Feb.28. There have been preparations in progress for several months already. We will be taking advance orders for strudel again this year. Only baked, individual portions will be available at the Bazaar. All pre-orders can be made to Vera Gonza at 905 560 0089. Strudels will be made on Wednesday, Feb.17. Please place your order before that date. These pre-orders can be picked up on the day they are made in the later afternoon. Blue Lottery tickets will sold by Slava Gombosa before and after the Slovenian mass and Sidonia Poppa before and after the English mass. Please support us by purchasing these tickets. All the proceeds go directly back to the parish. Lunch tickets will be available soon. Reserved adult tickets are $15. The day of bazaar adult tickets are $17. Children 4-10 are $5. Children 3 and under are free. This is the only fundraiser by our Catholic Women's League. We rely on our membership, parish family and their friends for their help and support to keep this family event tradition in our community going and for it to be a success. Please come out to support us. OB ZAČETKU NOVEGA LETA Z današnjo nedeljo uradno zaključujemo božični čas. Rad bi se ob tej priložnosti zahvalil vsem, ki ste voščili za praznike, nekateri poslali celo kartice, drugi izrazili voščila osebno. Hvala tudi za vse vase darove. Na oglasni deski si lahko vedno ogledate, kosiko ste darovali pri nedeljskih nabirkah. Teresa Sarjaš in Pamega Gosgnach vsak drugi torek zbereta darove iz kuvert in odneseta denar na banko. Hvala njima za vestno delo. Ko večkrat objavimo kdo vse je pomagal pri organizaciji posameznih dogodkov pa je še več takih, ki ste redno vključeni v delovanje naše župnije. Spisek bi bil zelo dolg, če bi hotel tukaj omeniti prav vsakega. Vsekakor hvala vsem, ki ste vključeni v čiščenje cerkve, krašenje in skrbi, da imamo vedno sveže prte, lepo okrašeno cerkev - posebej hvala gospe Olgi in članicam Oltarnega društva - Jožici, Gizeli in Rosemary. Naj se ob tej priliki se iskreno zahvalim gospe Gizeli Hauzar, ki izredno skrbi, da župnik ni lačen. Hvala Sonji, ki ob sredah opere, počisti župnišče in tudi skuha. Hvala Jožici Vegelj in Lojzetu Grebencu, ki skrbita in urejana našo knjižnico in arhiv. Hvala vsem, ki ste se vključili v prinašanje darov pri mašah. Hvala Pameli, ki je poskrbela, da je seznam prinašalcev darov in čistilcev cerkve urejen. Hvala bralcem, tako pri Sloven-ski maši kot tudi pri angleški. Za slovensko mašo skrbi za bralce Frank Novak, za angleško mašo pa Mary Miklavčič. Vsem iskrena hvala. Hvala možem, ki pri mašah pobirajo darove. Hvala gospe Milki Ferko, ki skrbi, da so mašni pritički vedno lepo oprani in zlikani. Hvala Mirku Zorku, ki štirikrat na teden redno prihaja, da uredi vse potrebno po hiši in dvorani. Veliko je takih malih del, ki jih je potrebno napravit, da vse normalno deluje: od elektrike, vode, gretje-hlajenje, popravil tega in onega. V tako velikem objektu je redno vzdrževanje nujno potrebeno. Hvala Nancy Taylor (Dundek), ki je zadolžena za dvorano. Hvala ministrantom, mlajšim in starejšim, delilcema obhajila. Hvala Pavlu, ki je dolga leta skrbel za vse potrebno v zakristiji in cerkvi. Hvala pevcem tako pri slovenskem kot tudi pri angleškem zboru in voditeljem, da imamo lepo pripravljeno bogoslužje. Hvala učiteljicam v Slovenski šoli, ki si prizadevajo, da bi otrokom čimbolj približale slovensko kulturo in jezik. Vsekakor hvala vsem, ki ste vključeni v naša društva, tam sodelujete in pomagate. Hvala župnijskemu svetu, ki je desna roka pri vsem delu. Hvala vsem, ki tako ali drugače podpirate župnijo, z molitvijo, dobro besedo, finančno... In še in še. Bog vam vsem povrni za vašo dobroto. Tako bomo še dolgo ohranjali slovensko skupnost v tej okolici. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO SPAGHETTI DINNER - On Saturday January 9, CGC deceided that this year - because of too many eventy in a short time - they will move »Spaghetti Dinner« to a later date, JUNE 3rd, 2016. JEZUSOV KRST 10. JANUAR BAPTISM OF THE LORD Gregor Niški, škof † †† †† †† za žive in rajne župljane Marija Starešinič Rudi & Ana in sin Rudi Jr., Hanc Za pokojne člane društva Za pokojne člane društva 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON 4:00 P.M. Družina Košir Agnes in Mate Sutlič Sava-Breslau St. John the Divine-London PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 11. JANUAR Pavlin Oglejski, škof †† † Barbara in Marko Oberman Stanko Oberman, obl. 7:00 P.M. Družina Malevič Družina Malevič TOREK - TUESDAY 12. JANUAR Tatjana, mučenka †† Za duše v vicah 8:00 A.M. N.N. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 13. JANUAR Veronika, devica †† Pokojni iz družine Rajbar 7:00 P.M. Chafe Family ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 14. JANUAR Oton, redovnik Po namnu - v čast sv. Duhu 7:00 P.M. A.T. PETEK - FRIDAY 15. JANUAR Alojzij Variara † †† Janko Demšar Francka in Jože Pust 7:00 P.M. Demšar-Scarcelli Družina Pust SOBOTA - SATURDAY 16. JANUAR Marcel, papež † †† †† †† Metod Kuzma Jožef in Eufemija Tompa Lojzka in brat Lojze Pozderec Pokojni iz družine Bunderla 5:30 P.M. Družina Kuzma Hčerke Julija Sagadin z družino Ana in Zoltan Gergyek 2. NEDELJA MED LETOM 17. JANUAR Anton, puščavnik † †† za žive in rajne župljane Annie Kozlar Annie in Frank Kozlar ONLY ONE MASS 10:00 A.M. Marija in Martin Zver Kathy in Joe Prša SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 10.1. 2016 Do 17.1. 2016