Clinical and laboator y st ud y Jmpact of systemic psoriasis treatment on the lesional T- lymphocyte subtypes K E Y WORDS psoriasis, PASlscore, cyclosporin A treatment, lesional CD4,CD8 lymphocytes Impact of systemic psorias-is treatment on the lesional T-lymplwcyte subtypes K. Adamicova, Ž. Fetisovova, J. Peč, P. Cingel, K. Parobekova and I. Chromej ABSTRACT Objective In 19 patients suffering from severe psoriasis and who were treated by Cyclosporin A (CyA), CD4 and CD8 positive T-cells were studied. Materials and methods. Skin from affected areas was examined by immunohistopathology tor the presence of CD4 and CD8 positive T-cells before and 4 weeks after the start of treatment. Results. Significant decrease in CD4 positive T-cells and a non-significant decrease in CD8 positive T- cells were observed after the initiation of treatment. CD4/CD8 ratio dropped from the values of 2.1 O to 1.68. Dramatic decrease in PASI score was observed, from the average value of 23.34 to that of 11.97. Discussion. The authors compare and discuss the results of a few similar cytophotometric studies found in the available literature. The decreases in T-lymphocyte subsets correlate with clinically well- known treatment effect of CyA and suggest underlying immunopathologic process. Introduction Pathogenesis of psoriasis stil! remains unclear. At- tention has been traditionally focused on abnormali- ties ofkeratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. In- flammat01y and immunological reactions in the affected skin have been proposecl as a suspectecl trigger only recently (1). The !atest knowledge in the field of immu- nology of psoriasis and interaction processes between the cells at the site of inflammation suggest a possible autoimmune backgrouncl of this disease (2) . The cells of the immune system bear on their sur- faces hundrecls of molecules specific for particular de- velopment stage and functional state. Until now, more than 260 various types of molecules have been identi- fied on the surface of human leucocytes, but only a few clecacles of these are associated with a know n structure and function. Sets of monoclonal antib? dies were pro- cluced to target antigenic glycoprotein molecules on the surface of cells involved in immune response. In 1982, the Paris nomenclature of these glycoprotein molecules, denoted as CD (cluster of differentiation) markers, was approved (3,4). Healthy dermis contains a certain number ofT-lym- Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 11, 2002, No 2 --------------- - - JJ lmpact of systemic psoriasis treatment on the lesional T- lymphocyte subtypes Clinical an d laboat o r y study Tab 1 CD4 and CD 8 positive T-cells measured before (1 st excision) and after (2nd excision) the start of treatment with CyA in 19 patients suffering from severe form of psoriasis. The ratio CD4/CD8 was calculated and the clinical status was expressed as PASI score. 1 st excision No. CD4 -1 CD8-1 CD4:CD8 PASI - 1 1 24 8 3 38,8 2 104 41 2,53 26 3 68 83 0,81 28,8 4 100 20 5 25 5 25 11 2,27 15,3 6 27 35 0,77 42 7 30 30 1 6,3 8 100 70 1,42 13 9 40 40 1 25,8 10 22 10 2,2 25,8 11 21 12 1,75 14 12 84 62 1,35 13,9 13 96 42 2,28 17,4 14 31 26 1,19 15,6 15 97 36 2,7 27,5 16 120 45 2,66 22,4 17 93 49 1,9 29,9 18 178 54 3,29 13,2 19 162 58 2,79 42,8 Mean: 74,84 38,52 2,1 23,3 phocytes w hich can multiply significantly under patho- logic (inflammatory) conditions (5) . Major pathologi- cal abnormalities in psoriasis occur in epidermis with clisturbed balance in proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes. Hyper-and parakeratosis in the psoriatic sites is accompanie