Splošne teme 1 / General themes 1 Fizioterapija 2013, letnik 21, suppl 1 Študenti fizioterapije in invalidnost: modeli, odnos in študij fizioterapije Mateja Kovačić, dipl. fiziot., pred. Mojca Divjak, viš. fiziot., univ. dipl. org. Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta, Ljubljana, Slovenija. Korespondenca/Correspondence: Mateja Kovačić; e-pošta: mateja3kovacic@gmail.com Uvod: Invalidnost je večplasten, dinamičen, večrazsežnosten in sporen pojav. Na njegovo izraženost vplivajo socialne in fizične ovire ali njihova odsotnost. Po oceni Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije se kar 15,6 odstotka svetovne populacije, to je 720 milijonov ljudi, spopada z neko obliko invalidnosti. Študenti fizioterapije se zaradi narave svojega izobraževanja že med študijem srečajo z invalidnostjo. Ker so bodoči nosilci zdravstvene oskrbe, njihov odnos do invalidnosti neposredno vpliva na način in kakovost dela z invalidnimi osebami. V primeru negativnega odnosa študentov do invalidnosti obstaja tveganje, da bo izid rehabilitacije oseb z invalidnostjo slabši. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, koliko so študenti fizioterapije seznanjeni z različnimi modeli invalidnosti, kakšna so njihova stališča do invalidnosti in ali je študij fizioterapije povezan s temi stališči. Metode: K sodelovanju so bili povabljeni študenti, ki so bili v študijskem letu 2010/2011 vpisani v kateri koli letnik študija fizioterapije. Podatki so bili zbrani s spletno anketo in obdelani s programskim paketom IBM Statistics SPSS 20. Narejena je bila opisna statistika. Stopnja statistične značilnosti (p) je bila 0,05. Rezultati: Sodelovalo je 70 študentov fizioterapije, 57 žensk in 13 moških. Povprečna starost je bila 22,43 leta. Večina se je strinjala tako z medicinskim kot družbenim modelom invalidnosti. Z moralnim modelom invalidnosti se niso strinjali. Le 30 odstotkov anketirancev je te modele poznalo, le 7,1 odstotka je poznalo tudi druge modele. Moški bolj poznajo modele invalidnosti kot ženske (p = 0,038). S povprečno oceno odnosa 5,63 točke (s = 2,767) imajo študenti fizioterapije pozitiven odnos do invalidnosti (p = 0,000). Poznanstvo z osebo z invalidnostjo po mnenju študentov ne vpliva na odnos do invalidnosti (p = 0,371). Po mnenju študentov študij fizioterapije vpliva na odnos do invalidnosti (p = 0,001). Nekdanji gimnazijci imajo do invalidnosti manj pozitiven odnos kot dijaki srednjih zdravstvenih šol (p = 0,001). Gimnazijci imajo statistično značilno manjše ocene vseh komponent odnosa (p < 0,05). Študenti fizioterapije imajo kognitivno komponento manj pozitivno kot vedenjsko (p = 0,005). Zaključki: Odnos do invalidnosti je med študenti fizioterapije pozitiven. Povezan je s študijem in srednjo šolo. Ker fizioterapevti delujejo v okolju medicinskega modela invalidnosti, so izpostavljeni negativističnemu pogledu na invalidnost. To možnost nakazuje tudi nižja povprečna ocena kognitivne komponente. Zato je nujno, da študenti samokritično ocenjuje svoj odnos do invalidnosti in si ga prizadevajo izboljšati. Ključne besede: študenti fizioterapije, gimnazijci, medicinski in družbeni model invalidnosti, odnos do invalidnosti. Splošne teme 1 / General themes 1 Fizioterapija 2013, letnik 21, suppl 1 Physiotherapy students and disability: models, attitude and physiotherapy studies Background: Disability is complex, dynamic, multidimensional and contested. It's severity is influenced by social or physical barriers or lack of those. World health organisation estimates that as far as 15,6% of world population, that means 720 million people, is somehow disabled. Because of nature of their work physiotherapy students face disability during their study. They are future medical service's carriersa and their attitude toward disability directly affects the manner and qualitiy of their work. Risk exists that in case of students' negative attitude toward disability the outcome of rehabilitation of disabledis worse than it could be. The purpose of the study was to determine wheter physiotherapy students know different models of disability, what are their attitudes toward disability and whether they are affected by physiotherapy studies. Methods: Students which attended any year of physiotherapy studies in 2010/2011 were invited to participate. Data was collected via web questionnaire and processed with IBM Statistics SPPS 20 software. Descriptive statistics were made. P-value was set to 0,05. Results: 70 students cooperated, 57 of them women and 13 men. Average age was 22,43 years. Most of them agreed with both medical and social model of disability. They didn't agree with the moral model of disability. Only 30% knew the described models and only 7,1% knew other models of disability. Men are more familiar with disability models than women (p = 0,038). With average attitude value 5,63 points (s = 2,767) students have positive attitude towards disability (p = 0,000). Knowing a person with disability doesn't seem to have an effect on attitude (p = 0,371). In students' opinion physioterapy studies affect their attitude (p = 0,001). Ex grammar school pupils have a less positive attitude towards disability than nursing high school pupils (p = 0,001). Grammar school pupils also have significantly lower values of all attitude components (p < 0,05). A cognitive component was significantly lower than the behavioral in physiotherapy students (p = 0,005). Conlusions: Attitude towards disability among physiotherapy students is positive. It is affected by physiotherapy studies and high school. Physiotherapists work in a medical model settlement and they are exposed to negativistic view of disability. This possibilty is indicated by lower cognitive component value, too. It is necessary for students to be critical about their own attitude towards disability and that they try to improve it. Keywords: physiotherapy students, high school, medical and social model of disability, attitude toward disability. Literatura/References: 1. Mednarodna klasifikacija funkcioniranja, zmanjšane zmožnosti in zdravja (2006). Inštitut za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije, Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo. Radovljica: Tiskarna knijgoveznica, 10, 20, 214. 2. Hergenrather K, Rhodes S (2007). Exploring undergraduate student attitudes toward persons with disabilities: application of the Disability social relationship scale. Rehabil Couns Bull 50 (2): 66–75. 3. Stachura K, Garven F (2007). 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