Metodološki zvezki, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2006, 39-48 GD PBIBD(2)s in Incomplete Split-Plot ´ Split-Block Type Experiments Katarzyna AmbroSy and Iwona Mejza1 Abstract In this paper we present a method of designing a three-factor experiment with crossed and nested treatment structures. The design considered is called a split-plot ´ split-block design. A kind of design incomplete with respect to all three factors is examined. Additionally, we consider the usefulness of group divisible partially balanced incomplete block designs with two associate classes in planning such experiments. In modeling data obtained from them, we take into account the structure of experimental material and a four-step randomization scheme for the different kind of units. As regards the analysis of the obtained randomization model with seven strata, we adapt an approach typical of multistratum experiments with orthogonal block structure. 1 Introduction There are many experimental designs that can be considered for use in a three-or-more-factor experiment. For instance, all experimental designs for one- or two-factor experiments can be applied for this purpose. There are also three-or-more-factor designs specifically developed for the type of such experiments used in agricultural research. These are primarily extensions of either a split-plot or a split-block design (Gomez and Gomez, 1984; LeClerg et al., 1962). The purpose of this paper is to present a method of designing a three-factor experiment with crossed and nested treatment structures. The design considered is called a split-plot ´ split-block (SPSB) design (LeClerg et al., 1962). A kind of such design incomplete with respect to the levels of three factors is examined (AmbroSy and Mejza, 2003). Additionally, we present the usefulness of group divisible partially balanced incomplete block designs with two associate classes (shortly GD PBIBD(2)s, see Clatworthy, 1973) in planning such experiments. 1 Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Agricultural University of Poznañ, Poland;; 40 Katarzyna AmbroSy and Iwona Mejza The SPSB type design is convenient in field experiments, especially when certain treatments such as types of cultivation, application of irrigation water, varieties etc., may have to be arranged in (crossed and nested) strips across each block. 2 Assumptions and notation Let us consider a three-factor experiment of SPSB type in which the first factor, say A, has s levels A1, A2, …, As, the second factor, say B, has t levels B 1, B2,, …, Bt and the third factor, say C, has w levels C 1, C2, …, Cw. Thus the number v (= stw) denotes the number of all treatment combinations in the experiment. The experimental material is assumed to be divided into b blocks each with a row-column structure with kA rows (kA < s) and kB columns of the first order, called I-columns for short (kB