Laboratory investigation Microbiological diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis K E Y WORDS Lyme borreliosis, diagnosis, isolation, PCR, serology Microbwlogical diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis E. Ružic-Sabljic SUMMAR Y Lyme borreliosis is a complex multisystem disorder. Clinical manifestations are variable and differential diagnosis is often difficult. Besides clinical criteria (erythema migrans), the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis can be ascertained by demonstration of borrelial infection using either direct (isolation, PCR) or indirect (serology) microbiological tests. lsolation of B. burgdorferi sensu lato from clinical material represents the most reliable method far confirming borrelial infection. PCR has been developed far the detection of B. burgdorferi sensu lato DNA in clinical specimens. In contrast to culture, PCR is a rapid method but it is not standardized. Serologic tests represent the most commonly used method far establishing micro- biological diagnosis of borrelial infection. Specific lgM and lgG antibodies can be detected in blood, CSF and synovial fluid. The percentage of seropositivity increases with duration of infection. It is not possible with serologic tests to distinguish between ~cute, late, active, or treated disease. In patients with Lyme borreliosis a specific T-cell response to B. burgdorferi sensu lato can also be detected. Introduction Lyme borreliosis is a complex multisystem disorder that affects persons of all ages and both sexes. Infec- tion can manifest with protean clinical signs; different organs can be affected, including the skin, nervous sys- tem, joints, and others (1). Clinical manifestations are variable ancl clifferential diagnosis is often difficult. The best clinical marker of the disease is the initial skin le- sion e1ythema migrans (1, 2). In some patients clinical manifestations are not specific but indicate a borrelial etiology, in others they can be entirely non-specific far borrelial infection. In these cases, microbiological con- firmation of borrelial infection is essential (3). Besides clinical criteria (primarily the presence of e1ythema migrans), the cliagnosis of Lyme borreliosis can be ascertainecl by demonstration of borrelial infec- tion using either clirect (isolation, PCR) or indirect (se- rology) microbiological tests. Each inclividual method bas its own sensitivity ancl specificity; criteria far the evaluation are based on clinical parameters. In many cases clifferent tests are combined. Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 10, 2001, No 4 -------------------------- -------- 143 Microbiological diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis Cultivation Bo1-relia hui·gdor/eri sensu lato has been isolated from different clinical specimens: skin, CSF, bloocl, syn- ovial fluid etc. during early as well as chronic stages of Lyme borreliosis (4). Specimens for isolation must be taken uncler aseptic conditions and before the institu- tion of antimicrobial therapy. In clinical specimens, Borreliae are present in low numbers and/ or periodi- cally (for example in blood), thus specimens for isola- tion have to be as large as possible (like 2 ml of CSF, 10 ml of blood etc.). Because Borreliaeare susceptible to the environmental conditions it is recommended to in- oculate specimens into the medium as soon as possible (e .g. bed side) (3, 4) . Borreliae grow optimally in modified Kelly medium at 33°C; severa! variants of basic Kelly's medium have been clevelopecl (5-7). Because borrelial generation tirne is long and ranges from 8 to 24 h (it clepends primarily on borrelial adaptation to the artificial medium) it is rec- ommended to cultivate specimens for at least nine weeks (2,4-7). For many physicians cultivation is not ve1y attractive because it is a clemanc.ling, long lasting, anc.l expensive procedure . However, isolation of B . burgdo1ferisensu lato from clinical material represents the most reliable methocl for confirming borre lial in- fection , especially in patients with unspecific clinical manifestations. Although B. burgdoiferi sensu lato grows well in laborato1y conditions, it is not easily recovered from clinical specimens. The frequency of recove1y of Borre- liae from skin biopsies ranges from up to 40% in pa- tients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans to 70% in patients with e1ythema migrans (4). Biopsies taken from the expancling eclge of e1ythema migrans yielcl comparable culture positivity as biopsies taken from the centre of the skin lesion (8). The frequency of recove1y of Borrelia from other specimens (CSF, blood, synovial fluid etc.) is less then 10%. Overgrowth of competing bacteria (for example bacteria of normal skin flora) may be a serious problem in culturing Borrelia from clinical specimens. Additionally, contamination of sam ples dur- ing long cultivation process also decreases the fre- quency of recove1y (4). Although Borreliaeare fasticlious and requesting for cultivation, this methocl showed some findings impor- tant for elucidating pathogenesis of borrelial infection: I.) Borreliae have been isolatecl from blood and CSF of patients with solita1y (ancl multiple) erythema migrans. These finclings con firm that Borreliae clisseminate early after infection (9-11). II .) Borreliae have been isolatecl from patients with high antibody titers such as patients with acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (12). It seems that specific anti- boclies as demonstrated by serological tests are not able Laboratory investigation to eradicate Borreliae from the body. Moreover, in these patients Borreliaewere isolated not only from skin but also from CSF, indicating multiorgan affection. III.) Borreliae have been isolated from patients that had been treated with antimicrobial agents appropriately (13) . Although Borreliae are susceptible to antibiotics, they have some mechanisms to survive treatment. IV.) Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of iso- lated strains show different clistribution of species regard- ing the geographical regions (Europe, USA) as well as biological material (humans, ticks), and inclicate rough association ofborrelial species and clinical manifestation of Lyme borreliosis (B . a/zelii with skin clisorders, B. gariniiwith neurologic involvement) (10,14-16). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) PCR has been developed for the detection of B . hurgdor/eri sensu lato DNA directly in body fluids and tissue specimens (17). The target sequence for ampli- l'ication can be borrelial chromosomal DNA (16S rRNA gene, flagellin gene etc .) or plasmid DNA (e.g. gene for OspC, OspA etc.) (17-19). For detection with PCR, it is not necessary that borrelial strains are alive; it is sufficient that their DNA is preserved. Thus, it is rea- sonable to perform PCR even in patients treated with antibiotics . In contrast to culture, PCR is a rapid method that can give results in hours. But, like the culture, PCR re- sults also depend on the concentration of spirochetes in the specimen taken for analysis. Although successful cletection of less than 10 microorganisms in the sample has been reportecl, in some patients culture seems to be more sensitive than PCR (20-21) . Inhibitory sub- stances in the specimens ancl sample preparation pro- cedures may negatively influence PCR sensitivity (22). Specificity of PCR is cleterminecl mainly by the choice of specific primers ancl probes. Borrelial DNA hetero- geneity and significant sequence differences in the tar- get gene can cause false-negative results (23) . On the other hand, false-positive results are possible mainly because of extremely high sensitivity ofthe procedure: they can be a result of airborne contamination with borrelial DNA (primarily alreacly amplified DNA) (24). PCR may be helpful for the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis but it remains a non-standardised method. PCR protocols differ regarding to the sample prepara- tion, target DNA selection, primer selection, selection of amplifying methocl, ancl detection of PCR-generated products. Thus, PCR results should be interpreted with caution ancl accorcling to clinical findings and the effi- ciency of the test. 144 --- --- ---- - - --- - - - - --------------- - Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 10, 2001, No 4 Microbiological diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis Serology At present, serologic tests represent the most com- monly used methocl for establishing microbiological cliagnosis of borrelial infection. Methocls inclucle en- zyme-linkecl immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immuno- fluorescent assay (IFA) ancl Western immunoblot (WB). Specific IgM ancl IgG antibodies can be cletectecl in bloocl , CSF ancl synovial fluid. Hum oral antibocly response to B. burgdo1feri sensu lato is complex ancl varies individually. Specific IgM antiboclies can be detected after 3 to 6 weeks, IgG anti- bodies some weeks later. Low sensitivity of tests at the beginning of the infection is a consequence of late on- set of antibody production. The percentage of seropo- sitivity increases with the duration of infection. About one fourth of patients with early infection (like erythema migrans) and almost all with chronic infection (such as acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans) are seropositive (3,25). In general, some patients develop a strong, the others a weak immune response , while in some patients an immune response can not be detected. On the other hancl, in some healthy persons, especially from endemic regions, specific antibodies can also be detectecl. Ab- sence of immune response does not mean the absence of borrelial infection ancl, on the contra1y, presence of an immune response does not inclicate active infection (3,4) . Serologic tests alsodo not clistinguish between acute, late, active, or treatecl clisease. Phenotypic heterogeneity of Borrelia strains has pronouncecl impact on the antibody formation ancl de- EFE E C ES Laboratory in v estigation tection. An infectecl person procluces antiboclies clirectecl against the antigens exhibited by the infecting strain. Because of clifferent antigen profiles and consiclerably distinct antibody responses, serologic tests must be ca- pable to cletect quite heterogeneous antibody responses evokecl by clifferent borrelial strains (26). Commercial as well as home-macle serologic tests are not stanclarclisecl. These tests use different Borrelia species (B . afzelii, B. garinii, and B. burgdo1:f"eri sensu stricto) or clifferent strains within the same species as test antigen. Serologic tests also va1y regarcling the antigen preparation: whole Borrelia strain, purifiecl, sonicatecl , or recombinant bo- rrelial antigens can be used (16,27). False positive reactions occur particularly in patients with syphilis or relapsing fever, ancl in patients with auto- immune cliseases. Possible cross-reaction with antigens from a broacl range of microorganisms can influence test results. Some of the cross-reactive antibodies can be reclucecl by aclsorption tests ( 4,25). C ell-mediated immunity Investigations of cell-mecliatecl immunity in patients with Lyme borreliosis showed specific T-cell responses to B. burgdorferisensu lato. Some patients demonstrate a significant cell-mecliatecl immune response while they are only borclerline or low seropositive to Borreliae. 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