Environment energy and transport COLLECTION REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA ^__^ BROCHURES STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA www.stat.si/eng Environment, energy and transport in figures Ljubljana, July 2012 Environment, energy and transport in figures Authors: Mojca Žitnik, Teja Rutar, Mojca Zlobec, Špela Gale Photos on the cover: environment: Dušan Jože Dime; energy: Alenka Mihorič, SOKOL, ARSO; transport: Dušan Jože Dime The publication is available at www.stat.si/eng/pub.asp Information: Information Centre: Phone: + 386 1 241 64 04 e-mail: info.stat@gov.si CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 311:656(497.4) 502/504:311(497.4) ENVIRONMENT, energy and transport in figures / [authors Mojca Žitnik ... et al.]. - Ljubljana : Statistični urad Republike Slovenije = Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2012 Dostopno tudi na: www.stat.si/eng/pub.asp ISBN 978-961-239-253-6 1. Žitnik, Mojca, 1970262341888 Issued, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Litostrojska cesta 54 - © SURS - Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged - Printed in 50 copies Foreword This is the second publication of the environmental brochures series, where we gathered the basic data and information from environmental statistics (environment, energy, transport). Environmental data are the basis for determining numerous indicators, such as green growth indicators, well-being indicators and sustainable development indicators. They are also the basis for development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of European environmental policy, especially the sixth Environment Action Programme covering the period 2002-2012. These data are also needed for monitoring energy and transport trends, which must satisfy the objectives of the EU 2020 strategy, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and introduction of energy from renewable energy sources. The brochure shows the data on quantities of natural resources available to us and criteria for the quality of environment which we live in and also human pressures on the environment. Data and information are linked in a statistical story where clearly and simply written comments are intertwined with graphic and tabular displays. In this manner we strive for better understanding and use of presented data and information among our users - especially for easier understanding and knowledge of current environmental, energy and transport situation in Slovenia and the European Union. You are kindly invited to start exploring our new publication entitled Environment, Energy and Transport in Figures and make optimum use of it. Vua Irena Križman Director-General ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND TRANSPORT IN FIGURES 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES..............................................7 AIR....................................................................8 Greenhouse gas emissions.....................................................8 WATER................................................................11 Water abstraction and consumption from public water supply.....................11 Waste water.................................................................14 Public water supply and sewage network........................................16 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .........................................19 Gross fixed capital formation and current expenditure............................19 WASTE................................................................22 Waste, problem of current time.................................................22 Municipal waste .............................................................25 FOREST...............................................................27 Multifunctional role of forests..................................................27 Forest - carbon storage .......................................................29 2. ENERGY IN FIGURES ...................................................31 Energy production............................................................32 Electricity generation.........................................................34 Energy consumption..........................................................36 Final energy consumption in transport..........................................38 Electricity prices..............................................................40 Renewable energy sources....................................................43 3. TRANSPORT IN FIGURES ................................................ 45 Road vehicles................................................................46 Transport and traffic..........................................................48 Road traffic accidents.........................................................52 4. METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS AND DEFINITIONS....................55 5. STATISTICAL SIGNS, ABBREVIATIONS AND UNITS OF MEASUREMENT.......58 6. SOURCES AND LITERATURE.............................................59 6 ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND TRANSPORT IN FIGURES ENVIRONMENT AND IMPACTS ON IT Initiatives which put to the forefront well-being and sustainable development lately more often appear at the European and global level. Environmental, social, economic, political and other issues are often linked with each other; therefore, they can not and should not be considered separately. For the well-being of humanity, rapid economic growth alone is not enough. We are increasingly more aware of the importance of the planetary ecosystem: it supplies us with raw materials and energy, accepts waste and harmful emissions, provides us with ecosystem services and is a place for living and various activities. Environment, energy and transport are linked together The publication presents three areas that are closely intertwined -environment, energy and transport. Among the environmental data we present data showing the state of our water and air, investments in environmental protection, data on waste and its treatment, and some selected data related to forests, which are a very important part of the environment. Comprehensive information is presented also in the field of energy and transport as these two economic fields have strong impact on environment and its state. Slovenia has experienced many changes in the last decade which are mostly consequences of transition, restructuring of the economic and social system, and accession to the European Union. The accelerated development of economy and consumer society also increased pressures on the environment. We are facing many large and complex environmental problems, which include: air and water pollution, waste generation and disposal, unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, loss of biodiversity, consequences of climate change, etc. Energy moves the world Energy is an issue in many connections; for example, in connection with the assurance of energy supply, in terms of competitiveness, but also in relation to impacts on the environment. The energy sector has a significant impact on economic development and the quality of life, but has several negative environmental impacts due to greenhouse gas emissions, use of non-renewable energy sources and location of energy facilities. Solutions are reflected in integrated planning, the efficient energy use and use of renewable energy sources. Carrying capacities of the environment are already exceeded Humanity greatly affects ecosystems with the increase in population and growing consumption of raw materials and energy. Increase in material well-being makes worse the quality of the environment and depletes natural resources. Carrying capacities are already exceeded and this applies also to the Slovenian territory. Transport enables greater mobility of people and goods In transport too there appears a dilemma regarding the relation between its positive and negative impacts. In addition to all its advantages (high level of accessibility and mobility), it causes many negative effects, such as air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and associated climate change, fossil fuel consumption, noise, traffic accidents, etc. - Slovenia - Chart 1: Greenhouse gas emissions, Slovenia Gg CO, equivalent (1,000) 1986 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 o surs greenhouse gas emissions — Kyoto target 2008-2012 Source: ARSO ■ In accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, in the 2008-2012 period Slovenia should reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases by 8% on average compared to the base year emissions (calculated as the sum of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions in 1986 and F-gases emissions in 1995). In 2009 greenhouse gas emissions decreased distinctly. ■ In 2009, which is already in the target period, greenhouse gas emissions were almost 5% lower than set base year emissions (which amount to 20,354 Gg CO2 equivalent). ■ In the observed period the amount of greenhouse gas emissions varied considerably; in the last decade it even increased. The first significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions was recorded in 2009, namely by almost 10% over the previous year - most likely this decline was due to the economic crisis in Slovenia and worldwide. ■ In 2009, the majority of greenhouse gas emissions originated from the field of energy, namely 82%. The majority of these emissions resulted from the fossil fuel consumption in transport and in energy production. The second largest share of emissions originated from agriculture, slightly more than 10%; slightly more than 4% of total emissions originated from industrial processes and slightly more than 3% from waste landfills and solvent and other product use. Table 1: Greenhouse gas emissions by source, Slovenia Gg equivalent CO2 1986 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Emissions, total11 20,228 18,478 18,458 18,821 20,237 20,455 20,567 21,286 19,339 fuel combustion in the energy sector 16,072 14,400 14,848 14,954 16,194 16,337 16,433 17,474 15,886 agriculture 2,218 2,140 2,046 2,137 2,006 2,023 2,078 1,965 1,996 industrial processes 1,289 1,292 962 1,005 1,281 1,322 1,322 1,200 841 solvent and other product use + waste 649 646 602 726 756 773 734 647 615 1)Because of rounding, the totals do not always add up. Source: ARSO ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES AIR - Greenhouse gas emissions 9 - Slovenia Chart 2: Greenhouse gas emissions by type of gas, Slovenia, 2009 1% 6% Chart 3: Greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector, Slovenia □ carbon dioxide C02 without LUCF I I methane CH4 I I nitrous oxide N20 I I other" 1) hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Source: ARSO ■ In 2009, 83% of greenhouse gas emissions were represented by carbon dioxide, slightly more than 10% by methane, 6% by nitrous oxide and the remaining by hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. From the base year 1986 to 2008 the amount of carbon dioxide emissions increased by more than 10%, and then in 2009 decreased by almost 12% over the previous year. The largest share of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions originates from the use of fossil fuels for energy production. 1986 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 -energy production - manufacturing and construction transport • other sectors Source: ARSO ■ Quantities of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector were very different among different activities. The majority was generated by fossil fuel consumption in energy production, namely around 40% of total emissions. The second largest quantity of emissions originated from the use of fossil fuels in transport; these emissions were increasing since the base year and in 2008 almost reached the emissions from energy production and then in 2009 (due to the economic crisis) decreased by almost 14%. Greenhouse gas emissions generated by fuel consumption in manufacturing and construction were decreasing since 1986; in 2009 just over 12% of total emissions were generated in these activities. EU-27 - Map 1: Greenhouse gas emissions, EU-27, 2008 According to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions per capita Slovenia is ranked just above the EU-27 average. ■ Most greenhouse gas emissions per capita were generated in Luxembourg (more than 26 tons of CO2 equivalent per capita), followed by Estonia and Ireland (each with slightly more than 15 tons of CO2 equivalent per capita), the Czech Republic and Finland (each with slightly more than 13 tons of CO2 equivalent per capita). Slovenia was (with slightly more than 10 tons of CO2 equivalent per capita) ranked just above the EU-27 average. The least greenhouse gas emissions per capita were generated in Latvia (5 tons of CO2 equivalent per capita). ■ The total quantity of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU varies considerably. In 2008, greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-27 amounted to almost 5,000 million tons of CO2 equivalent. Among the EU Member States most greenhouse gas emissions were generated in Germany (over 19%), followed by the United Kingdom (just under 13%), Italy and France (each with 11%) and Spain and Poland (each with 8%). Slovenia was with 0.4% of total greenhouse gas emissions ranked among the smaller producers of these gases. Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 28. 7. 201 1) - Slovenia Map 2: Abstracted water, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010 Amount in 1,000 m3 □ 4,999 or less □ 5,000-9,999 □ 10,000- 19,999 ■ 20,000 ali več 0 per capita in m3 Sources: SORS, SMA The volume of water abstracted into the public water supply is decreasing. ■ From 2002 to 2010 the volume of water abstracted for public water supply decreased by more than 11%. In 2010 just over 166 million m3 of water or approximately 81 m3 per capita was abstracted. The largest amount of water for public water supply is abstracted from groundwater. ■ In 2010, the largest amount of water for public water supply was abstracted from groundwater (more than 62%) and only 2% from surface water (this is, with regard to quality of surface water in Slovenia, understandable); the amount of water abstracted for public water supply was larger in 2010 than in 2009 (by less than 1%). ■ The largest amount of water for public water supply was abstracted in the Osred-njeslovenska statistical region (more than 29%) and the smallest in the Zasavska statistical region (slightly more than 1% of all water abstracted for public water supply). 12 WATER - Abstraction and consumption of water from public water supply ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES - Slovenia Chart 4: Water from public water supply, supplied to the customers, Slovenia, 2010 Chart 5: Water from public water supply, supplied to the customers, Slovenia 51% □ water delivered to households ] water loss □ water delivered to industry □ supplied but uncharged water Source: SORS Since 2008 the consumption of water in households has been decreasing. ■ In 2010, too, the largest amount of water from public water supply was delivered to households (51%). 2% of water was supplied but uncharged; this is water that is used for street hydrants and for fire extinguishing purposes. Almost 28% of water was lost within the waterworks network because of the outdated water supply system. mio rrr 100 80 60 40 20 0 _L 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ©surs __ water delivered to households — water loss supplied but uncharged water water delivered to industry Source: SORS ■ In 2010, households consumed slightly less than 85 million m3 of water from public water supply or 41.2 m3 of water per capita. This is 5% less than in 2008 and 44% less than in 1995, when water consumption in households was the largest in the last fifteen years. ■ The amount of water from public water supply that is delivered to industry is decreasing. Water losses within waterworks network are constantly increasing as a result of the outdated water supply system. In 2010, 47 million m3 of water was lost. EU-27 - Map 3: Water consumption from public water supply, EU-27, 20091) People in Ireland consume the largest amount of water per capita. ■ In recent years EU Member States consumed on average approximately 70 m3 of water per capita per year. ■ The largest amount of water per capita per year was consumed in Ireland (141 m3) and the smallest in Lithuania (only 30 m3). ■ In Slovenia the total consumption of water (in households and in industry) per capita per year was 58 m3, which is lower than the EU-27 average. 1) Data for Cyprus, Italy, Spain, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands refer to 2008; data for Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Germany, Slovakia, Sweden and the United Kingdom refer to 2007; data for France refer to 2001. Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 28. 7. 201 1) 14 WATER - Waste water ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES - Slovenia Chart 6: Discharging of waste water, Slovenia mio m" 200 160. 120- 80 40. 0- I 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 csurs □ treated waste water | untreated waste water Source: SORS Table 2: Discharge of waste water by water sources, Slovenia ■ The amount of waste water that flows through the public sewage system is increasing. In 2010, 173 million m3 of waste water of different origin flowed through the public sewage system. ■ The amount of treated waste water also increases every year. In 2010, almost 127 million m3 of waste water or more than 73% of all waste water was treated. The amount of treated waste water is increasing. ■ In 2010, the largest share of waste water was discharged into surface waters, almost 92% or almost 160 million m3 and more than 79% of this water was treated. Approximately 13 million m3 of waste water was discharged into groundwater and almost all of this water was untreated. 1,000 m 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Waste water total untreated 40,625 33,313 66,019 44,818 38,806 41,664 52,509 46,416 treated 84,796 94,831 77,280 104,134 114,975 114,351 115,968 126,910 in groundwater untreated 3,886 4,048 3,827 11,384 4,790 13,219 12,412 13,347 treated 2,062 956 455 452 549 894 648 702 in surface water untreated 36,739 29,265 62,192 33,434 34,016 28,445 40,097 33,069 treated 82,734 93,875 76,825 103,682 114,426 113,457 115,320 126,208 Source: SORS ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES WATER - Waste water 15 - Slovenia Chart 7: Waste water by sources of pollution, Slovenia, 2010 ,2% I I from households I I from manufacturing □ from other activities ■ from mining and quarrying Table 3: Waste water by treatment levels, Slovenia 1,000 m3 | | from agriculture, construction and electricity supply Source: SORS ■ In 2010, the largest amount of waste water was generated in households (71%) and the smallest in agriculture, construction and electricity supply (less than 1%). Less and less waste water is treated with primary treatment, more and more with secondary and tertiary treatment. 2003 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Waste water treatment, total 84,796 104,134114.975 114,351 115,968 126,910 primary treatment 61,122 31,386 18,641 8,801 4,116 3,299 secondary treatment 23,512 54,600 70,146 81,331 82,795 89,675 tertiary treatment 162 18,148 26,188 24,219 29,057 33,936 Source: SORS ■ Waste water can be treated by three processes: the processes of primary treatment - they can be mechanical or chemical, they remove only a small part of the organic load; the processes of secondary treatment - they are mostly biological, they remove the major part of the organic load; the processes of tertiary treatment - besides the organic loads they also remove most of the nutrient loads. ■ Recently less and less waste water has been treated with the processes of primary treatment; in 2010 only 2% of waste water was treated by these processes. More and more waste water is treated with secondary and tertiary processes. The amount of waste water treated with the processes of secondary treatment increased since 2003 by 381% or from 23 million m3 (in 2003) to almost 90 million m3 (in 2010). In 2003 the processes of tertiary treatment in Slovenia almost did not exist, but in 2010 more than 26% of waste water or 34 million m3 of waste water was treated with these processes. 16 WATER - Public water supply and sewage network ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES - Slovenia Table 4: Length of the water supply and sewage networks, Slovenia 1995 2000 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 Water supply network 13,433 16,164 18,503 19,550 20,779 20,895 21,082 Sewage network 4,275 5,247 5,496 6,241 6,673 7,215 7,560 Source: SORS Chart 8: Connections to the water supply and sewage networks, Slovenia number of connections (1,000) 600 450 300 150 1995 2000 2005 2006 water supply network Source: SORS 2007 2008 2009 sewage network The length of the water supply network and the sewage network in Slovenia is increasing. ■ In the last fifteen years the length of the water supply network increased by more than 7,500 km or by 57%. Accordingly, the number of connections to the water supply network also increased (by 41%). ■ The length of the sewage network in Slovenia is also increasing. It is being constructed in large as well as in small municipalities. In the last fifteen years the length of the sewage network increased by more than a half or by more than 3,000 km. From 1995 to 2010 the number of connections to the sewage network also increased, namely by 84% or by more than 240,000 connections. km ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES WATER - Public water supply and sewage network 17 EU-27 Map 4: Citizens connected to the sewage network, EU-271), 20092) The share of the population connected to the sewage network is higher in the old Member States (EU-15) than in the new ones. ■ In 2009, the share of the population connected to the water supply network was higher than 80% in almost all EU-27 Member States, except in Romania and Lithuania; the share of the population connected to the sewage network was much lower, between 30% and 99%. ■ In 2009, every household or all citizens (100%) in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, Cyprus and Malta were connected to the water supply network. In Slovenia in 2009 91% of citizens were connected to the water supply network. ■ In Spain, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands more than 90% of citizens in 2009 used the sewage network, but in Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta less than a half of citizens used it. With the share of 52% of citizens connected to the sewage network, Slovenia was in the bottom half of EU-27 Member States. 1) Data referring to the United Kingdom include only England and Wales. 2) Data for Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, the Czech Republic and Austria refer to 2008; data for Slovakia, Latvia and Germany refer to 2007; data for Hungary and Sweden refer to 2006; data for Cyprus and Ireland refer to 2005; data for France refer to 2004; data for Luxembourg refer to 2003; data for Finland refer to 2002; data for Italy refer to 1999. Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 28. 7. 201 1) - Slovenia - Table 5: Funds for gross investments for environmental protection by purpose, Slovenia mio EUR 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Gross investments, total 173 212 249 192 252 292 271 347 333 protection of air and climate 54 41 48 48 60 83 69 99 75 wastewater management 71 116 114 70 107 110 78 90 160 waste management 18 38 49 37 37 57 84 71 56 protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water 14 8 18 17 29 13 12 28 19 noise and vibration abatement 11 4 13 14 10 15 18 37 17 other 4 5 6 6 8 12 10 21 7 Source: SORS Chart 9: Funds for gross investments for environmental protection, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2009 15 Savinjska Osrednjeslovenska Jugovzhodna Slovenija Obalno-kraška Spodnjeposavska Gorenjska Goriška Podravska Koroška Pomurska Zasavska Notranjsko-kraška Source: SORS 30 =l= 45 60 =l= mio EUR 75 90 ■ Funds for gross investments for environmental protection amounted to EUR 333 million or 0.94% of GDP in 2009. From 2001 to 2009 they increased by more than 92%. ■ In 2009, the majority of funds for gross investments for environmental protection (almost half) were invested in wastewater management, while in 2008 the majority of these funds were invested in protection of air and climate. Gross investments for environmental protection are increasing. ■ Among the statistical regions, in 2009, the most funds for environmental protection were invested in Savinjska (more than EUR 78 million) and Osrednjeslovenska (more than EUR 71 million) statistical regions and the least funds were invested in Notranjsko-kraška (less than EUR 3 million) and Zasavska (just over EUR 3 million) statistical regions. 20 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - Gross fixed capital formation and current expenditure ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES - Slovenia Map 5: Current expenditure for environmental protection, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2009 amount in million EUR □ up to 9.9 □ 10.0-19.9 □ 20.0-49.9 □ 50.0-99.9 | 100.0 or over The largest share of current expenditure for environmental protection is spent on waste management. Sources: SORS, SMA ■ In the structure of total expenditure for environmental protection in 2009, the largest share was spent on waste management, namely over 32% (more than EUR 108 million); on wastewater management just over 15% of total current expenditure was spent (just over EUR 51 million) and on protection of air and climate just over 8% (just over EUR 27 million). ■ Among the statistical regions, in 2009, the largest share of current expenditure for environmental protection was spent in the Osrednjeslovenska region (more than 29%); the majority of this expenditure was spent on waste management. In Notranjsko-kraška and Zasavska statistical regions less than 1% of the total current expenditure was spent. EU-27 Chart 10: Funds for gross investments for environmental protection, EU-271), 2009 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 % GDP 0.6 Slovenia Malta9 Lithuania Poland Romania Netherlands Bulgaria Italy" Czech Republic" Spain41 France51 Hungary® Estonia Portugal" Belgium" United Kingdom Finland" Germany" Denmark0" Cyprus* Luxembourg21101 Latvia® Austria" Slovakia81 Sweden61 I I public sector industry 1) No data for Ireland and Greece. 2) No data for gross investments for environmental protection in industry. 3) 1999. 4) 2008. 5) 2004. 6) 2006. 7) 2002. 8) 2007. 9) 2005. 10) 2003. Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 28. 7. 201 1) Slovenia is first according to investments for environmental protection in the public sector in terms of total GDP. ■ Among the EU-27 Member States there are large differences in the share of gross investments for environmental protection in terms of GDP. There are also large differences between the shares of gross investments for this purpose in industry and the shares of gross investments for this purpose in the public sector. Only in Romania, Spain, Hungary and Germany the investments in industry and in the public sector were comparable. In Slovenia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Italy and France more funds were invested in the public sector. In the remaining Member States investments for environmental protection were higher in industry. ■ According to Eurostat data, the gross investments for environmental protection in industry as a share of GDP in 2009 were the highest in Bulgaria (0.57%), Estonia (0.46%), Slovenia (0.34%), and Slovakia and Romania (in each 0.31%). The lowest shares were recorded in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria (in each less than 0.1%). ■ Gross investments for environmental protection in the public sector are slightly different. The most funds (as a share of GDP) were invested in Slovenia (0.53%) and Malta (0.52%) and the least in Sweden and Slovakia (each 0.03%), Austria, Lithuania and Luxembourg (each 0.04%). - Slovenia Map 6: Waste, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010 Amount in 1,000 tons ] 149 or less □ 150-299 □ 300-599 □ 600- 1,199 | 1,200 or more Lately Slovenia has been generating less waste. ■ In 2010, Slovenia generated 6.6 million tons of waste. Up to 2008 the amount of waste increased, while after 2008 the economic crisis began to influence also this area. The trend reversed and the amount of waste started to reduce. In 2010, Slovenia generated 2% less waste than in 2007, mainly due to less waste generated in production and service activities (approximately 3% compared to 2007). ■ In 2010, municipal waste in Slovenia represented 13% of total generated waste. The remaining 87% of waste was industrial waste; this waste included construction waste, waste from production activity, waste from agriculture, waste from services and other waste. Sources: SORS, SMA ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES WASTE - Waste, the problem of current time 23 - Slovenia Table 6: Waste, Slovenia 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Waste total 6,814 6,514 6,897 7,036 7,034 6,760 6,604 of which: hazardous waste 110 128 103 106 154 99 106 Source: SORS ■ Among all waste generated in 2010 the share of hazardous waste amounted to less than 2% or approximately 106,000 tons (which is almost 7% more than the amount of such waste in 2009). In recent years Slovenia generated around 3,500 tons of hazardous municipal waste per year. Chart 11: Waste treatment, Slovenia i recovery > disposal export import Source: SORS The amount of landfilled waste is decreasing. ■ Since 2006 the amount of waste that was landfilled has been decreasing. Compared to 2006, in 2010 the amount of landfilled waste decreased by more than a third. ■ In recent years the amount of waste that was exported has also decreased; the amount of imported waste has been varying but all these years it has been larger than the amount of exported waste. Mainly we import separately collected fractions designated for recovery. More and more waste is recycled and reused. ■ Since 2002 Slovenia has been recovering around 60% of waste (including waste generated in Slovenia and waste imported from abroad designated for recovery). The share of recovered waste slightly varies between the years; however, it stays more or less the same. In 2010, Slovenia recovered 65% of waste. The share of waste disposed by incineration as one of the processes of waste treatment decreased from almost 8% to about 4%. ■ The most important process of waste recovery is recycling. From 2002 to 2010 the share of recycled waste increased by more than 60%. In 2010 Slovenia recycled more than 80% of metal waste and waste paper, more than a half of plastic waste, around 40% of glass waste and wood waste, and only 8% of textile waste. 1,000 t EU-27 Chart 12: Recovered waste, EU-27, 2008 20 40 Denmark Poland Germany Netherlands Slovenia Austria France Luxembourg Czech republic Italia Spain Belgium Ireland Latvia United Kingdom Cyprus Finland Slovakia Hungary Estonia Portugal Lithuania Sweden Greece Romania Malta Bulgaria 60 =d= E> of waste generated 80 100 Source:Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 28. 7. 201 1) More and more waste is recovered in the EU-27. ■ In 2008, the EU-27 generated about 2,613 million tons of waste, most of them (in each over 300 million tons) in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. ■ In 2008, the EU-27 recovered 1,175 million tons of waste or 45% of total waste generated. ■ The largest share of waste was recovered in Denmark (90%), followed by Poland (79%), Germany (75%) and the Netherlands (70%). The least waste was recovered in Bulgaria (only 1%), Malta (3%), Romania (5%) and Greece (8%). ■ The 67% share of recovered waste placed Slovenia high above the EU-27 average. All EU Member States together recovered on average 45% of waste. ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES WASTE - Municipal waste 25 - Slovenia Table 7: Municipal waste - total and hazardous, Slovenia kg per capita 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Municipal waste total 417 422 431 439 453 of which hazardous municipal waste 0.5 0.5 0.7 1.4 1.5 Source: SORS ■ In 2010, Slovenia landfilled 64% of generated municipal waste, which is 11% less than in 2009 and 23% less than in 2006, when the amount of landfilled waste was the largest. The share of landfilled municipal waste is decreasing. Chart 13: Municipal waste - generated and landfilled, Slovenia 1,000 tons 1,000-, mm 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 n generated ■ landfilled Source: SORS The amount of municipal waste is decreasing. ■ In 2010, each citizen of Slovenia generated on average 422 kg of municipal waste per year or 1.16 kg per day. The amount of municipal waste per capita was the highest in 2008, namely 453 kg per capita; this is 14% more than in 2002 and 6% more than in 2010. ■ Hazardous municipal waste represents less than 1% of total municipal waste. Chart 14: Separately collected municipal waste, collected by public services, Slovenia 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 — packaging waste -separately collected fractions waste from gardens and parks ©surs Source: SORS ■ In recent years the amount of packaging waste and waste from parks and gardens has increased, while the amount of separately collected fractions has decreased. Among municipal waste, in 2010 the share of mixed municipal waste was over 75%. 26 WASTE - Municipal waste ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES EU-27 Map 7: Recycled municipal waste, EU-27, 2009 Recycling of municipal waste is still relatively low in most EU Member States. ■ The amount of municipal waste per capita per year is quite high in the EU-27 Member States. In 2009, each citizen of the EU-27 generated on average 512 kg of municipal waste. ■ In most EU-27 Member States the largest amount of municipal waste is still landfilled and in most of these counties more of this waste should be recovered (recycled or reused). In recent years the amount (share) of recovered municipal waste in the EU-27 Member States has been increasing. ■ In 2009, Germany recycled the largest share of municipal waste (47%). Slovenia was second placed with 38% of recycled municipal waste . Very little, less than 10%, of municipal waste was recycled in Latvia (7%), Malta (4%), Lithuania and Slovakia (3% each), the Czech Republic (2%), Romania (1%) and Bulgaria (even less than 0.5%). Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 28. 7. 201 1) ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES FOREST - Multifunctional role of forests 27 - Slovenia Table 8: Forest area, Slovenia 1,000 ha 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Forests total1' 1,134 1,169 1,174 1,183 1,185 1,186 forests available for wood supply 1,062 1,060 1,064 1,074 1,075 1,077 protective forests and forest reserves 73 110 110 110 110 109 1) Because of rounding, the totals do not add up. Sources: MAFF, SFS ■ The primary role of forests is economic; therefore, forests available for wood supply dominated in Slovenia in the 2000-2009 period. The area of forests available for wood supply slowly increased between 2000 and 2009 and in 2009 amounted to more than 1 million hectares. ■ Protective forests and forest reserves are important because of their protective role and the conservation of biodiversity. In 2009 their total area amounted to around 109,000 hectares, or almost 37,000 hectares more than in 2000. The area of protective fdres ts and fores t reserves increased. Chart 15: Forests available for wood supply, protective forests and forest reserves, Slovenia 2000 2009 i-1 forests available '-' for wood supply | protective forests and forest reserves Sources: MAFF, SFS Increase in the share of protective forests and forest reserves indicates the increasing environmental importance of forests. ■ Forests available for wood supply represented the largest share in the 2000-2009 period, their share was above 90% throughout this period; between 2000 and 2004 it was 94%, but later it decreased and in 2009 reached 91%. ■ The share of protective forests and forest reserves increased between 2000 and 2009 from 6% to a little more than 9%. 28 FOREST - Multifunctional role of forests ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES EU-27 Table 9: Forest areas according to functions, EU-27, 2010 1,000 ha Protected Protected land areas forest for conservation areas11 of biodiversity21 EU-2731 20,356 58,609 Italy 3,265 4,306 Germany 2,754 3,457 Spain 2,499 12,351 Finland 1,925 4,309 Romania 1,746 3,148 Sweden 1,435 5,696 Slovakia 1,104 574 Czech republic 740 785 Portugal 700 1,601 Austria 659 898 Latvia 610 729 Lithuania 433 908 Hungary 424 1,397 Bulgaria 313 3,284 France 313 4,672 Slovenia 241 636 Estonia 213 757 Belgium 209 307 Poland 187 3,440 Greece 164 2,147 United Kingdom 145 1,666 Cyprus 95 75 Netherlands 83 349 Ireland 58 755 Denmark 40 317 Malta 0 4 Luxembourg 40 ... not available 1) Forest areas originally designed for the protection and conservation of biodiversity, natural and cultural resources within the protected areas. 2) The European Habitats Directive. 3) The sum of available data by country. Sources: Eurostat, FAO (Global FRA, 2010) Slovenia is among the countries with small areas of protected forests. ■ According to the Eurostat data, in 2010 around 20 million hectares of forests were in protected areas in the European Union (or 13% of the total EU-27 area). ■ The most extensive protected forest areas in 2010 had Italy, Germany and Spain; with 241,000 hectares Slovenia ranked among the countries with less extensive protected forest areas. ■ Land areas which are established for biodiversity conservation in the European Habitats Directive covered almost 59 million hectares in the EU-27 in 2010; in Slovenia they covered 636,000 hectares, which is 1% of the total European protected land areas. ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES FOREST - Carbon storage 29 - Slovenia Table 10: Annual increment and growing stock, Slovenia Chart 16: Unused timber felling potential, Slovenia Growing stock Annual increment Growing stock (mio m3) Annual increment (m3/ha) 2000 263 6.9 232 6.1 2001 268 6.9 234 6.1 2002 277 7.1 241 6.2 2003 286 7.3 247 6.3 2004 294 7.4 252 6.4 2005 301 7.6 257 6.5 2006 308 7.7 262 6.5 2007 318 7.8 269 6.6 2008 322 7.9 272 6.6 2009 328 8.0 276 6.7 Source: SFS Growing stock and annual increment are increasing. ■ Growing stock amounted to almost 328 million cubic metres in Slovenia in 2009 (276 m3/ha) or almost 25% more than in 2000 (263 million cubic metres). According to the volume of growing stock, Slovenia was considered to be among the EU-27 Member States with the greatest volume of growing stock. ■ Annual wood increment was increasing in the observed period in Slovenia; in 2009 it amounted to 8 million cubic metres or 1 million cubic metres more than in 2000. In 2009 the annual increment amounted to 6.7 cubic metres per hectare of forest or 10% more than in 2000. % 100 80 60 40 20 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 o surs Sources: SORS, SFS ■ The share of unused potential of timber felling varied around an average of 60% in the observed period of 2000-2009; in 2009 almost 58% of the timber felling potential remained unused, and in 2006 51%; in 2006 the felling intensity in Slovenia was the highest (the felling intensity reflects the ratio between the felling of timber and the annual wood increment). ■ The relatively high share of unused timber felling potential reflects a strategic advantage of Slovenian forests for carbon sequestration. Slovenian forests are an important source of carbon sinks and climate change shock absorbers. 30 FOREST - Carbon storage ENVIRONMENT IN FIGURES EU-27 Chart 17: Carbon stocks in living forest biomass, EU-27, 2010 300 600 900 mio tons of carbon 1,200 1,500 Germany Sweden France Poland Finland Romania Italy Spain Austria Czech Republic Latvia Slovakia Bulgaria Slovenia Estonia Lithuania Hungary United Kingdom Portugal Greece Belgium Denmark Netherlands Ireland Luxembourg Cyprus Malta Source: FAO (Global FRA, 2010) The largest stocks of carbon in living forest biomass are stored in Germany. ■ According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) data, in 2010 the largest carbon stocks in living forest biomass were stored in Germany, Sweden and France (each more than 1 billion tons). In total, in these countries almost 4 billion tons of carbon were stored in 2010, or more than a third (39%) of total carbon stock in living forest biomass. ■ Slovenian forests stored almost 180 million tons of carbon in the living forest biomass in 2010, or a little less than 2% of all stocks in the EU-27 (almost 10 billion tons). Approximately the same amount of carbon in the living forest biomass as in Slovenian forests was in 2010 stored in Estonian forests (165 million tons). r— »We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using Nature's inexhaustible sources of energy - sun, wind and tide. ... I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.« Thomas Edison 32 Energy production ENERGY IN FIGURES - Slovenia Table 11: Indigenous energy production, Slovenia Chart 18: Indigenous energy production by energy source, Slovenia Year Production, total 2000 3,151 2001 3,210 2002 3,321 2003 3,289 2004 3,460 2005 3,495 2006 3,445 2007 3,455 2008 3,672 2009 3,659 2010 3,755 ■ In 2010, indigenous energy production amounted to almost 3.8 million tons of oil equivalent (toe) or 19% more than in 2000 and almost 3% more than in 2009. Total energy production in Slovenia is increasing. mio toe 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 nuclear energy renewables and waste — solid fuels hydro energy »suns Source: SORS ■ After 2000, nuclear energy has been prevailing among the energy sources. Its production increased from around 1.2 million toe to almost 1.5 million toe or by almost 19% over the 2000-2010 period. The production of other energy sources also increased during this period: solid fuels by around 7%, hydro energy by around 22% and renewables by more than 47%. ■ Nuclear energy represented the largest share (more than 39%) in the structure of indigenous energy production in 2010 - the same as in the past ten years. Solid fuels represented around 32%, renewables and waste 18% and hydro energy almost 11% of all energy produced in Slovenia. 1,000 toe ENERGY IN FIGURES Energy production 33 EU-27 Chart 19: Primary energy production, EU-27, 2009 40 80 =1= 120 mio toe 160 United Kingdom France Germany Poland Netherlands Czech Republic Sweden Spain Romania Italy Denmark Finland Belgium Austria Hungary Greece Bulgaria Slovakia Portugal Estonia Lithuania Slovenia Latvia Ireland Luxembourg Cyprus Malta Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 17. 8. 2011) Chart 20: Primary energy production by energy source, EU-27, 2009 I I nuclear energy I I renewables I I solid fuels n 9as | oil and petroleum products Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 17. 8. 2011) ■ In the structure of primary energy production in 2009, nuclear energy represented the largest share, 28%; renewables represented 22%, solid fuels 20%, gas 18% and oil and petroleum products 12%. Nuclear energy prevails in the primary energy production in the EU-27. ■ In 2009, all EU-27 Member States together produced more than 800 million toe of primary energy. More than half of this energy was produced by three countries: the most by the United Kingdom (156 million toe or 19%), followed by France and Germany (each produced around 16% of total primary energy production in the EU-27). The least primary energy was produced in Cyprus (0.1 million toe or 0.01%); Malta did not produce it at all. Slovenia was with a 0.4% share among the smallest producers of primary energy in the EU-27. 34 Electricity generation ENERGY IN FIGURES - Slovenia - Table 12: Gross electricity generation by type of production, Slovenia GWh 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Generation, total 13,624 14,466 14,600 13,821 15,272 15,117 15,115 15,043 16,398 16,401 16,433 hydroelectric power plants 3,834 3,796 3,313 2,957 4,095 3,461 3,591 3,266 4,018 4,713 4,696 thermal power plants 5,029 5,413 5,759 5,657 5,718 5,772 5,975 6,082 6,107 5,945 6,067 nuclear power plant 4,761 5,257 5,528 5,207 5,459 5,884 5,548 5,695 6,273 5,739 5,657 solar power plants - - - - 0 0 0 0 1 4 13 - no occurrence of event Source: SORS Chart 21: Gross electricity generation by energy source, Slovenia 1,000 GWh 8 - - " - 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 nuclear energy lignite hydro energy - natural gas brown coal — other esu ■ Electricity generation in Slovenia is increasing. In 2010 more than 16,000 GWh of electricity was produced or 0.2% more than in 2009 and around 21% more than in 2000. ■ In 2010, more than 6,000 GWh (or almost 37%) of electricity was produced by thermal power plants, more than 5,600 GWh (34%) by the nuclear power plant and almost 4,700 GWh (29%) by hydroelectric power plants. The share of electricity produced by solar power plants was only 0.1% (13 GWh), but the produced quantity was 225% higher than in 2009. The majority of electricity in Slovenia is produced by thermal power plants. Source: SORS ■ The majority of electricity generated in 2010 was produced from nuclear power (more than 34%); almost 29% was produced from hydro power, 26% from lignite and around 11% from other sources. ENERGY IN FIGURES Electricity generation 35 EU-27 Chart 22: Gross electricity generation by type of production, EU-27, 2009 Malta Cyprus Estonia Poland Netherlands Greece Ireland Denmark Italy United Kingdom Portugal Germany Luxembourg Czech Republic Spain Hungary Bulgaria Romania Finland Belgium Latvia Slovenia Austria Slovakia Lithuania Sweden France m □= n thermal power plants hydroelectric power plants □ nuclear power plants □ renewable energy sources Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 17. 8. 2011) EU-27 More than half of electricity in the EU-27 is produced by thermal power plants. ■ In 2009, total gross electricity generation in the EU-27 was around 3,200 TWh. The majority of electricity was produced by thermal power plants (1,800 TWh or almost 55%); 890 TWh (28%) was produced by nuclear power plants, 390 TWh (12%) by hydroelectric power plants and around 150 TWh (5%) from other renewable energy sources. ■ In eighteen Member States over half of their electricity was produced by thermal power plants. In Malta and Cyprus only thermal power plants were used for electricity production. In France, Lithuania, Slovakia and Belgium over half of their electricity was produced by nuclear power plants. In Austria and Latvia the majority of electricity was produced by hydroelectric power plants (in each around 60%). The largest share of electricity from renewable energy sources (without hydroelectric power plants) was produced in Denmark (18%), followed by Spain (15%) and Ireland (10%). 36 Energy consumption ENERGY IN FIGURES - Slovenia Table 13: Final energy consumption by sector, Slovenia 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Consumption, total 4,561 4,691 4,677 4,862 5,000 5,094 5,143 5,103 5,436 4,934 5,077 energy sector 18 19 16 17 17 16 17 18 17 16 19 manufacturing and construction 1,396 1,277 1,238 1,515 1,536 1,645 1,698 1,604 1,485 1,219 1,277 transport 1,309 1,360 1,387 1,405 1,452 1,543 1,626 1,836 2,149 1,862 1,859 households 1,125 1,131 1,163 1,250 1,232 1,186 1,157 1,048 1,115 1,211 1,276 other consumption 597 783 767 518 564 494 458 394 519 518 542 non-energy use 117 122 106 158 197 210 187 202 152 109 104 Source: SORS Chart 23: Final energy consumption by energy source, Slovenia, 2010 □ oil and petroleum products □ electricity n natural gas □ renewables ■ heat I solid fuels ■ In 2010, about 5 million toe of energy were consumed in Slovenia, which is nearly 3% more than in 2009 and about 11% more than in 2000. ■ In 2010, the majority of energy was consumed in transport, almost 37%; manufacturing and construction, and households each consumed around 25%. Around 13% of energy was consumed in other sectors. Final energy consumption in Slovenia is increasing. Source: SORS ■ Oil and petroleum products accounted for almost half of all consumed energy, around 49%; electricity accounted for 20%, natural gas for 14%, renewables for 12%, heat for 4% and solid fuels 1%. ENERGY IN FIGURES Energy consumption 37 EU-27 Chart 24: Final energy consumption by sector, EU-27, 2009 20 40 60 80 100 1 % 2% EU-27 Luxembourg Malta Cyprus Greece Spain Portugal Ireland United Kingdom Slovenia Denmark Italy Lithuania Bulgaria Austria France Belgium Netherlands Hungary Germany Poland Czech Republic Sweden Estonia Latvia Romania Slovakia Finland I I transport I I households □ I—i agriculture industry I—I and forestry □ services other Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 17. 8. 2011) The largest end energy consumer in the EU-27 is transport. ■ Around 1,100 million toe of energy were consumed in the EU-27 in 2009. The most energy was consumed in Germany (213 million toe), France (155 million toe), the United Kingdom (137 million toe) and Italy (121 million toe). The least energy was consumed in Malta (0.443 million toe). ■ The structure of final energy consumption in the EU-27 in 2009 was as follows: the largest share was consumed in transport (33%), followed by households (27%), industry (24%), services (13%) and agriculture and forestry (2%). ■ Transport was the largest energy consumer in 17 Member States. Households were the largest consumers in Latvia, Romania, Estonia, Hungary, Poland and Germany. Industry was the largest consumer in Finland, Slovakia, Sweden and the Czech Republic. 38 Final energy consumption in transport ENERGY IN FIGURES - Slovenia Table 14: Final energy consumption in transport, Slovenia 1,000 toe Chart 25: Final energy consumption in transport by fuel, Slovenia Year Consumption, total 2000 1,309 2001 1,360 2002 1,387 2003 1,405 2004 1,452 2005 1,543 2006 1,626 2007 1,836 2008 2,149 2009 1,862 2010 1,859 Source: SORS ■ In 2010, almost 1.9 million toe of energy was consumed in transport, which is 42% more than in 2000 but around 0.2% less than in 2009. Energy consumption in transport is decreasing; diesel oil prevails. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 - unleaded motor gasoline 95 - diesel oil - other o surs Source: SORS ■ Consumption of unleaded motor gasoline 95 prevailed in transport until 2003; in 2004 it was overtaken by diesel oil. In 2009, the consumption of the majority of fuels decreased. Consumption of unleaded motor gasoline 95 and 98 and kerosene continued to decrease in 2010. Consumption of diesel oil and biofuels remained about the same as in the previous year (2009), whereas consumption of electricity and liquefied petroleum gas increased. ■ The structure of fuel consumption in transport in 2010 was as follows: diesel oil accounted for almost 64% of total fuel consumption in transport, unleaded motor gasoline 95 almost 29%, unleaded motor gasoline 98 around 3%, liquid biofuels 1.6%, kerosene 1.4%, electricity 0.8% and liquefied petroleum gas 0.3%. ENERGY IN FIGURES Final energy consumption in transport 39 EU-27 Chart 26: Final energy consumption in transport by fuel, EU-27, 2009 Spain Luxembourg Belgium France Portugal Slovenia Austria Romania Lithuania Italy Hungary Czech Republic Slovakia Latvia Bulgaria Poland Estonia Ireland Denmark Finland Germany Netherlands United Kingdom Sweden Greece Cyprus Malta 20 40 60 80 % 100 I I gas/diesel oil □ kerosenes ■ electricity I I gasoline EZI biofuels other Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 6. 9. 2011) 2%2%3% EU-27 Gas/diesel oil prevails in transport fuel consumption in the EU-27. ■ In 2009, the EU-27 Member States consumed around 370 million toe of fuels in transport, which is the largest energy consumer. The most fuels were consumed in Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy, and the least in Malta. ■ Gas/diesel oil represented the majority of the total consumed fuels in the transport sector, it accounted for 52%; gasoline accounted for 27%, kerosenes for 14%, biofuels for 3% and electricity for 2%. ■ The share of biofuels in the transport sector in 2009 was the largest in Slovakia, where it accounted for around 8%. In Estonia and Malta biofuels were not used in transport. 40 Electricity prices ENERGY IN FIGURES - Slovenia Table 15: Electricity prices1'2', Slovenia EUR/100 kWh VII-XII 2007 I-VI 2008 VII-XII 2008 I-VI 2009 VII-XII 2009 I-VI 2010 VII-XII 2010 I-VI 2011 Industry 10.92 11.18 11.82 12.35 11.55 11.92 12.06 11.85 Households 11.16 11.47 11.56 13.46 13.41 14.01 14.26 14.41 1) VAT included. 2) Data refer to the following consumer bands: between 2,500 and 5,000 kWh (Dc - households) and between 500 and 2,000 MWh (Ic - industry). Source: SORS Chart 27: Structure of electricity prices1'2', Slovenia % households industry 100 804 60 404 20. CO CO CI CI fl M N N N IN r>l CO CO <7i ai N (\| IN M (N N N ■ Between the second half of 2007 and the first half of 2011 the electricity price for households in Slovenia was mostly higher than the electricity price for industry. The latter was higher only in the second half of 2008. ■ Electricity prices were mostly rising between 2007 and 2011. The electricity price for households increased by 29% and for industry by almost 9%. Electricity prices are constantly rising. H energy I I network costs □ additions and contributions 1) Exclusive of VAT. 2) Data refer to the following consumer bands: between 2,500 and 5,000 kWh (Dc -households) and between 500 and 2,000 MWh (Ic - industry). Source: SORS ■ The electricity price consists of the energy price, network costs, additions to network costs, the excise tax, from 1 February 2010 on the contribution to improve the efficiency of electricity use and VAT. ■ Among the individual items in the electricity price in the observed period additions and contributions increased the most. ENERGY IN FIGURES Electricity prices 41 EU-27 Chart 28: Electricity prices11, EU-27, 2nd half of 2010 EUR/kWh 0.25 0.3 I I households industry ®SJRS 1) Data refer to the following consumer bands: between 2,500 and 5,000 kWh (Dc -households) and between 500 and 2,000 MWh (Ic - industry). 2) Data on electricity price for industry refers to the 2nd half of 2008. 3) Provisional data. Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 6. 9. 2011) In the EU-27 households generally pay a higher price for electricity than industry. ■ Electricity prices for households in the EU-27 Member States were in the second half of 2010 mostly higher than electricity prices for industry. Households paid a lower price than industry only in Malta, Lithuania and Latvia. ■ Ratios between electricity prices for both groups of consumers are very different between countries. The difference between prices is the largest in Sweden, where the electricity price for households is almost 87% higher than for industry. ■ The electricity price for households was the highest in Denmark and the lowest in Bulgaria; the electricity price for industry was the highest in Cyprus and the lowest in Bulgaria. ■ The Slovene electricity price for industry in the second half of 2010 represented 95% of the EU-27 average. The electricity price for households represented 83% of the EU-27 average. ENERGY IN FIGURES Renewable energy sources 43 - Slovenia - Table 16: Electricity generation from renewable energy sources, Slovenia 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Generation, total 3,414 3,080 4,218 3,575 3,701 3,377 4,307 4,905 4,926 hydroelectric power plants 3,313 2,957 4,095 3,461 3,591 3,266 4,018 4,713 4,696 wood and other solid biomass 84 98 92 82 76 63 232 120 120 other renewable energy sources 18 24 30 32 35 49 57 73 110 Source: SORS Chart 29: Electricity from renewable energy sources, Slovenia % in gross electricity consumption 50 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 6surs ■ Around 4,900 GWh of electricity from renewable energy sources was in 2010 produced in Slovenia, which is almost 44% more than in 2002 and 0.4% more than in 2009. ■ The vast majority of electricity from renewable energy sources in Slovenia is produced by hydroelectric power plants, in 2010 95%. Around 2% of electricity is produced from wood and other solid bio-mass, and also around 2% from other renewable energy sources (pho-tovoltaics, landfill gas, sewage sludge gas and other biogases). The share of electricity generated from renewable energy sources is slowly but steadily increasing. Source: SORS ■ The share of electricity from renewable energy sources in gross electricity consumption in 2010 was 34.4%, which is 2.7 percentage points more than in 2000. 44 Renewable energy sources ENERGY IN FIGURES EU-27 Map 8: Electricity from renewable energy sources in final electricity consumption, EU-27, 2008 Electricity generation from renewable energy sources in the EU-27 is increasing. ■ Electricity generation from renewable energy sources in the EU-27 amounted to 567 TWh in 2008, which is 45% more than in 1998. ■ The highest share of renewable energy sources in total electricity consumption among the EU-27 Member States in 2008 was observed in Austria (62%); Slovenia was ranked fifth (29.1%) and well above the EU-27 average (16.7%). ■ The most electricity from renewable energy sources was in 2008 produced in Germany (95 TWh), Sweden (82 TWh) and France (76 TWh). Slovenia was with 4.3 TWh ranked among the smaller producers. The least electricity from renewable energy sources was produced in Cyprus (less than 0.02 TWh), while Malta did not produce such electricity. Source: Eurostat (Energy, transport and environment indicators, 2011) Photo: Albert Kolar, SOKOL, ARSO 46 Road vehicles TRANSPORT IN FIGURES - Slovenia - Table 17: Road vehicles, Slovenia, 31 December 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Road vehicles mopeds and motorcycles1) 11,217 48,671 53,193 71,493 81,996 88,428 91,008 passenger cars and special passenger cars 868,905 964,781 985,567 1,020,127 1,051,836 1,065,927 1,068,932 buses 2,255 2,255 2,277 2,330 2,378 2,394 2,400 goods motor vehicles 56,992 69,878 73,638 81,518 88,437 88,457 89,219 goods trailing vehicles 12,474 17,804 19,197 21,740 24,018 23,636 23,762 1) Obligatory registration of mopeds since April 2002. Breaks in data series at the end of 2007 due to non-removal of motorcycles during winter months. Sources: SORS, MNZ Chart 30: Passenger cars on 31 December and their average age, Slovenia number (mio) 1.2-, 0.6 0.3. years ,-12 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ^ new vehicles | I old vehicles — average age « Sources: SORS, MNZ ■ The total number of registered road vehicles increases from year to year. In 2010 compared to 2009 the number of mopeds and motorcycles increased the most (by almost 3%); the number of goods motor vehicles increased by 0.9%, of goods trailing vehicles by 0.5%, and of passenger cars and buses each by 0.3%. ■ The share of registered new passenger cars among all registered passenger cars was around 6% in the 2001-2010 period. The highest share was recorded in 2008 (6.8% or 71,037 passenger cars) and the lowest in 2009 (5.4% or 57,391 passenger cars). Average age of passenger cars is increasing. ■ In 2001 passenger cars registered in Slovenia were on average 6.9 years old and in 2010 already 8.2 years old. TRANSPORT IN FIGURES Road vehicles 47 EU-27 Chart 31: Number of passenger cars per 1,000 population, EU-271) Luxembourg2* Italy Cyprus Malta" Austria Finland Slovenia Germany Lithuania Belgium France41 Spain Denmark4' Sweden Netherlands United Kingdom Irland41 Poland Czech Republic Estonia Latvia Bulgaria Hungary Slovakia Romania Greece5*3 □ 2009 □ 2004 ®SURS 1) For Portugal data not available. 2) 2008 instead of 2009. 3) For 2004 data not available. 4) 2007 instead of 2009. 5) 2003 instead of 2004. 6) For 2009 data not available. Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 29. 9. 201 1) Most passenger cars per 1,000 population in Luxembourg, the fewest in Romania. ■ In all Member States except in Germany and the United Kingdom the number of registered passenger cars per 1,000 population was higher in 2009 than in 2004. ■ In the 2004-2009 period the number of passenger cars per 1,000 population grew more in Eastern Europe, especially in Poland (by 38% or from 314 to 433) and in Latvia (by 35% or from 296 to 400). ■ Among the Member States the highest number (over 600) of passenger cars per 1,000 population were registered in Luxembourg (678) and in Italy (606). Over 500 passenger cars per 1,000 population were registered in Cyprus, Malta, Austria, Finland, Slovenia, Germany and Lithuania. ■ The fewest passenger cars per 1,000 population in 2009 were registered in Romania (197 or less than one passenger car per 5 people). ■ Slovenia had 468 registered passenger cars per 1,000 population in 2004, 517 per 1,000 population in 2009 and 518 per 1,000 population in 2010. - Slovenia Chart 32: Inland goods transport, Slovenia mio tkm 20,000-, 16,000- 12,0008,0004,000- 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 □ rail transport ■ road transport oaJRS Source: SORS Table 18: Inland goods transport, Slovenia, 2010 In recent years five times more goods carried by road than by rail. Tons Ton-kilometres (1,000) (mio) TOTAL 96,626 19,215 Road transport total 81,026 15,931 national transport 59,737 2,288 international transport 21,289 13,643 Rail transport total 15,600 3,284 national transport 3,520 617 international transport 12,080 2,666 Source: SORS ■ Data on the last ten years show that inland goods transport in Slovenia started to grow after 2003 mainly due to road transport. The highest number of ton-kilometres was recorded in 2008 (19,781 million); in 2009 it fell (by 12% compared to the previous year) and in 2010 it again increased (by 11% compared to 2009). ■ In railway and road transport 96.6 million tons of goods were carried and 19.2 million ton-kilometres were performed in 2010. 84% of goods were carried and 83% of ton-kilometres were performed in road transport. ■ Road goods vehicles registered in Slovenia carried 74% of goods in national transport (or around 60 million tons). The share of ton-kilometres performed was higher in international transport because the distances are much longer than in national transport. In international transport 86% of all ton-kilometres (or 13.6 billion ton-kilometres) were performed. ■ The share of carried goods and ton-kilometres performed in railway transport was higher in international transport; 12 million tons of goods or 77% and 2.6 billion ton-kilometres or 81%. - Slovenia Chart 33: Road goods transport by countries of loading and unloading of goods1), Slovenia, 2010 Chart 34: Railway goods transport by countries of loading and unloading of goods1), Slovenia, 2010 1) International transport includes transport of goods loaded on vehicles in Slovenia and unloaded in foreign countries and transport of goods loaded on vehicles in foreign countries and unloaded in Slovenia. Source: SORS 1) International transport includes transport of goods loaded on vehicles in Slovenia and unloaded in foreign countries and transport of goods loaded on vehicles in foreign countries and unloaded in Slovenia. Source: SORS ■ In 2010 in international transport between Slovenia and other countries 14.1 million tons of goods were carried by road and 9.2 million tons of goods were carried by rail. ■ In 2010 Slovenian road goods vehicles carried most of the goods between Slovenia and Italy (a third), then between Slovenia and Austria (19%), between Slovenia and Germany (14%), between Slovenia and Croatia (8%), between Slovenia and Hungary (6%) and between Slovenia and France (5%). By road most goods were carried between Slovenia and Italy and by rail between Slovenia and Austria. ■ In the same year in railway transport more than half of goods (53%) were carried between Slovenia and Austria, 13% were carried between Slovenia and Hungary, and 12% between Slovenia and Slovakia. Slightly less goods were carried between Slovenia and the following countries: Germany (6%), Czech Republic (5%), Croatia (3%) and Italy (less than 2%). - Slovenia Chart 35: Correlation between public passenger transport and passenger cars, Slovenia number of passengers (mio) 80 60 40 20 number of passenger cars (mio) 1.2 \ 0.9 0.6 0.3 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 road public transport -railway transport registered passenger cars used by natural persons Sources: SORS, MNZ ■ In the last ten years public road transport of passengers significantly decreased. In 2010, 50% fewer passengers were carried than in 2001 (34.8 million passengers). ■ Parallel with the decline in public passenger transport, the number of registered passenger cars used by natural persons is increasing. At the end of 2009 there were over one million such vehicles (1,003,183) in Slovenia and at the end of 2010 already 1,006,615 or 22% more than in 2001. Public passenger transport is decreasing, the number of passenger cars is increasing. ■ In the 2001-2010 period most passengers were carried in railway transport in 2008 (16.7 million or 15% more than in 2001). In 2009 almost 2% fewer passengers were carried compared to 2008 (or 16.3 million), and in 2010 almost 3% fewer (or 16.2 million). Compared to 2001, in 2009 13% more and in 2010 12% more passengers were carried. - Slovenia Word cloud 1: Airport passenger traffic by country of arrival and departure of aircraft, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, 2010 Greece ~ , . r. irl/ou Serbia I Ul rVUytocNheSs Republic of Macedonia n Sum United Kingdom Germany ^ A France Qosnia and Her«gDwia Tunisia "Switzerland"3 Russian Federation Egypt Source: SORS In 2010 the number of passengers at the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport decreased. ■ In 2010, 1,382,341 passengers travelled through the biggest Slovenian airport, the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, or 3% fewer than in the previous year. Passenger traffic with scheduled flights represented 84% of total number of passengers. ■ The largest passenger traffic between the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport and other Member States was recorded with the following countries: Germany (14%), United Kingdom (9%), France (8%), Greece (5%), Belgium (5%) and Austria (4%). ■ Planes that flew on routes between the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport and EU Non-Member States carried most passengers to or from Turkey (11%), Serbia (8%), Switzerland (5%), Macedonia (5%), Russian Federation (3%) and Egypt (3%). ■ The largest passenger traffic through the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport was recorded in 2008 with almost 1,648,980 passengers. Table 19: Airport passenger traffic by scheduled and non-scheduled transport, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport number of passengers 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Airport traffic total 1,217,167 1,327,333 1,504,446 1,648,977 1,423,391 1,382,341 scheduled transport 978,281 1,102,902 1,235,888 1,383,503 1,182,774 1,161,068 non-scheduled transport 238,886 224,431 268,558 265,474 240,617 221,273 Source: SORS Chart 36: Road traffic accidents and persons killed in accidents, Slovenia - Slovenia - Chart 37: Road traffic accidents and passenger cars, Slovenia number of road traffic accidents (1,000) 60 number of persons killed 300 200 100 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 road traffic accidents - persons killed osurs Sources: SORS, MNZ ■ The Commission and Slovenia have a target to decrease the number of persons killed in traffic accidents. After the tragic year 2007 when 293 people died in road traffic accidents in Slovenia, the number of persons killed on Slovenmian roads has decreased. In 2009, 171 persons died as a result of injury accidents and in 2010 138 persons. ■ In the 2003-2010 period most road traffic accidents (43,000) happened in 2004. In 2009 more than half fewer accidents happened in comparison with 2004. In 2010 slightly more accidents happened compared to 2009 (by 4%). number of road traffic accidents (1,000) 80 60 40 20 number of passenger cars (mio) 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 road traffic accidents - passenger cars esuns Sources: SORS, MNZ ■ A comparison of the number of road traffic accidents and the number of passenger cars in Slovenia shows that despite the increasing number of cars (in 2010 17% more cars were registered than in 2003), the number of accidents decreased (in 2010 48% fewer accidents were recorded than in 2003). The number of persons killed in road traffic accidents has been decreasing after 2007. TRANSPORT IN FIGURES Road traffic accidents 53 - Slovenia Map 9: Road traffic accidents and persons killed, statistical regions, Slovenia, 2010 Sources: SORS, MNZ In 2010 most road traffic accidents happened in the Podravska statistical region and most persons were killed in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region. number of road traffic accidents per 1,000 registered passenger cars in the region □ 14.9 or fewer □ 15.0-19.9 □ 20.0-24.9 H 25.0 or more number of persons killed in the statistical region ■ In 2010 most road traffic accidents per 1,000 registered passenger cars happened in the Podravska statistical region (28), followed by Osrednjeslovenska and Obalno-kraška (each 21). ■ The fewest road traffic accidents per 1,000 registered passenger cars happened in Zasavska (11) and Goriška (13) statistical regions. ■ In 2010, 138 persons died as a result of accidents on Slovenian roads, most in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region (33), followed by Podravska (18) and Gorenjska (18) statistical regions. ■ The fewest persons were killed in road traffic accidents in Zasavska (2), Notranjsko-kraška (3) and Koroška (4) statistical regions. EU-27 Chart 38: Number of persons killed in road traffic accidents per 100,000 population, EU-27 Lithuania Latvia Poland Greece Bulgaria Romania Slovenia Cyprus Czech Republic Hungary Slovakia Estonia Portugal Austria Italy Belgium Spain Luxembourg France Denmark Ireland Finland Germany United Kingdom Sweden Netherlands Malta □ 2008 □ 2003 Source: Eurostat (http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, 29. 9. 201 1) The countries of Eastern Europe recorded highest numbers of road fatalities in 2008. ■ Between 2003 and 2008 a downward trend in the number of road traffic fatalities was observed both in Slovenia and in other EU Member States. In 2008, 38,875 persons in the EU-27 died as a result of road traffic accidents or 23% fewer than in 2003. Except for Romania and Bulgaria, the rest of the EU-27 Member States recorded decreases in the number of persons killed in road traffic accidents. ■ The highest number of persons killed in road traffic accidents per 100,000 population in 2008 was recorded in the countries of Eastern Europe: Lithuania 15 persons, and Latvia, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania 14 persons. ■ The lowest number of persons killed in road traffic accidents per 100,000 population in 2008 was recorded in Malta, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom (each 4) and in Germany (5 persons). ■ Slovenia ranked near the top in the number of persons killed in road traffic accidents. In 2008, 11 persons per 100,000 population were killed as a result of road traffic accidents or one less than in 2003 (12). 4. METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS AND DEFINITIONS AIR Emission is a discharge of particulate gaseous or soluble waste material into the air from pollution sources. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere which restrain thermal radiation of the Earth: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). WATER A water resource is a source of water that is collected for public water supply or for the technological process and cooling in enterprises. Water resources are: groundwater of larger aquifers, springs of groundwater, springs of groundwater with surface water inflow, running waters, natural lakes, artificial lakes, run-off rain water and artificial recharge. Fresh water is drawn from water resources in its natural state or is processed by the usual methods (coagulation, filtration, disinfection). Waste (polluted) water is water which is of no further immediate value to the purpose for which it was used or in the pursuit of which it was produced because of its quality, quantity or time of occurrence. Waste water is after use or as atmospheric precipitation discharged into public sewage or waters. Waste water can be municipal waste water, industrial/process waste water or drainage waste water. Sewage system consists of a network of feeders, channels, gutters and other equipment for draining waste water which are connected with the sewage network and from which drainage of waste water from buildings and drainage water from roofs and from hardened, paving or other covered area is assured. Treatment plant is a device for treatment of waste water which reduces or eliminates water pollution. Treatment plants can be urban, industrial or independent. INVESTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Investment for environmental protection in industry is all the investment for environmental protection from fields of activity C, D, E under NACE Rev. 1. End-of-pipe investment is intended for new methods, technologies, processes or equipment designated for collecting or removing pollution and pollutants (e.g. air emissions, waste depositing effluents), treating and disposing of pollutants and regular measuring the level of the pollution (specially end-of-pipe as e.g. emission filters, wastewater treatment plants, collecting water and waste management). Investment in integrated technologies is intended for new or modification of existing methods, technologies, processes or equipment designated to prevent or reduce amount of pollution created in the production process and thereby associated releases of pollutants (reducing environmental impact). WASTE Waste is any material or object from one of the groups of waste of the List of Waste, which the causer or other person who possesses it, removes, intends to or must remove it. Substances which are emitted in the air and materials which are discharged to the water or to the sewage system are not considered to be waste. Municipal waste is waste from households, as well as other waste from production, trade, service or other activity, which, because of its nature or composition, is similar to waste from households. 56 Methodological explanations and definitions ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND TRANSPORT IN FIGURES Hazardous waste is waste which has one or more of dangerous characteristics. Waste oils, oxides, salts, acids, lye, concentrates, colours, lacquers, bitumen, agrochemical and pharmaceutical preparations, special waste from hospitals and other organic or inorganic hazardous waste are considered to be hazardous waste. Hazardous wastes are classified by the Decree on Waste Management (OJ RS, No. 34/08) in the List of Waste together with other waste and have asterisk behind the number of waste classification. Waste recovery is designed for beneficial use of waste or waste components, comprising first of all recycling, reuse, composting, use of waste in fuelling devices and industrial ovens, and use of waste for fuel generation. Incineration of waste and other thermal procedures designed for waste disposal are not considered to be waste recovery. Waste disposal is an operation aimed at final treatment of waste that cannot be recovered, comprising mostly different waste processing procedures and waste landfilling. FORESTS Forest is according to the Forest Act a land covered by forest trees in a stand or other forest vegetation, which provides any of the functions of the forest. In line with the legislation forest includes also any afforestation areas, which are defined as forest in the spatial part of the forest management plan. Complete definition of the forest is determined in the Forest Act. Forests available for wood supply (Eurostat definition) are forests intended for the production of wood, for which there is no legal, economic or environmental constrains that would affect the supply of wood. Protective forests are forests which protect land from landslides, soil leaching and breaking, forests on steep slopes or water banks, forests exposed to strong winds, forests which in torrential areas withhold excessive outflow of water and hence protect the land from erosion and landslides, forest belts which protect forests and land from wind, water, snowdrifts and avalanches, forests in agricultural and suburban landscape with distinct function of biodiversity conservation and forests at the upper limit of forest vegetation. Forest reserves are forests with the special purpose of extremely emphasised research function. These are forests that are due to their developmental stage and current development extremely important for research, study and monitoring of the natural development of forests, biodiversity and protection of natural values and cultural heritage. ENERGY Biofuels are liquid or gaseous fuels for transport produced from bio-mass. According to Directive 2003/30/EC on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport at least the following products shall be considered as biofuels: bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, biomethanol, biodimethylether, bio-ETBE (ethyl-tertio-butyl-ether), bio-MTBE (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether), synthetic biofuels, biohydrogen and pure vegetable oil. Share of electricity from renewable energy sources in gross electricity consumption is the ratio between electricity produced from renewable energy sources and gross electricity consumption. Gross electricity consumption is electricity generation plus import minus export of electricity Non-energy use covers those energy products that are used as raw materials in the different sectors and are not consumed as a fuel or transformed into another fuel. Ton of oil equivalent (toe) expresses the amount of heat released in the combustion of one ton of oil. Toe is an accounting unit used for expressing energy consumption in energy balances. 1,000 toe = 41.868 TJ ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND TRANSPORT IN FIGURES Methodological explanations and definitions 57 TRANSPORT Carriage is the conveying of passengers or goods over a given distance, i.e. from boarding/loading to alighting/unloading. It is shown as the number of passengers carried or the quantity of goods carried. Traffic in the narrow sense is movement of vehicles, passengers and goods. It is shown as the number of passengers who have arrived or departed, or as the quantity of goods arrived or dispatched at stations (railway stations, bus stations, ports, airports, depots, etc.). Ton-kilometres (tkm) are the aggregate product of the quantity of goods multiplied by the distances over which they have been conveyed. One tkm is the transport of one ton over one kilometre. Number of passenger cars per 1,000 population. The number of passenger cars and the number of population on 31 December are taken into account. Special purpose passenger cars are excluded. Average age of passenger cars. Passenger cars registered in Slovenia are included. Special purpose passenger cars are excluded. Airport passenger traffic at the Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport is shown as to the origin/destination of the aircraft flight. Scheduled transport is transport that operates according to a published timetable, or with such a regular frequency that it constitutes an easily recognisable systematic series of flights. Non-scheduled transport is transport other than that reported under scheduled service. Person killed in a traffic accident is any person killed immediately or dying within 30 days as a result of an injury accident. 5. STATISTICAL SIGNS, ABBREVATIONS AND UNITS OF MEASUREMENT not available no occurrence of event % EUR Gg percentage euro gigagram ARSO Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia Gg equivalent CO2 gigagram of carbon dioxide equivalent EU European Union GWh gigawatt-hour EU-15 1 5 Member States of the EU ha hectare EU-27 27 Member States of the EU kg kilogram Eurostat Statistical Office of the European Union km kilometre FAO Food and Agriculture Organization kWh kilowatt-hour GDP gross domestic product m3 cubic metre MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food m3/ha cubic metre per hectare MNZ Ministry of the Interior mio million SFS Slovenian Forest Service MWh megawatt-hour SMA Surveying and Mapping Authorithy t ton SORS Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia tkm ton-kilometre VAT value added tax toe ton of oil equivalent TWh terawatt-hour 6. SOURCES AND LITERATURE Energy, transport and environment indicators. 2009 edition. (2010). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Energy, transport and environment indicators. 2010 edition. (2011). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Environment. Statistics Database. Luxembourg: European Commission, EUROSTAT. Retrieved on 28. 7. 2011 from the website: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/environment/data/database Energy. Statistics Database. Luxembourg: European Commission, EUROSTAT. Retrieved on 17. 8. 2011 from the website: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/energy/data/database Transport. Statistics Database. Luxembourg: European Commission, EUROSTAT. Retrieved on 29. 9. 2011 from the website: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/transport/data/database Forestry in the EU and the world. A statistical portrait 2011 edition. (2011). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Environment and natural resources. Environment. Waste. SI-STAT Data Portal. Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 6. 10. 2011 from the website: http://pxweb.stat.si/pxweb/Database/Environment/Environment.asp Environment and natural resources. Environment. Water. SI-STAT Data Portal. Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 3. 8. 2011 from the website: http://pxweb.stat.si/pxweb/Database/Environment/Environment.asp Environment and natural resources. Environment. Air. SI-STAT Data Portal. Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 23. 9. 2011 from the website: http://pxweb.stat.si/pxweb/Database/Environment/Environment.asp Environment and natural resources. Energy. SI-STAT Data Portal. Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 6. 9. 2011 from the website: http://pxweb.stat.si/pxweb/Database/Environment/Environment.asp Economy. Transport. SI-STAT Data Portal. Ljubljana: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Retrieved on 29. 9. 2011 from the website: http://pxweb.stat.si/pxweb/Database/Economy/Economy.asp Uredba o varovalnih gozdovih in gozdovih s posebnim namenom (Uradni list RS, št. 88/2005, 56/2007, 29/2009) Zakon o gozdovih (Uradni list RS, št. 30/1993, 13/1998, 67/2002, 110/2007) First releases, SORS http://www.stat http://www.stat http://www.stat http://www.stat http://www.stat http://www.stat http://www.stat http://www.stat http://www.stat si/eng/novica si/eng/novica .si/eng/novica .si/eng/novica si/eng/novica .si/eng/novica .si/eng/novica si/eng/novica si/eng/novica kazi kazi kazi kazi kazi kazi kazi kazi kazi aspx?id = aspx?id = aspx?id = aspx?id = aspx?id= aspx?id= aspx?id= aspx?id= aspx?id= 4263 4243 4244 4188 4097 4057 4238 4151 4051 How to obtain statistical data and information? • on Statistical Office's website www.stat.si/eng • via mail, phone, fax and e-mail address: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 241 64 04 fax: +386 1 241 53 44 answering machine: +386 1 475 65 55 e-mail: info.stat@gov.si • by ordering statistical publications address: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 241 52 85 fax: +386 1 241 53 44 e-mail: prodaja.surs@gov.si • by visiting the Information Centre office hours: Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 15.30 Friday from 9.00 to 14.30