R. PALANIVEL: A CONTEMPORARY REVIEW OF THE ADVANCEMENTS IN JOINING TECHNOLOGIES ... 275–281 A CONTEMPORARY REVIEW OF THE ADVANCEMENTS IN JOINING TECHNOLOGIES FOR BATTERY APPLICATIONS SODOBEN LITERATURNI PREGLED UPORABE NAPREDNIH POSTOPKOV SPAJANJA ZA IZDELAVO BATERIJ Ramaswamy Palanivel Shaqra University, College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dawadmi, Riyadh 11911, Saudi Arabia. Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-02-16; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-04-21 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.797 The joining of multilayered foils to a conductive tab necessitates a joining process in the battery, which is an important storage device in renewable-energy sectors. Cell, module, and pack are the three levels of pouch cell joining in a battery pack. The join- ing of multi-layered dissimilar conductive materials is necessary for battery-pack fabrication. Mostly copper (Cu) and alu- minium (Al) are used in battery-pack applications. The Cu and Al are characterized as high thermally and electrically conduc- tive materials. However, obtaining a quality Cu-Al weld using conventional methods is hard and the durability of the weldments is uncertain. In general, the development of intermetallic compounds (IMCs) during welding is a major challenge for the joining of dissimilar materials due to the differences in the chemical and physical properties. This review addresses the battery packs and challenges involved in joining the conductive tabs. In addition, this review provides an insight into the suitability of various joining processes and explores their suitability for the joining of battery packs. Keywords: friction-melt bonding, renewable energy storage, Li-ion battery, welding; joining, friction-stir spot welding, resis- tance welding, laser-beam welding, ultrasonic welding Spajanje ve~plastnih folij na prevodne plo{~ice je nujen postopek pri izdelavi baterij, ki so pomembne naprave za shranjevanje elektri~ne energije na podro~ju obnovljive energije. Celica, modul in paket so tri ravni baterijskega sklopa, shranjeni v enovito celoto. Medsebojno spajanje ve~ plasti materialov z razli~no prevodnostjo je nujno za uspe{no izdelavo baterijskega sklopa. V glavnem se uporabljata za baterijske sklope dva materiala: baker (Cu) in aluminij (Al). Oba materiala imata odli~no toplotno in elektri~no prevodnost vendar je za izdelavo kakovostnega Cu-Al zvara uporaba konvencionalnih postopkov te`avna in trajnost zvarov slaba oz. nezanesljiva. V glavnem je pri tem problem nastajanje intermetalnih spojin zaradi razlik v kemijskih in fizikalnih lastnosti. Avtorji opisujejo glavne izzive in probleme s katerimi se sre~ujejo izdelovalci baterijskih sklopov zaradi spajanja prevodnih priklju~kov. Poleg tega pregled literature ponuja vpogled o primernosti uporabe razli~nih postopkov spajanja baterijskih sklopov. Klju~ne besede: spajanje v talini s pomo~jo trenja, shranjevanje obnovljive energije, litij-ionske baterije; varjenje, spajanje, to~kovno varjenje s pomo~jo trenja med vrtenjem obremenjenega trna, uporovno varjenje, lasersko varjenje, ultrazvo~no varjenje 1 INTRODUCTION TO Li-ION BATTERY PACKS AND JOINTS The production of electricity through renewable en- ergy is a global demand. On the other hand, the require- ment of energy storage is essential. Rechargeable storage devices are the key players in storing the produced re- newable energy. Most storage devices are made from lithium (Li) ion batteries for renewable and portable en- ergy needs. The packing efficiency of the pouch cell bat- tery packs are the highest among the categories in Li-ion batteries. These batteries are categorized as prismatic, cylindrical and pouch cells. 1 Conductive foil tabs that are attached to the electrodes are used to position the cylin- drical pouch cells. The pouch-cell arrangement contains levels like pack, module and cell. The level of cell con- figuration contains Li cathode and graphite anode foils that are filled with electrolytes. The Li foil is positioned over aluminum (Al) and copper (Cu) collectors that are joined to the tab. At the module level, the cells are joined and at the pack level, modules are joined. 2 The configu- ration and characteristics of Li-ion battery packs are pre- sented in Table 1. The above-mentioned joints require the welding of multi-layered Cu and Al for battery packs, as mentioned in Figure 1. Considering the cost effectiveness and quality of the weld, the automated welding methods are preferred for battery packs. As in the case of mechanical joining, it provides better strength and ease of disassembly; however, it increases the weight of the battery pack and these joints are susceptible to corrosion. Joint preparation using resistance welding (RW) produces quality weldments. Besides, employing RW over conductive materials like Cu and Al needs a high electric current and more time to prepare the joints. This leads to an excessive heat input, causing intrinsic, localized fusion and creates extensive deformation. 3 La- ser beam welding (LBW) involves a low heat input but causes melting of more materials to be joined, which may lead to cracks, due to solidification and the develop- ment of undesirable intermetallic compounds while dis- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 275–281 275 UDK 621.792.3:621.352.1 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(3)275(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: rpalanivelme@gmail.com (Ramaswamy Palanivel) similar joining. 4 Friction-melt bonding (FMB) is one of the alternatives to the multi-layered welding of Cu and Al in battery packs. FMB is a variant of the friction-stir spot welding (FSSW) process that produces a spot – lap welding. FMB uses a non-consumable tool that produces the joints by plasticizing the region with frictional heat because of the forging pressure. FMB involves stages like initial rotation, plunging and retracting. The joints produced have excellent mechanical properties with very thin intermetallic layers. 5,6 2 CHALLENGES INVOLVED IN BATTERY PACK DESIGN This section deals with the various complexities in- volved in the fabrication of battery packs, such as the challenges with respect to mechanical loading, electro- mechanical, thermal and metallurgical influences are dis- cussed in a brief note. 2.1 Mechanical aspects Mechanical phenomena play a crucial part in bat- tery-module functioning, as well as safety standards. The modules in a battery are subjected to dynamic loading and vibrations while in operation. Additionally, the pre-stressing of the battery interconnection joints be- cause of the interconnecting by joining may visibly im- pair the dynamic responsiveness of the complete battery back. 7 When being charged and discharged, lithium-ion batteries typically exhibit dynamic behaviour in the structure. This effect may last forever, attributed to the irreversible expansion of the electrodes and pressure dif- ference in the cell. 8 It is essential to take electromechani- cal effects into account since the mechanical connections between batteries and conductors serve both structural and electrical purposes by transferring current to or from the cells. In structural applications, fatigue is a well-known issue that can be troublesome, however it can also lead to an increase in electrical resistance. The fatigue life is predicted using the impedance of speci- mens throughout the fatigue tests, where the interaction between impedance and fatigue failure is separated from one of the factors, such aas variation in the length of the specimen. 9 Thermal aspects: materials with different thermal expansions at the joint interface produce heat that cause inhomogeneous thermal expansion. This leads to shear loading and may cause fracture in the prepared joint. This shear loading ultimately affects the contact in- terface and connection resistance. 10 2.2 Metallurgical aspects It is well known that joints that are available in elec- tric contacts and integrated circuits experience corrosion, the degradation of material qualities and functionality. R. PALANIVEL: A CONTEMPORARY REVIEW OF THE ADVANCEMENTS IN JOINING TECHNOLOGIES ... 276 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 275–281 Figure 1: Configuration of cell level battery welded to anode tab (Re- drawn from reference 30 ) Table 1: Configuration of Li-ion cell structure and type of joining methods employed in battery packs Li-ion cell structure Li-ion configuration Characteristics Type of joint Cell Pack Cylindrical type Packing density: Poor Individual cell capacity: Poor Cost: Low Casing: Hard Wire bonding Mechanical fastening Prismatic type Packing density: High Individual cell capacity: High Cost: Expensive Casing: Hard Mostly Mechanical fas- tening Laser welding Resistance welding Pouch type Packing density: High Individual cell capacity: High Cost: Inexpensive Casing: Soft Ultrasonic welding Mechanical fastening Here, atmospheric, localised, pitting, and galvanic corro- sion are the most well-known and obvious forms. In-depth research into fretting in microelectronics and electronic connections revealed that it can be seen in practically all regularly used conductor materials, such as copper, aluminium, or nickel, and that it has a notice- able impact on connection resistance. 10 In mechanically linked electrical connections, metal-to-metal contacts are where the more significant process of degradation takes place. Direct effects of intermetallic compounds, such as those between copper and aluminium, include a reduc- tion in mechanical strength and an increase in electrical connection resistance. During joining, the formation is both conceivable and frequently controllable. Further- more, power and temperature during operation can pro- mote diffusion and hence enable uninhibited creation. 11 3 ESSENTIAL CRITERIONS FOR BATTERY-PACK JOINING To analyse the possibility of joining the interconnec- tions of the battery, interdisciplinary requirements must be investigated. The four major categories to be consid- ered as per Das et al., 12 for the battery-pack joining are shown in Table 2. Table 2: Essential criteria to be considered for battery-pack joining Major category Essential criterions Mechanical aspects -Interconnection to be intact -Vibrational damage to be avoided during joining -Better fatigue life Thermal aspects -Low electrical resistance at joint interface -Creep resistance Metallurgical aspects -Less corrosive -Ability to join dissimilar materials Economic aspects -Durability -Easy to produce in bulk 4 PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH VARIOUS BATTERY-PACK JOINING TECHNOLOGIES The various problems with respect to battery-pack joining methods are discussed below and the challenges as well as the benefits with respect to battery-pack join- ing technologies are depicted in Table 3. 4.1 Mechanical fastening (MF) Mechanical joining can be divided into two groups: integral joints and fasteners. Nuts, bolts, screws are all types of fasteners. Seams, snap-fits, are examples of inte- gral joints. Therefore, the primary benefit of mechanical connecting is its simplicity in disassembling for upkeep and repair. Additionally, mechanical joining is often done without heat, with the possible exception of a few unique circumstances. However, additional mass to cell pack, corrosion issues and intensive labour are the key challenges of mechanical fastening. 13 4.2 Resistance welding (RW) The localized heating and fusion at the joint interface is obtained by the electrical resistance. Resistance weld- ing is a faster process, and it can be easily automated. On dealing with battery-pack joints, employing resistance welding is challenging because of its non-suitability for highly conductive materials. Moreover, dissimilar metals are difficult to join. In the case of battery joints, large weld nuggets are essential, which is also difficult in re- sistance welding. 14 In the case of the resistance welding of dissimilar alloys, the formation of a thin intermetallic layer must be taken into consideration. However, the intermetallic layer’s formation can be restricted by con- trolling the heat input. 4.3 Projection welding (PW) It is a type of spot welding that provides a good joint for battery tabs. The projection joints increase the cur- rent density, which causes heat generation. Also, the welding of thicker slabs is possible, whereas, weldability is poor for highly conductive multi-layered materials and dissimilar materials. 14 4.4 Laser-beam welding (LBW) It is a non-contact joining process, which is capable of joining multiple pieces of materials. The weld is cre- ated as the material is rapidly heated by the powerful la- ser beam, usually in milliseconds. Laser welding has been used widely for joining battery packs, owing to its various benefits, such as a high speed, precise welding process that produces less distortion. Laser welding is challenging in materials like Cu and Al due to high re- flectivity and thermal conductivity. Most often a poor metallurgical bond between Cu and Al limits this laser welding, as it produces weld defects like intermetallic brittle phases. 15,16 4.5 Ultrasonic welding (UW) In the process of ultrasonic metal welding, a high-fre- quency ultrasonic energy is utilised to form solid-state connections by generating oscillating shears between two sheets that are pressed together. The primary benefit of ultrasonic welding is suitable for dissimilar materials, and it is capable of joining stacks of multiple thin sheets and foils. As the working temperature of this welding is low and even if it provides sound welding on materials like Cu and Al. The drawback of ultrasonic welding is that this process is only suitable for thin sheets, and it is sensitive to surface conditions. It is also difficult to join high-strength materials using the method. 17 R. PALANIVEL: A CONTEMPORARY REVIEW OF THE ADVANCEMENTS IN JOINING TECHNOLOGIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 275–281 277 5 EMERGING JOINING METHODS FOR BATTERY CONDUCTIVE TABS The alternative joining methods used for battery ap- plications are joining by forming technologies and fric- tion-assisted welding processes. 5.1 Joining by forming technologies This process involves plastic deformation of at least one of the combining materials. Impact welding, roll bonding are some of the solid-state methods involved in joining by forming technologies. Recently, Pragana et al. 19 fabricated Cu-Al by partial cutting and bending with a compression form-fit process. This technology enables the joining of dissimilar materials, irrespective of their high conductivity. Moreover, the problem associated with these forming technologies are the difficulty of joining more than two or three layers of sheet metal and thr accessibility of the parts is difficult. 5.2 Friction-based joining processes It is a solid-state method being adopted to join bat- tery tabs using frictional heat. The main advantage of this process is dissimilar materials like Cu and Al can be joined without the formation of brittle intermetallic lay- ers. Mypati et al., 20 welded a Cu-Al cell tab successfully. However, the left out exit hole is the major drawback of this process. The various friction-based joining processes that are found to be suitable for battery-tab joining pro- cesses are friction-assisted joining, friction spot joining, friction riveting, friction lap welding 20–24 5.3 Friction melt bonding FMB is a novel joining technology that takes advan- tage of the substantial temperature variations between the materials to be bonded. Figure 2 shows a diagram of this process. One plate is placed on top of the other and fixed together in FMB. The top surface of the plate is forced against a rotating flat cylindrical tool, which gen- erates heat through friction and creates a deformation. The frictional heat generated raises the temperature of the top plate to near the melting point of the bottom plate. As a result, both the top and bottom plates melt and react locally, forming an intermetallic layer. The tool moves on the surface of the top plate to form a continu- ous weld seam with prolific weld quality and with mini- mal welding defects. 25–28 5.4 Refill friction-stir spot welding (RFSSW) RFSSW is one of the solid-state techniques used for joining thin layers in batteries. It forms a spot weld with- out melting the materials, with better quality of the weld. This technique has a tool with a probe, adjustable shoul- der and clamp ring, as shown Figure 3. RFSSW is one R. PALANIVEL: A CONTEMPORARY REVIEW OF THE ADVANCEMENTS IN JOINING TECHNOLOGIES ... 278 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 275–281 Table 3: Challenges involved in battery pack joint technologies S. No. Type of joining technology in battery application Benefits Challenges 1 Mechanical fastening 13 -Higher joint strength -Easier assembly/disassembly -No requirement for heat source -Additional mass to cell pack -Corrosion issues -Work intensive 2 Resistance welding 13 -Faster process -Easy to automate -Not suitable for highly conductive materi- als -Difficult to weld dissimilar materials -Large weld nuggets are not possible, as it is essential for battery packs. Large welds help to reduce electrical resistance 3. Projection welding 10 -Welding of thicker slabs are possible -Poor weldability for highly conductive dis- similar materials 4. Laser-beam welding 15,16 -Less distortion -Highly precise process -High speed, non-contact process -Producing large joint area is difficult -Material reflectivity -Necessity for shielding gas 5. Ultrasonic welding 18 -Suitable for conductive materials and thin sheet metals -Dissimilar materials can be joined -Solid-state process -Restricted to lap joints -Sticking of sonotrode (electrode) -Sensitive to surface conditions Figure 2: Schematic setup of friction melt bonding of the solid-state welding techniques that evolved from friction-stir welding. Tool traverse on the materials to be welded is not associated in this process. So, it forms a spot weld without melting the materials with better qual- ity on the weld properties. This technique has a rotating probe, adjustable shoulder and clamp ring, as shown Fig- ure 3. RFSSW takes place in four stages: 1) the tool moves to the top surface of the plate and rotation starts to generate frictional heat to make the materials sufficiently soft. 2) Shoulder is plunged to the top plate to retract the materials to form a gap through which flow of the dis- placed material takes place. 3) Rotating tool is used to return retracted the material to the top surface, leading to consolidation of the weld and the welding process is fin- ished 29-30 6 NECESSITY FOR AN ALTERNATIVE JOINING TECHNOLOGY Batteries made of Li-ion are used in most renew- able-energy storage devices, and the cells are categorised as pouch, prismatic, or cylindrical. 1 The pouch cell has the highest packaging efficiency (95%) compared with battery packs. Its great efficiency is due to its design, which uses conductive foil-tabs soldered to electrodes in- stead of metallic cylinders and a glass-to-metal electric feed through. 2 Figure 1 depicts the procedure of combin- ing a battery pack with a pouch cell design. As a result, the connecting of many layers is critical in the fabrica- tion of batteries. For both financial and quality concerns, the cell welding process must be highly automated. Al- though mechanical connecting offers the best strength and simplicity of disassembly, it also adds more pieces and mass to the cell, making it more prone to corrosion. 13 To join stacked Cu and Al to a conducting tab in battery pouches, welding methods are required. 10 However, these approaches have drawbacks that prevent them from be- ing widely used in battery manufacturing. 16 7 DISCUSSION ON JOINING TECHNOLOGIES FOR BATTERY PACKS MF stands out because it joins simply by imparting force, which produces little heat. Furthermore, the con- nection resistance as well as the scatter range were recorded to be low. However, this method involves addi- tional parts which increases the weight and manufactur- ing complexity while also limiting automation. The loos- ening of connections was recorded. Based on the above considerations, MF cannot be a suitable method for man- ufacturing battery packs. RW is a low-cost process that has been used in industry. However, stabilising the pro- cess is challenging due to various influencing parame- ters. Moreover, if the process is regulated for a particular welding operation, preserving quality is possible. As a result, it is suitable for a regulated welding activity with a lot of cycles, like making battery modules. Resistance spot welding is also a good choice for either type of weld task because it naturally has the benefit of welding lo- cally at the joining surfaces. LBW produces a low con- densation resistance, low scattering, and produces excel- lent weld strength. Furthermore, the heat input was the lowest among all the presented process technologies. This offered the possibility to extend LBW as an auto- mated method. However, LBW is a costlier process due to the requirement for a shielding gas, tool and alignment of joints. A high-quality weld depends on the chosen processing window. In joining the interconnector to the cell, it is essential that LBW must completely melt throughout the interconnector. In the case of large pris- matic cells, LBW must be employed to weld a large vol- ume of material. For battery-pack joining applications, the LBW and RW are suitable. On considering the eco- nomic aspects, less environmental impact and process stability RW technology is convenient. Ultra-sonic weld- ing is a solid-state process supported with self-tool and it is well suited for joining conductive metals. Moreover, heat generation during the process was found to be infe- rior, particularly for battery-pack joining. Additionally, connection resistance is high when compared to welding techniques. As a result, UW may be regarded as unsuit- able for cylindrical battery cell welding, but suitable for pouch and cylindrical cell interconnection. Welding us- ing forming technique is practically not suitable for con- necting cylindrical cells due to the penetration takes place in the battery cell. However, it can be used to con- nect the pouch cell and prismatic when the tabs are lo- cated externally in the former case. Interconnection R. PALANIVEL: A CONTEMPORARY REVIEW OF THE ADVANCEMENTS IN JOINING TECHNOLOGIES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 3, 275–281 279 Figure 3: Schematic representation of process sequence involved in Refill friction stir spot welding (Redrawn from reference 30 ) busbars are an alternative for this method. Softening of aluminium is the major challenge that leads to the issues and should be investigated thoroughly for the particular application. Therefore, welding using forming technolo- gies seems to be a workable strategy provided that the joining partners are reachable and that application-re- lated difficulties are resolved. Friction based welding has not been widely used in battery interconnections. How- ever, it appears to be advantageous from a metallurgical standpoint, as the formation of an intermetallic is un- avoidable, particularly in dissimilar material combina- tions. Friction-based welding produces less heat than fu- sion welding. However, it has not been investigated whether frictional heat can damage battery cells. It is un- clear whether welding can cause thermal or physical damage to the cells. Clamping the joining partners can be difficult if the battery-connector joint designs become difficult. Some of the benefits of utilizing friction-based joining processes are shorter joining time, energy effi- cient, better joint strength, shorter installation time and suitable for dissimilar joints. At this point, it is possible to conclude that the technology has the potential to be used in battery interconnections, but additional research is required. 8 CONCLUSION This review allows for a comprehensive idea about employing various joining technologies, allowing dura- ble joints with low connection resistances. When comparing battery welding-joining technolo- gies it is clear that adapting to a technology is dependent not on connection resistance but also depends on the joining task. Ultrasonic welding was found to be suitable for join- ing pouch cells. Laser welding can be used to join cylindrical cells. Moreover, it may be less effective for large cells with geometrically large interconnectors. Also, la aser re- quires an entire melting of the connector regardless of its size. 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