© Author(s) 2020. CC Atribution 4.0 License On the occurrence of Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Leucosioidea) from the Miocene of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula) Novi podatki o razširjenosti vrste Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Leucosioidea) iz miocena Katalonije (severovzhod Iberijskega polotoka) Àlex OSSÓ1, Matúš HYŽNÝ2, Manu GÓMEZ3, David ALBALAT4 & Fernando A. FERRATGES5 1Llorenç de Villalonga, 17B, 1-1 43007 Tarragona, Catalonia; Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Paleontologia (Barcelona, Catalonia); e-mail: aosso@comt.cat 2Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Ilkovičova 6, Bratislava, Slovakia. Geological-palaeontological Department, Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria; e-mail: hyzny.matus@gmail.com 3Sant Pere 7, 2n 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès (Catalonia); e-mail: mnu.gomez@gmail.com 4Benvingut Socies, 75, 2n, 43700, el Vendrell, Tarragona; e-mail: dalbalat@colgeocat.org 5Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra-IUCA, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza E-50009, Spain; e-mail: Ferratges@unizar.es Prejeto / Received 15. 11. 2019; Sprejeto / Accepted 7. 4. 2020; Objavljeno na spletu / Published online 22. 4. 2020 Key words: Leucosioidea, Iphiculidae, Miocene, Langhian, Catalonia Ključne besede: Leucosioidea, Iphiculidae, miocen, langhij, Katalonija Abstract Recovery of two specimens of leucosioid crabs in Langhian (middle Miocene) strata at Vilafranca del Penedès (Alt Penedès, Catalonia) and a re-examination of another leucosioid from the palaeontological collections of the Vinseum (Vilafranca del Penedès, Catalonia) have led us to consider all of these as conspecific with Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016, described first from the middle Miocene of Austria. The sternal and pleonal remains preserved in one of the Catalonian specimens allows to emend the original description of the species. Likewise, a specimen from the middle Miocene of Portugal, previously described as a paguroid, is herein transferred to this species. The occurrence of I. eliasi, either in outcrops along the northeastern and southwestern coasts of the Iberian Peninsula, corroborates the close relationship between decapod assemblages which inhabited similar palaeoenvironments in the Central Paratethys, the western Mediterranean and even the nearest Atlantic waters, during the middle Miocene. Izvleček Dva nova primerka leukosioidnih rakov langhijske (srednjemiocenske) starosti iz kraja Vilafranca del Penedès (Alt Penedès, Katalonija) in dodaten primerek iz muzeja Vinseum (Vilafranca del Penedès, Katalonija) smo določili kot Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016, ki je bil prvič opisan iz srednjemiocenskih plasti Avstrije. Na podlagi dobro ohranjenih morfoloških podrobnosti sternuma in pleona lahko dopolnimo originalni opis vrste. Primerek iz srednjega miocena Portugalske je določen kot I. eliasi, ki je bil opisan kot ostanek raka samotarja. Razširjenost vrste I. eliasi na iberijskem polotoku dodatno potrjuje podobnosti med fosilnimi združbami deseteronožcev, ki so v srednjem miocenu poseljevale centralno Paratetido, zahodno Sredozemlje in plitvovodna območja v Atlantskem oceanu. GEOLOGIJA 63/1, 101-108, Ljubljana 2020 https://doi.org/10.5474/geologija.2020.011 Introduction Miocene decapod crustacean assemblages of the Vallès-Penedès and Camp de Tarragona ba- sins (northeastern Iberian Peninsula) have been studied by a number of scholars and are well known (Almera, 1896; Via, 1932; Solé & Via, 1989; Müller, 1993; Artal, 2008; Garassino et al., 2009; Ossó, 2010). Moreover, due to collecting efforts by enthusiastic fossil hunters new occurrences are constantly being reported, thus expanding our knowledge of fossil decapod crustacean assem- blages of these areas. One such occurrence is re- corded in the present contribution. 102 Àlex OSSÓ, Matúš HYŽNÝ, Manu GÓMEZ, David ALBALAT & Fernando A. FERRATGES Müller (1993) summarised Neogene decapod crustaceans known at that time from Catalonia and described a number of new taxa, mainly from the reef limestones of Olèrdola, as well as from Vilafranca del Penedès and Santa Margari- da i Els Monjos (Alt Penedès). More than a decade ago, a large number of fossil decapods, mainly Palaeopinnixa mytilicola Vía, 1966 were recov- ered in the so-called Vilafranca marls (Langhi- an), extracted during construction works for the high-speed railway line on the outskirts of Vila- franca del Penedès. Among these, remains of a carapace and a counterpart of a male venter of a leucosioid crab were recovered. The taxonom- ic assessment of this leucosioid is the goal of the present report. Geological setting The material studied comes from the localities of Vilafranca del Penedès and Santa Margarida i els Monjos, both within the Vallès-Penedès Basin and exposing Miocene strata. This basin repre- sents a NE-SW-oriented depression limited to the northwest and to the southeast by the Prelitoral and Litoral ranges, respectively, which are made of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks. The Vallès- Penedès Basin corresponds to the emerged part of the NE-SW and NNW-SSE horst and half-gra- ben system formed during the Oligocene-Mio- cene opening of the western Mediterranean (Bar- trina et al., 1992; Cabrera & Calvet, 1996; Roca et al., 1999; Cabrera et al., 2004) (Fig. 1). Rifting and thermal subsidence related with this open- ing led to the accumulation of marine and con- tinental sediments in the Vallès-Penedès Basin, Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Vallès-Penedès Basin (modified from Roca et al., 2004). The main upper Burdigalian- Langhian coralgal and calcarenitic-terrigenous facies are indicated. The red stars indicate the location of the outcrops. 103On the occurrence of Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Leucosioidea) from the Miocene of... from the early to late Miocene (early Burdigalian to Tortonian), as discussed in detail by Cabrera et al. (2004) and Casanovas-Vilar et al. (2016). Al- though most of the Vallès-Penedès sedimentary infill is of terrestrial origin, three transgressions occurred during the late Burdigalian, Langhian and early Serravallian, leading to the deposition of various marine facies (Cabrera et al., 1991; Cabrera & Calvet, 1996; Roca et al., 1999). During the most significant Langhian transgression, a shallow sea developed in the Penedès area, where fringing reefs, carbonate platform and ramp sediments, open marine marls and transitional shales and sands were laid down. At the Vilafranca site, grey marls with inter- bedded levels of fine sands, located predominant- ly at the top of the unit, are exposed. Based on borehole data, the unit attains a thickness of ap- proximately 300 m (Permanyer, 1982; Cabrera et al., 1991) and it extends across the Penedès Basin and also south of the Llobregat River, including the southernmost part of the Vallès Basin. The presence of the unit is more significant in the southwest of the Penedès depression, where it occupies a central part below younger terrestri- al and marine deposits. Towards the northeast, the grey marls are thinner and located along the southeastern margin of the basin. The unit is well exposed in a number of outcrops near the towns of Vilafranca del Penedès, Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, Can Rosell (Subirats), Cerdanyola or Rubí; some of them have yielded decapod crus- tacean remains (Müller, 1993; Artal, 2008; Ga- rassino et al., 2009). The Vilafranca marls con- tain also bivalves, gastropods, echinoids, benthic and planktonic foraminifera, as well as remains of flora (Permanyer, 1982). The age of the unit is based on planktonic foraminifera: late Burdiga- lian to Langhian (Macpherson, 1994). The marls are interpreted to have formed in an offshore environment (Permanyer, 1982; Cabrera et al., 1991), although towards the top of the unit they must have originated in a progressively shallow- er environment. The crab-bearing levels are lo- cated in the middle of the sections studied and are attributed to the Langhian. At the Santa Margarida site, about two kilo- metres southwest of Vilafranca del Penedès, fossiliferous and intensely bioturbated yellow- ish calcarenites, alternating with calcisiltites or marls, crop out. Calcisiltites and marls are more frequent towards the middle of the basin (to the northwest), whereas calcisiltites prevail towards the basinal margin (to the southeast). These sed- iments are several tens of metres thick and are well exposed along a SW-NE strip attached to the Prelitoral range, south of the town of Vila- franca, near the villages of Moja, Santa Margari- da i els Monjos and Castellet, among others. The calcarenites are rich in fragments of red algae, planktonic and benthic foraminifera, corals, molluscs, echinoids, fish teeth and decapod crus- taceans. Their age ranges from late Burdigalian to Langhian (Macpherson, 1994). The unit is lo- cated in a transition zone between the carbonate ramp to the southeast and the open marine basin marls to the northwest. It is interpreted to rep- resent distal deposits as a result of erosion and transport of sediments originating in the adja- cent coralgal complex. Decapod crustacean as- semblage at the Santa Margarida site is dominat- ed by portunids such as Portunus monspeliensis (A. Milne-Edwards, 1860) and Necronectes bat- alleri (Via, 1941). The crab-bearing calcarenites and marls of this unit are similar to Serraval- lian strata in the Camp Basin, which also yield remains of the same crab species (Via, 1932; Ossó, 2010). Repositories: MGB, Museu de Geologia de Barcelona-Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (Catalonia); MV, Museu de Vila- franca “Vinseum” (Vilafranca del Penedès, Cat- alonia). Systematic palaeontology Order Decapoda Latreille, 1802 Infraorder Brachyura Latreille, 1802 Section Eubrachyura de Saint Laurent, 1980 Subsection Heterotremata Guinot, 1977 Superfamily Leucosioidea Samouelle, 1819 Family Iphiculidae Alcock, 1896 Iphiculus Adams & White, 1849 Type species - Iphiculus spongiosus Adams & White, 1849, by monotypy. Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016 Figures 2A-E, 3A-E 1941 Illinae, Ebaliinae? - Vía, p. 68, pl. 10, fig. 75. partim 1965 Petrochirus cfr. priscus Brocchi - Veiga Ferreira, p. 142, pl. 2, fig. 8 [non figs. 7, 9, 11, 12 = Petrochirus priscus] 1993 Randallia? sp. - Müller, p. 12, figs. M-N. 2016 Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, p. 266, figs. 2A, 3A-E, 4A-C. 104 Àlex OSSÓ, Matúš HYŽNÝ, Manu GÓMEZ, David ALBALAT & Fernando A. FERRATGES Material and measurements (in mm): MGB 89842 (internal mould of near-complete dorsal carapace): length=14.5; width=17.0; fronto-or- bital width=6.0. MV15169 (internal mould of complete dorsal carapace preserving remains of cuticle): length=14.5; width=17.5; fronto-orbital width=6.0. MGB 89843 (counterpart of a male venter): length=8.0; width=10.5. Emended description: Carapace small, trans- versely subovate in outline, widest at midlength (at level of posteriormost anterolateral spine), dorsal surface moderately convex in both di- rections. Front not projected, bilobed, slightly raised, very narrow, about 0.13 of total width, me- dially notched, strongly divergent. Orbits small, concave, anteriorly directed; outer orbital spine acute; inner orbital spine fused with frontal lobe; supraorbital margin with subtriangular spine, bounded by two open fissures. Fronto-orbital margin about 0.35 of total width. Lateral margins with 6 conical teeth; anterolateral margin with 4 teeth, fourth being most prominent; posterolater- al margin with 2 teeth; corners between postero- lateral and posterior margins pointed; posterior margin straight, narrow, medially notched. Dor- sal surface of carapace evenly covered with nu- merous densely packed granules, nearly identical in size (when cuticular surface preserved) or with round concave pustules (when cuticular surface Fig. 2. Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016. A-D, MGB 89842 from the Langhian of Vilafranca del Penedès (Catalonia); A: dorsal view; B: dorsal view (digital reconstruction); C: posterior view, closeup of posterior part of carapace; D: left lateral view. E, MGB 89843 (male) from the Langhian of Vilafranca del Penedès (Catalonia): ventral view. Abbreviations: st = thoracic sternites; s = pleonal somites; t = telson. Scale bars equal 5 mm. 105On the occurrence of Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Leucosioidea) from the Miocene of... missing). Carapace surface covered evenly with large rounded tubercles; hepatic region with 1 tubercle; protogastric region with one pair of transversely aligned tubercles in each lobe, and 2 tubercles aligned at the basis of mesogastric re- gion, branchial region with 3 tubercles. Carapace grooves absent in anterior carapace portion, well developed in posterior carapace portion. Gas- tric region large, indistinctly demarcated with grooves. Cardiac region ovate in outline, strongly arched. Branchial regions broad. Intestinal re- gion narrow. Thoracic sternum relatively wide, maximum width at level of fifth thoracic stern- ite, sterno-pleonal cavity reaching end of stern- ite 3; sternite 3 subtriangular, inverted; sternite 4 subtrapezoidal, wider than sternite 3; sternite Fig. 3. Iphiculus eliasi Hyzny & Gross, 2016 in I. convexus Ihle, 1918 . A, B, D, E: Iphiculus eliasi Hyzny & Gross.: MV15169, from the Langhian of Santa Margarida i Els Monjos (Catalonia); A: dorsal view; B: frontal view; D: right lateral view; E: posterior view. C: holotype UMJGP 75.612, from the lower Badenian of Wetzelsdorf, Austria; C: dorsal view. F, G, Iphiculus convexus Ihle, 1918, ZRC 2009.0462 (male specimen from Vanuatu); F: dorsal view; G: ventral view. Scale bars equal 5 mm, except for F and G in which it is 10 mm. Photographs of F-G by P.K.L. Ng. 106 Àlex OSSÓ, Matúš HYŽNÝ, Manu GÓMEZ, David ALBALAT & Fernando A. FERRATGES 5 subrectangular transversely elongate; sternite 6 subtrapezoidal transversely elongate; sternite 7 subtrapezoidal, directed posteriorly, shorter than sternite 6. Episternite 4 laterally directed; episternites 5-6-7 progressively posteriorly di- rected. Suture 3/4 laterally visible, opened; su- tures 4/5, 5/6 and 6/7 apparently complete. Male pleon extremely narrow, inverted T-shaped, all pleonal somites free; somite 3 being widest, sub- rectangular transversely elongate; somites 4, 5, and 6 subrectangular, narrowing progressively to the telson; telson subtriangular longitudinally elongate, sharp pointed, twice as long as somite 6. Pterygostome subtrapezoidal. All ventral sur- face, sternum, pleon, pterygostome and branchi- ostegite densely granulate. Exognath of third maxilliped elongate, inner side smooth. Remarks: Hyžný & Gross (2016) described a new species, Iphiculus eliasi (Fig. 3C), from the Middle Miocene of Austria (Steiermark). In their paper, Hyžný & Gross (2016, p. 268) pointed out that a leucosioid found in outcrops at Santa Margarida i Els Monjos (Alt Penedès, Catalonia), described and figured first as “Iliinae, Ebalii- nae?” by Via (1941, p. 68-69, pl. 10, fig. 75) and subsequently as “Randallia? sp.” by Müller (1993, p. 12, figs. 5M-N), could be an iphiculid related to I. eliasi. Access to this sample of “Randallia sp.?” (Fig. 3A, B, D, E), housed in the Museum of Vilafranca (now Vinseum), has now allowed to conclude that, despite the different types of preservation as a result of different lithologies at outcrops, it is conspecific with the Vilafran- ca specimens and likewise, both specimens are also conspecific with the Austrian one described by Hyžný & Gross (2016) as Iphiculus eliasi (see Hyžný & Gross, 2016, p. 268). Additionally, a small counterpart of a well-preserved male ven- ter, recovered in the Vilafranca outcrop, is avail- able (Fig. 2E). This exhibits the main diagnostic characters of the Iphiculidae, such as a very nar- row male pleon with all somites free (Figs. 2E, 3G; Ng et al., 2008, p. 87); this allows us to attrib- ute it to a single iphiculid known from the area, I. eliasi. A carapace preserved in dorsal aspect from the Middle Miocene of Quinta da Farinheira, Lis- boa (Portugal), described and figured by Veiga Ferreira (1965, p. 142-143, pl. 2, 8) as Petrochirus cf. priscus Brocchi, 1883, does not represent part of a hermit crab, but rather the carapace of a leu- cosioid crab. Actually, the material is considered conspecific with Iphiculus eliasi, thus widening the distribution of the species further to the west. Discussion Müller (1993, p. 5, table 1) already point- ed out the affinities between the Langhian and Serravallian decapod crustacean assemblages of the westernmost Proto-Mediterranean and roughly coeval Badenian assemblages of the Central Paratethys. Although he concluded that only 9 of 22 identified Miocene species of Cata- lonia were reported also in the Central Parate- thys, recent reports present further taxa that are present in both areas (Díaz-Medina et al., 2018; herein). Nevertheless, some Iberian occurrences are slightly younger, being of Late Miocene age (Díaz-Medina et al., 2017). The presence of Iphiculus eliasi in the north- east and southwest of Iberian Peninsula repre- sents the westernmost (fossil) record for the ge- nus and for the family. Extant representatives of the family Iphiculidae are found mainly in the Indo-West Pacific, in a depth range of 11 to 177 m (Chen, 1989; Chen & Sun, 2002), preferring mud- dy and sandy bottoms (Galil & Ng, 2007), simi- lar environments to that inhabited by Iphiculus eliasi. Conclusions The ventral counterpart, preserving diag- nostic sternal and pleonal characters, allows to emend the original description of Iphiculus eliasi and further corroborate its original systematic assignment. Its presence in the Middle Miocene of the northeastern coast of the Iberian Penin- sula, as well as along the southwestern Iberian coast (Portugal), supports the circum-Mediter- ranean distribution of decapod crustacean as- semblages during that time interval (Gašparič & Ossó, 2016; Hyžný & Gross, 2016; Díaz-Medina et al., 2018 and references therein). Acknowledgements We are grateful to Quim Pastó, Mas Boquera (Baix Camp, Catalonia), who was among the first to discover the decapod crustacean assemblage at the Vilafranca site and brought it to our attention. Hiroaki Karasawa (Mizunami Fossil Museum, Gifu, Japan) offered the first taxonomic evaluation of the material as far back as 2006. Peter K.L. Ng (NUS, Singapore) provided photographs of extant comparative We thanks the staff of Vinseum (Vilafranca del Penedès, Catalonia) for the facilities for access to collections. by Alessandro Garassino (Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, USA) and Jonathan Wallaard (Oertijdmuseum, Boxtel, the Netherlands) greatly im- proved the original manuscript. The research of MH 107On the occurrence of Iphiculus eliasi Hyžný & Gross, 2016 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Leucosioidea) from the Miocene of... was supported by VEGA 02/0136/15 and Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA K112708). The rese- arch of FAF is supported by Project E18 Aragosaurus: Recursos Geológicos y Paleoambientes of the gover- nment of Aragón-FEDER. References Adams, A. & White, A. 1849: Crustacea, Part II. In: Adams, A. (ed.): Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Samarang; under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, C.B., F.R.A.S., F.G.S., during the years 1843-1846. Reeve, Benham & Reeve, London: 33-67, pls. 7-13. 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