Let Not The Light 01 Freedom Be Extinguished American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians American Home Ameriška Domo SLOVENIAN MOR’ Vol. 109, No. 8 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH '■mn wu.net /0«f This And That About Sax The Soprano Saxophone can be compared to the clarinet; it generally has a louder and more penetrating sound than the clarinet in the extreme high notes. Due to the smaller bore of the soprano, it is less forgiving with respect to intonation, though an experienced player will use alternate fingerings or vary breath support to compensate. Due to its similarity in tone to the instrument, the soprano saxophone is sometimes used as a substitute for the oboe. Notable also saxophonists include jazz musicians Charlie Parker, Cannonball Ad-derley, Eric Colphy, and Paul Desmond, and classical musicians Marcel Mule, Sigurd Rascher, and Eugene Rousseau. The also saxophone is included in classical music more often than the tenor, and many concertos for alto exist. The alto has great versatility and is used commonly in concert, jazz, funk, blues, pop, marching bands, and rock music. The Tenor Saxophone became better known through its frequent use in jazz music. Many of the greatest jazz musicians such as Stan Getz from the 1940s onward have been primarily tenor players. Since then the tenor saxophone and its deep soulful tone have been considered one of the key instruments of blues and jazz music. The tenor is also extremely prominent in Rhythm and Blues music. As a result of its prominence in American jazz, the instrument has also featured prominently in other genre's such as polka music. Baritone Saxophone. Although few classical saxophonists perform exclusively on the baritone saxophone, a number of jazz performers have used it as their primary instrument. The baritone is an important instrument in the big band, being the largest size of saxophone used in that ensemble. One of the pioneers was Duke Ellington’s longtime baritone player Harry Carney who played both accompanying bass lines as well as exuberant solos and improvisations. Since the mid-1950s, master baritone saxophone soloists such as Gerry Mulligan, Cecil Payne, and Pepper Adams achieved fame. —Phil Hrvatin Mission Dinner On Sunday, March 11, the Slovenian Mission Circle is having its annual benefit dinner in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Chicken and roast beef dinners will be served. Donation is $12.00 for adults and $6 for children. Tickets may be purchased from the Mission Circle members or at the door on the day of the dinner. Everyone is cordially invited. SPRING- AHEAD Forward, March At 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 11, move your clocks and watches ahead one hour, according to the new Energy Policy Act put into effect this year. Newspaper Schedule The American Home will continue to be printed the first three weeks of the month in March and April. In March the last issue of American Home will be printed on March 15. In April the American Home will be printed on April 5, ! 12 and 19. Left to right, Phil Hrvatin on soprano sax, Marty Marsic playing alto sax, John Nemec with a tenor sax, and Duke Marsic blowing on the baritone sax. The musicians were one of the featured acts during the Slovenian Cultural Evening on Feb. 11 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. This was a real treat inasmuch as Phil Hrvatin usually plays the tenor sax, Marty and his dad, Duke, toot the trumpet, and John Nemec is ordinarily featured on clarinet. (Photo by ZVONE ŽIGON) Variety of Slovenian cultural entertainment The Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland, Zvone Žigon hosted a cultural evening on February 11 at the Slovenian National Home in Cleveland at 7 p.m. The program opened with Joe Štepec superbly demonstrating his mastery of the violin. He performed Johann- Sebastian Bach’s Sonata No. 3 in C major. Next a quartet of a variety of saxophones were manned by Phil Hrvatin, Janez Nemec, Dušan Maršič. They played Hepry Mancini’s The Pink Panther, Dave Brubeck’s saxophonist Paul Desmond’s composition Take Five. That was followed by Looney Times Themes from the Warner Brothers Cartoons. Young Johnny Sršen, Richie Celestina, John Jakomin, Johnny Žakelj, Peter Hauptman, and Matt Coffelt were terrific uging guitar, piano and vocals on Sir Elton John’s Sixty Years On, Billy Joel’s And So It Goes, and Paul Simon’s Bridge Over Troubled Waters. That earned them a standing ovation. In between musical entertainment, poems were read in dramatic tones by Council General Dr. Zvone Žigon in Slovenian, then dramatized in English by co-Master of Ceremonies Joseph Valencie The excellent program ended with St. Mary’s organist Ed Ferrazzoli playing piano and Joe Štepec on violin performing John Svendsen’s Romance. They received a standing ovation for their exceptional musical skill. It was absolutely delightful to enjoy the many talents of our younger Slovenians performing American standards and classic music for a change. Bravo! More photos on page 9. -Jim Debevec Plans Being Formulated for Cleveland Area Slovenian Museum and Archives Cleveland’s Slovenian Community plans to build a Slovenian Museum and Archives in the birthplace of Slovenian-American immigration. Cleveland is home to the largest population of Slovenians in the world outside of Slovenia, some 80,000 people. With strong support from the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia, Cleveland City Council, and Ray Marvar, Vice President and Senior Counsel of Cleveland Clinic Health System West, Cleveland’s Slovenian community will establish a sophisticated, multi-functional and interactive dwelling in which the Slovenian community’s rich ethnic history will be conserved and shared with the broader community. The center will include a museum, archives and library that will share the compelling story of Slovenian migration and the growth of Cleveland’s thriving Slovenian community. It will ensure the preservation of Slovenian ethnic identity in Cleveland and reach out to the broader community, providing an educational, cultural and literary source for students, families, archivists and researchers. The participation of the Cleveland Slovenian community is critical to the project’s success. Be a part in preserving our past and creat- ing a legacy for the future. Start thinking about how you can help preserve our heritage for future generations. Please contact The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia if you wish to contribute to this compelling project. More information will be forthcoming. AMbRISKA DUMUVINA, MARCH 8, ZUU7 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published three issues per month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 8 March 8, 2007 The Boston Accent by RUDY FLIS This week I worked with a co-worker who was bom and raised in Boston. When we speak, he always leaves out his R’s in his words. He is intelligent and sharp at his job, but his R’s are nonexistent, at least to my hearing. I don’t know if he is too old to leam, and if I am too old to teach him. We did our job, and because of him, it had an excellent outcome. When I took him to lunch, I watched him carefully as he ate. I wanted to see if any of those lost R’s would fall out of his mouth as he consumed his lunch. I didn’t see a one. Where do you suppose those lost R’s are? We always had the three R’s around here. Reading, Riting and Rithmetic. How simple can it get? I wonder what they have in Boston? They eat quite a bit of fish along the New England coast. Do you think there could be something fishy about their speech? All the people up there that I deal with, when they come to Cleveland, or when I go to the Boston area, love to laugh, joke, eat and drink, and love their families, and they do it without their R’s. How sad. Could you imagine us in Cleveland with a letter missing in our alphabet? We may get our V’s and W’s mixed up, but it’s not very often. When I told Bob about our ethnic food, especially our “kolbase” I had to explain how to pronounce the word. Did you notice I didn’t start with “Želodec?” Anyway, when I told Bob how to pronounce kolbase, and that is plural, I told him “Koll-baas-ee” and then I said “like when you say “riva.” That’s how he says river. I have yet to figure where all of Bob’s R’s went. He does enjoy having kolbase, and that could change him, and he would say “kolbaser.” I don’t think I am going to lose any sleep over it. I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor’s permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But by the time I got my leotards on, the class was dismissed. __-Emma Pogačar. . -V-: - _____ _______ PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Jim’s Journal Jinf Debevec Was reading with interest Philip Perme’s article about his and his dad Elmer’s trip around Lake Erie last summer. Philip mentioned a conversation they had with a Scottish gentleman. It reminded me of the time 10 or more years ago when Madeline and I were in Edinbor-ough, Scotland. One morning we were on an elevator going down for breakfast when an elderly gentleman, dressed in a suit and tie, carrying a briefcase, entered the elevator. He said something in English but with a Scottish accent that I couldn’t understand so I smiled and nodded my head. He kept the conversation going, “Berrrnrarrrrrrrrr... tirrrrrurrruurrrrr.” I smiled some more, nodding, agreeing with whatever he was saying. He must have liked my response because he kept rolling hiš r’s and talking and smiling all the way to the main floor. We parted on good terms, and Madeline and I went to the restaurant while he left the hotel. For all I know he could have been talking about airplanes or the weather. But to this very day, I have no idea what he was saying. However, I have learned that a good smile is a perfect conversation piece no matter what the language. Sailor Rudy Pivik joins the airlines by RUDY PIVIK Back in 1956 I got a job at United Airlines at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport at $1.49 an hour. It was a very low paying job at that time in the Cleveland area, but 36 full years later I retired at $19.00 an hour. But during that time our union was involved in three different labor strikes. It seems like we lost a lot of wages by not working during the strike, and the company lost a lot of good passengers. Eventually the union did gain by getting better benefits like medical and vacations on weekends. But there should be a better way to settle differences. So after 10 years I got my first three week vacation in 1967 which I got in July. So four days before the start of vacation I went to Lake Carriers Hall on West 25th Street in Cleveland and asked if there were any job openings on ore boats. On my last working day when I came home, my wife, Marie said the Seamen’s Union called. I returned that phone call and the dispatcher said if I am ready to work, report at West 25th Street with my seamen’s papers and work gear. I told Marie I am going for the money which everyone can use. We had two small children then. My wife said, “Okay.” So at 8 a.m. I was at Lakers Hall. The dispatcher gave me a bus ticket to go to Buffalo, NY. About six hours later I was on the steamer Harry Lundenburg. The next day we were on Lake Erie heading for Duluth, Minnesota. We spent one day in Duluth then 36 hours across to Lake Superior into Lake Michigan to the steel mills in Gary, Indiana. I think it was for Inland Steel Co. I left the ship in Gary, IN and they paid cash plus bus fare back to Cleveland, a nice 10 day vacation, getting paid twice. My wife, Marie, was glad to see me and happier when I gave her the money. Therefore, I worked on the ore boats during vacation time for the next three years. In those days the ore boats were called steamers because they were all powered by coal steam boiler engines. I will say one thing, there were a lot of sailors on the Great Lakes, but not too many were working the ships while on vacation from the airlines. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina NEW WORDS FOR 2007 (Received from a friend, author unknown) • “BLAMESTORMING - Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible. • SEAGULL MANAGER - A manager, who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves. • CUBE FARM - An office filled with cubicles. • PRAIRIE DOGGING - When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people’s heads pop up over the walls to see what’s going on. • MOUSE POTATO - The on-line, wired generation’s answer to the couch potato. • SITCOMs - Single income, two children, oppressive mortgage. What yuppies get into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids. • SWIPEOUT - An ATM or credit card that has been rendered useless because magnetic strip is worn away from extensive use. • IRRITAINMENT - Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them. • 404 - Someone who’s clueless. From the WWW error message ‘404 not found’, meaning that the requested site could not be located. • GENERIC A - Features of the American landscape that are exactly the same no matter where one is, such as fast food joints, strip malls, and subdivisions. • WOOFS - Well-off older folks” ••• This and that from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO The artists exhibit held at the Slovenian National Home on Sunday, Feb. 11 was very impressive. To name a few artists represented from the Slovenian American National Art Guild were Joan Chermely (portrait in orange, still life), Millie Hoegler (cherry blossom watercolor), also dancing Slovenians, and a farm scene. Enika Zulic and August Pust were also represented as was Dr. Zvone Žigon. Chatted with Cirila Kermavner and Mr. and Mrs. Gabrič. It was so nice to talk with old friends. In the Kenik Room Larry Hočevar was selling refreshment tickets. In the kitchen Debbie Davidson, Gerri Hopkins and Shelli March were serving hot sandwiches and strudel. All those goodies. Many were viewing the exhibit, John Streck, President of SANAG, Agnes Koporc, the gal about town, Lou Sadar, kh Kenik, and Marian Kapel Sfrjko, an appreciative group. The certificate holders of the Slovenian Society Home °u Recher Avenue met on kcb. 11. The attendance was tremendous, 95 people. Election was held and all were happy with the outcome. Bumped into an old friend I haven’t seen in 20 years, Joanne Lowe and husband, Art. It was such a happy region. Brought back many fond and loving memories and a few tears. We had a high old time at |ue Collinwood Slovenian Home raffle on Feb. 16. Sit-tmg in our crowd were John a.nd Helen Kozlevchar, Col-mwood Man of the Year, dolph Kocin, Larry Ho-Cevar, Danny Reiger and y°urs truly. Larry and Danny ad some winning numbers, or the rest of us it was just a Un evening, — and for a good cause. We had a good time with good friends. Thanks to Gene Drobnič and Danny Reiger for all the gifts presented to me for my irthday and Valentine’s Gay. All the way from Cape Coral, Florida. You arc the best. Get well wishes to Gene March who is a resident of Grande Pointe. Keep him in i y°ur thoughts and prayers. He had been ailing quite awhile after a fall. A few hellos to some special people whom I haven’t been in touch with. Fran and Millie Virant, Ron Flynn, Frankie Mullec, Polka Millie, Vera Hlad, a great potica baker, Marie Orazem, Ann Opeka. Hello to John Telich Sr., who I bumped into at Walgreens, shopping for a Valentine gift for his loving wife, Jan. Good seeing you, John, and where is that man about town George Knaus? A loving and interesting article about Tony Pozelnik was in the American Home newspaper a few weeks ago. It was submitted by Edmund Turk. There was a lot of information in the story which should be of interest to our readers. Thanks Tony and Ed. Condolences to the family and friends of Mary (Brodnik) Clemence. Rest in peace. Feb. 23rd was the 35th wedding anniversary of Robert and Shelli March. Best wishes to a lovely couple. Belated birthday wishes to Ann Arhar. The Immaculate Conception Reverse Raffle was so much fun. Friends at my table were Sister Rosemary Hočevar, brother Larry, mother Terri, John Streck, Dan Reiger, Frank Strah, and Sister Rosemary’s friend, Rosemary Hozvic. All were so congenial and a few of us did win some. I met Bill and Joan Žabkar, friends of Emma Marcszis. I will extend your hellos to her. Also Judy Manning from St. Vitus Mothers Club. We chatted for a while and also bumped into a classmate of my son, Sandy Lopez and also from the St. Clair area, Gerri Carr. It was a pleasant evening. Good food catered by Maria Bencun and crew. As I left the hall, Mrs. Bencun’s son Ted said hi to me. I didn’t recall, but he refreshed my memory. When he was a grade school student at St. Vitus I served him lunch in the cafeteria many moons ago. How nice of him to remember. Our youth is very thoughtful. Everyone of my readers wish Father Joseph Boznar and his entourage, “God Speed” on their trip out of the country. Give us all the information when you return. Get well wishes to Gerri Hopkins who was sporting crutches. She had a fall doing a good deed for the Slovenian National Home. Speedy recovery, Gerri. Dorothy Winter is the recipient of the WELW birthday club award. A cake, your name appears on the neon sign at a storage building on Lakeland Blvd., and a free lunch for four at Hilltop Retirement on Euclid Avenue. Congratulations. Get well wishes to Adolph (Cappie) and Josie Kapla. Josie is a kitchen angel at Waterloo Slovenian Hall. Wish them well and a speedy recovery. Thanking Alice Kuhar for reviewing my cottage cheese dumpling recipe on T.P.’s program on WELW. Try them, they are soooo good. Condolences to the family of Mary Kirschner and to sister Dorothy Ljubi. Arrangements by Jakubs Funeral Home on East 185 Street and Mass at St. Robert’s Church on Lake Shore Blvd. Rest in peace. Get well wishes to Val Pawlowski who is in the hospital undergoing tests. A wish that all goes well and that you will be on your radio program real soon. Members of the Slovenian American National Art Guild (SANAG) will congregate and visit the Western Reserve Historical Society exhibit, “The Life of Diana, a Celebration” in the month of March, and then in April the members will visit the Cleveland Art Museum for the viewing of “Monet in Normandy.” I’m looking forward to seeing the display. I personally want to extend my deepest sympathies to a group of friends that passed away this past week: Anne Kern, our cafeteria cook at St. Vitus for many years, Mr. Matt Plečnik, husband of our all-around cook at St. Vitus Linda, Josephine (Chickie) Reeves (husband Gwyn), proprietor of Maple Lanes on St. Clair Avenue, Frances Hrovat, 100 years, passed away on Feb. 25th as did Anthony Zagar, wife, Jean. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Until we meet again, I will leave you with this thought: Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence. Slovenians: People With Good Taste Lendava Classic Wear www.lendava.us Looking for Assistant Manager. Send resume or questions to info@vaikard.com W. Maier Services Garage Doors & Openers Electrical & Small Misc. Repairs Walter Majer 216-406-8483 Home 440-286-7177 Cottage Cheese Dumplings 1 Carton (14 oz.) creamed-style cottage cheese 2 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar V* teaspoon salt 1 2/3 cups all purpose flour (unsifted) Combine cheese, eggs, sugar and salt; mix well. Add flour and beat with wooden spoon to firm dumpling consistency. (Add more flour if mixture seems thin.) Drop by tablespoon into large pot of salted boiling water. Dumplings pop to top, that is why the big pot is needed. Let cook for about 20 minutes, uncovered. Drain and mix with buttered bread crumbs. Serve with tossed salad and a dessert for a nice Friday or Lenten meal. --Emilee Jenko Euclid, OH 3’ Raisin Pudding Cake 1 pkg. yellow cake mix 1 pkg. instant lemon pudding 4 eggs (whole) 1 cup sour cream 1/3 cup oil 1 cup raisins light or dark Mix well and bake in a tube or loaf pan 350 degrees for one hour. —Emilee Jenko Euclid, OH Overnight Crab Casserole 1 IVi oz. can Alaskan King Crab 4 cups cubed bread 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 2 Tbsp. minced onion Va cup chopped parsley 1 cup grated cheddar cheese 4 eggs slightly beaten (or Egg Beaters) 2 cups milk 1 tsp. Worchestershire sauce 1 Tbsp. prepared mustard 2 tsp. salt Drain and flake crab. Arrange 2 cups bread cubes in bottom of large, oiled baking dish. Combine crab, lemon juice, onion and parsley. Spread half of crab mixture over bread cubes. Sprinkle with 14 cup cheese. Repeat layers with remaining bread, crab and cheese. Combine eggs, milk and seasonings. Pour over crab and bread. Cover with foil. Refrigerate overnight. Bake, covered with foil, at 350 degrees for one hour. Remove foil and bake 14 hour or more until set. Serve? 6. Can easily be doubled. ttitl We Make House Calls ... A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! G&RJANC HEATING - COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411. ■£=&> www.gorjanc.com 2003 Heating $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service May not be combined with other ^fucoung , ’ '' Plumbing ^ $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May not be combined with othet discounts. Expires 3/31/05 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 8, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 8, 2007 J Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane * by RAY MLAKAR Well, if nothing else, it may appear that the heavy snow storms are behind us and by the time you read this, we should be on daylight savings time which will give us more light later in the evening. Perhaps with all the rain we had last week, we should be grateful it was not snow. In spite of the weather warming up and the rain, I can still see mountains of snow in my back yard. With all the bad weather we have had, it will make us appreciate spring all the more. The one thing I have noticed with being indoors and no fresh air so to speak of, it has dried out the skin and needles to say I tried just about everything to stop the itching, scratching and the one thing that helped was rubbing the skin with Vapor Rub, the smelly stuff. As soon as I was all rubbed over, it did not take Harry long to leave the bed for that is one smell he can’t tolerate. But to tell the truth it was not pleasant for me to smell either. I can recall when I was a tot which is further back than I can remember, but when we had a cold, especially a chest cold, Ma would rub that Vicks Vapor Rub all over our chest and cover it tight with a flannel piece of material. It was one time during the school session that I did not have to worry about the girls chasing me. If they were chasing, it was they were chasing to get away from me. As far as that goes even the boys hesitated about having me on their side when we played baseball. It seems if you sweated, the smell was even worse. Since I have been home, they brought my new re-cliner that I purchased back in January. It is a new Lazy Boy and fits me just great and I might say it fits me to a tee. When I sit in it and glide back, I am in dream land in no time. It took me a while to get used to the peace and quiet from being in the hospital. In the hospital you will Happy Harry not find peace. Even in my new recliner I would jump up when I thought I heard the nurse say, “Ray, it is time for your insulin. Ray, wake up, it is time for your breathing therapy. Ray, give me your finger, we got to get a glucose test to determine your sugar level.” It'goes without saying that at times I was ready to give them the “finger,” and I don’t mean for blood. I wonder why can’t they get it all together, the whole bunch of them and do everything at one time, but then I guess that would make too much sense. When I did need them, there was no one around, but then I guess they needed a break after poking me around. Now that I think of it, one consolation is that when one is taken to the hospital, and unfortunately dies, there is no more poking, no more tests, no more blood samples to be taken. Now that I look at the calendar I see where I am scheduled to go back there this week, fortunately as an in-out patient to get more Pro-crit injections and this time they intend to give me a double dose and can only hope that it more than doubles the white cells into red cells. For that is the whole idea behind the injections and just maybe then when the cells even out, I will be able to jump up and down. I am probably lower now than I was when I went in, for it goes without saying that every morning and evening they were taking more vials of blood for more tests. Well, Ray, just lean back in your new recliner and pretend you are on the outside of the hospital looking in. Well, within another week or so, it will be the first day of spring and then we will all feel better when We are able to get out into the fresh air. I know Harry will be happy for there are a lot of trees he missed while the snow was over a foot deep in the back yard, but am sure he will make up for lost time. Before I close and hit the recliner, time for a few jokes about wives and husbands and these I got from a retired Warrant Officer I served with when I was working at the Reserve Center. A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard full of mules, goats and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, “Relatives of yours?” “Yep,” the wife replied, “In-laws.” A husband read an article to his wife about how many words a woman uses a day. “30,000 to a man’s 15,000.” The wife said, “The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything we say to men.” The husband then turned to the wife and asked, “What?” A man said to his wife one day, “I don’t know how you can be so stupid and beautiful all at the same time. The wife replied, “Allow me to explain. God made me beautiful so you will be attracted to me. God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you.” Well, time to close only in hopes that God has blessed you with good health and keep in mind to be good to one another. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you, especially if you are a nurse. Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Service* „ 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stlnwurysaccounting.com Enmled to Pracfe# BeHtt lie Mtnui Renme Service Servicing Indmduals Corporations t Smel ffudnesses AMCSICAN SLOVENIAN CAlHOltC/ /UNION BECOME A MEMBTER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT FLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium - $1.00 per thousand in PA $1.20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MT, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com • 'j4', 'jstul Councilman Mike Polenšek (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Councilman Polenšek Gives Heritage Talk The Slovenian-American Mr. Polenšek was bom in Heritage Foundation invites Cleveland, graduated from everyone to attend the first Collinwood High School and talk in our 2007 Lecture Se- studied Industrial Manage-nes. The foundation is ex- ment at Cuyahoga Commu-tremely pleased that City of nity College’s Metro Cam-Cleveland Council Member pus. He worked at the White Michael D. Polenšek will be Motor Company, where he the guest speaker. was a member of the UAW The program, which is free Local 32. Mike Polenšek and open to the public, will was elected to Cleveland take place on Thursday, City Council in November, March 15 at 7 p.m. in the 1977 and his 30 years of ser- lower hall of the Slovenian vice makes him the “Dean” Society Home, 20713 Recher of Cleveland City Council. Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. A From 1999 to 2002 he coffee and strudel social will served as the President of follow the lecture. Cleveland City Council. In his talk Councilman During his time in Council, Polenšek will review the he has served on numerous status of Cleveland’s committees as member and neighborhoods and their role chairperson, in the future of the city’s Councilman Polenšek and revitalization. He will focus his wife, Kathy, live in the his attention on develop- North Shore Collinwood ments in Ward 11 which in- area, attend St. Mary’s eludes the Slovenian Church and are the proud neighborhoods in Collin- parents of five children, wood. St. Mary’s Lenten Fish Fries Once again, during all Fridays of Lent, St. Mary’s in Collinwood will feature their famous fish fry in the parish hall from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Fresh homemade soup, as well as both fried and baked fish, crab cake, shrimp, and macaroni and cheese dinners will also be featured. Cost is $8 for fish dinners and $9 for shrimp, combo and crab cake dinners - same prices as last year. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will sponsor a krofe and noodle sale on Saturday, March 10 in the auditorium social room. Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole._______-Roger Caras How do basketball players stay cool? They sit close to their fans. -Bob Mills lic ii v.i! Permes’ Adventure Around Lake Erie 5 by PHILIP L. PERME (Continued from last issue) Day 4 - Lost Travelers, Meet Paula and Aloze Tuesday, AM and we awoke around sunrise. Dad was up before me for a little while. We both lie in bed and finally we put on the tube. Manually of course so the satellite would work with the TV. Modem technology requiring manual intervention; go figure. We discussed breakfast and decided to try the donut stop shop the guys in the adjacent room told us about last night. We suited up and figured eat first then come back, get cleaned up and head out. Well, we cruised around this town a bit. To get anywhere you have to get on the highway then turn off. So hammer down on the gas, then brake it to streets along the highway. Either we never understood the directions - entirely possible for me - or they told us the wrong name, but the only donut shop was crowded and looked like a scene out of a northern “Deliverance” movie. Pick up trucks, people waiting outside and some guys sitting waiting to get in the door, all smoking and I think one guy Was whittling. We didn’t get 10 feet into Jhe lot before we put the goat” in R for reverse - it should have been R for race. Maybe it was safe, maybe it Was friendly. But we were betting on the other maybes. ^e tooled around and found a place called Flapjacks. It Was strictly a breakifast place " cash only - and flies unfor-tunately. It wasn’t dirty, the flies were friendly, they just didn't have anything else to d°. I guess. I ordered eggs, meat and Potatoes. We both got coffee and toast as well. Dad got hotcakes and a bacon called Pea meal.” It was the fattier Portion of the back of the Pig' It was near the Canadian fac°n portion of the pig but Urther back apparently, if you catch my drift. Dad liked e taste - it was a softer JJteat and browner in color. ahy and grainer taste than anadian bacon. So we finished up break-ast and noticed the lady Rooking was a customer in e famous Bob’s restaurant Wc visited yesterday. A Pretty and nice lady with red T ^ cAatted and paid up. 1 bought a few Diet Pepsi’s *0r the ride. Sack to the Country Inn. or bill was already settled e day before so we show- ered up, packed up, figured oor route - two ways possi-e and we chose the more lrcct route, but perhaps a bit confusing. Hey, we needed a challenge. We got it. So we embarked on probably the shortest leg of the trip. Little did we know it would take the longest. But it was fun. After missing what seemed a split second decision not to break left we were not where we planned to be. So Dad said go talk to the guy in the gas station for directions. As this was a trip of discovery, I learned a few things. Not everyone who owns or works at a gas station knows the area, or even where he is. Secondly, I can’t remember directions for crap. After the second instruction my mind goes dumb. A gentleman in line told me the way out. I screwed it up by the second or third turn. Now we are at an intersection and believe we need to go right. Even though we are in the middle land and don’t really notice the - “no right turn” sign on the light -we go right. Everyone is beeping - bunch of jealous people because we went off the light first. We soon figured out the beeping when cars are coming at us - in our lane no less. Actually, it was ftieir lane - and our one way was the wrong way. After realizing the gravity of the situation, we prayed a little and swore a little, then ditched into a parking lot near to us on the right. We were out of harm’s way now. Still felt stupid but didn’t care because we lived. We decided to go with traffic and drove around guessing - actually educated guessing since we had to go north and east. So we took roads in those directions waiting until we caught a main number route we could recognize. McDonald’s to the rescue. I went in to ask for directions to Thorold and the Four Points Sheraton Hotel. The younger woman about mid-30s gave me outstanding turn by turn directions - oh yeah, I took paper this time - slowly learning. Nice lady and a great help From McDonald’s we took the turns on the roads she indicated and we were on our way. The distances were far greater than she made them sound, but they were accurate. We finally went into the tunnel that we searched for earlier. Once through the tunnel, we were looking for the main drag tor the hotel. It was in a new portion of town. The whole area was new. We saw it from the road and doubled back - I usually see things I’m looking for as I pass them. We checked in and what a nice place. Big buck busi- Welland Canal, Steel Carrier Entry ness folks stay here and convene here. We had some doubts initially as a sizable portion of the hotel staff -manual labor staff - was outside smoking. I later learned the hotel had a meeting and these folks were on break. Good thing - they never looked very happy. Room was near the elevator on the 4th floor. It had a living room area with a TV, wet bar, glasses and a door for the bedroom. A business area with phone and table was in the bar room. We unpacked and Dad phoned Aloze and Paula to let them know we were in town and wanted to take them out to dinner. We wanted to show appreciation for other times they fed us and to give them the night off. We made arrangements at a really nice restaurant - The Keifer Mansion - high end is what we wanted. In our conversation with Paula, she heard we were coming last night, but cleared that up with my Mom in Euclid who got the call from Paula. Mom cleared it so Paula understood we were coming Tuesday evening. We would pick them up about 5:45 p.m. and go to the restaurant. For now we were going to Lock 3 on the Welland canal to watch the raising and lowering of big ships to the next level of water. Since it is a canal and regulated, it can set the water levels between eight different locks to raise or lower the distance of Niagara Falls - Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. We drove out to find lock seven, got whacked directions, but did find Lock 3. We had an ice cream cone -lunch when we are on vacation. We observed the raising of a steel flat carrier which rose 45 feet in 12 minutes. 21 million liters, or about 5 million gallons of water did the job. The water was pumped in from below - basically the ship just rose up. The tugs keep the carriers lateral sta- bility by using cables (one front and one back) and pulleys that allow the cable to go from port to starboard across the ship and tighten as the ship rises with the water. Very cool to watch and practiced with great precision and care. While at Lock 3 I spoke to an English woman about my age and her two teenage sons. Nice people and just so polite yet warm. A short time later I overheard a Scottish man - maybe late 40s to early 50s, slight, smelled like a tobacco farm, but just full of piss and vinegar. He had so much animation in his voice and full of mischief I had to say hello. Not disappointed. His accent was so thick, but we spoke a while. He had met his wife to be -an Akron-ite who was with him - over the internet. She was a school teacher and her fiance was a laborer retired due to an illness. I introduced my dad and the Scot just loved talking to him. They spoke of WWII aircraft, England, whiskeys and some of the foods. The Scot was a fun guy who lived by his own adventures - real or just created for conversation. We both nodded a bit when he spoke faster than we could understand, let alone translate in our minds. We both got a kick out of the guy. Good luck to that couple. We got back to the hotel -first try this time. Cleaned up and headed out to Aloze and Paula’s new home. It wasn’t more than five minutes away. That was a treat since I manage to make most rides longer than necessary. A beautiful home in a new development in a new part of town. We spent about 15 minutes at their house and headed to the restaurant. They didn’t know the way, so we navigated by common sense. Ultimately, we found the place and went in to be seated. This was a new experience for me, Paula, Aloze and dad. We each ordered three-course offerings. The decor and ambiance was eclectic and intellectual, but inviting. We ordered - something to drink, then first course was soup or salad. Dad and I had a cold cucumber soup while Paula and Aloze both had a salad. Second course dad had steak, I had veal, Aloze and Paula had chicken. Final course was dessert and we all tried something different. Dad had a sundae, I had creme Brule and Paula and Aloze had lemon tarts. We had coffee with dessert and it was relaxing and inviting. At each course they replaced the silverware and napkins. Very cool. We still had flies as guests - so we had to laugh. No matter where you went -flies were there. As part of the Keifer Mansion dining experience and the three-course meal, we were able to pick a book from their bookshelves. Since Keefer was a town leader during the town’s early establishment as the force behind the town library, it was fitting the Keefer Mansion continued its endorsement of reading. The monthly offering for August was travel and leisure. So all the books available fit that description. We all picked out a book. I’ve not touched mine since and would guess that was the fate for all four of the books. After dinner we went back to Aloze and Paula’s house. We viewed pictures from CD that Paula took on her digital camera while in Europe earlier in 2006. It was nice to see her childhood city and their grandchildren and children, even if only in pictures. We called it a night and made plans for breakfast. -Paula would cook in the morning for us all to have breakfast at their home. It was a date set for 8:30 a.m. We returned to the Four Points Sheraton hotel and pretty much headed for sleep. (To Be Continued.! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 8, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 8, 2007 Slovenian Skiers Visit Holiday Valley On February 10, the Cleveland Slovenian Ski Club traveled to Holiday Valley, NY for a fun-filled day of skiing. The group was comprised of 84 Slovenians including the Consul General Dr. Žigon and Mrs. Žigon as well as a three piece band. Tony and Frank Smuk and Dr. David Turk provided musical entertainment on the bus ride, in the lodge and outside which provided music for polka dancing in the snow. Fun was had by all, so come and join us on a ski trip next season. -Franc Sever Waterloo Balinca Club News It’s time again to update you on all the activities and plans for the Waterloo Balinca Club. First, because of many requests, we will again have our Sausage and Sauerkraut Dinner / Social. The date is Sunday, March 18 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the lower hall of the Waterloo Workmen’s Home. The cost will be $6.00 which includes dinner, dessert, soft drinks and coffee. , Beer and wine will be available. What better way to beat the winter doldrums than dinner and socializing with friends? The balinca courts will also be available after dinner. A sign-up sheet is posted in the courts. You may also call me, Vi Rupena at 440-943-7212 to make your reservations. There will be no dinners served without reservations. Your support of our club is appreciated and necessary, so please come and join us for a fun afternoon. I am delighted to report that at our annual meeting in January, our members voted to donate $1,000 to the Home to help with much needed repairs and improvements, which include easy accessibility for our less mobile guests. Although this donation made a big dent in our funds, it was just a miniscule amount compared to what is needed. The Board, the hard working Ladies Auxiliary and the regular donations by our local fraternal lodges and shareholders cannot raise the funds necessary to accomplish these renovations in a timely manner. Waterloo Workmen’s Home was built by the hard work of our immigrant parents who dedicated their time, labor and money in an effort to preserve their Slovenian heritage in their new country. Their initial efforts also helped make our fraternal lodges the great financial institutions they are. The ultimate political successes and national prominence enjoyed by our Senators Lausche and Voinovich were also attributed originally to the support given them by our parents and the local Slovenian community. It is my personal opinion this might be taken into account by these institutions and foundations and that possibly some major financial help might be forthcoming. Maybe the City of Cleveland could provide some help as well by way of temporary tax abatement since we are helping preserve the Collin-wood area for the City of Cleveland - especially now with the announcement that the Senior Center might not be constructed in the area. You will be pleased to know that our leagues are doing well. Joe Stimac, Brian Polantz and Frank Nemec are in charge of the various leagues and social balinca and doing a good job. However, our Wednesday league is seriously thinking about changing to a different day. The Recher Pensioners have their meeting the first Wednesday and Holmes Pensioners the second Wednesday of each month. The Wednesday league could use two more teams and possibly a different day might allow more members to join us. More on that later. Also, of great interest are several tournaments being planned by Brian Polantz for more experienced players and Nancy Vasilko for the average players. We are eagerly looking forward to hearing details and plans when they are finalized. You will be notified. In the meantime, stay healthy and have a good year. See you on March 18. --Violet M. Rupena Joke A man was telling his neighbor, “I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me $4,000, but it’s state of the art; it’s perfect.” “Really,” answered the neighbor, “What kind is it?” “Quarter to six.” —Phil Hrvatin Friday, March 9 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. Featuring Ray Polantz. Sunday, March 11 Catholic Mission Aid dinner in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish hall from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donation $12. Tuesday, March 13 Meeting of Cleveland Area Chapter of Genealogy Society at Recher Hall, Euclid, Ohio at 7 p.m. Special Guest, Sandra Malitz. Thursday, March 16 Cleveland Councilman Michael Polenšek speaks at Heritage Foundation lecture, 7 p.m. in Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Friday, March 16 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. Featuring Stan Mejac. Friday, March 16 Fish Fry - Walleye, shrimp, pierogies, mac and cheese 5 to 7:30 p.m. $9 at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland. Music by The Culkars 6:30-8:30. Sun., March 18 - March 25 Slovenian Ski Trip to Steamboat, Colorado. For info call John Kamin (718) 424-2711. Friday, March 23 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. Featuring Jeff Pecon. Saturday, March 24 Federation of Slovenian National Homes Man & Woman of Year banquet at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Friday, March 30 Dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland. Admission $8. Featuring A1 Battistelli. Friday, March 30 Lemont, IL - Butarice at the Center, 9 a.m. to make Butarice which will be on sale at the Center on Saturday, March 31 during Slovenian School hours and on Sunday, April 1 at 10 a.m. Friday, March 30 Fish Fry - Walleye, shrimp, pierogies, mac and cheese 5 to 7:30 p.m. $9 at Co., 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland. Music by The Culkars 6:30-8:30. Sunday, April 1 Chicken or pork roast dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Adults $12, children $6. Benefit of City Music Cleveland concerts in St. Vitus Church. Sunday, April 1 Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 Super Button Box Bash 25-12 bands, 1 to 9 p.m., both haljs of Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, OH. Concert: 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 3 Author Bob Dolgan talks about his book, “America’s Polka King” The Real Story of Frankie Yankovic and His Music” at Euclid Public Library, E. 222 St., at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 22 Annual Meeting of Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, IL - 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 25 Author James E. Odenkirk discusses his book “Frank J. Lausche: Ohio’s Great Political Maverick” at 7 p.m. in Euclid Public Library. Saturday, April 28 Korotan Concert, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Saturday, April 28 Zarja concert “Spring Fling” at Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, April 29 Polka Mass honoring deceased and living members at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland. Pork, sauerkraut & potato dumpling dinner. $15. Friday, May 11 St. Mary’s Slovenian School Reverse Raffle for support of summer trip to Slovenia. Sunday, May 13 Slomšek Slovenian School, Lemont, ILL — Mother’s Day program with 11 a.m. Family Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Mission. Noon program and buffet luncheon at Slovenian Cultural Center. $15 for adults, $8 for children 7-14. Sunday, May 13 Mother’s Day Brunch, 9 a.m. - 12 noon at Newburgh Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St. $8 adults, $4 children. Another Senior Joke An elderly woman from Brooklyn decided to prepare her will and consulted her rabbi. She had two requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Bloomingdale’s. “Why Blooming-dale’s?” the rabbi asked. “Because then I’ll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week.” -Emma Pogačar Slovenian National Home <-yL~'cin s^eoSLC Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Director Proudly Serving the Slovenian Community Death Notices | ANTHONY ZAGAR Anthony Zagar, beloved husband of the late Ledmina “Jean.” Loving father of Sandra (Charles) Moss, Ken and Steve (Ruth). Dear grandfather of nine and greatgrandfather of 13. Brother of Frank (Mary), Albert (Vera, deceased), and Margaret (deceased). Retired employee of NYCRR. Funeral services Tuesday, Feb. 27 at the Jakubs & Son, A Golden Rule Funeral Home, 936 E. 185 St., where the family received friends Monday, Feb. 26 from 4-8 p.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. JOHN L. SCHUSTER John L. Schuster, age 83, of Twinsburg, Ohio, formerly of Euclid, went home to be with the Lord on Friday, March 2, 2007. Beloved husband of 59 years to Emily (nee Stanich); loving father of John K. (Laraine), Dennis, Gary (Janet), Kenneth, and Dr. Michelle (Dr. Sam) Taylor; cherished grandfather of Dr. Anthony, Brian, Lisa, Keith, Cassie, Nathan, Kenneth, Eric, Jacob, Alex, Max and Lucas; great-grandfather of Jay, Nicholas, Charlie, Isabella, Ethan, Shane, Elizabeth and Marina; brother of the following deceased: Louise Ogrinc, James, William and Anthony; dear imele and friend to many. WWII Army veteran. Memorial donations in his name to the St. Christine Church Repair Fund, 840 E. 222 St., Euclid, OH 44123 or the Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at St. Christine Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Mon-dny, March 5 from 2-4 and JOSEPHINE MOŽINA Josephine Možina (nee Hochevar), age 95. Beloved mother of Josephine (Joseph) Kocin, Frank (Polly, deceased), Rose Marie (Ed) Polaniec, Mary Ann (Chuck) deceased) Thomas and William (Lilly). Grandmother and greatgrandmother of many. Sister of Ann Miklich and 11 others deceased. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Friday, March 2 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where services were held Saturday, March 3 at 9:15 a.m., and St. Mary church (Holmes Ave.) at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. m MILDRED E. WOJTILA Mildred E. (Pfeiffer) Woj-tila, age 75, passed away on Saturday, March 3, 2007. Mildred was bom on May 26, 1931 in Cleveland. She was a 52-year resident of Euclid. She was organist for St. Paul’s Church (Chardon Rd.) for 35 years. She also taught music at her home. Mildred was a member of Middle Flower Mission Circle #60. She is survived by children Dan (Janice), Donald (Barbara), Joseph (Delene), Kathryn (Allan) Pestotnik, James (Mary Ann), John (Lynette), Michael (Vicki); grandchildren Tom, John, Danny, Crissy, Donny, Mary, Jillian, Jenna, Joey, Allan, Brian, Matthew, Jimmy, Stephen, Kristen, Paul, Dominic, Adam, Maria, and Tori; siblings Laura (Frank) Charek, William (Julian) Pfeiffer; sister-in-law Rosalie Pfeiffer. Deceased family: husband Joseph, brother Raymond Pfeiffer. Friends were received on Tuesday, March 6 from 2-9 p.m. at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills, OH. Funeral at 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 7, 2007 in St. Paul’s Church, 1231 Chardon Road, Euclid. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Contributions in her name to St. Paul’s Church, 1231 Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH 44117. ROSE J. SCHEID Rose J. Scheid (nee Sin-tic), age 97, passed away on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007. Beloved wife of Edward (deceased); dear mother of Thomas (Vida), Edward (Nancy), James (Carol), and the late Irene; grandmother of Timothy, Thomas, Dennis, Lynelle, and Nanette; great grandmother of four; sister of the following deceased: Martin, Angela Jasinski, Frank, Tony, Eddie and John. Rose was a member of SNPJ Lodge #5 and the Senior Citizens of St. Mary’s Church. The family received friends on Monday, Feb. 26 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m., at The Jakubs-Danaher, A Golden Rule Funeral Home, 36000 Lake Shore Blvd., Eastlake where services were held Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 9:15 a.m., and from St. Mary’s Church at 10 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. The family suggests contributions to St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110 in her memory. Arrangements by the Donald A. Faulhaber Funeral Home. In Memory Thanks to Millie and Jim Logar of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of their son, James P. Logar. In Memory Thanks to Marinka Skubitz of Willoughby Hills, OH who added a $15.00 donation to her subscription renewal in memory of John Skubitz. In Memory Thanks to American Slovene Club of Cleveland, Ohio who submitted a $25.00 donation in memory of Frances Hrovat. In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Agnes Koporc of Bratenahl, OH who sent in a $10.00 donation in loving memory of her wonderful husband, A1 Koporc. In Memory Thanks to Jack LaVriha of Lorain, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Olga W. LaVriha. He writes, “A great informative newspaper.” Donation Thank you to Dr. Joseph and Marjeta Z. Novak of Whitefish Bay, WI who renewed their subscription and added a $65.00 donation! Donation Thanks to Anna M. and Victor G. Kmetich who renewed their subscription and added a $50.00 donation. They write, “We always look forward to reading the American Home.” Large Donation Thank you to Michael Telich of Columbus, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $100.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Frank Lovšin of Euclid, Ohio who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Edward and Cathy (Likozar) Cup of Chesterland, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $30.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Lodge #12 Ribnica of AMLA of Wick-liffe, OH for the $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Julia Smole of Cleveland, OH who donated $10.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thanks to Jerry Zupan of Putnam Valley, New York who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation. He writes, “It is a pleasure to read the American Home newspaper. Keep up the good work.” Donation Thanks to the Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid who sent in renewal payment for their roster inclusion in the American Home newspaper and added a $75.00 donation in appreciation for printing their club’s news. Donation Thanks to Stella Rupe of ^ Willoughby, OH who re- > newed her subscription, paid ^ for her husband’s memorial, ^ and added a $30.00 donation S in loving memory of her > husband, Adolph Rupe. O ■ i o < Large Donation 2 Thanks to Ann Zlatoper ^ of Charleston, SC who re- 2' newed her subscription and ^ added a $100 donation in Q memory of her wonderful ^ husband, Joseph M. Zla- ^ toper. She writes, “I look 8 forward to receiving every ^ edition of American Home. It’s a joy for me to receive and read it.” Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Al and Betty Orehek, Cleveland, OH - $15.00 Dr. Maximillian and | Annmarie H. Gorensek, 'i Aiken, SC - $5.00 J John A. and Barbara A. 1 Hočevar, Willoughby Hills, OH -$15.00 Molile E. Jurecic, Lynd-hurst, OH - $15.00 Lojzka Rutar, Euclid, OH - $8.00 Anna Jurkovič, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Millie Skalar, Parkers Prairie, MN ~ $5.00 Stanley Ferkul, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Gregory Fedran, Monterey, CA - $15.00 Joze and Mici Košir, Kirtland, OH - $15.00 Ivan and Zdenka Zakrajšek, Kirtland, OH - $15.00 Anne O. Dlugo, Broadview Hts., OH - $15.00 Slavica Črnic, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Anton Vegel, Euclid, OH --$15.00 Vinko Kaplan, Richmond Heights, OH -$15.00 In Loving Memory of Joseph E. Nosan Sr. Died: March 8,1998 “A Beautiful life that came to an end. He died as he lived, everyone’s friend. In our hearts a memory mil always be kept, Of one we loved, and will never forget ” Loved and missed by: Wife, Olga and Family I I * ! 1 p.m. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 _ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA,, MARCH 8, 2007 s St. Vitus Slovenian School Visits Slovene Home for Aged On Saturday, February 17, the students of the St. Vitus Slovenian School visited the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road in Cleveland. The children warm the residents’ hearts with Slovenian singing accompanied by John Srsen on guitar and Frankie Culkar on the button box. The middle photo shows Principal Mojca Slak on the far right presenting a donation to the nursing home from Slovenska Sola pri Sv. Vidu. --Barbara Beyer Member, St. Vitus Slovenian School Parent Board SHA March Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were bom in the month of March: 3-02 — David Onder-donk, age 95, bom in Cleveland. 3-04 - Margaret Silk, 101, bom in Cleveland. 3-04 - Cassie Toth, 87, bom in Little Rock, Ark. 3-07 - Anthony Zaverl, 95, bom in Cleveland. 3-08 - Darlene Gazella, 64, bom in Pennsylvania 3-09 - Kyriacoula Houlis, 88, bom in Greece Shrine Activities The following events are scheduled for Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio: March 23 - Fish Dinner (4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.) 3-10 - Josephine Am-brosic, 90, bom in Cleveland 3-11 - Anna Popovič, 83, bom in Cleveland. 3-12 - Helen Drescoe, 96, bom in Cleveland 3-14 - Helen Lessman, 88, bom in Pennsylvania 3-19 - Josephine Salvo, 90, bom in Cleveland 3-19 - Mary Susel, 94, bom in Colorado 3-27 - Jean Dragar, 81, bom in Cleveland 3-28 - Angela Klepa, 87, bom in Cleveland 3-30 - Angela Ambrosic, 92, bom in Cleveland. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 Specialists In Corrective Hair Cpforinp ting & brenda’s HAIR SALON 461-7989 / 461-0623 RtchmondTits" Ohio 44143 Lyndhurst - $184,900 Sprawling Brick & Stone Ranch! Shows Very Well! Neutral & Clean! 1st Floor Family Room ! 2 Fireplaces! Formal Dining Room! Newer Kitchen, Windows & Doors! 40 x 13 Rec Room with Bar! Open Layout! Fabulous Brick Patio! Newer Timberline Roof! Covered Porch! Hot Tub! Landscaped! 2 Car Attached Garage! Handicap Ready! MUST SEE! For More Information Please Contact Paul Paratto 440-516-4444 or 440-953-5697 Brickman- l)i Donato FUNERAL HOME Jeff DiDonato, owner Tom Corrigan Harlan Saxton Lloyd Rankin 21900 Euclid Ave. Euclid, OH £16*181-5277 Caring ~ Compassionate ~ Dedicated to Euclid St. Vitus Slovenian School Says Thanks to All The parent board and faculty of St. Vitus Slovenian School wishes to express our sincere thanks to the many individuals who contributed to our annual fundraiser. Since December 1, 2006, St. Vitus Slovenian School has been receiving donations toward its annual Angel Fund campaign. These donations enable our Slovenian school to continue the mission to preserve the language and culture of our beautiful Slovenian heritage. As in the past, our benefactors have been most generous in making our annual campaign for the year 2006-2007 a great success. THANK YOU - we are very grateful for your support. The names of the benefactors are contained in the Slovenian edition of the Ameriška Domovina. All individual donors were sent thank you cards upon receipt of their donation. Please let us know if we missed anyone. Again, to all our benefactors, a sincere thank you and may God bless you. % If anyone wishes to contribute to the Angel Fund Campaign, please write to St. Vitus -Slovenian School Angel Campaign, c/o Mark Celestina, 2010 East 233rd St., Euclid, OH 44117. Barrels Roll Out for 25th Super Button Box Bash You can’t have too much good music. That is why Super Button Box Bash XXV is celebrating its 25th year on Sunday, April 1st at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio, from 1 to 9 p.m. The largest button accordion festival of its kind promises to be one of the best ever. Performing on the program will be outstanding individual players and a dozen button box bands. The players include the 2006 Button Box Player of the Year Ron Likovič, the 2006 Button Box Group of the Year, Ken Zalar and the Captain’s Crew, Fred Zi-"'ich, Joe Grkman, Jr., with Mike Grkman, Rob De-Elander, Frank Spetich, Jeff Palasko, Ron Pivovar, The Euttonaires, Euclid Squeeze-boxers, Happy Timers, Hoboes, Magic Buttons Magic City Showcase, Don Novinc & Friends, Northern Home Players (Michigan), Western Pennsylvania SNPJ Button Box Club, and the Circle 2 Alumni Band. The Children’s Chorus will sing at 3 p.m., under the direction of Shirley Ivancic Stall. Accompanists are Frank Culkar and Anthony Culkar. Food and refreshments .will be available throughout the day, and home-baked pastries. Advance tickets are available at $6 each at the Polka Hall of Fame box office. Tickets at the door will be $7. Slovenian Society Home is located off E. 200 St., north of 1-90 in Euclid, Ohio. On East 200th turn right on Lindbergh Avenue, and the hall is at the end of the street. For more information call (216) 531-7168 or (440) 944-7303. —Cecilia Dolgan, Director The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs. _______________________-Emma Pogačar Dolgan Discusses Yankovic Book Author Bob Dolgan will talk about his new book, “America’s Polka King: The Real Story of Frankie Yankovic and His Music” on Tuesday, April 3 at 7 p.m. in the Shore Room of Euclid Public Library on E. 222 Street in Euclid, Ohio. FISH FRY Every Friday 1 r:30 AM - 8 PM SWH AUXILIARY 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH Fish - Shrimp - Goulash Breaded Pork Chops Reservations & Take Outs Call 216/481-5378 Multi-talented Johnny Srsen is a natural on the guitar or playing piano, or singing. All Photos by Phil Hrvatin Frank Cesen of Richmond Heights, Ohio with his daughter artist Patricia Cesen Wilks of Mentor, Ohio stands next to her acrylic paintings which were on display during the Cultural Evening Feb. 11 at the Slovenian National Home in Cleveland. Later in the month, all the paintings were also displayed in the Lausche Atrium Room of the hew St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish center. Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: My father is reading a novel about a young person called Succat. In later years he was known as...? Thanks to Stan Žakelj of Broadview Heights, Ohio and Rudy J. Sterk, manager of St. Vitus Village in Cleveland, who correctly answered: St. Patrick. Succat was a 16-year-old lad in Wales when he was captured by Irish marauders and sold into slavery for four years before he escaped. He later returned to Ireland and converted the entire pagan country to Catholicism. He was then known as Patrick. NEW QUIZ: Who holds the record for the most lifetime Grammy awards? Send your answer to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Lenten Meals at St. Mary’s Lenten fish dinners are being served on all Fridays of Lent in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish hall. Dinners are baked fish, shrimp, crab cakes and combo’s - $9.00; fried fish - $8; macaroni and cheese - $4; soup $1.50; half meals will also be available. All dinners include coleslaw or applesauce, home fries, dessert and coffee. Serving is from 4 to 7 P-m-___________________ Violinist Joe Štepec enraptures the audience in the Slovenian National Home. He is accompanied by Ed Ferrazzoli on piano. Richie Celestina’s velvet voice completes the song “Bridge Over Troubled Waters,” as part of the Cultural Evening on Feb. 11 in the Slovenian National Home ŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 8, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 8, 2007 io Palm Sunday Benefit Dinner Set for St. Vitus Auditorium St. Vitus Parish, established in August, 1893 as the first American Slovenian Roman Catholic parish in the state of Ohio will hold their annual benefit dinner on Sunday, April 1 in St. Vitus Auditorium, 6111 Lausche Avenue in Cleveland. The dinner will feature chicken or pork roast. Cost is $12 for adults and $6 for children 12 or younger. St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge #25, Sacred Heart of Jesus KSKJ Lodge #172, St. Vitus Altar Society, St. Vitus Holy Name Society, and parishioners involved in the parish “Mihevc Grant” scholarship program will co-sponsor this benefit dinner. On the menu will be choice of chicken or pork roast. Also featured will be home-made soup, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, bread, choice of dessert, and coffee, tea, or milk. Dinners will be served continuously from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Take-out dinners will also be available. The benefit dinner will be part of the American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) Matching Grant Funds Program. The Matching Funds proceeds of the dinner will help defray part of the expenses associated with a planned series of concerts by CityMusic Cleveland, a 32-piece chamber orchestra with residency in northeast Ohio. Planned concerts are being scheduled for October and December of this year as well as Feb. and May 2008 in St. Vitus Church. Concerts will be open to the public. The concerts are a part of the 75th year anniversary completion and dedication of current St. Vitus Church (Nov., 1932). The general public is invited and encouraged to attend the benefit dinner on April 1. The artist rendering of the proposed “St. Bernadette” stain glass window in the church’s grotto will be available for viewing during dinner hours. Tickets at the rectory (216) 361-1444 or evening call Joe Hočevar at (216) 881-9586. Dinner tickets will also be available at the sit-down or take-out doors on April 1. Dawn Vidmar named GM of Chicago Catholic Papers Chicago, IL - Colleen Dolan, Director of Communications and Public Relations for the Archdiocese of Chicago has named Dawn Vidmar General Manager of the Archdiocese’s New World Publications, which publishes the Catholic New World, Catolico and Katolik, the respective English, Spanish and Polish language newspapers for the Archdiocese, as well as the annual Archdiocesan Directory. For the past 16 years, Vidmar has been the Advertising and Marketing Manager for New World Publications. Prior to joining the Archdiocese, she worked in advertising sales for The Wall Street Journal. Vidmar is a board member of the Catholic Advertising Network and is a member of the Catholic Press Association. She is also on the European Advisory Board that serves the Archdiocese’s Office of European Catholics. Vidmar lives in Brookfield with her husband of 30 years, John, who is a deacon assigned to the Slovenian Catholic Mission in Lemont. She is a parishioner at both the Slovenian Catholic Mission and at St. Francis Xavier parish in LaGrange. The Vidmars have three children, Michael, Joseph and Monika. Pictured above are John and Dawn Vidmar. Kres Seeks New Members Would you like to become more engaged in the Slovenian culture? Do you want to make new friends? Do you enjoy dancing? If so, then becoming a member of Kres, the Cleveland area Slovenian folk dance group, is an excellent choice. This Slovenian folk dance group currently includes over 100 members and enthusiastically welcomes new persons. Students who have finished kindergarten at the end of the 06-07 school year, through high school will be accepted. All members not in high school normally have practice once a week during the summer. For high school students, the practices are on Sunday nights throughout the school year and they can have multiple evening practices a week in the summer. If you or your child is interested in joining, please contact Monika Percic at 440-256-1376, or e-mail her at twinklingstar88@vahoo.com by March 11. Please provide the high schooler’s name, phone number, address, email address, and current grade for the 06-07 school year. Current members do not need to re-register at this time unless you would like to update the contact information. Please feel free to pass the word to anyone who may be interested in joining this compelling and exciting Slovenian folk dance group. Refugee Book Now in Stock Newburgh KSKJ honors 50-year members On Sunday, March 18, KSKJLife Lodges #63, #146, and #150 will have a dinner at the Slovenian Home on E. 80* Street honoring those who have been members for 50 years. This dinner will be preceded by Mass in St. Lawrence Church at 10 a.m. Dinner will be served at 12 noon. This event is free for '• all members. Please RSVP to , Josie at (216) 267-4866. St. Clair Pensioners News As the months go rolling by we are fast approaching our “Lucky Pick Raffle.” the drawing will take place following our regular meeting on May 17. Since this is our only fund raiser for the year we are asking for your support which is definitely needed and will be greatly appreciated. Tickets will be distributed at our meeting on March 15. REMINDER: If you have not paid your dues, please do so at our upcoming meeting on March 15. —Sylvia Plymesser RECHER HALL’S FRIDAY FISH FRIES ARE BACKU Serving hours are 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Call 216-531-8348 for Take Out Orders Featuring Breaded, Deep Fried Canadian Pike Fillets and Baked Cod Dinners, Breaded Pork Chops, Beef Goulash, Breaded Butterfly Shrimp, Four-Cheese Macaroni and Cheese and Slovenian Home Fries, Polenta, Hand-Cut French Fries, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Tossed Salad and Homemade Strudel. Lenten specials will feature New England Clam Chowder and Potato and Cheese Pierogies with Caramelized Onions. 10 and under children’s menu available. BRING THIS ARTICLE IN FOR $1 OFF AN EAT-IN ADULT FULL DINNER ENTREE1 In addition to the Fish Fry menu, the last Friday of each month is BBQ Rib night. Half slab dinners are $8.50 and a full slab of Ribs only is $14.00! Take out available on all orders! What has ears but never hears a thing? A cornfield. -Bob Mills Probably you have heard about a very interesting book written by John Corsellis. The title is SLOVENIA 1945. In it he describes the time at the end of the Second World War. With thousands of refugees from Slovenia and other parts of Yugoslavia fleeing the communist terror to Austria and Italy. The returning to Slovenia of Domobranci under the pretext of sending them to Italy from Austria. Instead they were sent back to Tito’s army which massacred them. With live witnesses describing these horrendous acts of merciless hatred and ven-gence. How the British occupying forces in Austria tried to force the rest of the refugees to return back to Slovenia. It I recently picked a new primary care physician. After two visits and exhaustive lab tests he said I was doing “fairly well” for my age. A little concerned about that comment, I couldn’t resist asking him, “Do you think I’ll live to be 90?” He asked, “Do you smoke tobacco or drink beer, whiskey or wine?” - “Oh, no,” I replied. “Not doing drugs, either.” Then he asked, “Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?” tells of the hardship they suffered in DP camps and how they survived all that. And finally, how they established themselves in the countries to which they emigrated. It is a book well written and easy to read and makes an excellent gift. The first shipment was sold out in four weeks. I did receive the second shipment, so if you want a book, please hurry. They are going fast. Please call me at home at (216) 381-2602 or at Slovenska pisarna at (216) 361-0300 Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. or Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., in St. Vitus Village, 6114 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, across from St. Martin de Porres School. —Felix Gaser “I said, “No, I read that all red meat is very unhealthy.” “Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, sailing, hiking, or bicycling?” “No, I don’t.” He asked, “Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?” “No, I don’t do any of those things?” “Then,” he asked, “Why do you want to live to be 90?” —Frankie Mlakar Primary Care Joke FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina E IT Tl r-* ^ ^ i; | ^ AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 8, 2007 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Dvoboj med Janezom Drnovškom in Janezom Janšo v zvezi z novim guvernerjem Banke Slovence V zadnjih tednih se velik del politike ukvarja z zapleti pri izbiranju novega guvernerja Banke Slovenije, to potem ko parlament Mitju Gaspariju ni podaljšal šestletni mandat še za šest let. Natala je politična blokada predvsem zaradi predsednika republike, ki je v primeru novega guvernerja prišel v spor z vlado in koalicijskimi strankami. Predsednik republike ima pristojnost, da vladi predlaga ime ali imena kandidatov za guvernerja oz. predsednika banke, izbiro in imenovanje pa opravi parlament. Zdaj pa se dogaja obratno in v nasprotju z omenjenimi pravili in določbami. Drnovšek je za novega guvernetja predlagal sedanjega viceguvernerja Andreja Ranta, ki pa mu vlada *n koalicijske stranke nasprotujejo. Drnovšek pa vztraja pri svojem kandidatu in je dejal, “da se o drugem kandidatu ne bom pogovarjal”. To pomeni, da v tej zadevi Drnovšek poskuša uveljaviti svojo voljo in s tem krši pristojnosti, določene z ustavo in zakoni, Premier Janša pa ga zavrača. Po danih ra-^nerah kaže, da Rant ne bo izvoljen oz. Potrjen in bo treba poiskati še novega kandidata. Parlament naj bi izvolitev opravil doo konca marca, takrat bo pač prenehal Gasparijev mandat. Rant naj bi bil nesprejemljiv za vladno koalicijo, ker naj bi kil med drugim v preteklosti preveč tesno Povezan s prejšnjim enopartijskim režimom. Izredna parlamentarna seja zaradi spornega nakupa oklepnih vozil za vojsko V februarju je potekala izredna seja Državnega zbora, to na zahtevo 39 poslancev, pripadnikov opozicijskih strank. Ministra za obrambo Karla Erjavca (DeSUS) so obtožili, da je pri nakupu 135 oz. 110 oklepnih vozil za Slovensko vojsko zavajal javnost in državo. Minister namreč ni povedal, kolikšna bo cena vozil, ki jih bo dobavila neka finska družba, tudi tega ne, kako bodo opremljeni, kdaj bodo dobavljeni in kaj naj bi od tega posla imelo slovensko gospodarstvo. Poslanci iz vladnih strank so kritike preglasovali in sklenili, “da obrambni minister pri nakupu oklepnikov, ji je bil načrtovan že v resoluciji o splošnem dolgoročnem programu razvoja in opremljanja slovenske vojske, ni zavajal parlamenta in javnosti”. Komisya Sveta Evrope za boj proti rasizmu in nestrpnost kritična do Slovenye V Sloveniji je poročilo omenjene komisije imelo dokaj močan odmev. Govorilo je o domnevnem porasta rasizma in ksenofobije v državi. Komisija meni, da so bili doslej sprejeti ukrepi nezadostni. Vladno stališče je, da bo poročilo preučilo. Minister za notranje zadeve Dragutin Mate pa je zanikal očitke glede takoimeno-vanih izbrisanih. Mate je ponovil, da leta 1992 ni bilo izbrisa priseljencev iz drugih območij nekdanje SFRJ, ker so slovensko državljanstvo pod zelo ugodnimi pogoji lahko dobili vsi, ki so zanj zaprosili. AVSTRIJA IMENOVALA ŽE DRUGEGA KOROŠKEGA SLOVENCA ZA SVOJEGA VELEPOSLANIKA - Nova avstryska koalicijska vlada je predlagala Krauta za novega avstrijskega veleposlanika v Makedoniji. Kraut, absolvent Slo-venske gimnazije in domačin z Bistrice nad Pliberkom, je za Zdravkom Inzkom že dru-8' koroški Slovenec v taki visoki diplomatski funkciji. V zadnjih štirih letih je bil Kraut na zunanjem ministrstvu na Dunaju, prej pa na raznih diplomatskih predstavni-štvih po svetu, mdr. v Južni Afriki, Srbiji in Mehiki. Zelo pogosto prihaja domov na Bistrico in obiskuje kulturne prireditve. Kraut je maturiral na Slovenski gimnazyi leta l977 in je star 49 let. Njegovo imenovanje mora še potrditi makedonska vlada. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kosilo MZA to nedeljo— To nedeljo ste vabljeni na vsakoletno kosilo MZA, ki bo v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Serviranje bo od 11. dop. do 1. pop., kosilo se bo lahko tudi vzelo domov. Nakaznice bodo na voljo pri vhodu v dvorano. Vse podrobnosti najdete v poročilu MSIP na str. 16. Pridite! Prodaja krofov— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov to soboto zjutraj in dopoldne, kot običajno v avditoriju. Prizadevne članice bodo vesele ob vašem obisku. Lepa podpora listu— G. Michael Telich iz Co-lumbusa, O., je naš list obogatel z darom $100, za kar se mu iskreno zahvalimo. Novi grobovi Mildred E. Wojtila Dne 3. marca je na svojem domu v Euclidu, kjer je živela zadnjih 52 let, u-mrla 75 let stara Mildred E. Wojtila, rojena Pfeiffer 26. maja 1931 v Clevelandu, vdova po Josephu, mati Dan-a, Donalda, Josepha, Kathryn Pestotnik, Jamesa, Johna in Michaela, 20-krat stara mati, sestra Laure Charek, Williama in že pok. Raymonda, organistinja pri župniji sv. Pavla na Char-don Rd. 35 let, učila glasbo na svojem domu. Pogreb je bil 7. marca v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Mary K. Lavrich Umrla je 97 let stara Mary K. Lavrich iz Mentorja, prej živeča v Collimvoo-du in Euclidu, vdova po Charlesu, mati Margaret Ponikvar in Dorothy Darling, 1-krat stara mati. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila 5. marca v cerkvi sv. Janeza Vianneyja s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Matthew Žaro Umrl je 67 let stari Matthew Žaro, oče Jean Zele-niakas, 3-krat stari oče, brat Vincenta, Marie Barna, Madeline Kovačič (pok.), Charlesa in Lillian Nosan, stric. Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Že-letovega zavoda, na mrtvaškem odru je pokojni ležal v soboto, 3. marca. (DALJE na str. 16) .1' I u JtcM I 1.1 v/,V *»*,*'* Sprememba časa v nedeljo— Čeprav tega ne bi sodili po vremenu, se bo letos prvič pričel tkim. “poletni čas” to nedeljo, ko bo treba kazalce na urah pomakniti za eno uro naprej. To je pač tri tedne hitreje kakor doslej. Ista sprememba bo veljala jeseni letos. Ne pozabite! Predavaiye— V četrtek, 15. marca, bo v spodnji dvorani SDD na Recherjevi ob 7h zv. govoril clevelandski mestni svetnik Michael Polenšek. Večer sponzorira Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, vstop je prost in je javnost vabljena. Po predavanju in vprašanjih, družabno uro. V načrtu— V teku so priprave za ustanovitev skupnega muzeja in arhiva za clevelandsko slovensko skupnost. O tem bo še več poročil, tisti pa, ki bi radi sodelovali, lahko dobite več informacij, če pokličete gen. konzulat RSlo-venije na 216-589-9220. Dobrodelno kosilo— Na cvetno nedeljo, 1. aprila, bodo društva, aktivna pri sv. Vidu (društvi KSKJ št. 25 in 172 ter DNU) pripravila dobrodelno kosilo, ki bo v avditoriju in servirano od 11. dop. do 1. pop. Dar bo $12 za odraslo osebo in $6 za otroka. Za nakaznice pokličite Joe Hočevarja na 216-881-9586 ali farno pisarno na 216-361-1444. Večerja lepo uspela— Kljub slabemu vremenu so 24. februarja imeli na Slovenski pristavi večerjo z golažem in polento. Okrog 70 gostov se je je udeležilo. Pripravila sta jo Kristjan Sedmak in Jovo Mejak, pecivo pa spekli Breda in Marija. Za glasbo so poskrbeli Pristavski muzikantje: Tone Ovsenik, Tine in Rok Ribič ter Janez Nemec. Za prostovoljno pomoč vsem gre najlepša zahvala odbora SP, gostom pa za obisk! Prispevki za naš list— American Slovene Club iz Clevelanda je poklonilo $25, v spomin na Frances Hrovat. Društvo št. 12 AM-LA je darovalo $20. Frank Lovšin, Euclid, O., je daroval $25. Edward in Cathy (Likozar) Cup, Chesterland, O., sta darovala $30, ga. .Marinka Skubitz, Will. Hills, ;0., pa $15. Hvala vsem! i •‘..‘WlftiWU Pastirsko pismo slovenskih škofov za postni čas 2007 “Oznanjamo vam besedo življenja” Dragi bratje in sestre v Kristusu, Božja beseda, ki smo ji prisluhnili, nas svari pred pretiranim zaupanjem vase. “Preklet mož, ki zaupa v človeka”, se glasi klena izjava iz prvega berila. Tudi Jezus v evangeliju opozarja, da bogatin zlahka postane zaverovan vase. Toda ošaben človek, ki si domišlja, da ne potrebuje niti sočloveka niti Boga, živi v veliki zmoti in samoprevari. Življenje nam je bilo podarjeno in človek more prav izživeti šele v darovanju in tesnem sožitju tako z drugimi kot z Bogom. Če človek sam sebi ne zadošča niti v posvetnih zadevah, je še toliko manj samozadosten, ko gre za spoznanje Boga. Zato nam je Bog sam spregovoril o sebi in se nam razodel. Ustvaril nas je take, da ne moremo živeti, ne da bi se prijateljsko pogovarjali in se tako razkrivali drug drugemu. V tem smo ustvarjeni po njegovi podobi. Bog je občestvo treh Božjih osebe - Očeta in Sina ter Svetega Duha - zato je Bog Ljubezen ter najlepše in najpopolnejše sožitje. K temu težimo tudi ljudje in drug brez drugega ne moremo. Najtežje prenašamo samoto in zapuščenost. Vendar nam ni dovolj, da se pogovarjamo samo z drugimi ljudmi, da se z njimi srečujemo in živimo v občestvu z njimi. Kolikor daleč seže zgodovinski spomin, so si ljudje želeli vstopiti v odnos tudi z Bogom, za katerega so vedeli, da je večji od človeka in da mora biti prijateljstvo z njim posebno osrečujoče. Bog, ki nas je ustvaril iz ljubezni in za ljubezen ter nas je zato usmeril k sebi, tega človekovega hrepenenja ni mogel pustiti nepotešenega. Prišel nam je naproti in se začel razodevati izbranim in izvoljenim ljudem ter preko njih vsemu izvoljenemu ljudstvu. Da bi razodetja/razodetje ljudje ne popačili, ampak bi jih/ga v pristni obliki ohranili za poznejše rodove, so jih/ga sveti pisatelji zapisali in nastalo je sveto pismo. Sveto pismo je pismo v pravem pomenu besede. Kakor si prijatelji pišemo, da drug na drugega ne pozabimo in da se naše prijateljstvo ne ohladi, je tudi Sveto pismo v resnici pismo, ki ga piše Bog sam, in sicer po človeških, od Svetega Duha navdihnjenih pisateljih. Na ta način nam razodeva svojo ljubezen in prijateljstvo, ki ju goji do človeka od trenutka stvarjenja naprej. Sveto pismo pripoveduje o dogodkih, ki so se zgodili po Božji dobroti do nas in nam razodevajo, kako Bog skrbi za svoje ljudstvo, kako ga rešuje in kako ga usmerja na prava življenjska pota. Ljudje Božje razodevanje nujno potrebujemo, če hočemo biti Božji prijatelji. Čeprav drži, da človek lahko tudi sam s svojm razmišljanjem o Bogu marsikaj zasluti in dožene, vendar so tovrstna človekova spoznanja zelo nezanesljiva. Številna verstva, ki so nastala v zgodovini človeštva, na eni strani pričajo o veliki človekovi želji in hrepenenju, da bi Boga spoznala in z njim vstopila v odnos, po drugi strani pa ravno njihova raznolikost govori o tem, da so ta spoznanja delna in nepopolna, včasih celo očitno zmotna. Veroizpovedi, ki so nastale iz plemenitega in upravičenega hrepenenja po spoznanju in čaščenju Najvišjega ter po prijateljstvu z njim, zaslužijo naše spoštovanje, čeprav nikakor ne moremo reči, da so zaradi tega ta verstva enakovredna in nam dajejo enako zanesljivo in resnično podobo o Bogu. Označimo jih lahko za spoštovanja vredna človeška ugibanja o Bogu, ki pa stopijo v ozadje, ko nam pride naproti Bog sam in nam osebno spregovori. Prvo in resnično spoznanje Boga je največja vrednota, saj ni vseeno, kako si Boga predstavljamo. Če slovenski pregovor pravi: “Povej mi, s kom hodiš, pa ti povem, kdo si," bi podobno lahko rekli tudi: “Povej mi, v kakšnega b/Boga veruješ, kako si ga predstavljaš, pa ti povem, kdo si”. Kajti Bog je naše najvišje merilo, naš ideal in naš vzor. Če imamo o (PALJE na str. 14) P. Bertrand Kotnik - 70 let duhovnik Pri 93 letih starosti je p. Bertrand Kotnik praznoval 19. decembra 2006 70-letnico svojega duhovniškega posvečenja - železno mašo. P. Bertrand je bil rojen v Rožeku na Koroškem 12. decembra 1913, v času habsburške Avstrije, torej je še eden redkih, ki so bili podaniki cesarja Franca Jožefa. V frančiškanski red je vstopil v Kalternu na Južnem Tirolskem, kjer je leta 1931 naredil tudi prve zaobljube. Pa ga je zvabila Slovenija in je zaprosil za prestop v slovensko provinco, kjer je napravil slovesne zaobljube leta 1935, v duhovnika pa je bil posvečen v ljubljanski škofijski kapeli 19. decembra 1936. Z mnogimi drugimi se je tudi on leta 1945 umaknil najprej na Koroško, potem pa v Ameriko. Deloval je v Lemon-tu, Johnstownu in New Yorku. Posebno tukaj se je lotil raziskovanja Baragovega življenja in odkril v knjižnici Baragov slovar indijanskega jezika. Leta 1975 se je vrnil na rodno Koroško in je od takrat hišni kaplan pri slovenskih šolskih sestrah v Velikovcu. Svoj čas posveča raziskovanju slovenskih hišnih imen v Ziljski dolini na Koroškem, o čemer je izšlo že nekaj njegovih knjig. Svoje železno mašo je praznoval na Koroškem v Pliberku, pa tudi na Brezjah, saj uradno spada pod brezjanski samostan. Pa še njegov recept za dolgo življenje: “Biti moraš vedno zaposlen in poln načrtov!" AVE MARIA Marec 2007 .-.Prijatel’s Pharmacy St Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Rudiju Kolariču za 75-letnico Vsakdo v vsej srenji se čudi, da znani Kolarič Rudi dopolnil je let že pet in sedemdeset. A nihče se prav nič ne čudi, da dragi slavljenec Rudi, naš zavedni zvest narodnjak, je še vedno tak korenjak. Saj že v taboriščnem trpljenju in tukaj v svobodnem življenju je vedno bil vnet in odličen atlet. Skbna mati in žena Vika draga, ljubljena, zanj vedno zgledno skrbi, da veselo in zdravo živi. Obema v ponos in veselje spolnjuje nade in želje sposoben mladi njun rod, zaveden, aktiven povsod. Težav vseh na vijugasti poti Rudi pogumno se loti in povsod čudovito uspe, še druge z veseljem podpre! Naj Rudi veselo praznuje! Naj Bog ga ljubeče varuje! Naj zdravja in sreče mu da preljuba nebeška Gospa! Vse, vse najboljše želijo žena, otroci in vnuki, sorodniki, upokojenci in drugi prijatelji, rojaki in uslužbenci Zahvala dobrotnikom svetovidske slovenske šole CLEVELAND, O. - Družine in učiteljski zbor Slovenske šole pri sv. Vidu se želimo zahvaliti mnogim dobrotnikom, ki ste se odzvali naši vsakoletni prošnji za podporo. V preteklih dveh mesecih smo dobivali prispevke v naš "angelski sklad”. Ti radodarni darovi omogočajo, da slovenska šola nadaljuje svoje poslanstvo ohranjati jezik in kulturo naše prelepe slovenske dediščine. Kot v preteklosti, ste naši dobrotniki velikodušno omogočili uspeh letošnje nabirke. Zelo smo hvaležni za vašo podporo! Sledijo imena darovalcev za šolsko leto 2006/07. Vsakemu dobrotniku smo ob času prejema darila poslali zahvalno kartico. Prosimo, da nas oprostite, če smo koga po pomoti prezrli! Še enkrat: iskrena hvala vsem podpornikom - in Bog naj vas blagoslovi! The American Mutual Life Association St. Anne Lodge #4 - AMLA Lodge Kras #8 - AMLA Lodge Cleveland #9 - AMLA Lodge Bratska Sloga #32 - AMLA, in memory of Xmas Ed & Linda Baznik, v spomin msgr. Baznik Belokranjski klub Mr. Ivan Berlec Mr. & Mrs. David Bloom, v spomin pok. Dolenc, Bloom, Iglič družin Culkar Family Ed & Kathy Cup, v spomin Jožeta Likozar John F. Dejak Tony & Nancy Dolenc, v spomin Pavel Dolenc & Andrew ^COtt (PALJE na str. 15) Zopet letos smo Slovenci iz ZDA Kanade prišli smučat v Windham CLEVELAND, O. - Po presledku dveh tet smo se prvi vikend v februarju zopet srečali z rojaki vzhodnega dela ZDA te Kanade na smučišču Windham, ki se nahaja v pogorju Catskills. In kot se spodobi biti hvaležen za srečno pot, smo bili zvesti tudi tradiciji, da ne ostaneš žejen ter smo tako zašli ob prihodu v hotelski lokal, kjer so nas velikodušno pozdravili kanadski prijatelji, nakar smo se pogovorili o dogodkih Zadnjih dveh let in pol. Snežne razmere na poti do smučišča Windham so izgledale bolj pičle, dočim Sora Windham sama je bila izvrstno Pogrnjena z umetnim snegom, tu in tam Pa tudi z ledom. Nabrušene smuči se tedu ne dajo, šibke noge in slaba vzdržljivost oziroma svetloba pa povzročajo nepričakovane padce, ki tokrat k sreči niso imeli večjih posledic za prisostvujoče na tem izletu. V soboto dopoldne (ur. - posredovan ni noben datum) smo se pomerili na ^astar tekmovalni progi v veleslalomu. asovni boljši od dveh tekov je odločil niesto v starostni skupini, za nekatere tudi kvalificiranje za Nastar tekmovanje, ^1 bo konec marca v Steamboatu, Colo-rado. Izmed 27 tekmovalcev se je jih Je 16 kvalificiralo za Nastar “nationals”, kar pomeni, da smo Slovenci kar vpliv-n° predstavljeni na smučišču. Dodaten ^okaz temu je tudi John Košir, ki je dosegel kategorijo “platinum" z najbolj-lrn časom smučišča za tisti dan. Na smučišču so se nam pridružili še P- Milan Dimič iz Connecticuta in pred- stavnik Slovenije pri Združenih narodih Marko Rakovec z ženo Natašo, kot tudi že dolgoletni prijatelji iz Kanade. Pri koči sredi gore, kjer se po navadi slikamo, nam stalno plapola slovenska zastava, to po zaslugi Ivana Kamina in Petra Jenka. Na večernem banketu, ki je sledil sv. maši pri sv. Terezi, smo podrobneje analizirali, kar se po telefonu ne govori, zapeli par pesmi, drug drugemu nazdravili, Ivan Kamin pa nam je delil kolajne po na tekmovanjih doseženih časovnih in starostnih zmagah. Vsi smo rekli in bili mnenja, da leto brez Windham smučanja naj ne sme biti več. Po povabilu predstavnika Windham uprave nas je nekatere Ivan Kamin povabil, da smučamo zgodnjo uro, predno je publiki dovoljeno smučati, torej od sedme do osme ure, kar imenujejo “first tracks”. Predstavljajte si goro brez žive duše na vidiku, nobene brzinske omejitve, negovane snežne planjave - in še medveda za sabo! Spustiš se po gori, 1600 čevljev višinske razlike, brez zadržkov, z brzino, da zmelje vse, kar pride naproti, seveda si tudi misliš: Bog pomagaj! Pičla svetloba ob tisti uri je na skrbi, mišice in razum pa so potrebni elementi, da se srečno pripelješ v dolino. Enkratno doživetje, posebno, ker je vse poteklo brez padca, medved pa brez malice. Ivanu Kamin, ženi Barbi in hčerki Viki - najlepša hvala za trud in nadvse lepo uspelo srečanje! Metod Ilc ;< t'y. X /»i i: , 4-»1. i «i j/. / '.w.'t'i’i’ti't'i * * n n *, i a V Sloveniji zaskrbljeni za prihodnost smučarskih središč Trst - Tudi v Sloveniji opozarjajo na segrevanje ozračja, ki povzroča podnebne spremembe, zlasti višje temperature in mile, skoraj tople zime. Strokovnjaki opozarjajo, da so spremembe v ozračju nastale predvsem zaradi izpustov topogred-nih plinov, ki jih je treba nujno zmanjšati. Dodajajo pa, da škodljivih posledic omenjenega ravnanja ni več mogoče odpraviti. Velika je zaskrbljenost v smučarskih središčih, kjer je snega zmeraj manj, višje temperature pa onemogočajo zasneževanje smučarskih prog z umetnim snegom. Naravni sneg domnevno zagotavlja samo nadmorska višina okoli 1.500 metrov, kjer je mogoče smučati oz. izvajati zimske športe vsaj sto dni na leto. V prejšnjih tednih je na smučiščih z nadmorsko višino okoli tisoč metrov sicer zapadlo dovolj snega za smuko in druge zimske športe. Vse vlečnice in druge naprave pa beležijo izgube pri obratovanju, ker proti koncu lanskega leta in tudi pozneje zaradi pomanjkanja snega niso mogle obratovati. V Sloveniji je le okoli deset smučišč, ki se nahajajo do 1.500 metrov višine. Edino visokogorsko smučišče je na Kaninu, nad dva tisoč metrov vi- Dosežene medalje veleslaloma v Windhamu Zlate: Alja Klopčič Marko Rakovec Renata Weber John Košir Jože Škof Metod Ilc Frank Toplak Frank Mozič Srebrne: Nataša Rakovec Martin Glavač Slavica Mickovič Ivan Kamin Joe Bobič Ivan Kamin st. Bronaste: Viki Kamin Andrej Branč Bogdan Toplak Anton Kačinik soko. Krvavec se tej višini približa, prav tako tudi Vogel, preostala smučišča pa imajo lego v najboljšem primeru okoli 1.500 metrov visoko. Na ministrstvu za gozdarstvo bodo razvijali gradnjo žičnic in drugih naprav v vseh športnih središčih, ne glede na njihovo višino. Takšno stališče podpirajo tisti, ki menijo, da jfc črni scenarij prenagljen, češ da so suhe zime že bile v preteklosti in je zato razumljivo, da se lahko ponovijo. Marjan Hribar, direktor direktorata za turizem na ministrstvu za gospodarstvo, je ob tem opozoril, dabodo morali v slovenskih smučarskih središčih bolj skrbeti za alternativne dejavnosti, da turizem ne bi bil več tako zelo odvisen od vremena. Kaže, da suha in topla zima sčasoma ne bo več redkost, ampak nekaj trajnega. V razpravo o podnebnih spremembah v Sloveniji je posegla tudi znana “vremenarka” na javni televiziji, Tanja Cegnar. Pravi, da so v Agenciji Republike Slovenije za okolje in prostor že pred leti opozorili, da naložbe v smučarsko infrastrukturo pod tisoč metri višine niso več smotrne. Novi glas, 22. H. 2007 O zdravju p.dr. V. Špendova Ur. A.D. - V uvodni-škem članu v marčevski številki Ave Marije je urednik tega verskega mesečnika p. Bernardin Sušnik sporočil sledeče: “P. Vendelinu se je stanje v začetku januarja precej poslabšalo, ne more govoriti ne požirati. Po prvih pregledih v bolnišnici, kjer so mu vstavili cev za hranjenje, so ga poslali v nursing home, ki je pooblaščen za predpisano terapijo, pa je moral po enem tednu nazaj v bolnišnico, ker se je pritaknila pljučnica. Trenutno je spet nazaj v Mother Theresa Nursing Home v Lemon tu, prav v naši soseščini, kjer nadaljuje terapijo. O kakih prognozah ni mogoče govoriti, ga pa priporočamo v molitev.” t C < . . 'r..' tnr1 in.-W’! Mohorjeva založba Celovec KOROŠKI SLOVENC! Ljubljana - Oče Vladimir in sin Matjaž Klemenčič sta univerzitetna profesorja. Vladimir se je rodil leta 1926 v Ljubljani; na naravoslovni fakulteti je študiral geografijo in tam od leta 1972 predaval kot redni univerzitetni profesor. V letih 1962 - 1980 je bil direktor Inštituta za geografijo. Opravil je več študijskih potovanj v tujino. Predvsem se ukvarja z narodnimi manjšinami. V Sloveniji velja za utemeljitelja socialne geografije. Matjaž Klemenčič se je rodil leta 1955 v Ljubljani. Leta 1984 je bil na Univerzi v Ljubljani promoviran za doktorja zgodovinskih znanosti, leta 1998 pa je bil tam imenovan za rednega univerzitetnega profesorja. Predava tudi na Pedagoški V Blag Spomin devete obletnice Francke Stanonik Šopek rožic smo nabrali, na gomilo tvojo dali, zraven svečko smo prižgali in v tišini s tabo pokramljali. Le kdo pozabil bi gomilo, v kateri zlato spi srce, ki neskončno nas ljubilo do poslednjega je dne. Ko tvoje zaželimo si bližine, gremo tja v ta mirni kraj tišine. Tam srce se tiho zajoče, saj verjeti ono noče, da te več med nami ni. Žalujoči mož Maks ter sorodniki v Sloveniji fakulteti v Mariboru. Med drugim se ukvarja z zgodovino slovenske emigracije ter z narodnimi manjšinami in njihovo asimilacijo. (Ur. AD: Matjaž Klemenčič je objavil že več knjig, ki se ukvarjajo z zgodovino slovenskih priseljencev v ZDA. Izdal je knjigo, ki obravnava zgodovino Slovencev v Clevelandu. Poleg tega se je udeležil že več letnih zborovanj Družbe za slovenske študije ter objavil številne referate. Več let je bil kar redni obiskovalec Clevelanda in delal raziskave v imigrantskem arhivu na Univerzi Minnesote. Na to tematiko je tudi organiziral več znanstvenih simpozijev v Sloveniji. In je prijatelj.) Avtorja sta si v teku let ustvarila bogat arhiv, ki vsebuje najrazličnejše razprave, časopisne članke in knjige o narodnih skupnostih oziroma o manjšinah. Zbrano gradivo jima je služilo za podlago pri pripravi obsežne (368 strani) knjige Prizadevanja koroških Slovencev za narodnostni obstoj, ki jo je izdala Celovška Mohorjeva založba. V njej govorita predvsem o ljudskih štetjih glede na ugotavljanje jezikovne pripadnosti. Pri tem se še posebej posvečata “ugotavljanju narodne manjšine posebne vrste”, ki ga je za leto 1976 na koroško zahtevo določil avstrijski zvezni kancler Bruno Kreisky in ki je imel za posledico poseben pritisk na narodno skupnost. V povzetku knjige pravita, da manjšini sovražne pobude z rednimi konfliktnimi situacijami sistematično nastopajo kot orodje jezikovne in kulturne asimilacije. Prtratavonja konriMti Sommat ra naitfnottni otattji po drag! ivctovni vatni Knjiga skozi vseh deset poglavij sledi prizadevanjem koroških Slovencev za njihov narodnostni obstoj, potem ko avstrijska pravna praksa tudi po drugi svetovni vojni ni sledila sklenjenim določilom zaščite manjšin. Tako so se v bolj prikritih oblikah in tudi v okviru večstrankarskega političnega sistema demokratične Avstrije še naprej uveljavljale razne oblike asimilacijskih pritiskov in proces germanizacije. Njihov cilj je bil zmanjšati število koroških Slovencev in skrčiti območje njihove poselitve do te mere, da manjšinska zaščita po določilih 7. člena Avstrijske državne pogodbe ne bi imela več praktične veljave. Kljub “statističnemu genocidu” koroški Slovenci niso izumrli, čeprav naj bi po podatkih ljudskih štetij njihovo število po drugi svetovni vojni upadlo za skoraj tri četrtine. Na to kaže njihova razvejena organizacijska struktura na gospodarskem, kulturnem, športnem pa tudi na političnem področju. DRUŽINA, 18. februarja 2007 Cleveland Public IUdio WCPN 90.3 m Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone:1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcgfobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OCNJISCE-LjUBLJANA Slovenski škofje: “Oznanjamo vam besedo življenja” (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 12) Njem pravo, vzvišeno in plemenito podobo, s katero je nam je razodel on sam, nas ta podoba/predstava usmerja in nam narekuje, da se tudi sami ravnamo po njej. Boga - počelo in cilj vsega, kar je - je mogoče spoznati iz stvarstva. Ljudje dolgo niso razumeli, da je pravi in neskončni Bog lahko samo eden. Tudi izvoljeni izraelsko ljudstvo, kateremu se je Bog začel razodevati, je moralo prehoditi dolgo pot, da se je utrdilo v veri v enega Boga, medtem ko so vsi drugi in veliko močnejši sosednji narodi verovali v več bogov. Mnogoboštvo je za Izraelca predstavljalo veliko skušnjavo: zdelo se jim je namreč bolj “moderno” v verovanju posnemati mogočne sosede, ki so bili močnejši in uspešnejši kakor oni sami. Kolikokrat tudi nas mika, da bi se - kakor nekoč Izraelci - Bogu, ki se nam je osebno razodel, izneverili in raje verjali vedeževalcem, piscem horoskopov in domnevnim obvladovalcem posebnih energij, ki svoje navidezne veščine predstavljajo kot nekakšno novo verstvo. Mnogi kristjani se ne zavedajo, da je zatekanje k vedeževalcem ter drugim sodobnim ponudnikom magije in navideznih skrivnostnih sil ne samo očitno praznoverje, ampak tudi odpad od vere v enega Boga. Kjer ni temeljitega poznavanja svete zgodovine odrešenja in Svetega pisma, ki nam to zgodovino podaja in razlaga, hitro prevladajo različne oblike sodobne praznovernosti. Praznoverje Je kakor plevel, ki raste tam, kjer njiva ni posejana z dobrim in vzgojenim plemenitim semenom. Na verskem področju plemenito seme predstavlja pristna Božja beseda, zato je Jezus za ponazoritev svojega nauka uporabil prispodobo semena, sebe pa je označil za sejalca, ki seje dobro seme. Bodimo pozorni na številne sejalce, ki sejejo s zastrupljeno seme na našo njivo, prav posebej pa na vrtove otrok in mladine, ki še ne znajo razločevati med dobrim in slabim semenom. V letu Svetega pisma bomo zato še posebej prisluhnili stariozaveznim prerokom, ki so svoje sodobnike svarili pred nevarnostjo odpada od edinega resničnega Boga. Od Boga lahko odpademo na različne načine -dovolj je že, da mu več ne zaupamo in da ne verjamemo več popolnoma v njegovo previdnost in dobroto, ampak se začnemo spogledovati z drugimi navideznimi nadnaravnimi silami in njihovimi posredniki, ki nas mamijo s svojimi obljubami. Odpadi od edinega Boga, o katerih poroča Stara zaveza, nas pred tem svarijo še danes. Glavni namen kače, ki je zapeljala Adama in Evo, je bil zbuditi dvom v Božjo ljubezen, saj bo potem lahko manipulirala s človekom. Tudi v tem se kaže, kako potrebno je prebirati Sveto pismo, ga spoznavati in preučevati, z njim moliti in se ob njem z Bogom pogovarjati. Sveto pismo nam pripoveduje o Bogu, ki nas ima rad in ki skrbi za nas. V tem duhu je treba že otrokom prebirati svetopisemske zgodbe, po župnijah ustanavljati in poživiti skupine, kjer se bodo verniki seznanili s svetopisemskim sporočilom in bodo tudi molili po zgledu svetopisemskih molitev. Tako bo tudi za nas Božja beseda postajala beseda pravega življenja: osrečujoča in vedra, polna zaupanja in ljubezni do Boga in bliž-njega. Blagoslov Boga, ki se je v svoji dobroti razodel, naj bo vedno nad vami! vaši škofi e “'ll Songs m '& Melodies š£L”, ED MEJAČ RDC Program Dirttttrr WCSB 84.3 FM RADIO HOURS: am Wednesday 6-7 pm from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family Willoughby HilU'OH 44034. 440-953-i709 TEl/buc web: www.wcjb.org Hrvaško prilaščanje slovenskega morja Metod Berlec Agresivni južni sosedje V začetku leta (5. januarja) je hrvaška vlada zagrebški Ini razširila pravice do raziskovanja Jadranskega morja tudi v morje, ki ga je pred osamosvojitvijo in po njej ves čas nadzorovala slovenska milica oziroma policija. S spremenjenim odlokom iz leta 2002 ji je vlada v Zagrebu podaljšala koncesijo za iskanje nafte in plina v severnih predelih Jadrana. Do nedavnega je imelo to hrvaško podjetje pravico delovati na severu največ do območja nekoliko južneje od Savudrije, po novem pa kar do sredine Piranskega zaliva, kar je pokazala tudi objava spornega hrvaškega zemljevida v nekaterih slovenskih medijih, ki je sicer sestavni del tega hrvaškega odloka. Se pravi, na območje, ki je po prepričanju slovenske strani nesporno slovensko. Nasprotno pa si ga Hrvatje že praktično vsa leta po osamosvojitvi poskušajo prisvojiti s svojimi enostranskimi potezami. Slovensko zunanje mi-histrstvo je zaradi tega 23. januarja protestiralo. ^ noti hrvaškemu zunanjemu ministrstvu je poudarilo, da Hrvaška z o-menjenim odlokom enostransko posega na morje. morsko dno in podzemlje nekdanje Jugoslavije, ki pa sporazumno še ni razdeljeno in njegov del Pripada tudi Sloveniji kot naslednici nekdanje SFRJ. Na to se je odzvala hrvaška stran z noto Slove-mji. v kateri je zapisala, da odlok po njihovem mnenju nikakor ni v nasprotju z mednarodnim Pravom, niti ne ogroža legitimnih interesov ali Pravic sosednjih držav. I30 mnenju hrvaškega zu-nanjega ministrstva z od-l°kom niso prejudicirali razmejitvene črte med državama, niti niso ravnali v nasprotju s skupno izjavo o izogibanju inciden-l°v. ki sta Jo vladi pod-Plsali leta 2005 na Brionih. Sukcesija Jadranskega morja? V svojem odgovoru na slovensko noto je hrvaško še zapisalo, da “morje ni in ne more biti predmet sukcesije, ker pripada kopnemu in je odvisno od kopnega, ki je v postopku sukcesije pripadlo Republiki Hrvaški kot eni od držav naslednic”. Drugačnega mnenja so slovenski strokovnjaki. Kot je pred kratkim za STA povedal profesor mednarodnega prava Miha Pogačnik, hrvaška teza ne drži, saj “so stvari vsebinsko in strokovno povezane”. Po njegovem državam naslednicam po razpadu SFRJ pripadajo pravice, ki so jih uživale v SFRJ. “Z vidika uživanja določenih pravic - kot so pravica do izhoda na odprto morje, pravica do določenih površin teritori-alnega morja, pravica do nadaljnjih morskih pasov -, so to pravice, ki jih je uživala nekdanja država in jih uživajo tudi države naslednice, ki geografsko ležijo ob morju.” S tega vidika se po njegovi oceni vprašanje razmejitve povezuje tudi s problematiko nasledstva, čeprav kot takšno ni bilo predmet nasledstvenih pogajanj. Pogačnik je opozoril, da imajo ne glede na sukcesijo vse države ob morju pravico do morja po mednarodnem pravu, ki določa pravice obalnih držav. Hkrati pa že samo dejstvo nasledstva Jugoslavije utrjuje slovensko pozicijo, da Slovenija ne more biti prikrajšana za pravice, ki jih je uživala v času bivše Jugoslavije. Razvnete strasti in protesti Seveda je hrvaška enostranska poteza in slovenski odziv nanje tako v Sloveniji kot na Hrvaškem razvnel strasti. Priča smo bili čustvenim odzivom tako na eni kot drugi strani. Slovenski poslanec Marko Pavliha je pozval slovensko vlado, naj predlaga Slovencem, naj nič več ne letujejo na Hrvaškem, predstavnik hrvaške vlade Ratko Maček pa je v odziv na to dejal “pa naj gredo na Triglav”. Svoje je dodal še predsednik Narodne zveze pri SLS Marjan Podobnik, ki je Hrvate obtožil, da ponarejajo kataster ob Dragonji, hkrati pa zatrdil, da so vodilni predstavniki slovenske države talci Hrvaške zaradi nekdanjih orožarskih poslov in zato niso dovolj odločni v od- (DALJE na str. 16 PAL.ua Slovenci pripada morska meja do točke A, Hrvatje pa si uredbo lastijo območje do točke B, kot označeno zgoraj. Dobrotniki Slovenske šole pri sv. Vidu (NADALJEVANJE s str. 13) Društvo protikomunističnih borcev, v spomin žrtev komunizma F & H Grinding Tom & Anna Gorenšek Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Grdadolnik, v spomin pok. Grdadolnik in Butara družin V spomin Franka in Antonije Ipavec Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kmetich, v spomin Victorja Kmetich Peter Kolarič Družina Tom Kolarich, v spomin' pok. družin Kolarič, Medved in Lončar Pevski zbor Korotan Ivanka Košir, v spomin moža Janeza Košir John & Mary Kozina, v spomin pok. tu in v Sloveniji Mr. & Mrs. Danilo Kranjc Stane & Marge Kuhar, v spomin pok. družin Kuhar; in Kristanc St. Joseph Lodge #169 - KSKJ Christ the King Lodge #226 - KSKJ Anuška Lekan Andrew & Jane Lekšan, v spomin Ignatius Hren Zalka Likozar, v spomin Jožeta Likozar Albin Lipold Izidor & Josie Manfreda Helen Melnick, v spomin Jeffery Melnick, Sr. V. Meršol, v spomin dr. Valentina Meršol Miro in Milka Odar Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave, v spomin pok. članov Plassard Family, in memory of Jack Zaper Družina Plečnik, v spomin Mary Doljack Branko & Maruša Pogačnik Mr. & Mrs. Drago Prelog, v spomin umrlim staršem in sorodnikom August & Gloria Pust Thea and Vladimir Rus, v spomin Tilly Velikonja Franc &. Lojzka Sever, v spomin pok. družin Sever in Marolt Slovenian American Primorski Club Heda Sfiligoj, v spomin Marko Sfiligoj Sheliga Drug, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Skrabec James A. Slapnik, Jr. Slovenska Pristava, Inc. Štajerski - Prekmurski klub Andrew Stupica Sunset Industries Mrs. Josephine M. Stinziano, v spomin pok. družine Kosoglav TRV, Inc. Anton Vogel, v spomin žene Mary Vogel Marjanca Vogel, v spomin Mici Vogel in pok. družin Vogel in Stefančič Joe & Kitty Vogel Dr. & Mrs. Mirko Vombergar, v spomin pok. družin Vombergar, Cvajnar, Stefančič in Žakelj Polonca & Jože Žakelj John Žakelj, St. Paul, Minn. The Zelko Company Seznam pripravil: Mark Celestina Vice-President Parent Board St. Vitus Slovenian School February 23, 2007 AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium - $1.00 per thousand in PA $1.20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MI, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1601. Na to tretjo nedeljo v postu vas, čitatelje Ameriške domovine, vaše sorodnike in prijatelje iskreno vabim, da se udeležite kosila Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije, ki bo pripravljeno to nedeljo v župnijski dvorani Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoodu. Kosilo bo obsegalo juho, govejo in kokošjo pečenko, solato, kavo in pecivo, vse to za $12 za odraslo osebo in $6 za otroka. Kosilo bo možno tudi vzeti domov. Nakaznice bodo na razpolago pri vhodu. Naši misijonarji se zelo trudijo, da bi zboljšali življenje revnim prebivalcem, kamor so bili poslani. Po njihovih dobrih delih se približujejo tudi na duhovnem polju. Pred božičem je Hail poslan dar za njihovo delo in zdaj prihajajo pisma zahvale za pomoč. Sledijo glavne misli iz dveh pisem. Iz Madagaskarja se oglaša s. Marjeta Mrhar, ki kljub 84. letom še vedno šiva oblekce deklicam, da jih dobe za božič. Zelo je hvaležna ge. Veri iz New Jerseya, katera je za njo darovala $500 za te oblekce. S. prednica je sestri obljubila, da bo poiskala lepo blago, da bodo deklice vesele, ko jih bodo dobile in nosile. S. Marjeta je prej delala v dispanzerju, je pa odšla v pokoj, a ne miruje. Moli, se udeležuje redovnega življenja in šiva. Za zadnji božič je tudi fantiče oblekla, pomagala revnim družinam, da so imeli lep praznik. Piše, da vsak trenutek porabi prav, ker se zaveda, da bo odgovor dajala. Ko šiva, do 5 ur na dan, misli tudi na nas dobrotnike, ki ji pomagamo, da razveseljuje njeno okolico. Upa, da bo Bog zadovoljen z njenim služenjem do bližnjega. Piše tudi, da imajo kar dosti padavin, da je na več krajih povodenj, a kakih pet ur proč od nje pa je taka suša, da je vse rjavo, ni goveda, nobene živali, ker ni vode. Vodo pripeljejo, a je zelo draga. To je iz pisma s. Marjete Mrhar. Iz misijona San Leonardo, Paragvaj, je prišlo pismo od sestre Tadeje Mozetič, ko se zahvaljuje za poslani dar za njo in njeni dve laični misijonarki. Dar se bo spremenil v moko, riž, olje© fižol, del tega tudi za pomoč pri študiju ali za streho šestčlanske družine na podružnici. Laična misijonarka Mojca je odšla v Slovenijo, kjer bo prosila za pomoč, ko so na njeno prošnjo naredili dve stavbi za otroški vrtec in za predšolske otroke. Otroci se že veselijo novih prostorov, vse pa spoznavajo, da je vzgojno delo pri kate-hezi v šoli osnova za boljše življenje. Druga laična misijonarka Andreja veliko pomaga. Ima skupino prvoobhajancev, birmancev, mladinski verouk, srečanje z materami. Vsak trenutek porabi za oznanjevanje evangelija. Zelo je skrbna, zagnana in goreča misijonarka. Sestra Tadeja pa šiva, uči deklice kvačkanja, obiskuje družine, ki so raztresene po kmetijah, z njo gre tudi pater duhovnik. Vse polagajo vsak večer pred Jezusa in Ga prosijo, naj jim da moč, da ne omagajo. Prosijo pa tudi za dobrotnike, naj Jim On povrne njihovo dobroto. Z Madagaskarja je prispelo pismo v zelo slabem stanju, saj je sredina strgana, da ne veš, kaj je hotel povedati. To je pismo misijonarja Klemena Štolcarja, ki je zelo hvaležen za pomoč in piše, da je to velika opora v tretjem svetu, kjer se čuti pomanjkanje in zaostalost na vseh področjih. Še naprej nam želi zavzetost za božjo stvar, vse lepo pozdravlja in z Bogom. Tudi iz Zambije se je oglasil misijonar Jože Grošelj, ki se iskreno zahvaljuje za dar in je hvaležen vsem, ki se trudijo, da pomagajo. Ta misijonar dela na župniji, kjer je bolnica, kar je zastavil misijonar Stanko Rozman. Zdaj so v tej bolnici sestre Zambij-ke in uspešno vodijo bolnišnico. Misijonar dela na fari, kjer ima 33 podružnic. Velik projekt je bil gard-nja cerkvic in letos bo že 30 narejenih. Velik križ so ceste, nekatere popolnoma neprevozne v dežju. Dežja je bilo obilo in kaže dobra letina, je pa že tudi nekaj poplav. Vse prav lepo pozdravlja Jože Grošelj. Lep misijonski pozdrav od nas vseh in na svidenje to nedeljo! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 ^s. Terezija Benigna Šteh Sloviti zbor “Dunajske dečke” je ustanovil Slovenec Zbor fantičev, znan pod imenom “Dunajski dečki" (Wiener Sangerknaben, angleško pa kor' Vienna Boys Choir), še danes s svojimi vrhunskimi izvedbami nastopa po vsem svetu. Ustanovil pa je ta zbor slovenski glasbenik, kapelnik cesarske dvorne kapele na Dunaju, duhovnik Jurij Slatkonja, rojen leta 1456 v Ljubljani. Slatkonja je postal stolni prošt v Ljubljani, nato prošt kolegiatnega kaptilja v Novem mestu in upravitelj škofije Pičen v Istri. Leta 1515 je postal prvi škof na Dunaju. Njegov nagrobnik pri stolnici sv. Štefana na Dunaju ga poveličuje kot odličnega pastirja in glasbenika. _ [Ave Maria, marec 2007) Ljubljana - V ponedeljek, 8. januarja, je po dolgih letih služenja Bog poklical k sebi 97-letno s. Terezijo Benigno (Angelo) Šteh. Vse svoje življenje je posvetila delu z otroki v Južni Afriki. Ni dolgo tega, kar je pisala: “To je res milost, da še živim, saj sem bila od mladih nog zelo slabega zdravja.” Rodila se je v vasi Velika Račna pri Grosupljem v župniji Kopanj. Vseh dvanajst otrok je od staršev prejelo globoko vero. Za redovno življenje v redu oblatinj sv. Frančiška Šaleškega se je odločila že zelo zgodaj in s šestnajstimi leti odšla v samostan v Linzu. Po pripravah na misijonsko življenje je z enaindvajsetimi leti odšla na misijonsko postajo reda oblatinj v Južno Afriko. Čez nekaj let je njenemu zgledu sledila tudi starejša sestra (s. Terezija Alojzija Šteh). Domovino sta obiskali le enkrat, 1. 1971, a v molitvi in s pismi sta vedno ostajali globoko povezani z domačimi. S. Terezija Benigna je bila hvaležna Misijonskemu središču Slovenije za trud in podporo misijonarjem. Kadarkoli je prejela Družino in Misijonska obzorja, se je zelo razveselila, saj sta ji pomagala ohranjati jezik in ji omogočala spremljanje dogajanja v Sloveniji. Pogrebne maše se je pod vodstvom tamkajšnjega škofa udeležilo dvanajst duhovnikov. S. Terezijo Benigno je škof zelo cenil in ob koncu maše povedal nekaj anekdot ob srečanjih z njo. Vsi so jo imeli radi zaradi njene odkritosti, preprostosti, dobre volje ter zdravega humorja. Do zadnjega dne je bila bistrega uma. Vedno je imela rožni venec v rokah, veliko je molila, predvsem za duhovnike. V pismih je tudi nas v domovini vedno spodbujala k molitvi: “Bodite zvesti Bogu, vsak dan molite, darujte Bogu svoje delo, molitve, trpljenje, ki pride nepričakovano. Tako je vse zaslužno za večno življenje.” E. S. Družina, 18.11.2007 HRVAŠKA... (nadaljevanje s str. 15) živih na hrvaška ravnanja. . Ob vsem tem je znova postalo jasno, da si slovenski južni sosedje na vsak način želijo prilastiti del morja, ki ga je vsa leta nadzorovala Slovenija. Zato trenutno Sloveniji ne preostane nič drugega kot to, kar pravi zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel, da kontinuirano protestira ob hrvaških enostranskih akcijah. "Če bo prišlo do arbitraže ali kakšne druge oblike reševanja problema, bo naš protest na mizi, sicer Slovenija ne bi imela nobene oporne točke, nobenega argumenta, na katerega bi se lahko izgovarjala.” Premier Janez Janša pa je zatrdil, da Slovenija ne bo pristala na nobeno hrvaško enostransko potezo. ■ Tednik Demokracija, Ljubljana, 15. II. 2007 Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s str. H) Josephine Možina Umrla je 95 let stara Josephine Možina, rojena Ho-chevar, mati Josephine Kocin, Franka, Rose Marie Polaniec, Mary Ann Thomas in Williama, stara in prastara mati, sestra Ann Mi-klich, 11 bratov in sestra je že pokojnih. Pogreb je bil 3. marca v oskrbi Želetove-ga zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Frank Žagar Mary Žagar Dne 4. marca sta umrla zakonca Frank in Mary (rojena Kovačič) Žagar iz Concord Twp. Pokojni je bil star 95 let, žena pa 92, starša sta bila Mary Lynn in Eugenea, 7-krat stara starša, 15-krat prastara starša, pokojni je bil brat Alberta ter že pok. Anne, Frances, Anthonyja in Margaret, pokojna je bila sestra Franka in že pok. Dorothy Blajda. Pogreb je bil privaten, družinski. Agnes Krivec Dne 11. februarja je u-mrla 92 let štata Agnes Krivec iz Euclida, rojena Zagorc, žena Charlesa, mati Ronalda in Carol Delly, 1-krat stara mati, sestra Lillian Friedlander ter že pok. Franka, Matthewa, Stanleyja in Anne Hutton. Pogreb je bil 16. februarja s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Kristine in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Seznanjajte naše bralce z aktivnostmi BRALCI! Priporpčajte naš list! It's Time for vour eve exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34)