Epid emio l og i c al s tud y AlDS in Zadar area K E Y WORDS AIDS, epidemiology, Zadararea, Croatia Epidemiowgic characteristics of AIDS in the Zadar area, Croat"ia M. Gveric, B. Dželalija, B. Petričic, A. Gveric and A. Medic ABSTRACT Data on AIDS patients in the Zadar area, Croatia are presented. Since the appearance of the first patient in 1990, to the end of 2000, there have been registered 18 patients; 15 of them were males and 3 women. It makes total morbidity of 10/100 000 inhabitants. It is significantly higher than morbidity level in whole Croatia, which amounts to 3.5/100 000 inhabitants. The number of new cases osciliated tram O to 5 annualiy. 7 patients were heterosexuals, 5 of them were bisexuals, 3 homosexuals and 3 wives infected by their husbands. None of them was in risky groups of intravenous drug users or hemophiliac. Out of the total number, there were 8 (44,4%) sailors and two of them infected their wives. So, the total number of patients connected to this occupation amounts to 1 O (55,5%). Ali diseased sailors contracted the infection in overseas harbors tram prostitutes. Although the presented data show a lower intensity AIDS epidemic in the Zadar area compared to cer- tain areas in Europe and worldwide, the incidence is higher than in other areas of Croatia. In view of the seriousness of this disease ali necessary measures are to be taken in order to prevent a further spread of the epidemic. Introduction After the first information on an unknown disease in 1981, the medica! science and the whole world soon realized that we were facing a very serious health prob- lem. The epidemics of AIDS with a great number of in- fected , diseased and deaths spread throughout the whole world , w ith terrifying consequences, especially in some countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, Caribbean, North America and South and Southeast Asia. In some of these countries , data about the number of HIV and AIDS cases are really dramatic. Globaily, 36.1 million people were living with HIV / AIDS at the end of 2000, and since the beginning of the epidemic, there have been 21.8 million AIDS deaths (1). A few years after the appearance of the disease, in 1986, the first patient was registered in Croatia. Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 11, 2002, No 2 ------------------ 63 AIDS in Zadar area Ep i c/ e m i o l o g i c a l s t u c/ y Table 1. AIDS patients in the Zadar area, Croatia According to estimated number of inhabitants of Year M F Total 1990 1 o 1 1991 3 o 3 1992 o o o 1993 2 1 3 1994 3 o 3 1995 1 o 1 1996 1 o 1 1997 o o o 1998 3 2 5 1999 o o o 2000 1 o 1 Total 15 3 18 (10/100 000) In this study we want to show some epidemiologic characteristics of AIDS in Zadar area, which is situated in the middle of Croatian coast. Material and methods We analyzed AIDS patients in whom the diagnosis was made at the General Hospital Zadar, in the period from 1990 to the end of 2000. Beside the clinical exami- nation, in ali patients laboratory tests were performed (ELISA Anti HIV 1 HIV 2, Asym test, Abbott). Diagnosis was confirmed afte1w ards by Western blot test in «Dr. Fran Mihaljevič „ Infectology Clinic, in Zagreb. Results During the 11-year period, 18 AIDS patients , 15 (83.3%) males and 3 (16.7%) females we registered in General Hospital Zadar. Table 1. During the same period, 57 642 tests were made, which were positive in 21 (0 .036%) persons. Ali patients were adults, 24 to 56 years old. Table 2. Risky groups of AIDS patients in Zadar area n % Heterosexuals 7 38,9 Homosexuals 3 16,7 Bisexuals 5 27,7 Wives of diseased husbands 3 16,7 Total 18 100,0 64 Zadar area, total morbidity is 10/ 100,000. During the mentioned period, the number of AIDS patients was from O to 5 cases annually that is 1.63 patients on an average. It makes annual incidence of 0.9/ 100,000. Out of the total number, there were 7 heterosexu- als, 3 homosexuals and 5 bisexuals, while 3 female per- sons were infected by their husbands. Table 2. Our patients had different professions, but the ma- jority, that is 8 of them, were sailors. Two female pa- tients were sailors' wives and contracted the disease from their husbands. By the end of 2000, 10 (55.5%) patients died and 8 (44.5%)were stillliving. The prevalence was 4.4/100,000. Discussion Although the number of newly infected HIV cases in certain countries of the world is becoming constant oris even on the decrease, as in the countries of West- ern Europe, the epidemic stil! poses the most impor- tant globa! health p roblem (1 ,2). The data presented show that there is a significantly lower frequency of AIDS in Zadar area compared to Europe and other parts of the world (1-3). According to