ACTA GEOGRAPHICA SLOVENICA ™ 2019 59 1 ACTA GEOGRAPHICA SLOVENICA GEOGRAFSKI ZBORNIK 59-1 2019 ZNANSTVENORAZISKOVALNI CENTER SLOVENSKE AKADEMIJE ZNANOSTI IN UMETNOSTI GEOGRAFSKI INŠTITUT ANTONA MELIKA • RESEARCH CENTRE OF THE SLOVENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS ANTON MELIK GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTE ACTA GEOGRAPHICA SLOVENICA GEOGRAFSKI ZBORNIK 59-1 2019 ZALOŽBA Z R C ^IMIPUO LJUBLJANA 2019 ACTA GEOGRAPHICA SLOVENICA 59-1 2019 ISSN: 1581-6613 COBISS: 124775936 UDC/UDK: 91 © 2019, ZRC SAZU, Geografski inštitut Antona Melika International editorial board/mednarodni uredniški odbor: David Bole (Slovenia), Michael Bründl (Switzerland), Rok Ciglič (Slovenia), Matej Gabrovec (Slovenia), Matjaž Geršič (Slovenia), Peter Jordan (Austria), Drago Kladnik (Slovenia), Blaž Komac (Slovenia), Andrej Kranjc (Slovenia), Dénes Lóczy (Hungary), Simon McCharty (United Kingdom), Slobodan Markovic (Serbia), Janez Nared (Slovenia), Drago Perko (Slovenia), Marjan Ravbar (Slovenia), Nika Razpotnik Viskovic (Slovenia), Aleš Smrekar (Slovenia), Annett Steinführer (Germany), Mimi Urbanc (Slovenia), Matija Zorn (Slovenia) Editor-in-Chief/glavni urednik: Blaž Komac; Executive editor/odgovorni urednik: Drago Perko; Chief editor for physical geography/glavni urednik za fizično geografijo: Matija Zorn; Chief editor for human geography/glavna urednica za humano geografijo: Mimi Urbanc; Chief editor for regional geography/glavni urednik za regionalno geografijo: Drago Kladnik; Chief editor for spatial planning/glavni urednik za regionalno planiranje: Janez Nared; Chief editor for rural geography/glavna urednica za geografijo podeželja: Nika Razpotnik Viskovic; Chief editor for urban geography/glavni urednik za urbano geografijo: David Bole; Chief editor for geographic information systems/glavni urednik za geografske informacijske sisteme: Rok Ciglič; Chief editor for environmental protection/glavni urednik za varstvo okolja: Aleš Smrekar; Editorial assistant/uredniškipomočnik: Matjaž Geršič; Issued by/izdajatelj: Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU Published by/založnik: Založba ZRC Co-published by/sozaložnik: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti Address/Naslov: Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU, Gosposka ulica 13, SI - 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija The papers are available on-line/prispevki so dostopni na medmrežju: (ISSN: 1581-8314) Ordering/naročanje: Založba ZRC, Novi trg 2, p. p. 306, SI - 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija; Annual subscription/letna naročnina: 20 € for individuals/za posameznike, 28 € for institutions/za ustanove. Single issue/cenaposamezne številke: 12,50 € for individuals/za posameznike, 16 € for institutions/za ustanove. Cartography/kartografija: Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU Translations/prevodi: DEKS, d. o. o. DTP/prelom: SYNCOMP, d. o. o. Printed by/tiskarna: Tiskarna Present, d. o. o. Print run/naklada: 350 copies/izvodov The journal is subsidized by the Slovenian Research Agency and is issued in the framework of the Geography of Slovenia core research programme (P6-0101)/revija izhaja s podporo Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije in nastaja v okviru raziskovalnega programa Geografija Slovenije (P6-0101). The journal is indexed also in/revija je vključena tudi v: SCIE - Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, JCR - Journal Citation Report/Science Edition, ERIH PLUS, GEOBASE Journals, Current geographical publications, EBSCOhost, Geoscience e-Journals, Georef, FRANCIS, SJR (SCImago Journal & Country Rank), OCLC WorldCat, Google scholar, and CrossRef. Oblikovanje/Design by: Matjaž Vipotnik. Front cover photography: Stone bridge over the Rak River on the outskirts of the Rakov Škocjan polje, which is otherwise known for its beautiful natural bridges (photograph: Matej Lipar). Fotografija na naslovnici: Kamniti most čez reko Rak na obrobju kraškega polja Rakov Škocjan, ki je sicer bolj znano po čudovitih naravnih mostovih (fotografija: Matej Lipar). ACTA GEOGRAPHICA SLOVENICA ISSN: 1581-6613 UDC: 91 Number: 59-1 Year: 2019 Contents Maja KOCJANCIC, Tomislav POPIT, Timotej VERBOVSEK Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia 7 Malgorzata KIJOWSKA-STRUGALLA, Anna BUCALA-HRABIA Flood types in a mountain catchment: the Ochotnica River, Poland 23 Irena MOCANU, Bianca MITRICA, Mihaela PERSU Socio-economic impact of photovoltaic park: The Giurgiu county rural area, Romania 37 Andrej GOSAR The size of the area affected by earthquake induced rockfalls: Comparison of the 1998 Krn Mountains (NW Slovenia) earthquake (Mw 5.6) with worldwide data 51 Matej GABROVEC, Peter KUMER Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today 63 Mojca FOSKI Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types 83 Mateja FERK, Matej LIPAR, Andrej SMUC, Russell N. DRYSDALE, Jian ZHAO Chronology of heterogeneous deposits in the side entrance of Postojna Cave, Slovenia 103 Special issue - Green creative environments Jani KOZINA, Saša POLJAK ISTENIČ, Blaž KOMAC Green creative environments: Contribution to sustainable urban and regional development 119 5 Saša POLJAK ISTENIČ Participatory urbanism: creative interventions for sustainable development 127 Jani KOZINA, Nick CLIFTON City-region or urban-rural framework: what matters more in understanding the residential location of the creative class ? 141 Matjaž URŠIČ, Kazushi TAMANO The importance of green amenities for small creative actors in Tokyo: Comparing natural and sociocultural spatial attraction characteristics 159 6 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019, 7-36 GRAVITATIONAL SLIDING OF THE CARBONATE MEGABLOCKS IN THE VIPAVA VALLEY, SW SLOVENIA Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek Photograph of carbonate gravitational blocks, Slano blato landslide and Gradiška gmajna fosil landslide on the southern slopes of the Trnovo Plateau from Ajdovščina, Vipava Valley (view towards NW). Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek, Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley... DOI: UDC: 551.435.6(497.473) COBISS: 1.01 Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia ABSTRACT: The area of Lokavec in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia, consists of Mesozoic carbonates thrust over Paleogene siliciclastic flysch. Overthrusting and tectonic damage of carbonates accelerated their mechanical disintegration. As a result, accumulations of slope gravel and large carbonate gravitational blocks are deposited on the slopes. Based on previous research, basic geological mapping and analysis of the DEM, ten carbonate blocks were identified. The aim of our research was to map lithology, measure and analyse the dip of carbonate strata and to determine transport mechanisms for individual blocks. The displacement of blocks from the source area ranged from 80 m to 1950 m. With the displacement of gravitational blocks, changes in dip direction and dip angle were also observed. The differences between the strata dip of carbonate source area and gravitational megablocks are from 4° to 59°. KEY WORDS: mass movement, slope deposits, gravitational carbonate blocks, lidar, Vipava Valley, Slovenia Gravitacijski karbonatni megabloki v Vipavski dolini POVZETEK: Širše območje naselja Lokavec v Vipavski dolini gradijo mezozojski karbonati narinjeni preko paleogenskega siliciklastičnega fliša. Zaradi narivne zgradbe in tektonske pretrtosti, ki pospešuje mehansko razpadanje karbonatov, se na pobočjih med Trnovskim gozdom in Vipavsko dolino odlagajo večje količine pobočnih gruščev med katerimi izstopaj o tudi veliki karbonatni bloki. Na podlagi predhodnih raziskav, osnovnega geološkega kartiranja in analize digitalnega modela višin, ki je bil pridobljen z lidarsko tehnologijo, je bilo identificiranih 10 blokov. Namen raziskovalnega dela je bil določitev litologije blokov, meritve in analize vpada karbonatnih plasti ter določitev mehanizmov transporta posameznega karbonatnega bloka. Rezultati meritev so pokazali, da so razdalje premikov blokov po pobočju znašali od 80 m do 1950 m. Vpadi plastnatih karbonatnih blokov so pri premiku, glede na karbonatne plasti izvornega območja, spremenili smer in naklon. Razlike pri vpadu karbonatnih plasti izvornega območja in karbonatnih blokov so od 4° do 59°. KLJUČNE BESEDE: masni transport, pobočni sediment, gravitacijski karbonatni blok, lidar, Vipavska dolina, Slovenija Maja Kocjančič HGEM, d. o. o. Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, The paper was submitted for publication on 25th April, 2016. Uredništvo je prejelo prispevek 25. aprila 2016. 8 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 1 Introduction The Vipava Valley is a SE-NW oriented valley in SW Slovenia, bordering Italy, and named after the 49 km long river Vipava. The valley is geomorphologically very diverse, with elevations from 60 m to almost 1500 m. a. s. l. Large differences in elevation occur due to overthrusting of Mesozoic carbonates over fly-sch. Fractured carbonates easily disintegrate and, in addition to the large amount of sediment (scree deposits), form huge detached translational or rotational carbonate slide blocks. Such large carbonate blocks are mostly known in submarine mass movements (Alves 2015; Alves and Louren^o 2010; Jo, Eberli and Grasmueck 2015; Reijmer, Mulder and Borgomano 2015) and less in terrestrial settings (Benac et al. 2005; Davis and Friedmann 2005; Huntley, Duk-Rodnik and Sidwell 2006; Di Maggio, Madonia and Vattano 2014). Movement of large individual blocks is a known phenomenon and has been documented early for the Alps region (Moser 2002). The purpose of our research was to investigate the position and spatial distribution of these gravitational blocks, their outline and lithology, to investigate their mass transport mechanisms. 1.1 Geological and geomorphological setting The study area covers approximately 18 km2 (4.0 x 4.5 km) on the southern slopes of the high Trnovo plateau (Trnovski gozd; with elevations of major peaks: Kucelj - 1237 m, Mala gora - 1032 m and Mali Modrasovec -1306 m), overlooking the Vipava Valley. High relief differences in the northeastern part of the Vipava Valley occur due to overthrusting of the Trnovo Nappe composed mostly of stratified Mesozoic carbonate platform limestone and dolomite, over Paleogene flysch composed of an alternation of sandstone, shale, and marl of the Hrušica Nappe (Figure 1). Both nappes belong structurally to the External Dinarides (Placer 1981; Placer 2008), with carbonates belonging to former Adriatic Carbonate Platform (Vlahovic et al. 2005). The Trnovo plateau is in this region composed of Upper Triassic (Norian-Rhetian) Main Dolomite (appearing on the eastern side of the study area) and Lower and Upper Jurassic limestones (on the western side). Besides the tectonic thrust contact, the major SE-NW oriented Predjama fault passes through the eastern part of the area (Figure 1), also responsible for mechanical disintegration of carbonates (Buser 1968). Overthrusting and consequent erosion of carbonates has produced very steep slopes in carbonates compared to low-lying flysch with more gentle slopes. As a result, large deposits of limestone and dolomite scree have accumulated on the slopes in the transition zone between steep carbonates and low-relief flysch, and they cover the carbonate-flysch thrust contact. In some places, unconsolidated carbonate scree has consolidated into a slope breccia (Leban 1950; Melik 1960; Habič 1968; Jež 2007; Popit and Košir 2010). Such mechanical weathering of carbonates was probably more pronounced during Pleistocene, but the process is still active now (Melik 1959; Habič 1968; Komac and Ribičič 2006; Zorn and Komac 2008; Komac 2009; Kodelja, Žebre and Stepišnik 2013; Žebre, Stepišnik and Kodelja 2013; Ribičič 2014). Average yearly precipitation is very high in the broader area of the Vipava Valley, from 1500 mm/year in the valley to more than 3000 mm/year on the higher Trnovo plateau (Janež et al. 1997; Agencija Republike Slovenije ... 2016). Extremes can reach over 300mm/day. Although the movement of the carbonate blocks cannot be regarded as classical landsliding, the movements are usually related not only to the total amount of precipitation, but to the intensity of precipitation during some time period (Komac 2005; Zorn and Komac 2009). Such a large amount of rainfall in combination with earthquakes and the geological and geomorphological setting has also triggered several active and fossil mass movements in the valley. These movements are of different types and have already been recorded (Habič 1968; Buser 1968; Zorn and Komac 2009; Popit and Košir 2010; Popit and Jež 2015; Popit 2016). Among the most studied is the large Slano blato landslide on the northern edge of the Vipava Valley (Kočevar and Ribičič 2002; Logar et al. 2005; Placer, Jež and Atanackov 2008; Fifer Bizjak and Zupančič 2009; Mikoš et al. 2014), and nearby the landslide Stogovce (Petkovšek et al. 2011). Other fossil complex landslides (Popit and Košir 2003; Popit et al. 2014b) and other mass movements (rockfall, creep, rotational landslide, debris flow and avalanche) also occur in the broader area, but are still not well studied (Jež 2007; Ribičič 2014). Several of these landslides have caused major damage in the Nova Gorica statistical region (Zorn and Komac 2011), comprising the Vipava Valley and studied area, and still pose a problem to the infrastructure and residential objects. Figure 1: Geological map of broader area of the Vipava Valley, location of study area and cross-section through Trnovo plateau and the Vipava Valley (Buser 1968; Janež etal. 1997; Placer 1981; Placer 2008; Popit et al. 2014a). p p. 10 9 Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek, Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley... Slope deposit: carbonate scree, landslide and gravitational blocks KOMEN THRUST SHEET Legend: Kil t I SloPe sediments: ^Z^ Eocene and carbonate scree and landslide deposits (Quaternary) Alluvial and fluvial deposits (Quaternary) Paleocene flysch and Transitional beds Kras Group, mostly limestone (Upper Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene) m.a.s.l. 1200 900 600 300 Stratigraphie units of the Mesozoic carbonate platform (limestone and dolomite) Cretaceous Jurassic |_| Triassic ^ Nappe and thrust fault Fault (general) -. Axis of inclined fold Stratigraphic boundary Studied area Map by: Tomislav Popit Source: Buser 1973 in 1968; Placer 1981 and 2008; Janež et al. 1997; Popit et al. 2014a © 2017, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology 10 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 Among these, huge carbonate gravitational blocks appear on the gentle flysch slopes. They are observed above the village of Lokavec, near the Slano blato landslide, and clearly visible as positive relief structures on a Lidar-derived 1 m digital elevation model (DEM) map (Figure 2). It has already been interpreted by Placer, Jež and Atanackov (2008) that these carbonate blocks have been transported by gravitational movement. They identified 12 carbonate blocks. Five carbonate blocks (Mala gora, Gola gorica, Visoko, Križec and Gradišče) were named by the nearest topographical name in their vicinity, while other blocks were named by consecutive alphabetic letters from A to F (the Slovenian alphabet, including the letter Č between C and D). However, we use different names than proposed (topographical instead of consecutive), as (described in the Results section) their proposed blocks A and C are not carbonate blocks at all, but only local accumulations of carbonate scree. Therefore, these two blocks were excluded from further analysis and results, and other carbonate blocks were named according to topographic names (with the former names of Placer, Jež and Atanackov (2008) in parentheses): Kovači (B), Platna (Č), Lokavšček (D), Skuk (E) and Lozica (F). Placer, Jež and Atanackov (2008) noted that the major carbonate block of Mala gora was detached from the source area, due to its structural setting in a south-trending wedge-shaped carbonate plateau, which combined with a nearby E-W fault caused the Mala gora carbonate block to rotate slightly and settle compared to the Čaven source area. This geological setting was later used mostly for the explanation of groundwater related to the Slano blato landslide; however, no further discussion was provided for the individual blocks (i.e. no measurements of the block movement or mapping of the individual blocks were performed). 2 Methods Our methods can be briefly divided into field mapping and in relief analysis as follows. Field mapping formed the basis for the identification of the carbonate gravitational blocks. It was performed at a scale of 1:10,000, on topographic maps (layers with settlements and infrastructure) of Slovenia, produced by The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (Internet 1). In addition, a shaded digital elevation model (DEM) was used in combination with these maps. The DEM (Figure 2) was produced from Airborne Lidar Scanning (ALS) data, widely used for the analysis of landslide movements (Baldo et al. 2009; Geist et al. 2009; Jaboyedoff et al. 2012; Popit and Verbovšek 2013; Popit et al. 2014b) and used as a topographic base map for the field mapping. It turned out to be very helpful in the determination of carbonate block locations, as the bare-earth DEM at a 1 xim grid resolution was used to eliminate the vegetation cover. Also, a Lidar-derived DEM map was useful for delineation of some problematic parts of the carbonate blocks on several inaccessible points, as the slopes of some carbonate blocks were too steep and dangerous to measure directly. The main objective of field mapping was to outline the carbonate blocks, to determine their lithologi-cal composition, and to measure the dip direction and dip angle of the carbonate strata. The results were then compared to a source area in the hinterland, which we assume to be the reference carbonate mass with no movement. The type of movement was therefore determined on the DEM layer by a horizontal distance of the carbonate block from this stable source area (Figure 1) and by the difference between the dip direction and dip angle of the strata of the carbonate block and source area. In this way, both changes in dip direction and dip angle could be defined. Change in dip direction (azimuth) was defined with rotation of a carbonate block around its vertical axis. A positive value was assigned to clockwise rotation (greater value of azimuth) and negative value to anticlockwise rotation (lower value of azimuth). Similarly, change in dip angle was defined with rotation of a carbonate block around its horizontal axis, with a positive value for a downward rotation from the horizontal plane with increase in dip angle and vice versa. With measured dip direction and dip angle, we were able to calculated the differences between the angles of carbonates ofthe source area and of individual blocks. In such way, we were able to determine the individual block movement. The lithological composition of individual carbonate blocks was also compared to the source area, to check for changes in measured angles. The accurance of Triassic dolomite and Jurassic limestone in the source area and of individual block was mapped. Research points were taken on carbonate blocks and the source area. Points were assigned a unique ID, block name/source area, WGS84 point coordinates (latitude, longitude) and lithological and directional measurements. To determine the position, a handheld GPS receiver with horizontal precision of about ±5 meters was used. 11 Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek, Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley... Figure A by: Tomislav Popit Figure B by: Maja Kocjancic, Timotej Vrbovsek © 2017, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology Figure 2: A: Photograph of carbonate gravitational blocks from Navrse hill (view towards W). B: DEM of studied area (same viewpoint). These field data were transferred to ESRI ArcGIS v. 10.0 (ESRI 2012). The GIS environment served to produce a map, to measure the transport distance from the source area, to produce the longitudinal profiles for each carbonate block and to visualize the blocks in 3D on the Lidar DEM surface. The distance of transport was defined from the upper margin of each carbonate block to the supposed scarp of the carbonate source area. Finally, the mean value of dip direction and dip angle for individual carbonate blocks and the source area were obtained in the stereographic program Stereo32 (Roller and Trepmann 2013) by directional (circular) statistics. Consequently, differences of mean dip direction and mean dip angle between a gravitational carbonate block and the source area could be obtained in stereological program Stereonet 9 (Allmendinger 2014). Values have been rounded to 5° for dip directions and dip angles, distances to 10 m, and areas to 100 m2. 3 Results The calculated dip angles of carbonate strata are presented for the source area, followed by results for each carbonate block. The blocks are clearly visible in the field from the valley and on the DEM (Figure 2), as they 12 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 stand out as positive topographic anomalies of carbonate mass on the flysch slope. At the source area, 15 measurements were performed along the carbonate escarpment in the stable, undisturbed area (Table 1). The eastern part of the source area belongs to Upper Triassic dolomite (measurement points T02-T08), and western part to Jurassic limestones (points T01, T09-T15). Table 1: Results for source area. Average dip direction and dip angle are 225/25. Point Latitude Longitude Dip direction Dip angle Lithology (°, WGS84) (°, WGS84) (°) (°) T01 45.92703 13.85022 235 25 limestone T02 45.92858 13.85583 220 20 dolomite T03 45.93103 13.85858 220 20 dolomite T04 45.92994 13.85878 220 20 dolomite T05 45.93767 13.86292 220 20 dolomite T06 45.93828 13.86064 230 30 dolomite T07 45.94111 13.86250 230 25 dolomite CO T0 45.94225 13.86683 230 25 dolomite T09 45.92853 13.85178 220 30 limestone T10 45.92467 13.83242 220 15 limestone T11 45.92828 13.83236 240 35 limestone T12 45.92839 13.82897 230 35 limestone T13 45.92881 13.82689 230 30 limestone T14 45.92878 13.82608 230 20 limestone T15 45.92869 13.82503 220 20 limestone Carbonate blocks are briefly described below, as Table 2 summarizes most of the results that are discussed in the next section. The largest carbonate block of Mala gora (Figure 3), lying between 650-1040 m a. s. l., has been transported about 100 m southwards from the source area. It covers an area of about 174.7ha (Table 2). The eastern part of the block is composed of Triassic dolomite and the western part of Jurassic limestone, similar to the composition of the source area. In the most western part of the block, strata are not visible, and block is mostly disintegrated into carbonate gravel. The average dip direction and dip angle are 215/25, giving the angular difference from the source area of only 4°. The carbonate block Gola gorica is composed of Jurassic limestone and has been displaced much more than the Mala gora block from the source area, about 850 m. Due to inaccessible steep parts of the block, six measurements were performed, but their variation is minimal. Apart from limestone, some breccia appears on the western side of the carbonate block Visoko. Carbonate strata are visible only in the south-eastern side, where the measurements were made. Weathered flysch was observed at the base of the block. Carbonate blocks Križec, Kovači, Platna, Lokavšček and Skuk are composed of dolomite and some carbonate breccia; weathered flysch also appears at the base of these blocks. On the carbonate block Gradišče, measurements were performed only on the accessible southwestern part. This block is composed only of dolomite. Dolomite layers and the contact of dolomitic block Lozica with the underlying flysch are well exposed in two road cuts; otherwise the block is mostly difficult to access. The smallest difference between the strata dip was obtained for the carbonate block Mala gora (4°), which lies very close to the source area and has been among those with the smallest displacement. In contrast, the largest change between source area dip angle and block dip angle was observed for carbonate block Visoko, about 59°. This block has also one of the largest displacements, so it rotated greatly during the transport (Figure 4). This can be straightforwardly explained by the fact that blocks can change their rotation from clockwise to counter-clockwise during the transport and vice versa. 4 Discussion Our observations confirm that block lithology corresponds to the lithology of the source area. Blocks lying below the eastern dolomitic part (blocks Mala gora, Križec, Gradišče, Kovači, Platna, Lokavšček, Skuk and Lozica) are also composed of dolomite, and those on the southern limestone side (blocks Mala gora, Gola 13 Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek, Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley... gorica in Visoko) are composed of limestone. Some breccia was also mapped on blocks Visoko, Križec, Kovači, Platna, Lokavšček and Skuk (see Figure 3). This indicates a former scree that was consolidated behind the blocks (Figure 5), and was in some cases moved with the blocks to be present now in different positions. Flysch and carbonate scree appear in all areas around the blocks. The length of the transport was quite different: the minimum travel distance was about 80 m for carbonate block Lozica, with high elevations and close to source area, and maximum about 2050 m for carbonate block Gradišče, with the lowest elevation near the levelled bottom of the valley. Such a runout distance is quite long, but not unusual, Content by: Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek Map by: Tomislav Popit Source: Popit 2016 © 2017, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology Figure 3: Lithology of the wider source area and studied carbonate blocks, locations of dip directions and dip angle measurements, springs on DEM Lidar surface stereographic plots of strata in individual carbonate blocks and in source area. Area without symbology (colours) belongs to flysch. 14 Table 2: Results of measurements for Individual carbonate blocks and source area. Block Elevation [ma.s.l.] Lithology Area [ha] Horizontal travel distance [m] Number of measurements [-] Average dip direction and dip angle [7°] Change of dip direction [°] Change of dip angle [°] Difference between source area dip and block dip [°] Source area / dolomite & limestone / / 15 225/25 / / / Mala gora 650-1040 dolomite & limestone 174.7 100 23 215/25 -10 0 4 Gola gorica 580-650 limestone 7.5 950 6 205/40 -20 +15 18 Visoko 440-510 limestone 15.2 1460 10 355/40 +130 +15 59 Križec 540-660 dolomite 23.5 850 10 250/40 +25 +15 20 Gradišče 260-380 dolomite 16.8 2050 10 230/50 +5 +25 25 Kovači 330-400 dolomite 9.9 1720 10 180/40 -45 +15 28 Platna 480-660 dolomite 20.9 750 10 255/25 +30 0 13 Lokavšček 470-620 dolomite 16.7 1000 10 325/25 +100 0 38 Skuk 580-700 dolomite 18.7 800 27 255/50 +30 +25 30 Lužica 700-930 dolomite 10.0 80 10 260/40 +35 +15 24 Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek, Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley... as the transport distances have been observed from some km to more than 15 km elsewhere in similar geo-morphological and geological settings (Davis and Friedmann 2005). In the nearby geologically similar area in Croatia (Dugonjic Jovancevic and Arbanas 2012), several mass movements occur on the contact between steeper Paleogene and Cretaceous carbonates and flysch (Domlija et al. 2014; Jovancevic, Vivoda and Arbanas 2015), but such carbonate blocks have not been documented. We assume that the transport mechanism is a combination of translational and rotational block-type slope movements, driven only by gravity, so the transport direction is downslope (mostly towards the south or southeast) with rotation of blocks around the horizontal and vertical axes. Some possible deviations from this direction could appear due to irregularities of the flysch slopes, which served as sliding surfaces Content by: Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovsek Map by: Timotej Verbovšek © 2017, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology Figure 4: Plots ofall strata poles on stereographic projection plot (small dots), with Fisher mean vectors (larger dots) and one circular standard deviation (ellipses). 16 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 for the blocks. The slope of the flysch terrain, measured below the blocks Visoko, Gola gorica and Mala gora, is on average 10° (9.5-12.6°). The movement of blocks can be related to tectonic and structural parameters in bedrock formation and some major triggering events (e.g. earthquakes). The wider region is seismically still active, as earthquakes with magnitudes above 5.5 have been recorded in 10s km radius around the studied area (obtained from the earthquake catalogue of Slovenian Environment Agency (Internet 2 and 3) and comprising earthquakes younger than 1348). Such large events are known to be a major cause for major landsliding (Benac et al. 2005; Shroder et al. 2011; Esper Angillieri and Perucca 2013). The study area lies in an active seismic zone (Poljak, Živičič and Zupančič 2000; Placer, Vrabec and Celarc 2010), very close to the Predjama fault, between the Raša and Idrija faults (Vrabec and Fodor 2006). These are active faults, as it was recently found that the Raša fault has slip-rates of about 1.3-2.8 mm/year and the Predjama fault has a mean slip-rate of about 1.4±0.1 mm/year (Moulin 2014). The Idrija fault has been active since Miocene (reactivated from oblique-normal to dextral strike slip from Miocene to Pliocene time) (Bavec et al. 2012; Moulin et al. 2014), with a major earthquake in 1511 (magnitude 6.8; (Bavec et al. 2013). Before this event, several earthquakes of similar magnitude most probably occurred (one of the maj or landslide events in the Vipava Valley probably related to earthquakes (Popit and Košir 2003) was dated to at least 40,000 years BP). Also, tectonic uplift of the Trnovo Nappe area is believed to be still active and is estimated to be about 2.0 mm/year (Rižnar, Koler and Bavec 2007). Maps for the seismic acceleration with a 1000-year return period (Internet 4) show about 0.225 g for the study area, and for the 10,000-year return period about 0.45 g. The latter acceleration is very close to the value of 0.5 g, being the lower limit for the sliding of large blocks (Davis and Friedmann 2005). Therefore, in such a time span, it is possible that the block movements were triggered due to ground shaking and consequent movement(s) due to seismic activity. The minimal earthquake magnitude to cause the movement is estimated as ML ~ 4.0 (Keefer 1984) and magnitudes of this order and larger have been documented historically in broader area (Poljak, Živičič and Zupančič 2000). Another important factor is the river incision of the flysch bedrock (Huntley, Duk-Rodnik and Sidwell 2006), which could have easily been eroded by the Vipava River). Even apart from the river incision, erosion in flysch of the SW Slovenia is high and exceeds the European average for the Mediterranean part of Europe (Zorn 2009). On a micro level, erosion depends also on the steepness of the flysch slopes, with steeper relief allowing better drainage due to water-retaining clay minerals washed into lower parts (Jamšek Rupnik, Čuš and Šmuc 2016). Also, water can accumulate as groundwater in the carbonate blocks, as they are strongly fractured, karstified and permeable (Verbovšek 2008; Verbovšek and Veselič 2008), and some water can also be accumulated in carbonate scree, depositing above the blocks. In both cases, the presence of water can intensify the weathering of flysch below the blocks and deteriorate its mechanical properties. The presence of water accumulation is documented as the existence of several springs below the blocks (Figure 3) on the less permeable flysch. Only major springs are listed in the table: those that do not dry up during the year, with an average outflow of each spring around 3-5 l/s (Janež et al. 1997). Some unknown quantity of groundwater also flows to the more permeable flysch underground and does not emerge in springs, as was documented for the Slano blato landslide (Placer, Jež and Atanackov 2008). The infiltrated surface water and groundwater contributes to the weathering of the flysch, acting as a sliding base layer for the carbonate blocks. During the Pleistocene, especially in climatic conditions prevailing in the last glacial maximum (Monegato et al. 2015), climatic and hydrologic setting was very different from the present, and mechanical weathering, sediment accumulation and also carbonate block movements may have been greatly accelerated compared to recent mass movement processes. However, there is no proof for such influence in the research area. Finally, the weight of accumulated scree can act as an additional force on the blocks. During some extreme rainfall and earthquake events, transport of gravitational carbonate blocks is possible, so they would require monitoring. By observing the movement of a block, the velocity could be determined. Velocities of blocks are presently unknown, as no measurements have been performed, but can lie over a very large value range (Davis and Friedman 2005). Most importantly, it would be possible to assess whether the movement is more or less slow and constant during the year, or only occasional and related to extreme catastrophic events (tectonically or climatically conditioned). Regardless if the movements are mostly controlled by climatic factors and/or the seismic events, transport of carbonate blocks could continue in the future, as neither of these factors can be neglected in the future. The region is seismically active with earthquakes of magnitudes above 6, and due to probable vertical uplift of the Trnovo Nappe (Rižnar, Koler and Bavec 2007). 17 Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek, Gravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley... height above sea level (m) 1200 - 1100 - 1000 - 900 - 800 - 700 - 600 - 500 - A height above sea level (m) 1100 -1000 -900 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 - Mali Modrasovec Mala gora Legend [j-^p^j Limestone Dolomite Breccia ViM Flysch pwwiKW I Talus of scree ' I deposit ■ Mudflow (Slano blato landslide) •4.. ^ Boundary of Trnovo nappe Curved shear surface • Major springs Content by: Maja Kocjančič, Tomislav Popit, Timotej Verbovšek Map by: Timotej Verbovšek, Tomislav Popit Source: Popit 2016 © 2017, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Gola gorica 800 lOOO distance (m) Mala Gora Kovači B 400 200 500 l200 l400 l600 l800 D C 400 l600 l800 0 200 600 800 l000 l200 l400 2000 Figure 5: Two selected longitudinal profiles through the source area and Mala gora, Gola gorica, Križec and Kovači carbonate blocks. 18 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 5 Conclusion The main conclusions can be summarized in the following statements: • In the study area, ten separate carbonate gravitational blocks have been detached from the steep carbonate edge of the Trnovo plateau. Movement was both translational and rotational, proved by correlating lithol-ogy between the blocks and the source area and significant change in elevation of the blocks compared to flysch in the longitudinal profiles. • The distance of the transport ranges from 80 m to about 2 km, and block areas range from 7.5-175 ha. The smallest difference between the strata dip was obtained for carbonate block Mala gora, 4° and the largest change in strata dip was for carbonate block Visoko, about 59°. There is no direct correlation of travel distance with the rotation/tilt angles. • As seen from the earthquake magnitudes records and seismic acceleration maps the area is seismically still active, with the active nearby Predjama, Raša and Idrija faults, and the blocks can be transported at the major earthquakes events. • The blocks and carbonate scree, accumulating behind the blocks, act as (ground) water accumulations, and several small springs appear below the blocks and on the contact between the permeable carbonate scree and the less permeable flysch. • The velocity of the movement is unknown and it should be monitored, as several buildings lie below some of the blocks. Transport of blocks could continue in the future, due to vertical uplift and increasing potential energy of the blocks, and in the scenario of changed climatic conditions, which will change the quantity and intensity of precipitation. 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The characteristics of floods in the Ochotnica River channel were analyzed using limnigraphic records of water levels at the Tylmanowa gauging station and of precipitation based on data from the Polish Institute of Meteorology and the Water Management Station at Ochotnica Górna. Flood types were determined. The predominant type of floods in the Ochotnica River are normal floods with a discharge of 3.80 to 11.94 m3/s in winter and 4.74 to 16.40 m3/s in summer. The dominant recent process is incision, at an average speed of 3.2 cm/year. Similar results have been observed in other mountain rivers in Europe. KEY WORDS: floods, water level, channel bed, Ochotnica River, Carpathians Vrste poplav v gorskem porečju: reka Ochotnica na Poljskem POVZETEK: V članku avtorici predstavljata izsledke štiridesetletnih hidroloških opazovanj poplav v porečju reke Ochotnice (1972-2011). Reka Ochotnica teče v pogorju Gorce v poljskem delu Zahodnih Karpatov. Avtorici sta značilnosti poplav v strugi reke analizirali na podlagi limnigrafskih podatkov o vodni gladini, izmerjenih na merilni postaji v kraju Tilmanova, in podatkov o količini padavin, ki sta jih pridobili od Poljskega meteorološkega inštituta in vodomerne postaje v kraju Ochotnica Górna. Na podlagi tega sta določili vrste poplav. Na reki Ochotnica prevladujejo normalne poplave z zimskim pretokom 3,80-11,9 m3/s in poletnim pretokom 4,74-16,40 m3/s. Prevladujoči proces v zadnjem času je vrezovanje, in sicer s povprečno hitrostjo 3,2 cm/leto. Podobni rezultati so bili ugotovljeni tudi pri drugih evropskih gorskih rekah. KLJUČNE BESEDE: poplave, vodna gladina, rečna struga, reka Ochotnica, Karpati Malgorzata Kijowska-Strugala, Anna Bucala-Hrabia Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, This paper was submitted for publication on July 8th, 2015. Uredništvo je prejelo prispevek 8. julija, 2015 24 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 1 Introduction The Ochotnica catchment is located in the Carpathian Mountains, the second-largest mountain range in central Europe (Pociask-Karteczka 2011). Floods in mountain catchments occur more quickly than in lowland rivers because of steep slopes and narrow valleys (Ruiz-Villanueva et al. 2010). In this article, a flood is understood as an event with a discharge greater than critical values, and not as water spreading over the surface near the river channel (Ozga-Zielinska and Brzezinski 1994). The course of flood events, types, volumes, and durations are important factors for several practical hydrological applications, such as hydropower plant operation (Bezak, Horvat and Sraj 2015). Flood magnitude depends on precipitation intensity and duration as well as on characteristics of the catchment area, such as the length of the preceding dry period, soil moisture (water retention), vegetation cover, thickness of snow cover, snow water content, and intensity of melting and ground freezing depth (Christen and Christen 2003; Malarz 2005; Ogden and Dawdy 2003; Parajka et al. 2010; Gaal et al. 2012). The course of floods is also dependent on land-use changes. Urbanization, deforestation (Bork et al. 1998), and agricultural intensification (van der Ploeg and Schweigert 2001) reduce the water-retention capacity of the soil (Mudelsee et al. 2004). These changes cause an increase in flood risk (Yin and Li 2001) and play a key role among the natural factors shaping river channel morphology (Bronstert 2003; Barredo 2007; Frandofer and Lehotsky 2011; Kijowska-Strugala 2012; Gorczyca et al. 2014). During the flood in June 1957 in the Guil Valley (Queyras, southern French Alps), the entire valley bottom was affected, and the lower slopes were undermined by lateral cutting, which triggered landslides and transported enormous quantities of material to the valley bottom (Arnaud-Fassetta, Cossart and Fort 2005). During extreme rainfalls in September 2007 in the upper Selska Sora River in Slovenia, a flash flood caused bank erosion, channel-bed widening, and overbank deposition. Several debris flows and shallow landslides were triggered on the slopes, destroying the main road (Marchi et al. 2009). Changing the position of the level of river channel bottoms is one of the more visible morphological processes in mountain areas. In the Carpathians, incision of 1.3 to 3.8 m can be observed in rivers in recent decades (Bucala, Budek and Kozak 2015; Wyzga, Zawiejska and Radecki-Pawlik 2015; Wiejaczka and Kijowska-Strugala 2015). Similar studies have been conducted in other mountain rivers of Europe; for example, between 1928 and 1989/1995 incision (locally up to 5 m) was evident along the 100 km length of the Drome River (Brookes 1987; Kondolf, Piegay and Landon 2002; Liebault and Piegay 2002; Rinaldi 2003). The study area (the Ochotnica catchment) of 107.6km2 is located in the Gorce Mountains in the Western Carpathians (Figures 1, 2) characterized by deep valleys (Starkel 1972). The Ochotnica River is 22.7km long and it is a left tributary of the Dunajec River. The average slope for the entire watercourse is 36.1%o (ranging from 56.8% in the upper course to 15.5% in the lower course). The Ochotnica River channel is carved into solid rock with numerous shelves and rock outcrops upstream, and it is cut into sediments Figure 1: Location of the study area in the Polish Carpathians (Gorce Mountains). 25 Malgorzata Kijowskaa-Strugala, Anna Bucala-Hrabia, Flood types in a mountain catchment: The Ochotnica River, Poland in the middle and lower parts, where it is also braided (Krzemien 1984). Along the entire course, the Ochotnica River is fed by twelve left tributaries of and twenty-three right tributaries. The tributaries play an important role during flooding because they distort the natural wave of the flood, leading to delays or accelerations in the culmination of the main river below the mouth (Kijowska-Strugala 2015). River floods in the Gorce Mountains frequently occur in spring and summer. Snowmelt floods are the result of thawing snow, and summer floods are the result of torrential and extreme rainfall, whereby the amount in three to five days can exceed 100 to 250 mm (Starkel 1976). Such high rainfall leads to catastrophic floods, as exemplified by the catchments of Konina, Jaszcze, Jamne, and Kamienica stream (Niemirowski 1974; Krzemien 1984). During the flood in July 1970, maximum daily precipitation was 154.9 mm, and discharges reached 15.5 m3/s and 16.5 m3/s in Jaszcze and Jamne streams, respectively. Bank erosion dominated in both streams, cutting the banks from 1.2 to 7 m. Mean incision of the bed reached 32 cm, and the maximum was 1.2 m (Niemirowski 1974). This paper determines the types, duration, temporal variability, and magnitude of the Ochotnica River floods between 1972 and 2011. To properly identify the floods, the characteristics of the basic meteorological and hydrological parameters are presented below; these include precipitation, runoff coefficient, discharge regime, and maximum discharges. To show changes in the river channel morphology caused by floods, the dynamics of the position of river channel bottoms were also analyzed, based on long-term observation series of minimum water levels. 2 Methods Data from the Institute of Meteorology and the Water Management Station were used to analyze floods. Discharges were analyzed based on limnigraphic records of water levels at the Tylmanowa gauging station closing the catchment (Figure 1) and precipitation data from the rain gauge in Ochotnica Górna. A forty-year period (1972-2011) of hydrometeorological observations was selected for detailed analysis. It is assumed that a flood is an event in which discharges (Q) equal or exceed the discharge threshold (Qt). The selection of the criterion of flood threshold that is part of the definition of the event has a decisive influence on the results (e.g. Ramos, Bartholmes and Thielen-del Pozo 2007). The discharge threshold of the flood (Qt) was calculated using the following equation (Ozga-Zielinska and Brzezinski 1994): Qt = % (NWQ + WSQ), where NWQ is the minimal maximum discharge during the multiyear period and WSQ is the maximum mean discharge of the multiyear averages. In order to show the variability of flooding in a small mountain catchment, floods were divided into three types: low, normal, and high. WSQ is the threshold value of low floods, NWQ is the critical value of normal floods, and the average maximum discharge of the multiyear period (SWQ) is used for high floods. Selecting the criteria for flood threshold as part of the definition of the event has a decisive influence on the results. Floods usually depend on the season, and the seasonality approach opens the way to studying mixed flood frequency distributions (Sivapalan et al. 2005; Ouarda et al. 2006). This article presents floods from the summer (May-October) and winter (November-April) half of the hydrological year. The probability of the maximum discharges (Qmax) during floods was also calculated based on the decile method found in D^bski (1954). A statistical analysis was conducted to determine the months with the highest frequency of floods. For each month of the hydrological year, the coefficient of variation (Cv) of average monthly discharge was calculated. Based on the discharge coefficient (k), the river regime was calculated using the following equation (Pardé 1957): k = SQm / SQr> where SQM is the average monthly discharge and SQR is the average annual discharge. The minimum water level was used to identify the dynamics of the Ochotnica channel (aggradation and erosion processes) after floods. 26 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 3 Driving force: precipitation The average annual precipitation in the Upper Ochotnica from 1972 to 2011 was 838.7mm, showing a variability of 629.2 mm (1984) to 1,109.9mm (2007). Based on the forty-year study period, an increasing trend of annual precipitation was observed in the study area, averaging 4.3 mm per year (Figure 2). During the twentieth century in Europe, the mean annual precipitation has increased in northern Europe and has decreased in southern Europe (New, Hulme and Jones 1999). According to the precipitation classification by Kaczorowska (1962), nineteen years (Figure 2) were within the normal range, similar to the average of the multiyear period. In the forty-year period analyzed, as many as thirteen years had above-average rainfall (i.e., 917mm; Figure 2). On average, 64% of the precipitation occurs in the summer half of the hydrological year (May-October). During the period analyzed, there were 170 days with precipitation on average; during the summer half-year, the average number of days with precipitation was ninety, and in the winter half-year seventy-five days. The maximum number of days with precipitation in the summer half-year was 120 days in 1974 and the minimum sixty-two days in 1982, whereas in the winter half-year these were 105 days (1993) and fifty days (1987), respectively. The highest monthly total precipitation was recorded in July and June, at 123 and 109 mm, respectively (Figure 3). In the Carpathians and the northern part of the Alps, the annual precipitation maxima typically occur in July and August (Parajka et al. 2010). In small catchments in central Europe, under moderate climate conditions, floods are caused by local convective precipitation events with high intensity (Bryndal 2014). The highest daily rainfall occurred in the Ochotnica catchment on the following days: June 30th, 1973 (94.9 mm), May 17th, 1985 (92.3 mm), July 8th, 1997 (70.0mm), July 23rd, 2008 (76.3 mm), and September 1st, 2010 (94.6mm). A number of studies have documented increases in intense precipitation based on records (Alpert et al. 2002; Klein Tank and Können 2003). According to Parajka et al. (2010), lower variability in the mean date of occurrence of annual maximum daily precipitation is observed over the Alps than over the Carpathians. They also found that the greatest daily precipitation is consistently produced by similar atmospheric regimes, whereas a broader variety of processes are responsible for smaller events. Figure 2: Annual precipitation from 1972 to 2011 at the Ochotnica Gorna station based on the classification of precipitation ranges proposed by Kaczorowska (1962). 27 Malgorzata Kijowskaa-Strugala, Anna Bucala-Hrabia, Flood types in a mountain catchment: The Ochotnica River, Poland 140 XI XII I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Month Figure 3: Average monthly precipitation from 1972 to 2011 at the Ochotnica Gorna station (Institute... 2015). 4 Results 4.1 Runoff coefficient and the probability of maximum discharges The runoff coefficient is a key concept in hydrology and floods, and is an important diagnostic variable for catchment response. Examination of runoff coefficients is useful for catchment comparison to understand how different landscapes filter rainfall into a flood event (Holko, Herrmann and Kulasova 2006; Marchi et al. 2010). According to Schaake (1990), it is possible to determine the size of floods based on runoff and precipitation. The average runoff coefficient from 1972 to 2011 was 62.8%. The highest runoff coefficient (91.8%) was recorded in 1980 (Figure 4). The greater variation of runoff in western Europe, compared to eastern Europe, reflects the greater variability in topography, and hence rainfall. Across most of lowland Europe, runoff is between 25 and 45%, whereas it exceeds 70% in high precipitation areas such as the Alps (Arnell 1999; Magnuszewski 2000; Marchi et al. 2010). The runoff coefficients in the Ochotnica catchment do not show any significant trends. Similar results were obtained by Pekarova, Miklanek, and Peka (2006) for European rivers over the last 150 years. The runoff irregularity coefficient (the ratio of the annual maximum to minimum runoff) in the Ochotnica River ranged from 3.4mm in 1978 to 17.9mm in 2000, and it shows an increasing trend (Figure 4). High recent values of the coefficient are due to the great diversity of total monthly precipitation. Compared to other Carpathian rivers, this coefficient is not high, and it is determined by a continuous water supply during the summer and the autumn lows. The average discharge in the Ochotnica River in the multiyear period analyzed was 1.81 m3/s. Ziemonska (1973) proposed eight river classes with different average discharges in the Polish Carpathians. The Ochotnica River is in the second class, with discharges ranging from 1 to 3 m3/s. On average, for approximately 234 days annually, the Ochotnica River had a discharge of 0.5 to 2 m3/s, and the discharge was 2 to 5 m3/s for seventy-seven days (Figure 5). A discharge greater than 10 m3/s was recorded for an average of four days. There are no differences in average discharges during the summer and winter hydrological half-year during the period analyzed. 28 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 Figure 4: Runoff coefficient (R) and irregular runoff coefficient (IJ in the Ochotnica River from 1972 to 2011. 140 120 > 0.3 0.3-0.5 0.6-1.0 1.1-2.0 2.1-5.0 5.1-7.0 7.1-10.0 > 10.0 Q [m3/s] Figure 5: Frequency of average daily discharge in the Ochotnica River from 1972 to 2011. On the basis of forty years of observations of water discharge in the Ochotnica River, a theoretical probability curve was plotted for the maximum discharge using a Pearson distribution (Type III), starting from a value of 1% (Table 1). Maximum discharges are directly related to floods (Patton and Baker Konrad 1976). 29 Malgorzata Kijowskaa-Strugala, Anna Bucala-Hrabia, Flood types in a mountain catchment: The Ochotnica River, Poland Table 1: Probability (%) of maximum discharges (m3/s) and recurrence period (T) in the Ochotnica River based on the Pearson distribution (Type III). Probability (%) Discharge (m3/s) T (Year) 1 92 100 2 80 50 5 70 20 10 38 10 20 25 5 50 15 2 100 4 1 4.2 Discharge regime A discharge regime describes the average seasonal behavior of a river, as determined by its genetic sources and its ambient climate. The discharge regime is a useful tool for identifying spatial and temporal variations in the magnitude and seasonality of discharge, and for determining the periods more susceptible to floods (Wrzesinski 2012). The Ochotnica River is an example of a river with a complex, primary, snow-rain regime with its peak discharge in the second half of winter and in the summer (Figure 6). The first, higher discharge peak occurs in April, and the second, lower one in July. Low discharges in the autumn and winter are the consequence of reduced precipitation (especially in the autumn) and snow retention. Discharge coefficient values in the Ochotnica River were close to k = 1.5 in the spring, which is characteristic of the Carpathian rivers west of the Dunajec River (Chelmicki, Sk^pski and Soja 1998-1999). In the Ochotnica River, the spring months (March, April, Cv = 0.4) are characterized by the lowest variability in discharge. This relationship is due to a high degree of reproducibility in the water supplied by snowmelt (Chelmicki, Sk^pski and Soja 1998-1999). The greatest discharge variability (Cv > 0.7) is in May, September, and December. High values of the coefficient of variation in May and September are associated with limited recurrence of floods in individual years. In December, winter thawing may be a destabilizing factor. The average value of the coefficient of variation from 1972 to 2011 is 0.63, indicating high stability of the rhythm of discharge in the river analyzed. Figure 6: Differences in the monthly annual course of the discharge coefficient (k) and coefficient of multiyear variability of monthly discharge (Cv) for hydrological years from 1972 to 2011 in the Ochotnica River. 30 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 5 Discussion 5.1 Characteristics of floods Low, normal, and high floods occurring in the hydrological winter and summer half-years were analyzed. Using the criteria for defining floods given in the Methods section, it was assumed that low floods occur when the culminating discharge is greater than 3.26 m3/s during winter and 4.22 m3/s in summer (Table 2). Table 2: Quantitative character of floods in the Ochotnica channel from 1972 to 2011. Measure Value Mean discharge 1.8 m3/s Mean specific discharge 0.017 m3/s/km2 Maximum daily discharge 79.8 m3/s Winter hydrological half-year Low flood 3.26-3.80 m3/s Normal flood 3.80-11.94 m3/s High flood > 11.94m3/s Summer hydrological half-year Low flood 4.22-4.74m3/s Normal flood 4.74-16.40 m3/s High flood >16.40m3/s Maximum duration of flood 55 days Mean duration of flood in winter/summer hydrological half-year 24 days 7h/12days 17h In the forty years of observations (1972-2011), 295 floods were calculated. The average for each hydrological year was seven floods. There is a decreasing trend of the flood numbers in the hydrological winter half-year and an increasing trend in the summer half-year. The trends are not statistically significant. Low floods accounted for approximately 17% and 15% of all floods in the winter and summer hydro-logical half-years. High floods in the entire multiyear period accounted for only 14% of the total number of floods (12% in the winter hydrological half-year and 15% in the summer half-year; Figure 7). Floods are closely linked to the type of water source flowing into the river channel. The magnitude and course of floods in winter are related to the amount of water from melting snow in a time unit. Rapid snowmelt often causes major spring floods. In mountainous regions, spring floods are usually not as high as the summer rainfall floods, but they have an increased frequency of single snowmelt floods (January-March) and floods from mixed water supply (April). Snowmelt flood formation (especially thaw) is influenced by a southern catchment exposure. In the winter half-year during the period analyzed, 146 floods were recorded. The average flood duration was 24.29 days (7% of the year), longer than summer floods. This is connected with the water supply from various parts of the asymmetric catchment. Over the forty years, April was characterized by the highest number of floods (forty-nine). Summer floods are more dynamic than winter floods. In the multiyear period analyzed, a total of 149 floods were recorded in the hydrological summer half-year. During this time, floods are caused by torrential and extreme rainfall. Summer floods occurred in the channel of the Ochotnica River irregularly and lasted shorter than the floods during the winter months (an average of 12.71 days). High floods accounted for 15% ofthese, or 2 percentage points more than in the hydrological winter half-year. The average value of the maximum daily discharge during all of the floods in summer half-year amounted to 16.4 m3/s, and the absolute maximum discharge of 79.8 m3/s was recorded on May 2nd, 1989. This was 144 times greater than the average discharge. 31 Malgorzata Kijowskaa-Strugala, Anna Bucala-Hrabia, Flood types in a mountain catchment: The Ochotnica River, Poland 80 7060 50 40 30 2010 0 70.55 17.12 12.33 1 Low Normal High Winter hydrological year 69.80 14.77 15.44 1 Low Normal High Summer hydrological year Figure 7: Frequency of flood types in the Ochotnica River in the winter (November-April) and summer (May-October) hydrological half-years from 1972 to 2011. 5.2 The dynamics of the Ochotnica channel Analysis of changes in the position of river channel bottoms can be performed based on the minimum conditions of the river (e.g. Wiejaczka and Kijowska-Strugala 2015; Tamang and Mandal 2015). The use of data on water levels in the river provides reliable information about the direction of change (incision or raising) and its intensity. Incision is a common response of alluvial channels that have been disturbed such that they contain excess amounts of flow energy or stream power relative to the sediment load (Simon and Rinaldi 2006). If the river capacity is less than the load, deposition would be expected. On the basis of an analysis of the minimum water levels from 1972 to 2011, two periods can be identified with different tendencies in changing the position of the Ochotnica channel bottom. The first covers the period from 1972 to 1996, when aggradation was the predominant process, whereas from 1997 to 2011 incision dominated (Figures 8, 9). A clear decrease, by 70 cm, during the lowest minimum water level in 1997, as compared to 1996, was due to extreme floods. In July, the maximum water level was 344 cm, corresponding to a discharge of 17.6m3/s. Such a high discharge was caused by daily rainfall exceeding 70 mm. In July, the rainfall total was 291 mm and was 2.5 times higher than the average value from 1972 to 2011 (Froehlich 1998; Bucala 2012). Between 1972 and 1996, the minimum water levels ranged from 186 cm (1973) to 286 cm (1993), whereas between 1997 and 2011 they ranged from 158 cm (2011) to 216 cm (2003). In 1983, at the level of276 cm, the discharge recorded was 3.16 m3/s, whereas it was only 0.45 m3/s in 1996. This proves that the bed of the Ochotnica rose between 1972 and 1996. The course of the lowest monthly water levels during this period also shows a tendency to raise the channel bottom, amounting to 3.9 cm/year (Figure 8). In 1997, the lowest water level was 206 cm, with a discharge of 0.81 m3/s, and in 2010 at the same water level the discharge recorded was 2.24 m3/s. The examples show that the same water level in the multiyear period corresponds to increasingly higher discharges, which is clear evidence of the river channel deepening. The average rate of the annual lowest water level decreasing from 1997 to 2011 is 3.2 cm/year (Figure 9). 32 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 Figure 8: Minimum and maximum annual water level in the Ochotnica River from 1972 to 1996. Figure 9: Minimum and maximum annual water level in the Ochotnica River from 1997 to 2011. 33 Malgorzata Kijowskaa-Strugala, Anna Bucala-Hrabia, Flood types in a mountain catchment: The Ochotnica River, Poland Processes occurring in recent times in the Carpathian environment (e.g., incision of channel bottoms) are related to an increase in the sum and intensity of precipitation and are probably caused by changes in land use (Klimek 1987; Kijowska-Strugala and Demczuk 2015). Land-use changes leading to forest expansion at the expense of agricultural land and, related to this, conversion of braided rivers to incised, single-thread channels have also been noted in other European mountains (Wohl 2006). 6 Conclusion In terms of the types, duration, variability, and magnitude of floods, the forty-year period analyzed (1972-2011) shows the basic regularities observed in small mountain catchments in Europe. The analysis of measured floods does not indicate an increasing frequency. The runoff coefficient and number of floods in the last two decades do not show significant differences with regard to values that occurred in the previous two decades. Similar results have been observed in other mountain rivers in Europe. However, in the Ochotnica River in the last two decades a greater number of high floods has been noted. 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Geographical Studies 103. 36 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019, 37-36 SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PARK: THE GIURGIU COUNTY RURAL AREA, ROMANIA Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu Photovoltaic parks at Stanejti. Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu, Socio-economic impact of photovoltaic park: The Giurgiu County rural area . DOI: UDC: 911.373:621.311.243(498) COBISS: 1.01 Socio-economic impact of photovoltaic park: The Giurgiu County rural area, Romania ABSTRACT: The paper aims to analyse the socio-economic territorial impact of photovoltaic parks in the rural area of Giurgiu County. The analysis valorises two types of data: the statistical information on the local socio-economic features provided by the National Institute of Statistics and the Giurgiu County Statistics Office, and the specific information about the photovoltaic parks revealed by the interviews applied to the local authorities during field investigation. The case-studies discussed in this paper reflect the socio-economic effects of building and operating the six photovoltaic parks as in the three rural local administrative units - LAU2: Izvoarele, Stane^ti and Malu. This study emphasizes four types of the socio-economic effects of investment in a photovoltaic project on: local rural economy, land use changes, local investments, budget and local labour market. KEY WORDS: geography, solar park, land use, regional development, rural space, Romania Socialnoekonomski vpliv fotovoltaičnega parka: podeželsko območje Giurgiu v Romuniji POVZETEK: V članku avtorice analizirajo socialnoekonomski teritorialni vpliv fotovoltaičnih parkov na podeželskem območju okrožja Giurgiu. Pri analizi so ocenjevale dve vrsti podatkov: statistične podatke o lokalnih socialnoekonomskih značilnostih, ki so jih pridobile na nacionalnem statističnem uradu in statističnem uradu okrožja Giurgiu, ter podatke o fotovoltaičnih parkih, ki so jih med terensko raziskavo pridobile v intervjujih z lokalnimi oblastmi. Predstavljene študije primera izražajo socialnoekonomske vplive gradnje in upravljanja šestih fotovoltaičnih parkov v treh lokalnih upravnih enotah (LUE2): Izvoarele, Stanešti in Malu. Izsledki raziskave so razkrili štiri različne vrste socialnoekonomskih vplivov naložb v fotovoltaične projekte, in sicer vplive na lokalno podeželsko gospodarstvo, spremembe v rabi tal, lokalne naložbe, proračun ter lokalni trg dela. KLJUČNE BESEDE: geografija, solarni park, raba tal, regionalni razvoj, podeželje, Romunija Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu The Romanian Academy, Institute of Geography, Human Geography Department,, The paper was submitted for publication on 18th August 2015. Uredništvo je prejelo prispevek 18. avgusta 2015. 38 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 1 Introduction The low-carbon energy transition, a long-term structural change in energy system (Hauff et al. 2014), represents a geographical process (Bridge et al. 2013) which implies the reconfiguration of current patterns and scales of economic and social activity (Smil 2003). Geography offers the concepts which allow us to assess the territorial impacts of energy transition, such as the location, the territoriality, the unequal development, and the scale/level concept (Bridge 2011). The territorial impact of renewable energy, including photovoltaic energy, is one of the many topics emerging from the new geography of energy (Zimmerer 2011) being linked with other concepts such as energy landscape (Nadai and Van der Horst 2010; Pasqualetti 2012), and brightfield (Kunc, Frantal and Klusacek 2011; Kunc et al. 2014). Photovoltaic (PV) parks are »large-scale photovoltaic systems designed to supply merchant power to the electricity grid« (Wolfe 2012, 994). Romania is an ideal location for the installation of the PV systems (Oprea 2008; Pavlicek 2012; Paulescu et al. 2013), the most common being photovoltaic parks and solar thermal systems. Production of renewable energy affects the environment and involves the use of land resources (Sliz-Szkliniarz 2013); also, the development of any type of energy project generates direct and indirect effects on the demand of goods and services as well as employment generation (Caldes, Santamaria and Saez 2009). Recent worldwide investigations on the socio-economic impacts of solar park implantation refer to: • social impacts of photovoltaic parks on rural development (Mezei 2008; Pelin et al. 2014; Frantal et al. 2014); • expansion of residential photovoltaic systems (Fekete, Klaic and Majdandzic 2012) and • public acceptance of renewable energies (Zoellner, Schweizer-Ries and Wemheuer 2008). Kontogianni, Tourkolias and Skourtos (2013) and Gaigalis et al. (2014) bring into question the massive deployment of renewable energy sources from the perspective of the local economy and the local communities. Sliz-Szkliniarz (2013) focused the scientific interest on the risks linked to the use of an intensified renewable energy source use, which should be adequately taken into consideration in any planning of rural areas. The concept of multi-functionality of the rural space relies on the recognition that agriculture, in addition to producing food, also produces non-market goods and services, shapes the environment, affects social and cultural systems, biodiversity conservation and contributes to economic growth (Van Huylenbroek and Durand 2003, cv. Wilson 2010; Van Huylenbroek et al. 2007, cv: Knific and Bojnec 2015; Salvioni 2008). Recent investigation into green jobs shows that this type of employment means fewer jobs (Lyman 2016). The fact that photovoltaic systems require little labour participation is discussed by Pelin et al. (2014). The issue of territorial impact of photovoltaic parks implanted in Romanian rural areas represents subject of only a few scientific works. Banica and Istrate (2014) conclude that the jobs are less commun at manufacturing phase of the facilities and more in construction, operating and maintenance phases. Mocanu et al. (2015) hilight loss of farmland as a negative effects of solar park setting up in rural space in terms of land use changes. Pavlicek (2012) analysed markets of some European contries and concluded that the Romanian slow market development is caused by weak education on the photovoltaic technology and by slow bureaucracy in the subsidies system from the EU. Given this picture, this study concentrates on specific research question: Do photovoltaic parks setting up contribute to the socio-economic development in certain Romanian rural areas? This study attempts to enlarge the current body of literature by analysing at micro-scale the socio-economic impacts of photovoltaic parks setting up, specifically in three rural local administrative units (LAU2): Izvoarele, Malu and Stane^ti (Giurgiu County). In order to estimate such impacts in Romanian rural space, four types of socioeconomic impacts were considered: the rural economic profile before and after the implantation of photovoltaic parks, land-use and land-cover changes, the effects of investments in the photovoltaic industry on the local budget, the real new job opportunities. 1.1 Study area Giurgiu County is located in the Romanian Plain, also known as the Lower Danube Plain (Balteanu et al. 2006) (Figure 1). Figure 1: Geographical setting of the study area in Romania. p p. 40 39 Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu, Socio-economic impact of photovoltaic park: The Giurgiu County rural area ... Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 The Giurgiu County includes 3 towns: Giurgiu City (county-seat, an urban pole with regional development potential), Bolintin Vale and Mihaile?ti, two urban poles with local influence (Giurgiu County Council 2014). Within the Giurgiu County administrative bonds one finds 51 rural LAU2 with 167 villages (Giurgiu County Statistics Office 2012) with low and very low socio-economic development levels (Mocanu et al. 2015). Over the past decade (2002-2012) the county's population fell by 16,437 inhabitants (-6%) because of high population ageing, the ageing process increasing the economic dependency rate and inactivity rate values (Kerbler 2015). Iordan (1973; 1998), Gherasim (2003), Iano? (1999), Sageata (2004) and Iano? et al. (2012) show that, in terms of administrative characteristics, the case-studies reported herein are rural areas, although functionally they are located in the peri-urban area of Giurgiu Municipality, inside the Bucharest Metropolitan Area. In turn, this territory is characterised by the alternating countryside with a new emerging urban landscape founded in the former villages surrounding Bucharest City (Mihai, Nistor and Simion 2015). 2 Key driving factors Key driving factors of the photovoltaic energy industry in Romania and in Giurgiu County are: • High annual average sunshine duration - the Giurgiu County receives over 2,100-2,200 hours of annual average sunshine duration (Oprea 2008). The most important solar regions in Romania are the Black Sea Coast, Dobrogea and the South of the Romanian Plain, with global horizontal irradiation of 1,400 kWh/m2 (Paulescu et al. 2013). • The EU commitments represent the main background for the photovoltaic energy industry to develop in Romania. In this respect the Giurgiu County Council elaborated two important strategic documents: The 2008-2013 Sustainable Development Strategy and The 2010-2020 Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (Giurgiu County Council 2014). • The national legislation on renewable energy production (Legea... 2008) establishing the system that promotes energy from renewable sources, was modified many times. Despite continuous legislative changes, the Romanian renewable energy sector had attracted investments of 3 billion Euro until 2013 (Campeanu and Pencea 2014). Beginning with 2014, the legislation intended to reduce the number of green certificates accredited to photovoltaic energy producers, the investors not being eligible to the support scheme if the photovoltaic park is located on cultivable agricultural land (Emergency Government Ordinance 2013). In Giurgiu County (Baneasa municipality), this legal provision was one of the main reasons for the first case of insolvency of photovoltaic industry producers. • The economic-financial crisis made it difficult for the renewable energy industry to implement the EU provisions, because the generous subsidiaries earmarked to the photovoltaic industry were reduced, as a more stringent budgetary discipline was being imposed (Ghani-Eneland and Chawla 2009). The trade conflicts between China and the EU multiplied the negative impact of the financial-economic crisis and the photovoltaic projects became unprofitable (Zhao et al. 2011; Berger et al. 2012). These driving forces act in a very complex way, distinctively different at local, national, EU and non-EU levels (Figure 2). 3 Methods To achieve the aims of this study both qualitative and quantitative methods were used (e.g. field investigation, official public statistical documents analysis and interviews (Chelcea 2006; §andor 2011). The multi-functionality of economy, the issues related to land use and land cover changes and the effects of initial investment in photovoltaic parks on the local budgets were accomplished by using the following indicators: number of photovoltaic energy producers, percentage of farmland covered with photovoltaic parks per total agricultural surface, obtained by an unobtrusive research method, studying official public documents and statistical documents (Babbie 1998; Marshall and Gretchen 2016). The sources of these Figure 2: The economic, financial and legislative background of the solar energy industry and the socio-economic changes at local territorial level in Romania. p p. 42 41 Content by: Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu Diagram by: Irena Mocanu, Mihaela Persu ! 2016, Romanian Academi, Institute of Geography Legend Impact of the general context »] Low impact | ► | Very strong impact |-»>| Strong impact Very low impact Impact of the specific context ->| Positive impact |Q ->| Negative impact c n Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 official documents were county and local institutions (Giurgiu County Statistics Office, Giurgiu County Environment Protection Agency, and mayoralties) and national institutions, such as National Institute of Statistics and the National Regulatory Authority for Energy. Also, it was used the Intelligent decision support system for the low voltage grid with distributed power generation from renewable energy resources - InDeSen Project database (Intelligent decision... 2012). The official and statistical data were completed with the results of field investigation in the rural settlements of Stane^ti, Malu and Izvoarele. The interviews were conducted with a total of 30 persons from the three mayoralties during summer 2014. The interviews focused on four issues: land-use and land-cover changes, new jobs, consequences for the local budget (types of taxes) and the community's perception. 4 Results Field investigation has shown the main socio-economic effects of photovoltaic park implantation in a rural area, namely: • new investments in local economy; • loss of farmland; • growth of local budgets; • new job opportunities. 4.1 New investments in local economy In Giurgiu County, since 2012 new investments in the photovoltaic energy industry have diversified the county's economic profile and have increased the number of companies involved in this field (National Regulatory... 2014). According to the data provided by National Regulatory Authority for Energy (National Regulatory... 2014) and the InDeSen Project database (Intelligent decision ... 2012), there are 25 photovoltaic energy producers in Giurgiu County which are operating in 19 rural LAU2 and in Giurgiu Municipality. The largest photovoltaic parks were setting up in Buc^ani, Coliba^i, Izvoarele and Bulbucata rural LAU2. In 2012, the Altius Photovoltaic Company (Bomax Group) began producing photovoltaic panels in Giurgiu Free Zone area, following an investment of 8 million Euros. It is the only manufacturer of photovoltaic panels in Romania. The Company doubled its production capacity to 220,000-230,000 panels/year in 2014 (Altius ... 2016) (Figure 3). Table 1: The main characteristics of the six photovoltaic parks at Izvoarele, Malu and Stanejti (Giurgiu County Agency... 2014). Investor Location Station of connection Installed power (MW) Distribution company Surface (ha) S.C. BORRA ENERGY PLANT SRL Izvoarele Ghizdaru 110/20 kV 30 Enel Distributie Muntenia 72 S.C. LJG GREEN SOURCE ENERGY BETE SRL Izvoarele Ghizdaru-Videle 110kV 20 Enel Distributie Muntenia 48 S.C. LJG GREEN SOURCE ENERGY GAMMA SRL Izvoarele Ghizdaru-Videle 110 kV 50 Enel Distributie Muntenia 120 S.C. ECO TRADING ENERGY SRL Malu Pietriju 110/20 kV 4 Enel Distributie Muntenia 9.6 S.C. LONG BRIDGE MILENIUM SRL Stanejti Ghizdaru 110/20 kV 7.5 Transelectrica 18 S.C. MONTANA ENERGY ROM SRL Stanejti Ghizdaru 110/20 kV 5.5 Enel Distributie Muntenia 13.2 43 Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu, Socio-economic impact of photovoltaic park: The Giurgiu County rural area ... 4.2 Loss of farmland In the Giurgiu County, agricultural land is the main land-use category (75-90% of total land fund). In terms of land use and land cover, the photovoltaic parks studied lay on very valuable arable land (Balteanu et al. 2006), the three photovoltaic parks at Izvoarele occupy 240 ha of farmland with almost 470,000 solar panels. Compared with these large photovoltaic parks, the two parks at Stane^ti cover with photovoltaic Content by: Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu Map by: Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu Source: National Regulatory Authority for Energy, InDeSen Project data-base, 2013 © 2016, Romanian Academy, Institue of Geography Legend Photovoltaic energy producers (number) 1-2 3-4 6 Case-study No photovoltaic park Installed power (MW) O 0.8-49 £ 50-99 0 100-199 ^fc 200-250 12 km Figure 3: Photovoltaic energy producers in Giurgiu County. Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 panels only 30 ha farmland; the photovoltaic park at Malu is built on 9.6 ha of non-agricultural land (19,000 solar panels) (Mocanu, Mitrica and Persu 2015). Our field investigation revealed that farmland areas used for the construction of photovoltaic parks were bought from local farmers (Izvoarele) at prices of2,000 €/ha, and 1,300 €/ha (Stane^ti), or conceded for 500€/ha/year (Izvoarele). Loss of farmland can be described by the percentage of farmland covered with photovoltaic parks per total agricultural surface, the highest losses being registered at Coliba^i (13.08%). In our case-study, photovoltaic parks occupy small farmland at Stane^ti (0.47%) and Izvoarele (2.16%), while the photovoltaic park at Malu extends on non-farming land. As revealed by the field investigation, in Izvoarele and Stane^ti, the main land cover category changed by the construction of photovoltaic parks is represented by cultivated areas regularly ploughed and generally under a rotation system (Mocanu, Mitrica and Persu 2015). 4.3 Growth of local budgets Field investigations have shown positive impact of initial photovoltaic parks investments on the local budgets. Interviewing the local authorities from Izvoarele, Stane^ti and Malu we found that the taxes perceived by the mayoralties target the land concession for the setting up of photovoltaic parks, the land sale to investors for setting up solar projects, the building licenses, tax on land, tax on special buildings and a special tax on the installed operation power of each solar project (Figure 4). This type of revenue had a positive impact only if consistently paid annually during the lifetime of a photovoltaic park. 4.4 New job opportunities - a disputable socio-economic impact Investment in a photovoltaic project stimulates new temporary and permanent jobs, directly connected with the building and operation of a solar park and indirectly with other economic activities produced by the initial investment (Figure 5). Investment in solar park + Taxes for \__) acquisition , _ Land building ■' j | transaction approval v_.' taxes budget ; Duty _'••......•••'_ on land _ Duty on according with GD 2 no. 139/2004 special buildings tax share is 1.5% Content by: Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu Diagram by: Irena Mocanu © 2016, Romanian Academy, Institute of Geography Figure 4: Local investments in solar/photovoltaic parks and the surplus to local budgets. 45 Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrica, Mihaela Persu, Socio-economic impact of photovoltaic park: The Giurgiu County rural area . Figure 5: Local investments in photovoltaic parks and new job opportunities. Field investigations revealed that most new jobs had only a temporary character (during the construction of solar parks), most lower- and medium-skill jobs being occupied by local community members. Thus, for the construction of photovoltaic parks at Izvoarele they employed 50 workers for a period of 12-18 months (depending on the spatial expansion of the park), the building of the Malu photovoltaic park provided j obs for 20 workers over an eight-month interval. Permanent jobs are scheduled for the maintenance of park grounds (mowing the lawn and up-keeping the road), of photovoltaic panels and the entire specific infrastructure, as well as guards for park protection. At local level, the impact on labour employment is insignificant (2.6% workers employed for the construction of photovoltaic parks out a total of 1,903 employed in Izvoarele), more people getting jobs (usually unskilled labour) when the site is arranged for mounting the photovoltaic panels and the infrastructure is developed. Only a few guards are employed when the photovoltaic park is operating. The firms entrusted the administration of photovoltaic parks at Izvoarele and Malu are the clients of the Renovatio Assest Management firm in Bucharest, therefore the impact on local employment is nil. 5 Disscussion Both, the authorities and the population were content with the construction of the photovoltaic parks which brought benefits to the local budget and provided jobs for the locals. The big photovoltaic projects in Giurgiu County had disputable positive impact on rural development. A short-time positive impact is visible only in the case of low- and medium-skilled workers, and also a positive effect is marked only when, and if, taxes and duties are collected. 46 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 At the local level, positive impact on the economy of photovoltaic park implantation is strongly underlined by the local authorities, and the locals' general opinion on solar park is a very good one. Local economy has a multi-functional character only from two viewpoints: firstly, photovoltaic energy actors have joined the economic agents in agriculture and secondly, some farmland has been given other uses, than agricultural. This last aspect of multi-functionality is not necessarily a positive one. The surplus to local budgets is used to finance several investment projects, e.g. updating some communal roads, equipping and modernising the school and finalising the network of water supply to the households of Radu Voda Village (Izvoarele). According to Malu Mayoralty, the photovoltaic park provides for the energy consumption of the school, the House of Culture and for public lighting. Among negative effects of solar project setting up in the rural area (of which are mentioned by Cameron et al. 2012 the temperature and rainfall distribution changes and the damage of biodiversity and soil), we would recall the loss of farmland. This issue was mentioned as a negative effect of solar parks setting up by Hernandez, Ho and Field (2014) and Hernandez et al. (2015). The photovoltaic parks in Izvoarele and Stane^ti cover almost 271 ha farmland, but this negative effect was not mentioned by the local authorities simply because this impact was not being perceived. According to the officials of the National Regulatory Authority for Energy, the lack of co-ordination between renewable energy deployment and the national grid (due to oversized photovoltaic projects) is quite a problem. However, the local authorities interviewed by us did not mention the surplus of renewable energy resources registered by the rural areas in which solar parks are places. The photovoltaic parks studied are not functionally integrated into the local communities (according to OECD 2012), because their scale did not reflect local opportunities and the parks are not conceived to serve local demand; moreover do not reflect the local socio-economic and are not managed by the local networks either. Field investigations revealed that the local communities are not aware of the negative implications of photovoltaic parks for the environment and their unintended climatic consequences, so that the fastgoing development of photovoltaic projects takes advantage of people's ignorance, the of investors's short-term goal being to profit from the legal facilities provided by an investment in the renewable energy industry. 6 Conclusion Despite the dynamics of renewable industry and technology, we noticed that building a photovoltaic park has both negative and positive effects in a rural area, being influenced (even conditioned) by the local context. 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DOI: UDC: 550.348.435(497.4) COBISS: 1.01 The size of the area affected by earthquake induced rockfalls: Comparison of the 1998 Krn Mountains (NW Slovenia) earthquake (Mw 5.6) with worldwide data ABSTRACT: The 1998 Krn Mountains Mw 5.6 earthquake had widespread effects on the natural environment, among which rockfalls prevail. All rockfalls were evaluated to estimate the total affected area. The 180 km2 area (r=7.6 km) was established and compared with two worldwide datasets. The affected area is considerably below the upper bound limit established from both datasets. The same is valid for the nearby 1976 Friuli Mw 6.4 earthquake with a 2050km2 affected area. However, comparison with the ESI 2007 scale definitions has shown that the area affected by the 1998 Imax VII-VIII event is significantly larger than the one proposed by this scale, but smaller for the 1976 Imax X event. This could not be explained by differences in hypocentral depth or focal mechanisms of both events. The results of the study have implications for seismic hazard assessment and for understanding environmental effects caused by moderate earthquakes in mountain regions. KEY WORDS: earthquake effects, intensity, rockfall, macroseismic investigations, Environmental Seismic Intensity scale, Krn Mountains, Slovenia Velikost območja pojavljanja skalnih podorov zaradi potresa: primerjava potresa Mw 5,6 leta 1998 v Krnskem pogorju (SZ Slovenija) s svetovnimi podatki POVZETEK: Potres leta 1998 v Krnskem pogorju z Mw 5,6 je imel obsežne učinke v naravnem okolju, med katerimi so prevladovali skalni podori. Vse podore smo raziskali z namenom ocene velikosti celotnega območja pojavljanja. Ugotovili smo 80 km2 veliko območje (r = 7.6 km) in ga primerjali z dvema svetovnima zbirkama podatkov. Celotno prizadeto območje ob Krnskem potresu je znatno manjše od zgornje meje pojavljanja ugotovljene za obe zbirki. Enako velja za bližnji potres leta 1976 v Furlaniji z Mw 6,4, pri katerem je bila velikost prizadetega območja 2050 km2. Po drugi strani pa je primerjava z ESI 2007 pokazala, da je celotno prizadeto območje ob potresu leta 1998 z Imax VII-VIII izrazito večje od opredelitve v tej letvici in manjše za potres leta 1976 z Imax X. Te razlike ni mogoče pojasniti z razliko v globini žarišča ali razliko v žariščnem mehanizmu obeh potresov. Rezultati te študije so pomembni za ocenjevanje potresne nevarnosti in za razumevanje učinkov na okolje pri srednje močnih potresih v goratih območjih. KLJUČNE BESEDE: učinki potresa, intenziteta, skalni podor, makroseizmične raziskave, lestvica Environmental Seismic Intensity, Krnsko pogorje, Slovenija Andrej Gosar Slovenian Environment Agency, Seismology and Geology Office and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering The article was submitted for publication on January 4th, 2017. Uredništvo je prejelo prispevek 4. januarja 2017. 52 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 1 Introduction Earthquakes have long been recognized as an important trigger of slope movements in areas with pronounced topography. For some earthquakes, especially in Asia and Latin America, they have more dramatic consequences than ground shaking itself, through damming narrow valleys (e.g. Komac and Zorn 2016) or burying complete settlements (Guerrieri and Vittori 2007). In areas with unfavourable geomorphic and geologic settings landslides or rockfalls can become a primary source of damage and death toll. For example, in the Peruvian earthquake in 1970, almost half of the 54,000 fatalities were due to an immense landslide that descended from Nevado Huascaran, burying two villages (Reiter 1990). In spite of their geomorphic and economic significance, earthquake-induced slope movements are still poorly understood, especially how do the number, size and distribution of landslides or rockfalls depend on the magnitude and intensity. For hazard assessment, it is necessary to establish correlations between seismic ground shaking and landslides or rockfalls in different geological, topographical, and climatic conditions. One of the first systematic studies was done by Keefer (1984) who analysed 40 strong historical earthquakes distributed worldwide in the period 1811-1980 with the magnitude range of 5.2-9.5 in order to determine the characteristics, geological environments, and hazards of slope movements. He identified 14 types of slope movements and found out that rockfalls, disrupted soil slides, and rock slides were the most common. Correlations between earthquake magnitude and slope movements distribution show that the maximum affected area increases from approximately 0 km2 at M = 4.0 to 500.000 km2 at M = 9.2. Keefer also discovered that each type of earthquake-induced slope movement occurs in a particular geological environment. The work of Keefer (1984) was extended by Rodriguez, Boomer, and Chandler (1999) who studied additional 36 earthquakes in the magnitude range of 5.4-7.8 which occurred between 1980 and 1997 and compared the results of both studies. Their correlation between earthquake magnitude and the total area affected by slope movements differs somewhat from Keefer's. For the intermediate magnitude range of 5.4-7.0, a modified relation was suggested. However, the scatter of data from which the correlation was derived was greater than that found by Keefer. Both studies analysed the world's largest earthquakes with relatively few examples of weaker events in the magnitude range of 5.2-6.0 or intensities smaller than VII. However, recent studies in Spain have shown that landslides also resulted from lower magnitude (Mw<5.0) earthquakes (Delgado et al. 2011). They were observed at greater distances (> 10 km) in comparison to previous studies. Another study of a M 4.7 earthquake with the Imax V EMS-98 in central Spain (Delgado et al. 2015) has shown that this event triggered many small rockfalls at distances of 20-30 km from the epicentre. Weak ground-motion attenuation was identified as the most probable reason for occurrence of slope instability at large distances. Maximum epi-central distance of landslide occurrence and the total affected area were both far above the upper bound curves derived by Keefer (1984) or Rodriguez, Boomer, and Chandler (1999). Identification of variations in ground-motion attenuation or areas which are especially prone to slope movements due to geological setting is important for realistic seismic hazard assessment in problematic areas (Papanikolaou 2011). Various macroseismic scales developed during the 20th century (MCS, MSK, MM, EMS-98) only partly included the effects of earthquakes on the natural environment. But recent studies offered new evidence that coseismic environmental effects (e.g. Komac 2015) provide precious information on the earthquake intensity field, complementing the damage-based macroseismic scales. Therefore, the definition of the higher intensity degrees can effectively take advantage of the diagnostic characteristics of the environmental effects (Guerrieri and Vittori 2007). The EMS-98 scale, which is predominantly used in Europe, considers four categories (Grunthal 1998): the effect on humans and objects, as well as the damage to buildings and the natural environment. However, environmental effects are only briefly described. The main problem is that the same phenomenon is attributed to a very wide range of intensity degrees, which prevents its practical application. In 2007, the ESI 2007 was introduced as a scale based only on the effects on the natural environment (Guerrieri and Vittori 2007). According to this scale, secondary effects induced by the ground shaking include ground cracks, slope movements, liquefaction, anomalous waves, and hydrogeological anomalies. The ESI 2007 describes each type's characteristics and size (volume) as a diagnostic feature in a range of intensity degrees. One of the diagnostic characteristics for intensities higher than VI is also the total affected area (Table 1). 53 Andrej Gosar, The size of the area affected by earthquake induced rockfalls: Comparison of the 1998 Km Mountains ... Table 1: Extraction from the ESI 2007 scale with a description of slope movements characteristic for each intensity degree (after Guerrieri and Vittori 2007). Intensity Slope movements Total affected area IV Largely observed Exceptionally, rocks may fall and small landslide may be (re)activated, along slopes where the equilibrium is already near the limit state, e.g. steep slopes and cuts, with loose and generally saturated soil. - V Strong Rare small rockfalls, rotational landslides and slump earth flows may take place, along often but not necessarily steep slopes where equilibrium is near the limit state, mainly loose deposits and saturated soil. VI Slightly damaging Rockfalls and landslides with volume reaching ca. 103 m3 can take place, especially where equilibrium is near the limit state, e.g. steep slopes and cuts, with loose saturated soil, or highly weathered/ fractured rocks. VII Damaging Scattered landslides occur in prone areas, where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose/saturated soils), while modest rockfalls are common on steep gorges, cliffs). Their size is sometimes significant (103-105 m3); in dry sand, sand-clay, and clay soil, the volumes are usually up to 100 m3. 10 km2 VIII Heavily damaging Small to moderate (103-105m3) landslides are widespread in prone areas; rarely they can occur also on gentle slopes; where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose/saturated soils; rockfalls on steep gorges, coastal cliffs) their size is sometimes large (105-106 m3). 100 km2 IX Destructive Landsliding is widespread in prone areas, also on gentle slopes; where equilibrium is unstable (steep slopes of loose/saturated soils; rockfalls on steep gorges, coastal cliffs) their size is frequently large (105 m3), sometimes very large (106 m3). 1,000 km2 X Very destructive Large landslides and rockfalls (>105-106m3) are frequent, practically regardless of equilibrium state of slopes, causing temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments, and sides of excavations typically collapse. 5,000 km2 XI Devastating Large landslides and rockfalls (>105-106m3) are frequent, practically regardless of equilibrium state of slopes, causing many temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments, and sides of excavations typically collapse. Significant landslides can occur even at 200-300km distance from the epicenter. 10,000 km2 XII Completely devastating Large landslides and rockfalls (>105-106m3) are frequent, practically regardless to equilibrium state of the slopes, causing many temporary or permanent barrier lakes. River banks, artificial embankments, and sides of excavations typically collapse. Significant landslides can occur at more than 200-300 km distance from the epicenter. 50,000 km2 The 12 April 1998 earthquake in Krn Mountains (Figures 1 and 2) had prominent effects on the natural environment, mainly expressed as massive rockfalls. The earthquake magnitude (Mw) was 5.6 and its Imaxwas VII-VIII EMS-98 (Zupančič et al. 2001). It caused severe damage to buildings in the Upper Soča valley but no casualties. Some of its effects have already been discussed in this journal (e.g. Zorn 2002). The affected area is predominantly a sparsely inhabited mountainous environment. The application of the EMS-98 scale for intensity assessment was therefore limited to only a few settlements in the epicentral area. There was an early attempt to also use environmental effects to assess the intensities using the EMS-98 scale (Vidrih, Ribičič, and Suhadolc 2001), but it was determined that this scale is not sufficiently detailed in descriptions of effects characteristic for particular intensity degrees. After the ESI 2007 was presented, Gosar (2012) performed a study aimed to evaluate its applicability to this event. It was proved that the ESI 2007 can be successfully applied in the epicentral area to supplement the EMS-98 scale for intensity assessment, although the ESI 2007 is mainly aimed to evaluate much stronger earthquakes. The 1998 earthquake, an event with a relatively moderate magnitude, was not expected to cause such a large number of rockfalls, including some large and very large ones. Since the damage was concentrated mainly to buildings with poor seismic design (Komac, Zorn, and Kušar 2012) or to areas with pronounced site effects (Gosar 2007), rockfalls were the most prominent characteristic of this event (Vidrih and Ribičič 1998). It is therefore a challenge to compare the extent of environmental effects with other earthquakes worldwide and especially with the nearby 1976 Friuli Mw 6.4 earthquake. The latter occurred 35 km to the West in NE Italy (Aoudia et al. 2000; Carulli and Slejko 2005) in mountains with a similar geological setting (Govi and Sorzana 1977). Since the type of environmental effects depends largely on the geological setting (for 54 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 example landslides prevail in looser rocks and rockfalls in harder rocks), one of the possibilities for comparison included in the ESI 2007 scale is the size of the total affected area. The aim of this study was therefore to compare the total affected area of the 1998 earthquake with available data from worldwide studies to see if this earthquake deviates from established relationships between the magnitude or maximum intensity of the event and the total area affected by slope movements. 2 Methods The extensive effects of the 1998 earthquake on the natural environment were spread over a large area and therefore required a systematic approach in data collection and analysis. Soon after the earthquake occurred it became apparent that rockfalls were the most frequent phenomenon and the only one spread over the total affected area (Vidrih and Ribičič 1998). A systematic approach was particularly important because the wider epicentral area is situated in high mountains, where access roads are only available in certain valleys. Data collection and analysis were therefore based on a combination of field surveys and analyses of aerial photographs. Rockfalls and landslides were surveyed in the field in the months following the earthquake and a database of rockfalls was prepared. A regular aerial photography survey of the NW part of Slovenia was carried out in July 1998, just three months after the earthquake, which was very useful for this study. Rockfalls were clearly visible on these images because the newly exposed surfaces or rock debris and blocks were still fresh, before lichens and vegetation started to change their surfaces. Stereo pairs of aerial images were analysed using stereo glasses while Digital Ortho Photos were analysed with GIS software. Quantitative assessment of the rockfall and landslide size (volume) is important for the application of various criteria in the ESI 2007 scale, but not so much for the assessment of the total affected area. For landslides this is normally easier, because it is possible to measure the area and estimate the average thickness of the landslide body. Rockfalls are much more irregular than landslides, which is why estimation of their volume is usually more difficult and requires more experience. Krn Mountains are built of Mesozoic carbonates, predominantly of Upper Triassic limestones and dolomites (Zupančič et al. 2001). The area 55 Andrej Gosar, The size of the area affected by earthquake induced rockfalls: Comparison of the 1998 Km Mountains ... is cut by several faults which extend mainly in the NW-SE direction. In general the rocks are highly fractured, loose, and prone to slope movements. 3 Rockfalls induced by the 12th April 1998 earthquake Detailed investigations showed that the earthquake caused at least 78 rockfalls (Figure 2). These were classified into five groups according to their estimated volume (Table 2). The distribution of very small rockfalls, which predominate in number (53), is quite uneven. On the other hand, medium to very large rockfalls are clearly distributed in a zone approximately 5 km wide and 9 km long, which extends in a NW-SE direction, along the seismogenic Ravne fault (Figure 2). The termination of rockfalls occurrence is very sharp to the SE of the epicentre, in the Tolminka valley, but more gradual to the NW, W, and N. The strong motion data inversion revealed that the Ravne fault ruptured in a length of 12 km between the Bovec basin and the Tolminka valley (Bajc et al. 2001). The majority ofthe medium, large, and very large rockfalls occurred along the same segment. Table 2: Distribution of rockfalls caused by 12 April 1998 earthquake according to their size. Size of rockfall Estimated volume (m3) Number Very small 102 53 Small 103 13 Medium 104 6 Large 105 4 Very large >106 2 Legend Rockfall size very small ! small • medium ! large ! very large 1998 Mw=5.6 A Content by: Andrej Gosar Map by: Andrej Gosar Source: ARSO, GURS, 2017 © Slovenian Environment Agency T~ Figure 2: Locations of rockfalls in the Upper Soca valley caused by the 12 April 1998 earthquake with a contour of the total affected area (blue dashed line) and the trace of the seismogenic fault (red dashed line). Figure 3: Larger rockfalls in Krn Mountains: a) Osojnica in Tolminka valley, b) Krn and Krncica, c) Veliki Smohor, d) Skril in Lepena valley. p 56 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 57 Andrej Gosar, The size of the area affected by earthquake induced rockfalls: Comparison of the 1998 Km Mountains ... The largest rockfall occurred on Veliki Lemez in the Lepena valley. Its volume was estimated as 15x106m3 by comparing two digital elevation models which show the topography of the area before and after the earthquake. The second largest rockfall with the estimated volume of 3 x 106 m3 occurred on Osojnica Mountain above the Tolminka valley (Figure 3a). Four rockfalls were classified as large. On the slopes of Krn and Krncica Mountains several massive planar rockslides occurred (Figure 3b), developed along cracks or bedding planes within limestone dipping downslope. The Skril rockfall (Figure 3d) is a typical example of a wedge-shaped rockslide (Vidrih 2008). There were six rockfalls of medium size. An example is the Veliki Smohor rockfall (Figure 3c), where the top of the mountain collapsed even though the slope is not very steep. 4 Comparison of the total area affected by rockfalls induced by the 1998 earthquake with worldwide data and the ESI 2007 intensity scale Figure 2 shows the distribution of all 78 rockfalls classified according to their volume. The density of rockfalls over the affected area is quite uneven, depending on the spatial distribution of slope failure prone areas. On average there were three rockfalls per km2, but the number ranges from one rockfall at larger distances from the epicentre to more than five rockfalls per km2 in the closest epicentral area. A detailed analysis has Moment magnitude (Mw) Keefer (1984) •• • Keefer (1984) - data Rodriguez, Boomer • • • Rodriguez, Boomer and and Chandler (1999) Chandler (1999) - data Figure 4: The area affected by rockfalls or landslides as a function of earthquake magnitude for 40 events which occurred worldwide in 1811-1980 (Keefer 1984) and 36 events in 1980-1997 (Rodriguez, Boomer and Chandler 1999), and the data for the 1976 Friuli and 1998 Krn Mountains earthquakes. The solid line is the upper bound determined by Keefer (1984) and the dashed line is the one determined by Rodriguez, Boomer, and Chandler (1999). 58 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 shown that all very small rockfalls (102 m3) cannot reliably determine the total affected area because some of them occurred quite far from other observed phenomena. Such examples are the very small rock slides that occurred in the westernmost part of the investigated area (Figure 2). Therefore, we decided to draw a contour which delimits the total affected area as a limit of continuous (nearly spaced) observations of rockfalls which includes all small (103 m3) and large (105 m3) rockfalls (Figure 2), missing only a few very small ones. The area is nearly circular with a radius of approximately 7.6 km and a size of 180 km2. As already mentioned, the distribution of medium, large, and very large rockfalls clearly shows an elongated shape along the strike of the seismogenic Ravne fault (NW-SE) terminating sharply in the SE. The distribution of small and very small rockfalls is more uniform, with fewer observed occurrences only in the eastern part, characterized by karstified surfaces and less prominent topography and thus less prone to slope failures. The obtained results were first compared with the 1976 Friuli Mw 6.4 earthquake for which Govi and Sorzana (1977) made a detailed evaluation of slope movements based on aerial photo interpretation and field mapping. They discovered that photo interpretation is a very effective method, that rockfalls occurred mainly in places where they had already occurred in the past, and that the weakening of rocks by tectonic fracturing is an important factor for rockfall distribution. However, this study does not include a map of rockfall distribution. The total affected area was estimated by Keefer (1984), based on studies of Ambraseys (1976) and Govi (1977), to be 2050 km2 large. This corresponds to a circle with r = 25.5 km. A significantly stronger earthquake in a geologically similar area where Mesozoic carbonates prevail resulted in the considerably larger affected area, as expected (Govi and Sorzana 1977). The results of the 1998 earthquake were then compared with the results for worldwide datasets, and established relations for the upper bound limit in the relation between the total affected area and earthquake magnitude according to Keefer (1984) and Rodriguez, Boomer, and Chandler (1999). Even though rockfalls were the most prominent and widespread phenomenon of this earthquake, the total affected area (180 km2) is still much smaller than the established upper bound limits (Figure 4). For the Mw 5.6 earthquake the upper bound limit of the affected area is 430 km2 according to Keefer (1984) and 880 km2 according to Rodriguez, Boomer, and Chandler (1999). Comparison of the relation between the total affected area and the macroseismic intensity using the ESI 2007 scale has shown that the area affected by the 1998 earthquake with Imax VII-VIII significantly exceeds the value expected from the ESI 2007 scale (Figure 5). According to the ESl 2007 an area of about 30km2 is expected at this intensity, interpolated between 10km2 at intensity VII and 100km2 at intensity VIII (Table 1, Figure 5). On the other hand, the area of 2050 km2 affected by the 1976 earthquake with Imax X (Giorgetti 1976) is lower than the value expected from the ESI 2007, which assigns a total affected area of 5000 km2 to intensity X (Table 1, Figure 5). The affected area depends not only on the magnitude of the earthquake but also on its hypocentral depth. When comparing the 1998 and the 1976 earthquakes, the difference in hypocentral depth is minimal, namely 7.6km for the former and 6km for the latter. For the Friuli event the focal depth was first estimated at 25 km (Console 1976) due to the large distance from the epicentre to the nearest seismic station in Trieste. However, the relocation study of Aoudia et al. (2000) estimates it at 6 km. The second parameter which can affect the shape and size of the affected area is the focal mechanism which influences the radiation of seismic energy from the source. It was a reverse one (a W-E trending fault) for the Friuli event (Console 1976) and almost a pure dextral strike-slip (a NW-SE trending fault) for the Krn Mountains event (Zupančič et al. 2001). The elongated shape of the area affected by medium to very large rockfalls in Krn Mountains is related to the direction of the strike-slip fault, but the total affected area seems to be more or less circular (Figure 2). 5 Conclusion Although the 1998 Krn Mountains earthquake was an event with a relatively moderate magnitude (Mw 5.6), it had prominent and widespread environmental effects expressed mainly as rockfalls of different sizes. Nevertheless, comparison of the total affected area of 180 km2 with established relations for worldwide datasets of mainly stronger earthquakes has shown that this area is still considerably below the upper bound limit determined by Keefer (1984) and Rodriguez, Boomer, and Chandler (1999). The same is true for the 1976 Friuli Mw 6.4 earthquake which had a total affected area of2050 km2. However, comparison with the ESI 2007 59 Andrej Gosar, The size of the area affected by earthquake induced rockfalls: Comparison of the 1998 Km Mountains ... Macroseismic intensity (EMS-98) Figure 5: The area affected by earthquake environmental effects as a function of maximum intensity according to the ESI 2007 scale (Guerrieri and Vittori 2007) and the data for the 1976 Friuli and 1998 Krn Mountains earthquakes. scale has shown that the total affected area in the Krn Mountains earthquake is significantly larger than what this scale proposes for an Imax VII-VIII event. For the Friuli Imax X earthquake, the affected area is much lower than expected from the ESI 2007 scale. This difference could not be explained by diffeences in hypocen-tral depth or focal mechanisms of the two earthquakes. The results of this study have implications for realistic seismic hazard assessment - identification of slower ground-motion attenuation or areas prone to slope movements due to geological setting. They also provide insight into environmental seismic effects caused by moderate magnitude earthquakes in mountain regions, built of carbonate rocks prone to slope failures. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The study was realized with the support of the research program P1-0011 financed by the Slovenian Research Agency. The author is grateful to Mihael Ribičič, Marko Kočevar, and Tomaž Beguš for their contribution in field documentation of rockfalls. 6 References Ambraseys, N. N. 1976: The Gemona di Friuli earthquake of 6 May 1976 UNESCO Technical Report RP 1975-76. Paris. ARSO 2017: Database of earthquake induced rockfalls in Krn Mountains. Ljubljana Aoudia, A., Sarao', A., Bukchin, B., Suhadolc, P. 2000: The Friuli 1976 event: a reappraisal 23 years later. Geophysical Research Letters 27-4. 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DOI: 61 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019, 63-116 LAND-USE CHANGES IN SLOVENIA FROM THE FRANCISCEAN CADASTER UNTIL TODAY Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer Extensification of agriculture and afforestation in Kanomlja Valley in the Alpine region. Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer, Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today DOI: UDC: 911:711.14(497.4)"18/20" COBISS: 1.01 Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today ABSTRACT: The Franciscean Cadaster from the first half of the nineteenth century is an excellent source for studying land use and its changes. However, to date it has only rarely been used in geographical and historical research at the regional or national level. Setting up a digital database of land use recorded in the Franciscean Cadaster at the level of cadastral municipalities covering all of Slovenia and incorporating it into a geographic information system has provided an opportunity for detailed studies of land-use changes spanning two centuries. This article presents the first analyses of changes in individual land-use types and the typology of changes across two centuries. KEY WORDS: geography, land-use, land-cover, Stable Cadaster, Central Europe Spremembe rabe zemljišč v Sloveniji od franciscejskega katastra do danes POVZETEK: Franciscejski kataster iz prve polovice 19. stoletja je odličen vir za preučevanje rabe zemljišč in njenih sprememb. Kljub temu je bil doslej v geografskih in zgodovinskih znanstvenih razpravah redko uporabljen za raziskave na regionalni ali državni ravni. Z vzpostavitvijo podatkovne baze o rabi zemljišč franciscejskega katastra na ravni katastrskih občin za ozemlje celotne Slovenije v digitalni obliki in njeno vključitvijo v geografski informacijski sistem se odpirajo možnosti poglobljenih študij sprememb rabe zemljišč v časovnem razponu dveh stoletjih. V prispevku so prikazane prve analize sprememb posameznih vrst rabe in tipologija sprememb v obdobju dveh stoletij. KLJUČNE BESEDE: geografija, raba zemljišč, pokrovnost zemljišč, stabilni kataster, Srednja Evropa Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, The paper was submitted for publication on January 21st, 2017. Uredništvo je prejelo prispevek 21. januarja 2017. 64 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 1 Introduction A high-quality set of land-use data spanning two centuries is available for the territory of the former Austrian monarchy in central Europe. The Franciscean or Stable cadaster from the first half of the nineteenth century is unique in the world because, in addition to written records, it also includes 1:2,880 cadastral maps showing land use (Bičik et al. 2015). The majority of Slovenian territory was covered in the cadaster as early as in the 1820s, with the exception of Prekmurje, which belonged to the Hungarian part of the monarchy and was included in the cadaster around 1860 (Petek and Urbanc 2004). Land use in the Franciscean Cadaster was elaborately inventoried for the needs ofthe tax administration (Jeleček 2006). The nineteenth-century cadaster has been used (with certain modifications) until the present regardless of political changes, which makes it possible to compile a high-quality land-use database, incorporate it into a geographic information system, and determine the factors influencing land-use changes (Harvey, Kaim and Gajda 2014). Land-use changes are influenced by many interdependent factors arising from the relationship between people and their needs on the one hand, and the environment and its characteristics on the other. Changes in this relationship occur in various times and places, depending on how the society is organized and connected with the environment (Briassoulis 2000; Lambin and Geist 2006). In the nineteenth century, differences in the processes related to land-use changes in Austria-Hungary were largely connected with different natural conditions, whereas in the twentieth century they were largely the result of different political systems in the newly established countries. Hence, because of the reliable data available and the differences in the natural and social conditions, this territory is a perfect laboratory for exploring land-use changes. Even though the Franciscean Cadaster is one of the most important historical sources, until recently it was overlooked in scholarly research; this was especially true of its written part (Drobesch 2013b). The graphic part was often used because its large scale (1:2,880) allows detailed analyses of factors influencing local land-use changes. These types of studies conducted in Slovenia, including many bachelor's theses (Gabrovec 1995; Petek and Urbanc 2004; Domijan 2006; Urbanc 2009; Erjavec 2009; Božič 2010; Paušič and Čarni 2012; Prelog 2013; Verderber 2013; Ažman Momirski and Gabrovec 2014; Golob 2014; Šmid Hribar 2016), and in the Czechia (Rašin and Chromy 2010; Bičik, Kupkova and Štych 2012; Štych et al. 2012) facilitated the interpretation of these processes at the national level. Outside central Europe, a larger set of high-quality cadastral maps is available in Sweden, where land-use changes spanning three hundred years were examined in a 6 km2 study area (Cousins 2001). The written part was first used at the national level by Czech geographers, who created a land-use database covering the period from the mid-nineteenth century to 2010 and used it to study the factors influencing land-use changes (Bičik, Jeleček and Štepanek 2001; Bičik et al. 2015). In Austria, the Franciscean Cadaster data were used by Krausmann (2001; 2006) in his articles on factors affecting land-use changes, but he only explored them at the national level and partly at the level of municipalities. Historians prepared a comprehensive publication and analysis ofthe cadaster's material for Austrian Carinthia (Drobesch 2013a; Rumpler 2013) and Bukovina (Rumpler, Scharr and Ungureanu 2015). Petek (2005a, 2005b) used the cadaster's written part in his analyses of land-use changes across the entire Slovenian Alps. This article presents new methods that can be used to compare land use in Slovenian cadastral municipalities when the Franciscean Cadaster was made and in later periods. In addition, it presents the first results of applying this method. Compared to Gabrovec and Kladnik (1997), this article examines a significantly longer period and uses different techniques in cases where the borders of the cadastral municipalities have changed. 2 Data and methods 2.1 Input data The written part of the Franciscean Cadaster was the main source for this study and was used to gather data on land use in the first half of the nineteenth century. The study used data collected at the level of cadastral municipalities. The written part of the land cadaster is presented in a table (a land-use statement) for each cadastral municipality separately, featuring the areas of individual land-use types. The spatial measures are provided in Joch and Klafter, and therefore all of the data were first converted into the metric system. The forms for Carniola, Carinthia, Styria, and part of the Littoral are provided in German and 59 Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer, Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today envisage the entry of twenty-nine land-use categories (marked green in Table 1). The surveyors also added new categories to the majority of cadastral municipalities, whereby they struck out the categories that did not appear in a given cadastral municipality and added new ones on the printed form. The most frequent categories added included meadows or pastures with trees or shrubs. The forms used for some cadastral municipalities in the Littoral region were adapted to a more detailed classification of Mediterranean crops. These tables were lost for some of the cadastral municipalities. In this case, we used the table from an assessment report prepared later, during the 1830s, in which the division of land-use categories was simpler. Based on a comparison of data in the selected cadastral municipalities for which both tables were available, we conclude that the data are comparable. In Prekmurje, which belonged to the Hungarian part of the monarchy, the cadaster was not produced until around 1860, and the form used includes forty-six land-use categories. The data for Carinthia, Carniola, Styria, and Prekmurje are kept by the Slovenian Archives (Franciscejski kataster za Koroško 1823-1869; Franciscejski kataster za Kranjsko 1823-1869; Franciscejski kataster za Štajersko 1823-1869; Kataster za Prekmurje 1858-1860), and the data for Gorizia and Istria (Catasto franceschi-no 1818-1840) are kept by the Trieste State Archives. We were only able to examine the changes in land use once we compared the land use recorded in the Franciscean Cadaster with current land use. Despite political changes, the concept of the land cadaster has not changed to this day. However, a significant change in terms of land-use data occurred in 2011 with the enforcement of a provision from the 2006 Real Estate Recording Act (Zakon o evidentiranju nepremičnin 2006) requiring that the land-use data entered in the land cadaster be taken from the Land Use data base. Therefore, the 2016 data were taken directly from the Land Use data base (Evidenca dejanske rabe... 2016). Žiberna (2013) reports that this database provides an excellent source for studying land-use changes after 2000. 2.2 Establishing comparable spatial units for land-use data from two different time periods The key problem in comparing land use in two different periods is the variable size and different borders of cadastral municipalities. Any change in their borders means that the data for different years are no longer comparable. Previous comparable studies (Kladnik 1985; Gabrovec and Kladnik 1997 for Slovenia; Bičik, Jeleček and Štepinek 2001; Bičik et al., 2015 for the Czech Republic) did not pay much attention to this issue and simply solved it by combining two or more cadastral municipalities and obtaining the least common multiple. However, with longer time intervals, comparable units become increasingly larger and increasingly less useful for comparative analyses due to their internal heterogeneity. Slovenian cadastral municipalities were established in the nineteenth century, whereby each comprised one or several villages with appertaining land (Vrišer 1987). They are considered the most stable spatial unit and they have largely retained their original size and borders until today (Gabrovec and Kladnik 1997). Our research shows that changes in this regard primarily occurred due to 1) political changes or 2) urban expansion. When political changes occurred, the new national borders often did not correspond to the borders of cadastral municipalities. On the Italian border this happened in the Breginj in 1866, when Venetian Slovenia was annexed to Italy; after the First World War it happened in Rateče and Inner Carniola between Idrija and the Croatian border, when part of Carniola was awarded to Italy; and after the Second World War this occurred in the area between the Goriška brda Hills and the Muggia/Milje Peninsula. After the First World War, the new border with Austria divided many cadastral municipalities in places where it did not run along the old provincial borders. Similarly, the new border between Hungary and Yugoslavia cut through the cadastral municipalities east of Lendava and at Domanjševci. After the Second World War, a completely new border with Croatia was established in Istria, where in some places it also did not run along the borders of the cadastral municipalities, and a similar situation occurred on the southern edge of the Gorjanci Hills in Bela krajina and along the Mura River. The expansion of cities primarily led to border changes in the central part of the country. These changes largely occurred after the Second World War. This study achieved the comparability of land-use data from two different periods by relying on the original sizes of cadastral municipalities. This is the level at which data provided in the Franciscean Cadaster were gathered, whereas data on current land use provided in the Slovenian Land Use data base (Evidenca dejanske rabe ... 2016) are gathered at the level of parcels. The latter can be converted to any spatial unit or, in this case, to the original size of cadastral municipalities. Hence, the 2016 data were depicted by area of cadastral municipalities as recorded in the early nineteenth century. The greatest challenge in doing this 67 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 was the time-consuming process of compiling a digital database of the sizes and borders of the original cadastral municipalities (Figure 1). We used the current borders for cadastral municipalities whose size has not changed significantly, and for others we adjusted the borders using 1: 115,200 index maps (Uibersichts ... 1829; Uibersichts ... 1890; Ubersichts... 1850). To some extent, we also used later index maps (e.g., Pregledna karta... 1960). In individual cases, where the border changed before these index maps were published or these were not sufficiently precise, we adjusted the border using the graphic part of the cadaster or the sketches of the borders and location of the cadastral municipalities featured in the written part of the cadaster. We edited the borders of historical cadastral municipalities using ArcGIS 10 software. Land-use statement CM sketches Index maps Q E- Oh Z a; E- ^ a; a. Digital CM, 2016 Georeferencing, digitalization Calculating devitations (allowance <10 %) Digital CMs, 1825 — CM, 1825 CM, 2016 (black lines) (red lines) Figure 1: Compiling the digital database of sizes and borders of original cadastral municipalities (CMs). 68 Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer, Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today 2.3 Achieving the comparability of land-use categories from two different time periods After we compiled the digital database, we analyzed the changes in land use. This was the first attempt at using the database compiled. The 2016 data were obtained from the Land Use data base (Evidenca dejanske rabe... 2016), where land use is presented in twenty-five categories (Interpretacijski kljuc.. .2013). The Franciscean Cadaster used a different land-use typology than today's Land Use data base, and therefore we combined the individual categories of both sources to obtain shared comparable categories (Table 1). Petek (2005a) combined land-use categories in a similar way, with the exception of extensive orchards, which he classified under grassland. The Franciscean Cadaster categorizes these orchards as meadows with fruit trees. For 1896 this category is shown together with meadows, and so in his analysis, which also included this year, Petek had no other choice but to address meadows and extensive orchards together. He combined intensive orchards with arable land, under which he also classified permanent crops. Table 1: Land-use types in the Franciscean Cadaster and the Slovenian Land Use data base (with the standard types in the Franciscean Cadaster marked green). Land Use data base Franciscean Cadaster Group of land-use types Code Land-use type Land-use type Arable land 1100 Arable land Vegetable garden Ornamental garden Arable land Arable land with chestnuts Arable land with meadows Arable land with trees Arable land with grapevines and mulberries_ Vineyard with fruit trees_ Vineyard with fruit trees and chestnut trees_ Arable land with fruit trees, grapevines, and olive trees Arable land with grapevines and olive trees_ Vineyard with olive trees_ Meadow with fruit trees and grapevines_ Meadow with grapevines_ Pasture with fruit trees and grapevines_ Pasture with grapevines and olive trees_ Pasture with grapevines_ 1221 Intensive orchard 1222 Extensive or meadow orchard Orchard Meadow with fruit trees Pasture with fruit trees Arable land with fruit trees Pasture with mulberries 1230 Olive grove Arable land with olive trees Olive grove _Pasture with olive trees 1240 Other permanent crops_-_ 69 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 Grassland 1300 Permanent grassland Meadow Pasture Mountain pasture Common pasture 1321 Swampy meadow Wet meadow Wet pasture 1800 Farmland with forest overgrowth Meadow with trees Meadow with shrubs Meadow with shrubs and trees Wet meadow with trees Pasture with trees Pasture with shrubs Pasture with shrubs and trees Pasture with chestnuts Wet pasture with trees Wet pasture with shrubs Other agricultural land 1410 Old-field succession - 1420 Forest plantation - 1500 Trees and shrubs Shrubs 1600 Uncultivated farmland Abandoned land Forest 2000 Forest Forest Deciduous forest Coniferous forest Mixed forest Young-growth forest Oak forest Willow forest Chestnut forest Riparian forest Walnut plantation 3000 Built and similar land Gravel pit Clay pit Quarry Buildings Roads 4100 Bog 4210 Reed bed Swamp with reeds Reed bed Wet meadow with reeds 4220 Other swampy land Swamp 5000 Dry, open land with specific plant cover - 6000 Open land without or with , insignificant plant cover Bare rock Gravel bed 7000 Water Rivers and creeks Lakes and ponds Salt pans Common fishing ground Sea channel Embankments (in the sea) 70 Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer, Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today 2.4 The typology of land-use changes The synthetic map of the typology of land-use changes was based on the method developed by Medved (1970), who used it to show the typology of changes between 1954 and 1967. He distinguished between the following four main processes: • Afforestation: farmland changing into forest; • Grass overgrowth: arable land changing into meadows or pastures or an increase in grassland area; • Urbanization: increase in building land for the needs of urbanization; and • Intensification: increase in the area of arable land and permanent crops. A modified version of this method was used in many studies in Slovenia and the Czech Republic (Kladnik 1985; Gabrovec and Kladnik 1997; Gabrovec, Petek and Kladnik 2001; Petek 2005a; Bicík, Kupkova and Stych 2012) because it allows a good comparison of processes in different periods. The Slovenian studies mentioned only covered the twentieth century, whereas this article compares land use in the early nineteenth century with land use in the early twenty-first century. The maps show the predominant processes in individual cadastral municipalities. The significance of each process is presented at three levels. A strong process refers to over 75% of all changes, a moderate one to 50 to 75% of all changes, and a weak one to less than half of all changes, although it is still the predominant process in the cadastral district. 3 Results Within the available space limits, this section highlights the differences in the processes of land-use changes by Slovenian regions, resulting from Slovenia's exceptional landscape diversity (Perko 1998; Perko, Hrvatin and Ciglic 2017). However, we do not explore the social-geographical factors influencing land-use changes in Slovenia by individual historical periods because these were already presented on a timeline for the period from 1800 to 2000 by Petek (2005a). Kladnik and Andric (Jepsen et al. 2015) discuss the resulting changes in land management systems. In individual historical periods, these factors were similar across all of Slovenia, except in western Slovenia, which was part of Italy during the interwar period. In the early nineteenth century, arable land covered 16% of what is now Slovenia. Land use at that time points to the predominantly subsistence farming typical of the preindustrial period. Based on the farming methods used at that time, approximately 1.3 ha of farmland per capita were required for sufficient food production (Krausmann 2006; Gabrovec, Komac and Zorn 2012). Farmers optimized the use of land at the local level, and the area covered by farmland (especially tilled fields) depended more on the number of inhabitants than natural conditions. Therefore, the differences in the share of arable land between individual Slovenian regions were smaller than today. Within two centuries, the area covered by arable land decreased to 9%. In the majority of cadastral municipalities, this decrease was even greater, but in some the area covered by arable land increased significantly (even by more than 60%; Figure 2). All cases involved flatland, but differences can also be seen between individual cases of flatland. The greatest increase in arable land can be observed on wetland or floodplains that were drained during the period studied. The most typical example is Ljubljansko barje (the Ljubljana Marsh), where drainage began as early as the nineteenth century (Melik 1927). In other areas, such as the Vipava Valley or the Pesnica and Scavnica valleys in the Slovenske gorice Hills, land amelioration was carried out in the second half of the twentieth century, and in the wetland area on the Drava Plain hydroamelioration was carried out as late as the 1980s (2iberna 2010). Vineyards cover only 1% of Slovenia's territory today, but they play an important economic and visual role in the Mediterranean and Pannonian cultural landscapes. They account for less than half of the area they covered in the first half of the nineteenth century. During the nineteenth century, winegrowing was already market-oriented and hence economic and political changes had a stronger impact on it than on other agricultural activities. At the end of the nineteenth century, a large portion of vineyards were destroyed by grape diseases. Despite their later renovation, they never covered an area as large as they did in the mid-nineteenth century. Figure 3 shows a decrease in the share of vineyards across all of Slovenia. This decrease was less significant in the Mediterranean landscapes, as shown in Figure 3, because they were characterized by mixed crops, which are also listed in the land register. In our analysis, all land-use categories that Figure 2: Index of changes in the area covered by arable land between 1825 and 2016. p 71 Arable land 1825 = 100 No data 40.00 or less 40.01-60.00 60.01-80.00 80.01-95.00 95.01-105.00 105.01-120.00 120.01-140.00 140.01-160.00 Over 160.00 Content and map by: Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer © 2017, ZRC S AZU, Anton Melik Geographical Institute Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer, Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today also included grapevines were included under vineyards, and so the nineteenth-century areas that we calculated for vineyards are larger than the ones that actually existed, subsuming areas also planted with olives in particular. The development of winegrowing in the Koper countryside was analyzed in detail by Titl (1965) and in the Haloze Hills (in Pannonian Slovenia) by Bračič (1967). During the period studied, the area covered by vineyards increased only in individual cadastral municipalities. This increase resulted more from local initiatives for vineyard renovation and expansion than from natural conditions. The most significant increase can be observed in the Bizeljsko Hills. Grassland now covers 18% of Slovenia, which is also less than in the nineteenth century, when it covered a third of Slovenian territory. Changes in grassland area are connected with natural landscape elements (Figure 4). In mountainous and karst landscapes, the decrease in grassland results from old-field succession. This process is typical of a major portion of the Dinaric and Alpine macro-region of western Slovenia and is especially pronounced in the Soča Valley, the Karst Plateau, and the Kočevje region. In the case of the Kočevje region, it is connected not only with unfavorable natural conditions, but also with the relocation of the Kočevje (Gottschee) Germans during the Second World War (Mares, Rasin and Pipan 2013). On the Pannonian plains of eastern Slovenia, the decrease in grassland is the result of agricultural intensification, which is reflected in the growth of arable land at the expense of grassland. A reverse process is typical of the hills in eastern Slovenia, where an increased share of meadows is the result of the agricultural extensification, or a decrease in arable land. The area covered by forests increased the most among all of the land-use types analyzed (Figure 5). Forests covered 39% of Slovenian territory in the first half of the nineteenth century and a full 61% in 2015. The increased share of forests in the hills and mountains of the alpine macro-region is connected with the abandonment of farmland and old-field succession. The Franciscean Cadaster shows that among all Slovenian regions natural forest vegetation was cleared the most on the Kras. In some cadastral municipalities forest was not even recorded at all, and so at that time the Kras was synonymous with the barren and desolate karst landscape. Today forest covers more than half of the Kras, which is the result of planned reforestation at the end ofthe nineteenth century (Kladnik, Petek and Urbanc 2008; Kladnik 2011; Zorn, Kumer and Ferk 2015) followed by afforestation of meadows and pastures. Forests also grew in size in certain places on the plains, most notably on the Drava Plain, where the needs for cultivated farmland decreased as early as the nineteenth century due to the abolition of the fallow land requirement and people began to abandon their fields in areas with the shallowest soil (Pak 1969; Žiberna 2010). The greatest relative increase can be observed with built-up land, which covered only 1.4% of the territory in the early nineteenth century, whereas now its share is over 5%. Figure 6 shows a predominance of cadastral municipalities with an index of changes over 160. An above-average increase can be observed in major cities and their surroundings, and along the main roads. Built-up land decreased only in the Kočevje region due to the eviction of the Kočevje (Gottschee) Germans during the Second World War. Roads cover a larger area than buildings in terms of built-up land types. The Franciscean Cadaster distinguishes between these two types, which also allows interesting comparisons with later periods (Gabrovec and Bole 2013). In individual cadastral municipalities, changes in specific land-use types occur in different shares of their total area. The predominant process is presented on the map of typology of land-use changes (Figure 7), which was produced based on Medved's methodology described above (Medved 1970). Considering the increase in the area covered by forests during the period studied, it is logical that afforestation is the predominant process. This contrasts with urbanization in western Slovenia, the only exception being Ljubljansko barje (the Ljubljana Marsh), which is experiencing intensification. Eastern Slovenia is more diverse. Grass overgrowth predominates on the lower hills and afforestation dominates in the eastern Goričko Hills. In eastern Slovenia, strong urbanization is typical primarily in the Lower Savinja Valley and in Maribor and its surroundings and intensification is common on the Mura Plain and in wet meadows that were drained in the twentieth century. Figure 3: Index of changes in the area covered by vineyards between 1825 and 2016. p Figure 4: Index of changes in the area covered by grassland between 1825 and 2016. p p. 74 Figure 5: Index of changes in the area covered by forests between 1825 and 2016. p p. 75 Figure 6: Index of changes in the built-up area between 1825 and 2016. p p. 76 Figure 7: Types of land-use changes between 1825 and 2016. p p. 77 74 Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer, Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today 77 Content and map by: Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer © 2017, ZRC S AZU, Anton Melik Geographical Institute Content and map by: Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer © 2017, ZRC S AZU, Anton Melik Geographical Institute O 10 20 30t Content and map by: Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer © 2017, ZRC S AZU, Anton Melik Geographical Institute No data Strong afforestation Moderate afforestation Weak afforestation Strong grass overgrowth Moderate grass overgrowth Weak grass overgrowth Strong urbanization Moderate urbanization Weak urbanization Strong intensification Moderate intensification Weak intensification Less than 5% change Matej Gabrovec, Peter Kumer, Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today 4 Discussion Our analysis was intentionally limited to the period for which a high-quality data source (i.e., the Franciscean Cadaster) is available for all of Slovenia. Land-use data of similar quality are not available for Slovenia for older periods, although land use during the second half of the eighteenth century can be deduced from the Josephine military maps (Zorn 2007; Ribeiro, Burnet and Torkar 2013). Outside Slovenia, these maps were often used as a source of data on the nineteenth- and eighteenth-century land use in countries that had no cadastral or other statistical data available (Mishina 2015; Kaim et al. 2016). There are no maps of sufficient quality available for the period before the eighteenth century and land use for that time can only be estimated based on the number of inhabitants (Goldewijk 2001; Gabrovec, Komac and Zorn 2012). In recent decades, satellite images have been key for obtaining land-use data and in Europe the CORINE Land Cover database makes it possible to perform comparative studies between countries (Feranec et al. 2010). Unfortunately, due to the different methodology used for collecting data, the comparability of this data with older data provided in the cadasters has been limited. Two centuries is a long period, during which the factors leading to changes in land use changed several times. Two opposing processes might have alternated in the same cadastral district. It would also be vital to include data for individual years in the database in order to better interpret the factors affecting land-use changes. These data are actually available for individual years (Kladnik 1985; Gabrovec and Kladnik 1997; Gabrovec, Petek and Kladnik 2001), but their comparability with previous and later periods is limited due to changes in the cadastral municipalities' borders. Therefore, in the future it would make sense to also include the cadastral borders for individual years in a uniform geographic information system. With its detailed land-use typology, the Franciscean Cadaster makes it possible to conduct in-depth research. Individual subcategories, such as pastures and meadows with trees and/or shrubs, allow a detailed explanation of forest development in Slovenia. The written part of the cadaster also has great potential for future research. Until now, it has only been used for case studies at the level of settlements, mentioned above. If the 1:2,880 cadastral maps, which are already available in digital form, were converted into vector format, changes in land use could be examined at the national or regional level, which would yield higher-quality results. This is especially relevant to studying the links between natural geographical factors and land use. 5 Conclusion The Franciscean Cadaster is an invaluable historical source for studying nineteenth-century land use. The land-use tables provided in the written part of the cadaster were used to compile a database of nineteenth-century land use by Slovenian cadastral municipalities. Changes in land use over the past two centuries were analyzed, in which the focus was on the changes resulting from differences in natural geographical conditions. Afforestation predominates in western Slovenia, whereas eastern Slovenia is more diverse in terms of processes involving land-use changes: agricultural intensification predominates on the plains and grass overgrowth dominates in the hills, although afforestation also takes place in certain natural geographical regions less favorable for agriculture. Urbanization is the predominant process around major cities across all of Slovenia. 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Parcel shapes are usually represented descriptively (i.e. ribbon-shaped, rectangular, irregularly shaped), which is useless for automated distinguishing between parcel shapes or for determining and distinguishing between the patterns formed by parcels. Thus, we developed a Parcel Shape Index (IOP) to describe parcel shape characteristics, and then tested it in the test area of Gorenje pri Divači to analyse selected fields - as irregular blocks, enclosures, continuous strips, and furlongs. We found that IOP allows for a differentiation of parcels according to their shape as well as parcel patterns formed due to the individual types of dividing arable land. KEY WORDS: agricultural land, parcels, Parcel Shape Index, parcel shape, descriptive statistics, hierarchical clustering, Slovenia Uporaba indeksa oblike parcel (IOP) za določanje tipa poljske razdelitve POVZETEK: V prispevku predstavljamo nov indeks za določanje oblike parcel. Obliko parcel najpogosteje podajamo opisno (trakasta, pravokotna, nepravilnih oblik), kar je neuporabno za avtomatizirano razločevanje parcel po obliki in ugotavljanje ali razločevanje vzorcev, ki jih tvorijo parcele. Za opis oblikovnih značilnosti parcel smo izdelali indeks oblike parcele (IOP), ga preverili na testnem območju Gorenja pri Divači ter z njim analizirali izbrana polja v grudah, celkih, sklenjenih progah in delcih. Ugotovili smo, da IOP omogoča razlikovanje parcel po obliki, kakor tudi razlikovanje parcelnih vzorcev, ki jih tvorijo parcele v posameznem tipu poljske razdelitve. KLJUČNE BESEDE: kmetijska zemljišča, parcele, indeks oblike parcel, oblika parcel, opisna statistika, hierarhična analiza, Slovenija Mojca Foški University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering The paper was submitted for publication on March 15th, 2016. Uredništvo je prejelo prispevek 15. marca 2016. 90 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 1 Introduction The shape describes the geometric form of two- or three-dimensional spatial objects (MacEachren 1985), while according to The Standard Slovene Dictionary (Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 2000) it is the appearance of a phenomenon in space. The shape is one of the most important characteristics of a spatial element and is usually represented descriptively, i.e. the lake is elongated, the parcel is rectangular, the city is irregularly shaped. People perceive standard shapes (round, rectangular, triangular) similarly; however, it is difficult to represent irregular shapes in such a way that people perceive them similarly, i.e. in a unified manner. It is even more difficult to compare irregularly-shaped spatial phenomena with each other and observe their changing over time. The process of defining shape was particularly of relevance to geographical study in the 1960s (Boyce and Clark 1964). Already in 1822, Ritter compared the area of a geographical phenomenon to that of the smallest circumscribing circle (Frolov 1975). The usefulness of knowing and determining shapes in geography was described in detail by Wentz (2000); for economic geography purposes Simons (1974) determined the shape of cities. In ecology (Eason 1992; Gutzwiller and Anderson 1992; Comber, Birnie and Hodgson 2003) topics such as the impact of territory shape in habitats on the distribution of plant and animal species are addressed; in landscape planning the impact of the shape of landscape structures on landscape appearance (hereinafter: landscape) is investigated (Krummel et al. 1987; Milne 1991; Rutledge 2003; McGarigal and Marks 1995; McGarigal 2013, 2015). The distinguishing between various shapes of spatial phenomena is relevant in remote sensing (Zhang et al. 2006). The shape of a phenomenon is significant in computer sciences (Sagiv, Reps and Wilhelm 2003) both in terms of visualisation or interpretation, i.e. computer geometry. The detection and distinguishing between shapes attracted the interest of psychology (Landau, Smith and Jones 1988). Land parcels are an important spatial phenomenon. They reflect the diversity of natural conditions and human adaptation to the landscape (Kladnik 1999). In agricultural, forest, and built-up areas, parcels are distinguished by shape. Based on the parcel shape and the parcel pattern we can draw conclusions about natural geographic features of space, such as relief shapes, gradient, and altitude (Fialkowski and Bitner 2008). Accordingly, Ilešič (1950) considered parcel shape to be the key factor for field pattern classification. A field is a continuous area of arable land in a settlement (Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 2000). The shape of field parcels is the consequence of settlement, land cultivation methods (plough, ploughshare), and the agricultural regime (Ilešič 1950; Blaznik 1970). The changing of parcel shapes at the contact of agricultural and built-up spaces points to the pressures of urban growth (Irwin and Bockstael 2004). The shape of parcels is important for agriculture as it influences the economic viability of machining operations (Coelho, Pinto and Silva 2001; Tourino et al. 2003; Gonzalez, Alvarez and Crecente 2004; Gonzales, Marey and Alvarez 2007; Aslan, Gundogdu and Arici 2007; Amiama, Bueno and Alvarez 2008; Libecap and Lueck 2009; Zondonadi et al. 2013). Bielecka and Gasiorowski (2014) drew conclusions about land fragmentation in relation to parcel shapes. Oksanen (2013) studied land parcel shapes in Finland in relation to the automation of agricultural processes, and Demetriou, Stellwell and See (2012), Demetriou, See and Stellwell (2013), and Demetriou (2013, 2014) studied parcel shapes when developing an application for land consolidation planning in Cyprus. In studying the parcel shape it is essential that the shape is changed into a numerical value - index of shape (Wentz 2000). This way we can compare and observe the changing of parcel shapes and parcel patterns formed by the parcels. Shape indices fall into two classes: indices with one variable (single-parameter indices), which give a value for only one property, and indices with several variables (multiple parameter indices), which describe the characteristics of a shape with the use of more complex mathematical functions. Shape is usually too complex to be described using a single parameter (Ehler, Cowen and Mackey 1996; Wentz 2000), or rather several independent single-parameter indices are needed to describe a complex shape (Oksanen 2013; Demetriou 2014), and these indices should meet certain criteria (Lee and Sallee 1970; Wentz 1997; Wentz 2000; Demetriou, See and Stillwell 2013): • different numerical values must be ascribed to different shapes, • similar shapes must have similar values, • indices must be useful both with concave and convex phenomena, • indices must identify holes in polygons, 91 Mojca Foski, Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types • indices must be independent of the size of phenomena, • indices must be independent of movements, rotations, and scale, • the input data must be prepared simply, • indices must be easy to understand and the results easy to interpret, • indices must have a value range (as a rule, the value increases from 0 to 1) and it must be determined which shape has the value of 1, and • the values obtained must reflect human perception of a spatial phenomenon. In terms of the shape feature that we want to describe, we distinguish between indices describing the perimeter, plane characteristics, and geometry (Zhang and Lu 2004; Chaudhuri 2013). The basic hypothesis is that using a numerical value - the shape index - we describe the shape of a spatial phenomenon, such as a parcel. Accordingly, we developed a Parcel Shape Index (IOP). The study was narrowed down to those parcels that are in fields. Ilešič (1950) proposed a system of dividing arable land based, in fact, on parcel shape; he divided Slovenian fields into basic types (irregular blocks, furlongs, continuous strips, and enclosures) and transitional types (transitional shapes between irregular blocks and furlongs, division into irregular or block furlongs, combination of continuous strips and regular furlongs). Accordingly, parcels in areas with blocks and enclosures have distinctly irregular shapes, while parcels in areas with furlongs are generally rectangular, with a side ratio up to 1:10, while continuous strips are distinctly belt-like or rectangular with a side ratio even up to 1:100. The index's adequacy was checked against the basic arable land types, while their applicability was checked in the classification of various types of arable and division. 2 Methods The method consists of four steps: • IOP determination, • testing of IOP on a sample case of the field at Gorenje pri Divači (hereinafter: Gorenje), • determination of IOP for parcels of basic types of arable land division and statistical processing of IOP values, and • hierarchical clustering of fields. IOP determination was based on the literature and characteristics of arable land parcel shapes in Slovenia, using several single-parameter indices: indices for perimeter, plane, and parcel geometry description. The indices were standardised using a value function (Beinat 1997; Malczewski 1999, 2011; Sharifi, Herwijnen and Toorn 2004). A rectangular parcel with a 1:2 side ratio was selected as the reference parcel shape. This side ratio is the first whole side ratio value that distinguishes a rectangle from a square. We selected 22 test fields among fields as irregular blocks, furlongs, continuous strips, and enclosures (Table 2). The areas of these fields were determined using Ilešič's original classification (1950) (e.g. Arja vas, Predoslje, Kokra, Bitnje and Žabnica, Zatolmin) and/or the data from the Franciscan Cadastre (Internet 1), digital orthophotos, and land cadastre data acquired through the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia in 2015, whereby various landscape types were considered (Perko, Hrvatin and Ciglič 2015; Figure 1). The field divisions were based on geographical dividing lines (to the stream, road, forest, and village) or the cadastral municipality boundary. The fields were named after the closest settlement (e.g. Arja vas) or a geographical area (e.g. Trška gora). The data from the land cadastre depiction, based on which the IOP was calculated, were organised by excluding all parcels designated as built-up or related land or body of water according to the Register of Existing Agricultural and Forest Land Use (Internet 2). In cases of agricultural buildings (e.g. a granary or a hayrack) with land under the building (parcel), this land was aggregated with the neighbouring parcel. IOP was calculated for 13,725 land parcels in all test fields. Indicators of descriptive statistics were calculated for all test fields (Table 2): number of parcels in a field (N), minimum value (MIN), maximum value (MAX), average value (AVG), median (Me), mode (Mo), standard deviation (0), asymmetry coefficient (yj), and coefficient of kurtosis (y2). The obtained IOP values were shown on histograms (10 classes, class width 0.1). Statistical values were demonstrated using a box-and-whiskers plot (Figure 8). Figure 1: Distribution of test fields by various landscape types of Slovenia. p 92 00 Pernice Bele Vode Zupecja vas Hlebce O Kokra Predoslje Bitnje and g Žabnica Stržišče Suhadole and Moste Zatolmin Kleče and Podgora Lan išče Trška Žerovnica Gorenje Vinjole Strojna O Legend Natural landscape typology |_| Alpine mountains Alpine hills Alpine plains Pannonian low hills Pannonian plains Dinaric plateaus Dinaric valleys and corrosion plains Mediterranean low hills Mediterranean plateaus Selected fields 0 irregular blocks 0 furlongs Q continuous strips O enclosures Map by: Mojca Foški Source: GIAM ZRC SAZU © 2018, UL, FGG Mojca Foski, Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types In the last step, we classified the fields into groups using Ward's hierarchical clustering method (Breskvar 2aucer and Kosmelj 2006; Bastic 2006; Figure 9). Indicators of descriptive statistics were used for the cluster analysis, and Euclidian distance was used as cluster criterion. Statistical data processing and depiction using histograms and box-and-whiskers plots demonstrated whether IOP reflected the parcel shapes concerned and whether the parcel shape was, in fact, characteristic for the various types of arable land division according to Ilesic. The analysis was based on the data from the land cadastre depiction by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic in Slovenia, acquired in 2015, in ArcGis 10.3; Microsoft Excel 2010 and IBM SPSS 23 software were used for calculations and statistical processing. 2.1 IOP determination and its verification on the sample case of Gorenje 2.1.1 Indices for describing plane characteristics: compactness index /Ikom In this group we typically use indices describing the ratio between area (A) and perimeter (P) (Santiago and Bribiesca 2009; Li, Goodchild and Church 2013), which are often referred to as compactness indices. Besides the initially produced factor P/A proposed by Ritter (Frolov 1975) other indices are also used, e.g. indices of ratios 4A/P2 (Miller 1953), A/P2 (Gonzalez, Alvarez and Crecente 2004), P/2VnA (Aslan, Gundogdu and Arici 2007) and Va/0.282 • P (Chan and So 2006). The most frequently used compactness index was developed by Osserman (1978) and is also used here; it is described by the equation I 4nA kom- p2 The equation's advantage is that n shifts the value area of the initial indices in the range of 0 to 1. The value of 1 describes the most compact phenomenon - the circle. Wentz (2000) found that this index is not the most appropriate for very diversified phenomena, but it is insensitive to scale, displacement, and rotation variations, independent of the size of the phenomenon, and applicable to both raster and vector data (Sonka, Hlavac and Boyle 1993; Santiago and Bribiesca 2009; Oksanen 2013; Bielecka and Gasiorowski 2014). Indices from this group also have some shortcomings. In particular, they do not reflect the characteristics of a shape, but rather compactness according to a comparable geometric shape, i.e. a circle in our case (MacEachren 1985; Angel, Parent and Civco 2010). They cannot be used to measure features such as the presence of holes, expansion, or fragmentation. Parcel shapes should not be described using only these indices as they only take into account the area and perimeter characteristics (Demetriou, See and Stillwell 2013). I'kom was standardised to determine parcel compactness, because the parcels were, of course, not round. In determining the value function sixth degree polynomial was used (Demetriou 2014), while the function was determined so that for the parcels with a side ratio (of 1:2) whose I'kom equals 0.70, the value Ikom = 0.99 was assumed, while for the parcels with I' less than 0.33 (side ratio 1: 8) the value of I, = 0 was assumed kom kom (Figures 2 and 3). Other values were determined using the value function (Figure 2): I = V(i' ) = -372.614(1,' )6 +1319.19(1,' )5-1820.87(1,' )4 +1 kom kom' kom' i kom' i kom' i 1227.22(1' )3-414.436(1' )2 + 66.207(I' ). -3.908 kom ' i kom ' i kom' i The value function is determined so that all parcels with a side ratio up to 1:4 get a higher compactness index, which allows for differentiation from longer parcels (with side ratio over 1 : 8) (Figure 3). The compactness index was calculated for the test case of Gorenje and graphically shown (Figure 5 A) in 10 equal classes with a degree of 0.1. 94 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 Figure 2: Value function for determining | Figure 3: Ratio between index I'kom and its standardised value Ikom. Ikom has the maximum value for parcels with a side ratio of 1:2; while it equals 0 with parcels with a side ratio above 1:8. 95 Mojca Foski, Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types 2.1.2 Indices of the special characteristics of the geometry of the phenomenon: Perforation Index/Iluk Some characteristics of phenomena cannot be described using the compactness index, so we used Wentz's perforation index (2000), by subtracting it from 1: B. I k = 1 _ — luk a. where Bi is the total area of all holes in object i and Ai is the total area of object i. The parcels without holes were ascribed the maximum value of 1, while the value of 0 could not be reached. In the Gorenje test area (Figure 5 B) we only showed parcels with an Iluk other than 1, and due to reasons of clarity the parcels with the perforation index of 1 were not coloured. 2.1.3 Indices for perimeter description Index of Edge Roughness/Inaz These indices describe the roughness of the edge of a geographical object. On the basis of the ratio between an object and its corresponding convex hull, they are most frequently used to describe the perimeter characteristics. The amplitude index ((P -Pk)/ P) considers the ratio between the perimeter of an object (P) and the perimeter of the convex hull (Pk), while the convexity index ((Ak - A) / Ak) considers the ratio between the area of object A and the area of the convex hull (Ak) (Brinkhoff et al. 1998). Chan in So (2006) used the comparable surface area ratio, Iivarinen et al. (1997), Angel, Parent and Civco (2010), and Zondonali et al. (2013) used the ratio between the perimeter of object P and its convex polygon Pk, which was also used here; the edge roughness index was written as: I = P naz p Pk The index has the value of 1 if the parcel is convex. With the value nearing 0, diameter roughness increases. The value of 1 is ascribed to all convex parcels, while the value of 0 is unattainable. The calculation of Inaz in the test field of Gorenje is shown in ten equal classes with a rate of 0.1 (Figure 5 C), red shades indicating jagged-edged parcels, while the darkness of the blue indicates smoother edges. x Figure 4: Value function for standardising the number of vertices (I) Figure 5: Compactness Index (A), Perforation Index (B), Index of Vertices (C), and Edge Roughness Index (D) for Gorenje. p 96 Legend M 0.0-0.1 □ 0.2-0.3 □ 0.4-0.5 □ 0.6-0.7 H 0.8-0.9 M 0.1-0.2 □ 0.3-0.4 □ 0.5-0.6 H 0.7-0.8 H 0.9-1.0 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 km Map by: Mojca Foski Source: GURS, 2015 © 2018, UL, FGG Mojca Foski, Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types Index of Vertices (Iogl) Indices of the number of perimeter vertices are frequently used to describe the characteristics of a parcel perimeter (Brinkhoff et al. 1998; Demetriou, Stellwell and See 2012). The reference parcel has four vertices; by increasing the number of vertices, the deviation from a rectangle increases. Parcels with three vertices also considerably deviate from a rectangle. The standardisation of the number of vertices in a value range from 0 to 1 was made using a value function after Demetriou (2014) (Figure 4), where xi is the number of vertices: T \ 407.76 4280.97 20959.323 49141.25 45677.80 I ,=V(x. )=14.45--+---+--- ogl 1 x. x2 x3 x4 x= All parcels with more than 10 vertices were ascribed the value of 0. The index of vertices was calculated for Gorenje. We showed the parcels with Iogl other than 0 (Figure 5 D). 2.2 Parcel Shape Index (IOP) The parcel shape index can be written using the equation: n E iw. IOP=- n where I. is one of the aforementioned indices and W. is the index weight. If the indices are equally weighted (with a value of 1), then for each parcel i IOP is calculated as the arithmetic mean of four single-parameter indices: IOP= Ikom+ Inaz+ Iluk+ Iogl = 4 The Pearson correlation coefficient between the indices of compactness, roughness, perforation, and vertices for the 722 parcels in Gorenje is low (Table 1), indicating the indices' mutual independence, which satisfies one of the basic criteria for combining single-parameter indices. Table 1: The Pearson correlation coefficient between the indices for Gorenje. Correlation coefficient 'kom 'naz 'ogl 'luk 'kom 0.24 -0.19 0.045 'naz -0.30 0.20 'ogl -0.25 'luk IOP is in the range of 0 to 1. Given the value functions in the standardisation procedure, the value of 1 is ascribed to the parcels with a side ratio of 1:2, without holes, with four vertices, and with a completely smooth edge. The depiction of IOP in the four value classes (Figure 6 below) shows that the parcels with distinctly irregular shapes (jaggedness, holes) are in the lowest class, while rectangular parcels with a low side ratio are in the highest class. The parcels within a class are visually similar (Figure 6); IOP is applicable both in convex and concave parcels, independent of parcel size, insensitive to scale and rotation variations, and easy to calculate, and thus meets all the criteria for determining indices. Figure 6: IOP in 10 classes with a rate of 0.1 (page 93) and in four classes with a rate of 0.25 (page 94) for Gorenje. p p. 93-94 98 VD OJ Legend IOP 0.0- -0.1 □ 0.1- -0.2 0.2- -0.3 0.3- -0.4 0.4- -0.5 0.5- -0.6 0.6- -0.7 □ 0.7- -0.8 0.8- -0.9 M 0.9- -1.0 0.1 0 0.2 0.3 Map by: Mojca Foski Source: GURS, 2015 © 2018, UL, FGG nd 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 □ km 0.00-0.25 H 0.50-0.75 Map by: Mojca Foski Source: GURS, 2015 0.25-0.50 0.75-1.00 ©2018.UL.FGG Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 3 IOP results in the selected test cases IOP was calculated for 22 selected fields (Table 2, Figure 1) in irregular blocks, furlongs, continuous strips, and enclosures. For each test field we calculated the indicators of descriptive statistics for IOP, while the distribution of IOP values was shown on histograms (Table 2) and box-and-whiskers plots (Figure 7). The statistical values were compared and it was determined whether IOP reflected the actual characteristics of a parcel shape and if the parcel shape was, in fact, characteristic for the various types of arable land division according to Ilešič. Using the hierarchical clustering method, the fields were clustered into groups, and the results were depicted using a dendrogram (Figure 8). We used descriptive statistics, histograms (Table 2), a comparison of box-and-whiskers plots (Figure 7), and depiction of hierarchical clustering (Figure 8) to try to establish similarities between parcel shapes and the patterns formed by the parcels. The IOP distribution in fields as furlongs and fields as irregular blocks is very similar (with the exceptions of Vinjole and Trška gora), where two modes are observed (0.35 and 0.75). This was also confirmed by the classification into the same group using the hierarchical clustering method. The parcel shapes in areas of continuous strips also show great similarity. The mode class is 0.3-0.4 or 0.4-0.5. The narrowest is the second quartile (maximum densification of parcels), while the asymmetry coefficient (y2) is positive in all test fields (asymmetry to the right). The fields are classified as continuous strips, except for Kleče and Podgora. The fields of Buje and Žerovnica also belong to this group, even though Ilešič classified them as furlongs (belt-like furlongs), while their parcel shape was distinctly belt-like, which is characteristic for parcels in continuous strips. The analysed fields as furlongs can be classified into two groups (Figure 8). The first group is Arja vas, Predoslje, Kleče, and Podgora, and the second group is Trška gora, Stržišče, Sovjak, Sedlarjevo, and Vinjole. The groups are combined in the next aggregation. Ilešič classified Vinjole and Trška gora as winegrowing blocks, while in terms of parcel shape (rectangular with a small side ratio) the fields are comparable to furlongs. Table 2: Descriptive statistics and IOP histograms for all fields considered. IOP N AVG MIN MAX Me Mo (T Yi Yl histogram Gorenje 722 0.60 0.09 0.98 0.49 0.36 0.22 0.3« -1.16 .JIMIII o /¡i »Im n 517 0,56 0.12 0,98 0 58 0.3S; 0,74 0,24 4),02 -1,29 ......Ill ¡a se nijnlo 422 0.69 0.13 0.98 0.76 0.73 0.19 ■0.86 ■0.03 --■..all Lan¡á¿c 272 0.54 0.20 0.97 0.52 0.36 0.19 0.31 -1.11 .[ml. O ¡y Trška gora 388 0.66 0.24 0.98 0.72 0.75 0.19 -0.43 -1.00 -■••■Ill S lllébee <522 0,56 0,12 0,98 0 58 0,35 0,24 -0.02 -1,29 .lllhlll Žerovnica 1247 0.47 0.18 0.98 0.42 0.37 0.13 1.23 2.17 III. Buje 332 0.52 0.14 0.98 0.42 0.38 0-23 0.72 -0.91 ■la..... Predoslje 389 0.65 0.24 0.98 0.66 0.75 0.19 -0.05 -1.11 lililí! tí Aija vas 761 0.61 0,21 0,98 0 58 0,42 0,21 0,31 -1.27 Illll.l o k. SirJiMe 282 0.66 0.19 0.98 0.73 0.75 0-2.2 -0.44 -1.03 ■■..•III Sovjak 1009 0.70 0.18 0.98 0.77 0.71 0_20 -0.53 -0.79 ..mill Sedlarjevo 206 0.67 0.24 0.98 0.72 0.75 0.19 -0.47 -0.76 .....In tn Jamu umi Pni« 338 0.51 0.21 0.98 044 0,37 0.19 0.46 4),20 ■III.!.. io ¡je Kleče and ?:idgoni 368 0.60 0.31 0.98 0-53 0.41 0-2.2 0.31 -1.24 Ilt.l.l Su hadóle and Moste 705 0.52 0.22 0.98 0.41 0.37 0.21 1.08 -0.30 _|l.____ p Unije and Žabnica 2861 0.52 0.11 0.98 0.46 0.44 0.19 0.59 -0.44 -■ill.!.. Župečja viis. 624 0,51 0,19 0.98 044 0,38 0,1« 0.99 0,0? III.... i'oí ii ice 222 0.55 0.10 0.98 0.SS 0.35; 074 0-22 0.00 -1.24 .■Lull. Bele vode 1010 0.55 0.07 0.98 0.52 0.35; 0.75 0_23 0.16 -1.28 •L.I.. Kokra 212 0.59 0.10 0.97 0.59 0J5; 0.75 0.23 0J2 -1,24 ■•lull)« 216 0,52 0,06 0.98 049 0.52; 0.75 0.24 0,24 -1.26 .ILL 95 Mojca Foski, Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types Statistical values of IGF for irregular blocks Gorenje Zatolmin Vinjole Lanišče Trška gora Hlebce Statistical values of IOP for continuous strips ?4 : Jama Kleče Suhadole Bitnje Zupečja v and Praše and Podgora and Moste and Zabnica Statistical values of IOP for furlongs Wl t Zerovnica Buje Fredoslje Arja ■ Stržišče Sovjak Sedlarjev Statistical values of IOP for enclosures il: Bele vode Kokra Strojn; Legend Q2-second quartile Q3-third T MAX - Me □ Mo2 quartile i MIN — Mo¡ Figure 7: Box-and-whiskers plots for IOPs for all selected test fields shown on the same graph for fields as irregular blocks, furlongs, continuous strips, and enclosures. Zatolmin Hlebce Kokra Pernice Bele vode Strojna Gorenje Lanišče Arja vas Kleče and Podgora Predoslje ^ Trška Gora Stržišče Sovjak Sedlarjevo Vinjole Jama and Praše Suhadole and Moste Župečja vas Buje Bitnje and Žabnica Žerovnica 1u Distance 15 2u 25 Irregular blocks Enclosures Furlongs Continuous strips Figure 8: Dendrogram of the hierarchical clustering of fields into groups using Ward's method. u 5 96 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 4 Discussion IOP is the arithmetic mean of four mutually independent single-parameter indices that also consider the holes in parcels, which was not found with other authors (Tourino et al. 2003; Aslan, Gundogdu and Arici 2007; Amiama, Bueno and Alvarez 2008; Zondonadi et al. 2013; Demetriou 2014; Bielecka and Gasiorowski 2014). In Slovenia, parcels with holes are the consequence of natural geographic features and specifics of the Franciscan Cadastre, where for each type of land use a separate parcel was determined, even though neighbouring parcels belonged to the same proprietor (Ferlan 2005). In cases where a field was in the middle of a meadow or a at the bottom of a sink hole there are holes in parcels preserved to the present day. In Slovenia, holes are present mostly in irregular blocks and enclosures, and exceptionally also in areas of continuous strips (Bitnje), so we feel that this feature should be taken into account in IOP. A hole in a parcel decreases IOP, while the proportion of parcels with lower IOP increases in the pattern, which is characteristic for irregular blocks and enclosures. Some authors determined parcel shape only by using the compactness index (Bielecka and Gasiorowski 2014; Oksanen 2013; Zondonadi et al. 2013), which has several shortcomings (Demetriou, See, and Stillwell 2013). The values were standardised to a reference parcel shape only by Demetriou (2014). This standardisation to a reference parcel shape is necessary, even though the determination of a reference parcel varies depending on the study purpose. Using this standardisation we delineated the rectangles with a more favourable side ratio (up to 1:8) from distinctly elongated rectangles (belts). The IOP calculation for the Gorenje test area demonstrated (Figure 6) that parcels in the individual classes are visually similar. But then over a larger sample (all 22 fields, 13,725 parcels) it became evident that the IOP value for long and narrow parcels in the area of continuous strips was similar to the values of irregular parcels in the areas of irregular blocks, i.e. between 0.30 and 0.45 (Figure 10). Future work should include an index to improve the determination of the characteristics of very long and narrow parcels (e.g. ratio between the shortest and the longest diagonal of a parcel). Despite this deficiency, the statistical data analysis of various types of arable land division (Figure 7) and hierarchical clustering (Figure 8) demonstrated that IOP allows for distinguishing between fields as continuous strips from other types of fields mostly because these two types of parcel shapes usually do not occur together. In Slovenia, continuous strips are more frequent in plains, in particular in Sorsko polje (Ilesic 1950), and are a reflection of systematic settlement (Blaznik 1970), while irregular blocks are characteristic of a more diverse terrain and are classified as the oldest type of arable field division (Blaznik 1970). Figure 9: Sections from the land cadastre depiction (Geodetska uprava RS 2015; above) and sections from the Franciscan Cadastre (Arhiv RS; below) with cases of holes in irregular blocks (Zatolmin, A), continuous strips (Bitnje, B), and enclosures (Pernice, C). 97 Mojca Foski, Using the parcel shape index to determine arable land division types This arable land division analysis is mostly based on the study results by Ilešič from 1950. His study remains the only study for the area of the entire Slovenia and to date has not been systematically revised. This is why there are deviations between Ilešič's definition of the individual arable land types and the results indicated by the IOP analysis in parcels from 2015. IOP allows for the classification of fields and even the exclusion and aggregation of fields that stand out according to their parcel shape characteristics. The fields with a proportion of IOP above 0.7 (Vinjole, Sedlarjevo, Sovjak, Stržišče and Trška gora), which were classified either as irregular blocks or furlongs according to Ilešič, should be classified into a new group. We noticed deviations in the classification of fields based on parcel shapes with furlongs and continuous strips. Ilešič classified the fields of Kleče and Podgora as continuous strips, while according to IOP they were classified as furlongs due to the shorter strips. Buje and Žerovnica were classified as furlongs because of short strips. Based on the statistical differences between fields we can identify some new groups and propose improvements upon Ilešič's field classification. This is the case with winegrowing areas, which are either considered irregular blocks or furlongs. This way we confirmed the working hypothesis about the possibility of producing a numerical index for describing parcel shapes to be used to determine and classify fields. The use of the Parcel Shape Index has a wide ranging applicability. Parcel shape is important in agriculture in terms of the rational use of individual parcels (Zondonadi et al. 2013), while in Slovenia parcel shape should be included in identifying protected farmsteads and used in the analysis of GERK (Graphical Unit of Agricultural Land) and RABA (Register of Existing Agricultural and Forest Land Use) data kept by the ministry responsible for agriculture. The parcel shape is, of course, not the only criterion for determining arable land division types, so it would be advisable to determine indices for other field characteristics, such as land distribution (Simmons 1964; Januszewski 1968; Igbozurike 1974; Gosar 1978; Razpotnik Viskovic 2012) and land use diversity (McGarigal in Marks 1995; McGarigal 2013, 2015). 5 Conclusions The paper shows that IOP values and statistical indicators vary among fields as irregular blocks, enclosures, continuous strips, and furlongs. Ilešič's classification of fields in the selected test fields was mostly confirmed. Out of 22 fields 17 were classified in line with Ilešič's system. But because Ilešič also included other indicators in the determination of arable land division types, such as land fragmentation, the number of indices considered should be increased. Using the hierarchical clustering method and based on IOP fields can be classified into classes, which allows for confirmation and improvement upon the existing typ-ification. Even though it is very difficult to describe all the visual characteristics of a spatial object using shape indices (Williams and Wentz 2008), doing so nonetheless limits an individual's subjectivity. Furthermore the transformation of a shape's characteristics to numerical values allows for easier processing and comparison of data. IOP could help us to observe the changing of parcel shapes (e.g. in a field). 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Computers and electronics in agriculture 96. DOI: 101 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019, 103-116 CHRONOLOGY OF HETEROGENEOUS DEPOSITS IN THE SIDE ENTRANCE OF POSTOJNA CAVE, SLOVENIA Mateja Ferk, Matej Lipar, Andrej Šmuc, Russell N. Drysdale, Jian Zhao The trail cut into cave deposits. Mateja Ferk, Matej Lipar, Andrej Smuc, Russell N. Drysdale, Jian Zhao, Chronology of heterogeneous deposits in the side ... DOI: UDC: 551.44:552.5(497.4)«628.62« COBISS: 1.01 Chronology of heterogeneous deposits in the side entrance of Postojna Cave, Slovenia ABSTRACT: The development of the tourist trail in the side passage Rov Novih Podpisov of Postojna Cave in 2002 exposed an over four metres thick sedimentary succession characterised by horizontal flowstone layers intercalated between fine-grained fluvial sediments, and gravel deposits that record past environmental changes. The time ofthe flowstone deposition was determined by radiocarbon and uranium-thorium dating techniques. The results yielded three distinctive age groups of flowstone facies of 33 ka BP, 103 ka BP and 153 ka BP. These results also indicate that flowstone deposition has not been limited solely to periods of warm climate, which suggests that environmental conditions during glacial periods in south-western Slovenia supported flowstone deposition. KEY WORDS: Geography, geoscience, geology, karst, stratigraphy, dating, 14C, U/Th Časovna interpretacija raznovrstnih sedimentov v stranskem vhodnem rovu Postojnske jame, Slovenija POVZETEK: Pri modernizaciji turistične poti v Rovu novih podpisov, ki je stranski rov Postojnske jame, leta 2002 je bilo v več kot štiri metre globokem vkopu odkrito zaporedje menjajočih se plasti sige, fluvialnih sedimentov in grušča. Te plasti so pomemben pokazatelj preteklih okoljskih sprememb. Starost sige med plastmi je bila določena z radioogljikovo in uran-torijevo metodo. Siga se je odlagala v treh obdobjih, in sicer okoli 33 ka BP, 103 ka BP in 153 ka BP. Odlaganje sige ni bilo omejeno zgolj na topla obdobja, ampak se je siga odlagala tudi v hladnejših obdobjih. Rezultati kažejo, da je bilo na območju jugozahodne Slovenije vsaj v nekaterih hladnih obdobjih Pleistocena podnebje primerno za rast sige. KLJUČNE BESEDE: Geografija, geoznanost, geologija, kras, stratigrafija, datiranje, 14C, U/Th Mateja Ferk, Matej Lipar Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Andrej Šmuc University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology Russell N. Drysdale The University of Melbourne, School of Geography and Université de Savoie-Mont Blanc Jian Zhao The University of Queensland, Faculty of Science, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences The paper was submitted for publication on October 25, 2018. Uredništvo je prejelo prispevek 25. oktobra 2018. 104 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 1 Introduction Postojna Cave is a 24km long system of underground passages with multiple entrances (Cave Register 2018, Figure 1). It is located in south-west Slovenia, which is famous for its high diversity (Perko, Hrvatin, and Ciglič 2015; Perko, Ciglič and Hrvatin 2017). Since 1819 the cave has been managed as a show cave (Shaw and Čuk 2015). During the last two centuries different parts of the cave were sequentially arranged and equipped for public access. It has a long tradition of cave exploration and scientific research (Valvasor 1689; Hohenwart 1830; Schmidl 1854; Perko 1910; Gams 1968; Gospodarič 1969; 1971; Ikeya, Miki and Gospodarič 1983; Šebela 1998; Šebela and Sasowsky 1999; Mihevc 2002; Stepišnik 2004; Šebela and Turk 2011; Ferk 2016; Domínguez-Villar et al. 2018; Pipan et al. 2018). It is a ponor cave of the Pivka River in the contact karst area where the surface streams (e.g., Lekinka River) from impermeable Eocene flysch rock sink into the karstified Upper Cretaceous limestone (Buser, Grad and Pleničar 1967; Šebela 1998; Pleničar, Ogorelec and Novak 2009; Stepišnik 2017). The cave passages were formed at two main levels. The lower, several meters wide passages, are in the epiphreatic zone and periodically flooded on a yearly basis. The walls and ceiling contain solutional rock features (e.g. scallops), whilst the floor is mostly covered by fluvial sediments (i.e. flysch gravel) (Gospodarič and Habič 1966). Passages on the higher level have diameters mostly around 10 m and are hydrological-ly inactive. However, they preserve remnants of solution (e.g., scallops) and numerous interchanging fluvial and chemogenic sediments that were deposited in changing conditions, revealing a hydrologically dynamic evolution during their speleogenesis. Cave sediments indicate repeated fluvial deposition and successive erosion (Gams 1966; Gospodarič 1976). Palaeomagnetic analyses show that the oldest sediments are up to 2.15 Ma old, revealing that the cave system has evolved over a long period of time (Šebela and Sasowsky 1999; Zupan Hajna et al. 2008). The fluvial deposits and layers of flowstone close to the cave entrances are intersected by sequences of slope-derived gravel, remnants of Pleistocene large mammals and stone tools of Palaeolithic hunters (Rakovec 1954; Brodar 1966; 1969; Bavdek 2003). About 50 m east of the main entrance to Postojna Cave is the entrance to one of its side passages called Rov Novih Podpisov that joins the main channel Stare Jame after about 150 m. The passage belongs to the higher and hydrologically inactive level. The passage floor at the entrance is on the elevation of 530 m a.s.l. which is from 10 to 19m above the present ponor of Pivka River (from 511 to 520m a.s.l.) depending on the water level. The shallow cave passage, from 2 to 4 m high and in average 10m wide, was equipped as a biospele-ological laboratory in 1931. At present it operates as the Vivarium with a research facility and an exhibition section where basic concepts of karstology and speleobiology are presented to the visitors. Recent slope-derived gravel covering the entrance was removed during construction works in the 1930s. In 2002 the entrance part was modified to ease access to the Vivarium for tourists. An over four metres deep trench was cut into the floor exposing a flowstone covered sedimentary succession composed of various cave sediments. Palaeomagnetic research on the exposed sediments showed only N polarized magnetisation corresponding to the Brunhes Chron indicating the sediment was deposited within the last 780 ka (Zupan Hajna et al. 2008). Despite lacking any data of numerical dating the profile vas interpreted as »very young« (Zupan Hajna et al. 2008, 176). Based on Mousterian artefacts found in a nearby cave channel also filled with various sediments (Brodar 1966; Bavdek 2003), the middle and upper part of the profile was interpreted to be less than 40 ka old and the flowstone layer covering the profile to be of Holocene age (Mihevc and Zupan Hajna 2004; Gabrovšek and Mihevc 2009; Mihevc and Gabrovšek 2012). However, results of the first numerical dating of the uppermost flowstone revealed it was deposited 36 ka BP (Ferk 2016) strongly implying the previous chronological interpretations of the profile were inaccurate. The aim of the paper is to present results of two different dating techniques coupled with additional mineralogical and grain size analyses to provide the robust chronological timeline of the exposed heterogeneous deposits, which will be beneficial for further palaeoenvironmental studies. 2 Methods The 4.16 m thick profile was recorded in resolution bed-to bed using standard sedimentological log in 1:10 scale. Six stratigraphic levels were identified (Figure 2). From the succession five flowstone samples were Figure 1: Location of the Postojna Cave System and the analysed cave sediments. p p. 106 105 Mateja Ferk, Matej Lipar, Andrej Smuc, Russell N. Drysdale, Jian Zhao, Chronology of heterogeneous deposits in the side ... 106 Acta geographica Slovenica, 59-1, 2019 acquired for age and geochemical analysis and one fine-grained clastic sediment sample was collected for mineralogical and grain size analyses. 2.1 Laboratory analyses for chemically precipitated sediment layers (flowstone) Two stratigraphically older samples of flowstone were dated by the uranium-thorium (U/Th) method at the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia). To assure that samples have enough U/Th for dating, they were first sampled to provide ICP-MS trace element data. Ages were corrected for non-radiogenic 230Th incorporated at the time of deposition. Full details of the method are provided in Hellstrom (2003; 2006). Age errors are reported as 2ct uncertainties. In addition, the flowstone samples were analysed for both S13C and S18O isotopes at the stable isotope laboratory at the University of Melbourne (Australia), alongside with four samples of present-forming flow-stone to compare the results for basic interpretation of climatic differences between the times of older flowstone deposition and present. Analyses were performed on CO2 produced by reaction of the sample with 100% H3PO4 at 70 °C using continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS), following the method previously described in Drysdale et al. (2009) and employing an AP2003 instrument. Results are reported using the standard 8 notation (%o) relative to the VPDB scale. Based on the following working standards, the uncertainty was 0.05% for 813C and 0.07% for 818O based on the NEW 1 standard. Three stratigraphically higher deposited samples of flowstone were dated by the radiocarbon technique at the Beta Analytic Laboratory in Miami, USA. All samples provided enough carbon for accurate measurements. The ages are reported as RCYBP (radiocarbon years before present (AD 1950)). The modern reference standard was 95% the 14C activity of the National Institute of Standards and Technoloy (NIST) Oxallic Acid (SRM 4990C) and calculated using the Libby 14C half-life (5568 years). The Conventional Radiocarbon Age represents the Measured Radiocarbon Age corrected for isotopic fractionation, calculated using the 813C relative to the Vienna Peedee Belemnite (VPDB) scale. The Calendar Calibrated results are calculated from the Conventional Radiocarbon Age and listed as 2ct calibrated results. 2.2 Laboratory analyses for clastic sediment sample The qualitative and quantitative mineral composition of the stratigraphically highest and youngest loamy sediment (facies B, see chapter 3) was determined by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis, which, in turn, indicates the source of the sediment (Haldorsen et al. 1989; Stanley, Nil and Galili 1998). We used the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) Philips PW3710 dif-fractometer equipped with a Cu Ka radiation and a graphite monochromator, operating at 40kV and 30mA in continual scan mode with a speed of 0.5 °/min from 2° to 70° 2©. The Rietveld Method was used for semiquantitative mineralogical analysis. To determine the deposition dynamics of the same sediment the grain size analysis using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 particle analyser at La Trobe University (Melbourne, Australia) was carried out; full details of the latter analytical procedure are provided in Sperazza, Moore and Hendrix (2004). 3 Results and discussion The maximum thickness of the exposed profile is 416 cm. We divided it into six stratigraphic levels of various horizontal facies (Figure 2). From bottom to top, these are: • 416 to 370 cm, subangular gravel mixed with fine-grained sediment (facies F); • 370 to 210 cm, very angular gravel mixed with fine-grained sediment and partly cemented with calcite (facies E); • 210 to190 cm, white flowstone layers intercalated by two up to 1 cm thick black layers (facies D); • 190 to 90 cm, angular gravel mixed with fine-grained sediment containing bones in the lower part (facies C); • 90 to 45 cm, fine-grained sediment with indistinctive horizontal parallel lamination (facies B); • 45 to 0 cm, white flowstone layers intercalated by millimetre thin layers of fine-grained sediment towards the lowest part (facies A). 107 Mateja Ferk, Matej Lipar, Andrej Smuc, Russell N. Drysdale, Jian Zhao, Chronology of heterogeneous deposits in the side ... o -C» S>' . "o -Ci s>' . -Ci s>' . -Ci s>' . -Ci s>' . "Q ■ 0 -<5.*. dev 0 -^.A- dto-o dto" o dö; 0 •Sj-A- dto-o -^j .*• do -■ c;oB -Q^-o c;oB -°<5-o c;oB -°