Baron Jurij Vega

The collection is a digital monument to Baron Jurij Vega (1754-1802), a Slovenian diverse scientist whose theories and inventions often influenced the course of the world history. Although he was born in the poor hilly region (Sv. Križ near Zagorica), he became a cosmopolitan and scientist: he excelled especially in mathematics and mathematical sciences, and was esteemed for his inventions in the field of physics and engagement in the field of ballistics, astronomy, etc.

The collection’s documentary The Parables of Jurij Vega Life presents his life and military career. His talent is presented by the literary opus, encompassing 18 years of Vega's life. In Slovenia, he is widely known for his logarithmic tables published in 1783 Logarithmische, trigonometrische, und andere zum Gebrauche der Mathematik eingerichtete Tafeln und Formeln which in addition to other contents includes Vega’s improved calculation of logarithms. His fundamental works (logarithms, manuals) have been digitized between 2006 and 2008 under DIZZIS – Razvoj digitalne zbirke znanstveno-raziskovalnih in strokovnih publikacij project. The experts of the Institute for Mathematics and Physics in Ljubljana, the Slovenian Research Agency and the National and University Library of Slovenia have contributed some recent scientific articles.

Number of hits: 95

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2015 (95)odstrani
Andragoški center Slovenije (4)
Annales University Press (1)
Cent´r za obučenie i razvitie (1)
Centar za razvoj i obrazovanje (1)
Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje (1)
Centre biotechnique de Naklo (1)
Centro di sviluppo e formazione (1)
Development and Education Centre (2)
Društvo DOVES - FEE Slovenia (1)
Društvo DOVES FEE Slovenia (3)
Društvo študentov biologije (1)
Društvo učiteljev gluhih Slovenije (1)
Državni izpitni center (2)
Employment Service of Slovenia (1)
Eno (1)
Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (1)
Faculty of Management (1)
Faculty of Organization Studies (1)
Fakulteta za management (1)
Fakulteta za organizacijske vede (1)
INITUT, Institute of Information Technology (1)
Istituto sloveno di ricerche SLORI (1)
Katedra za družinsko medicino, Medicinska fakulteta (1)
Kéntro anáptyxes kai ekpaídeyses (1)
Kulturni center, zavod za umetniško produkcijo in založništvo (1)
Ljudska univerza (4)
Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport (3)
Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport (2)
Movit (1)
Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje (2)
Nacionalni odbor Evropa v šoli (1)
National School for Leadership in Education (1)
NEC - Notranjski ekološki center (1)
Pedagoška fakulteta (4)
Pedagoški inštitut (3)
Razvojno izobraževalni center (1)
RIS Dvorec (1)
Skupnost muzejev Slovenije (1)
Skupnost višjih strokovnih šol Republike Slovenije (3)
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (1)
Slovenski institut za kakovost in meroslovje (1)
Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut SLORI (1)
Svetovalni center za otroke, mladostnike in starše (3)
Šola za ravnatelje (14)
The National Education Institute Slovenia (1)
Universita del Litorale, Facolta di studi umanistici (1)
Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije (1)
Višja strokovna šola za gostinstvo in turizem (1)
Založba Univerze na Primorskem (3)
Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo (2)
Zavod RS za šolstvo (4)
Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine (2)
Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete (2)
Zveza društev pedagoških delavcev Slovenije (1)
Zveza društev športnih pedagogov Slovenije (1)
Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije (1)
Zveza študentskih klubov Slovenije (1)
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